elica 60 Virtus Built In Electric Oven User Manual

June 17, 2024

elica 60 Virtus Built In Electric Oven



  • Language: Italian (IT)
  • Usage: Oven
  • Functions: Cooking, Defrosting


Appliances’ data
As well as being shown on the cover, the data plate is applied to the oven door frame and is visible with the door open.

CAUTION! These warnings refer to different types of appliance. Pay at- tention in properly identifying the type you own (see the data plate).

1. Before using the cooker, read the instructions booklet carefully. This contains very important information concerning safety during installa-tion, use and maintenance.
The instructions booklet must be kept with care for later consultation.

2.The electrical safety of this cooker is guaranteed only if it is correctly grounded as required by the regulations.
It is fundamental to ensure that these regulations have been respected; if you are in doubt, contact a skilled technician to have the electric system accurately checked.
The manufacturer is not responsible for damage caused by a bad grounding system.

3. Before powering the appliance, check that the technical features shown on the data plate match those of the electrical system perfectly.
Installation/regulation must be carried out by qualified personnel.

4. Check that the electrical system and the sockets have the capacity to withstand the maximum power of the appliance which is shown on the plate. If in doubt, contact a qualified person.

5. The device must be connected directly to the power supply with the correct polarity.
The connection must have a device ensuring disconnection from the network, with an opening distance of the contacts that allows complete disconnection in the conditions of overvoltage category III, in accordance with installation instructions.

6. If the socket is not suitable for the plug, replace it with a suitable one and in this case contact a qualified person who will also check if the cable section of the socket can withstand the power consumed by the appliance. The power cable does not have a fitted plug. For connection see “Electri- cal connection” section. The use of adapters, multiple sockets or exten-sion leads, is not recommended.

7. When the appliance is not used for a long time, remove the electrical connection and disconnect the mains switch.

8. Do not block ventilation or heat dissipation slots.
9. If the appliance’s electrical power cable is damaged, it must only be replaced by a manufacturer approved service centre.
10. The appliance must only be used for the purposes it is intended for (cooking). Any other use (e.g. heating a room) is improper and dange- rous. The manufacturer declines any responsibility for damages caused by such improper uses.
11. The use of any electrical appliance requires that a number of funda- mental rules be respected:

A. Never touch the appliance with wet or damp hands or feet;
B. Never use the appliance with bare feet;
C. Avoid using extension cords and possibly take all possible precautions;
D. Do not pull the electric wire to disconnect it from he socket;
E. Do not expose the appliance to atmospheric agents (rain, sun, etc.)
F. Keep children under the age of 8 away from the appliance if they are not continuously supervised. This appliance can be used by children from
8 years and by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capaci-ties or with lack of experience and knowledge if they are under adequate
supervision or if they have been instructed about the use of the appliance safely and if they realize the related dangers. Children must not play with the appliance. Cleaning and maintenance operations must not becarried out by children without supervision.
12. The appliance and its accessible parts become very hot during use. Care should be taken not to touch the heating elements. Children must be kept at a distance. Children under 8 years of age must be kept away  unless constantly supervised.

13. Before cleaning the appliance or performing maintenance, disconnect the appliance by disconnecting the power cord or by cutting off the electri-city using the special switch.
14. In case of breakdown or malfunction switch off the appliance and do not attempt any repairs that must only be performed by an authorized service centre. Always insist on original spare parts.
Failure to comply with these instructions may compromise the appliance’s safety.
15. It is strongly recommended not to make accessible the parts that can be dangerous, especially if there are children who could use the appliance for play.
16. Do not use flammable liquids (alcohol, petrol, …) near the appliance in operation.

17. The packaging is intended to protect the appliance from da-mage during transportation.
The packaging materials are easily recyclable because they have been selected according to environmental friendly criteria.
Recycling them reduces the need for raw materials and redu-ces the volume of waste.

Electrical and electronic appliances often contain valuable materials. They also contain materials which, if handled or disposed of incorrectly, could be potentially hazardous to human health and to the environment. They are, however, essential for the correct functioning of your appliance. Please do not therefore dispose of it with your household waste.Please dispose of it at your local community waste collection / recycling centre or contact your Dealer for advice.

