DEEPOWER EP-2 Folding Electric Bicycle Instructions

June 17, 2024

DEEPOWER EP-2 Folding Electric Bicycle

DEEPOWER EP-2 Folding Electric Bicycle


When using the electric bicycle, basic safety precautions should always be followed,including the following:

  1. Read all instructions.
  2. To protect against fire, electric shock and injury to persons, do not immersecord,plugs, or e-bike in water or other liquid.
  3. Close supervision is necessary when the e-bike is used by or near children.
  4. Unplug from outlet when not in charging and before cleaning.
  5. Do not operate the e-bike with a damaged cord or plug or after the e-bikemalfunctions, or has been damaged in any manner. Take the e-bike to the nearest authorized service bike shop for examination, repair or adjustment.
  6. The use of accessory attachments not recommended by the e-bike manufacturermay result in fire, electric shock or injury to persons.
  7. Do waterproof when using on a rainy or snowy day.
  8. Do not let cord hang over the edge of table or counter, or touch hot surfaces.
  9. Do not place on or near a hot gas or electric burner, or a heated oven.
  10. Always attach the plug to the battery first, then plug the cord into the wall outlet.
  11. Do not use the bike for other than intended use.

This manual is not intended as a detailed user, service, repair or maintenance manual. Please seek assistance from a qualified technician for service, repairs or maintenance.

Read This First: Safety and Compliance withtheLaw

Congratulations on your purchasing of your new e-bike. Your newe-bike is anexcellentpiece of personal transportation equipment that will give you good service for manyyears. Before you start using your e-bike, we want you to be aware of a fewimportant points. Please read this section carefully..

  • Observe Laws Regarding the Use of Battery-Operated Bicycles
    Your e-bike is designed and manufactured to meet safety requirements as abattery-operated bicycle. However, state and local laws governing the use of battery-operated bicycles on public roadways, parks, and other open areas maydiffer.Please check with your local authority before using your e-bike in public areas.

  • Observe Laws Regarding the Use of Bicycles
    Note that all laws regarding the use of bicycles in public areas, such as thosemandating the use of helmets and the use of infant seats, will automaticallyapplyfore-bikes. Check with your local authority on what restrictions might apply-

  • The Lithium-ion Battery of Your e-Bike
    Your e-bike is equipped with the latest battery technology. The lithium- ionbatteryismuch lighter than lead- or nickel-based batteries that are being used in someoldermodels.

  • Your First Ride
    Please be VERY CAREFUL when you are ready to get on your e-bike for thefirsttime because that the e-bike moves significantly faster than a regular bicycleat activepower-assisted mode. Take your e-bike to an area with a lot of open space beforeyoustart. Do not start pedaling hard as soon as you get on the e-bike (as younormallywould be with a regular bicycle), as the e-bike will accelerate under pedal-assist mode and you may be unprepared for the sudden increase in speed. However, afterafew times, you will enjoy using the pedal- assisted function.

Assembling Your New e-Bike

If you purchased your e-bike unassembled, please follow these instructions toassemble your e-bike under the guidance of an adult or a qualified technician. Assemblyis quite easy as most of the parts are already assembled; you need only to put afewlargepieces together to complete the job. For more information,please contact the shop where you intend to buy

  • Name of each Part
    Assembling Your New E-bike

  • Check that the Package is Complete and Undamaged

Your e-bike comes in a carton containing the following:

  • * The main body of the e-bike – consisting of the frame, the rear wheel, thegear and chain, the rear brake, the battery in the frame, the rear fender.
    • The handlebar subassembly with the battery’s keys that attachedonit-the handlebar subassembly is not really separate, as it is connectedtothemain body by the brake cables and electrical wires.
      The handlebar alsohas the brake levers and gear control already assembled. Additionally, the right handle also has an integrated control for the throttle modepower assisted, a display panel.

    • The Seat – the seat is attached to its pedestal stem. The front wheel

    • The front wheel fender with supports

    • Front light -the front light is not really separate, as it is connectedtothemain body by an electrical wire. ◊ Tools and other parts -One multi-tools, one charger, a pair of foot pedalsand this manual, they are contained in a separate box.

  • Assembly – Step 1: Attach the handlebar subassembly

Stand the main body of the e-bike on the kickstand. Stand up and lock the steeringcolumn that is at the front of the main body frame, insert the stemof the handlebarsubassembly into it. Make sure that the fork (that will hold the front wheel) is pointingforward, and orient the handlebar accordingly. Insert the stemall the way andtightenfrom the top using the quick lock.

