NAS CM3061 LoRaWAN BK-G Pulse Reader User Manual

May 15, 2024

NAS CM3061 LoRaWAN BK-G Pulse Reader

NAS-CM306- LoRaWAN-BK-G-Pulse-Reader-PRODUCT


  • Hybrid radio: LoRaWAN® and wM-Bus
  • A simple touch touch-to-connect configuration using the NAS Connect Mobile app
  • LoRaWAN® ready in wM-Bus mode (automatic switchover) Secure communications
  • Monthly, daily, hourly, quarter-hourly metering
  • Alerts : no usage, tamper
  • Simple configuration profiles
  • Pre-installed battery with expected life of n/a years
  • Device Firmware Update using a phone
  • Maintenance free – install and forget
  • Durable (IP68 rated)

Quick Start Guide

Make sure NAS Connect for iPhone (QR code link on the right) is installed and logged in using account.


Add CM3061 ‘s keys to the available LoRaWAN network server before turning CM3061 on. Necessary keys are DevEUI, JoinEUI (AppEUI) and AppKey (all keys LSB). Device class Class-A, activation join OTAA, LoRaWAN MAC version 1.0.3, regional param rev A.  Make sure your account has sufficient rights to access your CM3061 using

&oo not wake up CM30xx without an external antenna attached, this can damage radio circuitry. Fasten CM3061 tightly, as shown on the figure below. Attach the SMA antenna.

NAS-CM306- LoRaWAN-BK-G-Pulse-Reader-FIG-1

Scan CM3061 with the NAS Connect app near the ) logo. Configure relevant parameters (app screenshots below). Create Preset. Load Preset on other devices.
Notice: If installed during Summer Time it is recommended to manually set Winter Time by decreasing the Time Zone value by 1 h.

NAS-CM306- LoRaWAN-BK-G-Pulse-Reader-FIG-3


Parameter Typical
Dimensions (LxWxH)

unavailable:DINS:lengthxunavailable:DINS:widthxunavailable:DINS:height mm
Weight| 80 g
Enclosure Material| ABS(LG380LK)+engraving add.
IP rating| IP68
ATEX Approved| unavailable:ATEX
Operating Temperature| -5 ‘C … +65’C
Communication range| up to 15 km*
Antenna Connector| SMA
LoRaWAN Device Class| Class A
LoRaWAN Version| 1.0.3a
LoRaWAN Activation| OTAA
LoRaWAN Transmit Power| +16 dBm (EIRP)
LoRAWAN Receive Sensitivity| -137 dBm@ SF12, BW 125kHz
wM-Bus Mode| C1 mode-5 encryption
OMS version| 4.1.2
Expected battery life| n/a years**
Max. Storage Period| 1 year 10’C … 30’C

  • Communication range depends on the location of the sensor and the nearest base station, surroundings etc.
  • Battery life varies with extreme temperatures. Except if radio_lorawanprofile is lorawan 1_hstatic or lorawan 15_min_static profile.


CM3061 is updating meter readouts every 15 minutes. Meter readouts are timed 2 seconds early (xx:59:58, xx:14:58, xx:29:58, xx:44:58) so that monthly readout would have the date of previous month. meter_actuality_duration_minutes indicates the age of the readout value.
Alerts are updated together with timed meter readouts. active_alerts are reported as flags in the next packets. In LoRaWAN mode confirmed us age_with_status_packet clears pending active_alerts flags. In wM-Bus mode active_alerts flags are immediate values and not accumulated. Timed meter readouts to detect alert conditions are performed even in wmbus_privacy and lorawan_24_h_privacy modes.

