GARLAND Roll&Comb 302 E-V19 Electric Combing Sweeper Instruction Manual

October 30, 2023

GARLAND Roll&Comb 302 E-V19 Electric Combing Sweeper


Product Information

The product is a machine manufactured by Garland for raking artificial grass. It has a wide network of after-sales services that can be utilized for maintenance, troubleshooting, and purchasing spare parts and accessories. The manual provides detailed instructions on the correct usage of the machine to ensure personal safety, as well as the safety of other people, animals, and things in the surroundings. The manufacturer will not be held responsible for any damages caused through incorrect usage of the machine.


  1. Introduction
  2. Normative and security measures
  3. Warning icons
  4. Machine description
  5. Start up instructions
  6. Machine usage
  7. Maintenance and service
  8. Troubleshooting
  9. Transport
  10. Storage
  11. Recycling and machine disposal
  12. Warranty conditions

Normative and Security Measures
Before using the machine for the first time, it is important to read all the instructions included in the manual to avoid incorrect manipulation of the machine. The manual contains information relevant to personal safety, as well as the safety of other people, animals, and things found in the surroundings. If there are any doubts about the information provided in the manual, it is recommended to seek professional guidance or return to the place of purchase.

The manual provides information on all controls and security devices and how they should be used. For novice users, it is recommended to start with simple jobs under the supervision of an expert user. The machine should only be lent to people who are familiarized with this type of machine and know how to use it. The instruction manual should always be lent with the machine so that the new user can read and understand it prior to carrying out any work.

Personal Security
It is important to be alert and vigilant while using the machine and use common sense. The manual provides a list of dangers and precautions, including the most probable causes while using the machine. If there is a situation not explained in the manual, it is recommended to use the machine in the most secure way possible and not use it if there is any danger.

Product Usage Instructions

Before using the machine, it is important to read all the instructions included in the manual to ensure personal safety, as well as the safety of other people, animals, and things found in the surroundings. The following instructions should be followed:

  1. Ensure all warning signs and manuals are kept in a safe place for future reference.
  2. Use the machine only for raking artificial grass and not for other uses.
  3. If there are any doubts about the information provided in the manual, seek professional guidance or return to the place of purchase.
  4. For novice users, it is recommended to start with simple jobs under the supervision of an expert user.
  5. The machine should only be lent to people who are familiarized with this type of machine and know how to use it. The instruction manual should always be lent with the machine so that the new user can read and understand it prior to carrying out any work.
  6. Be alert and vigilant while using the machine and use common sense.
  7. If there is a situation not explained in the manual, use the machine in the most secure way possible and not use it if there is any danger.


  • DATE OF PUBLICATION: 08/10/2018
  • DATE OF REVISION: 16/05/2022


Thank you for choosing a Garland machine. We are sure that you will appreciate the quality and functions of this machine that will facilitate your daily work for a long time. Remember that this machine has a wide of network of after sales services to which you can take your machine for any maintenance necessary on your machine, in case of any troubleshooting and for purchasing spare parts and accessories.
Attention! Read all the warning signs and all the instructions. The non observance of the warning and instructions detailed from here on can result in a fire being caused and/or a serious injury. Before using the Machine, read carefully the information in this manual on a secure and correct start up.
Use this machine only to rake artificial grass. Do not use this machine for other uses not contemplated. The use of this machine for other non contemplated uses could result in dangerous working incidences.
Keep all the warning signs and the manual
in a safe place for future reference. If you sell or otherwise dispose of the machine, please pass on the instruction manual as it forms part of the machine.
The expression ¨machine¨ on the warning signs makes reference to this electric machine connected. The expression ¨switch in the open position¨ means that the switch is disconnected and ¨switch in the closed position¨ means that the switch is connected.
Remember that the end user is responsible for accidents and damages caused to himself, to third parties and to things. The manufacturer will not be in any case held responsible for damages caused through an inadequate or incorrect usage of this machine.


To avoid an incorrect manipulation of the machine, read all the instructions included in this manual before using it for the first time. All information included in this manual is relevant for your personal security as well as for other people, animals and things found in your surroundings. If you have any doubts about the information included in this manual, please ask a professional or go back to where you bought the machine to solve your doubts.
The following list of dangers and precautions include the most probable causes whilst using the machine. If you find yourself in a situation not explained in
this manual, use your common sense and use the machine in the most secure way and if you see any danger, do not use the machine.

