BIOZONE SCIENTIFIC DAFZFJDYUC8 Mini PowerZone Commercial Air Purifier User Manual

June 17, 2024

BIOZONE SCIENTIFIC DAFZFJDYUC8 Mini PowerZone Commercial Air Purifier


  • Power Supply : 100-240VAC
  • Technology : PhotoplasmaTM
  • Features : BSG Technology, Inbuilt Timer, Fan, User-Friendly Design

Product Usage Instructions


To enhance the product’s lifespan and ensure safe and effective operation, follow the instructions in the user manual and perform regular maintenance tasks. Note that the manufacturer may implement necessary changes to the specifications provided.

Included Parts List

Ensure all parts are present before proceeding with assembly:

  • Unit Lock Key
  • Timer Reset Key
  • 4 Mounting Screws
  • 4 Wall Anchors
  • Power Cord
  • Removable Strap
  • Cover Assembly
  • BSG PhotoplasmaTM Lamps
  • Inbuilt Timer
  • Fan
  • Base Assembly

Device Description

The BSG product is user-friendly with high functionality and simple installation. Send feedback to Visit our website for more information.

BSG Technology – PhotoplasmaTM

BSG’s PhotoplasmaTM technology enhances indoor environments sustainably by breaking down contaminants into harmless molecules using a combination of elements.


Before installation, inspect for damage. Do not connect if damaged; inform the supplier immediately.

Lamp Cleaning and Replacement – Security Mode

Refer to the user manual for detailed instructions on cleaning and replacing lamps in security mode.


If you encounter issues with the device, refer to the troubleshooting section of the user manual for solutions.

Warranty and Certifications

Read the warranty terms provided with the product. Contact customer support for any warranty-related queries.

Safety Guidelines

  • Usage Safety: Follow recommended usage guidelines.
  • Electrical Safety: Ensure proper electrical connections.
  • Safety in the Workplace: Use the device in a safe environment.
  • Personal Safety: Handle the device with care.
  • Safe Device Use: Operate the device as instructed.
  • Use Guidelines: Adhere to all safety guidelines and instructions.


  • Q: Can I use the device without reading the user manual?
  • A: It is highly recommended to thoroughly read and understand the user manual before using the device to ensure safe and effective operation.
  • Q : How often should I clean or replace the BSG PhotoplasmaTM lamps?
  • A: Refer to the user manual for specific guidelines on cleaning and replacement of the BSG PhotoplasmaTM lamps based on usage and environmental conditions.


This user manual is produced to facilitate the safe and trouble-free operation of the Biozone Scientific (BSG) POWERZONE®. The product is designed and manufactured in strict adherence to technical standards, incorporating cutting-edge technologies and quality components. Moreover, it is produced in complete compliance with the most rigorous quality standards.


To enhance the product’s lifespan and ensure a safe and effective operation, you must follow the instructions outlined in this user manual and perform regular maintenance tasks. The technical data and specifications provided in this user manual are current, but it’s important to note that the manufacturer retains the right to implement any necessary changes.

PLEASE NOTE : The drawings in this manual are for illustration purposes only and may not perfectly match the actual product. The original operation manual is in English, and other languages are translated versions from the English original.




  • The POWERZONE® is portable and can be used in any unoccupied space subject to sizing guidelines for odour control whilst cleaning and freshening the air.
  • The BSG POWERZONE® is the result of extensive research and sustained product developments. BSG has more than a decade of experience in designing and manufacturing its products.
  • The POWERZONE® is highly effective and safe to use and fully complies with the criteria of the world’s most respected certification bodies. Certificates issued to this effect are listed in section 09, Warranty and Certifications section of this manual.
  • Every POWERZONE® unit has undergone a strict quality/control regime. However, if the unit malfunctions, follow the instructions in the troubleshooting section of this manual. If the problem persists, please contact your local distributor.
  • BSG products are designed to be user-friendly with a high degree of functionality, ease of operation and simple installation. User feedback is important for the continuous development of our products. We value your opinion and greatly appreciate your feedback, which you can send to:

For more information, visit our home page at: and discover:

  • BSG solutions for other applications such as garbage rooms, ice machines etc.
  • Contact information for importers and distributors


