rako Version 1.0.0 App User Guide

June 1, 2024

Version 1.0.0 App



  • Rako App Version: 1.0.0
  • Rako HUB Firmware Requirement: 3.7.6 or later
  • Supported Devices:
    • iPhone & iPad: iOS 13 or higher
    • Android Phone & Tablet: Android 5.1 (Lollipop) or

Product Usage Instructions

1. Connecting to the HUB

To connect to the HUB, follow these steps:

2.1 Open the Rako App

Download the Rako App from the App Store for iOS devices or
Google Play Store for Android devices. Upon opening the app, you
will see the ‘Discovered Systems’ screen.

2.2 Discovery

If a Rako BRIDGE is found instead of a HUB, a link to the legacy
Rako App will appear during the connection process. The app
searches for the HUB on the local network and MyRako. It
prioritizes local connections unless configured otherwise in the

2.3 Discovery – Local network

If the HUB is on the local network but not linked to MyRako, it
can only be accessed when connected locally.

2.4 Discovery – MyRako

MyRako allows access to the HUB when not on the local network.
Configure MyRako in the HUB web pages. The discovery page will show
MyRako if set up, along with the local network if connected.

3. Setting up MyRako

If you need access to the Rako App when not on the local
network, follow these steps:

3.1 Signing up to MyRako

[Add specific instructions for signing up to MyRako here]

3.2 Logging in to MyRako

[Add instructions for logging into MyRako here]


Q: What are the hardware and firmware requirements for the Rako


A: The Rako App requires an RK-HUB or WK-HUB with firmware
version 3.7.6 or later. For devices, it supports iOS 13 or higher
for iPhone & iPad, and Android 5.1 (Lollipop) or higher for
Android phones & tablets.

Q: How do I connect to the HUB using the Rako App?

A: To connect to the HUB, open the Rako App, ensure the HUB is
configured in Rasoft Pro, and follow the discovery process detailed
in the app.


Rako App
User Guide
2024 Version 1.0.0

Rako App User Guide
1 Requirements 1.1 Rako hardware and firmware requirements 1.2 Device hardware and firmware requirements
2 Connecting to the HUB 2.1 Open the Rako App 2.2 Discovery – Overview 2.3 Discovery – Local network 2.4 Discovery – MyRako
3 Setting up MyRako 3.1 Signing up to MyRako 3.2 Logging in to MyRako
4 Navigating the Rako App 4.1 Discovered systems 4.2 Rooms Overview 4.3 Room view – Standard 4.4 Room view – RGBW 4.5 Room view – Colour Tunable
5 Setting Scenes
6 Favourites 6.1 Adding favourite Rooms 6.2 Room images
7 Events 7.1 Creating an Event 7.2 Editing Events
8 Holiday Mode 8.1 Navigating to Holiday Mode 8.2 Holiday Mode Actions
9 Logs 9.1 Navigating to Logs 9.2 Log sources 9.3 Log structure 9.4 Log errors
10 Configuration overview
11 Troubleshooting
Rako App Guide


1 Requirements
1.1 Rako hardware and firmware requirements The Rako App requires either an RK-HUB or a WK-HUB with a firmware version later than 3.7.6.

1.2 Device hardware and firmware requirements
The Rako App is suitable for iOS and Android devices only; the minimum hardware and software requirements are below.

iPhone & iPad iOS13 or higher

Android Phone & Tablet Android 5.1 (Lollipop) or higher

2 Connecting to the HUB
The following sections assume that the HUB has been configured in Rasoft Pro, if this has not yet been completed, see below:
RK-HUB Instruction Manual
WK-HUB Instruction Manual
2.1 Open the Rako App The Rako App can be downloaded from the App Store on iOS Devices, and the Google Play Store on Android devices. When the Rako App is first opened, the first screen will show `Discovered Systems’.

Rako App Guide


2.2 Discovery If there is a Rako BRIDGE discovered on the system instead of a HUB, a link will pop up to the legacy Rako App during the connection process. The Rako App searches for the HUB on both the local network and MyRako, if a local network is found, the connection will be local, if the local connection is not found, the Rako App will attempt to connect via MyRako. NB The Rako App will prioritise connections to the local network unless forced to use MyRako in the App settings.
2.3 Discovery – Local network If the HUB is connected to a local network but not linked to MyRako, the HUB will be accessible only when connected to the local network.
A Rako HUB discovered without MyRako
2.4 Discovery – MyRako MyRako enables devices to access the HUB when not connected to the local network. MyRako needs to be configured in the HUB web pages to operate, see section 3 Setting up MyRako. If MyRako has been set up, the discovery page will show the MyRako, in addition, if the device is also connected to the local network, it will also show local network.
A Rako HUB discovered with MyRako and Local network NB It is not mandatory to be connected to MyRako to use the App, although the device must be connected to the same network as the HUB.

