Care Policy Assisted Living Agency Policies and Procedures Owner’s Manual

June 16, 2024
Care Policy

Care Policy Assisted Living Agency Policies and Procedures

Product Information

Copyright [Year] © [Agency Name] Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be utilized, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the publisher.
[Agency Name] [Agency Address] [Contact Number] [Email Address] [Website]


  • Product Name: [AGENCY NAME] Policy and Procedure Manual
  • Version: 1.0
  • Publication Date: [Month, Year]
  • Document Classification: Confidential_ [AGENCY NAME]

Introduction **


Welcome to the [AGENCY NAME] Policy and Procedure Manual. This manual is designed to ensure that our facility complies with the Standards for Licensed Assisted Living Facilities as set forth by the Virginia Department of Social Services Act and generally accepted standards of practice. [AGENCY NAME] is an Assisted Living Facility located in Virginia that is dedicated to providing high-quality and compassionate care to individuals in the comfort of their own homes. Our team of skilled healthcare professionals is committed to improving the health and well-being of our patients by delivering personalized care that meets their unique needs. We understand that each patient has their own set of health challenges and goals, and we strive to create individualized care plans that address those specific needs. Our facility offers a more personalized and comprehensive approach to healthcare, which we believe can lead to better health outcomes and improved quality of life for our patients. Our mission is to provide exceptional care and support to our patients and their families, and to empower them to live as independently and comfortably as possible. This Policy and Procedure Manual is designed to guide our staff in providing the highest level of care, in compliance with the regulations and guidelines set forth by the state of Virginia. We believe that by adhering to these standards, we can ensure the safety, comfort, and well-being of our patients and provide them with the best possible care. Our commitment to excellence and dedication to improving the lives of those we serve is at the heart of everything we do.


  • Service: providing a helping hand that allows our residents to feel valued and cared for by upholding their sense of dignity.
  • Trust: maintaining honest lines of communication with safe and competent care that protects privacy.
  • Integrity: fostering an undivided attitude directed towards doing the right thing the first time around, every time.
  • Respect: promoting esteem and acceptance for and towards everyone we come in contact with

The purpose of this policy is to define organization-wide processes and activities that maximize the coordination of quality home services to clients at [AGENCY NAME], Virginia. The goal of this plan is to coordinate resident care in a manner that is seamless from the resident’s perspective. This policy shall be made available for review, upon request, to clients and their designated representatives and shall be readily available for staff use at all times within [AGENCY NAME], Virginia.

[AGENCY NAME], Virginia prohibits discrimination in all its activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, and any political beliefs

[AGENCY NAME], Virginia is consistent with the:

  • Needs of our clients and the community we serve;
  • Policies and procedures;

We strongly adhere to compliance requirements stated by The Virginia Department of Social Services Act and follow the best practices implemented in terms of policies and procedures within [AGENCY NAME], Virginia.


Document Revisions shall be recorded in the table below;

Ver. No.| Rev. No.| Page No.| Description of Amendment| Approved By| Date
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Document review and approvals shall be recorded in the table below;

Description Title Signature Date
Prepared By
Reviewed By
Approved By
--- --- --- ---

Note: All policies and procedures shall be reviewed at least annually, with recommended changes submitted to the governing body for approval, as necessary.


Administration and administrative services play a crucial role in the daily operations of [AGENCY NAME] – Assisted Living Facility, as they ensure that the facility runs efficiently and effectively, while complying with the Standards for Licensed Assisted Living Facilities as set forth by the Virginia Department of Social Services Act and generally accepted standards of practice. The administrative team is responsible for overseeing and managing the financial, legal, and regulatory aspects of the facility, as well as ensuring that the policies and procedures are followed, and that the highest standards of care are provided to our patients. The administrative team also plays a critical role in ensuring that our staff are properly trained and supported, and that our patients and their families receive the care and support they need to achieve their health goals.

