softing edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC Docker Containers User Guide

June 5, 2024

softing edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC Docker Containers User Guide
softing edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC Docker Containers

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The information contained in these instructions corresponds to the technical status at the time of printing of it and is passed on with the best of our knowledge. Softing does not warrant that this document is error free. The information in these instructions is in no event a basis for warranty claims or contractual agreements concerning the described products, and may especially not be deemed as warranty concerning the quality and durability pursuant to Sec. 443 German Civil Code. We reserve the right to make any alterations or improvements to these instructions without prior notice. The actual design of products may deviate from the information contained in the instructions if technical alterations and product improvements so require.


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About this guide

Read me first

Please read this guide carefully before using the device to ensure safe and proper use. Softing does not assume any liability for damages due to improper installation or operation of this product.

This document is not warranted to be error-free. The information contained in this document is subject to change without prior notice. To obtain the most current version of this guide, visit the product website.

Target audience

This guide is intended for experienced operation personnel and network specialists configuring and maintaining field devices in a Siemens network environment. Before installing and operating the edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC make sure that you have read and fully understood the safety requirements and working instructions in this guide.

Typographic conventions

The following typographic conventions are used throughout Softing customer documentation:

Keys, buttons, menu items, commands and other elements involving user interaction are set in bold font and menu sequences are separated by an arrow Open Start à Control Panel à Programs Buttons from the user interface are enclosed in brackets and set to bold typeface Press [Start] to start the application Coding samples, file extracts and screen output is set in Courier font type MaxDlsapAddressSupported=23 Filenames and directories are written in italic Device description files are located in C: \\delivery\software\Device Description files

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Document history
Document version Changes since last version
1.00 first version
Related documentation

The following links direct you to additional product information.

You will find the user manuals and release notes of the Siemens Industrial Edge system in the Documents section of the Siemens Industrial Edge Hub.

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About edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC

The Softing edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC is a Linux-based containerized software application running on a Docker engine. It has been designed to stream SINUMERIK 840D CNC data to the Siemens Industrial Edge applications.

Intended use

The edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC integrates smoothly into the Siemens Industrial Edge connectivity and are designed to utilize all services and features of the Siemens connectivity suite.

Features and benefits
  • Access to SINUMERIK 840D CNC machine tool data for the Siemens Industrial Edge
  • No change of CNC program needed
  • No data point configuration needed with pre-defined standard namespace
  • Tight integration into Siemens Industrial Edge
  • Use the IIH configurator to configure the edgePlug connectivity
  • CS Databus Gateway makes the controller data available at the IE Databus
  • Existing applications which use the IE Databus can consume the data provided by the edgePlug without changes
Technical data

Supported CNCs| Siemens SINUMERIK 840D Solution Line, Software Version >= V2.7 Siemens SINUMERIK 840D Power Line, Software Version >= V5.3
Tested with| Siemens Industrial Edge V1.4.0
Siemens Industrial Information Hub V1.1
Siemens IPC227E
Minimal Hardware Requirements| 256 MB free disk space, 32 MB RAM
Licensing| Over Siemens Industrial Marketplace
Software| Siemens Industrial Edge Application

System requirements

The edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC is a connector for the Siemens Industrial Information Hub. You must have the Siemens Industrial Infomation Hub (IIH) installed on a Siemens Industrial Edge Device to use the edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC.


The edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC can be purchased and installed over the Siemens Industrial Edge marketplace.


To be able to work with edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC you need a Siemens Industrial Edge Hub Account, a Siemens Industrial Edge Management installation and at least one Siemens Industrial Edge device. Please have a look at the “Industrial Edge Management – Getting Started” manual from Siemens which explains the installation of the Siemens Industrial Edge environment.

Copying edgePlug to IEM

After you have purchased edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC in the Siemens marketplace check the user manual of the IE Hub for further details on how to copy your edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC to IEM .

