lae BD2-28 Refrigeration Controller Instruction Manual

May 15, 2024

lae BD2-28 Refrigeration Controller


Product Specifications

  • Thermostat output
  • Fan output
  • Defrost output
  • Activation of 2nd parameter set
  • Alarm manual activation
  • Maximum formation of frost control
  • Display indications for various alarms and temperatures

Product Usage Instructions

Before installing the instrument, carefully read the instruction booklet for safe installation and optimum performance.

During normal operation, the display will show various temperature readings and alarm indications. Access the INFO MENU for detailed information.

Info Menu
The INFO MENU provides access to instant probe temperatures, compressor working weeks, and keypad lock settings.

Setpoint Modification

  1. To display the setpoint value, press the button briefly.
  2. Press and hold the button for at least half a second to modify the setpoint value.
  3. Use the buttons to adjust the desired value within the specified limits.
  4. To exit, press the button again or wait for 10 seconds.

Stand-By and Keypad Lock
Pressing the standby button for 3 seconds allows the controller to enter standby mode. Keypad lock can be activated to prevent unwanted operations. Adjust settings in the INFO menu to enable or disable keypad lock.

Parameter Configuration
To access configuration parameters, press and hold button + for 5 seconds. Use buttons to modify parameters and set desired values. Press buttons to store changes and exit configuration menu.


Thank you for having chosen an LAE electronic product. Before installing the instrument, please read this instruction booklet carefully in order to ensure safe installation and optimum performance.


Info / Setpoint button.
Manual defrost / Decrease button.


Thermostat output
Fan output
Defrost output
Activation of 2nd parameter set
Manual activation / Increase button.
Exit / Stand-by button.


  • The BD1-28 controller, size 107x95x47 mm (WxHxD), is to be secured to a DIN rail in such a position as to ensure that no liquid infiltrates causing serious damage and compromising safety.
  • Make sure that electrical connections comply with the paragraph “wiring diagrams”. To reduce the effects of electromagnetic disturbance, keep the sensor and signal cables well separate from the power wires.
  • Place the probe T1 inside the room in a point that truly represents the temperature of the stored product.
  • Place the probe T2 on the evaporator where there is the maximum formation of frost.
  • The function of probe T3 is determined by the parameter T3. With T3=DSP the probe measures the temperature to be displayed. With T3=CND the probe measures the condenser temperature, it must therefore be placed between the fins of the condensing unit. With T3=2EU the probe measures the temperature of the second evaporator and it must therefore be placed where there is the maximum formation of frost. With T3=NON, the third probe is disabled.


During normal operation, the display shows either the temperature measured or one of the following indications:

lae-BD2-28-Refrigeration-Controller- \(12\)

The information available in this menu is: lae-BD2-28-Refrigeration-
Controller- \(13\)

*: displayed only if enabled (see §Configuration Parameters) **: displayed only if ACC > 0

Access to menu and information displayed.

  • Press and immediately release button .
  • With button select the data to be displayed.
  • Press button to display value.
  • To exit from the menu, press button or wait for 10 seconds. |
    • Reset of THI, TLO, CND recordings
    • With button select the data to be reset.
    • Display the value with button .
    • While keeping button pressed , use button .

SETPOINT: display and modification

  • Press button for at least half second, to display the setpoint value.
  • By keeping button pressed, use button to set the desired value (the adjustment is within the minimum SPL and the maximum SPH limit).
  • When button is released, the new value is stored.


Button , when pressed for 3 seconds, allows the controller to be put on a standby or output control to be resumed (with SB=YES only).
The keypad lock avoids undesired, potentially dangerous operations, which might be attempted when the controller is operating in a public place. In the INFO menu, set parameter LOC=YES to inhibit all functions of the buttons. To resume normal operation of keypad, adjust setting so that LOC=NO.