Rako App Guide


3 Setting up MyRako
If access is required to the Rako App when a device is not connected to the local network, such as being away from home, MyRako is required. 3.1 Signing up to MyRako
1. Open the Rako App 2. Select the settings icon at the bottom of the screen.
3. Select Advanced’ thenDiagnostics’

4. Select the icon next to the IP address to go to the HUB web pages.

Rako App Guide


5. Select the menu icon at the top left, then select Cloud’ 6\. Ensure the service status indicators are all green, selectConnect’ to go to the MyRako login/sign-up page.

Rako App Guide


7. If a MyRako account already exists, log in with the existing credentials. To create a new account, select the Sign Up’ tab and enter a valid email and secure password. 8\. Give the HUB a nickname and selectLink’ to complete the linking process. 3.2 Logging in to MyRako To log into MyRako, an account will need to be created and linked within the Cloud’ section of the HUB webpages, If this has not yet been done, see 3.1 Signing up to MyRako. 1\. With the Rako App open and on theDiscovered Systems’ page, select the globe icon at the top right of the screen.
2. Verify the Internet’ andMyRako Service’ status icons are green, and select `Login’.

Rako App Guide


3. Enter the same login credentials used when creating a MyRako account in the HUB web pages and select LOG IN’. 4\. To verify MyRako linking has been successful, the HUB will show as MyRako’ on the discovery page.
4 Navigating the Rako App
4.1 Discovered systems Discovered systems will show all connected HUBs, this can be on the Local network as well as MyRako.

Rako App Guide


4.2 Rooms Overview Rooms uploaded to the HUB from Rasoft Pro will appear here, the order in which the Rooms appear can be adjusted in Rasoft Pro.
Room types appear at the bottom right of each tile, it is possible for a Room to have multiple types nested within a single Room.
Press and hold a tile to set an image for the Room.

4.3 Room view – Standard
Room type An icon will display showing the Room type of the selected Room. Multiple Room types can be nested within a single Room such as colour changing, Curtain and Blinds.
Scene selection When a Room is set for lighting, Scenes will appear in the interface. The layout of the Scenes will depend on the number of Scene buttons selected in Rasoft Pro, as well as the keypad type selected, In the example below, the switch template used is for an RCM-070.
Channel control Below the Scene selection, individual Channels may be controlled to set provisional lighting Levels or for settings Scenes.

Rako App Guide


For Blind Rooms, the Channel view may be used to individually open, stop, and close Blinds.

4.4 Room view – RGBW

The Room view for RGBW has Scenes in the same way as the standard layout; however, there is an additional colour wheel for flexible control of colours without the need to move
the individual colour sliders.

A colour wheel will only appear if the Channels have been labelled as follows:

(Colour)_(Colour wheel name)

For example, if the Pool RGBW requires a colour wheel, the Channels would be labelled as:

1. Red Pool 2. Green Pool
Rako App Guide


3. Blue Pool 4. White Pool Once the Channels are labelled and uploaded to the HUB, the colour wheel will appear in the App under the relevant Room.
4.5 Room view – Colour Tunable If the Channel in a Room has been set to colour Tunable, sliders in the relevant Room will appear to set the colour temperature.

Rako App Guide


5 Setting Scenes
Scenes are a preset of lighting Levels in a Room. Through the Rako App, the Scenes can be adjusted.
1. Open the Rako App and navigate to a lighting Room.
2. Select the Scene to be adjusted

3. Select `Edit Scene’ at the top right of the screen
Rako App Guide


4. Adjust the lighting slider positions to create the desired Scene

5. Once all sliders have been adjusted, select `Save Scene’ at the top right of the screen

6 Favourites & Room Images
6.1 Adding favourite Rooms On larger systems, it may be preferable to have commonly used Rooms at the top of the Room selection, to do this:
1. Go to the `Rooms’ page

Rako App Guide


2. Press and hold the Room 3. Select the star symbol to favourite the Room 4. A section will appear at the top of the Rooms page showing favourite Rooms

6.2 Room Images Room images may be added to any Room tile, to do this:
1. Open the Rako App, and connect to the HUB
Rako App Guide


2. Select Select/Change Image’ 3. Press and hold the tile until a menu pops up, SelectFrom Photos’ to upload a
photo already saved on the device, or Take Picture’ to open up the device’s camera. 4\. SelectSave Image,’ and the Room tile will now show the image selected.

