EFIX Gnss Receiver Field Data Collection Software User Manual

June 2, 2024

EFIX Gnss Receiver Field Data Collection Software


Product Information


  • Product Name: eField
  • Version: V7.5.0
  • Developer: EFIX Geomatics Co., Ltd.
  • Platform: Android
  • Features: High precision surveying, engineering, mapping, GIS data collection, road stakeout, pipeline surveying

Product Usage Instructions

1. Introduction

eField is a powerful field data collection app designed for various surveying and mapping tasks. It supports online map services and provides editing tools for creating polylines, polygons, and circles.

2. Getting Started

Before using eField, ensure your device has the latest version installed. Launch the app and follow on-screen instructions to set up your surveying project.

3. Data Collection

Use the app to collect data points, conduct surveys, and map out areas accurately. The app supports various data formats for seamless integration into your projects.

4. Surveying Options

eField offers multiple surveying options such as point survey, pipeline survey, map survey, stakeout (point, line, surface), CAD integration, and road stakeout. Choose the appropriate survey type based on your project requirements.

5. Editing Tools

Utilize the editing tools within eField to manipulate survey data, create accurate representations of the surveyed area, and make necessary adjustments to your measurements.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Can I use eField offline?
    • A: While eField primarily relies on online map services for surveying, some features may work offline depending on the data caching settings.
  • Q: Is eField compatible with external GPS devices?
    • A: Yes, eField can be used with external GPS devices to enhance the accuracy of your surveying results.


eField Overview

1.1 Software Description
Thanks for your interest in eField, it is the latest measuring software based on Android platform and developed by EFIX Geomatics Co., Ltd. The eField is a full-featured and intuitive field data collection App designed for high precision surveying, engineering, mapping, GIS data collection, road stakeout and pipeline surveying.
Make your work more efficient with App from field-to-finish!
Powerful Graphical Surveying: Supports both online OSM/BING/WMS/V-World/Geoportal/Naver/Google Image map and base map (DXF, DWG, SHP, TIF, JPG, SIT, KML, KMZ, MBTILES) while surveying. The powerful editing tools allow you to edit, snap, redraw or interrupt lines for the creation of polylines, polygons, and circles.
User Defined GIS Attributes: During data collection, users can customize attribute fields with media capture (pictures, videos, and voice). The unique multi-code function allows users to survey polylines and polygons simultaneously while sharing the data points to ensure project requirements are met.
Super Packed Road Function: Features include horizontal and vertical alignment, cross-sections with slopes and user defined structures. The enhanced data verification allows users to eliminate costly errors easily. Users can also both manually input or import designed road elements from LandXML files and select polyline from DXF files as the center line to stake out or survey the crossroad.

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Easy Pipeline Survey: Makes it simple to survey underground pipelines using integrated data from both the GNSS receiver and the pipeline detector. Users can store high precision and high-quality pipeline coordinates with attributes for exporting into SHP/CSV files.
EFIX Cloud Service:
Allows for uploading and downloading projects, coordinate systems, work modes, etc.
Share or download projects, coordinate systems, points, base map, etc. by sharing code
Remote Assistance Tool
Localization Packages: Allows users to dynamic updates the followings without updating software:
Predefined coordinate system files. Device connection profile. Grid files. Online map database file. Coordinate system library file. Antenna file. Software help link files. Font files.

1.2 Key Features

Various Base Map Displays
OSM, BING, Google Image, WMS, V-World, Geoportal online maps.
DXF (including 3D DXF), SHP, TIF, SIT, KML, KMZ offline maps JPG

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Extensive Import and Export Data Formats
Import from DXF (including 3D DXF), SHP, KML, KMZ, JPG, CSV, DAT, XLSX, TXT, TIFF, MBTILES and CGO formats.
Export to DXF, SHP, KML, KMZ, RAW, HTML, CSV, DAT, TXT, XLSX formats.
Customized import and export contents in CSV, DAT, or TXT formats.
Various Types of Measurement
Supports static, RTK and PPK measurement. 7 methods of point measurement, including topographic point,
control point, quick point, continuous point, offset point and corner point. Simultaneous PPK and RTK measurement using topographic point or continuous point.
Convenient Work Mode Management
Presetting common work modes of base and rover, selecting, or switching work modes by one button.
Convenient to work in PPK based on real-time kinematic (RTK) mode and static mode can be set at the same time.
Various Peripherals Supported
Pipeline detector, VIVAX-METROTECH vLocPro2.
Laser rangefinder, Leica Disto 810 touch, Disto 510 touch, and SNDWay SW- S120C.
Standard CGD Correction File

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EFIX own CGD file for grid/geoid correction. Datum grid, plane grid and height geoid files are integrated in one CGD file, and each CGD file name is corresponding to coordinate system.
Multiple grid formats are available, GGF, BIN, GRT DAT, DATCZ, GRD, GSF, GRI, STG, GBL, GXY, OSGB, CGD, JASC, GSA, GSB, BYN, GTX, NEGRID, TXT and ASC formats.
User-friendly Stakeout Interface
Two modes for stakeout, map mode shows the current position and target position, compass mode shows the target direction.
Users can set North, Sun or point as a reference direction.
Multiple Types of Stakeout
Point and line stakeout by snapping feature point on DXF base map or survey point.
Surface and road stakeout.
Correction Repeater Function
Easily repeating correction data from RTK network or radio mode to other rovers via radio.
RTCM Transformation Message
Using RTCM transformation messages (1021-1027) for datum transformation, projection, automated grid position and geoid adjustments.

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1.3 Software Interface
Startup Interface: Install at the first time and run the software can directly into the main interface.

In Main interface, there are some common functions. Customers can click more to view all menus.

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Status Bar:
This icon shows receiver battery.
This icon will change to different colors while receiver is getting different solutions, red means single status, yellow means float status, and green means fixed status. It can lead users to Instrument info interface.
This icon shows satellites numbers (N/A), A represents the total number of received satellites, and N represents the number of used satellites. DIFF age means the correction date delay time. It can lead users to Sky plot interface.
The texts will show current precision, H means horizontal accuracy, V means elevation accuracy, RMS means the relative error. It also can lead users to Quality interface. This accuracy is estimated by the receiver, the real accuracy please refer to the known coordinates.
The icon will expand more functions.
Instrument Info: Support to view detail of the current device as shown below.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Sky plot: Support to view the current sky plot. Users can see the reference position information of each satellite in current sky plot, and the SNR (L1, L2) which uses bidirectional histogram for display is at the bottom of sky plot.
Satellites: Support to view the current number of satellites which have been searched, constellation, L1L2L5 SNR, elevation angle, azimuth, and locked status.

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Current position: Support to view GPS time, solution status (single, float or fixed), the differential age and the current position in WGS84. Users can change coordinate type in the drop-down list (including Local N/E/H, Local Lat/Lon/H, Local X/Y/Z, WGS84 Lat/Lon/H, and WGS84 X/Y/Z).
Accuracy: Support to view horizontal precision (H), vertical precision (V) and root mean square error (RMS).
DOPs: Support to view spatial dilution of precision which suggests current satellites searching status, including PDOP, HDOP, VDOP, TDOP and GDOP.

GNSS base: Support to view GNSS base status, coordinates, and the distance to the base station.

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More: Click the button on the right side of the interface, the elevation mask and data output frequency setting will show here. Choose Elevation mask setting to set the value and choose Positioning data output frequency to set the RTK update rate.

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1.4 Software Installation

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1.4.1 Install manually
Copy the software (eField.apk) onto Android devices, touch screen to start the installation program. After installation, it will generate eField app on the desktop.
1.4.2 Auto update
Click Activate software and check for update to update the latest version of eField.

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2.1 Projects

2.1.1 New
Click New to create a new project, users should set coordinate, codeList and other survey parameters.

Name: Input the project name, backslash (/) is forbidden.
Time Zone: Choose the time zone in drop-down list from UTC-12:00 to UTC+14:00.
Reference project: choose a reference project and get the parameters automatically, including Coordinate system, Codes library and Projects settings. Control point, Enter, and Stakeout points are optional.

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(1) Coordinate System:
Users can create a new coordinate system or use the template of existing projects. Click User defined to create a new coordinate system.

Set the right parameters according to the surveying area, and then click Save to finish CRS configuration.

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Click Pre defined to enter Common Coordinate interface, and then users are able to add a new coordinate system by clicking Selecting. Slide right and click the green button to check the coordinate system information.

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Users can view the parameters of ellipsoid, projection, datum transformation, Horz. adjustment and Vert. adjustment. Click OK, it’ll return to Coordinate System interface, and then click Select to finish CRS configuration.

Tick the Reference project in Coordinate System to select project template, then it will show a list of historical projects. Users can select one and click OK to apply. It’s used for applying the transformation parameters for different sites. For example, there is project A which has finished site calibration, while another project B needs the transformation parameters the same as project A. Then users can select project A in the project template while creating project B.

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Note: Transformation parameters won’t be applied if the new project is created without project template. Project template can apply all CRS parameters of the existing project. (2) Codes library: General Template:

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Firstly, users can import from cloud by inputting IP address, Port, Users name, Password. And users can choose whether upload position, fixed time(s) or fixed distance (the two can be modified).
Secondly, click New to create a new codelist, input file name and click OK.

Click New, then input new code name, description, and choose

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 drawing type from Point and Line. Choose Symbol from symbol list and decide the size of it.
Users can choose color of the new code and decide if they want to color by layer.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Users can select layer and click Accept, then the layer would be chosen.

