Kidzone S02 Bumper Car for Toddlers and Babies Installation Guide

May 15, 2024

Kidzone S02 Bumper Car for Toddlers and Babies

Important Information

Picture for your reference only
This instruction is important please keep bikeefully. 

  1. Maximum weight limit is 44 pounds.
  2. This product requires adult assembly.
  3. Ensure a 4 to 6-hour charge prior to first use.
  4. Please review this instruction manual thoroughly
  5. before operating and retain it for future reference

Before Use

Please read our installation instructions carefully before use to prevent damage to the bumper car and to avoid the risk of injury from improper use. Ensure that you teach your child the safe operation of the bumper car. Keep this manual for future reference. Should you encounter any issues, please consult our troubleshooting guide.


External Dimensions 78x68x48CM Lead-acid battery 6V4. 5AH *2
Age 37-72months Lead-acid charger 6V0. 5A
Weight Limitation 20KG Charging Time 8-12 hours
Speed 3-7km/hr Lithium-Ion battery
Protector Specifications Self reset protector 7A Lithium-Ion Battery
Battery Charging Charging Time 5-8hours
Electric Motor Drive RS380 12VDC RPM 13000*2

Safety Guidelines

  1. Children under the age of 3 should not use this bumper car to prevent the risk of injury.
  2. Adults should assemble and conduct safety inspections on the bumper car to prevent risk from sharp parts.
  3. Keep children away from the packaging materials to prevent the danger of suffocation.
  4. Children should always wear a safety helmet and be under adult supervision when using the bumper car.
  5. The bumper car has a weight limit of 20KG and is suitable for children aged 37-72 months. Only one child may use it at a time.
  6. This bumper car is suitable for flat surfaces only; do not operate on sandy or rough terrain.
  7. This bumper car is not designed for transportation; please refrain from using it on public roads.
  8. Only switch between forward and backward modes when the bumper car is stationary; never switch while in motion.
  9. When moving forward, do not attempt to push the bumper car backward or from the side which could cause it to tip over.
  10. Battery charging should be performed by adults only; children must not charge the bumper car.
  11. Clean the bumper car using a dry cloth to prevent circuit damage; do not clean with water or leave it outdoors in rainy conditions.
  12. It is recommended to inspect the bumper car bi-monthly, checking the electrical wiring, charger, exterior surfaces, steering system, and other critical components. Cease usage immediately if discrepancies are found.
  13. The power system and charger of this bumper car are not toys; children must not play with them to avoid danger.
  14. Use only the supplied charger and maintain a stable voltage when charging to extend the battery life.
  15. Do not cause a power supply or circuit short; it can lead to potential fire hazards.
  16. Protect the bumper car from high temperatures to prevent the plastic from melting, and keep it away from flammable materials during charging to prevent fire risks.
  17. Please refrain from using any other type of guard.
  18. Do not mix old and new batteries; replace them completely when depleted and dispose of the spent batteries properly in a recycling bin.
  19. If the bumper car will not be used for a long period, disconnect the battery by removing the red wire and ensure the power switch is in the “OFF” position.
  20. Please keep the bumper car out of direct sunlight and do not use it in the rain.
  21. Keep the package for its important information and future reference.
  22. Modifications to the bumper car by merchants, distributors, or users are not permitted; they must assume full responsibility for any consequences.

Component Illustration

  • Instruction *1
    Component Illustration

  • 4G remote *1
    Component Illustration

  • Wheel *1
    Component Illustration

  • Charger *1
    Component Illustration

  • Srewdie*1

  • nut *1

Caution: Dry Battery Safety Guidelines (Optional):

  1. Do not modify the product’s structure or circuitry without authorization.
  2. Use the toy only for its intended purpose.
  3. Insert batteries with the correct polarity.
  4. Avoid causing a short circuit in the batteries.
  5. Do not attempt to recharge non-rechargeable batteries.
  6. Rechargeable batteries should be recharged only under adult supervision.
  7. Do not mix old and new batteries, or different types of batteries.
  8. Dispose of used batteries in a designated toxic waste container to prevent children from accessing them.
  9. If the toy will not be used for an extended period, remove the batteries and store them safely out of children’s reach.
    Dry Battery Safety Guidelines

Bumper Car Structure

Bumper Car Structure

Assembly Instructions

  1. Remove the wheel, then connect its wire to the corresponding wire on the bike by matching the colors.

  2. Position the wheel onto the instrument panel, reinsert the screws you previously removed from the wheel, then secure the assembly with the nut.
    Assembly Instructions

  3. Use a screwdriver to open the seat compartment, locate the red positive wire, and attach it to the positive terminal of the battery. Then, switch to “ON” to test the connection.

  4. Place the seat back onto the bike and tighten the screws to secure it.
    Assembly Instructions

Operating Instruction

Please ensure the wires are correctly connected to the battery before using the bumper car.