Rako App Guide


7 Events
7.1 Creating an Event 1. Open the Rako App, and connect to the HUB.

2. Select the Settings icon 3. Select `Events’
Rako App Guide


4. Select the New Event icon 5.

1. Enabled The Event can be enabled and disabled using the toggle switch in the Events menu.

2. Trigger There are three types of triggers:

Time – used for when an Event is to trigger at the same time and is not affected by seasons like Dawn and Dusk.

Rako App Guide


Dawn – used to trigger at Dawn, the time will change based on the seasons.
Dusk – used to trigger at Dusk, the time will change based on the seasons.
3. Time If the trigger is set to ‘Time’, the specific time is set here, it is in a 24-hour format.
4. Condition The Event condition can be set for specific days of the week or dates in the year.
5. Action The Event’s output is set here; this can be a Scene, Level or Blind command to a specific Room or Channel.
7.2 Editing Events Once an Event has been created, it can be modified.
6. Open the Rako App, and connect to the HUB.

7. Select the Settings icon
8. Select `Events’
Rako App Guide


9. Select the Event which requires changing
10. The contents of the existing Event can now be modified; select `Confirm’ to save the changes.

Rako App Guide


8 Holiday Mode
Holiday Mode records Actions on the Rako system along with the time and day and then plays the Actions back.
NB It is advised to leave Holiday Mode recording for at least 2 weeks before playing back the recording.
8.1 Navigating to Holiday Mode 5. Open the Rako App and connect to the HUB

6. Select the `Settings’ icon
Rako App Guide


7. Select `Holiday’

8.2 Holiday Mode Actions
There are three options for Holiday Mode, the options available will depend on the current state of the recording and playback.
Restart Recording When Restart Recording is selected, all existing recorded Actions in Holiday Mode will be cleared. The recording will not interfere with the operation of the Rako system; it will passively record its Actions and log the time and day.
Stop Recording To initiate `Start Playback’, Holiday Mode must first stop recording Actions. It is recommended that recording be stopped only when sufficient commands in Holiday Mode are recorded (approximately 2 weeks minimum).
Start playback When Start playback is selected, Holiday Mode will play back the recorded commands based on the time and day they were initially recorded; this process will loop should playback run out of commands.

Rako App Guide


9 Logs
The Logs section of the Rako App provides a useful interface for monitoring the commands being received by the HUB.
9.1 Navigating to Logs 1. Open the Rako App, and connect to the HUB.

2. Select the Settings icon 3. Select `Logs’
Rako App Guide


9.2 Log sources There are many sources that will be logged by the HUB, the most common are:
– Wired Rako network – Wireless Rako network – Etherbridge – iOS Device – Android Device – 3rd Party – Apple Home – Events – Mapping – Macro
9.3 Log structure There are several key elements to the HUB log:
– Source – Room – Channel (if the command is for the whole Room, this will not appear) – Command – Device (App commands only) – Time
9.4 Log errors
If the HUB has not successfully transmitted or processed a command, the Log will turn red. The reason for the error will be shown at the bottom of the command.
In the example below, The HUB did not transmit Scene 1 because it was deselected on `Room Enables’.

Rako App Guide


10 Configuration overview
The configurations page is used to enable or disable features for the Rako App, to navigate to the configurations page:
1. Open the Rako App, and connect to the HUB.

2. Select the Settings icon 3. Select `Advanced’

Rako App Guide


4. Select Configuration’ 1\. Changes the styling of the App toDark Mode’
2. Disables Room images 3. The App will require a password set in the
HUB if this option is enabled 4. Blinds in the App send an ‘Off’ command by
default for stop, enabling this setting to change the command to `Scene 3′ 5. Sets the connection preference for the HUB to MyRako 6. Demo Mode will appear in the discovery section, it is a dummy system for demonstration purposes (off by default)

Rako App Guide


11 Troubleshooting

Activity Setting a Scene
Accessing the main menu


Possible Solutions

There is no `Edit Scene’ option.

Ensure that the Scene required to change has been selected in the Room first.
Check that there are Channels in the Room.
Check that the Scene setting has not been disabled in the HUB configurations.

The options for the main menu in the App are greyed out

Connect to the HUB in the App first before navigating the main menu.
Check that the device is on the same network as the HUB or connected to MyRako.
Update the HUB to the latest version.

Events are not activating

Ensure the settings for the Event are correct.
Select Test’ at the bottom of the Event and check theLogs’ to verify the command is correct.

Rako App Guide


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