KING KONG 1024 DMX Controller Channel with Flight Case User Manual

June 2, 2024

KING KONG 1024 DMX Controller Channel with Flight Case

Product Information


  • DMX Channels: 1024
  • Fixture Channels: 40 primary, 40 fine tune
  • Library: Avolite Pearl R20 supported
  • Re-patched Fixture Address: Yes
  • Swop Pan/Tilt: Yes
  • Reversed Channel Output: Yes
  • Scene Step Time Control: Yes
  • Number of Scenes to Run Simultaneously: 10
  • Number of Built-in Shapes: 5
  • Shape Effects: Dimmer, Pan/Tilt, RGB, CMY, Color, Gobo, Iris, Focus

Product Usage Instructions


Equipment and Accessories:
List of items in the product packing box:

  • One King Kong 1024 computer lighting console
  • CD-ROM (1 copy)
  • One power cord

Optional accessories :

  • Flight case
  • Gooseneck lights
    • U disk

Be sure to use a 12V power adapter. Please pay attention to moisture and dust.

Connecting Lamps:
There are four DMX512 output signal XLR sockets on the back panel of the console. Two are three-core XLR structures, and the other two are five-core XLR structures. Pin 1 is the signal ground, pin 2 is the negative terminal of the signal, and pin 3 is the positive terminal of the signal.

Functional Description
The King Kong 1024 DMX Controller can control up to 96 fixtures. It is compatible with the library in Avolite Pearl R20 format and features built-in shape effects such as pan/tilt circle, RGB rainbow, beam dimming wave, etc. Faders can be used to output scenes and adjust the intensity of the dimmer channels in the scenes.

Control Lights

Selection and Reverse Selection of Lamps:
To select lamps, use the appropriate controls on the console. To reverse the selection, follow the specified steps in the user manual.

Graphics Generator

Graphics Call:
You can call up graphics using the designated controls on the console.

Single-Step Scene
To create a single-step scene, follow the instructions outlined in the user manual regarding scene creation.


  1. How many fixtures can the King Kong 1024 DMX Controller control?
    The controller can control up to 96 fixtures simultaneously.


user mannual


king kong 1024 DMX Controller can control up to 96 fixtures. It is compatible with the library in Avolite pearl R20 format and featured with built- in shape effects of pan/tilt circle, RGB rainbow, beam dimming wave, etc. 10 scenes and 5 built- in shapes can be output simultaneously. Faders can be used to output scenes and adjust the intensity of the dimmer channels in the scenes .


\(5\) KING-KONG-1024-DMX-Controller-
Channel-with-Flight-Case- \(6\)


  1. Equipment and accessories
    List of items in the product packing box: one kingkong1024 computer lighting console
    CD-ROM 1 COPY one power cord
    optional :

    • Flight case Gooseneck lights U disk
  2. precautions
    Be sure to use a 12v power adapter please pay attention to moisture and dus

  3. connecting lamps

    • There are four DMX512 output signal XLR Sockets on the back panel of the console , two of which are three-core XLR Structures, and the other two are five-core
    • XLR Structure. pin 1 of the XLR Seat is the signal ground , pin 2 is the negative terminal of the signal , and pin 3 is the positive terminal of the signal .
    • DMX512 connection cable adopts shielded twisted-pair cabIe. Both ends of the cable need to solder XLR Plugs by themselves, shielded
    • The network is connected to the first pin of the XLR Plug and the twisted pair (differentiated by different colors) is respectively connected to the 2 and 3 pins of the XLR Plug
    • Do not reverse the connection .KING-KONG-1024-DMX-Controller-Channel-with-Flight-Case- \(1\)
    • 6 lamp pages, each page can be connected with 16 lamps, a total of 96 lamps can be connected . 16 preset faders can be you can adjust the dimming of the corresponding lamps, and you can also modify the corresponding properties above it. The toggle key for its function is located at the button with double Lights on the right side of the preset fader, when the green light is on , the preset fader is used for dimming and the start page of the menu will also prompt
    • Display “fader mode = brightness level ” , when the red light is on , the preset fader “is used to modify the properties, and the menu start page wi also prompt putter Mode = properties .