  1. This bumper car comes equipped with music and remote control functions. An adult can either use the remote control to operate the car or let the child drive on their own. The music button is centrally located on the instrument panel, as shown in the picture.
  2. If the car slows down, it could indicate that the battery needs charging. While the battery is charging, it is normal for it to feel warm as it releases heat. If the battery becomes excessively hot to the point of being untouchable, please discontinue charging and troubleshoot the issue.
  3. For the functions depicted in the images below:
    a. Press the upper left and right buttons simultaneously on the instrument panel to move the car forward.
    b. Press the lower left and right buttons at the same time on the instrument panel to reverse the car.
    Operating Instruction

To move the bumper car forward, press both forward buttons at the same time.
To move the bumper car backward, press both backward buttons at the same time.

Safety Equipment

Our bumper car is designed with an automatic defense mechanism to protect against overloading and misuse. If the car is overloaded or used inappropriately, the battery will automatically shut off power for 10-20 seconds and then restart. To prevent the battery from cutting out, please follow these instructions:

  1. Avoid overloading the bumper car; the maximum load is 20 kg (44 lbs).
  2. Do not use the bumper car for towing or on long journeys.
  3. Protect the battery from water and other liquids, as moisture can cause a short circuit.
  4. Do not alter the bumper car’s electrical circuit or instruments.

Charging Procedures

  1. Before charging, ensure that the bumper car is turned off and do not use the bumper car during the charging process.
  2. Insert the charger plug into the charging port located at the right front of the seat as illustrated in the image provided. It is not necessary to remove the seat cover. Then connect the charger to an electrical outlet with the proper voltage.
    Charging Procedures


  1. Only adults should perform the charging process.
  2. For the initial charge, it is recommended to charge the bumper car for 8 to 12 hours.
  3. Charge time should be between 8 to 12 hours and must not exceed 15 hours, as it could damage the battery.
  4. Tampering with the charger or battery is prohibited. The bumper car should only be connected with the charger and battery supplied by our company.
  5. Since the battery is removable, please ensure it is not placed upside down during the charging process.
  6. Before charging, inspect the charger, battery, and plug for any damage. If damage is discovered, cease usage until repairs have been made.
  7. If the bumper car will not be used for an extended period, be sure to charge the battery every three months to prolong its lifespan.

Care And Maintenance

  1. Pre-Use Inspection:
    a.Before each use, an adult should inspect the main components of the bumper car to ensure that it is in good condition.
    b.Verify that outfits and other parts are not damaged and that all screws are securely fastened.
    c.If any unsafe conditions are identified, do not operate the vehicle until all issues have been properly addressed and fixed.

  2. Routine Maintenance:
    a.Conduct regular periodic checks.
    b.Apply lubricant to the metal parts to prevent rust.

  3. Proper Storage:
    a.Store the bumper car away from direct heat and fire sources, avoiding prolonged exposure to sunlight.
    b.The car should be stored right side up, not upside down or at an angle.
    c.During wet weather conditions, keep the car indoors or covered with a waterproof tarp.

  4. Avoiding Heat Damage:
    a.Keep the car away from stoves, heaters, or any high-temperature devices that may cause the plastic to melt.

  5. Cleaning:
    a.Use a clean, soft cloth or a non-waxy furniture polish to maintain the shine of the plastic parts.
    b.Avoid using chemical solvents, soap, or water for cleaning.
    c.Do not operate the car in the rain or snow.

  6. Product Illustration Disclaimer:
    a.The included illustrations are intended to demonstrate the operation and construction of the car.
    b.If the materials received do not exactly match the illustrations, adhere to what you have received as the standard.

  7. Product Enhancements:
    a.The company may update the structure and appearance of the product to improve quality.
    b.Please be understanding of any enhancements made.

  8. Keep the Instructions:
    a.Retain these instructions as they contain important information about the car.

Troubleshooting and Maintenance for Children’s Bumper Cars

If the Bumper Car Doesn’t Move:

  1. Battery Check: Confirm if the battery voltage is low and if it needs recharging.
  2. Connection Verification: Ensure that the positive and negative connections are correctly made.
  3. Fuse Inspection: Examine the fuse and replace or secure the connections if necessary.
  4. Charging Status: Ensure the vehicle is not still connected to the charger. Disconnecting should resolve the issue.
  5. Power Switch: Check that the power switch is properly set to the ‘on’ position.
  6. Battery Assessment: Evaluate the battery for potential damage and replace it if needed.
  7. Motor Service: If the motor is faulty, seek repair or replacement from an authorized dealer.

If the Bumper Car Has Slow Speed:

  1. Battery Recharge: If the bumper car is running slow, it may need a battery recharge.
  2. Load Weight: Check that the load isn’t exceeding the recommended weight limit.
  3. Charger Function: Inspect the charger for damage which could affect charging efficiency.
  4. Battery Condition: Old batteries may not retain sufficient charge and might require replacement.

Charging Issues:

  1. Burned Out Battery: If a burning smell is present while charging, the battery may be burned out.
    Chargers typically warm up during normal operation.