Ensure that it presents no danger to children while being stored for disposal.

18. Do not use steam cleaners to clean the inside of the oven.
19 . Do not use abrasive detergents or sharp metal tools to clean the glass door of the oven, as they could damage the surface and cause it to break.
20. If smoke is observed do not open the oven door: switch the appliance off and disconnect it from the mains electricity supply. Do not open the door until the smoke has dispersed to stifle any flames.
21. Activate the system lock to ensure that children cannot switch on the multifunction oven inadvertently
22. Supervise the children if they are in close vicinity to the multifunction oven. Do not allow them to play with the appliance.
23. Danger of suffocation.
Packaging, e.g. plastic wrappings, must be kept out of the reach of babies and children. Whilst playing, children could become entangled in packaging or pull it over their head and suffocate. Keep children away from this kind of materials.

24. Danger of burning.
Children’s skin is far more sensitive to high temperatures than that of adul- ts. The door surface, the control panel and the ventilation openings get hot. Make sure that children do not attempt to open the door when the appliance is in operation. Keep children well away from the appliance until it has cooled down and there is no danger of burning.

25. This multifunction oven must not be used in a non-stationary location (e.g. on a ship).
26. Warning: Make sure the product is off before replacing the lamp to avoid the possibility of electric shock.


– When using the oven for the first time, let it work empty for about 1 hour (230 °C), possibly leaving the kitchen windows open.
– When you first turn the oven on, a bad smell is emitted due to production residues such as grease, oils or resins.
– When the oven has cooled clean it following the instructions in the «Cle- aning and care section».
– Once the indicated time has elapsed, the oven is ready for its first co- oking. Do not cover the inside of the oven with aluminium foil to facilitate the cleaning.

This operation alters the appliance’s performance and can damage the  enamel.

– All accessories in direct contact with food must be thoroughly cleaned using suitable products before their first use.
– Cooking food in direct contact with grills and oven trays is not allowed.

DISPLAY – Icons legend

DISPLAY - Icons legend



Home: display start page.
1 = Allows you to proceed to the cavity setting screen
2 = Allows you to set the timer
3 = Allows direct access to the settings
4 = Choice of degree scale (° C or ° F).
5 = Setting the time.
6 = Exit – Term.
7 = Screen lock.
8 = To unlock, tap on the display for 10 seconds.
9 = It allows you to set the volume of the acoustic signal and optionally a sound at the touch of the display.

Set a timer

10 = AIncrease or decrease time..
11 = Confirm once the desired time has been set.
An acoustic signal will indicate the term.
12 = Confirm and return to the home page.
13 = Numeric keypad


14 = Choose cooking function
14a = Choose dry / wet cooking
NOTE: only possible in certain cooking methods
14b = Confirm cooking function
14.1 = Light (turned on or off).
14.2 = Home (back to the home screen)
15 = ISet the cooking temperature.
15a = There are two opzini per set the temperature:

scrolling the bar with + or –
15b = Confirm the cooking function.
16 = Set the cooking time and programmed start.
16a = Set the cooking time.
16b = Shows the cooking time.
16c = Set the start time.
16d = Confirm the cooking function.
16e = The oven display turns off to save energy after 1 hour of inactivity.

It can be reactivated with a simple tap.


Once the cavity has been set (cooking function, temperature and timer set) confirm to start preheating. At this point the display will switch to preheating mode

There are four levels that allow you to monitor the preheating process. The red part will pro-gressively increase until it fills the display

Quando la temperatura impostata viene raggiunta, il display diventerà rosso ad indicare il termine della fase di preriscaldo, e l’inizio della fase di cottura. Se era stato impostato un tempo di cottura, il forno si spegnerà automaticamente allo scadere del tempo.

In case of no cooking time set, it is possible to suspend and then finish cooking.