This machine has been designed to be operated by people over 18 and whom have read and understood the instruction manual.
Attention! Do not allow underage people to use the machine.
Attention! Do not allow people who do not understand the instruction manual to use the machine.
Before using the machine familiarize yourself with the machine making sure you know perfectly well where all the controls can be found as well as all security devices and how all these should be used. If you are not an expert user we recommend you start with some simple jobs and if possible, under the supervision of an expert user.
Attention! Only lend this machine to people who are familiarized with this type of machine and know how to use it. Always lend the instruction manual with the machine so that the new user reads it and understand it prior to carrying out any work.
This machine is dangerous in untrained hands.

Be alert and vigilant and use common sense when using the machine.
Do not use the machine when you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or medicines. One moments distraction can cause serious personal injury.
Never use the machine without the safety features.
Avoid the accidental start up of the machine. Verify that the switch is in the ¨open¨ position before connecting to the mains. Never transport the machine with your finger on the switch or with the switch in the ¨closed¨ position as it can be dangerous to your security and can cause accidents.
Remove all tools from the working area before starting the machine. Any tools left in the working area can be touched by any moving part of the machine and be hurled causing personal damages.
Do not overreach. Maintain both feet firmly on the ground at all times. Do not use this machine on slopes surpassing 15o. Comber on small hillocks  can be dangerous. Be vigilant when walking on steep inclines and with wet grass. Be particularly careful when changing working direction on an incline.
Be careful when walking on slopes or wet grass. Take special caution when changing direction on slopes.
Do not comber backwards or pulling the machine. Be alert when pulling the machine backwards.
Dress adequately. Do not use the machine barefoot or wearing sandals. Always use resistant shoes and long trousers.
Do not place your hands or feet under the lawnmower. Maintain all parts of the body well away from the blade when the machine is running. Before starting the lawnmower, ensure that the blade has not come into contact with any object.
Hold the comber with both hands from the handle and place your body behind the comber.
Maintain all body parts well clear of any moving parts when the machine is in use. Before starting the machine, check that the moving element is not in contact with any object. One moment of carelessness and your clothing or any body part could get caught up in the moving parts.
If the machine vibrates abnormally, stop the engine and inspect the machine looking for the possible cause and repair it. If you do not find the motive, take the machine to your nearest after sales dealer.
Make sure the machine has stopped completely before carrying out any maintenance or cleaning work on the machine and the working area.
Store all electric machines well away from children.

The prolonged use of the machine, exposes the client to vibrations that in extreme cases and through many hours of use of the machine could cause the ¨white finger syndrome¨ also known as Raynaud phenomenon. This causes a reduction in the tact of the fingers and their capacity to regulate temperature generating a lack of sensibility. This sickness could in extreme cases cause problems with the nerve endings.
The exposure to the vibrations is the cause of the white finger syndrome. To minimize this effect as much as possible, follow the following recommendations:

  • Always use gloves.
  • Always have your hands warm.
  • Take frequent breaks.
  • Always hold the machine tightly by the handles.

If you detect any of the symptoms of the white finger syndrome, consult immediately with your doctor.

Maintain the working area clean and work with good light. Untidy working areas and dark conditions can cause accidents.
Inspect the working area and remove all stones, wood, cables and strange objects that could be touched and propelled by the moving parts of the machine.
Do not use the machine in explosive atmospheres or in the presence of inflammable liquids, gases and powders. Electric machines can release sparks that could ignite the inflammable liquids, gases and powders.
Maintain children, other people and animals well clear of the machine whilst working. Distractions can cause the loss of control. Be vigilant and stop any children, other people and animals coming into the working area.
Do not use this machine at night, with fog or with reduced visibility that does not allow you to see the working area.