It’s possible to select control parameters between two different pre- programmed groups, in order for the fundamental control parameters to be adapted quickly to changing needs. Changeover from Group I to Group II (and vice versa) may take place MANUALLY by pressing button M for 2 seconds (with IISM=MAN), or AUTOMATICALLY when ECO conditions are detected (with IISM=ECO), or when IISM=DI, DxO=IISM and the digital input is activated (the activation of DIx selects Group II, x=1,2,3). If IISM=NON, switchover to Group II is inhibited. The activation of Group II is signalled by the lighting up of the relevant LED on the controller display.

Automatic defrost. Defrost starts automatically as soon as the time set with parameter DFT has elapsed.

  • Timed defrost. With DFM=TIM defrosts take place at regular intervals when the timer reaches the value of DFT. For example, with DFM=TIM and DFT=06, a defrost will take place every 6 hours.

  • Optimized defrost. With DFM=FRO the timer is only increased when the conditions occur for frost to form on the evaporator, until the time set with parameter DFT is matched. If the evaporator works at 0°C, defrost frequency depends on the thermal load and climatic conditions. With setpoints much lower than 0°C, defrost frequency mainly depends on the refrigerator operating time.

  • Synchronised defrost. With D3O=DSY and when more units are linked to each other, synchronised defrosts of all linked controllers will take place. The first controller which will start defrost, will also get all other controllers synchronised.

  • Defrost time count backup. At the power-up, if DFB=YES, the defrost timer resumes the time count from where it was left off before the power interruption. Vice versa, with DFB=NO, the time count re-starts from 0. In stand-by, the accumulated time count is frozen. Manual or remote defrost start. It’s possible to manually start a defrost, by pressing button for 2 seconds, or defrost may be started remotely, if DxO=RDS, through the activation of the auxiliary contact DIx.

  • Defrost type. Once defrost has started, Compressor and Defrost outputs are controlled according to parameter DTY. If FID=YES, the evaporator fans are active during defrost.
    Defrost termination. The actual defrost duration is influenced by a series of parameters.

  • as time DTO.
    Temperature monitoring of one evaporator: T2=YES and T3 different from 2EU. In this case, if the sensor T2 measures the temperature DLI before the time DTO elapses, defrost will be terminated in advance.

  • Temperature monitoring of two evaporators T2=YES, T3=2EU, AOx=2EU. This function is for the control of two independent evaporators and it switches off the individual heating of the evaporator which gets to temperature DLI first, waiting for the second evaporator to get to that temperature before the time DTO elapses.

  • Resuming thermostatic cycle. When defrost is over, if DRN is greater than 0, all outputs will remain off for DRN minutes, in order for the ice to melt completely and the resulting water to drain.

  • Moreover, if probe T2 is active (T2=YES), the fans will re-start when the evaporator gets to a temperature lower than FDD; Vice versa, if probe T2 is not active (T2=NO) or after defrost has come to an end, such condition does not occur by end of the time FTO, after FTO minutes have elapsed the fans will be switched on anyway.

  • Caution: if DFM=NON or C-H=HEA all defrost functions are inhibited; if DFT=0, automatic defrost functions are excluded. During a high pressure alarm, defrost is suspended. During defrost, high temperature alarm is bypassed.


  • To get access to the parameter configuration menu, press button + for 5 seconds.
  • With button select the parameter to be modified.
  • Press button to display the value.
  • By keeping button pressed, use button to set the desired value.
  • When button is released, the newly programmed value is stored and the following parameter is displayed.
  • To exit from the setup, press button wait for 30 seconds.
SPL -50..SPH Minimum limit for SP setting.
SPH SPL…110° Maximum limit for SP setting.
SP SPL… SPH Setpoint (value to be maintained in the room).
C-H REF; HEA Refrigerating (REF) or Heating (HEA) control mode.
HY0 1…10° Thermostat OFF -> ON differential.
HY1 0…10° Thermostat ON -> OFF differential.
CRT 0…30min Compressor rest time. The output is switched on again after CRT

