hama UNDOK App Control Many Internet User Manual

June 1, 2024


hama UNDOK App Control Many Internet



With the UNDOK app, control of many Internet, streaming and digital radios from Hama lies in the palm of your hand. If your product has the UNDOK logo, you can operate almost all of the product’s functions directly on your tablet or smartphone, and thereby enjoy the highest level of comfort.
UNDOK is available for Android devices and for smartphones and tablets with the iOS operating system
(it can be downloaded for free from the respective app stores). It is continually being enhanced.
Besides products from Hama, many products of other brands and manufacturers are supported. This allows you to set up your own audio infrastructure and select from a multitude of devices.
Please note that some of the functions may not be available for your purchased product, as the range of functions is always dependent on your product’s available features.
Many of the functions described here can also be operated on the device or using a remote control if available. For more details, please read the product-specific manual for your device.

  • A product that is marked with the ‘Powered by UNDOK’ or ‘Powered by UNDOK MULTIROOM’ logo
  • A compatible tablet or smartphone with the Android or iOS operating system
  • A home network that is usable via Wi-Fi or LAN
  • Broadband Internet access (ideally flat-rate) for use of services such as Internet radio, Spotify Connect or other streaming solutions


  • If you use Internet radio or the services of streaming providers without a data flat rate, you will use your data allowance and additional costs may be incurred.

First-time setup of the device with UNDOK
The first time you switch on an UNDOK-enabled product from Hama, or when you have reset it to the factory settings, it creates a micro access point – a separate Wi-Fi network that you can connect to with your tablet or smartphone.
This access point is shown in the format ‘Setup Hama PRODUCT NAME MAC address’, to enable correct identification of the product.
Layout of the home screen

1 Group name / Device name
2 Current playback source
3 Devices in a group
4 Set up new device (number of found devices in setup mode)
5 Settings menu
6 Refresh view
7 Group management / Group setup
8 Check for firmware update

Set up audio system

Start setup
Start the UNDOK app and tap the ‘SET UP AUDIO SYSTEM’ button. Alternatively, you will find the information ‘1 AUDIO SYSTEM TO BE SET UP’ on the start page. Note the information on the following page and confirm with ‘NEXT’.


  • Devices that have already been set up will no longer create a micro access point, and may need to be reset to the factory settings or configured using a button combination for the setup via app. More information can be found in the product manual.
  • With the exception of the network settings, all of the following settings can be made from the UNDOK app either now or after the device has been set up.

Connect to MicroAP
You are now prompted to select an access point from the available Wi-Fi connections. To do so, press ‘WLAN Einstellungen öffnen’ (Android) or go to the settings of your iOS device and select the access point ‘Setup Hama Device MAC address name’. Now return to the UNDOK app. The selected access point should now be displayed on this page.
Confirm with the ‘NEXT’ button on the screen.


Please note there may be slight differences depending on the operating system.

  • iOS: The access point must always be selected manually.
  • Android 8+: The user must select the access point.
  • Android 6.0-7.1: If you allow UNDOK to access your location, you can select the access point directly from within UNDOK. If you do not allow UNDOK to access your location, the access point must be selected manually.
  • Android 4.0.3-5.1: The suggested access points are already displayed in UNDOK.

Specify device name
You can now allocate a new name to the audio system; this might be a name that indicates, for example, the location of the device (‘Kitchen radio’). This name will replace the existing device name. Then confirm your entry with ‘NEXT’.
The device name can be changed at a later time (for further information, please see 3.1.1 Audio Systems).
Set date and time
If you want to set up a device with a date and time display, you can make these settings now.
You can select the hour format (12/24 hours), the time source and the relevant time zone. You can select the ‘Summertime’ mode if desired.
This setting can be changed at a later time (for further information, please see 3.1.1 Audio Systems).
Select language
When you subsequently select the language, only the language of the device interface is specified, i.e. the language of the radio or speaker you have set up. The source designations or the functions of the Internet radio, for example, are then shown in the chosen language. The general display of UNDOK is not affected; it is determined by the system language of your smartphone/tablet.