  2. Battery Inspection: Check for damage, leaks, or a change in battery shape.

  3. Connection Check: Ensure that the battery and charger are well connected.

  4. Damage Assessment: Verify if the charger or the battery has sustained any damage.

  5. Socket Condition: Inspect the charging socket for breakage or damage.

For persistent issues, please reach out to customer support or a professional repair service for assistance.


  1. The bike should be assembled by adults.
  2. Age below 3 or over 8 years old, those kids are not allowed to ride this bike.
  3. The charging should be done by adults.
  4. Before first ride, please charge 4~6 hours unless the battery will be damaged permanently.
  5. Please do not ride on the traffic road, and the bike should be rode under the adults supervision.
  6. The maximum load of the bike is 20kg, and only allowed one kid to sit in.
  7. When riding the bike, it’s very dangerous if the kid stand up on the seat or take other dangerous action, please make sure your kid is on the seat until the bike stopped.
  8. Please do not switch “forward” or “backward” frequently and suddenly.
  9. To avoid crashing on expensive objects, please do not ride in a narrow space, this will also cause the damage to the bike.
  10. If you are going to not ride the bike for a long time, please turn off and unplug the positive cable.
  11. The battery of the bike is valid for three years.


Kidzone S02 Bumper Car for Toddlers and Babies


SIZE : 22.0 x 11.8 x 17.7inch

Please read the manual carefully before use.


  1. Install 2 batteries into the wheel and use screwdriver to fasten the box cover.
  2. Insert the wheel into the car body as below picture.

Batteries Replacement Instruction

Use a screwdriver to take out the batteries and add 2
Batteries Replacement Instruction
NO. 5 alkaline cell AA1.5V in the box and fix it.
Make sure the positive and negative is correct.
Batteries Replacement Instruction

Dry Battery Warning (optional)

  1. The bumper car must be assembled by an adult.
  2. Children under 3 years of age or over 8 years of age are not allowed to ride this bumper car.
  3. Charging should be performed by an adult.
  4. Before the first use, please charge the battery for 4 to 6 hours to avoid permanent damage.
  5. Do not operate the bumper car on public roads and ensure it is used under adult supervision.
  6. The bumper car has a maximum load capacity of 20kg and is designed for use by only one child at a time.
  7. It is very dangerous for a child to stand on the seat or engage in other risky behaviors while the bumper car is in motion. Ensure your child remains seated until the bumper car has stopped.
  8. Please avoid frequently or suddenly switching between ‘forward’ and ‘backward’ modes.
  9. To prevent collisions with valuable objects and to avoid damaging the bumper car, do not operate it in narrow spaces.
  10. If the bumper car will not be in use for a long period, please turn it off and disconnect the positive cable.
  11. The lifespan of the bumper car’s battery is three years.

Part Name

Part Name

Care And Maintenance

  • Before each use, adult family members should check the main parts of the bumper car to ensure the body and other components are not damaged and that all screws are tightened securely. If any unsafe condition is discovered, do not operate the vehicle until all issues have been properly addressed and rectified.

  • Regular periodic checks should be conducted, and lubricant should be applied to the metal parts of the car to prevent rusting. The car should be stored away from sources of fire and should be protected from prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. It should be positioned right side up, not upside down or at an angle; in wet weather, it should be kept indoors or covered with a waterproof cover to prevent water damage.

  • The vehicle should also not be stored near stoves or heaters, as high temperatures can cause plastic parts to melt.
    Use a clean, soft cloth or non-wax-based furniture polish to buff the plastic parts of the car, keeping it looking as good as new. Avoid using chemical solvents, soap, or water to clean the car, and do not operate the car in rain or snow.

  • The illustrations provided in these instructions serve to describe the operation and construction of the car. If the materials you have received do not match the pictures exactly, please use what you have received as the standard.
    We may partially upgrade the structure and appearance of the product to improve quality, so please be understanding

  • It is important to retain these instructions as they contain critical information about the maintenance of the car.


  1. The bumper car must be assembled and inspected by an adult before use.
  2. Please be aware of any potential dangers such as sharp edges or corners.
  3. The toy is not suitable for children under 36 months to use alone.
  4. The car should only be used under adult supervision and is not permitted to be used as public transportation.
  5. Do not use water to clean the car; instead, use a cloth to wipe it down.
  6. The maximum weight limit is 20KG, and children over this weight are not allowed to use the car.
  7. The recommended age for users is from 37 to 72 months.
  8. Merchandisers, distributors, or buyers are not permitted to modify the car by themselves.
    They must accept responsibility for any resulting consequences.

Execution Standard

GB 6675-2014《TOY SAFTY PART I: Basic specification》
GB 6675.2-2014《TOY SAFTY PART II: Mechanical and physical properties》
GB 6675.3-2014《TOY SAFTY PART III: Flammability test》
GB 6675.4-2014《TOY SAFTY PART IV: Migration of specific elements》
(once appropriate)

Product name Children Sliding Bike
Aplicable age 37-72 months
Load 20kg
Type S04

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