The electrical switch of this machine must coincide with the mains switch. Do not modify the switch in any way. If no parts have been modified and they fit perfectly, there will be no electric shock accidents. Avoid body contact with earthed surfaces such as tubes, radiators, electric kitchens and refrigerators. There is a higher electric  shock possibility if your body is earthed.
Don’t expose this machine to rain, wet or humid conditions. If water enters the machine there will be a higher risk of electric shock.
Do not overstretch the cable. Do not use the cable to transport the machine, lift the machine and to unplug the machine. Maintain the cable far away from heat sources, oil, sharp edges or other moving parts. Damaged or tangled cables increase the risk of electric shock.
Never use this machine if the cable or the plug are damaged. Before connecting the machine check that the cable and the plug are not damaged. If you discover that either of these elements are damaged, take your machine to your nearest after sales dealer. Should the cable be damaged, unplug the machine immediately. Damaged or tangled cables increase the risk of electric shock. The substitution of the plug or cable should be
done by an approved and homologated after sales service. We recommend that this machine should be connected to residual differential whose current is lower or equal to 30mA.
Never use a connecting base that is damaged or that does not comply with current normative or with the requisites established for this machine in this manual.
When using a cable extension, make sure that its minimum section is 1.5mm2 and no longer than 25 meters, always unrolled and adequate for outdoor use. The use of the cable extension adequate for outdoor use, reduces the risk of electric shock.
Place the cable extension in such a way that it will not get caught in branches or other obstacles and in such a way that it is not in the working area. The cable and any extensions must always be behind the machine and the end user.
Always hold the cable extension in the hook provided on the machine.
Connect this machine to alternate current 230V/50Hz.
Do not touch this machine with wet hands. Risk of electric shock. Maintain the cable well clear of the moving element at all times.
Do not use this machine if the ¨open¨ and ¨closed¨ switch does not work. Any electric machine that cannot be controlled by the electric switch is dangerous and must be repaired.
Always disconnect the machine before carrying out any work on the machine. Only manipulate the machine when disconnected.

Use this machine only to rake artificial grass.
Do not use this machine for other uses. The use of this machine for other uses for which it has not been designed could cause dangerous situations.
Use this machine, accessories and all its parts according to the instruction manual and taking into account working conditions and working area. The use of this machine for jobs different to those specified in the instruction manual can cause dangerous situations.
The manufacturer will not be in any case held responsible for damages caused through an inadequate or incorrect usage of this machine.
Do not overload the machine. Use the machine
for the work it has been designed for. The correct machine usage will allow you to work better and in a more secure way.
Do not run with the comber. Walk at the correct speed that will allow the machine to do its job.
Do not use this machine if the ¨open¨ and ¨closed¨ switch does not work. Any electric machine that cannot be controlled by the electric switch is dangerous and must be repaired.
Look after the machine. Check that all moving parts are well aligned and that they are not blocked, that there are no broken pieces or other conditions that could affect the proper functioning of the machine. If this machine is damaged, always repair it before using it again. Most accidents occur because of poor maintenance.
Maintain the moving elements clean. The moving elements if clean will comber better, do a better job, have less chance of getting tangled and easier to control.
Turn off and disconnect the machine from the mains before carrying out any maintenance work such as adjustments, cleaning, transportation (even if you are just moving the machine from one working area to another however close by this might be), elevating the machine, maintenance or storage of the machine. These simple security measures reduce the risk of accidental start up.
Do not incline the machine with the engine running.

Take your machine for periodic revision to a qualified after sales dealer and only use original spare parts and accessories. This will guarantee that the security measures of this electric machine can always be complied with.

The warning icons on the labels that are attached to this machine and/or in the manual give necessary information which is necessary for a correct usage of this machine.

  • Attention, danger!.
  • Read carefully this manual before start up.
  • Attention! Danger of material ejection. Be careful with materials that could be ejected.
  • People who are not adequately protected should stay well clear and beyond the security distance.
  • Always use eye goggles or protecting mask and ear protectors.
  • Do not use this machine in humid conditions or if it is raining.
  • Attention! Before carrying out any maintenance work or repair, unplug the machine from the mains.
  • Danger of electric shock.
  • Caution! Unplug the machine immediately if the cable or the switch are damaged.
  • GARLAND-Rol-Comb-302-E-V19-Electric-Combing-Sweeper-15Maintain the cable well clear of the moving elements.
  • Risk of injuries! Remove all tooling from the working area prior to its use.
  • Attention! The comber needs a few moments to stop completely after turning off the engine.
  • Use cable elongators with a minimum section of 1.5mm2, and no longer than 25 metres and always ensure all the cable is unwound.
  • Dispose of your machine in an ecological way.
  • Do not dispose of the machine together with your domestic rubbish.
  • Protection Class II.
  • Degree of protection.
  • Complies with EC Directives.
  • Guaranteed level of sound power Lwa, Db(A).


This machine is for domestic use and to rake artificial grass. Do not use this machine to work in public areas or to carry out professional agricultural jobs.
Use this machine outdoors, in dry conditions and in temperatures between 5ºC and 45ºC.
Remember that the end user is responsible for the dangers and accidents caused to other people and objects. The manufacturer will not be in any case held responsible for damages caused through an inadequate or incorrect usage of this machine.



