Whirlpool WHES20 Demand Controlled Water Softener Instruction Manual

June 17, 2024


Whirlpool WHES20 Demand Controlled Water Softener


Product Information: Demand Controlled Water Softener


  • Model: WHES20, WHES30
  • Product No.: 8562921
  • Revision: D
  • Date: 9/22/04

Water Softener Safety
Before installing, operating, or maintaining the water softener, it is important to follow safety guidelines. Ensure that the power source is switched off and that you have read and understood all the instructions provided in the user manual.

Before You Start

Prior to installation, take note of the following:

  • Inspect the shipment for any damage.
  • Ensure you have all the necessary tools and parts for installation.

Inspect Shipment
Upon receiving the water softener, carefully inspect the shipment for any signs of damage. If any damage is found, contact our toll-free number immediately for assistance.

Water Softener Dimensions
The water softener has specific dimensions that need to be considered during installation. Refer to the user manual for detailed dimensions and ensure that you have sufficient space for installation.

Water Conditioning Information
This section provides information on how the water softener conditions water to remove hardness. It explains the softening cycle and regeneration cycle in detail.

How A Water Softener Works
The water softener utilizes a demand-controlled system to remove hardness from water. The softening cycle involves the exchange of calcium and magnesium ions with sodium ions, resulting in softened water. The regeneration cycle involves the replenishment of sodium ions through the use of a brine solution.

Softening Cycle
The softening cycle is responsible for removing hardness from water. During this cycle, the water passes through a resin bed where calcium and magnesium ions are exchanged with sodium ions.

Regeneration Cycle
The regeneration cycle recharges the resin bed by flushing it with a brine solution. This process replenishes the sodium ions on the resin bed, allowing it to continue softening water effectively.

Installation Requirements

Prior to installation, ensure that you have the necessary tools and parts. Refer to the user manual for a complete list of requirements.

Tools and Parts Needed

Make sure you have the following tools and parts:

  • Tool 1
  • Tool 2
  • Part 1
  • Part 2

Location Requirements
Choose an appropriate location for installing the water softener. Consider factors such as access to the water supply, drainage, and electrical outlet. Refer to the user manual for detailed location requirements.

Air Gap Requirements
An air gap is required to prevent backflow of water into the water supply. Ensure that the air gap meets the specified requirements mentioned in the user manual.

Valve Drain Requirements
Proper valve drain requirements must be met to ensure effective operation of the water softener. Refer to the user manual for detailed instructions on valve drain requirements.

Planning Installation

Prior to installation, carefully plan the steps to ensure a
smooth installation process. Refer to the user manual for detailed
instructions on planning the installation.

Inlet – Outlet Plumbing Options
Consider the available plumbing options for the inlet and outlet connections. The user manual provides different options and guidelines for connecting the water softener to the plumbing system.


Follow these steps to install the water softener:

Turn Off Water Supply
Prior to installation, turn off the main water supply to prevent any water flow during the installation process.

Install Brine Tank Overflow Elbow
Attach the brine tank overflow elbow to the designated location on the brine tank. Secure it tightly to prevent any leakage.

Move the Water Softener into Place
Carefully move the water softener into its designated location, ensuring it is level and stable.

Assemble Inlet and Outlet Plumbing
Follow the instructions in the user manual to assemble the inlet and outlet plumbing. Use the provided parts and ensure a secure connection.

Connect Inlet and Outlet Plumbing
Connect the assembled inlet and outlet plumbing to the water softener. Make sure all connections are tight and leak-free.

**Install Valve Drain Hose


Attach the valve drain hose to the appropriate valve on the water softener. Ensure a secure connection to prevent any leaks.

Install Salt Storage Tank Overflow Hose
Connect the salt storage tank overflow hose to the designated location on the tank. Make sure it is securely attached.

Test for Leaks

After completing the installation, carefully check all connections for any leaks. If any leaks are detected, tighten the connections or replace any faulty parts.

Add Water and Salt to the Salt Storage Tank
Follow the instructions provided in the user manual to add water and salt to the salt storage tank. This is necessary for the proper functioning of the water softener.

Sanitize the Softener/Sanitize After Service
Refer to the user manual for instructions on sanitizing the water softener. This step is essential after installation or servicing to ensure clean and safe water.

Plug in Water Softener

Once all the installation steps are completed, plug in the water softener to the designated electrical outlet. Make sure the power source is switched on.

Program the Water Softener – Model WHES20
Follow the user manual instructions to program the water softener according to your specific model (WHES20). This step is crucial for setting up the water softening process.

Program the Water Softener – Model WHES30
Follow the user manual instructions to program the water softener according to your specific model (WHES30). This step is crucial for setting up the water softening process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What should I do if I encounter a problem during installation?
If you face any issues during installation, refer to the troubleshooting section in the user manual or contact our toll-free number for assistance.

How often should I regenerate the resin bed?
The regeneration cycle should be performed based on water usage and hardness levels. Refer to the user manual for recommended regeneration frequency.

Can I use any type of salt in the salt storage tank?
It is recommended to use high-quality water softener salt to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the water softener. Refer to the user manual for specific salt recommendations.

Model WHES20 Model WHES30
How to install, operate and maintain your Demand Controlled Water Softener
Do not return water softener to store
If you have questions or concerns when installing, operating or maintaining your
softener, call our toll free number:
Monday – Friday, 8 am – 9 pm EST

7262954 (Rev. D 9/22/04) Product No. 8562921

Water Softener Safety

Your safety and the safety of others are very important. We have provided many important safety messages in this manual and on your appliance. Always read and obey all safety messages.
This symbol alerts you to potential hazards that can kill or hurt you and others. TAhllissaifsetthyemseasfseatygeaslerwt ilsl yfmolbloowl. the safety alert symbol and either the word “DANGER” or “WARNING.” These words mean:
You can be killed or seriously injured if you don’t immediately follow instructions.
You can be killed or seriously injured if you don’t follow instructions.
All safety messages will tell you what the potential hazard is, tell you how to reduce the chance of injury, and tell you what can happen if the instructions are not followed.

For installations in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Installation by a licensed plumber is required. Plumbing code 248-CMR of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts must be used fi_r installation.
For installations in the state of California: You must turn the Salt Efficiency Feature setting to ON. This may initiate more frequent recharges, however, it will operate at 4,000 grains per pound of salt or higher. To turn on the Salt Efficiency Feature, tk_llow the instructions in the “Salt Efficiency” section of this manual.

Before You Start
See “Location Requirements” section before installing water softener. Follow the installation instructions carefully. (Failure to install the water softener properly voids the warranty.) Betk_re you begin installation, read this entire manual. Then, obtain all the materials and tools you will need to make the installation. Check local plumbing and electrical codes. Use only lead-tree solder and flux for all sweat-solder connections, as required by federal codes. Use care when handling the water softener. Do not turn upside down, drop, or set on sharp protrusions. Avoid installing in direct sunlight. Excessive sun heat may cause distortion or other damage to non-metallic parts.

Thewatersoftenerrequiresa minimumwaterflowof 3 gallonsperminuteattheinlet.Maximum allowableinletwaterpressuries 125psi.If daytimepressuries over80psi,nighttimepressurme ay exceetdhemaximumU. seapressurreeducinvgalveif necessar(yA.ddingapressurreeducingvalve mayreducetheflow.)If yourhomeisequippewdith abackflowpreventear,nexpansiotnankmust beinstalledinaccordancweithlocalcodesandlaws.
Thewatersoftenewr orkson 24 volt-60hz electricapl oweronly,suppliedby a directplug-in
transk_rm(ienrcluded)B.esuretousetheincludetdransformearndplugit intoanomina1l 20V6, 0 cyclehousehooldutlethatisproperlyprotectebdy anovercurrendtevicesuchasacircuitbreakeorr fuse.If transformeisrreplacedu,seonlytheauthorizesderviceC, lassII, 24V10VAtransk_rmer.
Thissystemisnotintendetdobeused*k_treatingwaterthatismicrobiologicalulynsafoerofunknown qualitywithoutadequatdeisinfectiobneforeor afterthesystem.

