EQT Global Workplace Health and Safety User Guide
- May 15, 2024
Table of Contents
- EQT Global Workplace Health and Safety
- Product Information
- Product Usage Instructions
- Statement of intent
- Framework
- Roles and responsibilities
- Risk assessment
- H&S incident reporting and investigation
- Monitoring, measurement and review
- H&S arrangements
- Related information and documents
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EQT Global Workplace Health and Safety
Product Information
- Product Name: EQT Global Workplace Health and Safety Guideline
- Document Owner: EQT Head of Corporate Real Estate and Workplace
- Accessibility: Internal/External via Intranet/Website
- Adopted by: OpsCom
- Date of Adoption: 2023-09-04
- Revision Cycle: Annually
Product Usage Instructions
Statement of Intent
EQT is committed to providing safe and healthy workplaces for all its employees globally. The guideline is reviewed annually to ensure compliance with local health and safety requirements. -
EQT focuses on employee health and wellbeing through a comprehensive safety culture and continuous improvement of work environments. Responsibilities include legal compliance, risk assessment, and addressing environmental aspects of the workplace. -
Roles and Responsibilities
EQT is responsible for the health and safety of employees, temporary staff, and others on its premises. Roles include identifying hazards, implementing controls, and promoting a safety-conscious culture. -
Risk Assessment
Risk assessments are conducted to identify potential hazards in the workplace. This involves evaluating risks, implementing control measures, and reviewing effectiveness regularly. -
H &S Incident Reporting and Investigation
All incidents related to health and safety should be promptly reported and investigated. Learn how to report incidents, document findings, and implement corrective actions. -
Monitoring, Measurement, and Review
Ongoing monitoring and measurement of health and safety performance are crucial. Regular reviews help identify areas for improvement and ensure compliance with set standards. -
H &S Arrangements
Establishing clear health and safety arrangements is essential. This includes emergency procedures, safety training, and maintaining a safe work environment.
Q: How often should the EQT Global Workplace Health & Safety Guideline be reviewed?
A: The guideline should be revisited and reviewed at least annually to ensure it meets current requirements. -
Q: Who is responsible for the health and safety of individuals on EQT premises?
A: EQT holds the responsibility for the health and safety of employees, temporary staff, and others present on its premises.
Adopted by | OpsCom |
Date of Adoption | 2023-09-04 |
To be revised/adopted | Annually |
Applies to | EQT |
Document owner | Head of Corporate Real Estate and Workplace |
Accessibility | Intranet/Website |
Classification | Internal/External |
Statement of intent
EQT is committed to providing safe and healthy workplaces for all its employees across the globe. EQT is also committed to ensuring it meets or exceeds all local requirements for health and safety management.
The EQT Global Workplace Health & Safety Guideline provides a framework to support EQT in:
- Providing and maintaining safe and healthy workplaces
- Preventing work-related accidents and ill-health
- Managing health and safety risks
- Implementing emergency procedures, including evacuation in the event of fire or other significant incidents
- Consulting with its employees on matters affecting workplace health and safety
- Ensuring employees have suitable information, instruction and training relating to workplace health and safety matters
- Continuously improving workplace health and safety performance
The EQT Global Workplace Health & Safety Guideline is to be revisited and reviewed at least annually.
Ensuring best-in-class employee health and well-being is central to EQT’s commitment to accelerating positive, sustainable impact. Providing physically safe workplaces is fundamental to this commitment, but more importantly, outstanding employee health and well-being rests on a comprehensive safety culture and dedication to continuously improving all aspects of our work environments.
EQT is responsible for the health and safety (H&S) of employees, temporary staff and others on its premises. This responsibility is far-reaching and involves fulfilling legal and other requirements as well as proactively addressing risks and opportunities. It is related not only to the physical workplace and work activities but also includes the environmental aspects of the modern workplace. The EQT Global Workplace Health and Safety Guideline (the/this Guideline) provides EQT entities and locations a framework for ensuring safe and healthy workplaces and outlines roles and responsibilities throughout the organization.
This Guideline applies to all EQT employees, temporary staff and external
parties engaging with EQT on our premises. Conduct prohibited by this
Guideline is unacceptable and will be addressed formally. Failure to comply
with this Guideline or contravention of statutory requirements, regulations,
or rules, will be resolved by conditions of employment.