Also, they can create a new layer by clicking New, then input the layer name and select color and linetypes. Click OK, so the new layer would be created.

Left slide a layer to edit or delete it, but layer 0 cannot be deleted.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Users can click the icon on the upper right to select a batch to delete.
Users can create a new GIS attribute by clicking New. Input Name, default, and select type from pull-down menu.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Users can decide if this attribute is obligatory. Click Add to add values to the attribute. Then click OK to create a code.
Up (down respectively) button is to move the selected attribute up (down respectively). Left slide the attribute to edit or delete it.

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Back to New code interface and click OK. The new code would be saved. Click the icon on the upper right, and users can load, import, and save codes.

Click load to load from codes library. The library can be expanded from cloud and also users can create new library. Select a library and click Accept.

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Click import and choose a path to import codes. The import function will allow user to import code from excel file. The excel template can be downloaded from the below link:
The file definition can be checked as below:

field name Name

field description Must to fill? default value

Code Name



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DrawingType Code drawing type



0: Point 1: Line

Describe Code Description




Symbol ID

The value of symbolId



comes from the list of


symbols in the efield.

It is recommended that

SymbolID be set to 1


Symbol size



when it is 907938 (solid

circle) or 907939 (hollow

circle), and to 6 (the rest).

The color of the

symbols is consistent

0: N




with the layer which

they belong to.

1: Y

SymbolColor LayerName

Symbol color layer name


layer color


Line Color

N #0000FF (blue) Hexadecimal color format


POINTS Default is POINTS layer.

If not entered, the layer

000000 color of the layer will be



set according to the


6: solid line, the value of

lineStyle comes from the



list of line symbols in the


field name field description Must fill? default value



Code Name



DrawingType Code drawing type



0: Point 1: Line

Describe Code Description



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Symbol ID

The value of symbolId



comes from the list of


symbols in the eField.

It is recommended that

SymbolID be set to 1


Symbol size



when it is 907938 (solid

circle) or 907939 (hollow circle), and to 6 (the rest).

The color of the

symbols is consistent

0: N




with the layer which

they belong to.

1: Y

SymbolColor Symbol color

N #0000FF (blue) Hexadecimal color format


layer name


POINTS Default is POINTS layer.

If not entered, the layer


layer color

000000 color of the layer will be



set according to the


6: solid line, the value of


Line Color


lineStyle comes from the 6
list of line symbols in the

Click save as and input a name to save the codes.

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Left slide the code to edit or delete it. In Codes library, left slide to delete, upload, share, and edit the codes. Choose a code and click Accept.

Pipeline Template: For high precision underground pipeline measurement, please

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 remember to choose PIPELINE TEMPLATE, otherwise, users can’t see Pipeline icon in Survey menu.
Click Edit, users will see only one line code named “Pipeline”. Please don’t create other code because user-created code in PIPELINE TEMPLATE is void.

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Choose Pipeline and click Edit, and then users can do as in general template.

(3) Project settings
User can set global settings and project settings. Click keyboard shortcut to choose the button for surveying. There are five options, EnterOK, Up, Down, Left, Right.

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User can also set shortcut by sharing method.

Note: One button just can be set only one shortcut.

(4) Unit, Decimals, Coordinates, GNSS and Display settings: the same as section 4.2.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Note: eField 7.5.0 can automatically apply the same setting when users create a new project.
2.1.2 Delete
When users enter project, left slide to delete, upload, share and open. Click delete icon, it will prompt “Unrecoverable, delete the project?”. Select Delete to delete the project or select Cancel to cancel deleting.

2.1.3 Open
To continue an existing project, users can click open icon to open previous project.

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2.2 CRS
Coordinate System includes CRS, Site calibration and Base shift.
2.2.1 CRS
Coordinate System (CRS) offers users some parameters including ellipsoid, projection, datum transformation, plane adjustment and height fitting.
User should open the project first, then click CRS to set the coordinate system.
Name: Input CRS name. (1) Ellipsoid: Includes ellipsoid name, a, 1/f, etc. Users can choose
ellipsoid name from pull-down menu (different ellipsoid name is corresponding to different parameters) as well as manually input.

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(2) Projection: There are some built-in common projection methods of different countries and regions, including Gauss projection, Transverse Mercator projection, UTM projection and so on. And the parameters of the projection model are displayed in the interface. Only the central meridian is needed to change usually, which refers to the central meridian of the plane projection. The average latitude of the survey area needs to be input here for a custom coordinate system, requesting the latitude error less than 30 minutes.

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(3) Datum Trans: Represents the mathematical model for transformation between two coordinate systems. Datum transformation model includes no transformation, three parameters, seven parameters, seven parameters(strict), and grid models. Users can input the local 7 parameters directly, no needing the site calibration any more.

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(a) No transformation: Users can choose coordinate transformation mode, from XYZ or from BLH.

(b) 7 Parameters: Requires at least three known points, and the points can be under the national coordinate system or the coordinate system that existing small rotation from the WGS84 coordinate system. Preferably three or more known points so that eField can check the correctness. The mathematical model of this method is strict, and it is critical to the precision of the known points. This method is usually used in a widerange work.

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Note: When accuracy of known points is not high, 7 parameters transformation is not recommended.
(c) 7 Parameters Strict: Add Strict modem for 7 parameters.

(d) 3 Parameters: Requires at least one known point, and the points can be under the national coordinate system or the

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coordinate system that existing small rotation from the WGS84 coordinate system. Preferably two or more points are known so that checking the correctness of the known points. This method is suitable small-range work, of which accuracy is determined by the operating range. The larger the operating range users have, the lower the accuracy users get.

(e) Grid: Choose to use grid file for datum transformation (recommend using CGD file). Please click eField-Config to find Geoid folder in internal storage of controller and put grid file in it before using this function. The software currently supports the grid file of CGD/GRD/BYN formats.

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(4) Horz. adjustment: The calibration parameters will be displayed on the interface of the coordinate system parameters after site calibration and application, and users can check them when you open the project successfully. It supports Plane and No adjustment at present. The software currently supports the grid file of CGD/GRD/BYN formats. Please click eField-Config to find Geoid folder in internal storage of controller and put grid file in it before using this function (recommend using CGD file).

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(5) Vert. adjustment: Supports four kinds of algorithms: No adjustment, Constant adjustment, Surface Fitting and Inclined plane, of which No adjustment is the default one.

(a) Constant adjustment: Need at least one starting point. (b) Surface Fitting: Generates a best-fit parabola for the abnormal

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height of many benchmarks. It has high requirements for the starting data, and it may cause divergence of the elevation corrections if the fitting level is too poor. This method needs at least five starting points.
(c) Best Practice: Best Practice is the height transformation model of Trimble TGO software.
(d) Geoid Model: Click to choose the geoid model file when select this method. The software currently supports the geoid model file of CGD/GGF/BIN/GSF/GRD/GRI/BYN/ASC formats. Please click eField-Config to find Geoid folder in internal storage of controller, and put geoid file in it before using this function (recommend to use CGD file).
(6) Cloud service:
Click To cloud to upload the CRS to the cloud service.
Click From cloud to load the CRS from the cloud service.
Click Share to generate the sharing code to share the CRS to others.
Click From sharing code and input the sharing code to accept the project.

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2.2.2 Site calibration
When the correction parameters of application points prompt “abnormal ratio for flat correction” or “residual value is too large”, we suggest check the control point that participate point correction input wrong or not, whether match control point or not. If users confirm there is no error, please continue operations.
Assuming there are some known points K1, K2, K3, K4, and find the field position of known points. After that measure corresponding points 1,2,3,4 in the case of the base station does not move.
Site CAL: Click to enter site calibration interface.

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Vert.adjustment Method: Include Inclined plane, Constant adjustment, Surface fitting. Default plane fitting method is Inclined plane.
Add: Click to select correspond GNSS points and Known points. Select Horizontal + Vertical Calibration. The best choice is to choose 3 couples of points based on actual situation.
There are 2 modes of this function. Guide mode for non-expert to use and simple mode for experienced users.
User can select Known Point on CAD file or input Known Point coordinate. Then click NEXT until all necessary points have been selected. After all point pairs are added, click Save to finish.

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Accept: Click Accept. The software will prompt “Horz.adjust successfully. Vert.adjust successfully. Accept new adjustment parameters?”. After that click OK, it will make current calculated correction parameters apply in the coordinate system which can affect into the whole project.

Click Export/Import, so users can export .Loc file from current controller/project and import the .Loc file into another controller/project.

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2.2.3 Base shift
When moving or setting up the base again in Auto Base mode, Base Shift is required to ensure all the current points are belong to the same coordinate system as before.
Calc: Click to enter base shift interface. In base shift Interface, click the icon beside Measure Point to select a current point surveyed at a control point, click Next to select the corresponding control point. The calculation results would show automatically. Then click Accept. The software prompts “Accept base shift Parameters?”. Click OK, then the software prompts “GNSS Base and related points were shifted successfully, open points manager?”. Click OK, the point library is opened, and the plane coordinates are changed because shift parameters have been applied to all the points surveyed under this base.

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2.3 Data

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2.3.1 Points
This function can view coordinates library, which includes input point and survey point, and points to be staked. Add
This function can create a new point. Click Add to create a point. Creating a point needs some attributes as follows: name, code (input as need), type (including enter and control point), coordinate formats (including local NEH, local BLH, local XYZ, WGS84 BLH, WGS84 XYZ), point class (including normal point and control point). Then, input the point coordinates that users create, Desc is optional.

