OCEAN SAFETY N SAF 0200 Liferaft Lashing Strap Installation Guide

June 4, 2024

OCEAN SAFETY N SAF 0200 Liferaft Lashing Strap

Stowage guidelines

When selecting the position of the liferaft onboard a vessel there are a number of points that requ ire consideration.

Warning: There are two bands positioned transversely towards each end of the container and a wide rubber seal around its periphery. These are an integral part of the container and must not be removed.

  1. Firstlythe liferaft must be postoned so itcan easily be accessed and deployed in an emergency situation Noth ng “nust be stored on top of the liferaft
  2. Any strapping down of the I feraft to the desired location must be easy to remove with no locking system, requrrng a key. Where possible any securing arrangementshould incorporate a hydrostatic release unit (HRU). The liferaft should be positioned clear of any overhangs, rigging or any other object that may hinder deployment (especially if the liferaft is fitted with a HRU).
  3. The liferaft must not be positioned where it or its painter line are likely to become a trip hazard.
  4. Liferafts are satisfactorily drop tested to a height Specified on the container. The stowage point must not be above this height from the waterline.
  5. On smaller vessels, the liferaft should be viewed as a fixed magnetic material and therefore should be positioned away from the ship’s compass and other equipment which might be effected.
  6. At no time should the liferaft be used as a seat or be stood on.
  7. The liferaft must not be stowed in close proximity to any form of heat source.
  8. The container may be mounted flat on the deck. Care must be taken not to block the drain holes in the bottom, side or end.
  9. If connected to a HRU (advisable) then only withdraw sufficient painter line to reach and tie off to the link on the HRU.

N SAF 0200 Liferaft Lashing Strap Overview

  • The following instructions have been written siecifically for the Ocean ISO liferaft range. Although all liferafts function in a similarway there may be some minor adjustments required to suit specific models of liferaft. If in doubt contact your liferaft supplier for guidance.
  • Locate the liferaft in the desired position on deck.
  • The securing eyelet is to be positioned at one end of the container, the retaining clamps at the opposite end of the container.
  • Use fasteners suitable for your application (no: supplied). Do not use non ferrous fasteners or aluminum fastners forthis application.44 (316L) stainless steelfasteners will provide suitable corrosion resistance.
  • Position the securing eyelet and retaining cianps in position. Ensure that the position of the eyelets is tight to the edge of the sealing strip.
  • Mark out the positions for the fasteners throuqr the holes in the plates. Pilot drill the holes if required.

Positron the securing eyelet and backing  plate Tight to the edge of the sealing strip.
Position the eyelet so that the eye of the eyelet in facing the container.
N SAF 0200 Liferaft Lashing Strap Installation

Position the Retaining Clamps tight to the edge of  the sealing strip. Position the clamps so that the eye of the clamp is facing acoss the clamp is facing acoss the width of the container.
N SAF 0200 Liferaft Lashing Strap Installation

  • Clamp the two encs of the harness (fitted with D Rings) to the deck using the retaining clamps. Secure the retaining clamps to the deck using suitable fasteners
  • Pilot cirill the holes for the Securing eyelet if required. Position the eyelet backing plate underneath the securing eyelet and fasten to the deck.
  • Take the end of the harness fitted with the senhouse slip. Locate thesenhouse slip around the eyelet and lock closed.
  • Adjust the length of the long strap by moving the black plastic adjusters equally on both sides until the webbing is tight.
  • Unclip the senhouse slip slide the adjusters a further 10mm towards the D ring and reassemble the senhouse slip. lf necessary repeat this operation until it is considered that the straps are tight.
  • When the straps are considered to be tight around the container attach the free end of the painter line to a strong point or to the weak link on the HRU if fitted (refer to the HRU fitting instructions)

N SAF 0200 Liferaft Lashing Strap Installation
N SAF 0200 Liferaft Lashing Strap Installation

Ocean Safety Ltd
SaxonWharf LowerYork Street
Southampton SOl4 5QF
Tel: 023 8072 0800
Fax: 023 8072 080 I
Your Life Soving Supplier


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