22VAC40-73-40. Licensee

  • Compliance with Regulations and Policies
    1. [AGENCY NAME] shall ensure compliance with all regulations for licensed assisted living facilities and terms of the license issued by the Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS).
    2. [AGENCY NAME] shall comply with relevant federal, state, and local laws, other relevant regulations, and the facility’s own policies and procedures.
  • Licensee Requirements
    1. [AGENCY NAME] shall provide evidence of financial responsibility and solvency.
    2. The licensee shall be of good character and reputation in accordance with § 63.2-1702 of the Code of Virginia. Character and reputation investigation include background checks as required by § 63.2-1721 of the Code of Virginia.
    3. The licensee shall meet the requirements specified in the Regulation for Background Checks for Assisted Living Facilities and Adult Day Care Centers (22VAC40-90).
    4. The licensee shall act in accordance with General Procedures and Information for Licensure (22VAC40-80).
    5. [AGENCY NAME] shall protect the physical and mental well-being of residents.
    6. The licensee shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of the licensed facility and establish policies and procedures concerning its operation in conformance with applicable law, this chapter, and the welfare of the residents.
    7. The licensee shall ensure that he, his agents, the facility administrator, or facility staff or the relatives of any of these persons shall not act as, seek to become, or become the conservator or guardian of any resident unless specifically appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction pursuant to Article 1 (§ 64.2-2000 et seq.) of Chapter 20 of Title 64.2 of the Code of Virginia.
    8. The licensee shall ensure that the current license is posted in the facility in a place conspicuous to the residents and the public.
    9. [AGENCY NAME] shall keep and maintain at the facility records, reports, plans, schedules, and other information as required by this chapter for licensed assisted living facilities.
    10. [AGENCY NAME] shall ensure that any document required by this chapter to be posted shall be in at least 12-point type or equivalent size, unless otherwise specified.
    11. The licensee shall ensure that when it is time to discard records, they are disposed of in a manner that ensures confidentiality.
    12. The licensee shall ensure that at all times the VDSS representative is afforded reasonable opportunity to inspect all of the facility’s buildings, books, and records and to interview agents, employees, residents, and any person under its custody, control, direction, or supervision as specified in § 63.2-1706 of the Code of Virginia.
  • Training Requirements
    1. Upon initial application for an assisted living facility license, any person applying to operate such a facility who has not previously owned or managed or does not currently own or manage a licensed assisted living facility shall be required to undergo training by the commissioner. Training for such owners and currently employed administrators shall be required at the time of initial application for licensure. In all cases, such training shall be completed prior to the granting of any initial license.
    2. The commissioner may also approve training programs provided by other entities and allow owners or administrators to attend such approved training programs in lieu of training by the commissioner.
    3. The training programs shall focus on the health and safety regulations and resident rights as they pertain to assisted living facilities and shall be completed by the owner or administrator prior to the granting of an initial license.
    4. The commissioner may, at his discretion, issue a license conditioned upon the completion by the owner or administrator of the required training.
  • The licensee shall ensure that:
    1. All personnel employed by the facility, including the administrator, shall have criminal background checks in accordance with § 63.2-1721 of the Code of Virginia.
    2. There are sufficient staff members on duty to provide the services needed by residents in accordance with the facility’s policies and procedures.
    3. The facility shall provide care and services for each resident in accordance with the resident’s individualized service plan.
    4. There is a plan for emergency preparedness that addresses natural and man-made disasters or other emergencies and that includes provisions for sheltering-in-place, evacuation, transportation, and communication.
    5. The facility shall provide for medication management services in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-940.
    6. The facility shall provide for resident supervision in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-950.
    7. The facility shall ensure that residents receive appropriate nutrition, including therapeutic diets when necessary, and hydration in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-960.
    8. The facility shall provide for appropriate health services in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-970.
    9. The facility shall ensure that residents have access to appropriate social, recreational, and cultural activities in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-980.
  • The licensee shall develop, implement, and maintain policies and procedures for the following:
    1. Admission and discharge of residents in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-390.
    2. Resident rights and responsibilities in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-520.
    3. Privacy and confidentiality of resident records and personal information in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-610.
    4. Resident care and services in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-790.
    5. Personnel policies and procedures in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-830.
    6. Maintenance of the physical plant, equipment, and furnishings in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-870.
    7. Handling and storage of medications in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-940.
    8. Resident supervision in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-950.
    9. Nutrition and hydration services in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-960.
    10. Health services in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-970.
    11. Social, recreational, and cultural activities in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-980.
    12. Plan for emergency preparedness in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-1040.
  • The licensee shall ensure that all policies and procedures are communicated to all staff members and residents or their legal representatives, as appropriate.
  • The licensee shall ensure that all staff members are trained on the facility’s policies and procedures and that they receive ongoing training to ensure that they are competent to perform their assigned duties.
  • The licensee shall ensure that all incidents and accidents involving residents or staff members are reported in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-740 and that appropriate action is taken to prevent reoccurrence.
  • The licensee shall ensure that all resident records are maintained in accordance with the requirements of 22VAC40-73-610 and that they are accessible to the resident or the resident’s legal representative upon request.

22VAC40-73-45. Minimum amount for liability insurance disclosure.

[AGENCY NAME], an assisted living facility, is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our residents. As part of this commitment, we recognize the importance of maintaining adequate liability insurance coverage to protect our residents and their families from potential losses resulting from our negligent acts. Therefore, we maintain the minimum amount of liability insurance coverage required by the State of Virginia for disclosure in the statement and resident agreement.