N.B. Cooking with probe cannot be used in the “DEFROST”, “QUICK START”, “PIZZA” and “ECO” functions. When the oven is in stand-by insert the meat probe into the connecting socket on the left hand wall of the oven



ATTENTION: if the display does not respond to the commands (touch locked), simply open and close the oven door


| Pizza function
This function is particularly suitable for cooking pizzas, focaccias and bread. The main source of heat comes from the lower heating element which works in combination with the other furnace resistances.
| Normal static cooking
È la funzione classica del forno elettrico particolarmente adatta alla cottura dei seguenti cibi: costoletta di maiale, salsicce, baccalà, brasato, selvaggina, arrosto di vitello, meringhe e biscotti, frutta al forno, ecc.
| Cooking from below
This is the best cooking to finish cooking food, especially pastry (biscuits, meringues, leavened cakes, fruit desserts, etc.) and other foods.
| Cooking from above
Particularly suitable for browning and to give the final touch of color to many foods; it is the recommended function for hamburgers, pork chops, veal steaks, sole, cuttlefish, etc.
| Grill cooking with closed door
The function indicated for quick and deep grilling, for grilling and roasting meat in general, fillet, Florentine steak, grilled fish and even grilled vegetables. Cooking with the electric grill must be carried out with the thermostat at 180 ° C.
| Ventilated grill cooking
Particularly fast and deep with considerable energy savings, this function is suitable for many foods such as: pork chop, sausages, pork or mixed skewers, game, Roman-style gnocchi, etc. Cooking with the electric grill must be carried out with the thermostat at 180 ° C.
| Intensive cooking
It is the function of the rapid and intense cooking of various dishes; suitable for: baked fish, braised vegetables, skewers, duck, chicken, etc.
| Multiple ventilated cooking
It is the function that allows the simultaneous cooking of different dishes without the smells mixing together; you can cook baked lasagna, pizza,
croissants and croissants, pies, cakes, etc.
| Eco cooking
It is the function that allows you to cook with a considerable saving on electricity consumption. To make the most of this feature it is useful, before inserting the ECO function, to introduce the dish inside the oven, positioning it in the center of the cavity.
With the Eco function, cooking times adapt to slow cooking such as: braised meats, white meats, baked pasta, delicate pastries.
Note: Eco cooking cannot be selected with the meat probe inserted.
| Thawing
Allows quick thawing of all frozen foods in general that are quickly brought to room temperature.
| Quick Start
This function speeds up your oven’s pre-heating. We suggest you use this function when you set a cooking temperature from between 200 and 300/320 ° C. Use of the QuickStart function for temperatures under 200 ° C is not advantageous.
WARNING: the Quick Start function is not suitable for cooking foods, it is only for quickly pre-heating the oven.
| Dry / wet cooking
The oven is equipped with an automatic device that allows the condensation vapors of the cooking, in some functions, to be expelled from the oven: this involves dry cooking (dry). If the need for cooking requires that the humidity remain inside the oven, moist cooking (moisture) the automatic device can be switched off by touching the appropriate icon.


If it is necessary to inspect the food during cooking it is possible to open the oven door. In this case the lights come on and forced ventilation stops, in the case of ven-tilated cooking, and the rotation of the spit, in the case of grill cooking with the door closed. When the door is closed again, the previously set function is reactivated.


Use of the turn-spit (only on some models)

Slide the meat to be cooked onto the spit, blocking it with the special forks. Place the spit on the special supports previously inserted in the drip pan and insert it in the spit-roast horn. Turn on the static grill with closed door func-tion. To extract the spit together with the drip pan pull it out just enough to allow complete extraction.