As work environment and operational health and safety are regulated on a
national level, local laws and regulations always take precedence over these
guidelines when applicable, i.e., if stricter than what is set out in this
A systematic approach
EQT’s approach is founded on the concept of systematic Plan-Do-Check-Act
(PDCA) from ‘HSG65: Managing for Health and Safety’ produced by The Health and
Safety Executive (UK H&S Regulator). This concept is also used within ISO
45001:2018, the international standard for OH&S management systems. Similarly,
local legal provisions on systematic work environment management, e.g., the
Swedish Work Environment Act, are based on the same principle.
The PDCA concept is an iterative process used to achieve continual
improvement. It can be applied to a management system and each of its elements
as follows:
- Plan: determine and assess risks and opportunities, establish objectives and processes necessary to deliver results by the organization’s overall objectives and guidelines
- Do: implement the processes as planned
- Check: monitor and measure activities and processes about objectives and guidelines, and report the results
- Act: take actions to continually improve H&S performance to achieve the intended outcomes.
Roles and responsibilities
Workplace health and safety is one of many business risks that need to be managed by the company. Whilst everyone in EQT has a responsibility to ensure safe working practices in their workplaces, the legal accountability rests with the heads of EQT’s entities. Outlining the roles and responsibilities related to H&S is important to ensure that legal duties are met but also to ensure that responses can be swift and effective in the event of a health and safety issue.
EQT’s Executive Committee (ExCom)
- Empower an organizational approach that ensures safe and healthy work environments for all EQT employees worldwide
Operations Committee (OpsCom)
- Ensure key staff are appointed to undertake specific duties to comply with this Guideline and all applicable requirements
- Ensure that general safety matters raised by the Head of Corporate Real Estate and Workplace are addressed
Head of Corporate Real Estate and Workplace
- Maintain a broad understanding of this Guideline, related procedures, and those statutory requirements that may affect the organization’s activities
- Ensure the OpsCom is made aware of general safety matters within the organization
- Where applicable, ensure a trained H&S Officer is appointed for the legal entity or office location
- Ensure information relating to the organization’s safety performance is collated and that all appropriate statutory and regulatory records relating to H&S are maintained
- Guide management and ensure employee induction training includes H&S information
Heads of EQT’s entities/locations
- As legally accountable for workplace health and safety, ensure that EQT has the organizational arrangements and systems in place to effectively manage the health and safety of its employees and workplaces
- Help lead and promote EQs’s organizational culture and approach to safe and healthy work environments
- Maintain a broad understanding of the Guidelines, related procedures, and statutory requirements affecting local activities
- Ensure that the workplace(s) under their control are compliant with the arrangements set out in this guideline and that necessary H&S authorities and resources are assigned/delegated, communicated at all levels within the organization, and maintained as documented information
- Ensure that health, safety, and welfare compliance is collaborating with any internal audits and, where necessary, ensure safety recommendations from inspection, audits and accident investigations are implemented to prevent re-occurrence
- Together with the local office manager (H&S officer), act as a focal point for liaison with enforcing authorities and other external bodies
These tasks may be delegated to the local office manager, or where applicable, the locally appointed H&S officer.
Local office managers
Act as local H&S manager where required by local regulations; assist with the identification of applicable legislation. The role requires qualifications, such as IOSH Manager’s Certificate or similar.
Ensure that all necessary statutory and regulatory records are available
Appoint persons to assist in compliance with the Guideline, e.g., Fire warden and First Aiders. Ensure suitable first aid provision is available during normal working hours.
As relevant, undertake site-specific risk assessments, for each risk area in the office, and document the necessary control measures identified. Ensure audits and/or assessments of the organization’s workplaces are carried out. Participate in safety reviews as requested.
Before office-related work commences, communicate and implement suitable control measures.
Ensure that accident and incident investigations are properly carried out to identify both immediate and underlying causes. Collate, analyze, and report on such data and promote actions to prevent recurrence. Oversee the coordination of reportable injuries and diseases.
Communicate, inform, train -
Inform managers and other employees of existing and potential hazards to health and safety at work, and the legal requirements relevant to their work
As relevant, assist in the promotion, development, organization and delivery of health and safety training and instructions.
Distribute H&S information, including the provision of suitable health and safety briefings for visitors
Ensure that office safety induction is delivered to all new employees and that all staff receive suitable and sufficient training.
Liaise with external organisations (e.g., insurance providers, 3rd party certification bodies) on matters relating to H&S
Liaise with safety representatives and, where necessary, landlords, facilities management etc. to verify suitable workplace arrangements have been implemented. Ensure information related to hazardous substances is readily available at the place of use.
Plan, manage, monitor -
Promote the provision of adequate resources and competencies to achieve the required health and safety performance within the business.
Coordinate and supervise safety support under their control, gather feedback and identify trends
Monitor and report on working practices to ensure that they comply with the organization’s safe work practices and statutory requirements.