  1. ON/OFF switch
  2. Safety switch
  3. Catcher
  4. Cable hook
  5. Superior tube
  6. Inferior tube
  7. Handle
  8. Height adjustment lever
  9. Comber

The diagrams and pictograms herewith enclosed in this manual are a guide but not necessarily an exact copy of the actual machine.


Description Grass Comber
Brand Garland
Model ROLL&COMB 302 E-V19
Engine 230 V ~ 50 Hz
Power (W) 1.400
Class protection II
Grade protection IPX4
Work diameter (mm) 320
Maximum depth (mm) 5
Minimum depth (mm) -10
Catcher (l) 25
Average level of sound power LwA, dB(A) (k=3) 85,3
Average level of sound pressure LpA,m dB(A) 103
Vibration levels (m/s2) (k=1,5) 1,5
Vibration level of the handle (m/s2) 1,821
Dry weight (kg) 9

The technical characteristics can be changed without prior warning.


This machine includes the following elements that you will find inside the box:

  • Machine
  • Catcher
  • Top handle
  • Lower handle
  • Screw for holding tubes
  • Connecting wing nut
  • Instruction manual

Remove carefully all the elements from the box and make sure that all listed parts are included.
Due to the quality controls done at the factory it is highly improbable that your machine has any faulty part or that any elements are missing. If you find any damaged part or there are any elements missing, do not use the machine until the problem has been solved or you have been given the missing parts. Usage of the machine with defective or missing parts is dangerous and could result in personal injuries.


  • Introduce the superior tube into the inferior tube and connect using the screw and wing nut provided.
  • Place the handle in the most comfortable working position.

Place the catcher (1) on the comber by hooking the catcher on the hooks (2) on the rear part of the machine. To do this, hold the catcher by the top handle provided with your right hand.

Only use cable extensions that are homologated for outdoor use. The cable section must be at least 1.5mm and the cable extension should never be longer than 25m and must be completely unrolled before starting to work.
Fix the extension of the machine by inserting cable in the hook on the handle and plug onto the machine.


  • Start up the machine:
    Press the security button (1) and without letting go, press the On/Off switch (2).

  • Stoppage of the machine:
    Let go of the On/Off switch (2).

Check all the machine and make sure that there are no loose parts (screws, nuts, knobs etc) and any damages to the machine. Tighten, repair or replace all necessary equipment prior to using the machine. Check the state of the catcher and that it is properly in place. Do not use the machine if it is damaged or not properly regulated.

Do not place hands or feet under the comber. Maintain all body parts well clear from all moving elements when the machine is in use.
After stopping the machine, the comber will not stop immediately. Wait until it has stopped before carrying out any maintenance work on the machine or before transporting the machine.


Use this machine only for those purposes for which it has been designed. The usage of this machine for any other purposes is dangerous and can cause damages to the user and the machine.
Do not get anywhere near to the comber when the machine is working.
If you lose your balance or fall, let go of the handle switch immediately.
Do not solely rely on the security measures of this machine. Use common sense at all times.
Do not use this machine if you are tired, sick, are taking medicines, or if under the effect of alcohol or drugs. Lack of sleep and fatigue can cause accidents and damages.
Do not use this machine at night, with fog or with reduced visibility. You must see the working area clearly at all times.
Limit the usage of the machine to 10 minute stints and rest for a further 10 to 20 minutes in between sessions.
Never leave this machine unattended.
Do not allow anybody into the working area whilst the machine is in use. The working perimeter is minimum 15 metres and this is the danger zone.
Clean and remove obstacles from the working area that could cause accidents prior to use.
Do not use accessories on this machine except those recommended by the manufacturer as otherwise the use of non recommended accessories could cause severe damages to the user and to the machine.

Whilst working, hold the machine firmly with both hands on the handles.

Attention! Do not use the machine with just one hand.

Attention! The machine can jump up or forwards inadvertently, if the comber hit something hard that is underground such as big stones, roots or trunks or if the ground is too hard or if it is frozen. Always hold the machine firmly with both hands.

Attention! Always keep an eye as to where the electric cable is whilst working. Be careful and ensure that your feet or any object get tangled with the cable.

Attention! Stop the machine and wait for the comber to stop before adjusting the height adjustment. The comber need a few moments to completely after stopping the engine.