Alert Condition Reset at
_alert_nousage no flow within the _alert_no_usage_intervaldays period

any flow
_alert_lowbattery| <182 days left of expected CM3061’s lifetime| never
_alerttamper| strong external magnetic field| reduced external magnetic field
Alert| Condition| Reset at
_alert_nousage| no flow within the _alert_no_usage_intervaldays period| any flow
_alert_lowbattery| <182 days left of expected CM3061’s lifetime| never
_alerttamper| strong external magnetic field| reduced external magnetic field

Measurement Method
CM3061 reads the volume by sensing a rotating magnet with a reed switch.
This method has some inherent limitations: only relative counting which can introduce error. This method is not guaranteed to ensure Liter-to­uter precision.
a/ert_tamperdetection is based on a reed switch (detecting an external strong magnetic field) positioned apart from the main reading reed. Meter removal is not detected by CM3061, ii can be verified by the broken seal.
meter_accumulated_volume_L – since CM30xx counts revolutions ii has no absolute reference, current meter reading has to be entered meterserial – serial number of the water meter can be configured, ii is reported in usage with_status_packet.


CM3061 implements LoRaWAN specification v1 .0.3 class A device. CM3061 listens for downlinks only briefly after uplink. LoRaWAN payloads are all LSB. LoRaWAN parameter NbTrans (formerly NbRep) determines the transmission count of unconfirmed packets, it can be adjusted by the backend (to increase the Quality of Service). CM3061 overrides NbTrans to be 1 at all times to avoid increased battery consumption.
After boot-up CM3061 performs LoRaWAN Over-the-Air Activation(OTAA) join procedure. The data rates used and the duration of the cycle are region- dependent. In LoRaWAN (except US915, AU915 and AS923 regions) the join cycle consists of 5 join request messages (DR4, DR3, DR2, DR1, ORO). The whole cycle can take up to 3 minutes in total. At successful join CM3061 will decrement DataRate by one when higher DataRates (DR3 —> DR2, DR4 —> DR3).
When using sa channel gateway in AU915 or US915 region with 64 channels, joining is roulette unless joining channel group mask is manually set (see Jorawan_ch_mask_group).
Recovery / Rejoin Mechanisms
LoRaWAN link quality can be assessed after join by looking at DataRate (ORO – worst, DR5 – best). Additionally, the Send Usage With LinkCheck button on the Extended Functions page sends the LoRaWAN LinkCheck MAC command to get the number of gateways and SNR. LoRaWAN connection is daily monitored using usage_with_status_packets confirmations (ACKs).

NAS-CM306- LoRaWAN-BK-G-Pulse-Reader-FIG-6

ADR recovery step decreases DataRate by dividing DataRate index by two (e.g. DR4—> DR2) and increases TX power by dividing power reduction value (relative to max power of region) by two (e.g. 3 dBm—> 9 dBm, 9—> 12, 11 —> 13).

Profile Timings
LoRaWAN timed payloads are transmitted with the specific time offset after meter readout to reduce packet collisions. The time offset is calculated randomly once at boot (system reset) ranging from 30 sec to 14 min 30 sec. Dynamic profiles ensure battery lifetime by lowering transmission interval at lower data rates (which means longer air times). Static profiles do not alter transmission intervals at the expense of reduced battery lifetime. In Jorawan_24_h_privacy (GDPR) mode reported meter readout value is updated once a month to hide the consumption patterns.

LoRaWAN Profile| LoRaWAN packet interval| Metering value update interval| Internal meter readout interval| Reduced lifetime
_lorawan_24_hprivacy| 24 h| monthly| 15 min| no
_/orawan_24h| 24 h| 24 h| 15 min| no
lorawan _ 12 _ h| 12 h| 12 h| 15 min| no
/orawan _ 1 _ h _ dynamic| 1 h / 2 h (DRO)| 1 h / 2 h (DRO)| 15 min| no
lorawan _
15 _ min _ dynamic| 15 min/ 1 h (DR1, DR2) / 2 h (DRO)| 15 min/ 1 h (DR1, DR2) / 2 h (DRO)| 15 min| no
lorawan 1_hstatic| 1 h| 1 h| 15 min| yes
lorawan _ 15 _ min ___ static| 15 min| 15 min| 15 min| yes

Packets Overview

CM3061 sends out usage_packets on configured intervals with the exception of midnight and noon when usage_with_status_packetis sent instead. This payload contains everything that is needed for billing purposes. usage_with_status_packet differs from usage_packetonly by added device_status block. After every LoRaWAN join, CM3061 sends out a boot_packet. If any configuration parameter is changed (via app or LoRaWAN downlink) or configuration restored at boot, CM30xx sends out the corresponding configuration packet.