Inspect Shipment

The parts required to assemble and install the water softener are included with the water softener.

Copper tubes and ground clamp

Single valve bypass

20 ft. green drain hose

Hose adaptor

Hose clamps

Installation nuts




Water hardness test strip
Thoroughly check the water softener *k_rpossible shipping damage and parts loss. Also inspect and note any damage to the shipping carton. Remove and discard (or recycle) all packing materials. To avoid loss of small parts, we suggest you keep the small parts in the parts bag until you are ready to use them.

Do not return the water softener to store.

If you have any questions, or there are missing parts or damage, please call


Monday – Friday, 8 am – 9 pm EST.

Before you call please have your model number, date of purchase, water conditions and number of people living in your home.

For future reference, enter the following information.

Model No. O O

Serial No. O O

Code O

Installation date

*Water hardness

gpg **Iron content


0 on registration decal (located under salt hole cover) 0 on shipping carton
A hardness test strip is provided with your water softener. ** Kits arc available at retail hardware stores for testing water hardness and iron content. Some retail stores will also test your water for a fce.

Water Softener Dimensions

,,,=_ 19″
18″ 3-3/_8″OUT E




A 36-1/2″ 36-1/2″







How a Water Softener Works

Softening Cycle


When the water softener is providing soft water, it is called “service” or the “softening cycle”. During this cycle, hard water flows from the main water pipe in the household into the water softener. Inside the resin tank is a bed made up of thousands of tiny, plastic resin beads. As hard water passes through the bed, each bead attracts and holds the hardness minerals. Water without the hardness minerals (soft water) flows from the water softener to the rest of the house.

Eventually the beads become coated with calcium or magnesium ions. At this point, the water softener needs to replenish the beads with sodium ions. This process is called “regeneration”.
Regeneration occurs when the resin beads are washed with a strong salt water solution. The sodium forces the calcium and magnesium ions to be released where they are then discharged as waste during the regeneration cycle. The beads are then ready to once again to collect the hardness minerals (calcium and magnesium) from the water. Regeneration consists of five cycles; brine fill, brining, brine rinse, backwash and fast rinse. The total time of the regeneration cycle is approximately two hours.

Water Conditioning Information

Water Conditioning

Water conditioning Hardness Iron

is the treatment of t2}ur general conditions.

These are:

Acidity Sediments
1. Hardness is a term to describe the presence of calcium and magnesium minerals in water. A chemical analysis accurately measures the amount of minerals in grain weight. For example, one gallon of water with 5 grains per gallon (gpg) hardness has dissolved minerals, that if solidified, about equals the size of one ordinary aspirin tablet. One gallon of water, 25 gpg hard, has a mineral content equal in size to 5 aspirin tablets. Water hardness varies greatly across the country. It generally contains from 3 to 100 gpg.
Hardness minerals combine with soap to make a soap curd. The curd greatly reduces the cleaning action of soap. Precipitated hardness minerals form a crust on cooking utensils, appliances, and plumbing fixtures. Even the tastes of foods are affected. A water softener removes the hardness minerals to eliminate these effects, and others.

IMPORTANT: Water softeners using sodium chloride (salt) _2}rregeneration add sodium to the water. Persons on sodium restricted diets should consider the added sodium as part of their overall
intake. Water softeners using potassium chloride (salt) for regeneration add sodium to the water. Persons on potassium restricted diets should consider the added potassium as part of their overall intake.

Factor into your diet the amount of sodium or potassium shown below, based on your water hardness and consumption.

Sodium Added to Waterfrom Cation Exchange Softening

Initial Water Hardness
Grains per Gallon 1 5 6 7

Sodium added by Cation Exchange Softening of Water*
Milligrams Na+/qt. 7.5 37 44 52

Potassium added by Cation Exchange Softening of Water**
Milligrams K+/qt. 12.75 62.9 74.8 88.4
















115.6 127.5 190.4 255 382.5 510

*If your water supply is 15 grains hard and you drank 3 quarts of softened water you would consume 335 milligrams of sodium. That is equivalent to eating 2-1/2 slices of white bread.
*One large banana, about 9 inches in length, has approximately 600 milligrams of potassium.
2_ Iron in water can cause stains on clothing and plumbing fixtures. It can negatively affcct the taste of t_od, drinking water, and other beverages. Iron in water is measured in parts per million (ppm). The total
ppm of iron, and type or types, is determined by chemical analysis. Four different types of iron in water are:
Ferrous (clear water),
Ferric (red water),
Bacterial and organically bound iron,
Colloidal and inorganically bound iron (fcrrous or ferric).
Water may contain one or more of the four types of iron and any combination of these. Total iron is the sum of the contents.
Ferrous (clear water) iron is soluble and dissolves in water. This water softener will remove moderate amounts of this type of iron (see specifications). Ferrous (clear water) iron is usually detected by taking a sample of water in a clear bottle or glass. Immediately after taking, the sample is clear. As the water sample stands, it gradually clouds and turns slightly yellow or brown as air oxidizes the iron. This usually occurs in 15 to 30 minutes.
When using the softener to remove Ferrous (clear water) iron, add 5 grains to the hardness setting for every t ppm of Ferrous (clear water) iron.

Ferric (red water), and bacterial and organically bound irons are insoluble. This water softener will not remove ferric or bacterial iron. This iron is visible immediately when drawn from a faucet because it has oxidized be*k_re reaching the home. It appears as small cloudy yellow, orange, or reddish suspended particles. After the water stands for a period of time, the particles settle to the bottom of the container. Generally these irons are removed from water by filtration. Chlorination is also recommended tk_rbacterial iron.
Colloidal and inorganically bound iron is of ferric or fcrrous form that will not filter or exchange out of water. This water softener will not remove colloidal iron. In some instances, treatment may improve colloidal iron water. Colloidal iron water usually has a yellow appearance when drawn. After standing for several hours, the color persists and the iron does not settle, but remains suspended in the water.
3. Acidity or acid water is caused by carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. This water softener will not improve an acid condition in water. Acid water can be corrosive to plumbing, plumbing fixtures, water heaters, and other water using appliances. In can also damage and cause premature failure of seals, diaphragms, etc., in water handling equipment.
A chemical analysis is needed to measure the degree of acidity in water. This is called the pH of water. Water testing below 6.9 pH is acidic. The lower the pH reading, the greater the acidity. A neutralizer filter or a chemical fced pump are usually recommended to treat acid water.
. Sediment is fine, foreign material particles suspended in water. This water softener will not remove sediment. This material is most often clay or silt. Extreme amounts of sediment may give the water a cloudy appearance. A sediment filter installed ahead of the water softener normally corrects this situation.

Installation Requirements

Tools and Parts Needed

Assemble the required tools before starting installation. Read and follow the instructions provided with any tools listed here.

  • Screwdriver · Pliers
  • Tape Measure

If using Soldered Copper Pipe · Tubing cutter · Propane torch · Misc. copper pipe fittings

  • Lead-free solder and i]ux · Emery cloth, sandpaper or steel wool

If using Threaded Pipe · Pipe cutter or hacksaw · Threading tool

  • Pipe joint compound · Misc. threaded pipe fittings

If using CPVC Plastic · Pipe cutter · Hacksaw · Adjustable wrench

  • Solvent cement · Primer · Misc. CPVC pipe fittings

If using Other
· Other pipe and fittings suitable for potable water supply as required by piping system manufacturer and local codes and/or ordinances.

Location Requirements

Consider all of the following when selecting all installation location for the water softener. · Do not locate the water softener where freezing temperatures occur. Do not attempt to
treat water over 120°E Freezing, or hot water damage voids the warranty.
· To condition all water in the home, install the water softener close to the water supply inlet, and before all other plumbing connections, except outside water pipes. Outside faucets should remain on hard water to avoid wasting conditioned water and salt.
· A nearby drain is needed to carry away regeneration discharge (drain) water. Use a floor drain, laundry tub, sump, standpipe, or other options (check your local codes). See “Air Gap Requirements” and “Valve Drain Requirements” sections.
· The water softener works on 24 volt-60 hz electrical power only, supplied by a direct plug-in transformer (included). Provide an electrical outlet in accordance with NEC and local codes.
· Always install the water softener between the water heater and water inlet. Any other installed water conditioning equipment should be installed between the water softener and the water inlet (see Figure 1 below).
cold t”_– ‘__

Figure 1

water heater s°P_ngt I I I filter
watersoftener I ]

water inlet

Air Gap Requirements
A drain is needed for regeneration discharge water. A floor drain, close to the water softener, is preferred. A laundry tub, standpipe, etc., are other drain options. Secure valve drain hose in place.

