GARLAND Geiser 491 FE Water Pump Instruction Manual

June 5, 2024

GARLAND Geiser 491 FE Water Pump

GARLAND Geiser 491 FE Water Pump

GARLAND Geiser 491 FE Water pump product

Thank you for choosing a Garland machine. We are sure that you will appreciate the quality and functions of this machine that will facilitate your daily work for a long time. Remember that this machine has a wide of network of after sales services to which you can take your machine for any maintenance necessary on your machine, in case of any troubleshooting and for purchasing spare parts and accessories.
Read all the warning signs and all the instructions. The non observance of the warning and instructions detailed from here on can result in a fire being caused and/or a serious injury. Before using the machine, read carefully the information in this manual on a secure and correct start up. This machine has been designed to pump clean sweet water at a maximum temperature of 35ºC. Do not use the pump to pump other liquids that are not clean sweet water such as salty water, dirty water, petrol, oils or residual liquids. This machine is for home use for domestic waters and for irrigation purposes. Keep all the warning signs and the manual in a safe place for future reference. If you sell or otherwise dispose of the machine, please pass on the instruction manual as it forms part of the machine. The expression machine refers to the machine connected to the mains. Remember that the end user is responsible for accidents and damages caused to yourself, other people and objects.


Read all the warning signs and all the instructions. The non observance of the warning and instructions detailed from here on can result in a fire being caused and/or a serious injury. Before using the machine, read carefully the information in this manual on a secure and correct start up. If you have any doubts about the information in this manual, either consult with a professional or go back to where you purchased the machine and ask. The following list of dangers and precautions include the most probable causes whilst using the machine. If you find yourself in a situation not explained in this manual, use your common sense and use the machine in the most secure way and if you see any danger, do not use the machine.


This machine has been designed to be operated by people over 18 and whom have read and understood the instruction manual.
Do not allow underage people to use the machine. Do not allow people who do not understand the instruction manual to use the machine. Before using the machine familiarize yourself with the machine making sure you know perfectly well where all the controls can be found as well as all security devices and how all these should be used. If you are not an expert user we recommend you start with some simple jobs and if possible, under the supervision of an expert user. Only lend this machine to people who are familiarized with this type of machine and know how to use it. Always lend the instruction manual with the machine so that the new user reads it and understand it prior to carrying out any work. This machine is dangerous in untrained hands.


Be alert and vigilant and use common sense when using the machine. Do not use the machine when you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medicines. One moments distraction can cause serious personal injury.


Do not use the machine in explosive atmospheres or in the presence of inflammable liquids, gases and powders. Electric machines can release sparks that could ignite the inflammable liquids, gases and powders. Maintain children, other people and animals well clear of the machine whilst working. Distractions can cause the loss of control. Be vigilant and stop any children, other people and animals coming into the working area.


It is obligatory to connect the machine to a mains switch protected by a residual differential equal to or less than 30mA. Electricity tension should be 230v, frequency 50Hz and have a magnet and thermic switch between 10A-16A. Never use this machine if the cable or the plug are damaged. Before connecting the machine check that the cable and the plug are not damaged. If you discover that either of these elements are damaged, take your machine to your nearest after sales dealer. Should the cable be damaged, unplug the machine immediately. Damaged or tangled cables increase the risk of electric. When using a cable extension, make sure that its minimum section is 1.5 mm2 and no longer than 25 meters, always unrolled and adequate for outdoor use. The use of the cable extension adequate for outdoor use, reduces the risk of electric shock  Place the cable extension in such a way that it does not touch the water and that it will not fall into the water when the pump starts working. The cable extension must always be well away from the water and dry. All electric connexions must remain away from the water and at a safe distance from the pump and any water conducts and protected from humidifies. Do not expose this machine to rain and wet and humid conditions. If water enters the machine there will be a higher risk of electric shock. Always disconnect the machine from the mains before carrying out any maintenance work o the pump. Only manipulate the machine when the machine has been unplugged. The electrical switch of this machine must coincide with the mains switch. Do not modify the switch in any way. If no parts have been modified and they fit perfectly, there will be no electric shock accidents. Do not overstretch the cable. Do not use the cable to transport the machine, lift the machine and to unplug the machine. Maintain the cable far away from heat sources, oil, sharp edges or other moving parts. Damaged or tangled cables increase the risk of electric shock. Never use this machine if the cable or the plug are damaged. Before connecting the machine check that the cable and the plug are not damaged. If you discover that either of these elements are damaged, take your machine to your nearest after sales dealer. Should the cable be damaged, unplug the machine immediately. Damaged or tangled cables increase the risk of electric shock. The substitution of the plug or cable should only be carried out by your service dealer.