Note: When the point has reel number, it will prompt “Projection Error” after adding point, and users should add reel number in “False East” in Projection table of CRS interface.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Switch list style This function can Switch list style. Click Switch list style to change the style. Data statistics
This function This function can view the different type of points. There are five types, including total points, GNSS base points, survey points, control points and enter points.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Recycle bin This function This function can restore deleted points. Click Restore to recover selected deleted points. Click Delete to clear the bin. Coordinate Type
This function can select different coordinate type. Click Coordinate Type to select point type.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Multiple-select
This function can select multiple points. Click Multiple Operation to manage not only one item but also multi-items and do operation on multiple points. Hide GNSS base point This function can hide GNSS points. Click Hide GNSS base points to

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 hide them, click Show GNSS base points to show them. Time asc This function can sort points in time ascending order. Click Time asc to sort points in time ascending order, also can click Time desc to sort points in time descending order.

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2.3.2 Lines
We can manage lines data in Data-Lines. Click Add to add new lines, supporting Line, Polyline, Arc, Circle and Alignment.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Add lines
(1) Line To add a Line, there are two methods 2 points and point +azimuth+length.

2 points means creating a line with Start point and End point. There are four ways to provide a point, a is manually inputting their Name, North, East and Elevation; b is selecting point from map; c is measuring a point using receiver; d is select a point from the point database.
Point+azimuth+length means creating a line with its Start point, line azimuth and length of the line.

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After settings, click Save and a line will be created. Users can check the graph by clicking the rectangle button, and inverse the direction by clicking the arrow button.
(2) Polyline
To add a polyline, we need to input line name, its start point and nodes. Click Up and Down to adjust the order of the points.

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(3) Arc We can create an arc using three methods: 3 points, 2 points + R and point + azimuth + length + R. 3 points: Create an arc by providing 3 points on the arc.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 points + R: Provide the start point and radius of an arc to create it.
point + azimuth + length + R: Provide the start point, azimuth, length and radius of an arc to create it.

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(4) Circle
There are two ways to create a circle: 3 points and Point +R. 3 points requires three points on the circle to create a circle. Point + R requires the center point and radius of a circle to create it. Their usage is similar to that of creating an arc.

(5) Alignment
There are two types of alignment: horizontal alignment and vertical alignment.
Horizontal alignment is generally composed of left arc, line and right arc. It uses point + azimuth + length to create a line and point + azimuth + length + R.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Delete lines Select an item, swipe from left to right and then click the red icon to Delete a line. It will pop up a message box saying Delete Selected item? Select OK to remove this record or Cancel to keep this record.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Stakeout lines
Select an item, swipe from left to right and then click the blue flag to stakeout a line. See also in Line stakeout. Edit lines
Select an item, swipe from left to right and then click the grey pencil to edit a line or check its details.
2.3.3 Surfaces
Refer to 4.4.3 Surface stakeout.
2.4 Import
2.4.1 Text file
The function can be used for importing the point coordinates file in specific formats. Click Import in main interface, and the software will import the existing data according to the requirement format in device or SD card. Point type: user can select the point type, enter point, control point, and points to be staked.

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Format: user can select the target type from DAT, TXT, CSV, XLSX, and XLS. If the data contains table header, use header should be set by right slide menu.

Click the edit button, enter the user defined interface. use header

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should be set by right slide menu. Choose the extension, separator, and lat/lon format.

As for header, click the option to add the selected contents, and click selected contents to cancel the options. Click the arrow, add or cancel all the options at one time. After finishing settings, turn on the use header.

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2.4.2 Other formats
This function support DXFDWG, SHP, KMLKMZ, TIFF, MBTILES, JPG, and POLYLINE file format. Users can change the format into points by selecting the function.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Select point type from Enter point, Control point and Points to be staked. Set the name, then click next to choose the imported file.
2.5 Export
2.5.1 Text file
The function can be used for exporting the point coordinates file in specific formats. Filter-Type: Users can choose exporting point types including Survey Point, Enter Point, Control Point and Base Point. Filter-Measurement Time: Users can set the start time and the end time for exporting data.

Format: Support DAT, TXT, CSV, XLSX, XLS. There are several available formats in common sequence that provides users to use, and users can

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also set the format in Customize (users can customize the import contents while choosing the CSV, DAT and TXT format.)
Note: eField will automatically apply the same setting when users create a new project.
2.5.2 Other formats
This function can export other files, including KML file, KMZ file, SHP file, DXF file, pipeline file, Hydro data, Polish Export, HTML report, stakeout point file, report, RAW file, and attribute file (GIS attributes can be exported into TXT file). Only when users create project with PIPELINE TEMPLATE and survey pipeline data can users export pipeline file successfully.

When select SHP File Export, the option of ” Coordinate system” will appear.

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When choose DXF File Export, users can set text height, text row spacing, spacing between label and feature, height decimal and label content. Users can also choose label display type after selecting all three labels. The DXF file exported from eField can be used to draw contour lines.

Click Next. There will prompt Export window, users can choose export path and change the file name.

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Note: After exporting DXF file, you can see shape folder (including .dxf and .shx files) in the same root catalogue of DXF file, please copy both DXF file and shape folder to your computer (must be in the same root catalogue), then correct codes of DXF file will display in your computer.


3.1 Connect
For connect.

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(1) GNSS

GNSS table is for receiver connection.

Brand: Users can choose EFIX, XMAP, PozStar.

Type: includes: RTK, Android location, Others(NMEA0183), Simulation.

Simulation: Enter simulation mode, and then users can use or test all the functions of this software. Meanwhile, the function can simulate position by inputting coordinate.

Model: EFIX includes: F4, F7, F7+, C3, C5.

Contact type: Including the choices of Bluetooth and WiFi.

Antenna Type: Click Antenna Type List, select antenna type (Users can select antenna type of different products in different manufacturers). Users can handle specific item by clicking Add.

Target: While using Bluetooth connection, click Search to the interface of Bluetooth. Select Bluetooth management, click Refresh to find the

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device to Pair (Default password is 1234 if it’s required to input). When the pair is successful, just turn back to the connection interface. Then click Connect. When the connection is successful, users will back to main interface. While users use WiFi connection. Click Search, then it will show users WLAN interface. Click Refresh to find the SN of current receiver, input password (Default password is 12345678), then click to connect the target. When the connection is successful, just turn back to the connection interface. Then click Connect. When the connection is successful, users will back to config interface.

Connect: Click to start connection. Disconnect: Break the current connection. (2) Peripheral Peripheral table is for peripheral device connection. Type: Including the choices of Pipeline Detector, Laser Rangefinder. Model: Including the choices of vLoc Pro2 and Simulation.

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Simulation: Enter simulation mode, and then users can use or test all the functions of this software. Meanwhile, the function can simulate position by inputting coordinate.
Target: While using Bluetooth connection, click Search to the interface of Bluetooth. Select Bluetooth management, click Refresh to find the device to Pair (Default password is 1234 if it’s required to input). When the pair is successful, just turn back to the connection interface. Then click Connect. When the connection is successful, users will back to config interface.
Connect: Click to start connection.
Disconnect: Break the current device connection.

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3.2 Instrument

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3.2.1 GNSS rover
Main screen of GNSS rover displays the configuration of the current equipment, including the receiver setting and device operating modes. In most cases, we use the common and specific operation mode to meet the daily trial. NTRIP model Click New to create a work mode and choose NTRIP table.

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Name: Enter a name for this work mode.
Network: Choose a model for supplying internet. Include PDA network and Receiver network.
Domain/IP: input the corresponding Ntrip IP.
Port: input the corresponding Port.
Select a server: you could add a server and save it. Next time you can choose it in this interface.

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Get Mountpoint: get the Mount point. Mount point: choose a Mount point you need Username: The name of user’s Ntrip account. Password: The password of user’s Ntrip account. Save: just save this work mode. Save&Accept: save and apply this work mode. If you click Save&Accept, it will pop up “Accept successfully, check detials?” Click OK to enter Instrument Info interface.

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Users can see whether Ntrip login successfully and the reason of why login failed.
For example:
(1) When it prompts “Requesting…”,the software is receiving login messages from the receiver.
(2) When it prompts “No SIM Card!”, users need to input SIM card in receiver first.
(3) When it prompts “3G Module is Dialing, Please Wait…”, users need to wait till 3G module dials up successfully. If users wait for a long time and still can’t login successfully, users need to check status of 3G module and activate 3G module dialing up function.
(4) When it prompts “User name and password error!”, users need to check current user name and password and input correct one.
Then the green LED will be flashing and the status will come from

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Single to Fix, which means the rover is getting the correction data. APIS model Click New to create a work mode and choose APIS table. Name: Enter a name for this work mode. Network: Choose a model for supplying internet. Include PDA network and Receiver network. Domain/IP: input the corresponding APIS IP. Port: input the corresponding Port. Select a server: choose a server. Or you could add a server and save it. Next time you can choose it in this interface.

GNSS base SN: Enter the serial number of base receiver. Save: just save this work mode. Save&Accept: save and apply this work mode.

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Then the green LED will be flashing and the status will come from Single to Fix, which means the rover is getting the correction data. Radio model
Click New to create a work mode and choose Radio table.
Name: Enter a name for this work mode.
Protocol: Select a protocol. Include EFIX, Transparent, TT450.
Step Value: 25kHz or 12.5kHz optional, it will only display supported step value of receiver.
Baud: 9600 or 19200.
Channel: different channel will show different frequency. And also can be customized.
Frequency: normally can’t be changed and if you choose User defined, you can change it.