  • Be aware that UNDOK is not available in all languages. If no translated version is available in the language set on your smartphone/tablet, English is automatically set as the language.
  • You can also have the language detected automatically. In this case, the language is specified based on the language set on your smartphone/tablet. Confirm your selection with the ‘NEXT’ button.
  • Select your desired language in the list that opens. The selected language is indicated with a checkmark.


  • Alternatively, you can also have the language detected automatically. To do so, simply tap the ‘Sprache automatisch erkennen’ check box. In this case, the language is specified based on the language set on your smartphone/tablet. Confirm your selection with the ‘NEXT’ button.
  • This setting can be changed at a later time (for further information, please see 3.1.1 Audio Systems).

Establish network connection via Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi (automatic network configuration)

With this method, you can establish a connection to secured Wi-Fi networks (WEP, WPA, WPA2) or unsecured Wi-Fi networks. UNDOK lists all available networks on the screen, and indicates secured connections through a padlock symbol at the left edge of the row.


  • We recommend against establishing unsecured connections and advise you to always protect your network against unauthorised access.
  • Select the desired network and, in the case of a secured connection, enter the password in the popup window. Then press ‘OK’ to establish the connection.
  • No popup window appears for unsecured connections; the connection is established directly.

Wi-Fi (manual network configuration)

Manual configuration of wireless connection (Wi-Fi) –DHCP enabled

  • The ‘DHCP verwenden’ option is selected by default.
  • Enter the full SSID (network name) in the input screen.
  • Now choose the security standard used by the network. This can be found in the configuration options of your router or access point.

Depending on the encryption used (none, WEP, TKIP, AES), you may need to enter the network key before the connection can be established. You must confirm the entries with ‘OK’.

Manual configuration of wireless connection (Wi-Fi) – DHCP disabled

This method corresponds to the configuration for DHCP server enabled (Manual configuration of wireless connection (Wi-Fi) – DHCP enabled); however, you must additionally enter the network information such as IP address, subnet mask, gateway address and DNS (primary and secondary). This information can be found in the web interface of your router or access point, or can be obtained from your network administrator. Once all the information has been entered correctly, confirm the entries with ‘OK’. The connection is now established.

WPS – Wi-Fi Protected Setup (push-button method)

WPS allows simple and nevertheless protected connection of the radio to the network. UNDOK supports configuration using the push-button method.
Start the connection via WPS in UNDOK; now press your router’s WPS button, or enable the WPS fast connection using the web interface of your router. Tap ‘NEXT’ in UNDOK. The router and device now try to connect to one another.
Establish network connection via LAN (wired connection)
Connect the device to your router using a LAN cable and select the ‘Ethernet’ button in UNDOK.

  • LAN – DHCP enabled
    DHCP is enabled by default.
    With DHCP enabled, you do not need to make any further settings and the device obtains all information from the respective DHCP server. Now confirm with ‘NEXT’ and the device sets up the connection.

  • LAN – DHCP disabled
    If you disable DHCP, you must enter all settings such as IP address, subnet mask, gateway address and DNS server (primary and secondary) manually.
    This information can be found in the web interface of your router or access point, or can be obtained from your network administrator. Confirm the settings with ‘NEXT’ to establish the connection to the network.

Using/managing audio systems
UNDOK gives you full control of the devices and allows you to manage the core functions. Below is a description of how to use the devices with UNDOK, along with information on using radios, speakers and tuners without their own speakers.
After setup, all audio devices available in the network are listed and their current playback source is shown.


  • The current playback source is not displayed for devices that are active within a multi-room group.
  • If devices are not found, make sure they are located in the same network as your smartphone/tablet and are switched on.
  • Router or firewall security settings can prevent smooth operation or limit individual functions. Consult your network administrator if necessary.

To call up a device, simply click its name or the respective icon. This takes you to the playback screen for the selected device and information on current playback is displayed.
The layout of the playback screen is as follows:


1 Current device
2 Sources
3 Favourite station preset
4 Share playback information
5 Mute switch
6 Open the device list
7 Power/Standby
8 Device settings
9 Browse source
10 Playback currently running
11 Information about current playback (station or track information)
12 Stop playback
13 Volume of group / individual device

The layout is divided into three parts (for all operating modes):

  • ‘Source’: All playback modes that are available for or supported by the device are displayed here. The scope will depend on the scope of functions of the device.
  • ‘Now playing’: The general playback screen is found here. It provides information on current playback, allows you to manage favourites for the respective source, and enables control of the radio (for example, pause a track, go to next track or share information on current playback with friends).
  • ‘Browse’: Here you can see all available radio stations, directory contents or data media contents depending on the active source. This function is not available for every source.