This machine has been designed to pump clean sweet water at a maximum temperature of 35oc. Do not use the pump to pump other liquids that are not clean sweet water such as salty water, dirty water, petrol, oils or residual liquids. This machine is for home use for domestic waters and for irrigation purposes. This machine has been designed for domestic and not industrial use. Do not allow the machine to work with no water as there is a clear risk of breakage. Be vigilant that the suction tube is always inside the water when pumping. Use this machine and its accessories following the instructions and use taking into account the job to be done. The use of this machine for jobs it has not been designed to do can be the cause of dangerous situations. Never use this machine if any part of the machine is damaged. Check that all security elements are in good working order at all times. The manufacturer will not be liable for damages caused through the incorrect usage of the machine. Do not overload the machine. Use the machine for its correct usage. If used correctly the machine will do the desired job. Look after the machine. Check that all moving parts are well aligned and that they are not blocked, that there are no broken pieces or other conditions that could affect the proper functioning of the machine. If this machine is damaged, always repair it before using it again. Most accidents occur because of poor maintenance. If the machine starts vibrating in a strange way, disconnect the machine and examine it. If you cannot detect why the machine vibrates, take the machine to your nearest service dealer. Vibrations are always an indication of a problem to the machine. Unplug the machine before carrying out any maintenance work, change of accessories or before storing the machine. All these measures ensure that the machine will not be accidentally started.


Take your machine for periodic revision to a qualified after sales dealer and only use original spare parts and accessories. This will guarantee that the security measures of this electric machine can always be complied with.


To guarantee a correct use and maintenance of this machine, you will find the following symbols on the machine.
ON/OFF switch:

  • Open position.
  • Closed position.



This machine has been designed to pump clean sweet water at a maximum temperature of 35ºC. Do not use the pump to pump other liquids that are not clean sweet water such as salty water, dirty water, petrol, oils or residual liquids. This machine is for home use for domestic waters and for irrigation purposes.
This machine has been designed for domestic and not industrial use.


GARLAND Geiser 491 FE Water pump 03
GARLAND Geiser 491 FE Water pump 04

GARLAND Geiser 491 FE Water pump 05

  1. Carry handle
  2.  Power cord
  3. Priming hole
  4.  Drain cap
  5. ON / OFF power button
  6. Aspiration
  7.  Filter
  8. Filter plug
  9.  Impulsion
  10. Priming plug
  11. Pump body

The diagrams and pictograms herewith enclosed in this manual are a guide but not necessarily an exact copy of the actual machine.

Description Pump
Brand Garland
Model GEISER 491 FE-V20
Nominal Power (W) 1.300
Voltage (V) 230
Frequency (Hz) 50
Protection class Clase I
Protection grade against humidity IPX4
Maximum outflow (m3/h) 5.000
Maximum height of impulsion (m) 53
Maximum height of aspiration (m) 8
Entry diameter 1”
Water exit diameter 1”
Maximum temperature of water (ºC) 35
Weight (kg) 13,5

GARLAND Gaceiser 491 FE Water pump
Technical characteristics can be changed without any prior warning.



This machine includes the following elements that you will find inside the box:

  •  Pump.
  •  Instruction manual.
  • Remove all elements from the box and check that all are included.
  • Remove carefully all the elements from the box and make sure that all listed parts are included. Due to the quality controls done at the factory it is highly improbable that your machine has any faulty part or that any elements are missing. If you find any damaged part or there are any elements missing, do not use the machine until the problem has been solved or you have been given the missing parts. Usage of the machine with defective or missing parts is dangerous and could result in personal injuries.