Initiate actions to improve H&S performance throughout the organization. Advise on recommendations for the continuing development of guidelines and procedures.
Ensure all appropriate statutory and regulatory records are maintained
Ensure safety reports and accident reports are monitored and any recommendations implemented
Office development -
Provide appropriate safety input to the tender process as required, this may include responses to RFIs; assessment of risks at the bid stage; providing appropriate advice to Comms
Ensure subcontractors provide EQT with copies of their risk assessments and method statements, including safety information such as Safety Data Sheets etc. Undertake monitoring to ensure subcontractors are working as their documentation shows.
Reception staff
Reception staff shall cooperate with the local office manager and ensure that:
- All visitors have signed in, including out-of-hours visitors
- Ensure visitors receive suitable H&S information
All employees
Employees shall ensure that they co-operate with the employer on all matters
regarding H&S and ensure that they:
- Take reasonable care for the safety of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions
- Always observe safe working practices
- Immediately report any accidents, incidents, faults, defects, hazards, or unsafe conditions to their manager and/or the local office manager
- Do not interfere with equipment provided in the interest of health and safety
- Follow all instructions, directions, and risk assessments
Safety representatives
Under certain jurisdictions, employees may be required to elect a safety
representative to represent them in health and safety matters. The roles of
safety representatives are defined by local rules.
Temporary workers
The day-to-day responsibility for health and safety during a temporary
worker’s assignment lies with the local office manager to which they are
assigned. Temporary workers should familiarize themselves with this Guideline
and local H&S arrangements and take reasonable care for their health and
safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
Risk assessment
- EQT is to identify and assess hazards within the workplace and determine effective control measures using the concept of hierarchy of control as outlined below. All significant risks shall be recorded and communicated to those who may be exposed to them. Risk assessments will be reviewed regularly to ensure that they remain suitable and sufficient with any changes being communicated to those affected.
- The local office manager will ensure that activity-specific risk assessments are maintained and controlled. Businesses contracted by the organization shall be expected to provide their risk assessments and methods of work, where appropriate.
H&S incident reporting and investigation
An incident is an undesired event that has caused or could have caused damage, death, injury, or physical or mental ill-health. An incident can be categorized as a near-miss or as an accident.
- Near-miss – an incident that results in no injury or damage but had the potential to do so
- Accident – an incident that does result in injury or damage.
All employees are responsible for reporting incidents to their line manager or the local office manager. Suspected misconduct or breaches of local laws or regulations can also be reported via EQT’s whistleblower service or incident reporting procedure. The local office manager is to report incidents to relevant authorities and others where required, e.g., landlord/building owner/client. Incident statistics will be collected and collated centrally and must be passed to the local office or H&S manager for review. Where required by law, incidents shall also be recorded in an accident book by the local office manager.
EQT may investigate any workplace health and safety incidents either internally through the local office manager or, where needed, with the assistance of external consultants.
Monitoring, measurement and review
The requirements and performance of actions related to this Guideline will be monitored through a range of measures. Inspections, audits, safety tours and risk assessments will be performed in each location and progress followed up as needed. Reported incidents will be monitored centrally according to the appropriate procedures. The Head of Corporate Real Estate and Workplace is to ensure that information relating to the organization’s safety performance is collated and provided to OpsCom for follow-up and actions on general safety matters.
H&S arrangements
The following sections provide details on practical arrangements to help achieve the aims of this Guideline.
General H &S arrangements
Competent advice
EQT will utilize the services of both in-house expertise and external health
and safety support, as appropriate. Competency is determined based on
knowledge, training and experience in health and safety matters relating to
EQT’s undertakings.
Information and records
- Information relating to health and safety matters shall be obtained through a variety of means. The local office manager is responsible for collecting such information and for determining means of dissemination and mode of communication.
- Records referenced throughout this Guideline shall be retained in line with EQT procedures and by data protection legislation.
Emergency procedures
Where additional hazards exist (other than fire and first aid), such as bomb
threat, flooding etc, emergency procedures and response plans shall be
available. These plans are an integral part of business continuity
arrangements and shall be appropriate to the office and its location.
First aid
- The local office manager shall ensure that a fully maintained first aid box of suitable size and quality is always available at the office. Where required by law, the office manager must make arrangements to ensure suitably trained and qualified personnel are available.
- A designated person will be responsible for the maintenance of the first aid equipment including all reserve stocks. Notices will be displayed to identify the first aid contact and equipment location.