Internet radio
By selecting the ‘Internet radio’ source, you can choose from over 20,000 radio stations and podcasts worldwide.
Press ‘Durchsuchen’ at the upper-right edge of the playback screen to search for a station.

This takes you to the various sources for selecting a radio station/podcast.

Local ‘Country’
Only stations available at your current location (for example, Germany, England) are displayed using this item. On the following pages, the stations are subdivided into categories which you can browse using the app. You can select a station by tapping on it.
Clicking this menu item will take you to the full station database, which, on the following pages, is subdivided by country, genre, popularity and new stations. On this page, you will also find a search function, which you can use to search for a specific station. Simply enter the search term or part of the term, and start the search. All stations that match the search criterion are then displayed.
As in the ‘Stations’ menu item, you will find further subdivisions by country or format in the menu for podcasts. You can, however, also use the search bar to search for a specific podcast. Here, too, it is sufficient to enter individual word fragments to obtain suitable matches.

DAB radio

  • The first time you activate DAB mode using UNDOK, press ‘Durchsuchen’.
  • The device performs an automatic station search and lists all available stations at the current location.


  • This scanning process can be rerun in UNDOK using the button, in which case the station list is updated.
  • Press one of the stations found. UNDOK selects this station and automatically switches to the playback screen.

Bluetooth ®
If Bluetooth mode was selected, the device is automatically set to connection mode. Already connected Bluetooth devices that are located within the device’s range are automatically connected. If you would like to connect a new device, go to the Bluetooth settings of your smartphone/tablet and search for the respective Hama device (for example, Hama DIR3600MBT) currently in connection mode. Please note that the device must not already be connected, as otherwise, it will not be possible to find it again. After deactivation of an existing connection, the device automatically switches back to connection mode and waits for a new connection.
Once the device is connected, you can start audio playback using your smartphone/tablet/PC. Audio is played back on the device.


If there is no audio playback, check the Bluetooth settings of your smartphone/tablet/PC and consult the respective manual for these devices.

Local Music (on a tablet/smartphone)

  • ‘Local Music’ gives you access to music and audio files
    stored locally on your smartphone or tablet. When you tap ‘Browse’, the UNDOK app automatically searches your smartphone and then displays all compatible audio files.

  • Please note that you are not able to play stored offline-music from third-party-providers (Amazon Music, Apple Music,…).

  • It is also possible to search for a specific audio file. Simply enter at least a single word that appears in the file name. All matching files are then displayed.

  • Furthermore, you can narrow down audio files using filters.

  • Press next to the search field to add filters (such as Artist, for example) to the overview.


  • You can use these filters to search selectively in a large set of files.

Music player (UPnP, USB)
‘Music player’ allows you to access media files that are available via a home server or network share. (UPnP) Connected USB data media are likewise accessed using this function.

After selecting ‘Music player’ among the sources, tap ‘Durchsuchen’. Here you can select ‘Shared media’ that are available via a network share.
USB playback:
The ‘USB playback’ menu item is displayed after tapping ‘Browse’. When you select this menu item, all available audio files on the data medium are listed.

Please note that only data media formatted with the FAT/FAT32 file system can be used.

The following buttons can be found on the playback screen while playing audio:

  • Shuffle play of the tracks available in a playlist or an album.
  • Automatic repeat of the tracks available in the playlist.

With FM radio, you have two possibilities for setting a station via UNDOK.

  • Press and to manually set a frequency in 0.05 MHz increments. Use these buttons to set a known frequency precisely.
  • Press and to start the automatic search for the next available station. The frequency band is scanned automatically, and only stations with a sufficiently strong reception are displayed.