NAS-CM306- LoRaWAN-BK-G-Pulse-Reader-FIG-7

Note: LoRaWAN DeviceTimeReq MAC command is added to bootpacket and usage_with_status_packets once every 96h to synchronise CM30xx time. This usage_with_status_packets has been reported to be hidden in certain networks (e.g. TTN) due to added MAC command, in that case please contact the service provider.


  • wM-Bus operates in C1 mode, using mode-5 encryption. wM-Bus is only available on CM3061A (LoRaWAN EU868 region), disabled in all other regions.
  • wM-Bus Serial is the second half of CM3061 DevEUI (e.g. 70b3d5b020042593—, 20042593).

Profile Timings
In wmbus_privacy (GDPR) mode reported meter readout value is updated once a month to hide the consumption patterns.

wM-Bus Profile| Internal meter readout interval| Metering value update interval| wM-Bus packet interval| Battery life ensured
wmbus _ privacy| 15 min| monthly| 17 s| yes
wmbus _
driveby| 15 min| 24 h| 17 s| yes
_wmbusfixnet| 15 min| 15min| 60 s| yes

Reported Parameters List

Details about the parameters contained in wM-Bus frame.

Parameter Updated Data Record Header Total length
_meter_actuality_durations always (for volume) 0x02 0x74 5
meter _ accumulated _ volume ___ L wmbus ___ fixnet- 15

min, wmbus ___ driveby- 24 h,

wmbus ___ privacy – n/a

| 0x04 0x1x| 6
meter _ key _ date _ accumulated _ volume _ L| monthly| 0x44 0x1x| 6
meter _
key ___ date| monthly| 0x42 0x6C| 4
_remainingbattery| always| 0x02 0xFD 0x74| 5
_manufacturerspecific (Alerts and


| always| 0x0F 0x01| 4


CM3061 can be configured using NAS Connect app at installation and in case of need also remotely via LoRaWAN. Changes of parameters in the App will trigger a LoRaWAN uplink packet with the corresponding configuration right after leaving the corresponding page in the app. Common settings can be stored in the NAS Connect app using the “Create/Load Preset” button so that specific presets can be easily loaded onto other CM3061 devices. Creating a preset store the current configuration as a preset, so apply desired configurations first. The “Reset To Defaults” button in app resets all the configurations to factory defaults.
configuration downlink packet over LoRaWAN will either respond with the new configuration packet if parsing was successful or with an error code. Device configuration can be requested, see Configuration Request. All configurations are divided into two categories: General Configuration and Location Configuration. There is a separate LoRaWAN configuration packet and separate page in NAS Connect app for each of these categories. Changing a parameter using the NAS Connect app sets the corresponding LoRaWAN configuration packet pending, the packet is sent after leaving the corresponding configuration page in the app.

Genera/_configuration_packet Parameters
Configures radio profiles, meter and alert_ parameters.

NAS-CM306- LoRaWAN-BK-G-Pulse-Reader-FIG-78

Location_configuration_packet Parameters
Configures optional meta information that is stored inside CM3061 and reported over LoRaWAN when added and can be requested at any time over LoRaWAN. id_customerand id_location can be used as customer EiC and metering EiC. All text fields are UTF-8 compatible strings (not nullterminated).
Notice: all the lengths of the text fields are in bytes, not symbols (UTF-8 symbols can take multiple bytes). The content may be sent in two portions if all the fields are filled and the available payload length is insufficient.

NAS-CM306- LoRaWAN-BK-G-Pulse-Reader-FIG-8NAS-
CM306- LoRaWAN-BK-G-Pulse-Reader-FIG-9 Functionality Description

Hybrid Radio Mode
CM3061 has two radio stacks: wM-Bus and LoRaWAN and it can automatically switch back and forth between them on specific conditions, preferring the LoRaWAN network if available. Modes are determined by the combination of radio_/orawan_profile and radio_wmbusprofile. CM30xx operates in regular single radio mode if the other profile is disabled.