1-1/2″ airgap

drain hose

floor drain

hose _ 1 – 1/2″ airgap
I I!

j hose
—-...._ __ 1-1/2″
laundry tub

Figure 2

Valve Drain Requirements

Use the flexible green drain hose, that is included, measure and cut to the length needed. Flexible drain hose is not allowed in all localities (check your plumbing codes). If local codes do not allow use of a flexible drain hose, a rigid valve drain run must be used. Buy a compression fitting (1/4 NPT x 1/2 in. minimum tube) and 1/2″ tubing from your local hardware store. Then plumb a rigid drain as needed (see Figure 3).


Avoid long &ain hose runs, or elevating the hose more than 8′ above the floor. Make the water softener valve drain as short and direct as possible.

1/4″ BNaPrbTs thforerad3/8″ I.D.tubin 9


1/4″ NPT thread


Compression fitting 1/4 NPT x 1/2″ O.D. tube (not provided)

Cut barbs from valve drain elbow (pull clip and remove drain valve elbow from valve)

1/2″ outside diameter copper tube (not provided)

Figure 3


Plan the Installation

Inlet – Outlet Plumbing Options

Always install either a single bypass valve (provided) or, if desired, parts for a 3 valve bypass system (not included) can be purchased and assembled, as shown in Figure 4. Bypass valves allow you to turn off water to the softener for maintenance if needed, but still have water in house pipes.


If you choose to install a 3 valve bypass, you will still need to use the included single valve bypass to connect to the softener.

se.i’cUe” ou Single valve bypass

3 valve bypass

outlet __i


valve , _q[___, from water softener

valve to water softener

to outside faucets

Figure 4

  • Pipe and fittings must be 3/4″ minimum. Use either:
  • Copper pipe · CPVC plastic pipe
  • Threaded pipe · Other pipe approved for use with potable water

conditioned water

hard water

//_ water softener valve

grounding clamp

direct plug-in transformer
“”- _ to timer
valve drain elbow
valve drain hose *

  • Do not connect the water softener valve drain tubing to the salt storage tank overflow hose.


overflow drain



salt storage tank overflow hose *

lubricated o-ring

single valve bypass

floor drain o °

To keep over floor drain, secure valve drain hose in place.


See “Air Gap Requirements” section. Shown with salt hole cover and top cover removed.

Figure 5 (typical installation)



Turn Off Water Supply

  1. Close the main water supply valve, near the well pump or water meter.
  2. Open all faucets to drain all water from the house pipes.


Be sure not to drain water from the water heater, as damage to the water heater dements could result.

Install the Brine Tank Overflow Elbow

Install the brine tank overflow grommet and elbow in the L3/16 ” di”ameter h<) lc in the back of the salt storage tank sidewall.


The salt storage tank drain elbow accepts either 1/2″ or 3/8″ I. D. hose.

Nozzle venturi assembly _ Nut-ferrule

Top cover Brine tank overflow elbow

Salt hole cover Brine tubing
Salt storage tank Stand tube

Brine tank overflow grommet
13/16″ hole Brinewell cover
Brinewe!l Float stem Brine valve

Figure 6


Move the Water Softener into Place

Excessive Weight Hazard Use two or more people to move and install water softener.
Use two or more people to move and lift salt bags. Failure to do so can result in back or other injury.

  1. Move the water softener into installation position. Set it on a level surface. If needed, place the
    water softener on a section of plywood, a minimum of 3/4″ thick. Then, shim under the plywood to level the water softener, see Figure 7.


Do not place shims directly under the salt storage tank. The weight of the tank, when full of water and salt, may cause the tank to fracture at the shim.




i ,,
Figure 7 (if needed for leveling)
2. Visually check and remove any debris from the water softener valve inlet and outlet ports. 3. Remove and discard the yellow plug and make sure the turbine assembly spins freely in the “out”
port of the valve. 4. If not already done, put a light coating of silicone grease or petroleum.idly on the bypass valve
o-rings. 5. Push the bypass valve into the softener valve as far as it will go. Snap the two large holding clips
into place, from the top down as shown in Figure 8. IMPORTANT: Be sure the clips snap firmly into place so the single valve bypass will not pull out.
correct assembly

channel _- clip
Figure 8

clip __.

outside diameter of water softener valve inlet and outlet

outside diameter of clipchannel on single valve bypass

NOTE: Be sure all 3 tabs of the clip go through the matching holes on the water softener valve inlet or outlet, and fully into the channel on the single valve bypass.


Assemble Inlet and Outlet Plumbing

Measure, cut, and loosely assemble pipe and fittings from the main water pipe to the inlet and outlet ports of the water softener valve. Be sure to keep fittings fully together, and pipes squared and straight.

Be sure hard water supply pipe goes to the water softener valve inlet side.


Inlet and outlet are marked on the valve. Trace the water flow direction to be sure.


Be sure to fit, align and support all plumbing to prevent putting stress on the softener valve inlet and outlet. Undue stress from misaligned or unsupported plumbing may cause damage to the valve.

Connect Inlet and Outlet Plumbing

Complete the inlet and outlet plumbing for the type of pipe as shown below.

Electrical Shock H_ar(I
Use metal fittings with metal pipe.
Do not use plastic fittings to connect to metal house pipes. Failure to follow these instructions can result in death or electrical shock.

Ground Clamp

Ground Clamp

Figure 9



  1. Thoroughly clean and apply solder flux to all joints. 2. Make all solder connections.


Do not solder with installation tubes attached to single valve bypass. Soldering heat will damage the valve.


When installing the copper tubes and ground clamp assembly to the single valve bypass, the ground clamp must be secured in place. If necessary tighten the screw.




  1. Apply pipe joint compound or Tcflon® tape to all male pipe threads.
  2. Tighten all threaded joints and make all solder connections.


Do not solder with installation tubes attached to single valve bypass. Soldering heat will damage the valve.


When installing the copper tubes and ground clamp assembly to the single valve bypass, the ground clamp must be secured in place. If necessary tighten the screw.

CPVC plastic pipe

  1. Clean, prime and cement all joints, following the malmfacturer’s instructions supplied with the plastic pipe and fittings.


Do not solder with installation tubes attached to single valve bypass. Soldering heat will damage the valve.


When installing the copper tubes and ground clamp assembly to the single valve bypass, the ground clamp must be secured in place. If necessary tighten the screw.


  1. Follow the piping system manufacturer’s instructions when using other pipe approved tk)r potable water.


When installing the copper tubes and ground clamp assembly to the single valve bypass, the ground clamp must be secured in place. If necessary tighten the screw.

Install Valve Drain Hose

  1. Measure, cut to needed length and connect the 3/8″ green drain line (provided) to the water softener valve &ain fitting. Use a hose clamp to hold the hose in place.


If codes require a rigid drain line see “Valve Drain requirements” section.

  1. Run the green drain hose or copper tubing to the floor drain. Secure green drain hose. This will prevent “whipping” during regenerations. See “Air Gap Requirements” section.
    Install Salt Storage Tank Overflow Hose

  2. Measure, cut to needed length and c(mnect the 3/8″ green drain line (provided) to the salt storage tank overflow elbow and secure in place with a hose clamp.

  3. Run the hose to the floor drain, or other suitable drain point no higher than the drain fitting on the salt storage tank. (This is a gravity drain.) If the tank overfills with water, the excess water flows to the drain point. Cut the green drain line to the desired length and route neatly out of the way.


For proper operation of the water softener, do not connect the water softener valve drain tubing to the salt storage tank overflow hose.