Procedure to follow

For ease of intensive cleaning it is practical to dismantle the door following these instructions:

– open the door
– mow the hook C to the hince zone D, following the speps


Glass disassembly and cleaning

Procedure to follow
The oven door is composed of three crystals. The crystal parts are cleaned using non-abrasive absorbent kitchen paper and a common detergent. Do not use rough abrasive materials or sharp metal scrapers to clean the glass doors of the oven as they can scratch the surface and cause the glass to shatter. The internal crystals are removable to make cleaning easier. For this purpose it is necessary to dismantle the oven door or, alternatively, position it at the intermediate click.
Sequence for removal of the door glass

WARNING! Any operation must always be carried out with the door removed from the oven and placed in a suitable shelf so as not to damage the front of the door



Recommendations for cleaning the oven and the front panel


Oven inside It is recommended to clean the oven after every use. Dirt is

cleaned more easily avoiding to let it burn several times at high temperatures. Remove every removable part and clean it separately with hot water and non-a- brasive detergent. To facilitate cleaning the baking cavity, pour a small quantity of water (100 ml, equivalent to half a glass) into the bottom of the cavity, then activate the “Baking from below” cycle at 90°C for 20 minutes with the “Moist Baking” option. At the end of the cycle, wait for it to cool and finish cleaning using a soft cloth.| Do not use vapor cleaner to clean the interior of the oven. Do not use abrasive/corrosive detergents or sharp tools to clean the glass of the door as they could damage and break the surface.
Tray| Clean with warm water and non-abrasive detergents or with a suitable
degreaser.| Remove residual food immediately after use.
Grills| Clean with warm water and non-abrasive detergents or with a suitable
degreaser.| In case of encrusted and hardened dirt, we re-
commend soaking the grills for a few hours before
cleaning them.


Steel surfaces Clean the parts with lukewarm water and non-corrosive liquid
detergent and then dry them with a soft cloth or microfiber. Brilliance is

maintained through regular cleaning with specific products which can be found in commerce. Never use abrasive powders
Painted surfaces| To maintain the characteristics of the painted parts, it is necessary to
frequently clean them with soapy water.| Avoid leaving acid or alkaline substances on the pain- ted parts (vinegar, lemon juice, salt, tomato juice, etc.) and washing when the painted parts are still hot.

Lamp replacement

Procedure to follow
If the oven light does not work, disconnect the appliance from the mains, remove the lamp protection glass and replace the lamp. Replace the lamp with a suitable 40W Halogen lamp (G9).

Procedure to follow

  1. Loosen with a slotted screwdriver
  2. Remove the lamp cover glass
  3. Remove the lamp
  4. Replace and close again

PROBLEM SOLVING- Guide for the resolution


  • During the guarantee period repairs can only be carried out by the authorized after-sales service.
  • Before repairing, unplug the appliance from the power supply, that is, unplug the power cable or use the appropriate switch.
  • Unauthorized interventions and repairs can cause electrocution or short circuit, therefore do not carry them out. Leave these works to authorized technicians.
  • In case of small disturbances, it is possible to solve the problem following the instructions.
  • After-sales service intervention during the guarantee period is not free, if the appliance does not work because of incorrect use.
  • The elimination of the faults or complaints, caused by incorrect use or installation, will not be repaired under guarantee. In such cases, the repair costs will be borne by the user

TFT display errors

– System errors
The following errors are detected:
The error code syntax is: “E YY X”, where:
YY = error code
x = cavity number when error occurred or ‘ 0 ‘ for general errors

Description Error ID
Cavity probe in open circuit 0
Cavity probe in short circuit 1
Meat probe in open circuit 4
Meat probe in short circuit 5
Tangential fan not working 8
Incorrect mapping card 19
Communication error 20


In case of error disconnect and reconnect the appliance. If the error is present again  you will need the intervention of an authorized technician


Close the oven door.

COOKING CHART – Fan oven cooking chart (by way of example only)


COOKING CHART – Natural convection oven cooking chart (by way of example


--- --- --- ---
Roast beef 225 2/3 40/50
--- --- --- ---
Roast ox 250 2/3 50/60


– Important
Insert the foods when the oven is hot.
– Cooking with the electric grill is done at 180° C with the door closed. The food to be grilled should be placed on the relative grid preferably in the fourth shelf.