Copying edgePlug to IEM

  1. Click the copy to IEM catalog icon.
  2. Select the IEM instances in the displayed dialog.
    The edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC will be installed to the catalog of the IEM.
Installing edgePlug to IED
  1. Double-click the edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC icon in the catalog of the IEM
    Installing edgePlug to IED

  2. Click [Install].

  3. Open the to Install App dialog.

  4. Click [Next] on the Configurations page and select the IED to which you want to install the App.
    Installing edgePlug to IED

  5. Click [Install Now] to install the App on the device.

Physical connection to SINUMERIK 840D controller

The SINUMERIK 840D variants offer two types of physical connection. SINUMERIK 840D SL variant has 3 Ethernet interfaces while SINUMERIK 840D PL variant only provides MPI access.


  • Ethernet interface X120 for the device connection to HMIs and keyboards
  • Ethernet interface X130 for the company network
  • Ethernet interface X127 for service purposes


Ethernet interface Description
X120 This interface is used for connecting the automation network (operator

panel interface). The interface is not isolated by a firewall. Ideally, the Softing dataFEED edgeConnector 840D should therefore be operated using this interface.
This interface uses the fixed IP address For connecting to the machine network the gateway then should be configured using a fixed IP address as well(e.g. an IP address higher than
X127| This interface serves exclusively as a service socket (service interface). It cannot be used for connection purposes.
X130| This interface connects the controller to the factory network (company Ethernet).
This interface can be used as an alternative interface for connecting the dataFEED edgeConnector 840D. Here, however, the NCU firewall (port TCP/102) has to be enabled to allow for SIMATIC S7 communication.

The Softing dataFEED edgeConnector 840D uses the SIMATIC S7 communication protocol (TCP/102) of SINUMERIK 840D SL. By default, this protocol is available at the X120 interface. Alternatively, it can be enabled for the X130 interface.

The host PC running the dataFEED edgeConnector 840D therefore needs either a physical connection to the X120 interface and a unique IPv4 address within the corresponding network or a physical connection to the X130 interface, a unique IPv4 address within the corresponding network as well as the SIMATIC S7 communication protocol explicitly enabled for this interface.


As the SINUMERIK 840D PL does not have an Ethernet interface, a D-Sub 9 connector is required for connectivity purposes to map the SINUMERIK 840D PL- specific communication to Ethernet communication.

The Softing product echolink S7-compact supports the PG/MPI to Ethernet conversion. The Ethernet-toMPI converter translates the RFC-1006 TSAP addresses to MPI addresses. As a result the default SINUMERIK 840D PL MPI addresses are translated into the following TSAP settings:

  • TSAP NCK (powerline): 03 03
  • TSAP PLC (powerline): 03 02

It must be ensured that the SINUMERIK 840D PL has been switched on and its communication settings are correct. Ensure that a valid MPI address is assigned and that it is not assigned twice in the configuration. Individually configured addresses can be determined by checking the hardware configuration of the SIMATIC STEP 7 project. As MPI address 30 is typically not used it can be assigned toecholink S7-compact.

Ethernet interface Description
X120 This interface is used for connecting a programming or remote

maintenance device (PG interface) and is recommended for the echolink S7-compact. It requires its own 24 V power supply, since the connector X122 does not provide any voltage.
If a connector is connected echolink S7-compact can be plugged on top or in between.
X101| It is used for connecting the control panel/operating panel (control panel interface) and is not recommended for communication via echolink S7- compact .

Configure echolink S7-compact

The echolink S7-compact configuration is performed in the appropriate configuration page (see the figure below).

The important echolink S7-compact settings include:

Variable Description
IP Address Address for reaching echolink S7-compact.

The IP address is freely selectable (e.g. 192.168.214.XXX), but has to be located in the same network as the MACHINE network of dataFEED edgeConnector 840D.
Baudrate| The transmission speed has to be set to 187.5 kBit/s.
Own Station Address| MPI address of echolink S7-compact.
Important : This address must not be used by another station.
Set Default Bus Parameter| Select MPI and use the default parameters.



The IED along with the installed edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC is connected over Ethernet to a SINUMERIK 840D CNC controller.

IIH Configurator
  1. Click the Apps page in the user interface of the IED to run the IIH configurator.
    The browser will open a new tab displaying the configurator.