Test for Leaks
To prevent air pressure in the water softener and plumbing system, do the following steps in order. 1. Fully open two or more softened cold water faucets close by the water softener, located
downstream from the water softener.
2. Place the single valve bypass valve or 3 valve bypass in “bypass” position. See “Plan The Installation” section.
3. Fully open the main water supply valve. Run water until there is a steady flow from the opened faucets, with no air bubbles.
4. Place bypass valve(s) in “service” or soft water position as follows: · Single valve bypass: Slowly move the valve stem toward”service”, pausing several times
to allow the water softener to till with water.
· 3 valve bypass: Fully close the bypass valve and open the outlet valve. Slowly open the inlet valve, pausing several times to allow the water softener to fill with water.
5. After about three minutes, open a hot water faucet until there is a steady flow and there are no air bubbles, then close.
6. Close all cold water faucets and check tk)r leaks at the plumbing connections that you made.
Add Water and Salt to the Salt Storage Tank

Excessive Weight Hazard Use two or more people to move and install water softener.
Use two or more people to move and lift salt bags. Failure to do so can result in back or other injury.

  1. Using a container, add about three gallons of clean water into the salt storage tank.
  2. Fill the salt storage tank with salt. Use nugget, pellet or coarse solar salts with less than t %



See “Routine Maintenance Section” tk_radditional information on salt.

Sanitize the Softener/Sanitize After Service

  1. Open salt hole cover and remove the brinewell cover and pour about 1-1/2 oz. (2 to 3 tablespoons) of household bleach into the softener brinewell. Replace the brinewell cover.
    2. Make sure the bypass valve(s) is in the service (open) position.
    3. Sanitize procedure will be completed when first cycle is run and sanitizing solution is flushed from the water softener.
    Plug in Water Softener

During installation, the water softener wiring may be moved or jostled from place. Check to be sure all leadwire connectors are secure on the back of the electronic board and be sure all wiring is away from the valve gear and motor area, which rotates during regenerations.

  1. Plug the water softener into an electrical outlet that is not controlled by a switch.


The water heater is tilled with hard water and, as hot water is used, it refills with

conditioned water. In a fcw days, the hot water will be fully conditioned. To have tully conditioned hot water immediately, wait until the initial recharge is over. Then, drain the

water heater (following instructions for water heater) until water runs cold.


Program the Water Softener – Model WriES20


UP button


/ RECHARGEbutton



DOWN Button

Figure 10

If you have questions about installation, programming, operating and routine maintenance… call 1-866-986-3223, Monday – Friday, 8 am to 9 pm, EST.

When the transformer is plugged into the electrical outlet, a model code and a test number (example:
s3.0), begin to flash in the faceplate display. Then, 1_:00 PM and the “_wrds PRESENT TIME begin to flash.




If SR – – shows in the display, press the UP <_x or DOWN V button until SRI7

shows in the display. Then, press the O PROGRAM button to set, and change to the flashing PRESENT TIME display.

Set Time of Day

If”the “_wr_ds “PRESENT TIME” d<_n<_t sh(_w in”the display, press the O PROGRAM button until they

Press the x Up or Down buttons to set the present time. Up moves the display ahead; down sets the time back.

I I,I– I–! PM



Be sure AM or PM is correct.


Press buttons and quickly release to slowly advance the display. Hold the buttons down tk)r fast advance. This procedure applies tk)r all tk)llowing settings.


Set Water Hardness Number
1. Press the _ PROGRAM button once again to display a flashing 25 and the word”HARDNESS”. 7F


  1. Press the Up or Down buttons to set your water hardness number.


Be sure to enter the grains per gallon (gpg) hardness of your water supply on page 5, for future refcrence. If your water supply contains iron, compensate for it by adding to the water hardness number. For example, assume your water is 20 gpg hard and contains 2 ppm iron. Add 5 to the hardness number for each 1 ppm of iron. In this example, you would use 30 fl)r your hardness number.

2 ppm iron x 5 = 10 (times)

20 gpg hardness +10

Set Recharge (Regeneration) Time

  1. Press the O PROGRAM button once again to display a flashing 2:00AM and the words
    “RECHARGE TIME”. This is a good time fk)r the recharge to start in most households because water is not in use.

–I,1–117 AM

If you want to change the recharge start time, press the Up or desired starting time shows.

Down buttons until the

  1. Press the (_ PROGRAM button once again to return to normal operating display.

Start a Recharge


Recharge beglns to flash

in the timer display, starting a recharge. This recharge draws the sanitizing bleach into and through the

water softener. Any air remaining in the water softener is purged to the drain.

If you have questions about installation, electronic programming, operating and routine maintenance… call 1-866-986-3223, Monday – Friday, 8 am to 9 pm, EST.


Program the Water Softener – Model WHES30



UP button











PROGRAM button

DOWN Button

Figure 11

If you have questions about installation, programming, operating and routine maintenance… call 1-866-986-3223, Monday – Friday, 8 am to 9 pm, EST.

When the transformer is plugged into the electrical outlet, a model code and a test number (example:
s3.0), begin to flash in the faceplate display. Then, 1_9:00 PM and the w( “_rds ” C·URRENT TIME ” begin to flash.


If ….

W7 shows in the display, press the UP 5- or DOWN /button

until LE30

shows in the display. Then, press the O PROGRAM button to set, and change to the

flashing CURRENT TIME display.

Set Time of Day

If the words “CURRENT TIME” do not show in the display, press the O PROGRAM button until they do.

  1. Press the Up or sets the time back.

Down buttons to set the present time. Up moves the display ahead; down

U’£O,. I._-113
Cut_nt Time

i m.3C, I I.-113
Cut_nt Time

Be sure AM or PM is correct.


Press buttons and quickly release to slowly advance the display. Hold fk)r fast advance. This procedure applies fk)r all folk)wing settings.


Set Water Hardness Number

  1. Press the _

PROGRAM button once again to display a flashing 25 and the word”HARDNESS”.


  1. Press the Up or Down buttons to set your water hardness number.


Be sure to enter the grains per gallon (gpg) hardness of your water supply on page 5, for future reference. If your water supply contains iron, compensate for it by adding to the water hardness number. For example, assume your water is 20 gpg hard and contains 2 ppm iron. Add 5 to the hardness number for each 1 ppm of iron. In this example, you would use 30 for your hardness number.

2 ppmiron x 5 = 10 (times)

20 gpg hardness +10

Set Recharge (Regeneration) Time

  1. Press the _ PROGRAM button once again to display a flashing 2:00AM and the words “RECHARGE TIME”. This is a good time for the recharge to start in most households because water is not in use.
    Re_haq/e Time

7:7 If you want to change the recharge start time, press the t__ Up or v Down buttons until the
desired starting time shows.

Start a Recharge


Recharge beglns to flash

in the timer display, starting a recharge. This recharge draws the sanitizing bleach into and through the

water softener. Any air remaining in the water softener is purged to the drain.

If you have questions about installation, electronic programming, operating and routine maintenance… call 1-866-986-3223, Monday – Friday, 8 am to 9 pm, EST.


Customizing Features/Options – Model WriES20


Recharge button is used to initiate an immediate recharge.

Press and hold the O RECHARGE button until the w{} rds ” RE(H· ARGE· NOW ,, flashes

in the display, and the softener enters the fill cycle of regeneration right away. “RECHARGE NOW” will flash during the regeneration. When over, full water

conditioning capacity is restored.



Avoid using hot water while the conditioner is regenerating, because the water heater will refill with bypass hard water.

Recharge Tonight
If you do not want to start all immediate recharge, but would like an extra recharge at the next preset recharge time, do the tk)llowing to schedule a recharge.
· Press and release (do not hold) the (_ RECHARGE button. The words “RECHARGE TONIGHT” flashes in the display, and the softener will recharge at the next recharge time. “RECHARGE NOW” will flash during the regeneration. When over, full water conditioning capacity is restored.




Outage Memory”

If electrical power to the water softener is lost, “memory” built into the timer circuitry will keep all settings tk)r up to eight hours. While the power is out, the display is blank and the water softener will not regenerate. When electrical power is restored, the folk)wing will occur.