Assembling Your New E-bike

  • Assembly – Step 2: Attach the Front Wheel Fender and the Front Light

Make sure that the fork from the steering column is pointing forward. Place thefront lightand the front fender within the fork: locate the small projection with a screwholeat thetop of the fender, fit it to the bolt at the back of the base of the steering column; attachthesupports (one on each side) to the base of the fork using two small bolts (supplied). Afterall three points (the dorsal point and the 2 support points) are properly attached, usethemulti-tools to tighten.

Fix dorsal point to base of steering column

Assembling Your New E-bike

  • Assembly – Step 3: Attach the Front Wheel and Adjusting the Front Brake

Make sure that the fork from the steering column is pointing forward. Removetheprotective bar from the front fork, place the front wheel within the fork andthebrakediscwithin the brake block, seat the axial stem properly within the receptacles at thetipsofthe fork, and tighten the nuts with the multi-tools. Make sure that the front wheel movesfreely and does not wobble from side to side. Reposition the wheel and re-tightenifnecessary.

Assembling Your New E-bike

Test the brake by lifting the front of the e-bike and setting the wheel in motion(turnit)and apply the brake at the handlebar to stop it. If you could not set the wheel infreemotion, or if you could not stop it by applying the brake, you need to re-adjust byincreasing or decreasing the clearance. Caution: Do not operate the e-bike until you are satisfied that both the front andrearbrakes are operational.

  • Assembly – Step 4: Installing the Seat and Pedals

Insert the pedestal stem of the seat into the seat column of the main body frame, usethebuilt-in lever to tighten. Attach a pedal on each side of the crank, tighten with the multi-tools. Inflate the tires to proper pressure. At this point, your e-bike is a completely functional bicycle, although without anybatteryoperated to function as yet. Check all tightening points to make sure. Take a short ride.Adjust the height of the handlebar, and the height and the tilt of the seat, if necessary, formaximum comfort.

  • Assembly – Step 5: Charging the Battery

plesae note:
Remove the charger from the box, the first step is Insert the plug at the endof thesmallercable into the charging terminal of the battery,and attached the power cord,withtheaothe side insert that to any wall outlet and start charging. The charging terminal isontheside of the battery opposite to a hole on the side of the frame. The LEDonthechargerglows RED while charging and glows GREEN when charging is complete. Thebatteryshould be turned OFF while being charged. When the LED on the charger turnsGreen,disconnect the charging cord and cover the charging terminal with the rubber cap. If a battery is installed on the e-bike and turned ON, the display panel will showthecharge level of the battery when the bike turned ON. You are now ready to start using your e-bike.

Operating Your New e-Bike

The method to turn on the bike is: I, twist the battery lock counterclockwise to theendtoturnon the battery; II, press power button on the left handle bar until the display lights on; III,ride on the bike and twist the throttle bar or pedal the bike, the bike will move, youcanchange the power level with control buttons, level 1 is the slowest and level 5is thefastest,level 0 is human model. Your e-bike is driven by a motor embedded in the hub of the rear wheel. The motor ispowered by a battery. The amount of power delivered to the motor, and hence theaccelerating force on the e-bike, is controlled by you in a way according to the power-assisted mode or full power mode you choose. You can configure the e-bike to operate in the pedal-assist-only-mode or the full powermode (should check against local laws to ensure full power mode is permitted) whereyoucan also use the hand throttle to deliver power to the motor. •

  • Your First Ride
    (Reprinted from the Safety and Compliance with the Law section)
    Please be VERY CAREFUL when you are ready to get on your e-bike for thefirst timebecause the e-bike moves significantly faster than a regular bicycle at activepower-assisted mode. Take your e-bike to an area with a lot of open space beforeyoustart. Do not start pedaling hard as soon as you get on the e-bike (as you normallywoulddo with a regular bicycle), as the e-bike will accelerate under pedalassist modeandyoumay be unprepared for the sudden increase in speed. However, after a fewtimes, youwill enjoy using the pedal- assisted function.

  • Pedal-Assisted
    You must turn on the battery to use the e-bike in pedal-assisted mode. In the pedal-assisted mode, power assist is triggered when you pedal forward, andpowerassist stops when you stop pedaling, sometime would be delay. In other words, powerassist happens as long as you pedal. You don’t need to pedal hard. All youneedistoapply a light force to the pedals continuously to maintain the current flow. Whenyouapply one of the brakes, power assist will automatically stop, allowing the e-biketoslowdown and stop. Power assist will turn itself off when the e-bike has reachedthemaximum speed that the power level you choose. You should use the gear shifter at the handlebar to set the gears appropriatelyaccordingto road conditions and pedal, as usual, you will find that you need to exert a lot lesseffortand the e-bike travels faster and at a more steady speed.