  • If your device has a CD drive, you can control playback via UNDOK. You can pause a track, go to the previous track or go to next track .
  • CD ejection must be carried out directly on the respective device.

Generally speaking, audio files in the WAV format (classical audio CD) and MP3 format are supported. For detailed information about the supported formats, please consult the manual for your respective device.

Spotify Connect

  • With Spotify Connect, you have access to millions of songs and can send them to your device. Enjoy them on your smartphone when you’re on the go, or use them on your PC.
  • To use Spotify Connect, you need to have the Spotify app installed on your Android/iOS device and you need a Spotify Premium account.
  • To use Spotify on a Hama device, you must connect the device to your Spotify account. Stored playlists can then be selected without having to use your smartphone/tablet.
  • After installing the Spotify app, start it and enter your user data. Now locate the playlist or track you would like to play.
  • At the bottom of the Spotify playback screen is the
  • ‘Devices Available’ field. This field shows all the devices in the network that support Spotify Connect. Select the relevant Hama device; audio is then played using this device.
  • Under ‘NOW PLAYING’ in the UNDOK app, you will see the current information for the track that is playing.
  • The following additional functions are available in UNDOK:
  • Shuffle play of the tracks available in a playlist or an album.
  • Automatic repeat of the tracks available in the playlist.

Stored playlists, tracks and albums can be selected directly using favourites management within UNDOK if they were stored there. More information can be found under 4. Managing favourites.

Amazon Music
Amazon Music gives you access to millions of songs. You can listen to them on your radio, on the go using your smartphone, or on your terminal device.
To use Amazon Music, you need an Amazon Music Unlimited account.
To use Amazon Music on a Hama device, you must connect the device to your Amazon Music Unlimited account. For this purpose, enter your user data using the UNDOK app. Now locate the playlist or track you would like to play.


  • Amazon Music and Amazon Music Unlimited are services that can entail additional costs. You may need to subscribe to these services.

Note: When using the Amazon Music function with the radio, delays may be experienced due to the scope of the databases. We recommend using the UNDOK app to search within the Amazon Music database and to call up particular offers – the app offers you greater clarity and simplified use.

  • Search
    The search function is a keyword search that can be applied to the contents of Amazon Music. After entering a keyword, you can select whether the keyword is an artist, album or song title.

  • Playlists
    Here you will find a multitude of preconfigured playlists available for various moods and themes. You can restrict the playlist selection by genre to get the desired result more quickly.

  • Radio stations
    Selection of a radio station can be simplified by selecting a genre. The stations last listened to are listed in the ‘Last listened’ menu item for faster access.

  • Recommended
    Here you will find a selection of songs, albums, playlists or radio stations that are preselected by the service provider and updated at regular intervals.

  • My music
    You can mark audio files as favourites and create your own playlists, which are then listed in this menu item.
    Use the apps and software provided by Amazon Music to integrate titles into this area.

  • Logout
    To log the radio out of your user account, select Logout. You are then disconnected from Amazon Music. To log in again, you must set up a new connection using the UNDOK app.

Line IN
You can use the analogue audio input (AUX IN socket) to connect mobile devices (for example, smartphones, tablets PC, MP3 players, etc.) to the device and play your audio files using the radio.
To connect your terminal device to the audio input (AUX IN socket) of the device you are currently managing using UNDOK, use a 3.5 mm audio cable (jack cable).
Start and control audio playback using the controls of the connected terminal device.
Volume control
A slider control for adjusting the volume of the active device can be found at the bottom of the screen on all pages of the UNDOK app.


  • The active device is always displayed in the UNDOK app header.
  • By moving the control to the left or right, you can decrease or increase the volume of the active device.
  • The icon for the mute switch can be found at the left edge of the slider control.
  • The active device is not set to mute. The mute function can be enabled by tapping.
  • The active device is set to mute. The mute function can be disabled by tapping.


Instructions for adjusting the volume of individual devices within a multi- room group can be found under 5.4 Volume control.

Device settings

Tap at the upper-right edge of the screen to open the device settings.
A drop-down menu opens, in which you will find the following sub-settings for your currently selected device.
Audio systems
You are directed to an overview of all audio systems located in the network. In the overview, select the device whose settings you would like to change.
The following page provides a summary of the current configuration.
It includes, for example, the current device name which you can change (‘Rename’). If you have several devices, it is recommended that you select a unique name to enable clear identification.