  1. You have to reset the present time only if the display is flashing. The HARDNESS and RECHARGE TIME never require resetting unless a change is desired. Even if the clock is incorrect after a long power outage, the softener works as it should to keep your water soft. However, regenerations may occur at the wrong time of day until you reset the clock to the correct time of day.


If the water softener was regenerating when power was lost, it will now finish the cycle.


Salt Efficiency

When this feature is ON, the water softener will operate at salt efficiencies of 4000 grains of hardness per pound of salt or higher. (May recharge more often using smaller salt dosage and less water). The softener is shipped in the OFF setting.
1. Press and hold the (_ PROGRAM button until the following screen is displayed.


_H–,,.._or p



Once in this display, press the _ PROGRAM button and one of the following two displays is shown.

0I ,

Efficiency Icon

2, Press the Up or Down buttons to set On or Off. When set to On, the efficiency icon will be displayed in the upper right hand corner of the normal run display.
3. Press the _ PROGRAM button once again, to return to normal run display.

r,-In ,’,__




efficiency is set to “On” Displayed when

If you have questions about installation, programming, operating and routine maintenance… call 1-866-986-3223, Monday – Friday, 8 am to 9 pm, EST.



Customizing Features/Options-Model WriES30
Recharge button is used to initiate an immediate recharge. Press and hold the (_) RECHARGE button until the words “RECHARGE”, “SERVICE” and “FILL” flash in the display, and the softener enters the fill cycle of regeneration right away. The word “RECHARGE” will flash during the regeneration. When over, full water conditioning capacity is restored.


Avoid using hot water while the conditioner is regenerating, because the water heater will refill with bypass hard water.

Recharge Scheduled
If”you do not want to start all immediate recharge, but would like all extra recharge at the next preset recharge time, do the folk)wing to schedule a recharge.
· Press and release (do not hold) the _ RECHARGE button. The words “RECHARGE SCHEDULED” flashes in the display, and the softener will recharge at the next recharge time. The word “RECHARGE” will flash during the regeneration. When over, full water conditioning capacity is restored.
Set Salt Level

The water softener has a salt monitor indicator light to remind you to refill the storage tank with salt.
· To set this monitor system, lift the salt hole cover and level the salt in the storage tank. The salt level decal, on the brinewell inside the tank, has numbers from 0 to 8. Observe
the number the leveled salt is at, or closest to. Now, press the (_) SET SALT LEVEL button until black ovals corespond to the salt level number. At level 2 or below, the indicator LED will flash “Check Salt I_vel”.

If you want to turn the salt monitor off, press the SET SALT LEVEL button until “SALT LEVEL OFF” shows in display.
![‘-! -I


“Power- Outage Memory”

If electrical power to the water softener is lost, “memory” built into the timer circuitry will keep all settings for up to eight hours. While the power is out, the display is blank and the water softener will not regenerate. When electrical power is restored, the following will occur.

  1. You have to reset the present time only if the display is flashing. The HARDNESS and

RECHARGE TIME never require resetting unless a change is desired. Even if the clock is

incorrect after a long power outage, the softener works as it should to keep your water soft.

However, regenerations may occur at the wrong time of day until you reset the clock to the correct

time of day.


If the water softener was regenerating when power was lost, it will now finish the cycle.

Water Flow Indicator

Whenever the softener has water flowing from the outlet port, the display will show water droplets scrolling down the right hand side of the screen. The faster the water flow, the faster the droplets will flash.

flow through softener …_ roplets indicate water

Salt Efficiency

When this feature is ON, the water softener will operate at salt efficiencies of 4000 grains of hardness per pound of salt or higher. (May recharge more often using smaller salt dosage and less water). The softener is shipped in the OFF setting.
1. Press and hold the O PROGRAM button until the following screen is displayed.

Once in this display, press the O i) ROGRAM button and one of the following two displays is shown.




Eficiency Icon

. Press the Z Up or Down buttons to set On or Off. When set to On, the efficiency icon will be displayed in the lower left hand corner of the normal run display.


Clean / Clear Water Iron Removal

This fcature is beneficial on water supplies containing iron and/or high amounts of sediments (sand, silt, dirt, etc.). When set to “ON”, an additional backwash and fast rinse cycle will occur first, preceeding the normal regeneration sequence. This provides extra cleaning of the resin bed beti)re it is regenerated with the salt brine. To conserve water set this feature “OFF” if your water supply does not contain iron or sediments.

  1. Press and hold the _


button until the fifllowing screen is displayed.
s_,,i_U UU

Once in this display, press the _ PROGRAM button twice and one of the following two displays is shown. Both displays will show the word “Clean”.

n ur!

UnFF Clean

  1. Press the £X Up or Down buttons to set On or Off.
    Clean Feature Minutes
    Adjust the length of the Clean/Clear Water Iron Removal fcature, from 1 to 15 minutes in length. To change this cycle time, use the UP button to increase the time, or the DOWN button to shorten the time. If you are using this feature the length of the extra backwash cycle automatically sets to 3 minutes. t. Press and hold the PROGRAM button until the following screen is displayed.
    ,,i_ U UU

Once in this display, press the (_ [ ROGRAM button three times and following display is shown.

8 Mh
2. Press the
Up or _ Down buttons to set number of minutes.


Maximum Days Between Regenerations

The water softener automatically controls regeneration frequency. This provides the greatest operating efficiency, and under most conditions, this fcature should be left in this mode. However, modify this feature if you want to force a regeneration every set number of days. For example, if your water supply contains iron and you want the softener to regenerate at least once every fcw days to keep the resin bed clean, set the display as shown below. Setting is available from 1 to 15 days by using the UP and DOWN buttons.


The softener will recharge on its own if needed, even if it is before the set number of days.

  1. Press and hold the (_ PROGRAM

button until the following screen is displayed.
S_r,i_U UU

Once in this display, press the O PROGRAM button fkmr times and following display is shown.

  1. Press the _
    12 or 24 Hour Clock

Up or _

Down buttons to set number of days.

All time displays are shown in standard clock time (1 to 12 PM; and 1 to 12 AM) at the 12 hr default setting. If 24 hour clock displays are desired, follow steps below.
1. Press and hold the Q) PROGRAM button until the following screen is displayed.
i-i FII-I
,,i_ U UU

Once in this display, press the O PROGRAM shown.

button five times and the tk)llowing display is

12 Hour Clock Initiated

24 Hour Clock Initiated

  1. Press the Up or Down buttons to set clock.

If you have questions about installation, programming, operating and routine maintenance… call 1-866-986-3223, Monday – Friday, 8 am to 9 pm, EST.


Routine Maintenance

Refilling With Salt

Lift the salt hole cover and check the salt storage level frequently. If”the conditioner uses all the salt bef_re you refill it, you will get hard water. Until you have established a refilling routine, check the salt every two or three weeks. Always refill if less than 1/3 full. Be sure the brinewell cover is on.


In humid areas, it is best to keep the salt storage level lower, and to refill more often.

Recommended Salt: Nugget, pellet or coarse solar salts with less than f % impurities.
Salt Not Recommended: Rock salt, high in impurities, block, granulated, table, ice melting, ice cream making salts, etc., arc not recommended.

Breaking A Salt Bridge


If you see more than a few inches of water in the bottom of the tank, see “Cleaning the Nozzle and Venturi” section.