  1. creation

  2.  pair with conventional lights In the initial menu , press the upper right <Match Fixtures> button to enter the patch menu , then press <A> on the right side of the display key General Light] .

  3. At this time, the second line of the screen wildisplay the address code to be patched, and the third line wil display the current patched line
    The console has two lines A/B, which correspond to two output ports A/B respectively, and you can use the <c> key on the right side of the display to perform line switching . If you want to modify the address code, y u can use the turntabled V in the lower right corner to modify it, or press The <D> key on the right side of the display automatically obtains the appropriate address code

  4. press an unused lamp button to connect a conventional lamp. You can also press the next button that has already been patched into a regular
    The light fixture key of the lamp can be connected , and one light fixture key can be connected with multiple conventional lights with different address codes to realize centralized control of multiple conventional lights. press and hold a light button , and then press aacnother light button to connect a series column conventional lights. This series of regular lights will be sequentially patched to consecutive DMX addresses

  5. pairing with moving lights

  6. In the main menu , press the key to enter the patch men u

  7. If there is no required light library in the console, Copy the R20 light library flee to the root directory of the U disk
    Note: Do not place the fixture library f le under the “AV ITES\ FIXTURES\R20\XXXX folder. and
    You can see the location of the lamp library as soon as y u pen the U disk. AIs pay attention to whether the format of the Iight library is correct.

  8. Then press the <B> key patch scanner] on the right side of the display. If there is a USB flash drive inserted , it will read the lamp library in the USB flash drive .
    If not read out the lamp library in the console

  9. use the up and down keys of the menu to view the lamp library and press the keys (A-E) on the right side of the screen to select. when choosing to use the
    Add or update the selected light library to the memory of the console after it is connected to the selected light library

  10. At this time, the second line of the screen will display the address code to be patched , and the third line will display the current patched line The console has two lines, A/B, which correspond to the two output ports of A/B respectively. You can use the <c> key on the right side of the display to Modify the switching of the line. If you want the address code, you can use the turntable V in the lower right corner, or press The <D> key on the right side of the display automatically obtains the appropriate address code .

  11. press an unpatched fixture button to patch a moving fixture. press and hold a lamp key, then press another one Light fixture key can be connected with a series of moving lights. This series of fixtures will be sequentially patched to consecutive DMX address. Each fixture key can only be connected to one fixture

  12. Repeat step 5 to continue pairing with this type of lamp.

  13. press <Exit> to return to the previous menu to select other lamps

  14. view patching information

  15. In the initial menu , press the <patch Fixtures> key to enter the patch men u

  16. press the <E> key [patch Information] on the right side of the display to enter the fixture information men u

  17. The menu shows the key number, device name and address code of the lamp. press the up and down keys at the bottom of the screen to turn pages, press the fixture key to jump directory to the fixture information .


  1. changing the DMX address
    You can re-patch a fixture to a different DMX address or a different DMX Output line. AII Programming is kept.

  2. If not in the patch menu , press to enter.

  3. press <c> [Re-patch Fixture] .

  4. An address will be displayed at Line 2 on the screen for patching Roll <wheel value> to change the address

  5. once the address code is set, press a desired <Fixture> button to patch

  6. press to confirm

  7. Deleting a patched fixture

  8. If not in the patch menu , press <patch> to enter.

  9. Press to enter the Delete patch menu .

  10.  press a <Fixture> button to select a desired fixture or roll <wheel value>to select the desired address of the fixture , then , press <Enter> to confirm the deletion

  11. patch utilities
    Invert – Allows you to invert an attribute of a fixture , So when y u set zero the output will be full You cannot invert some attributes

  12. If not in the patch menu , press <patch> to enter.

  13. press [patch utilities] . Then , press <B>[set Invert] .