To regulate the height adjustment, press the lever outwards and move it or up or down to the desired spot.


The removal of the security measures, an inappropriate maintenance, the substitution of parts by non original spare parts and accessories could result in severe body harm.
Always carry out maintenance work or servicing with the machine unplugged from the mains. Unplug the machine before carrying out any maintenance work. Read the instruction manual before carrying out any work.
Carry out periodic checks on the machine to ensure its correct functioning. For a complete check up, we recommend you take the machine to your after sales dealer.
Keep the machine clean, specially the engine air vents.

Clean the comber with a damp cloth. Never use water, petrol or other liquids when cleaning the machine.
You can use water on the catcher as long as you separate the catcher from the machine at a distance from the machine. Dry the catcher completely before placing again on the machine.

Inspect the cable for possible damages. If the cable is not in a good condition, take the machine to your nearest service agent.
Do not use the machine if the cable is damaged.


Depending on the symptoms detected you can probably find the cause of the problem and find a solution.


Engine does not work

| Machine not connected to mains| Connect to mains
Cable damaged| Take to service agent
Damaged switch| Take to service agent
Worn out brushes| Take to service agent
Overload protection activated| Allow the machine to cool 15 minutes

Abnormal noises

| Blocked comber| Unplug the machine, remove elements blocking the blades
Transmission with little grease| Take to service agent
Screws and nuts of blades loose| Check and tighten

Abnormal vibrations

| Comber damaged| Take to service agent
Internal engine or transmission problem| Take to service agent

In any other case, take the machine to your nearest after sales service.


Before transporting this machine, always disconnect the machine.
Never lift or transport the machine while the engine is running. Also turn off the engine whenever it moves between different work areas.
You can transport the machine by pushing it while it is rolling. Be careful not to cross areas where there are stones, sticks or other objects that may be hit by the bottom of the machine and / or the roller.
If you have to raise the machine check the technical characteristics of the weight of the machine before raising it to ensure that it is a weight that you can support.
If you are going to transport the device in vehicles, secure it firmly to prevent it from sliding or tipping over.
Always transport the machine horizontally.


Disconnect the machine from the mains before storing the machine.
Store electric products such as this machine well away from children and in a secure manner so that it does not represent a danger to any person. The machine should be stored clean and on a flat surface. Store in a place where the temperature is not below 0C and not above 45C.


Destroy or recycle your machine in an ecological way. We should not throw away the machine with our domestic rubbish. The machines plastic and metal parts can be recycled.
Materials used to pack the machine can also be recycled. Do not throw the boxes away with your domestic disposals. Dispose of the box in an appropriate recyclable fashion.


The warranty period in contracts concluded with consumers and users against any lack of conformity of the product that exists at the time of its delivery to the buyer, in accordance with the provisions of Directive (EU) 2019/771 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of May 20, 2019, and in Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users, will have a duration of three (3) years, and will lead to the correction of the fault or manufacturing defect that the purchased product may eventually present in accordance with legal provisions.

Garland warranty will not cover:

  • Companies and professionals
  • Pieces worn out due to wear and tear.
  • Bad use, negligence, lack of maintenance.
  • Failures that turn out because of an incorrect use of the product, Garland will not be responsible if the replaced parts of the machine are not from Garland and if the machine has been modified in any way.

Garland warranty covers the country.

The warranty should be correctly filled in with all the information requested, and the invoice or the purchase ticket should be attached.



Who has signed below, Juan Palacios , authorized by Products McLane S.L. , with the following address C/ La Fragua 22, 28933, Móstoles, España , declares that the products brand Garland models Roll Comb 302E-V19 with serial number of year 2022 on (the year of manufacture is clearly indicated on the tool identification plate, followed the serial number) and whose function is “A walk-behind powered machine which is equipped with an assembly appropriate brush the artificial grass of the lawn in gardens, parks and other similar areas.”, comply with all the requirements stated by the Directive 2006/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on machinery, and amending Directive 95/16/EC These tools also comply with the requirements of the following community directives:
These tools also comply with the requirements of the following community directives:

  • DIRECTIVE 2014/30/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 February 2014 on the harmonization of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic compatibility (recast)
  • Directive 2000/14/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 May 2000 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors
  • Power (W) = 1400
    Measured sound power level dB(A) (ISO 11094:1991) = 102 Guaranteed sound power level dB(A) = 103



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