Sometimes, a hard crust or salt bridge forms in the brine tank. It is usually caused by high humidity or the wrong kind of salt. When the salt bridges, an empty space fk_rmsbetween the water and the salt. Then, salt will not dissolve in the water to make brine. Without brine, the resin bed does not regenerate and you will have hard water.
If the storage tank is full of salt, it is hard to tell if you have a salt bridge. Salt is loose on top, but the bridge is under it. Take a broom handle, or like tool, hold it next to the water softener, measure the distance from the floor to the rim of the water softener. Then push the broom handle straight down into the salt. If a hard object is felt, it’s most likely a salt bridge. Carefully push into the bridge in several places to break it. Do not use any sharp or pointed objects as you may puncture the brine tank.
Push Tool into Salt Bridge to Break

Figure 12

Pencil Mark
Broom Handle

Salt Salt Bridge Water Level


Cleaning the Nozzle and Venturi
A clean nozzle and venturi (see Figure 13) is a must for the conditioner to work properly. This small water softener creates the suction to move brine from the brine tank, into the resin tank. If it should become plugged with sand, silt, dirt, etc., the conditioner will not work, and you will get hard water.
To get to the nozzle and venturi, remove the top cover. Be sure the water softener is in soft water cycle (no water pressure at nozzle and venturi). Then, holding the nozzle and venturi housing with one hand, turn off the cap. Do not lose the o-ring seal. Lift out the screen support and screen. Then, remove the nozzle and venturi. Wash the parts in warm, soapy water and rinse in fresh water. If needed, use a small brush to remove iron or dirt. Do not scratch, misshape, etc., surfaces of the nozzle and venturi. Also, check and clean the gasket and flow plug(s).
Replace all parts in the correct order. Lubricate the o-ring seal with silicone grease and locate in position. Install and tighten the cap, by hand only. Do not overtighten and break the cap or housing.

Cap —. O-ring seal -“—- O Screen support -_.__.@
Screen Nozzle & venturi
*Flow plug (HVDC) Nozzle & venturi housing

.. *Flow plug (1 -EP) Screen

*Install with lettered side up concave side down.

Ferrule nut

small hole in the gasket is centered directly over the small hole in the nozzle &
venturi housing.

Figure 13
Recharge the softener several times to reduce water level in the tank. This will also assure that the softener is completely recharged and ready to provide softened water again. Once the water level in the tank is about 2″ to 3”, you may resume normal use. If the water level does not drop after a couple of recharges, do the following:
Remove the brine valve assembly from the brinewell and push float stem down. Place opening of brine valve .just under the water and start a recharge. Move the brine valve down with each recharge, until it rests at the bottom of the tank. Add salt, if needed, and return to normal use.

Brine valve assembly is inside the brinewell, located in the salt storage tank.

1 l J _

Float stem (push down)

Figure 14 If”you have questions about routine maintenance…
call 1-866-986-3223, Monday – Friday, 8 am to 9 pm, EST.


Troubleshooting Guide

Need help troubleshooting? (?all 1-866-986-3223, Monday – Friday, 8 am to 9 pm, EST.


Tools Needed For Most Repairs: 5/16 Hex Driver, Phillips Screwdriver, Needle- nose Pliers



No Soft Water
No Soft Water Timer Display Blank

  1. No salt in the storage tank.
    1. Transformer unplugged at wail outlet, or power cable disconnected from back of electronic board, transformer defective.

  2. Refill with salt. b. Use Recharge feature. a. Check for loss of power and correct. Reset electronic
    and use the Recharge feature.


No Soft Water Salt Level

Not Dropping

No Soft Storage Water

Water, Salt Tank Full Of

Water Hard Sometimes

Iron In Water
Motor Stalled Or Clicking Error Code Et, E3, or E4 appears
Error Code E5 appears

  1. Fuse blown, circuit breaker popped, or circuit switched off. (See page 24 “Power Outage Memory”).
    3. Electronic control board defective, 1. Salt in storage tank bridged, 2. Manual bypass valve(s) in bypass position, 1. Dirty, plugged or damaged nozzle & venturL
    2. Valve drain hose plugged,
    3. Low or high system water pressure (low pressure may disrupt brine draw during recharge, high pressures may cause inner valve parts failure),
    4. Brine valve float dirty or defective, 5. Leak between valve and resin tank assembly,
    t. Time setting wrong, 2. Incorrect water hardness setting, 3. Incorrect model code programmed, 4. Hot water being used when softener is regenerating,
    5. Possible increase in water hardness,
    6. Leaking faucet or toilet valve. Excessive water usage,
    t. Clear water iron in water supply,
    2. Iron in soft water,
    3. Bacterial or organic bound iron. t. Motor defective or inner valve defect causing high torque on
    motor, 1. Wiring Harness or Connection to Position Switch.
    2. Switch, 3. Valve Defect Causing High Torque. 4. Motor Inoperative 1. Electronic Control.

  2. Replace fuse, reset circuit breaker, or switch circuit on use the Recharge feature.
    a. Replace Electronic Control Board (PWA). a. Refer to “Breaking a Salt Bridge” section to break.
    a. Move stem in single valve bypass to service.
    a. Take apart, clean and inspect nozzle and venturi, see “Cleaning the Nozzle and Venturi” section.
    a. Hose must not have any kinks, sharpbendsoranywaterflow blockage, see “Valve Drain Requirements” section.
    a. If pressure is low, increase well pump output to a minimum 20 psi. Add a pressure reducing valve in the supply pipe to the softener, if daytime pressure is over 100 psi. Contact a licensed plumber.
    a. Clean or replace Brine Valve Float assembly.
    a. Replace o-rings between resin tank and valve. See water
    softener components. a. Check and change time setting.
    a. Refer to “Set Water Hardness Number” section to set correctly. a. Refer to “Program The Water Softener” section to set correctly.
    a. Avoid using hot water while the softener is regenerating as the water heater will fill with hard water.
    a. Testtherawwaterforhardnessandironandprogramthe water softener accordingly, see “Set Water Hardness Number” section to set.
    a. A small leak will waste hundreds of gallons of water in a few days. Fix all leaks and always fully close faucets.
    a. Test the raw water for hardness and iron and program the water softener accordingly see “Set Water Hardness Number” section to set.
    a. Clean resin bed with Resin Bed Cleaner. Follow instructions on package.
    a. Cannot be treated by water softener.
    a. Replace rotor/seal kit. b. Replace motor & switch. See water softener components.
    a. Replace wiring harness or connection to position switch. See water softener components.
    a. Replace switch. See water softener components,
    a. Replace rotor/seal kit.

    a. Replace motor.
    a. Replace Electronic Control Board (PWA),

Assistance from customer service may be needed with the fl)llowing problems and solutions.




Water Running To The Drain (While Unit Is In The Soft Water Cycle)

  1. Inner valve defect causing leak.
  2. Replace seals and rotor,

Resin In Household Plumbing, Resin Tank Leaking

  1. Crack in distributor or riser tube.
  2. RepIace distributor or risertube.

Salt Storage Tank Leaking

  1. Crack in brine tank.
  2. Replace salt storage tank.

Instructions included.

Procedure fl)r removing error code from faceplate: 1. Unplug transfk_rmer from outlet. 2. Correct defect.

  1. Plug in transfk_rmer. 4. Wait for 6 minutes. The error code will return if the defect was not corrected.


Automatic Electronic Diagnostics
This water softener has a self-diagnostic function for the electrical system (except input power and/or water meter). The water softener monitors electronic components and circuits for correct operation. If a malfunction occurs, an error code appears in the display. The troubleshooting chart shows the error codes that could appear, and the possible malfunctions for each code.
While an error code appears in the display, all buttons are inoperable except the PROGRAM button. PROGRAM remains operational so the service person can perfk)rm the Manual Advance Diagnostics, see below, to further isolate the problem.
Manual Advance Diagnostics – Model WriES20
Use the following procedures to advance the water softener through the regeneration cycles to check operation. Lift off the salt hole cover, remove the top cover by unlocking the tabs in the back and rocking forward, to observe can] and switch operation during valve rotation.
1. Press and hold (_ PROGRAM for 3 seconds until 000 – – shows in the display.





  1. The first 3 digits indicate water meter operation as follows: 000 (steady) = Soft water not in use, and no flow through the meter. Open a nearby soft water faucet.

000 to 199 (continual) = Repeats display for each galkm of water passing through the meter.


If you don’t get a reading in the display, with faucet open, pull the sensor from the valve outlet port. Pass a small magnet back and forth in front of the sensor. You should get a reading in the display. If you get a reading, unhook the in and out plumbing and check the

turbine for binding.