The POWERZONE® is an excellent tool designed to eliminate unpleasant odours at their source, whilst cleaning and freshening the air as well. When properly used, the POWERZONE® significantly reduces bacteria and other harmful micro- organisms in the air and on surfaces. The POWERZONE® does not just mask odour with chemicals or perfumes; it actually destroys the odours leaving a cleaner, more pleasant environment. BSG’s advanced Photoplasma™ technology is designed to sustainably enhance indoor environments. It goes beyond conventional cleaning methods by harnessing a combination of negative ions, hydroxyl radicals, singlet oxygen, ultraviolet light and ozone. The elements of Photoplasma™ quickly and actively break down the structure of contaminants by a chain of reactions. Eventually, the contaminants are decomposed and converted to harmless molecules such as carbon dioxide and water vapour. In essence, BSG’s Photoplasma™ advanced technology brings the holistic benefits of the outdoors, where nature’s cleansing mechanisms thrive, directly into our indoor spaces. It ensures a sustainably enhanced, healthier, and more refreshing living environment.



To ensure the safety of the user, people in the area, and/or animals; follow these instructions carefully and observe all warnings.
Before Installation
Inspect the device for damage that may have occurred during transportation. If the unit was damaged, do not connect it to the power supply. In the event of damage, immediately inform the supplier where the unit was purchased.

  • The POWERZONE® unit must be connected to a power supply that supplies 100-240VAC, 50-60Hz. There are two options for installation of the POWERZONE® unit: Wall Plug or Permanent Connection to the mains supply

If the POWERZONE® unit is provided with a region-specific wall plug, plug the unit into the appropriate wall outlet near the installation location. Figure 1-3 provides instructions to open the housing for wall mounting.



WARNING: These procedures should only be performed by a qualified electrician according to national and local electrical codes. Supply power should be turned off during installation or when replacing components or checking connections. Never perform maintenance or cleaning while the fixture is energised.

If the POWERZONE® unit is provided with an unterminated AC power cord, connect the unit permanently to a fused, switched circuit of the mains supply near the installation location. If the POWERZONE® unit is provided with a wall plug, this plug may be removed for permanent installation.

Note: Following wiring codes, stationary appliances or devices classified in overvoltage category III must have a built-in means of disconnection in the fixed wiring. This is necessary when the device lacks its own disconnection mechanism from the supply mains, and the contact separation should ensure full disconnection of all poles.

The POWERZONE® requires a means of disconnection if installed with fixed wiring. Please observe these requirements and guidelines when installing the unit:

  • Install the unit so all poles are fully disconnected before removing the cover for service.
  • Since the unit is not internally fused, the main supply circuit must be fused. When installed with fixed wiring, the unit is intended to operate continuously, therefore ensure the power supply is continuous and cannot be accidentally turned off.
  • The unit’s electrical connection to the main supply must be connected according to national and local electrical codes by a qualified electrician.

The unterminated AC power cord installed on the unit conforms to the following IEC standard wire colour coding.




  1. Make sure the space is empty with no people or animals ins
  2. The minimum room volume to be treated is 2400 ft³ (68m³).
  3. Treatment time depends on room size, with a maximum time of 90 minutes. Start by treating the room for 15 minutes to see the results.
  4. Set the POWERZONE® timer, start the unit, and leave the space to be treated. Make sure to use the door hanger to signal that the room is currently undergoing cleaning.
  5. Return to the treated space 20 minutes after the treatment time has ended.
  6. Personnel should avoid entering the treated space while the POWERZONE® unit is operating.
  7. Access to the treated space should be restricted while treatment is in process.
  8. If the unit is damaged, do not look at lamp(s) when lit; UV light may damage eyes.
  9. High voltage inside! Disconnect the power source before removing the cover.
  10. If odour or contamination persists repeat treatment as indicated


The POWERZONE® unit is supplied with a timer. The timer allows the user to set the treatment time, start the treatment, and return after the area is treated and the purifying plasma has dissipated.


  • Press the Up Arrow once to increase time by 10-minute intervals.
  • Press and hold the Up Arrow to rapidly increase time. Press and hold the Up Arrow until the display shows: C: if the unit operates continuously.
  • Press the Down Arrow once to decrease time by 10-minute intervals.
  • Press and hold the Down Arrow to rapidly decrease time. Press and hold the Down Arrow until the display shows: 10:00 to set the minimum operating time of 10 minutes.
  • Start the POWERZONE® timer and POWERZONE® operation by pressing the ON/OFF button.
  • Pause the POWERZONE® timer and stop the POWERZONE™ operation by pressing the ON/OFF button while the unit is running.