  1. Insurance Disclosure: [AGENCY NAME] will provide written disclosure of its liability insurance coverage to residents or their representatives upon request. The disclosure will include the minimum amount of liability insurance coverage required by the State of Virginia, which is$500,000 per occurrence and $500,000 aggregate to compensate residents or other individuals for injuries and losses resulting from the negligent acts of the facility.
  2. Resident Agreement: [AGENCY NAME] will include a provision in the resident agreement that specifies the minimum amount of liability insurance coverage maintained by the facility. The provision will state that the facility will not state that liability insurance is in place unless the insurance provides the minimum amount of coverage established by the State of Virginia.
  3. Insurance Provider: [AGENCY NAME] will ensure that the liability insurance coverage is provided by a reputable and financially stable insurance provider that is licensed to conduct business in the State of Virginia.
  4. Insurance Renewal: [AGENCY NAME] will renew its liability insurance coverage annually to ensure continuous coverage for our residents.
  5. Insurance Coverage Review: [AGENCY NAME] will periodically review its liability insurance coverage to ensure that it continues to meet the minimum amount of coverage required by the State of Virginia.
  6. Insurance Claim Handling: [AGENCY NAME] will promptly report any incident that may result in a liability claim to its insurance provider. The facility will cooperate fully with the insurance provider in the investigation and handling of any liability claims.
  7. Notification of Changes: [AGENCY NAME] will notify its residents or their representatives of any changes in its liability insurance coverage that may affect their rights or interests.
  8. Compliance with State Regulations: [AGENCY NAME] will comply with all applicable state regulations regarding liability insurance coverage and disclosure.

[AGENCY NAME] is committed to maintaining the minimum amount of liability insurance coverage required by the State of Virginia to protect our residents and their families from potential losses resulting from our negligent acts. We will ensure that our liability insurance coverage is disclosed to residents or their representatives and included in the resident agreement. We will also comply with all applicable state regulations regarding liability insurance coverage and disclosure.

22VAC40-73-50. Disclosure

Purpose: To provide prospective residents and their legal representatives with accurate and current information about [AGENCY NAME], its services, fees, admission and discharge criteria, staff, and other relevant information, in compliance with Virginia State regulations.
Policy: [AGENCY NAME] shall prepare and provide a disclosure statement to prospective residents and their legal representatives, in advance of admission and prior to signing an admission agreement or contract. The disclosure statement shall be on a form developed by the department, disclose information fully and accurately in plain language, and include the information required by 22VAC40-73-50. [AGENCY NAME] shall retain written acknowledgement of the receipt of the disclosure by the resident or his legal representative in the resident’s record.


  1. The Executive Director or designee shall ensure that the disclosure statement is accurate, complete, and up-to-date and that it includes all the required information.
  2. The admission coordinator shall provide the disclosure statement to prospective residents and their legal representatives in advance of admission and prior to signing an admission agreement or contract.
  3. The admission coordinator shall answer any questions that the prospective resident or their legal representative may have regarding the disclosure statement.
  4. The admission coordinator shall obtain a signed acknowledgement of receipt of the disclosure statement from the prospective resident or their legal representative and retain it in the resident’s record.
  5. The disclosure statement shall be made available to the general public, upon request.
  6. [AGENCY NAME] shall ensure that the disclosure statement is updated and kept current, and that any changes are communicated to residents and their legal representatives in a timely manner.
  7. [AGENCY NAME] shall maintain liability insurance that provides at least the minimum amount of coverage established by the board for disclosure purposes set forth in 22VAC40-73-45, and shall state in the disclosure statement the minimum amount of coverage established by the board.
  8. [AGENCY NAME] shall have an on-site emergency electrical power source for the provision of electricity during an interruption of the normal electric power supply. [AGENCY NAME] shall disclose in the disclosure statement whether or not it has an on-site emergency electrical power source and provide information about the items for which the source will supply power and whether or not staff of the facility have been trained to maintain and operate the power source. Written acknowledgement of the disclosure shall be evidenced by the signature or initials of the resident or his legal representative immediately following the on-site emergency electrical power source disclosure statement.
  9. [AGENCY NAME] shall include a notation in the disclosure statement that additional information about the facility that is included in the resident agreement is available upon request.
  10. [AGENCY NAME] shall include the department’s website address in the disclosure statement, with a note that additional information about the facility may be obtained from the website.

Compliance: The Executive Director or designee shall ensure that [AGENCY NAME] complies with this policy and all applicable Virginia State regulations related to disclosure requirements. Any violation of this policy or applicable regulations shall be promptly reported to the appropriate authorities.

Product Usage Instructions

Section 1: Service Descriptions
This section provides detailed descriptions of the services offered by [AGENCY NAME]. It includes information about the types  of care provided, the qualifications of our healthcare
professionals, and any additional amenities or programs available to patients.

Section 2: Procedures
This section outlines the procedures followed at [AGENCY NAME] to ensure the delivery of high-quality care. It includes step-by-step instructions for various tasks and activities performed by our staff, such as medication administration, emergency response protocols, and documentation procedures.


  1. Q: Can I make copies of the Policy and Procedure Manual?
    A: No, all rights to this publication are reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the prior written consent of the publisher.

  2. Q: How can I access more information about the services offered by [AGENCY NAME]?
    A: For more information about our services, please visit our website at [Website] or contact us directly at [Contact Number] or [Email Address].

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