  14. select fixture and select attribute, then , press or to modify  set/Reset Instant mode – when the fades LTP (movement) channels between two memories , the LTP Values normally change smoothly. You can set Instant mode to make the channel snap instantly to the new value.

If not in the patch menu , press to enter.

  1. 1. press <D> [patch utilities] . Then press <c> [set Instant Mode] .
  2. select fixture and select attribute, then , press <c> or < D> to modify

swap pan and tilt – If you have some fixtures mounted sideways it can be useful to swap the pan and tilt channels over.

  1. If not in the patch menu , press to enter.
  2. press <D> [patch utilities] . Then , press <D> [swop P/T] .
  3. press or to view the pan/Tilt swop info. press the soft key to modify

centrolineal fixtures

  1. select fixtures

    • select a singe fixture: press the handle Fixture buttons for the  fixtures you want. The LED in the Fixture button comes on for selected fixtures
      select a range of fixtures: To select a range of fixtures, hold down the Fixture button for the first fixture then press the Swop button for the last fixture . stepping through selected fixtures one at a time: If you have selected a range of fIixtures, our console has functions to step through the selected fIxtures one at a time. This can make it easier to program a range of fixtures because you don t have to select each one manually pressing <+> or <

      in ” Fixture control area “, it will select the fixtures in the range one at a time. If <Highlight> button is activated , The selected fIxture from the range will light up, and the other fixtures will 90 out.

    • Activate previously selected fixtures: To activate all the previously selected fixtures, press <All> in ” Fixture control area ” select fixtures at odd positions: press <0dd> , the fixtures at odd positions of the selected fixtures will keep selected, but, those at even positions will be de-selected . This is related to the order that y u selected the fixture before pressing <0dd> . select fixtures at even positions: press <Even> , the fixtures at even positions of the selected fixtures will keep selected , but, those at odd positions will be de-selected . This is related to the order that y u selected the fixtures before pressing <Even> .

  2. Modify an attribute value

  3. select a fixture

  4. select an attribute. Then , use <wheel A> and <wheel B> to adjust the value. or, switch to Attribute mode to adjust the attribute value by faders

  5. To see the output values, press <0utput> .

  6. Advanced options

    • Locate fixtures: select fixtures; press <Locate> in ” Fixture control area” to locate the fixtures. Fixture locating is provided in the fixture library
    • Align fixtures: select fixtures; press <ML> in ” Fixture control area then <A> all the attribute values of all the selected fixtures will be a Signed to the first fixture
    • Align attributes: select fixtures and select attributes; press in ” Fixture control area ” then , the curranty Selected attribute values of all the selected fixture will be aligned to the values of the first fixture
  7. Fan mode
    Fan mode automatically spreads out the values on a selected range of fixtures. If used on pan and tilt, the result is spreading out rays” of light beams. The first and last fixture of the range are affected most, and the central fixture are affected least. The amount of fan can be set using the wheels. AS With shapes, the order in which y u select the fixtures sets how the fan effect works. The fixture y u select first and last will be the ones which change most. If you use a group to select the  fixture , the order is that in which the fixtures in the gr up were selected when it was created The fan effect, while normally used on pan or tilt attributes, can be applied to any attribute.

  8. select fixtures;

  9. select attributes;

  10. press in ” Function area ” (indicator on);

  11. set the amount of fan using the wheels;

  12. press <Fan> in ” Function area ” (indicator off) again to close the fan shape mode when you’ve finished

  13. clear the programmer

    • clear the programmer: press <clear> in the menu area clear a certain fixture of a certain attribute from the programmer: select a desired fixture. press <0ff> in the function area then < B>[OFF Selected Fixtures] to delete the fixture from the programmer; or, press <0FF> then /<D> to delete the attributes of the fixture from the programmer.