The pump must be installed in a flat surface, cold, dry and at a safe distance from the water that will be pumped to guarantee that the pump will in no case be reached by water.
Hold the pump to the ground using some screws that hold the legs of the pump. Should you not be able to screw to the ground, then use a mounting plaque (wood or metal) that ensures the stability of the pump. Take into account that you will need space to access the filling cap abd to prime the pump and that to empty the pump you will need space to access the emptying cap, space to place a recipient to allow the water to fall into when emptying the pump and finally space for connecting all the tubes and cables. Take into account these factors when installing the pump. Install the pump above the maximum level of water aspiration. If this is not possible, install a closing valve between the pump and the aspiration tube that allows you to close the water when doing maintenance work or when uninstalling the pump.
For a good aspiration of water, the connection must be totally waterproof. Connect the aspiration tube using a 1¨ male connector to the aspiration of the pump. If you use a hose instead of a tube for aspiration make sure that the hose is adequate and depression resistant. If you use a traditional hose and due to the water depression, the walls of the hose will stick together and will not allow water to flow.

  • We recommend you install an anti return valve in the aspiration tube to avoid water returning back to the pump when the pump is not working.
  • We recommend that you do not use hoses or tubes wider than 1´ in diameter. Using tubes of more than 1¨ could lower the performance of the machine.
  • If the installation is fixed, we recommend using a flexible metallic hose to avoid transmitting noise and vibrations to the installation.
  • If the aspiration height is more than 3 meters, we recommend that the hose or pipe is held in a fixed point so that its weight once it is full of water, is not supported by the pump.
  • It is also recommended to install a filter for particles at the end of the tube or hose to avoid dirt particles entering the pump and blocking it.

Connect the impulsion tube using a 1¨ male connector to the aspiration of the pump. If you use a hose instead of a tube for aspiration make sure that the hose is adequate and depression resistant. If the installation is fixed, we recommend using a flexible metallic hose to avoid transmitting noise and vibrations to the installation.
It is obligatory to connect the machine to a mains switch protected by a residual differential equal to or less than 30mA. Electricity tension should be 230v, frequency 50Hz and have a magnet and thermic switch between 10A-16A. When using a cable extension, make sure that its minimum section is 1.5mm2 and no longer than 25 meters, always unrolled and adequate for outdoor use. The use of the cable extension adequate for outdoor use, reduces the risk of electric shock. Place the cable extension in such a way that it does not touch the water and that it will not fall into the water when the pump starts working. The cable extension must always be well away from the water and dry. Connect the pump to the mains.


Use this machine only for jobs for which it has been designed. The use of this machine for any other jobs is dangerous and can cause dangers to the users and/or to the machine. Do not rely solely on the security elements of the machine.


It is important to check that all parts are well tightened. If you detect any anomaly, stop the machine straight away and check the machine carefully. In case of any water leakages, check the installation carefully. Never carrying on working if the machine is not working correctly.



  1.  Open the filler cap (8)
  2.  Pour water through the hole until the water is full.
  3.  Screw in the fill cap.
  4. Open the circuit for aspiration and impulsion.
  5. Open the circuit to allow the air to flow out and the water to flow in.
  6. Connect the pump to the mains and put the ON/OFF switch in the position ¨I¨. The pump will start. This lasts several seconds and during that time the noise of the machine will change from loud when aspirating water and air to silent when aspirating only water. After these few seconds, only water should flow out.
    Note: If after some time the pump does not only aspirate water, stop the pump and check that there is sufficient water in the aspiration point. If there is enough water flow, disconnect the machine and check the aspiration tube.


  1. 1. Open the circuit for aspiration and impulsion.
  2. Place the security switch in position ¨I¨.


Check that, after opening the circuit, when starting the machine the noise is normal, that the machine does not vibrate and that the pressure flow is adequate. It is important to check that all parts are well tightened. If you detect any anomaly, stop the machine straight away and check the machine carefully. In case of any water leakages, check the installation carefully. Never carrying on working if the machine is not working correctly and take to the nearest service dealer if the machine does not function adequately.