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Transfer differential data: Forward data through Bluetooth, Serial Port, and WiFi, so that users can save money and expand operation distance.
When users choose Bluetooth/WiFi, correction data in current device will be forwarded to Bluetooth/WiFi, so that other devices can receive the correction data by connecting the Bluetooth/WiFi of current device.
When users choose serial port, correction data in current device will be forwarded to serial port, users can not only connect current device to computer by serial port and view correction data, but also connect current device to external radio.

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Save: just save this work mode. Save&Accept: save and apply this work mode. Then the green LED will be flashing and the status will come from Single to Fix, which means the rover is getting the correction data. TCP model Click New to create a work mode and choose TCP table. Name: Enter a name for this work mode. Network: Choose a model for supplying internet. Include PDA network and Receiver network. Domain/IP: input the corresponding IP. Port: input the corresponding Port. Select a server: you could add a server and save it. Next time you can choose it in this interface.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Save: just save this work mode. Save&Accept: save and apply this work mode.

Then the green LED will be flashing and the status will come from Single to Fix, which means the rover is getting the correction data. PPP Click New to create a work mode and choose PPP table.
Name: Enter a name for this work mode.

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Save: just save this work mode.
Save&Accept: save and apply this work mode. From cloud Click an icon like “cloud” and then select From cloud to into cloud interface.

From cloud: Select a project, click the arrow, the project will be

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 downloaded from cloud server, and it will be listed in Projects interface. From sharing code Click an icon like “cloud” and then select From sharing code to into cloud interface. Cancel: cancel this operation. Get: input the sharing code to get the project. Use: click use to use this project.

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3.2.2 GNSS base
Main screen of GNSS base displays the configuration of the current equipment, including the receiver setting and device operating modes. In most cases, we use the common and specific operation mode to meet the daily trial. Internal radio model
Click New to create a work mode and choose Internal radio table.

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Name: Enter a name for this work mode. Differential format: Select RTCM3.2. Protocol: Select Transparent. Step Value: 25kHz or 12.5kHz, the value depends on the receiver. Baud: 9600 or 19200. Transmitting power: Select the radio power of the base receiver. Channel: different channel will show different frequency. And also can be customized. Frequency: normally can’t be changed and if you choose User defined, you can change it. Elevation mask: 10.

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Start on a known position: ON or OFF. When you click accept, you will come into an interface to input the information.

Save: just save this work mode.

Save&Accept: save and apply this work mode. External radio model

Click New to create a work mode and choose External radio table.

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Differential format: Select RTCM3.2. Baud: 9600 or 115200. Elevation mask: 10. Start on a known point: ON or OFF. When you click accept, you will come into an interface to input the information.

Save: just save this work mode. Save&Accept: save and apply this work mode. Receiver network model Click New to create a work mode and choose Receiver network table. Name: Enter a name for this work mode. Differential format: Select RTCM3.2. APN: Just set the APN parameters. Select a server: choose a server.

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Elevation Mask: The angle is set for shielding obstruction. The satellites lower than this angle will not be tracked, the default is 10.

Star on a known position: ON or OFF. When you click accept, you will come into an interface to input the information. Receiver network + external radio model
Click New to create a work mode and choose Receiver network + external radio table.
Name: Enter a name for this work mode.
Differential format: Select RTCM3.2.

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Select a server: choose a server.
Elevation Mask: The angle is set for shielding obstruction. The satellites lower than this angle will not be tracked, the default is 10.
Star on a known position: ON or OFF. When you click accept, you will come into an interface to input the information.

3.2.3 Instrument info
After connecting between controller and receiver, the software will read out the receiver information, such as device type, serial number, expire date, work mode, datalink and so on.

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Activate instrument: Click Register then the interface of “Please Input Reg Code” will appear. If you need the code please contact with regional sales manager or dealer.
Reset receiver: Click to reset the receiver main board. Then, it will restart the receiver and star search.
Modify data link: Click to display the list of the Work Mode to modify the receiver work mode.
Switch radio off: if you click it, just close the radio module.
Disconnect PDA network: Click to break network when you accept receiver/PDA network mode. Then, receiver won’t receive Ntrip/APIS messages.
Re login: Re-login the NTRIP account.
Upgrade firmware: lick and choose firmware to update firmware for receiver, only support updating firmware via WiFi connection.
Update GNSS board firmware: Click and choose firmware to update firmware for receiver, only support updating firmware via WiFi connection.

3.2.4 GNSS static

Start logging: click it to get right to edit the settings.
Date format: select HCN.
Automatically log when the receiver is turn on: if you choose this function, it will automatically to record the static data when it turns on.

Interval: Including choices of 1HZ, 2S, 5S, 10S, 15S, 30S and 1M.

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Elevation Mask: The angle is set for shielding obstruction. The satellites lower than this angle will not be tracked, the default is 10.
Logging duration(mins): Input duration time as you wish, the default is 1440.
Station name: Input station name, the default is the SN of connected device.
Antenna Height: Input antenna height, the default is 0.
Antenna phase center: Including choices of Slant Height, Phase Height, Vertical Height, and the default is Slant Height.
RINEX: Choose the type of RINEX data, includes 2.11,3.0x or choose close.
Compressed RINEX: choose to compress or not.

3.2.5 NFC/Wi-Fi

NFC, also known as short-range wireless communication, is a shortrange high- frequency wireless communication technology, allowing electronic Non contact point-to-point data transmission (within 10 cm)

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is carried out between devices to exchange data.
Here, NFC has three functions: 1. WiFi, Bluetooth connection; 2. modify WiFi password. 3. software start function.
(1) Turn on NFC function
Use the NFC function of controller Android to make a detailed description
Click [settings] – [more…], and then open NFC. Some phones the HFC are switched on by default.

(2) Connecting the receiver
After the NFC function is turned on, lean the NFC function area on the back of the controller against the NFC logo of the receiver and touch it gently.
At this time, the system will automatically open the Bluetooth or WiFi of the controller to start the connection. If the connection is successful, there will be a sound prompt.

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If the controller is the first time to connect to the receiver via Bluetooth / WiFi, just click you need to enter the Bluetooth / WiFi password.
Pair the connection manually, after that no need to input again. Connection method defaults to last time.

(3) Change WiFi password
Turn on NFC / WiFi, you can change the WiFi password of the current device and follow the prompts below.
3.2.6 Output NMEA
This function is set for outputting NMEA messages for other external equipment. GNSS RTK can use Bluetooth, Port to connect receiver; smart RTK can use the Bluetooth, port or WiFi to connect receiver. When the config is modified, users need to click Set to confirm the setting is done successfully.

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When users finish setting of one output mode, users can copy the setting parameters and paste it to other output mode if users want to apply the same setting parameters to another output mode.
When users use EFIX receivers and set GPGGA output via serial port as 1Hz, please make sure that baud rate sets 9600.

3.2.7 RTK KEEP
RTK keep: If you lose the connection of the differential signal and the receiver will keep fixed mode about 10 minutes.

Software settings

This function is to do some common settings for the software.

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4.1 Global settings
4.1.1 Keyboard shortcut
User can set different keyboard buttons for Surveying, moving to previous point or next point. The buttons include NONE, Enter, Up, Down, Left and Right.

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4.1.2 Share method
User can use different share methods for project files sharing, for example, you can share the project files by sharing code, or share by third APP.

4.2 Project settings

4.2.1 Units
Angle: displayed in dd:mm:ss.sssssss or Centesimal (gon). Horizontal distance: displayed in Meter (m), U.S. feet (USft) or International feet (ift). Vertical distance: the same as Horizontal distance. Chainage: Users can choose to use station prefix or not. The prefix can be set as users wish. Station format can be chosen from the pull-down

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4.2.2 Decimals
Users can set the display precision of Angle, Horizontal distance, Vertical distance, Area, Slope (%), and Lat/lon (dd:mm:ss.sssss) from respectively pull-down menu. The unit of Angle, Horizontal distance, Vertical distance here is identical with Units set in And unit of Area is according to Horizontal distance. For example, here 4 means four decimal places.

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4.2.3 Coordinates
Users can choose coordinates format between North,East and East,North.

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4.2.4 GNSS Survey Accuracy check
Users can modify H tolerance, V tolerance, Diff age, and Max PDOP respectively. The defaults of them are 0.030 m, 0.050 m, 5, and 4.000 respectively. Users can decide whether to “Store only in fixed” or not.
Users can modify Auto increment name interval, Measurements, and Warn if measurement average exceeds, respectively. The defaults of them are 1, 5, and 0.100m respectively. Warn if measurement average exceeds will be used when user set observation times to 2 or more. If the horizontal distance from current measure to the 1st measurement >0.1m (depends on user setting), the software will pop up: The rover may be moved.
Users can decide whether to “Confirm before saving” or not.
Users can decide to open “Use quick codes” or not.
Users can create new code with the same name layer or not.
Users can decide to log PPK data or not.
Users can decide to respectively open “Show average report after

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measure”, “Log epoch coordinate”, and “Show E-Bubble” or not. Users can also decide on the Geometry factor number. Stakeout Store
Users can modify Points name prefix’ and decide whether to useChainage as point name’.