  • A Shape is simplify a sequence of values which can be applied to any attribute of a fixture. A “circle” shape , for example applied to the pan and tilt attributes, would cause the fxture to move its beam around in a circular pattern . You can set the centre point of the circle, the size of the cerci and the speed of the circle movement.
  • In addition to beam position shapes, there are a large number of other shapes available in this console. The shapes are defined for a particular attribute such as colour, dimmer, focus and so on . some shapes will not work with some fixtures; focus shapes, for example, can produce nice “focus pull ” effects on fixtures which have DMX focusing , but will do nothing on fixtures which don’t have focusing when you use a shape with more than one fixture , you can choose to either apply the shape identically to all the fixtures, or offset them So that the shape runs along the fixture creating “wave” or ” ballyhoo ” type effects. This is called the spread of the shape.
  • In king kong 1024, 5 shapes can be run simultaneously, but, only 1 shape is editable .

select a shape

  1. select fixtures;
  2. press in ” Function area”;
  3. press <A> [ playback a shape];
  4. press <up> or < Down> to select a shape type and confirm with a soft key;
  5. press <up> or <Down> to select a shape and confirm with a soft key

Edit a shape

  1. press <shape> in ” Function area “;
  2. press <B> [Edit a shape];
  3. Highlight the shape that you want to edit with a soft key; then , press< Exit> to exit this menu;
  4. press <c> [shape parameters];
  5. Highlight the parameter that Y U Want to modify with a soft key; then change the value with . size: The amplitude.
    • speed: The running speed of the shape
    • Repeat: Repeats pattern after repeat number of fixtures
    • spread: How the instruments are spread across the pattern, 0 = even spread

Delete a shape

  1. press <shape> in ” Function area “;
  2. press <Delete> in ” Function area “;
  3. Highlight the shape that y u want to delete;
  4. press <Enter> to confirm

playback parameters

This potion lets y u set parameters for a shape stored in a playback/ scene when a scene fades in, y u can determine whether the shape should start at full-size and speed insanity, (static) or whether the shape speed and/or size should fade in as well (Timed) . If the memory mode is set to O , the size and speed settings are ignored

  1. In shape Menu , press <E> .
  2. press the <playback> button of the playback y u want to set parameters for.
  3. <A> set the size to static or Timed
  4. <B> set the speed to static or Timed
  5. allows You to remove the offset caused by a shape when it is stopped . when you turn off a memory with a shape, the fixtures will be offset by the last state of the shape. setting this option to ” Removed ” causes the fixture to return to its programmed settings. setting this option to ” Remains” leaves the shape offset in place


The console has many functions to generate a complexighting scene , but the most basic is the single-step scene , which is what y u see when programming scenes.
The console has 60 playbacks, divided into 2 x 3 pages, 10 per page, which can be
used to store single-step scenes and multi-step scenes .
In the running mode, use the fader and the keys in the playback area to control the playback, and in the programming mode , use the keys in the PIayback area to edit.

Recording a palette

  1. press <clear> to clear the programmer.
  2. select the fxtures for which y u want to store palette values
  3. using the attribute buttons and wheels, set the attributes y u want in the palette entry. You can store any r all attributes of a fixture in each palette entry. only attributes you have changed will be recoded
  4. press , Then press <palette> button to recode

Delete a palette

  1. press <Delete> .
  2. press <palette> twice to delete

Recalling a palette value

  1. select the fixtures y u want to apply palette value
  2. Press <palette> to recall value.
    If you press <palette> while there are not fixture has been selected , the controller will recall a lathe data of the palette


  • There are many functions in the controller to create a complicated lighting effect; and , the most fundamental part is a scene, in which y u can store a ” look you have created using your light.
  • There are 60 playbacks on 5 pages, each page with 12, which can be used to store scenes and chases. In Running Mode, the faders and the <playback> buttons are used to control playbacks; In programming Mode, the buttons in the area are for editing