Mode Description Case
Hybrid mode (wM­ Bus active) CM3061 transmits wM-Bus packets and tries to
join to LoRaWAN weekly Plans of installing LoRaWAN network in the future
Hybrid mode (LoRaWAN active) CM3061 transmits LoRaWAN packets, if packet

confirmations are missing for a week, try to rejoin. If join fails, enter wM- Bus| Falls back to wM-Bus

if the LoRaWAN network fails

Battery Lifetime
battery_remaining_years is reported in usage_with_statuspacket and wM-Bus packet. All profiles except /orawan 1_hstatic and /orawan 15_min_static are calculated to ensure a specified battery lifetime. Operating CM3061 for more than 10 days in one of these static modes invalidates the remaining battery estimations. active_alerts.low_battery means that less than 182 days of battery is left. The flag remains on until the end of life.
Battery lifetime estimations are based Medium Zone temperature profile as seen below.

-20°C -10°C 0°C 10°c 20°c 30°c 40°c 50°C
1 % 2% 12 % 20% 21% 20% 16
% 8 %

CM3061 Local Time
A correct device clock is needed to take e.g. hourly readings at the right time. The two methods to synchronise the CM3061 clock are:

  1. NAS Connect app – time is automatically synced if the logged-in user has configurator rights for the device.
  2. LoRaWAN DeviceTimeReq – synchronises after successful join (with booLpacket) and regularly with 4-day intervals (with usagewit h status packet).

CM3061 is time zone aware (knows it offset from UTC), but not Summer Time aware. If installed during Summer Time it is recommended to manually set Winter Time by decreasing the time_zone value by 1 h. CM3061 ‘s local time can be requested for troubleshooting purposes over LoRAWAN using /ocaltime_request

Boot-up Behaviour
At boot-up, CM3061 runs a self-check routine. If there is some internal failure, CM3061 will shut down immediately except when the NAS Connect app is connected for the user to see the issue (shutdown will still be pending). At the very end of battery life CM3061 falls into a reset loop due to dropping battery voltage. After 4 sequent unfinished wake-ups, CM3061 sleeps for 4 hours and then reboots to retry again 4 times and so on. This 4-hour waiting can be cancelled by scanning CM3061 with NAS Connect app.

Shutdown Behaviour
In LoRaWAN mode a shutdown_packetsending is attempted within 5 seconds (LoRaWAN might be duty-cycle locked). shutdown_packetco ntains shutdown reason and last usage_with_status_packet. Shutdown does not erase settings.

LED Indications

Mode Indication Duration
Wakeup red blinks once a second 5 sec
Shutdown red blinks twice a second, end with a long pulse 5 sec
NAS Connect app connected blue blinks with 2-second interval while app


NAS-CM306- LoRaWAN-BK-G-Pulse-Reader-FIG-10

CM3061 firmware can be updated using free nRF Toolbox App. DFU mode can be activated via LoRaWAN or using the NAS Connect app. The downgrade is not possible, nor LoRaWAN region change. CM3061 retains its configurations. All readouts (monthly etc) are reset to boot moment.
NAS Connect App
CM3061 can be conveniently configured using the NAS Connect App featuring:

  • Touch (scan NFC) to connect
  • Real-time parameters, states, modes Convenient configuration
  • Preset storage (create and load preset) CM3061 Quick start guide easily accessible Triggering DFU of CM3061
  • Setting CM3061 GPS coordinates with phone Secure communication

The app consists of pages that can be navigated from the left sidebar. Additionally, some system functions of CM3061 can be accessed on the sidebar. CM3061 can only be turned on and shut down using the NAS Connect App. It can be configured either using NAS Connect app or over LoRaWAN.