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Users can modify `Stakeout tolerance 1, 2, and 3′ respectively. Three different tolerances are available to be set with different degree of urgency sound prompts. The smaller the number is, the smaller the tolerance shall be set.
Users can decide to respectively open “Auto Zoom” “Use PDA compass”, “Remove staked points from list after stakeout”, “Previous/Next skip staked points”, “Stakeout survey points” and “Search the nearest point from the stakeout list only “or not. When opening “Use PDA compass”, please do as the pop-up window says. Surface stakeout
Users can open “Voice prompt” to give voice prompt after the fill/cut within the range of tolerance.
User can open “Display cut/fill in fixed solution only” to only display the value in fix solution.

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Users can open “Display all roads” or not.

Users can open “Stakeout main points” or not.

If users open “Realtime chainage as point name”, the real-time station is input as point name.

If users open “Enter chainage as point name”, users should enter station as point name.

Users can modify “Along offset tolerance of cross-section” and “Length of cross-section reference axis”.

If users close “Horizontal extension elevation”, use outmost string slope instead of elevation would be displayed.

If users close “From smaller to larger chainage”, please stakeout from larger chainage to smaller, otherwise from smaller to larger.

Users can choose “Chainage calculation model” between “Smaller chainage” and “Larger chainage”. This function will be used when the

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software is calculating the mileage from current receiver position. If current position has two mileages on the road, display the smaller/larger chainage.

4.2.3 Display settings
Users can decide whether to display “Point name”, “Point elevation”, “Point code” and “Line name” or not. “Label size” can be adjusted from 1 to 10.

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5.1 Survey of points

5.1.1 Interface of the Point Survey
The antenna height, point name, and code parts are the same as in map survey. Here users could also add a description of the points Code.

Users could select change the settings in the survey of point.

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User can also change the format of points.

Users can also change the different way of surveying the point.

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Users can locate where they are using this button.

Drag this thing up, you can change the display of the point parameters.

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5.1.2 Settings

Survey: When we want to change the detailed settings of the point

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survey, you can click this button.

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(1) Survey: when doing the survey job, you can choose three different survey methods: Topographic point survey, Continuous survey and the Control point survey.

  1. Topographic point survey:
    when you choose this way, change the horizontal and vertical tolerance to the number that you need. Also, can change the maximum differential delay. If you only want the fixed data and high accuracy data, you can only store the fixed data.

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If you change the Auto increment name interval number, when you finished a survey of point, the name of next point will be automatically increasing the number that you set.

Measurements: the time that you survey a point.
Offset warning: warn if measurement average exceeds
You can also choose to create new code with the same name layer. Also, can log the PPK data when you measure a point.

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After the measure, you can choose to show the average report and log epoch coordinate for the point.

  1. Continuous Survey:
    you can change the measuring mode from time to distance2D, distance3D or Delta H. As you change, it also changes the principle of interval for recording data.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 3) Control Point Survey:

Horizontal/Vertical Tolerance: Determine the accuracy of the received data.
DIFF Age: Acceptable differential time.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 MAX PDOP: Maximum position accuracy. (2) Display: any display options will be in this interface. You can change
the snap settings to choose the point you want. The background color also can be changed to black or white.
If you want the display of the line width and the line nodes, you can turn these buttons on. When opening a CAD map, you can change the unit and the coordinate system.

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Different layers can be created, and you can choose to display different type of points and change the display of labels.

(3) Tools: Select and unselect different items, then put it on the left side of the point survey interface.

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CAD View: Open this data base in the CAD view.
Points Manager: At this manager, you can import, export and add points you want. Also, we can choose the points you want to stake.
Offset Survey: Choose your reference point, generate new points according to your offset, azimuth, or the way two points meet
Map Survey: Open this points base in the map survey interface, so you can change the auto center or the follow mode.
(4) IMU: you can choose to use the IMU or not and can activate the IMU button and choose to show the button or not. if you want other frequency, you also can change the outputs option.

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(5) E-Bubble: If you turn on the auto measurement button, after the leveling of the pole, it will immediately measure automatically. The E-bubble sensitivity and response will affect the tilt warning, when the tilt reach the limit of the sensitivity, it will response.

5.1.3 Control survey

Control points would take long time to observe, but it could provide high precision result. Users could adjust parameters for survey and click Next to start control survey. After measuring is finished, users

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 could check its attribute, then click OK to finish.

5.1.4 PPK survey
Users could choose Interval, Elevation mask, and Observation time as they wish. Click Next to enter PPK mode. Click PPK icon to start PPK measure.

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5.1.5 Continuous survey
Continuous survey automatically accords to a preset fixed time period or space distance. There are four modes to select.

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5.1.6 IMU Survey


to activate tilt measurement. Do as the instructions say.

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icon would appear when the initialization is successful. Click

survey icon

to begin survey.

5.2 Survey of pipeline
In eField the pipeline survey is a hiding mode. User can change the project settings to show up this mode Codes Library —— PIPEINE TEMPLATE

Pipeline interface is for surveying pipeline position and collect pipeline attributes. Users will see Pipeline icon in menu only after selecting PIPELINE TEMPLATE when creating new project.If you can find the Pipeline icon ,it can find in more .

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After connecting with pipeline detector, users should use pipeline detector to find target and get pipeline information first. Then, pipeline information can be checked in pop-up window. When there is no problem with pipeline information, users should take away pipeline detector and put receiver on the same position, then click OK to survey RTK point. Otherwise, click Cancel and detect pipeline again.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 After survey, click survey type to finish one pipeline in line manager. When there are multiple pipelines, users can hang up one pipeline (don’t complete it) and start to survey another pipeline, users can also continue to survey previous pipeline by selecting in line manager.
5.3 Map survey
Users could select the type of antenna height and input the value. Click OK.

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Vertical H: The height from ground point to the bottom of receiver. When using range pole, the vertical height is the pole height. Slant H: The height from the ground point to static measurement tick mark (X91+ is the blue rubber ring, smart receiver is to the auxiliary H.I. tool) of receiver, usually this height is needed when setting up the receiver on a tripod.
In survey, users could manually input the point name or let the system create it automatically according to name step size.

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Users could select survey type between point and line.

Uses could add the new type.
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In line survey, if users open Confirm before saving, they should give the line name after the start point is measured. In next points, they could name new line name or choose from the existing list before saving it.

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icon opens the line manager. Users could select a line to continue
drawing or add a new line. Right slide to get more operations: delete, complete, invert, and rename.

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icon defines the map type to display.
icon moves the current point in the center of the screen. icon is the full- screen display button.
icon opens four cells to display. Users could select in each cell what they want to display.

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icon is the same as in !! .
icon shows batteries condition of the Rover.

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5.4 Stakeout

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5.4.1 Point stakeout
First allwe need to open a project or create a project before we start the point stakeout

In this case, we will use a CAD file as simple.

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From points library: Select a point from points library ,you can also add a point manuallyor import/export the point file in this faction .

From Stakeout points: Select a point from stakeout points library.

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Online map: Users can choose the online map which they want to use as background.

Enter a point: Users manually input the name, code, and coordinates, then click Stakeout.

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ATUO nearest point: The ATUO nearest button is to rank points according to distances.

Full view: Users can view the full map.
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CenterUsers can click it once to make the map always heading north, click it twice the map will rotate in the direction of PDA,click it three time the Auto centering will be turned off.

Snap: Users can choose a point from the map by the arrow.

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Click the compass icon will show distance and direction to the point. Click the survey button to stakeout the point.

User can set the Antenna height in Antenna height.

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Click Settings icon to open the settings.

Stakeout settingsUsers can change the store settings,the tolerance settings and the miscellaneous settings in this part.

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Tools The Tools setting includes all the tools,selected and unselected.

Import DXF: Users can import the DXF flies from memories. Layers: Users can show/hide the layers.

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Map Zoom in/out: User can zoom in/out the map by these two tools. CAD View Users can edit the CAD map in this tool.

Redraw User can regenerate the drawing .Click OK to redraw the

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 map.
Explode: Users can break a compound object into its component objects. Click OK to explode the selected object. It’s the same command in AUTO CAD.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Add text: Users can add text to where they tap the screen.

Save/Delete object: User can save or delete the chosen object

Locate to: Users can locate the screen center manually.

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Off set stakeout point: Users could manually input coordinates, pick from the map, instant survey, or select from point library. After inputting distance and azimuth, click Result then input the name of the new point. Click OK.

Users can also choose the Alignment offset function to stakeout point by entering lengthen and offset distance.

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IMU Users can change the IMU settings. The device must have the title sensor

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5.4.2 Line stakeout
Lines: Users can choose different types of lines in line management.

Stake: Click the stake button can choose the way how we stakeout the line.
Stake: In this mode, users can stakeout the line stake by stake. Users can also change the parameters, Start station, Station interval and the offset settings.

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To line: Users can stakeout any point on the line in this mode. Users can also change the Start station and the Offset distance.

Node: The system will automatically choose the spatial point of the polygon or the line. Such as the center of the circle, the corner of the polygon and the line.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Invert: Click the button will switch the start and end point off the line.

Move as the instructions say and users can switch between map mode and compass mode for convenience. Click the survey button to stakeout the item.

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5.4.3 Surface stakeout
Click Surfaces icon, the surface library will pop up automatically.

Click New then input the surface file name, Click OK to continue.

Click Add to add points manually.
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Click Select to pick points from the points list.

Click Import to import the Text file.
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After inputting enough points, click Save and come back. Left slide surface for more operations.

Open surface File: Click to open the surface file. Including CASS DTM File, HC DTM File, 3D DXF file and LandXml File.

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In stakeout interface, find the target following the arrow’s direction. The text indicates the design height, current height, fill or cut depth when receiver is in the surface area. Click stakeout icon to stakeout.