Fire safety
Where applicable, the local office manager will ensure that a fire risk
assessment has been undertaken in respect of all the premises where staff will
be working. The validity of each such assessment shall be reviewed annually or
considering any changes in legislation, employee numbers, or requirements that
may affect the suitability of the assessment. Smoking is strictly prohibited
in all places of work.
Personal health and safety
Drugs and alcohol
Employees may not be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs in the
workplace. No employee shall have or supply others with illegal drugs in the
workplace. Employees who are taking prescription drugs should ensure that they
are aware of any side effects and ensure their work performance is not
affected. Special rules may apply about alcohol in the workplace, e.g., when
the company sponsors a staff event like a Christmas party, or at external
business functions where the employee is representing the company. Any alcohol
shall be consumed in moderation and no employee shall feel obliged to drink
Disciplinary procedures may follow should drug or alcohol use affect an employee’s work performance or behaviour.
Construction, maintenance and safe workings of EQT’s offices
Being a global organization with offices located in countries where Asbestos
Containing Materials (ACM) are still actively in use within buildings and the
wider environment, EQT recognizes its duty to manage the risk to employees
from exposure to ACM. The local office manager will ensure that an asbestos
survey has been undertaken in respect of all its premises.
The local office manager will coordinate and communicate with the landlord/building owner to collect information regarding any presence and condition of asbestos. Where ACM has been identified, this will be recorded on the local office risk assessment. Steps will be taken to actively manage ACM and to share information on any location and condition of ACM with visitors and contractors. No work that affects the fabric of the building will take place until an intrusive asbestos survey has been conducted. EQT will ensure that those evaluating tenders have considered asbestos issues in all maintenance contracts and projects at the planning stage.
Construction work, including refurbishment work
When EQT commissions construction work, the local project manager will follow
a set process that takes into account any local legal requirements.
Workplace contractor selection and control
EQT will operate a preferred contractors list and entry to the list will be
subject to vetting by the Head of Corporate Real Estate and Workplace and/or
the in-country location head or local office manager. Contractors will be
monitored and evaluated as appropriate, to ensure compliance with their
documentation, e.g., risk assessments, method statements, safety data sheets
(SDS) etc.
Manual handling operations
Due to the nature of its workplaces, EQT employees may, on occasion, undertake
manual handling activities such as moving/lifting packages or boxes of paper
etc. The risk from these activities will be recorded in the main office risk
assessment, together with necessary control measures identified, e.g.,
provision of trolleys, asking for items to be delivered directly to the
correct location etc.
Work at height
- Due to the nature of its workplaces, EQT employees may, on occasion, undertake work at heights, for example using a stepladder or stepstool to reach a high shelf.
- The risk from these activities will be recorded in the main office risk assessment, together with necessary control measures identified, e.g., provision of stepladder, stepstool, asking the building owner/facilities management to change lightbulbs etc.
Work equipment
- EQT provides various items of equipment for use by employees and visitors, e.g., riser desks, office chairs, boiling water taps, stepladders, electrical equipment etc. Such equipment will be suitable for the task and regularly inspected (including before use) as outlined in the local office risk assessment and subject to pre-use checks by the user.
- All equipment noted to be defective will be reported to the local office manager immediately and removed from use until repaired, replaced or destroyed as applicable.
- Where work equipment is supplied by an external company and is defective, EQT will expect employees to follow a ‘do not use’ guideline.
- EQT will ensure that all work equipment is maintained, inspected, and tested as applicable. The local office manager (or landlord/facilities management provider) is responsible for managing this.
- All equipment will be used according to instructions provided and training received, and as designed for purpose without adaptation.
Local office managers will ensure that a workstation assessment is carried out
where there is a medical need. Following the assessment, relevant actions will
be taken.
EQT will ensure high standards of housekeeping (trailing cables, trip hazards,
accumulations of waste etc.) are in place in all its offices and at all places
of work. This will be monitored by the local office manager and recorded at
suitable intervals.
Related information and documents
The below are individually controlled supporting documents and may vary depending on the location of the office and regional/national regulations.
- Organizational chart
- Locations list
- Legal requirements/Legal register – per location
- Hierarchy of Control
- Risk assessment framework – INDG163: A brief guide to risk assessment (UK HSE)
- Standard office risk assessment – to be amended by each local office manager as appropriate
- Emergency arrangements
- Where required, RA & MS as appendices to reduce the need to update the entire document when items change
2022-08-19 | Preliminary document | 0 |
2023-09-04 | Document revised. Reference to national/local legal requirements | |
added. | 1.0 |
EQT Global Workplace Health and Safety Guideline.
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