  • Hand Throttle Control
    In the hand throttle mode, amount of power assist is determined by the throttleswitchcontrolled by your hand. You control the throttle by twisting it fromits restingposition,the farther the throttle switch is from its resting position, the more power is deliveredtothe motor to accelerate the e-bike. When you want to slow down, you simplyreleasethethrottle and let it return to its resting position, and simultaneously apply the brakesifnecessary. You do not need to pedal the e-bike if you use the hand throttle. However, youcanpedalwhile commanding power assist. If you do pedal to help the movement, youconserveenergy and the charge in the battery will last longer.

  • Charging Your e-Bike Battery
    Your e-bike battery is a lithium-ion battery. Lithium-ion battery requires speciallydesigned chargers. You should never charge your battery with a substitute charger thatisnot designed for this use. Use of an unsuitable charger to charge a lithium-ionbatterywillresult in overheating, fire or even explosion. If your charger is lost or damaged, contactyour dealer to order a replacement. Charge your battery while the e-bike is not in use. You should turn off the batterybeforeyou charge it. You may charge your battery while it is mounted on the e- bike, or afterithas been removed from the e-bike. Do not place either the charger or the battery near flammable substances whilechargingis taking place. Charging should not be done in the vicinity of infants and small children.It is also prudent to remove valuable objects from the immediate vicinity of thebatterywhile it is being charged. The length of charging time depends on the level of charge the battery still holds. Ifabattery is completely discharged, it will take 6 hours to be fully recharged. Whenabattery is fully charged, the LED on the charger will transition fromREDtoGREEN. Atthis point, you should disconnect the charger. Do not leave the charger connectedtothebattery for a very long period of time after charging is complete. (Leavingit connectedfor an overnight charging is OK. It is normal for the charger and the battery to be slightly hot while chargingis ongoing.• Removing the Battery from the e-Bike
    The battery is an important and costly part of the e-bike. It is designed to be lockedintoposition with a key to preventing theft. You can take further precaution byremovingthebattery while the e-bike is parked unattended. You may also have a need toremovethebattery from the e-bike to recharge it at a location where you cannot park your e-bike.The method to remove the battery is: I, open the cap of the charging port andfoldthebike; II, insert the key into the battery, hold pressing the key a bit until twist Counterclockwise to the end (Note: You can’t remove the battery until the lockbarwithdraws into the battery completely); III, slip off the battery, the battery is quiteheavyand you should take care not to drop it.

  • Maximizing the Riding Range
    Many factors affect the rate of use of the electrical energy and the riding range.

    • You should fully charge the battery before a long journey.
    • Rough road conditions and hilly terrain will consume more energy.
    • Frequent change of speed will consume more energy.
    • Carrying more weight on the e-bike will consume more energy. ◊ Keeping the tires properly inflated and keeping the e-bike clean andwell lubricated will save energy.
    • Making sure that both wheels move freely when brakes are not appliedwillsave energy. You should check brake adjustments frequently.
    • Pedaling as you ride will consume less electrical energy and increasetheridingrange.
    • When the battery is turned off, your e-bike functions as a regular bicycle. Ifyouembark on a very long journey, you might want to turn off the batteryforlongstretches where the road is level or downhill and pedal the e-bike as aregularbicycle so that you can conserve electrical energy stored in the battery

Care and Maintenance for Your Newe-Bike

You should, in general, take care of your e-bike the way you would witha regularbicycle by keeping it dry, clean and the moving parts well lubricated. You shouldalsoavoidparking your e-bike in exposed areas whenever possible. You should check the effectiveness of the brakes before each use.