Stakeout: Find the right position and click stakeout icon for staking out. icon is to show the points data base.

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icon is to load the online map.

icon is to show real-time fill or cut information.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 icon is to export the stakeout file, support csv, txt, and dat file.

5.4.4 CAD
Open the software, select the CAD view module to view the CAD file.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Open CAD file

Click icon to open the file manager. (1) Select the file to be opened, and then click open.

(2) Click

and choose From cloud to upload the file to be


(3) Click and choose From sharing code and input the sharing code to accept the project.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Slide bars

Load the map

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Refresh the CAD file

Snap to object

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And you can long press the settings.

button to modify the snap

After snap an object you can click stakeout function.

this button to jump to

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Full data display of collected data and CAD graphics

The current position is centered

Point Stakeout button — directly enter point coordinates that

need to be stakeout

Button for layer display control

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Set button

Include Snap settings, CAD settings, Layers, Points display settings, Labels display settings.
CAD settings: Users can change background color, unit, and coordinate system

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 Points display settings: Users can choose to display some types of points, like survey points, enter points, etc. Tools There are three modules at the bottom of the interface: Data, Draw, Measure

  1. Data
    : Select an object or an area and delete them from the CAD file.
    : Export the CAD file in DXF format, and can choose the Filter type of Survey, Enter, Control, Base.
    : Layer display control. 2) Draw Can draw the Point, Line, Polyline, Arc, Circle, Circle 2points, Circle 3points, Text,

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 3) Measure Can select the points and measure their distance, angle, area.

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5.5 Road

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5.5.1 Road stakeout
eField Roading is a module that allows to create and manage road design data and perform all the necessary stakeout operations without to use point coordinates but by using original design data. The user is free to stakeout and to have road design information at any stations.
Road design data can be created or be imported from LandXML format and the complete design can be managed directly on the controller; it is possible to manage more than one axis at the same time and all design data are displayed in the plan view and cross-section view.
It is possible to work in two different ways:
Cross-sections at specific stations: in this case at any stations the interpolated cross-section is calculated.
Cross-sections templates: one or more cross-section template can be applied along the center line; cross-section template can be fully customized by the user by defining the cross-section shape and also additional information as superelevations and widenings.
Is is possible to stakeout the road design data and sideslopes at any station and with any offset; the point to stakeout can be easily specified on the cross-section view and your current position is displayed in two different views: plan, cross-sections.
A useful command called `Where am I’ allow to have all design information about your current position along the road: station, H offset, H alignment, V alignment, Design elevation, Elevation,

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elevation difference from design elevation and from current surface, Cross slope.
A command called `Survey cross-section’ allow to measure crosssection points at any stations.
It is possible to stakeout road design data and use a tridimensional design model(surface) as reference for the elevations.

5.5.2 Road manager
Road manager is the control panel of all the data of the road project. They are listed all axes that have been loaded; the road definition can be imported from LandXML format.
It is possible to list road in two different ways:
Select: in this case you can select a road to stakeout.
Edit: when you click a road, the Delete, Edit and Property menus appear, enabling you to delete or edit the road definition, or to edit the properties of the road.
You can switch between Select and Edit modes via the Modify menu at the top right.
TIP If the road is imported through a LandXML file, you can`t edit the definition of the road, can only view it.

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Define a road
When defining a road, you create a rodx file and add elements to complete the road definition.
The station equations define station values for an alignment.
The horizontal alignment defines a line that runs along the center of the road.
The vertical alignment defines the changes in the elevation of the road.
The cross-section template defines a cross section of the road at a point across the road to define how wide it is at different points.
The cross-section template must be defined only for the right side of the section but the definition can also be used for the left side.
Add a template for each change in width. The template may consist of any number of strings.
Add cross-section template positions to assign the appropriate template at different stations along the road.
Add superelevation and widening to add extra slope and widening on curves in a road design to assist vehicles negotiating the curves.
The sideslope tempate defines the shape and the characteristics of the section to be applied along a track; through the composition of simple linear elements it`s also possible to define shapes of complex sections.

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The sideslope template must be defined only for the right side of the section but the definition can also be used for the left side.
Add sideslope template positions to assign the appropriate template at different stations along the road.




Enter the Name to define the road.


Select the Horizontal alignment entry

alignment entry method to define the horizontal


alignment: Elements, PI, Coordinates.

Element method

entry If select Elements to define the horizontal alignment, you can select the Element entry method: Length, End station

Elevation rotation position

Enter the distance of the point of rotation axis referring to the central axis.

Start station

Enter the Start station to define the road.

Key int the station equations
Use Station equations when the horizontal alignment has changed but you wish to remain the original station values.

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Field Ahead Back

eField User Guide V7.5.0 Description Enter a station value to define the equation. Enter a station value to define the equation.

If the Ahead station value is greater than the Backside station value, this equation is an Overlap. If the Ahead station value is less than the Backside station value, this equation is a Gap.

Key in the horizontal alignment To define the horizontal alignment you can use the: Elements entry method Points of intersection (PI) entry method Coordinates entry method
TIP To change the entry method for the road, eidt the properties of the road. However, once you have entered two or more elements definition the horizontal or vertical alignment

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 definition, the entry method can`t be changed.

Elements entry method As you add each element to the alignment, fill out the fields required for the selected element type.
Line elements To add a line to the alignment, select Line in the Type menu:




Enter the Length to define the line.

Start offset

Enter the perpendicular offset of the starting coordinate of the current element and the ending coordinate of the previous element.

Start north

Enter the Start north to define the line. If current element isn`t the first one, the value will be calculated automatically.

Start east

Enter the Start east to define the line. If current element isn`t the first one, the value will be calculated automatically.


Enter the Azimuth to define the line. If current element isn`t the first one, the

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 value will be calculated automatically.

Use azimuth If check it, you can enter Azimuth instead


of the automatically computed value.

Left arcRight arc elements
To add an arc to the alignment, select Left arcRight arc in the Type menu:




Enter the Length to define the arc.

Start offset

Enter the perpendicular offset of the starting coordinate of the current element and the ending coordinate of the previous element.

Start north

Enter the Start north to define the arc. If current element isn`t the first one, the value will be calculated automatically.

Start east

Enter the Start east to define the arc. If current element isn`t the first one, the value will be calculated automatically.


Enter the Radius to define the arc.

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Enter the Azimuth to define the arc. If current element isn`t the first one, the value will be calculated automatically.

Use azimuth If check it, you can enter Azimuth instead


of the automatically computed value.

Left transitionRight transition elements
To add a transition to the alignment, select Left transitionRight transition in the Type menu:

Field Length Start offset

Enter the Length to define the transition.
Enter the perpendicular offset of the starting coordinate of the current element and the ending coordinate of the previous element.

Start north

Enter the Start north to define the transition. If current element isn`t the first one, the value will be calculated automatically.

Start east

Enter the Start east to define the transition. If current element isn`t the first one, the value will be calculated

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Start radius

Enter the Start Radius of the transition to define the transition. For Entry Transition, the Start Radius is usually infinite.

End radius

Enter the End Radius of the transition to define the transition. For Exit Transition, the End Radius is usually infinite.


Enter the Azimuth to define the arc. If current element isn`t the first one, the value will be calculated automatically.

Use azimuth If check it, you can enter Azimuth instead


of the automatically computed value.

Points of intersection (PI) entry method To add an element to the alignment, select PI Type:
PI without curve
PI Without Curve is a point of intersection that doesn`t contain curves.




Enter the Name to define the point of intersection.

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North East

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Enter the North to define the point of intersection.
Enter the East to define the point of intersection.

The start point and end point of the alignment must be PI without curve.

PI PI is a point of intersection that contains curves.



Virtual PI

Define a curve with a corner greater than 180 with the previous PI.


Enter the Name to define the point of intersection.


Enter the Radius to define the point of intersection, if the PI contains an arc.

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Enter the North to define the point of intersection.


Enter the East to define the point of


Transition length Enter the Transition Length In to define


the point of intersection, if the PI contains

an Entry Transition.

Transition length Enter the Transition Length Out to define


the point of intersection, if the PI contains

an Exit Transition.

Transition radius in

start Enter the Transition Start Radius In to define the point of intersection, if the Entry Transition is incomplete. If a negative number is entered, it will be used as a parameter to calculate the length of the transition.

Transition radius out

end Enter the Transition End Radius Out to define the point of intersection, if the Exit Transition is incomplete. If a negative number is entered, it will be used as a parameter to calculate the length of the transition.

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The type of transition supported by the software is clothoid spiral. The clothoid spiral is defined by the length of the spiral and the radius of the adjoining arc. If A2 = R*L, the clothoid spiral is complete, otherwise it is incomplete. If the entry transition is incomplete, you need to enter the start radius. If the exit transition is incomplete, you need to enter the end radius.

Coordinates entry method As you add each element to the alignment, fill out the fields required for the selected element type.
Line elements To add a line to the alignment, select Line in the Type menu:

Field Start north

Enter the Start north to define the line. If current element isn`t the first one, the value will be calculated automatically.

Start east

Enter the Start east to define the line. If current element isn`t the first one, the value will be calculated automatically.

End north

Enter the End north to define the line. If current element isn`t the first one, the value

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 will be calculated automatically.

End east

Enter the End east to define the line. If current element isn`t the first one, the value will be calculated automatically.

Left arc/Right arc elements
To add an arc to the alignment, select Left arcRight arc in the Type menu:



Start north

Enter the Start north to define the line. If current element isn`t the first one, the value will be calculated automatically.