minutes have elapsed since the previous switchover. We recommend to set CRT=03 with HY0<2.0°.
CT1| 0…30min| Compressor/Heater output run when probe T1 is faulty. With CT1=0 the output will always remain OFF.
CT2| 0…30min| Compressor/Heater output stop when probe T1 is faulty. With CT2=0 and CT1>0 the output will always be ON. Example: CT1=4, CT2= 6: In case of probe T1 failure, the compressor will cycle 4 minutes ON and 6 minutes OFF.
DFM| NON; TIM; FRO| Defrost start modeNON : defrost function is disabled (the following parameter will be FCM ). TIM : regular time defrost.FRO : the defrost time count is only increased when the conditions occur for frost to form on the evaporator (optimised time increase).
DFT| 0…99 hours| Time interval among defrosts. When this time has elapsed since the last defrost, a new defrost cycle is started.
DFB| NO/YES| Defrost timer backup. With DFB=YES, after a power interruption, the timer resumes the count from where it was left off with ±30 min. approximation. With DFB=NO, after a power interruption, the defrost timer will re-start to count from zero.
DLI| -50…110°| Defrost end temperature.
DTO| 1…120min| Maximum defrost duration.
DTY| OFF; ELE; GAS| Defrost typeOFF: off cycle defrost (Compressor and Heater OFF). ELE: electric defrost (Compressor OFF and Heater ON). GAS: hot gas defrost (Compressor and Heater ON).
DSO| OFF; LO; HI| Defrost start optimisationOFF : no optimisation.LO : defrost waits until the compressor cut-out.HI : defrost waits until the compressor cut-in.
SOD| 0…30 min| Start optimisation delay.
DPD| 0…240sec| Evaporator pump down. At the beginning of defrost, defrost outputs (determined by DTY) are OFF for DPD seconds.
DRN| 0…30min| Pause after defrost (evaporator drain down time).
DDM| RT;LT;SP; DEF| Defrost display mode. During defrost the display will show:RT: the real temperature;LT : the last temperature before defrost;SP : the current setpoint value;DEF : “dEF”.
DDY| 0…60min| Display delay. The display shows the information selected with parameter DDM during defrost and for DDY minutes after defrost termination.
FID| NO/YES| Fans active during defrost.
FDD| -50…110°| Evaporator fan re-start temperature after defrost.
FTO| 0…120min| Maximum evaporator fan stop after defrost.
FCM| NON; TMP; TIM| Fan mode during thermostatic control.NON : The fans remain ON all the time;TMP : Temperature-based control. The fans are ON when the compressor is ON. When the compressor is turned OFF, the fans remain ON as long as the temperature difference Te-Ta is greater than FDT. The fans are turned ON again with FDH differential. (Te = Evaporator temperature, Ta = Air temperature); TIM : Timed-based control. The fans areON when the compressor is ON. When the   COMPR.  COMPR. OFF                         COMPR.ON ONcompressor is OFF, the fans switch ON andON OFF according to parameteres FT1, FT2,FT3 (See Fig.2).OFFlae-BD2-28-Refrigeration-Controller-
\(18\) Fig.2 Time-optimised fan control (FCM=TIM) FT1        FT2       FT3        FT2        FT3
FDT| -12…0°| Evaporator-Air temperature difference for the fans to turn OFF after the compressor has stopped.
FDH| 1…12°| Temperature differential for fan re-start. Example : FDT = -1, FDH=3. In this case, after the compressor has stopped, the fans are OFF when Te> Ta – 1 (FDT), whereas the fans are ON when Te < Ta – 4 (FDT-FDH).
FT1| 0…180sec| Fan stop delay after compressor/heater stop. See Fig. 2
FT2| 0…30min| Timed fan stop. With FT2=0 the fans remain on all the time.
FT3| 0…30min| Timed fan run. With FT3=0, and FT2 > 0, the fans remain off all the time.
ATM| NON; ABS; REL| Alarm threshold management.NON : all temperature alarms are inhibited ( the following parameter will be ACC ). ABS : the values programmed in ALA and AHA represent the real alarm thresholds.REL : the alarm threshold is obtained by the sum of setpoint, thermostat differential and ALR/AHR.
ALA| -50… 110°| Low temperature alarm threshold.
AHA| -50… 110°| High temperature alarm threshold.
ALR| -12… 0°| Low temperature alarm differential. With ALR=0 the low temperature alarm is excluded.
AHR| 0… 12°| High temperature alarm differential. With AHR=0 the high temperature alarm is excluded.
ATI| T1; T2; T3| Probe used for temperature alarm detection.
ATD| 0… 120min| Delay before alarm temperature warning.
ACC| 0…52weeks| Condenser periodic cleaning. When the compressor operation time, expressed in weeks, matches the ACC value programmed, “CL” flashes in the display. With ACC=0 the condenser cleaning warning is disabled and CND disappears from Info Menu.
IISM| NON; MAN; ECO; DI| Switchover mode to second parameter set