  • For your e-Bike, you should also take note of the following:
    • Your e-bike is designed for regular country road use for a single person. Usingyour e-bike for extreme maneuvers, such as extreme off-road use, jumping, orcarrying the excessive load will damage the e-bike and could causeseriousinjury.
    • Do not use high-pressure water streams to clean your e-bike, as water mightseep inside the motor or the wiring compartment and cause rustingof electricalparts or short circuits.
    • Avoid parking your e-bike outside when there is rain or snow. At theendofatrip where there was rain or snow, bring the e-bike inside and use aclean, drytowel to eliminate any wetness.
    • Be sure you do not lose both keys. If you lost one key, you shouldimmediatelymake a copy as a back-up. If you lost both keys, you will be unabletoremovethe battery from the e-bike.
  • Special Care for the Battery and the Charger
    • Use only the supplied charger to charge your battery. Do not use anunauthorized substitute. If your charger is lost or damaged, contact your dealerto order a replacement
    • Do not open or alter the battery or the battery charger.
    • Do not place the battery near fire or corrosive substances. Do not immerseinwater or other liquids.
    • Avoid subjecting the battery from high temperatures, such as directlyunderthehot sun, for prolonged periods of time.
    • Do not connect (short circuit) the two poles of the battery.
    • After much use, your battery’s charge holding capacity will decrease. If youfind that your battery does not hold sufficient charge even for short trips, youshould contact your dealer to order a replacement. Under normal use, thebattery will undergo 500 charging and discharging cycles.
    • If the battery will not be used for an extended period of time, chargeit fullyandrecharge it every 3 months. Store it in a cool place.
    • Your e-bike battery is engineered with precision for highcapacityandlong useful life. We do not recommend that you use it to power otherelectrical devices. Improper use of the battery will damage the batteryandshorten its useful life and may cause a fire or an explosion.


Gear Range: 7-speed type / 8-speed type
Tire Model: 20″*4.0
Climb Grade: 35 degree
Motor: 250W
Max load: 150kg (330 lb)
Battery Capacity: 20Ah
Battery Charger Input Voltage: 110/220 volt AC
Battery Operational Temperature: 0° to 40° Celsius (32° to 104° Fahrenheit)
The following assumes an 60kg (176 lb) load (rider weight + any carry-on weight) on a flatroad at 25km/h(15mph):
Maximum Riding Range in Pedal Assist Mode : 100km (62 miles)
Maximum Riding Range in Hand Throttle Mode: 55km


These safety precautions are provided for your benefit to protect you andthosearoundyou. Please read and follow them carefully to avoid unnecessary injury, damagetotheproduct, or damage to other property.


  • Do not throw the battery into a fire.
    Do not overheat the battery.

  • Do not take apart or modify the battery.
    Disassembly Prohibited

  • Do not connec the battery to other appliances other than your battery.
    Spcified rechargeable battery

  • Do not connect positive and negative terminals by using metallic objects.

  • Use only the specified charger to charge the battery.
    Elcclrolyle leakage, overheating and/or rupture may result in this type of abuse.)


  • Do not take apartormodify the charger

Disassembly Prohibited
Do not cover the charger or place objectson it
Overheating, fire or electric shock may result

  • Do not subject. the charger to shocks, e.g. by dropping. Keep the charger away from water

  • Place the charger firmly on a flat dry surface Using the charger upside-down orstretchingthecabletightmay result in malfunction, fire or electric shock

  • Do not touch thechargerwith your skin for long periods during charging
    Buringoftheskin may result, as external temperature of the charger during charging may become40C ~60C(l04F~ 140F)

  • Do not short-circuit the terminals by using metallic objects.
    Overheating, fire or electric shock may result


  • Keep the battery away from water. Pouring water on the battety may result in short-<icuit, overheating or permanent damage o f the battery.
  • Do not submerge the battery. Soaking the battery in water may cause irreparable damage.


  • Do not apply pressure to the cable or the plug.
    Placing the cable tightened between a wall and a window frame, or placing heavy objects on the cord or the plug may resu lt in electric shock or fire.

  • Be sure to insert the plug securely into a wall socket.
    Electric shock and overheating may result, \Y causing fi re.

  • Do not touch the plug with wet hands.
    Electric shock may result.

  • Keep out of reach of children or pets.
    Electric shock or injury may result.

  • Do not attempt to use anther maker or model’s charger to charge the battery.
    Overheat ing, fire or electric shock may result.
    Do not use the charging plug and/or the power source Plug when they are dirty, wet or dusty.
    IC\ Insulation failure due to moisture absorbed in the \Y dust may result, causing fire.
    Pull out the power source plug and clean it with a dry cloth.

  • To remove a cable from a socket, pull the plug, not the cable.
    Always pull the charging cable gently.

  • Do not rotate the pedals when charging the battery while it is mounted on the bicycle.
    The cord may twist around the pedal or the crank,and the damage to the plug may result. causing electric shock or fire.