NAS Connect does not store anything inside the phone except the login token in a secure cell and stored configuration presets. NAS Connect App needs a user to have a account and Internet connection to access the device above guest_Jevel. The device challenges the server and the server provides user_right_level. This request is only to authenticate NAS Connect app access to CM30xx. The authentication request (after scanning CM30xx) is logged on the server side, log containing the username, timestamp, user right level, and device DevEUI. No parameter visible/configurable in the app is stored/logged/forwarded. Optional meta parameters like gpsposition, address, id_customer, id_location etc are only stored in CM30xx, they are transmitted over LoRaWAN once after setting them. If user has rights above guest_level NAS Connect app updates CM30xx time at every connection.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Where do I get the LoRaWAN keys (AppKey etc) for CM3061?
  • A: The keys are distributed by the seller at purchase.
  • Q: CM3061 is not joining to LoRAWAN network?
  • A: Make sure there is a working LoRaWAN gateway nearby. Make sure the device is properly provisioned. In case of poor LoRAWAN signal (e.g. inside basement), first try to join in better conditions (e.g. outside) to rule out network problems (correct keys, gateway etc) and then rejoin in a real location. US915, AU915 and AS923 LoRAWAN region specifications define 64 channels and gateways have mostly 8 channels, so joining is a roulette. It can be accelerated (and battery saved) by choosing LoRaWAN Ch. Mask Group from app. In case of testing in multiple overlapping LoRaWAN networks make sure the keys are deleted from all other network servers.
  • Q: CM3061 needs to be transferred to another LoRaWAN network, how to rejoin?
  • A: Make sure the keys are only present in the desired network. If the CM3061 can be accessed with NAS Connect app, rejoin can be immediately triggered. If CM3061 is inaccessible, CM3061 will automatically attempt to rejoin in 7 days from last successful ACK.
  • Q: The packet comes from the correct form but bytes do not match with the payload structures document.
  • A: The payloads may be encrypted when length and fPort are correct but bytes seem totally random. The packets have to originate from the application server (decrypted) not the network server.
  • Q: “Could not connect to NAS device” message in NAS Connect app?
  • A: Try to scan CM3061 again. NFC reading is sensitive to distance and minimises motion during NFC scanning. Due to continuous NFC scanning on newer phones, NFC tag is hidden after each scan for 2 seconds to avoid new connection. Is iPhone Settings-> Privacy-> Bluetooth -> NAS Connect enabled?
  • Q: NFC of CM3061 not scanning at all?
  • A: Try again to find optimal position between the CM3061 NFC antenna and the phone.
  • Try to scan with some other NFC app, if that works try again with NAS Connect App. Swipe the reed with magnet to reset the NFC tag. If nothing helps, try to rescan after an hour.
  • Q: Can the CM3061 battery be replaced?
  • A: No, CM30xx is potted in to achieve {nas:erp:meta: INPR} rating.
  • Q: Why NAS Connect app show only a few pages on CM3061?
  • A: Reduced functionality means guest access. To achieve a higher access level, make sure:
    • the phone has an Internet connection while connecting to CM3061 (no offline configuration at this point)
    • in the NAS Connect app, the user has to be logged in using the account
    • user account must have desired rights for the device in

Ordering Information

Example ordering code CM3061 A#0001 EU consists of following:

Article region SKU region LoRAWAN band
A EU EU868
B AU AU915
C us US915
D AS AS923
F KR KR920
  IN IN865
J RU RU864


CM3061s are shipped either in a single or bulk package depending on order code package quantity.  Single package each CM3061 has a separate unavailable:SPDM (mm) cardboard box. Bulk package reduces waste by packing up to unavailable:BPNP CM3061s into larger unavailable: BPDM (mm) cardboard box. Minimum bulk order quantity is unavailable: MOQ.

CM3061 package includes

  • n x CM3061 Module
  • n x External SMA antenna
  • 1 x Printed Quick Start Guide
  • n x QR LoRaWAN/wM-Bus keys on a removable sticker (samples only)


Revision History
First version

All content contained herein is subject to change without notice. Nordic Automation Systems reserves the right to change or modify the content at any time.

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