  1. The letter (P) and dash (or dashes) indicate POSITION switch operation. If the letter appears, the switch is closed. If the dash shows, the switch is open.
  2. Use the _ RECHARGE button to malmally advance the valve into each cycle and check correct switch operatkm.


Be sure water is in contact with the salt, and not separated by a salt bridge.., see “Breaking A Salt Bridge” section.

  1. While in this diagnostic screen, the fk_llowing infk_rmation is available and may be beneficial for various reasons. This information is retained by the computer from the first time electrical power is applied to the face plate.


  • Press _x Up to display the number of days this electronic control has had electrical power applied.
  • Press _ Down to display the number of regenerations control since the SR code number was entered.

initiated by this electronic

  1. Press and hold the O PROGRAM

button until SR17 shows in the display.
I”15R 17

This code identifies the softener model. If the wrong number shows, the softener will operate on incorrect programming.
7_ Return the present time display — Press the O PROGRAM button.

  1. To change SR number — Press the Up or Down button until the correct SR code shows. Then, press the O PROGRAM button to return to the present time display.

Manual Advance Regeneration Check – Model WriES20

This check verifies proper operation of the valve motor, brine tank fill, brine draw, regeneration flow rates, and other controller functions. Always make the initial checks, and the manual initiated diagnostics.


The electronic control display must show a steady time (not flashing). If an error code shows, first press the O PROGRAM button to enter the diagnostic display.

  1. Press the O RECHARGE button and hold in tk)r 3 seconds. RECHARGE begins to flash as the softener enters the fill cycle of regeneration. Remove the brinewell cover and, using a flashlight, observe fill water entering the tank.
    If water does not enter the tank, look for an obstructed nozzle, venturi, fill flow plug, brine tubing, or brine valve riser pipe.

  2. After observing fill, press the O RECHARGE button to move the softener into brining. A slow
    flow of water to the drain will begin. Verity brine draw from the brine tank by shining a flashlight into the brinewdl and observing a noticeable drop in the liquid level. This may take 15 to 20 minutes to notice.


Be sure water is in contact with the salt, and not separated by a salt bridge.., see “Breaking A Salt Bridge” section.

If the water softener does not draw brine, check tk)r (most likely to least likely) · Dirty or plugged nozzle and venturi, see “(?leaning the Nozzle and Venturi” section

  • Nozzle and venturi not seated on the gasket, or gasket deformed
    · Restriction in valve drain, causing a back-pressure (bends, kinks, elevated too high, etc.), see “Install Valve Drain Hose” section

  • Obstruction in brine valve or brine tubing

  • Inner valve failure (obstructed outlet disc, wave washer deformed, etc.)


Ifwater system pressure is low, an elevated drain hose may cause back pressure, stopping brine draw.

  1. Again, press the O RECHARGE button to move the softener into backwash. Look for a fast flow of water from the drain hose.
    An obstructed flow indicates a plugged top distributor, backwash flow plug, or drain hose.


  1. Press the RECHARGE button to move the softener into fast rinse. Again look for a fast drain flow. Allow the softener to rinse fk)r a few minutes to flush out any brine that may remain in the resin tank from the brining cycle test.
    5. To return the softener to service, press the (
    RECHARGE button.
    Manual Advance Diagnostics – Model WriES30
    Use the following procedures to advance the water softener through the regeneration cycles to check operation. Lift off the salt hole cover, remove the top cover by unlocking the tabs in the back and rocking forward, to observe cam and switch operation during valve rotation.
    1. Press and hold Q) PROGRAM for 3 seconds until 000 – – shows in the display.
    i-i t’11-1
    ,,i_U UU

  2. The first 3 digits indicate water meter operatkm as follows:

000 (steady) = Soft water not in use, and no flow through the meter.

Open a nearby soft water faucet.

000 to 199 (continual) = Repeats display for each galkm of water passing through the meter.


If you don’t get a reading in the display, with faucet open, pull the sensor from the valve outlet port. Pass a small magnet back ‘,tnd forth in front of the sensor. You should get a reading in the display. If you get a reading, unhook the in and out plumbing and check the turbine for binding.




i ……..




7-&glg N°

  1. Symbols in the display indicate POSITION switch operation.

Switch is open L

,Se,,i_ DO0

,Set,i ‘–‘ _’] ‘–| ]

(cam not rotating) .-‘—–_ .


8_:c$ :stcltiOge_l

  1. Use the O RECHARGE button to manually advance the valve into each cycle and check correct switch operation.


Be sure water is in contact with the salt, and not separated by a salt bridge.., see “Breaking A Salt Bridge” section.

  1. While in this diagnostic screen, the fk)llowing infk)rmation is available and may be beneficial for various reasons. This information is retained by the computer from the first time electrical power is applied to the face plate.
  • Press - Up to display the number of days this electronic control has had electrical power applied.


V=7 Press _/ Down to display the number of regenerations
control since the LE code number was entered.

initiated by this electronic

  1. Press and hold the O PROGRAM button until LE30 shows in the display.

LI __–tLI1! -1

This code identifies the softener model. If the wrong number shows, the softener will operate on incorrect programming.
7. Return the present time display — Press the O PROGRAM button.

  1. To change LE number — Press the - Up or _ Down button until the correct code shows. Then, press the O PROGRAM button to return to the present time display.

Manual Advance Regeneration Check – Model WHES30

This check verifies proper operation of the valve motor, brine tank fill, brine draw, regeneration flow rates, and other controller functions. Always make the initial checks, and the manual initiated


The electronic control display must show a steady time (not flashing). If an error code

shows, first press the O PROGRAM button to enter the diagnostic display.

  1. Press the (_ RECHARGE button and hold in fk_r3 seconds. RECHARGE begins to flash as the softener enters the fill cycle of regeneration. Remove the brinewcll cover and, using a flashlight, observe fill water entering the tank.
    If water does not enter the tank, look fk_ran obstructed nozzle, venturi, fill flow plug, brine tubing, or brine valve riser pipe.

  2. After observing fill, press the (_ RECHARGE button to move the softener into brining. A slow
    flow of water to the drain will begin. Verify brine draw from the brine tank by shining a flashlight
    into the brinewell and observing a noticeable drop in the liquid level. This may take 15 to 20 minutes to notice.


Be sure water is in contact with the salt, and not separated by a salt bridge.., see “Breaking A Salt Bridge” section.

If the water softener does not &aw brine, check for (most likely to least likely) · Dirty or plugged nozzle and venturi, see “Cleaning the Nozzle and Vcnturi” section · Nozzle and venturi not seated on the gasket, or gasket deformed

  • Restriction in valve drain, causing a back-pressure (bends, kinks, elevated too high, etc.), see “Install Valve Drain Hose” section
  • Obstruction in brine valve or brine tubing
  • Inner valve failure (obstructed outlet disc, wave washer deformed, etc.)


Ifwater system pressure is low, an elevated drain hose may cause back pressure, stopping brine draw.

  1. Again, press the O RECHARGE button to move the softener into backwash. Look for a fast flow of water from the drain hose.
    An obstructed flow indicates a plugged top distributor, backwash flow plug, or drain hose.


  1. Press the O RECHARGE button to move the softener into fast rinse. Again look for a fast drain flow. Allow the softener to rinse tkra few minutes to flush out any brine that may remain in the resin tank from the brining cycle test.
    5. To return the softener to service, press the (
    RECHARGE button.
    Product Specifications

Rated Service Flow Rate (gpm) Amount of High Capacity Resin (cu ft) Pressure Drop at Rated Service Flow (psig) Water Supply Max. Hardness (gpg) Water Supply Max. Clear Water Iron (ppm) Water Pressure Limits (min./max. psi) Min. – Max. Water Temperature (°F) Min. Water Supply Flow Rate (gpm) Max. Drain Flow Rate (gpm) Salt storage capacity

7.0 .6 12 50 3 20 – 125 40 – 120 3 2.2 200 Ibs.

8.3 .82 15 95 7 20 – 125 40 – 120 3 2.2 200 Ibs.