Note: When the POWERZONE® is plugged in, the timer remembers the previously used time setting.


Servicing the POWERZONE® requires a qualified maintenance professional. Disconnect power before cleaning or servicing the POWERZONE®. Clean the Vented End Caps and Lamp(s): If using the POWERZONE® in an unusually dusty environment, cleaning should be done every three (3) months to allow the POWERZONE® to operate at maximum efficiency.


Press the up and down arrows simultaneously for 5 seconds to show the number of hours of operation (Hr xxxx) and the number of on/off cycles (CYCL xxxx) Eg. (Hr 1245, CYCL 896) = 1245 hours of operation, 89 on/off cycles.

ATTENTION : Avoid touching the glass portion of the lamps with bare fingers. Use gloves or a cloth to handle the lamps. If the glass is touched, use isopropyl alcohol to wipe the glass surface clean.

  1. Disconnect the power supply from the device.
  2. Allow 10 minutes for the lamps to cool.
  3. Unlock the cover with the Unit Lock Key.
  4. Open the cover using the Unit Lock Key to separate the cover from the base.
  5. Unplug the lamp connectors from the lamps.
  6. Remove the lamps from the lamp clips.
  7. Wipe the lamps with alcohol to clean the glass surface.
  8. Place the cleaned lamp or new lamp into the lamp clips.
  9. Connect the lamp connector observing the correct orientation of the pins.
  10. Ensure that the lamp connector wires do not interfere with the cover closing.
  11. Re-install the cover and press firmly on the top near the lock to ensure it is completely closed.
  12. Close the device using the Unit Lock Key to lock the unit

Disposing of the lamps according to local hazardous waste disposal laws. The lamps are disposed of at the same facilities as household fluorescent bulbs or compact fluorescent lamp bulbs. The lamps contain mercury.

The POWERZONE® resists tampering while in Security Mode. In Security Mode, the timer and ON/OFF buttons are not available to unauthorised individuals


  • Press the Timer Reset Key into the lower pinhole and hold for 10 seconds. The display shows “SECr” when the security mode is activated.
  • The display shows “S____” when the POWERZONE™ timer is locked. Press the Timer Reset Key into the pinhole below the ON/OFF button for 1 second to unlock the timer. The timer relocks automatically within 20 seconds.
  • Press the Timer Reset Key into the pinhole below the ON/OFF button for 10 seconds to deactivate Security Mode. The timer displays “OPEN” when the Security Mode is deactivated.


ATTENTION : Servicing the POWERZONE® requires a qualified maintenance professional. Disconnect power before cleaning or servicing the POWERZONE®.


If the POWERZONE® unit does not function after checking these items, please contact your supplier


BSG provides a standard 1-year warranty on its products. Warranty coverage starts from the date of purchase.


  • The appliance is guaranteed against defects in material and workmanship under normal use and appropriate voltage for one year from the purchase date.

  • Warranty does not apply to any appliance that has been tampered with, altered, subjected to misuse, abnormal voltage input, power interruption, electric shock, negligence, accident, force majeure, or if the serial number has been altered, effaced, or removed.

  • Failures due to improper or unreasonable usage, maintenance, accident, improper packing, unauthorised tampering, alteration, or modification will not be covered under warranty as determined by BSG.

  • Any unsanctioned repairs of the interior or exterior finish of the casing, control plate, knobs, accessories, or consumable parts will void the warranty.
    Replacement lamps are excluded from warranty coverage; BSG lamps are covered by a 1-year prorated warranty.

  • Any repairs or replacements of defective parts by BSG will be covered under warranty.

  • Transportation or shipping costs to or from the repair facilities are not covered under warranty.
    Warranty is valid only when using BSG replacement lamps and parts.

  • BSG engineers will determine whether the product will be repaired or replaced at their sole discretion.

Please note that this warranty supersedes any other written warranty, whether expressed or implied, written or oral, including a warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The manufacturer’s maximum liability shall not exceed the actual purchase price paid for the product. Additionally, the warranty will be considered void if the label bearing the serial number has been removed or defaced.