Start east

Enter the Start east to define the line. If current element isn`t the first one, the value will be calculated automatically.

End north

Enter the End north to define the line. If current element isn`t the first one, the value will be calculated automatically.

End east

Enter the End east to define the line. If current element isn`t the first one, the value will be calculated automatically.

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Enter the Radius to define the arc.

Key in the vertical alignment
If you created the road definition by keying in the horizontal alignment, the elevations of those items are used to define the vertical alignment as a series of Point elements.
As you add each element to the vertical alignment, fill out the fields required for the selected element type.
Point elements
To add a point to the vertical alignment, select Point in the Type menu:

Field Station

Enter the Station to define the vertical point of intersection.


Enter the Elevation to define the vertical point of intersection.

Symmetric parabola
To add a symmetric parabola to the vertical alignment, select Symmetric Parabola in the Type menu:



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Station Elevation Radius

eField User Guide V7.5.0
Enter the Station to define the vertical point of intersection.
Enter the Elevation to define the vertical point of intersection.
Enter the Radius to define the vertical point of intersection.

The start point and end point of the vertical alignment must be Point.
Key in the cross-section templates
The cross-section template defines the shape and the characteristics of the section to be applied along a track; through the composition of simple linear elements it`s also possible to define models of complex sections that may be subject to superelevations and widenings in curves. Strings typically define the shoulder, edge of the pavement, curb, and similar features that make up a road.
Each element is defined by the Name, Slope, Width and Vertical offset referring to the previous element:

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Field Name

Enter the Name to define the element of the cross-section.


Enter the Slope to define the element of the cross-section. From the central axis to the side axis, positive values represent uphill and negative values represent downhill.


Enter the Width to define the element of the cross-section.

Vertical offset

Enter the Vertical offset referring to the previous element of the cross- section.

Key in the cross-section template positions
After adding cross-section templates, you must specify the station at which the Roads software starts to apply each template. A template is applied from that point to the station where the next template is applied.




Enter the Station to define the crosssection template position. The station is the start point of the cross-section

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eField User Guide V7.5.0 template will be applied.

Left template

Enter the Left template to define the crosssection template position.

Right template Enter the Right template to define the cross-section template position.

If the cross-section definition changes, you need to reedit the cross-section template positions.

Cross-section template position examples
Add a template for each change in cross-section strings number.
This example explains how positioning of templates and use of widenings can be used to control a road definition:
Key in the superelevations
Superelevation values are applied at the start station, and values are then interpolated from that point to the station where the next superelevation values are applied.
Each element of the cross-section can apply a superelevation value.
The software supports the following superelevation interpolated

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types. Linear Cubic parabola

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The start station where the superelevation value is applied.

Primitive slope(%) The original slope value of the current element of the cross-section.

Superelevation(%) Enter the Superelevation to the selected element.

Key in the widenings
Widening values are applied at the start station, and values are then interpolated from that point to the station where the next widening values are applied.
Each element of the cross-section can apply a widening value.
The software supports the following widening interpolated types:
Cubic parabola

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Quartic parabola

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The start station where the widening value is applied.

Primitive width The original width value of the current element of the cross- section.


Enter the Widening to the selected element.

Key in the sideslope templates
The sideslope template define the shape and the characteristics of the sideslope to be applied along a track; through the composition of simple linear elements it`s also possible to define models of complex sideslope.
Each element is defined by the Name, Slope, Width:




Enter the Name to define the element of the sideslope.

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Enter the Slope to define the element of the sideslope. The shape of the sideslope is relative to the left/right side axis point at a certain station. From the side axis to the direction away from the center axis, positive values represent uphill and negative values represent downhill.


Enter the Width to define the element of the cross-section.

Key in the sideslope template positions
After adding sideslope templates, you can specify the station at which the Roads software starts to apply each template. A template is applied within a range specified by the start station and end station.
The software supports the following sideslope transition types:
No gradient: The same sideslope template is used for this range.
Gradient: A start template is applied at the start station and an end template is applied at the end station. The values defining each element are then interpolated linearly from the start station to the end station. The start and end template must have the same number of elements.



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Start station

The station that the sideslope template begin to be applied.

End station

The station that the sideslope template stop to be applied.

Transition method

The transition type from the start sideslope template to the end sideslope template.

Start template

Define a sideslope shape at the starting of the range.

End template

Define a sideslooe shape at the ending of the range.

Import road definition from LandXML format
LandXML road file can contain one or more alignments with associated road definition information.
Select the LandXML file to import. All axes will be loaded and visualized in the list.
The software can obtain the following road components from a LandXML file:
Station equations: Define station values for an alignment.
Horizontal alignment: Define a line that runs along the center of the road.

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Vertical alignment: Define the changes in the elevation of the road.
Cross-section: Define how wide it is at different points across the road. The cross-section may consist of any number of strings.
String interpolation
The cross-sections are computed by determining where the cross-section line, formed at right angles to the alignment cuts the strings associated with the alignment. For interpolated stations the offset and elevation values for the position on an associated string is interpolated from the offset and elevation values of the previous and next positions on that string. This ensures the integrity of the design, especially on tight curves.
See the following example, where the cross section at station 100 has a string offset from the alignment by 3 and an elevation of 25. The next cross section at station 120 has a string offset by 5 and an elevation of 23. The position on the string for the interpolated station 110 is interpolated as shown to give an offset of 4 and an elevation of 24.

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TIP No interpolation occurs between cross-sections with an unequal number of strings.

5.5.3 Stakeout
Stakeout of a road axis is quite similar to stakeout an element by station and offset.
According to the entered station it’s interpolated and visualized the corresponding cross-section. On the calculated section specify the distance from the center line; it’s possible to select the vertex also from graphic view.



Real station

time Automatically calculate the stakeout station according to the current position.


The station of will be stakeouted.

Station interval


The mode of offset value, right angle offset or skew offset.

Cross-section Select the vertex from graphic view.

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Define a point at a right angle to the alignment. It’s possible to add an additional offset for construction.


The elevation of the target; It’s possible to add an additional vertical offset for subgrade.


Skew direction, a delta from the alignment tangent clockwise.


The offset along the skew.

The stakeout panel contains the information to get the target point.

The last part of the panel can show the following information:

Dist.: The distance from current position to the target.

Stat.: The station of the current position.

Forward/Backward: Navigation information from current position to the target.

Left/Right: Navigation information from current position to the target.

H.Offset: The distance from the current position to the alignment.

Delta station: The difference between the station of current position and the station of the target.

Cur/Fill: Vertical cut/fill to the design.

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Stakeout relative to a DTM
You can display the cut/fill to a digital terrain model (DTM) during stakeout, where the horizontal navigation is relative to the road but the displayed cut/fill delta value is from your current position to a selected DTM.
5.5.4 Stakeout side-slope
The procedure allows to perform the calculation and the stakeout of the point of intersection of the project side-slope with the existing terrain; the position is calculated on the basis of a slope of project and referring to a station and to a distance(offset) on the outermost of the cross-section.






according to the


Automatically select a sideslope template based on the current position and the sideslope template positions.


The station of the current position.


The sideslope template of automatic or manual selection.


The stakeout target, feature points of the sideslope or the slopes.

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The side panel contains the information to get the point of intersection; The lastest information reports the current value of the slope and the direction to take, on the perpendicular to the reference element, to achieve the value of project slope. The last part of the panel can show the following information: Stat.: The station of the current position. H Offset: The distance from the current position to the alignment. Inward/Outward: Away from or near the centerline. Down/Up: Vertical cut/fill to the design. Cur/Fill: Perpendicular cut/fill to the design.
5.5.5 Where am I
This function is able to provide much information concerning the current position referring to the selected road. Basing on the position they are visualized the following information:




Station in which you are located.

H Offset

Distance from the center line of current road.

H alignment

Element of the planimetric track.

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V alignment Design elev. Elev. Cut/Fill Cross slope

eField User Guide V7.5.0 Element of the altimetry track. Design elevation in which you are located. Elevation in which you are located. Elevation difference. Cross slope in which you are located.

5.5.6 Survey cross-section
The procedure allows to perform the measurement along a crosssection. During the cross-section measurement, a red auxiliary line will be created. The cross-section data measured can be used to calculate the volume.




Get the station of current position.


The station of the current position.

The cross-section survey panel contains the information to measure cross- section points.
The last part of the panel can show the following information:

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Stat.: The station of the current position. CL offset: The distance from the current position to the alignment. Delete station: The difference between the station of current position and the station of the target.
Cur/Fill: Vertical cut/fill to the design.
5.5.7 Stakeout report
Use the Report export function in the software to generate a report from survey data. Use the report to transfer data from the field to your client or the office for further processing with office software.
A table present the list of all the stakeout points with differences, in distances and elevations, between the design coordinate and the stakeout coordinate.
The file format is:



Point name

The name of the measured point.

Target N

The northing coordinate of the target.

Target E

The easting coordinate of the target.

Target elevation The elevation of the target.

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Page| 187

eField User Guide V7.5.0

Target station

The station of the target.

Target H Offset The H Offset the target.

Measured N

The northing coordinate of the measured point.

Measured E

The easting coordinate of the measured point.

Measured elevation

The elevation of the measured point.

Measured station The station of the measured point.

Measured Offset

H The H Offset of the measured point.

Delta station

The difference between the design station and the stakeout station.

Delta H Offset

The difference between the design H Offset and the stakeout H Offset.

Delta elevation

The difference between the design elevation and the stakeout elevation.

Cross-section offset

Horizontal offset relative to the cross-section.