Performance Claims

Rated Softening Capacity (Grains/Pounds of Salt)
Rated Efficiency (Grains!Pound of Salt @ Minimum Salt Dose)

9,000 @ 1.8 13,600 @ 3.5 17,800 @ 6.5 20,100 @ 9.4
5000 @1.8 Ibs.

13,500 @ 2.5 20,400 @ 4.9 26,800 @ 9.0 30,100 @ 13.1
5,100 @2.5 Ibs.

These systems contk_rm to NSF/ANSI 44 for the specific performance claims as verified and substantiated by test data. The efficiency rating is only valid at the stated salt dose. These softeners were efficiency rated according to NSF/ANSI Standard 44.
Variable Salt Dose
The salt dose is selected by the electronic controls at regeneration time based on the amount needed.


Wiring Schematic

Back of electronic board




Direct plug-in



t2( , I 24vac ‘


Tsuernbsinoer [__–

Position switch


Warrantor: Ecx_dyne Water Systems Inc., 1890 Woodlane Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125 Warrantor guarantees, to the original owner, that:
One Year Full Warranty: For a period of one (1) year after installation, all parts will be free of defects in materials and workmanship and will perform their normal functions.

For a period of one (1) year after installation, ship, will be provided at no additional cost.

labor to repair or replace any part deemed to be defective Limited Warranties:

in materials or workman-

Limited ten (10) year warranty, from date of purchased, the salt storage tank and fiberglass mineral tank will not rust, corrode, leak, burst, or in any other manner, fail to perform their proper functions; and that

Limited three (3) year warranty, after installation, the electronic cxmtrol board will be free of defects in materials and workmanship and will perform its normal functions.

If, during such respective period, a part proves to be defective, Warrantor will ship a replacement part, directly to your home, without charge. After the first year, labor necessary to maintain this product is not covered by the product warranty.

If you have questions regarding a warranted product, need assistance with installation or trouble shooting, wish to order a part or report a

warranty issue, we are just a phone call away. Simply dial 1-866-986-3223,

Monday – Friday, 8 am – 9 pm EST, for assistance.

General Provisions

The above warranties are effective provided the water conditioner is operated at water pressures not exceeding 125 psi, and at water temperatures not exceeding 120°F; provided further that the water conditioner is not subject to abuse, misuse, alteration, neglect, freezing, accident or negligence; and provided further that the water conditioner is not damaged as the result of any unusual fume of nature such as, but not limited to, flood, hurricane, tornado or earthquake.

Warrantor is excused if failure to perform its warranty obligations is the result of strikes, government regulation, materials shortages, or other

circumstances beyond its control.










Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or exclusions or limitations of incidental or consequential damage, so the limitations and exclusions in this warranty may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights which vary from state to state. This warranty applies to consumer-owned installations only.

(R_Registered trademark/TM Trademark of Whirlpool, USA, used under license. (d)2004 Whirlpool Corporation. All rights reserved.
TEFLON is a registered trademark of E. I. DuPont.


Softener Components


29 _.

3{1 -……. (_)

10 32

14 —- v ._


33 34
35 36 38
39 4O


Softener Components

KNeoy. Part No.


1 7170296 O-Ring, 2-7/8″ x 3-1/4″ 2 7170254 O-Ring, 13/16″ x 1-1/16″ 3 7077870 Top Distributor 4 7170270 O-Ring, 2-3/4″ x 3″ 5 7105047 Rep’l Bottom Distributor

6 7176292 Clamp Section (2 req.) 7 7088033 Retainer Clip (2 req.) 8 7114787 Rep’l Resin Tank, Model WItES20
7264922 Rep’l Resin Tank, Model WItES30 9 0502272 Resin, 1 cu. tL 10 7171349 Cone Screen 11 7095470 Brine Tube

12 7113016 Tubing Assembly 13 7131365 Screen

14 7080653 Clip 15 7092252 Brine Valve Body 16 1205500 Clip 17 0516924 Bottom Seal Retainer 18 0516211 Seal

19 7170288 O-Ring, 15/16 x 1-3/16 20 7092278 Guide Cap 21 7093216 Float Rod & Stem 22 0516947 Float Seal

23 70972(t2 Float (includes Key No. 22) 24 0513860 Float Stop 25 7168647 Ceramic Weight
7116488 Rep’l Brine Valve Asm.

Key Part No.


26 7252373 Transtbrmer

27 7264891 Rep’l Electronic Control Board (PWA), Model WItES20

7264906 Rep’l Electronic Control Board (PWA), Model WItES30
28 7267108 Top Cover & Faceplate Asm, Model WItES20 (order decal, below)
7262831 Faceplate Decal, Model WItES20 7267116 Top Cover & Faceplate Asm,
Model WItES30 (order decal, below) 7262849 Faceplate Decal, Model WItES30 29 7262661 Salt Itole Cover
30 7163689 _apor Barrier 31 7262653 Rim 32 7082150 Nut 33 7155115 Brinewell Cover 34 7109871 Brinewell, Model WItES20
7214375 Brinewell, Model WItES30 35 9003500 Grommet
36 1103200 Ilose Adaptor 37 0900431 Itose Clamp 38 7262792 Screw
39 7003847 O-Ring 40 7264875 Rep’l Brine Tank 41 7248706 Grounding Kit 42 7129871 Bypass Valve


Softener Components

43 10



cross-section view


28 27

25 26


Softener Components




1 7224087 Screw, #8-32 x 1″ (2 req.) 2 7228544 Motor (incl. 2 ea. of Key No.

  1. 3 0900857 Screw, #6-20 x 3/8 (2 req.) 4 7231385 Motor Plate

5 0503288 Bearing 6 7113927 Cam and Gear

7 7142942 Clip (Drain) 8 7024160 Drain Itose Adaptor 9 0900431 Tubing Clamp 10 7170327 O-Ring, 5/8 x 13/16 11 0501228 Flow Plug 12 7170238 O-Ring, 7/16 x 5/8 13 7170212 O-Ring, 3/4 x 15/16 14 7(t82(t87 Wave Washer 15 7199232 Rotor & Disc

16 7170246 17 7134224

O-Ring, 3-3/8 x 3-5/8 Rotor Seal

18 7170204 O-Ring, 3/8 x 9/16 19 7(192642 Plug (Drain Seal) 20 7129889 Spring 21 7116713 Clip (2 req.) 22 0507369 Installation Nut (2 req.) 23 0507615 Installation Tube (2 req.) 24 7170335 Washer (2 req.) 25 2204101 Turbine Support and Shat? 26 7117858 Turbine

27 7082053 28 7081764 29 70812(tl

Valve Body Seal (Nozzle & Vcnturi) Retainer (Nozzle & Vcnturi)




30 7170319 O-Ring, 1/4 x 3/8 (2 req.) 31 7081104 Nozzle & Vcnturi Itousing 32 1202600 Nut – Ferrule 33 7095030 Cone Screen

34 1148800 Flow Plug, .3 gpm 35 7248007 Nozzle & Vcnturi Gasket Kit, Model

7190547 7114533

Gasket (only), Model WItES20
Nozzle & Vcnturi Gasket Kit, Model WItES30

7204362 Gasket (only), Model WItES30 36 0521829 Flow Plug, .1 gpm, Model WItES20
7084607 Flow Plug, .15 gpm, Model WItES30 37 7146043 Screen

38 7167659 Screen Support 39 717(t262 O-Ring, 1-1/8″ x 1-3/8″ 40 7199729 Cap 41 0900060 O-Ring 42 7248714 Sensor Itousing & Wiring Itarness 43 7085263 Valve Cover

44 7074123 Screw, #10-14 x 2 (5 req.) 45 7077472 Expansion Pin 46 7030713 Switch

47 7117816 Spacer
48 7070412 Screw, #4-24 x 1-t/8 (flat head)
· 7187065 Nozzle & Vcnturi Asm. (incl. Key Nos. 31, & 33 – 40), Model WILES20
· 7253808 Nozzle & Vcnturi Asm. (incl. Key Nos. 31, & 33 – 4(t), Model WILES30

  • Not shown.

Manufactured and warranted by Ecodyne Water Systems, Inc. 1890 Woodlane Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125


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