This machine has a safety switch that will disconnect the machine in case of overload due to excessive work. If you detect that the machine does not start, it may be because the safety switch has been activated. In that case wait 15-20 minutes and the machine will turn on again automatically.


The removal of the security elements, a poor maintenance or the substitution of spares and accessories by non original ones can all cause severe corporal damages.
Always carry out all the maintenance work with the machine unplugged from the mains. We recommend a visual control every 3 months to check the general state of the machine; look for water leakages, loose parts and check the conexions. This way the machine will have a good working life. If you find any anomaly, take the machine to your nearest service dealer.


Depending on the symptoms that you observe, you can probably know the cause of the problem and could even solve it:

Failure Action
The engine does not work The machine is not connected to power. Plug the

machine into power.
The cable is damaged. Send the machine to technical service. Never repair the cable with electrical tape.
Internal fault. Send the machine for service
Switch in OFF position. Turn switch ON
Overload protection activated. Let cool 15 minutes.

Engine runs but no water comes out

| Stopcocks closed. Open the keys.
Water below the minimum suction level. Stop the pump and lower the height of the pump relative to the water.
Remove the filter and check that there are no objects blocking the rotation of the turbine. Clean everything, clean the filter and retest. If the engine still does not work, send the machine for service.
Suction pipe takes air. Check the tightness of the suction pipe.
Incorrect priming of the machine. Follow the steps in section 6.2.1
Engine runs but little water comes out| Excessive height of the water outlet point that exceeds the capacities of the pump. Decrease the height of the exit point.
Dirty filter. Clean the filter.


To transport the machine:

  1. Turn off the pump.
  2.  Unplug the machine from the mains switch.
  3.  Empty the pump
  4. Uninstall the machine from the circuit
    If you are going to transport the machine in a vehicle, securely fasten it to avoid the machine slipping or tumbling over.


To store the machine:

  1. Turn off the pump.
  2.  Unplug the machine from the mains switch.
  3. Empty the pump removing the emptying cap.
  4.  Disconnect the machine from the circuit.
  5.  Clean the machine with a damp cloth.
  6. Place the machine in its carton box.
  7.  Keep the machine in its box, on a flat surface and within the temperature range 0ºC and 45ºC.
    Store electric machines in a place inaccessible to children and in such a way that it does not represent a danger to any other person.


Get rid of your machine in an ecological way. We should not get rid of the machine with the domestic rubbish. Its plastic and metallic parts can be classified and can be recycled. All materials used to box this machine are recyclable. Please, do not dispose of the box with your domestic rubbish. Throw these parts in an official ecological residual pick up point.

  •  According to the following described terms (1999/44 CE) the warranty period is 2 years from the purchase date, and it will cover faulty pieces owing to an incorrect manufacture.

Garland warranty will not cover:

  • Pieces worn out due to wear and tear.
  • Bad use, negligence, lack of maintenance.
  • Failures that turn out because of an incorrect use of the product, Garland will not be responsible if the replaced parts of the machine are not from Garland and if the machine has been modified in any way.

Garland warranty covers the country.

  • The warranty should be correctly filled in with all the information requested, and the invoice or the purchase ticket should be attached.

Who has signed below, Juan Palacios, authorized by Products McLand S.L., with the following address C/ La Fragua 22, 28933, Mostoles, España , declares that the products brand Garland models Geiser 491FE-V20 with serial number of year 2021 on (the year of manufacture is clearly indicated on the tool identification plate, followed the serial number) and whose function is “A machine consisting of a water pump itself and the driving system. Water pump means a machine for the raising of water from a lower to a higher energy level.” comply with all the requirements stated by the :

  •  DIRECTIVE 2014/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility (recast)
  • DIRECTIVE 2014/35/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of electrical equipment designed for use within certain voltage limits
  •  Harmonized Standard: EN 60335-1:2012 + A11+A13+A1+A14+A2; EN 60335-2-41:2003+A1+A2; EN 62233:2008; EN 55014-1:2017+A11; EN 55014-2:2015; EN IEC 61000-3-2:2019; EN61000-3-3:2013+A1

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