COOKING CHART – Inside food temperature (°C)



Remark Probe must be in the middle of the roast and not close to the bone or to any fat part

INSTALLATION – Instructions for installation

The small plate containing details of the appliance, voltage, consumption, directions for installation including the required aperture is affi xed to the fl ap of the oven door. This plate can be seen when the oven door is open. The appliance must be located in a suitable housing of the correct dimensions (see plate on oven door for details) it is most important the housing is suffi ciently rigid and sturdy to adequately carry the weight of the appliance. Care must be taken to ensure all material, coatings and glue can withstand temperatures of at least 150°C, without distortion or melting. Screws and all fi ttings to complete the in stal la tion are included. The following illustrations show how to install the oven.




INSTALLATION – Electrical connection

The instructions below are intended for the skilled technician who will install the cooker, regulate it and perform technical maintenance and who will ensure that these operations are carried out in the most correct way possible, in compliance with the regulations in force. Important: the cooker must be disconnected from the
electric socket before performing all regulating or maintenance operations.

Installation rules

This appliance complies with the following directives
The installation must be done in a workmanlike manner and in full compliance with the regulations in force concerning electrical installation. Otherwise the ma-nufacturer declines all responsibility. In this booklet you will also find the wiring diagram of your appliance.
The appliances are designed to be connected to the voltage shown on the data plate.

Before connecting the appliance to the mains, make sure that:

  • The characteristics of the electromagnetic switch or of the socket can withstand the load of the equipment (see data on the plate);
  • The power supply system must have an effective earth connection.
    The appliance is supplied with a cable without plug: the connection must be made taking into account that the yellow-green cable is the earth conductor and must never be interrupted.
    The socket must be visible and reachable so that you can easily disconnect the appliance.

For direct connection to the network, it is necessary that:

  • The limiting valve and the domestic system can bear the load of the equipment (see serial number plate);
  • The power supply system is equipped with an effective ground connection;
  • The socket or omnipolar switch, with a minimum opening of 3 mm, is easily accessible once the appliance has been installed;
  • A landline disconnect switch is incorporated in accordance with the installation rules.

The yellow-green earth conductor must never be interrupted even by the switch. The power supply cable must be positioned so that it does not come into contact with surfaces that have a temperature higher than 50 ° C above the environment. If it is necessary to replace the power supply cable, contact the assistance service.

INSTALLATION – Wiring diagrams Absorption (kW)

MODEL  KW (230V)
60              3,2
91              3,4


00 Black  M Terminal block
11 Brown MG Roaster
22 Red MP Door microswitch
33 White N Neutral
44 Yellow NTC Temperature probe
45 Yellow-Green P Timer/Programmer
55 Grey P Timer/Clock
66 Blue R1 Upper resistance
C Commutator R2 Lower resistance
CP Cooking probe R3 Grill resistance
DU Wax thermal actuator R4 Circulating resistance
EF discharging steam S1 Oven warning light
ET Functions encoder Thermostat encoder S2 Mains warning light
F Thermostat encoder SD Display board
FLC Filter SE Selector
K1 Earth wire terminal block SP Power board
K2 “ “ Lower resistance SS Probe board
K3 “ “ oven fan T Grill thermostat
K4 “ “ circulating resistance TF Oven thermostat
K5 “ “ upper resistance TS Safety thermostat
K6 “ “ oven light 1 TT Bypass thermostat
K7 “ “ oven light 2 TST Safety cooling fan thermostat
K8 “ “ roaster V Oven fan
K9 “ “ cooling fan VT Cooler fan
K11 “ “ oven thermostat SA Power supply board
K12 “ “ programmer/timer GL LED ring
K15 “ “ frame PT Temperature probe PT1000
L1 Oven light
L2 Oven light

Wiring diagrams

Wiring diagrams






The versatility of features that range from lighting, to suction and cooking, helps create products that were born to amaze.
High-quality materials, careful attention to detail, strong passion for design each in their core essence play a leading role in our products capable of transmitting emotions.
Elica, aria nuova


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Can children play with the oven?

A: No, children should not play with the oven. It should be used under proper supervision and only by those who have been instructed on its safe usage and are aware of the associated dangers.

Q: How to unlock the oven?

A: To unlock, touch and hold the display for 10 seconds.

Q: How to adjust the volume and sound of the touch display?

A: Use the volume control function to adjust the volume and choose a sound for touch input on the display.

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