Recording a scene

  1. press to clear the programmer.
  2. Edit a stage effect of the fixtures. Built- in shapes can be added . A Scene can record five shapes. only those fixtures that have been edited can be included in the programmer;
  3. press <scene> . At this time, the LED indicators of the buttons without any scene stored will keep flashing; those with a scene will keep always on; and , those with a chase will be off;
  4. press <c> to select store by channel or store by fixture . press <B> , if necessary, to highlight [stage];
    • Record by fixtur e : All the Chaney data of all the fixtures that have been edited and selected will be stored
    • Record by channel : only the data of the channels that have been edited will be stored
  5. select a mode. (see section 6 . 5) .
  6. press an empty button to store. If y u press a < playback> button with a single step scene already stored , then,  will be  written by pressing <Enter >


sometimes it S Useful to be able to re- use some aspects of a scene y u have already created in another scene . If you’ve created a really nice
pattern of criss-crossing light beams, for example you might want to use it again in another memory with different gobos and colours
Normally when you play back a scene, the information is not loaded into the programmer, S You can’t simply turn on a scene, modify it and save it to a new scene . The Include function lets y u reload a memory back into the programmer. You can then use it in a new scene .

  1. press <COPY>;
  2. press a desired <playback> button to include a scene;
  3. press <Enter> to confirm

copying a scene

  1. press <copy> , then , press a button that stores a scene;
  2. press an empty <playback> button to C Py

Delete a scene

  1. press <Delete> to enter the Delete men u
  2. press a desired <playback> button to delete; press it again to confirm


press <Time> , then , press a desired <playback> button for editing . You can set a fade in and fade out time independentIY for every memory. The playback fades only affect HTP (intensity) channels. There is a separate LTP timer which allows You to set movement times. LTP Channels which were set to ” I ” during patching ignore LTP fade times
The effect of the times is shown in the following pictureKING-KONG-1024-DMX-
Controller-Channel-with-Flight-Case- \(2\)

The times y u enter are also affected by the scene mode:

  • Mode 0 – No timing information is used . The HTP Channels faded with the 0 – 100% position with playback faders
  • Mode 1 -channels fade as set by the HTP and LTP fade times (except Instant LTP Channels) . If you enter times for a Mode 0 memory, it will automaticaly change to Mode 1.f HTP times are set to zero, the HTP levels will fade with the fader
  • Mode 2 – HTP Channels fade as set by the HTP times, or with the fader if times are set to zero . LTP Channels are controlled by the fader position (except Instant channels) . set the LTP fade time to 0 to use this mode

Run scenes

Raise fader, the corresponding scene on the current page will be output. At the first Menu , press a button , the selected scene will be output and close after y u release it.


A Sequence of one or more pre recorded steps programmed using the CHASE button . It can be replayed automatically if desired . sometimes known as SEQUENCE, STACK Or Linked cues. The chase can include 600 steps in this console


  1. press < hase> In the playback area , the LED indicators of the
    <playback> buttons without any scene stored will keep flashing; those with a chase will keep always on and , those with a scene will be off;

  2.  press a desired <chase> button to enter the chase menu . At this time, the LCD Will show the current page number and the total step number of the multi-step scene; press <up> or <Down> to turn the pages;

  3. After editing the stage effects, press <c> [Record] to enter the record menu;

  4. press /<c> to select the storage mode

  5.  If it comes to the last step, then press < D>Record Ad Final step] to store directory, or, press an off <playback> button to store in it. To insert or overwrite a step, select a desired position , then , press <B> to overwrite or press <c> to insert a step before the selected one .