  • Do not apply voltage over the rated value to the charger.
    Do not use sockets, correctors and other wiring devices with a power source other than standard rated voltage (ACll0-240 volts) power supply.

    • Overheating, fire or electric shock may result.
  • Do not use damaged components such as charge case, power cord, plug etc.
    Electric short ,short-circuit or fire may result.

Trouble Shooting

As one or more causes of failure might lead to the failure phenomenon, you shoul dfindoutthe true cause(s) and then take the appropriate solution(s) to rectify the problem. Incaseofdoubt, please consult a qualified technician for service, repairs or maintenance.

Failure Phenomena Causes of Failure Solutions
  • Can not turn on the e-bike


  • Battery is off


  • Turn on the battery

  • The Battery is out of power


  • Fully charge the battery

  • Battery aging or damaged


  • Replace the battery

  • Poor contact of display line


  • Reconnect the display

  • Failure of computer


  • Replace the computer

  • Failure of controller


  • Replace the controller

  • Pedal assist doesn’t work

  • Gear doesn’t work well

  • Brake doesn’t work well

  • Display doesn’t light on


  • Failure of speed sensor
  • Rear derailleur mismatch
  • Brake caliper mismatch
  • Brake Disc is bent
  • Poor contact of display line


  • replace speed sensor
  •  Adjust rear derailleur
  • Adjust brake caliper or disc
  • Reconnect the display line

•     Can not adjust the speed

•     Speed is less than 10km/h


  • Battery’s voltage is too low
  • Throttle governing bar is damaged
  • Poor contact of the controlling line
  • Spring failure or being locked


  • Fully charge the battery

  • Replace the throttle governing bar

  • Replace the spring

  • e-Bike’s mileage is obviously inadequate after fully charged


  • Inadequate tire pressure
  • Failure of charger
  • The battery cannot be fully charged
  • Failure of controller
  • Battery aging or battery damaged
  • e-Bike has not been well assembled
  • Too much upgrade road
  • Strong wind
  • Bad road
  • Overweight
  • Too many braking times
  • Temperature is too low


  • Inflate tire with appropriate air pressure

  • Repair the charger

  • Examine and repair the controller

  • Replace the controller

  • Replace the battery

  • Re-adjust the e-Bike

  • Boost the e-Bike by manpower

  • Warm the battery above 0°C (32T)

  • Wheel hub stop running after


  • The connection of battery is


  • Re-connect the battery

  • Replace the connection line

  • Replace the battery’s protective board with a new one

  • switching on the power

| loosen

  • Poor contact of controlling line
  • The connection of wheel hub is loose or damaged
  • The protective board of the battery is broken

Instrument manuals

Instrument manuals

Shell’s Size and Material

The shell’s material is ABS. LCD screen is made of imported high hardness acrylic, and the hardness is equal to the tempered glass.
Instrument manuals
Side View of the Holder
Instrument manuals

Optional size: 22.2mm, 25.4mm

Working Voltage and Mode of Connection

Working Voltage: DC24V 36V 48V (set by the meter), other voltage could be customized.2.2 Mode of Connection:
Standard Connectors Line Sequence:
Instrument manuals
Red Line (D+):
Power Positive
Black Line (GND): Power Negative
Blue Line (DS): Controller’s electric door lock
Brown Line (DD+): Lighting control’s Positive ( If the controller’s software and hardware support the lighting control, do not need connect this line)
Green Line (RX): Receiving communication
Yellow Line (TX): Sending communication
White Line (GND): Lighting control’s Negative
Extended Functions: PWM Assistance grades control, Independent external speed sensor


LCD Display

Speed indicator, PAS grades indicator, Battery indicator, Error indicator, Single Trip Distance and Total Distance, Headlight indicator.
Parameters Setting
Power on/off, Headlight on/off, 6KM/H Cruise control, Wheel size, Max speed setting, Auto stand-by and sleep mode setting, Background luminance setting, Working voltage setting.
Communication Protocol: UART

All contents on the screen

**Instrument manuals

Power status
Instrument manuals
Instrument manuals
**Total Distance(ODO), Single Trip Distance(TRIP), Error Code(Error), Wattage(WATT),

Maintenance(Maintain), DST TO GO(Unused temporarily)
E-Bike Mode
Instrument manuals
Economic mode(ECO), Standard mode(STD), Powerful model(POWER), Hand speed- control model(SPEEDHANDLE), Walk assisted model(WALK)
Speed display
Maximum speed(MAX), Average speed(AVG) MPH, KM/H are both optional.
According Wheel size and signal data, the meter could figure out the real speed.
Instrument manuals
Error display