  1. Contact your supplier for specific return instructions and to receive your RMA (Return to Manufacturer Authorisation) number. Any return not labelled with an RMA number will be systematically refused.
  2. Pack the product in its original box and in the same manner you received it or as similar as possible. Label the outside of the box with your RMA number.
  3. Return the product with proof of purchase. Any return not including proof a purchase will be systematically refused.
  4. Label and ship the unit, freight prepaid to the address provided with your RMA number.



    A1 : As the unit produces a higher amount of Photoplasma™ than recommended by the EU Regulations (Article EH40: Workplace Exposure Limits), BSG recommends that no person should be in the room at the same time as the unit is in operation. However, entering the room for a short time or to switch the unit off earlier than programmed, there should be no concerns by the user


  • A2 : The POWERZONE® equipped with patented Photoplasma™ technology is exceptionally effective in eliminating a wide range of odours and pollutants. Notably, it efficiently tackles tobacco smoke, including cigar and cigarette odours, while also addressing the aftermath of fire damage, biological pollutants, mould, and even toxic gases. Beyond tobacco smoke, it’s adept at neutralising various pollutants and unpleasant odours, showcasing its versatility. Depending on the intensity of the odour or pollutant, users may opt for multiple treatments for comprehensive elimination.


  • A3: As the unit is used periodically and the length of use varies, there is a lamp replacement indicator and lamp usage timer available as part of the features. Therefore, the lamps would only need to be replaced after 9000 hours of use. Other than keeping the unit clean there should be no other regular maintenance required.


  • A4 : The POWERZONE® utilizes BSG Photoplasma™ technology. Photoplasma™ is designed to sustainably enhance indoor environments. It goes beyond conventional cleaning methods by harnessing a combination of negative ions, hydroxyl radicals, singlet oxygen, ultraviolet light and ozone. Photoplasma™ is far more effective at removing odours, and sanitizing air and surfaces than Ozone alone due to the combination of cleaning elements. An Ozone Generator also produces significantly higher levels of Ozone, where the POWERZONE® utilizes the combined elements to allow a more appropriate level of Ozone to be used for a much better result.



CAUTION: Carefully read all safety warnings and instructions. Failing to adhere to these warnings and instructions may result in severe injury or, in extreme cases, even death. In the following safety warnings and instructions, the terms “device” or “product” refer to the POWERZONE®.


  • Ensure the plug fits the socket. Using original plugs with matching sockets reduces the risk of electric shock.
  • Refrain locating device such that it is touching grounded elements such as pipes, heaters, boilers, and refrigerators. There is a higher risk of electric shock if the grounded device is exposed to rain, comes into direct contact with a wet surface, or operates in a moist environment. Water getting into the device drastically increases the risk of device damage and electric shock.
  • Do not touch the device with wet or damp hands.
  • Use the cable solely for its intended purpose. Never use it to transport the device or to forcibly extract the plug from a socket. Ensure the cable remains clear of heat sources, oil, sharp objects, or moving components. Compromised or tangled cables heighten the potential for electric shock.
  • If you find yourself using the device in a damp environment as an unavoidable necessity, it is advisable to incorporate a residual current device (RCD). The use of an RCD significantly diminishes the risk of electric shock.
  • Do not operate the device if the power cord exhibits damage or displays signs of wear. A deteriorated power cord should be replaced by a qualified electrician.
  • To prevent the risk of electric shock, avoid submerging the cord, plug, or the device itself in water or any other liquids. Likewise, do not use the device on wet surfaces.
  • Take precautions to shield the device from moisture, as exposure may lead to an elevated risk of electric shock.