  • The model name (type designation)
  • The firmware version
  • The current IP address used by the device in the home network
  • The MAC address that uniquely identifies the device. This address is required for a manual update by customer support.
  • The name of the network (SSID) in which the device is currently registered.
  • The signal strength of the Wi-Fi network currently used.
  • The following settings can be adjusted when setting up the device for the first time. Changes are possible here.

Set language
Setting the system language is explained in 2.1.5 Select Language more detailed.

Sleep timer
The sleep timer switches the device to standby mode after a defined time interval. You can select a time interval of 15, 30, 45, 60 or 120 minutes. The timer is disabled by selecting ‘Off’.

A large number of radios and speakers allow you to manually adjust and optimise the sound settings. Many devices offer a selection of preconfigured audio profiles, such as Rock, Classic or News. When you select a preset audio profile, the adjustment is made directly on the selected device. The active profile is indicated by on the right side of the screen.
If none of the available profiles suits you, there is often the possibility to select ‘My EQ’. Here you can manually adjust bass and treble. The preview shows two slider controls for adjusting the respective value. You adjust the sound by moving the marker points to the left (value is decreased) or to the right (value is increased).

The adjustments are applied directly and played using the active device. To save the settings, tap at the upper-left edge of the screen.

Set date and time
Setting the date and time is explained in more detail under

Set date and time.
Factory reset
Restoring the device to its factory settings can help if you are experiencing operational or functional problems with the device.

If you must restore the device to its factory settings, all favourites and settings you have stored locally will be lost.

Logging enabled (Yes/No)
Logging facilitates understanding of any problems or errors caused by the UNDOK app or the device. Generally speaking, logging is not necessary and is therefore not enabled.
However, if logging is desired – in order to pass on this log, for example – you can enable this feature by tapping ‘YES’ in UNDOK.

If you must transmit this log to Frontier Silicon or the device manufacturer, customer support will provide you with the necessary information.

To change the appearance of UNDOK, tap ‘Themes’. Several different colours are available for selection; by tapping a colour, you can enable it. The current colour profile is marked by .

This menu item corresponds in function to in UNDOK and switches your device to standby mode. By pressing , you can switch the device to standby mode or exit this mode. If your device is in standby mode but can be accessed via UNDOK, you can exit standby mode by pressing ‘AUFWECKEN’.


  • There is the possibility of networked standby mode for radio devices with a display. If this mode is disabled on devices, there will be a short timeout after which you will no longer be able to activate the device via UNDOK. In the case of speakers and other devices without their own display, networked standby mode is always initiated to enable reactivation of the device via UNDOK.
  • You can reactivate devices in standby mode using ‘POWER/STANDBY’ on the device. For more information, please refer to the manual for the respective device.

If no device is currently selected, the ‘Standby’ item is not shown.

Set up new audio system / another audio system
Further information on setting up a new audio system can be found under 2.1 Set up audio system.

Here you will find information on the current UNDOK version and the developer Frontier Silicon Ltd.

Managing favourites
Separate favourites lists are available for the reception of radio signals – for example, Internet radio, DAB/DAB+ or FM – to which you can add your favourite stations.
Normally, up to 30 favourite stations presets are available per reception mode.
Furthermore, playlists, albums or individual tracks available via Spotify Connect can be stored on up to ten presets in UNDOK.


  • If a station is stored in UNDOK, it can also be selected on the same position using the shortcut buttons on the device (depending on the number of buttons), the remote control (1-10) or the favourites memory used via the display.
  • Therefore, if you store a station on position 1 in UNDOK, it will be stored on shortcut button 1 of the device, button 1 of the remote control and position 1 of the favourites memory in the interface of the device.

Open favourites list
To open the favourites list with all your stored stations, first click the source selection. Then open the reception mode for which you want to open the favourites list. Then click ‘NOW PLAYING’. Clicking the icon will open the favourites list for the current reception mode.


