Care Policy Companion Services and Personal Care Center Policies and Procedures Owner’s Manual

June 16, 2024
Care Policy

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Care Policy Companion Services and Personal Care Center Policies and

Version 1.0
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Companion Services and Personal Care Center Policies and Procedures

Copyright [Year] © [Agency Name]
Disclaimer: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be utilized, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written  consent of the publisher.

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Welcome to the Policy and Procedure Manual for [AGENCY NAME], a leading Companion Services and Personal Care Center dedicated to providing exceptional care and support to individuals in the state of Pennsylvania. This manual serves as a comprehensive guide outlining the policies, procedures, and guidelines that govern our operations, ensuring the highest standards of care, professionalism, and compliance with state regulations.
At [AGENCY NAME], we are committed to promoting the well-being, independence, and quality of life for the individuals we serve. Our mission is to provide compassionate and personalized care, fostering a safe and nurturing environment where individuals can thrive and maintain their dignity. This manual is designed to align our practices with the state guidelines, including but not limited to the Department of Human Services, Office of Developmental Programs, and the Pennsylvania Mental Health and Mental Retardation Act of 1966.
Within this manual, you will find detailed policies and procedures that encompass various aspects of our services, including client admission and assessment, individual care planning, staff training and development, incident management, transportation, accessibility, and much more. These policies and procedures have been developed to ensure the delivery of consistent, high- quality care while safeguarding the rights and well-being of the individuals we  serve.
It is vital for all [AGENCY NAME] employees, contractors, and stakeholders to familiarize themselves with the contents of this manual and adhere to the policies and procedures outlined herein. Compliance with  these guidelines not only  ensures the safety and well-being of our clients but also reflects our commitment to professionalism, ethical conduct, and continuous improvement.
As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, [AGENCY NAME] remains dedicated to staying abreast of industry best practices, embracing innovation, and adapting to changes in the regulatory environment.
This manual will be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect any revisions to state guidelines or internal processes, ensuring our ongoing commitment to excellence.
We encourage all staff members to actively engage with this manual, seek clarification when needed, and actively contribute to the continuous enhancement of our services. By working together and upholding the values of [AGENCY  NAME], we can achieve our shared vision of providing compassionate, personcentered care that enriches the lives of those we serve.

Thank you for your commitment to the mission and vision of [AGENCY NAME]. Together, we can make a positive and lasting impact in the lives of individuals in our care and their families.

Statement of Policy

At [AGENCY NAME], we are committed to providing high-quality companion services and personal care to individuals in the State of Pennsylvania. This Policy and Procedures Manual serves as a comprehensive guide to ensure compliance with state regulations, including the guidelines set forth by the Department of Human Services, Office of Developmental Programs, and the Pennsylvania Mental Health and Mental Retardation Act of 1966.
Our policy is to create a safe, compassionate, and inclusive environment where individuals receive the support they need to lead fulfilling lives. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of care, professionalism, and integrity in  all aspects of our operations. This manual outlines our policies, procedures, and guidelines to ensure consistency, accountability, and transparency across our organization.
Our policies cover various areas, including but not limited to:

  1. Personnel: Recruitment, qualifications, training, and supervision of our staff to ensure their competence and adherence to ethical standards.
  2. Individual Rights: Respecting and promoting the rights, dignity, and privacy of each individual, empowering them to make informed choices and exercise self-determination.
  3. Health and Safety: Maintaining a safe and secure environment for individuals, adhering to health and safety protocols, and promoting their physical and emotional well-being.
  4. Documentation and Recordkeeping: Implementing comprehensive recordkeeping systems to ensure accurate and confidential documentation of services provided, incidents, and other relevant information.
  5. Complaints and Grievances: Establishing a transparent and accessible process for individuals and their families to voice concerns, provide feedback, and seek resolution of any issues.
  6. Training and Professional Development: Providing ongoing training, education, and opportunities for professional growth to our staff to enhance their skills and keep them updated with the latest practices and regulations.
  7. Emergency Preparedness: Developing and implementing a Business Continuity and Emergency Response Plan to ensure continuity of operations and mitigate risks during disasters or other emergencies.
  8. Incident Management: Implementing an incident management protocol to promptly address and report any incidents, ensuring appropriate response, investigation, and preventive measures.
  9. Transportation: Establishing guidelines and protocols for transportation services, including the presence of an aide on the vehicle when transporting more than six individuals and the equitable division of shared miles among  participants.
  10. Accessibility: Ensuring accessibility for individuals who are deaf, following the guidelines set forth in ODP Bulletin 00-14-04.