  • Ensure that your workspace is clean and well-lit. A cluttered or poorly lit workspace can increase the risk of accidents. Exercise foresight, pay attention to ongoing activities, and apply common sense when operating the device.
  • If you come across any damage or irregular operation, promptly turn off the device and report the issue to a supervisor without delay.
  • If there are any uncertainties regarding the correct operation of the device, contact the manufacturer’s support service for guidance.
  • Only the manufacturer’s authorised service point should undertake repairs on the device. Do not attempt any repairs on your own.
  • In the event of a fire, use a powder or carbon dioxide (CO₂) fire extinguisher designed for use on live electrical devices to extinguish it


  • Please retain this manuals QR code for future reference. If you transfer the device to a third party, ensure the QR code is passed on along with it. Keep the device out of reach of children and animals.
  • When treating a room, seal it by closing all external doors and sealing gaps in windows and doors. Turn off mechanical ventilation and cover ventilation grates. If possible, activate internal ventilation to improve air circulation in the
  • Photoplasma™ treated room. Open all internal doors within the treated area, such as the bathroom or closet.
  • No humans or animals are allowed inside the room during treatment. If entry is necessary for any reason, ensure a swift exit and wear appropriate protective clothing and a suitable inhalation mask
  • Smoking, open flame, using tools that generate flame or sparks, working with oils or grease, or leaving objects contaminated with oil or grease, is prohibited in the room treated with the device.
  • Exit the room immediately after activating the treatment.
  • Place the included notice or warning sign in front of or on the door of the room undergoing treatment.


  • Do not operate the device when tired, unwell, or under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, or medications that could significantly impair your ability to use the device safely.
  • The device is not intended for use by individuals, including children, with limited cognitive and sensory capabilities, or by those lacking relevant experience and knowledge, unless they are under the supervision of someone responsible for their safety or have received proper instruction on device operation.
  • Only physically fit individuals, who have received appropriate training, are familiar with this manual, and have been educated in occupational health and safety, should handle the device.
  • While working with the device, exercise common sense and remain vigilant. Lapses in concentration during device operation can result in injury.
  • To prevent accidental activation of the device, ensure that the switch is set to the OFF position before connecting it to a power source.
  • The device is not a toy. Children must be supervised to prevent them from engaging in play with the device.

The device is designed to filter the air and remove impurities. The user is liable for any damage resulting from unintended use of the device.


  • Do not use the device if the ON/OFF button or timer malfunctions.
  • Ensure the plug is disconnected from the socket before making any adjustments, replacing consumables, or setting the device aside. These precautions minimize the risk of unintentionally activating the device.
  • When not in use, store the device in a secure location, away from children and individuals who are unfamiliar with the device and have not read the user manual. Inexperienced users can pose a safety risk when handling the device.
  • Maintain the device in good condition. Before each use, inspect it for any general damage, with particular attention to cracked parts or elements, as well as any other issues that might affect safe operation. If damage is detected, send the device for repair before using it.
  • Keep the device out of reach of children.
  • Device repairs or maintenance should only be carried out by qualified individuals using original spare parts to ensure safe usage.
  • To preserve the device’s operational integrity, avoid removing factory-fitted guards and refrain from loosening any screws.
  • When transporting and handling the device from the warehouse or storage to the destination of use, adhere to the occupational health and safety guidelines applicable in the country where the device will be used.
  • Do not move, adjust, or rotate the device while in operation.
  • Regularly clean the device to prevent the buildup of stubborn grime.
  • Avoid obstructing the air intake and outlet.
  • The device is not a toy, and children should not perform cleaning and maintenance tasks without supervision from an adult.
  • If any treated room has a suspected residual Photoplasma™ level higher than normal level, leave the room and wait 20 minutes.
  • It is prohibited to modify the device’s structure to alter its parameters or construction. Keep the device away from sources of fire and heat.
  • Do not overload the device.
  • Avoid covering the ventilation openings.
  • Individuals with impaired sense of smell should refrain from using the device. Before turning on the device, ensure there is sufficient open space around it. Under no circumstances should you directly inhale Photoplasma™ emitted from the device’s outlet holes. Inhaling high concentrations of Photoplasma™ over a short period or low concentrations of Photoplasma™ over an extended duration may pose serious health risks or even be life-threatening.
  • Do not use the equipment for therapeutic purposes.
  • Do not looks at Photoplasma™ lamps when lit ; UV light may damage eyes.
  • Do not return to the treated space until 20 minutes after the treatment time has ended.
  • Maximum treatment time is 90 minutes.
  • Minimum room volume to be treated is 2400ft³ (68m³). Avoid operating the POWERZONE® on a metal surface.

ATTENTION! Despite the safe design of the device and its protective features, and despite the use of additional elements protecting the operator, there is still a minor risk of accident or injury when using the device. Stay alert and use common sense when using the device.


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