NON : inhibition to use the second parameter group ( the following parameter will be SB ). MAN : button  M   switches the two parameter groups over.
ECO : automatic switchover to the second parameter group, when ECO conditions are detected.
DI : switchover to the second parameter group when DIx input is on.

IISL| -50… IISH| Minimum limit for IISP setting.
IISH| IISL… 110°| Maximum limit for IISP setting.
IISP| IISL… IISH| Setpoint in mode 2.
IIH0| 1… 10°| Thermostat OFF->ON differential in mode 2.
IIH1| 0… 10°| Thermostat ON->OFF differential in mode 2.
IIDF| 0…99 hours| Time interval among defrosts in mode 2.
IIFC| NON;TMP; TIM| Fan control in mode 2. See FCM.
ECS| 1…5| Controller sensitivity for the automatic switchover from Group I to Group II (1=minimum, 5=maximum).
EPT| 0…240 min| Eco pull-down time. Only with IISM=ECO. Group I parameters are used in regulation for at least EPT minutes. See Fig.3
SB| NO/YES| Stand-by button   enabling.
DSM| NON; ALR; STP| Door switch input mode:
NON : door switch inhibited: when DIx=DOR and the digital input is on, an alarm is generated after ADO minutesSTP : when DIx=DOR and the digital input is on, in addition to the alarm, the fans are immediately stopped and the compressor is stopped after CSD minutes.
DAD| 0…30 min| Delay before door open alarm warning.
CSD| 0…30 min| Compressor/heater stop delay after door has been opened.
D1O| NON; DOR; ALR; IISM; RDS| DI1 digital input operation NON : digital input 1 not active. DOR : door input.ALR : when the input is on, an alarm is generated (if AHM=STP, the compressor is stopped and the defrosts are suspended).IISM : when the input is on, the controller will use group 2 parameters.RDS : when the input is on, a defrost is started (remote control).
D1A| OPN; CLS.| DI1 digital input activation.OPN : on openCLS : on close
D2O| See D1O| DI2 digital input operation. See D1O.
D2A| OPN; CLS.| DI2 digital input activation.OPN : on openCLS : on close
D3O| NON; DOR; ALR; IISM; RDS; DSY.| DI3 digital input operationNON … RDS : See D1O.DSY : defrost synchronization. The controllers will all start and end defrost together. The first controller in defrost will get defrost of all the others started. The last controller ending defrost will get defrost of all the others stopped.
D3A| OPN; CLS.| DI3 digital input activation.OPN : on openCLS : on close
LSM| NON; MAN; ECO; DI1; DI2; DI3.| Light control mode
NON : light output not controlled.
MAN : light ouput controlled through button M (if OAx=LGT). ECO : lights activated/deactivated following the ECO state.
DIx : lights activated/deactivated following the DIx state.
LSA| OPN; CLS| Light activation (only with LSM=ECO or LSM=DIx).OPN : lights on with DIx open or ECO mode deactivated.CLS : lights on with DIx closed or ECO mode activated.