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eField User Guide V7.5.0


The time of the measuring point.

5.5.8 Display the available stations
Some key stations defined by the horizontal alignment will display on the screen. The station abbreviations used in the Roads software is:




Road start


Road end


Curve to transition


Line to transition


Curve to line


Transition to line


Line to curve


Transition to curve

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6.1 Volume
Surface with Height: Above/Below Surface: Import above surface file. Click import icon to enter Surface File interface.
Users can choose surface file or create a new surface file by selecting points. Click New to create a new surface file, users can add a new point or select point in Points, then click OK the interface of “Surface building” will appear.
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

In this interface users can modify constraint line, boundary, and points of surface.
: Tap to view coordinates of points. Users can also input new points, select more points from points library, or delete points.
: Tap to view full screen.
: Tap to determine the constraint line. Select two constraint
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

points and create a constraint line. Then tap the triangulation networks generating icon. The line created by the constraint points won’t be changed after calculating.
: Tap to modify the boundary. Choose two points to create a new line for determining a new boundary, and then delete the wrong part of the boundary.
: Tap to delete a useless point or wrong part of the boundary. Tap the icon, select a target point or line, and tap [OK] to confirm the deletion.
: Tap to generate new triangulation networks. Sparse Coefficient: Input sparse coefficient of earth, range from 0 to 1. Finally, click Calculate to get result. From the result interface users can select Map or Detail. In the Map interface users can get cut or fill value, in the Detail interface users can know area and triangle of above surface and Below surface.
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

Click Export users can export the result with some photos (less than 8).
6.2 Join
Select starting point A and ending point B from point manager, click OK to calculate. The results calculated according to grid or ground surface will be shown in the table. The results contain: azimuth,
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elevating angle, horizontal distance, tile distance, north offset, east offset, height difference and gradient.
6.3 Area
This function is to calculate the area, perimeter of figure, the coordinates that participates resolve are chosen from point management by library chosen. The unit of perimeter is metric and the unit of area supports square meters. Add: Enter coordinate, select from library or map to add points to the list. Up/Down: Make selected points move up or down. Right slide: Right slide to delete point or check the details of the point. OK: Calculate the perimeter and area of the figure which is composed of points in sequence.
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

Area Division: Cut the selected area according to the value inputted. Choose the Subdivide method, input the area, should less then the whole selected area.
Click Calculate, after that, you can store or stakeout calculated point.
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6.4 Angle conversion
Angle conversion can convert degrees, minutes, seconds and radians among these 3 types of conversion. Enter a value in degrees, minutes and seconds edit box, click on the Calculate button to calculate the value of the corresponding degrees and radians. Similarly, it can convert radians to degrees and degrees, minutes and seconds, or converts degrees to radians and the value of every minute.
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

6.5 Parm Calc
Calculation Type: Include 7 Parameters, 7 Parameters(strict) and 3 Parameters.
7 Parameters/(strict): The application scope of 7 Parameters/(strict) is relatively large, generally larger than 50 km. Users need to know at least three/four pairs of known point values in local coordinate system and their corresponding WGS-84 coordinates. Only when we get the 7 parameters transmitting from WGS coordinate system to local coordinate system, can we start the parameter calculation.
3 parameters: At least one known point pair is requested which is usually used in small scales. The accuracy is up to the operating range, decreasing with the increase of operating distance.
Mode: We can choose Guide mode or Simple mode to add point pairs based on different situations.
Select Point Pair: Click Add to add point pairs and input pairs of GNSS points and known points to calculate parameters. Add WGS-84 coordinates at GNSS Point and add plane coordinates at Known Point.
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

GNSS Point: Select from library, survey or enter manually to add GNSS points. Known Point: Select from library, map or just enter manually to add known points.
Note: Select three corresponding point pairs and add to the interface of parameters calculation. Calculate: Click to calculate. The results will be popped up automatically. Then click OK to apply the parameters to the current project. Datum trans: Back to the main menu, click CRS to view Datum trans interface and the parameters can be viewed. Click more, you can choose to lock the parameters and the default password is 123456, which can also be changed. And we can also click unlock to edit parameters.
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

6.6 Calculator
Use for simple mathematical calculations.
MC: Clear historical. DRG: Transform input number type (Degree or rad). C: Clear current record. Sin/Cos/Tan: Calculate sin/cos/tan value. Users should click DRG to transform input number type into degree (DEG), sin 30(DRG) = 0.5.
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

: Back. log/ln: log10=1. : 83=2. : 82=64. n!: n!3=6.
6.7 Ruler
This function will provide users a ruler to do some simple measurement. Users can use real ruler to adjust the length of ruler by moving the circle, then click confirm icon.
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

6.8 Point to line dist
Select points A, B, C from point management and click OK to calculate. The result is displayed in a pop-up box, as follows: click Clean to clear current data.
6.9 Offset distance
Origin (A): Select form Points. Horizontal distance (AP’): Input the horizontal distance. Vertical distance (PP’): Input the vertical distance. Azimuth Angle: Input the azimuth angle. Calculate: Click Calculate to display a calculation result interface, enter the point name, and click OK to save the calculated point.
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

6.10 Deflection
Deflection Angle: Click Deflection to calculate deflection angle. Select Point A, B, C, and click OK, the angle will be displayed in pop-up interface.
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6.11 Rotation
Rotation: Point P is on the line AB which rotates a certain angle. After selecting AB points, the system will calculate the distance between A point and B point as default and this distance as initial value for AP. the value of AP can be negative which means the P point is in the extension line of selected line. A/B: Select the coordinate of A, B from Library Option. AP: Initial distance. Rotation Angle: Click OK will show calculate result. Calculation Result: Input name and code, and then click OK to save this calculated point.
6.12 Intersection
Known Points: Select points from point management, and click OK to
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

calculate the intersection P of line AB and line CD.
Points + 2 Sides: Select points A and B from point management. Enter the length of line AP and line B. Click OK to calculate. Input a name, and click OK to save.
Points + 2 Angles: Calculate intersection P with known points A and B and the inner angle of PAB. Click OK to calculate. Input a name, and click OK to save.
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

6.13 Bisection Angle
Bisection Angle: Given line BA and BC comes to an angle ABC, P is one point on the angle bisection line, according to the coordinates of Points A, B, C, and the plane distance from Point P to Point B, we can have the coordinate of Point P. If the distance value is negative, it means Point P is on the oppositely extension line of the angle bisection line. Click OK, the results will show out, input the point name, and click OK to save the calculated point.
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

6.14 Dividing Line
Dividing Line: Select start point and end point from Points, select Method, Input step length, first point name and name interval, then click Calc&Save; it will remind users a successful division. Click Points manager to review points.
6.15 Average of Points
Select: Select points to calculate.
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OK: Report the average value of selected points in calculation result interface.
Coordinate Type: Users can set coordinates types of points.
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

6.16 Grid to Ground
While surveying in the same area, users can get grid coordinates or ground coordinates with a GPS receiver or a total station, but it is unable to deal with different kinds of coordinates when post-process data. Grid to Ground function is used for calculating the combined factor and transform grid coordinates into ground coordinates, so that users can work with both total station and RTK receiver in the same project.
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

Tap Grid to in Tools interface. There are three methods to select grid coordinate: from Points, map selection and calculate directly. There needs two points for calculation, the first point coordinates are default as current base station coordinates. Grid scale factor, height scale and combined factor will be calculated after selecting second point coordinates. (Combined factor can also be inputted.)
3 ways to choose points: (1) Map Selection: Select a point in base map or measured point. (2) Survey: Click to get the current position. (3) Points: Click to choose points in points list.
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

Click Accept, and then users will see transformed ground coordinates in point detail. There is no need to apply combined factor when it’s 1, because default combined factor is 1 and users can view the ground coordinates in point detail directly. These ground coordinates can also be exported as TXT, DAT, or CSV format with customized content.
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space


If the software isn’t registered, please contact regional sales representative. Register: (1) Register via Email Enter the More interface and click Active software. Users will see register status is Inactive, click Inactive. Then users will see a pop-up window: “Enter an email address before activating the software.”, click OK.
Then input user information and click Register to submit application. Please input your true e-mail address, because we will send “Account activation” mail to this e-mail address.
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When users submit application successfully, it will prompt “Register via Email successfully, please go to mail box to activate your account!”. Click OK and go to mail box, and then users will see “Account activation” mail send by EFIX. Please click the URL to activate your account. After activation of mail account, users can go to Apply Register Code interface in eField.
(2) Apply Register Code
(a) Temporary usage
Click Apply after Temporary Code, and users can apply register code immediately. Then users will see progress bar turns orange and the status reads “Successfully”, please remember to restart eField after registration.
(b) Perpetual usage
Click Apply after Perpetual Code. Input a pre-code and click OK. Users should ask regional sales manager or dealer for pre-codes.
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

Then users will see progress bar turns orange and the status reads “Successfully”, please remember to restart eField after registration.
(3) Unbind Pre-code In general, one pre-code is corresponding to only one device. For some special situation, users can use unbind function to unbind the pre-code of current device, then this device will become unregistered status and the pre-code can be used in other device. Click Unbind, and users will see the progress bar turning orange. After the progress bar has turned orange “Unbind successfully” will appear.
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space

Then, users will find the current device becomes unregistered. It means you can use the pre-code in another device now.
EFIX Geomatics Co., Ltd.
Shanghai, China Email : [email protected] | [email protected] Website: www .efix-geo.com
Building the intelligent world with precise time and space


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