Meaning of Error Code:

Error Code Error Status Notes
0 Normal Status
1 Save
2 Brakes
3 PAS problem(a riding mark) not implemented
4 6KM/H cruising
5 Real-time cruising
6 Battery is undervoltage
7 Motor’s problem
8 Throttle’s problem
9 Controller’s problem
10 Communication Receiving problem
11 Communication Sending problem
12 BMS Communication problem
13 Headlight problem

PAS grades

PAS Status (0-9 grades), Cruise mark Instrument
Parameters setting
P01 Background luminance. 1 is the darkest, 3 is the brightest
P02 Unit of the mileage. 0 is KM, 1 is MILE
P03 Voltage grades. 24V, 36V, 48V. The original voltage is 36V. P04 Sleep time. 0 is without sleep, other numbers stand for the sleep time (1-60min). P05 PAS grades. 0, 3 grades mode: 1 grade 2V, 2 grade 3V, 3 grade 4V
1, 5 grades mode: 1 grade 2V, 2 grade 2.5V, 3 grade 3V, 4 grade 3.5V, 5 grade4VP06 Wheel size. Unit: inch. Precision: 0.1
P07 Speed measuring magnet. Range: 1-100
P08 Speed limit. Range: 0-50km/h, 50 means without limit . No- Communication Status (controlled by the meter): when the real speeds over the ones we set, the meter would shut off PWM output; when less than the speed waste, the meter would turn on PWM output automatically, the driving speed wouldbe±1km/h;(Speed limit is for PAS, not for Throttle)
Communication Status (controlled by the controller): The driving speed keeps same with the ones we set. Random error: ±1km/h. (Speed limit is for both PAS and Throttle)
Notes: These data are based on KM. When changing KM to Mile, the speed value on the screen would convert to correct Miles automatically, but if you do not change the setting of speed limit from KM to Mile, it would be different from the real speed limit in Mile.
P09 Zero start & Non-zero Start. 0 is Zero Start, 1 is Non-zero Start
P10 Driving mode. 0 is driven by PAS. Throttle is useless at this time. 1 is driven by Throttle. PAS is useless at this time. 2 is driven by PAS & Throttle. Throttle is useless at Zero Start status.
P11 PAS sensitivity. Range: 1-24
P12 PAS start strength. Range: 0-5
P13 PAS magnet type. There are 3 types: 5, 8, and 12.
P14 The Current-limiting of Controller. The original Current is 12A. Range:1-20A
P15 Not implemented now
P16 Reset ODO. Long press for 5s, ODO could be reset.

Button Introductions

During riding, need change PAS/Speed grades, shortly press
During riding, need change data in Multi-function Area, shortly press ;
Long press , could switch status between MODE and ON/OFF;
Long press as a compound button, is mainly used for parameter setting, which could red uremia operation due to complicated operation. (No compound button with short-time press, because it’s difficult to operate.)
Specific operation explanations
Change PAS grade
Suppose it’s PAS mode now, shortly press , PAS grade +1
shortly press , PAS grade -1
Shift the speed display

Long press + , to shift the way of speed display
ON/OFF 6KM/H cruising, ON/OFF Headlight, Reset ODO When e-bike stops, long press to enter 6KM/H cruising mode. Stoppers sing to exit the cruise mode;
Long press to turn ON/OFF Headlight;
At P16, long press for 5s to reset ODO.
ON/OFF the screen Long press to turn ON/OFF the screen.
Change data in multi-function Area
Shortly press to change data.
Parameters setting
Long press + to start setting parameters, such as wheel size(inch),background luminance… (Refer to P01-P16)
On the setting interface, shortly press , or to plus/minus value. Parameters would be shining after modifying, choose the ones you prefer,
a. Long press to save the value, the shining would stop.
b. Shortly press to shift to the next parameter, and to save current value sat the same time.
c. Press + to exit setting parameters and to save values. If not press these buttons, it would exit and save parameters modified automatically10s later.

  • Please note that this is a general manual. So, the frame style and accessories of the electric bicycle (e-Bike) that you have may differ from the picture shown in this manual.
    Shenzhen Miracle Nau intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd
    Address: Room 6E006-007, Phase II, No.1 Huanan Avenue , Long gang Dist., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
    Email:[email protected]
    The manufacturer reserves the right to change the features of the product with out prior notic e.

DEEPOWER EP-2 Folding Electric Bicycle


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