  2. See the Connector Configuration page for a list of installed and running connectors.
    IIH Configurator

  3. Select the edgePlug SINUMERIC CNC.

Data source configuration

  1. Open the Tags tab of the edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC.

  2. Click Add Datasource.
    Data source configuration

  3. See the Connector Configuration page for a list of installed and running connectors.

  4. Enter the Data Source connection parameters into the Add Data Source dialog fields.

  5. Click [Save].
    Data source configuration Field| Description
    PLC Type| 840D SL for SINUMERIK 840D Solution Line controllers
    840D PL for SINUMERIK 840D Power Line controllers
    Name| Name of the connection used within the IE applications
    IP Address or hostname| The IP address or hostname of the SINUMERIK CNC
    Enable NCU Alarm| Enable the monitoring of NCU alarms.
    This creates an additional communication load on the CNC.
    NCK Tooling Access| Enable the monitoring of NCU tooling data.
    This creates an additional communication load on the CNC.
    Log Level| The level of generated logs

0 = Only Error logs
1 = Error and Warning logs
2 = Error, Waring and Information logs
3 = Error, Waring, Information and Debug logs

  1. Select the datasource and press [Deploy] to write the configuration to the edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC.
    Data source configuration

Data point configuration

Data point configuration

840D SL
All accessible data points are listed below the connection on the “Tabs” page. You can’t add additional data points.

840D PL
All accessible data points are listed below the connection on the “Tabs” page. You can’t add additional data points.

To see the data points after the configuration of the data source, close the IIH Configurator and reopen it after 30 seconds.

With the V1.2 of the IIH Configurator the configuration of the Databus Gateway is only possible for one connector.

Databus gateway

  1. Now you can select the data points you want to be available on the IE Databus.
  2. Select the data points and check the “DEPLOY TO DATABUS” box for the ones you want be available on the IE Databus and press [Deploy].
    This will reconfigure and restart the Databus Gateway and will make the datapoints available on the IE Databus.


The Softing Support Team will assist you in troubleshooting your edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC.

  1. Open the IIH Configurator and set the Log Level of one of the configured data sources to 3 and deploy it.
    This will give you a complete set of diagnostic data.

  2. Contact Softing support and email our team the diagnostics of your edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC.

  3. Open the Apps page.

  4. Click the 3 dots of the edgePlug SINUMERIK CNC and select the Download Logs menu.
    The Log file is downloaded to the Downloads folder of your PC.

Connecting with IE MQTT connector

The easiest way to access the data points on the IE Databus which are provided by the edgePlug is to use the IE MQTT Connector.

Configure the IE MQTT Connector
  • Download the User Manual oft he IE MQTT Connector by pressing the icon Show Support Documentation.
    Configure the IE MQTT Connector
    The User Manual describes how to configure the IE MQTT Connector.

  • Create a configuration with the following settings and deploy it.

  • Select a user name of your choice.
    Configure the IE MQTT Connector

Connect an MQTT client

ou can use a standard MQTT client, like MQTTX which is used in the screenshots, to connect to the IE MQTT Connector.

The URL for the connection is: mqtt://:9883 using the configured user (softing) with its password. You must subscribe to the „ie/#“ topic tree.

Connect an MQTT client

You will receive MQTT messages on the following topics:

  •  ie/s/j/simatic/v1/edgeplug-sinumerik-cnc-20/status Status messages of the Databus Gateway regarding the edgePlug connector
  • ie/m/j/simatic/v1/edgeplug-sinumerik-cnc-20/dp Metadata of the Databus Gateway for the edgePlug connector. This includes information about subscribed data points
  • ie/d/j/simatic/v1/edgeplug-sinumerik-cnc-20/dp/r/ Change notifications for the values of the subscribed data points


Terms & Abbreviations Definition
CNC Computerized Numerical Control
IED Industrial Edge Device
IEM Industrial Edge Management
MQTT Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
OPC UA OPC Unified Architecture
PL Power Line
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
SaaS Software as a Service
SL Solution Line


Softing Industrial Automation GmbH

Richard-Reitzner-Allee 6 85540 Haar / Germany
Call: + 49 89 45 656-340
+ 49 89 45 656-488
Email: [email protected]


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