Select/add favourites

  • The current favourites list for this reception mode is now displayed.
  • Here you will find the stored stations depending on reception mode (IR, DAB/DAB+, FM), or stored playlists/ albums/tracks (Spotify Connect). Press the name or the consecutive number to select the stored favourite.
  • If you want to create a new favourite, first open the desired station in the ‘BROWSE’ window or open content in Spotify Connect. Then open the favourites list and press . The preset is now overwritten with the current playback.


Devices that are compatible with UNDOK and UNDOK Multi-room can be combined with other devices into a group. This can be advantageous if, for example, you equip large rooms with multiple devices and want to ensure synchronous audio playback. All devices within a group play the same audio source without an audible lag. Another advantage is that only one device within the group must have at its disposal a signal source (for example, DAB, CD, BT, etc.), in order to transfer this signal to all other devices in the group.


  • The maximum number of devices that can exist in a group is five. This restriction ensures maximum playback synchrony.
  • The number of groups in the network is not restricted.
  • The AUX signal input cannot be used for a multi-room source; here, insufficient synchrony can be obtained due to technical factors.

Set up / create group
Devices that are compatible with UNDOK Multi-room are marked with on the UNDOK overview page.

  • Click this icon to create a new group and add further devices to it.
  • A window opens, displaying all compatible devices in the network. A device can be added to the group by tapping.


  • Select all devices you want to add to the group and, if necessary, enter an individual name for the group in the ‘Group name’ field. Confirm the group’s setup with ‘OK’.


  • The new group is now displayed in the overview and can be used.

Manage group (add or remove devices / delete group)

  • To add or remove devices to/from a group, you again click


  • You can now add further devices to the group, remove devices, or delete the group entirely. Confirm your changes with ‘OK’.

If you want to add a device to the group that is already active in another group, the device is removed from the existing group.

Select sources

  • The procedure corresponds to source selection for an individual device. For a multi-room group, however, only one device is required to have the corresponding signal receiver.
  • Alongside the selected signal source, the playback devices that support the corresponding reception mode are displayed.
  • You can select the source and specify the ‘master’ of the group.
  • Additional information on source selection can be found under 2.1 Set up audio system.

In the case of display devices, the relevant station/ source information is currently shown only on the master device; all SLAVE devices (recipient devices) display only information on system stability.

Volume control (individual device / group)
The volume within a group can be adjusted either for the entire group or for each device separately. To adjust the volume of all group devices simultaneously or to enable/ disable the mute function, follow the instructions in

Line IN

  • Press to adjust the volume of an individual device in a multi-room group.
  • A window opens, displaying all devices integrated in the group. A separate slider control is available for each device. Move the control to the left or right, to decrease or increase the volume of a device.

By pressing , you can open the equaliser for the respective device. Further information on the equaliser settings can be found under 3.1.1 Equalizer.

Firmware update

  • As part of further development, a system update is provided for many devices. These updates extend the scope of functions of the device or resolve problems. We urgently recommend installing firmware updates on your device when they are made available.
  • The icon for the firmware updates can be found at the lower-left edge of the screen in the device overview (displayed after starting UNDOK). The app automatically checks whether an update is available and, if an update is found, notifies you through the icon.
  • Tapping the icon will open a new page, in which the devices in the network and information on the current firmware version are displayed. If an update is available, the firmware row for the device in question will have ‘Empfohlenes Update’ in green letters.


  • Tapping ‘UPDATE ALL’ will start the update process for all devices visible in the UNDOK Wi-Fi network for which a firmware update is available. The icon at the upperright edge of the screen can be used to search again for updates for all devices.
  • After the update process has been started, the firmware for the device is downloaded and automatically installed.
  • Once the update process has completed, the updated device is automatically connected to the network again. It can now be used via UNDOK as usual.

The update process can take several minutes depending on the available bandwidth of your Internet connection.


  • Do not disconnect the device from the power supply during the update. If there is an interruption, the operating system of the device may no longer function and the device may no longer operate properly.
  • Should a problem still occur during the firmware update, please contact manufacturer support for your device.
  • After completion of the update, you can check the firmware version of the device as described under 3. Device settings or reopen the Firmware update overview from the home screen.

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