OA1| NON; LGT; 0-1;2CU;2EU; ALO; ALC| AUX 1 output operationNON : output disabled (always off).LGT : output enabled for light control.0-1 : the relay contacts follow the on/standby state of controller.2CU : output programmed for the control of an auxiliary compressor.2EU : output enabled for the control of the electrical defrost of a second evaporator.ALO : contacts open when an alarm condition occurs.ALC : contacts make when an alarm condition occurs.
OA2| See OA1| AUX2 output operation. See OA1.
2CD| 0…120 sec| Auxiliary compressor start delay. If OAx=2CU the auxiliary output is switched on with a delay of 2CD seconds after the main compressor has cut-in. Both compressors are turned off at the same time.
OS1| -12.5..12.5°| Probe T1 offset.
T2| NO/YES| Probe T2 enabling (evaporator).
OS2| -12.5..12.5°| Probe T2 offset.
T3| NON; DSP; CND; 2EU| Auxiliary probe T3 operationNON : probe T3 not fitted.DSP : temperature T3 to be displayed.CND : condenser temperature measurement.2EU : second evaporator temperature measurement.
OS3| -12.5..12.5°| Probe 3 offset.
AHM| NON; ALR; STP;| Operation in case of high condenser alarmNON : high condenser alarm inhibited.ALR : in case of alarm, “HC” flashes in the display and the buzzer is switched on.STP : in addition to the alarm symbols displayed, the compressor is stopped and defrosts are suspended.
AHT| -50…110°| Condensation temperature alarm (referred to T3 probe).
TLD| 1…30 min| Delay for minimum temperature (TLO) and maximum temperature (THI) logging.
TDS| T1; 1-2; T3| Selects the temperature probe to be displayed.T1 : probe T11-2 : the AVG-weighted average between T1 and T2T3 : probe T3
AVG| 0…100%| The relative weight of T2 on T1 (if TDS = 1-2)Example 1: T1 = -5°, T2 = -20°, AVG = 100%. The displayed temperature will be -20° (T1 has no effect) Example 2: T1 = -5°, T2 = -20°, AVG = 60%. The displayed temperature will be -14.
SCL| 1°C;2°C;°F| Readout scale.1°C : measuring range -50…110°C (0.1°C resolution within -9.9 ÷ 19.9°C interval, 1°C outside)2°C : measuring range -50 … 110°C°F : measuring range -55 … 180°F
SIM| 0…100| Display slowdown.
ADR| 1…255| BD1-28 address for PC communication.

lae-BD2-28-Refrigeration-Controller- \(19\)


Power supply

  • BD1-28.…W 100-240Vac ±10%, 50/60Hz, 3W

Relay output max loads (240Vac)

| BD1-28..S/T..-.| BD1-28..Q/R..-.
Compressor| 16A resistive 12 FLA 48 RLA| 12A resistive 12 FLA 48 RLA
Evap. Fan| 16A resistive 4 FLA 12 RLA| 8A resistive
4 FLA 12 RLA
Defrost| 16A resistive 4 FLA 12 LRA| 16A resistive 4 FLA 12 LRA
Auxiliary loads 1| 7A resistive| 7A resistive
Auxiliary loads 2| 7A resistive| 7A resistive

NTC 10KΩ@25°C LAE Part No. SN4…

Measurement Range

  • 50…110°C, -58…180°F
  • 50 / -9.9 … 19.9 / 110°C

Measurement accuracy
<0.5°C within the measurement range

Operating conditions
-10 … +50°C; 15%…80% r.H.

CE (Approvals and Reference norms)

  • EN60730-1; EN60730-2-9; EN55022 (Class B);
  • EN50082-1



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