Delete a step
under the chase menu , press to enter the Delete me nu press a desired <playback> button to delete a step

step time
under the chase menu , press

  • [wait Fade In] – The wait time before an HTP Channel fading in
  • [wait Fade out] -The wait time before an HTP Channel fading out
  • [Fade In] -The fade in time of an HTP Channel
  • [Fade out] – The fade out time of an HTP Channel
  • [LTP Slope] – The fading time of an LTP Channel
  • [LTP Wait] – The wait time before an LTP Channel fading
  • [connect] – If close the connection, then , the scene running will be paused at this step until <Go+> or <Go- > is pressed
  • [simple step] – The global time of using multi-step scene
  • [complex step] – The special time for its own

Include steps
under the chase editing menu , press a desired <playback> button of the step, then , scene data will be imported

Global Time

  1. under the first level menu , press <Time>;
  2. Then, press a desired scene . press <up> or <Down> to turn the pages; press a soft key to select the potions for editing; roll to change the values; press <Enter> to confirm

Delete a scene

  1. under the first level menu , press <Delete>;
  2. press a desired <playback> button twice to delete.

Copy a scene

  1. under the first level menu , press a desired <playback> button;
  2. press another <playback> button . Then , the scene in the first button is copied into the second one

Run chase
Raise a fader, the corresponding chase on the current page will be output. In the starting menu , press a <playback> button to output and close after y u release it.


  • when a chase is added to run, it will connect automatically
  • If the current connected chase is not the one that y u want to connect, you can press then <playback> to connect.
  • If you don’t want to connect any chases, then, y u can press <connect> twice to clear all the connections once the chase are connected , they can be controlled with <stop> ,<Go+> and . <Go+> and <Go- > are to control the playback direction . To store the running speed, press <playback parameters> then < B> [save speed & Dir] when a new chase is connected, you can use <wheel A> to control the global speed and <wheel B> to control the global slope if the current programmer is empty; But, if the current programmer is with some data then , you can press <connect> then [change who A/B Mode] to switch to the wheel mode, So that you will be able to control the time of the scene . The time under the control of  wheel A> and <wheel B> is temporary time; To save the time, press <playback parameters> then <B> [save speed & Dir] . To restore the previous speed, press <connect> then to clear the temporary time. one the speed is save, it cannot be restored

Advanced option
Each chase has options which can be set to affect the way it runs. press <p. b. par> . You need to have a chase connected “, or the button will not do anything. The options you set are individual for each chase.

The options are

  • A[save speed] – saves the current speed of the chase (set using the wheel
  • B[save Direction] – save the direction of the chase
  • C[Lo p playback/Bounce/stop on final step] – makes the chase stop on the final step. If the final step is a bIackout, the chase wil appear to turn itself off, S You can just press Go whenever you want to make it happen again .
  • D[skip Time options ] Allows You to skip the first wait and/or fade of a chase . You often want to do this So the chase starts as soon as Y U raise the fader. (press the button to cycle through options) skip first wait time (The wait time is missed when the chase is first turned on) ski first wait and fade time (Both wait and fade times are missed when the chase is first turned on) wait and Fade for all steps


  1. Manage USB memory
    At first menu , press button , then press – ” U-Disk” . Then y u can select ” save Data ” or ” Read Data ” . In ” save Data ” Menu , use wheel v to change character, up and down to move the curse . Then press Enter to save

  2. wipe data
    At first menu , press <setup> button , then press <B> to wipe aII the data or only the playback data off the controller.

  3. select Language
    press <setup> . The LCD Will show ” English” . press the desire soft key by the LCD to select your language

  4. Manager library
    At first menu , press <setup> button , then press <D> to delete or update the fixture library

update hardware

  1. Copy the update file ” Kk1024UD. BIN ” to You U-Disk root path
  2. close the controller power.
  3. put the U-Disk to the controller S Usb port.
  4. open the controller power.
  5. After controller detects the update file, press <Enter> to update.


  1. 1 manual , 1 power cord, 1 udisk, 1 work la mp



  1. Do not allow any flammabIe materials, water, or metal objects to enter this machine
  2. If any liquid is spilled on this machine, please leave the port to switch the p wer on .
  3. If a serious peration error occurs, please stop using the machine immediately and contact your local dealer or us directIY
  4. please do not disassemble the machine y urself – there are no user-usable accessories inside.
  5. Do not dismantle the machine without authorization , non -professionals may damage the machine or cause misoperation

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