We are committed to regularly reviewing and updating our policies and procedures to reflect changes in regulations, best practices, and the evolving needs of the individuals we serve. This Policy and Procedures Manual serves as a living  document that guides our daily operations, promoting consistency, compliance, and the delivery of person-centered care.
By adhering to the policies and procedures outlined in this manual, we aim to provide exceptional companion services and personal care that enhance the quality of life for the individuals we support while upholding their rights, promoting their independence, and fostering a sense of dignity, respect, and belonging.


Values of [AGENCY NAME]:

  1. Compassion: We approach our work with genuine care, empathy, and compassion for the individuals we serve and their families. We prioritize their well-being and strive to create a nurturing and supportive environment.

  2. Respect: We treat every individual with dignity, respect their choices, and honor their unique abilities and preferences. We promote a culture of inclusivity, diversity, and equality, fostering a sense of belonging for all.

  3. Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethics in all aspects of our operations.
    We are committed to transparency, honesty, and accountability, ensuring that our actions align with our words.

  4. Excellence: We are dedicated to providing exceptional quality of care and services. We continuously seek opportunities for growth and improvement, staying updated with the latest industry standards and best practices to deliver  the highest level of support.

  5. Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration and teamwork. We work closely with individuals, their families, and other healthcare professionals to develop personalized care plans and ensure comprehensive support. We  foster open communication, actively listen, and value diverse perspectives.

  6. Empowerment: We empower individuals to live their lives to the fullest. We promote independence, encourage self-advocacy, and provide the necessary tools and resources for individuals to make informed decisions and achieve  their goals.

  7. Safety: We prioritize the safety and well-being of all individuals in our care. We maintain a secure and nurturing environment, adhering to the highest standards of health and safety protocols. We proactively identify and mitigate  risks to ensure a secure and comfortable setting.

  8. Continuous Learning: We foster a culture of continuous learning and professional development.
    Our team members are encouraged to expand their knowledge and skills through ongoing training, workshops, and educational opportunities to enhance the quality of care we provide.

  9. Person-Centered Approach: We place the individual at the center of all our services. We tailor our care plans to meet the unique needs, preferences, and goals of each individual, promoting their autonomy, dignity, and overall well- being.

  10. Community Engagement: We actively engage with the community and strive to be a positive force for change. We collaborate with community organizations, participate in advocacy efforts, and contribute to the betterment of the  broader community.

These values guide us in every aspect of our operations and define the culture of [AGENCY NAME] as we strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of the individuals we serve.

Mission and Vision

Vision Statement
At [AGENCY NAME], our vision is to be the leading provider of compassionate and personalized companion services and personal care in the State of Pennsylvania. We strive to create a warm and nurturing environment where individuals receive the support, they need to enhance their overall well-being and live fulfilling lives.

Mission Statement
The mission of [AGENCY NAME] is to empower individuals in need of companion services and personal care by providing exceptional support, promoting independence, and fostering meaningful connections.
We are dedicated to delivering person-centered care that respects the unique abilities, preferences, and goals of each individual. Through our highly trained and compassionate team, we aim to improve the quality of life for the individuals  we serve and their families, while upholding the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and ethical practices.

Organizational Structure

  1. Purpose
    [AGENCY NAME] recognizes the importance of having a clear organizational structure to ensure effective oversight and management of companion services and personal care. This policy establishes the guidelines and procedures  for maintaining a written organizational structure that outlines key administrative functions in compliance with the state regulations, including the Department of Human Services (DHS), Office of Developmental Programs (ODP),  and the Mental Health and Mental Retardation Act of 1966.

  2. Organizational Structure
    2.1 [AGENCY NAME] shall maintain a written organizational structure that clearly defines the administrative functions and roles within the agency.
    2.2 The organizational structure shall include, but is not limited to, the following key positions:
    a. Executive Director/CEO: The individual responsible for the overall management and operation of the agency.
    b. Director of Operations: The person responsible for overseeing the day-to- day operations of the agency, including service delivery, staff management, and compliance with state regulations.
    c. Human Resources Manager: The individual responsible for personnel management, recruitment, training, and employee relations.
    d. Finance Manager: The person responsible for financial management, budgeting, and fiscal reporting.
    e. Compliance Officer: The individual responsible for ensuring compliance with state regulations, policies, and procedures, including monitoring and addressing any violations or discrepancies.
    f. Quality Assurance Coordinator: The person responsible for overseeing quality management, including monitoring service delivery, conducting audits, and implementing improvement initiatives.
    g. Service Coordinators: The individuals responsible for coordinating services and supports for clients, including assessment, care planning, and monitoring of services.
    h. Direct Support Professionals: The staff members responsible for providing direct care and support to clients in accordance with the established care plans.
    i. Administrative Support Staff: The personnel responsible for administrative and clerical tasks, such as scheduling, record-keeping, and general office duties.

  3. Responsibilities and Reporting Lines
    3.1 The organizational structure shall clearly define the reporting lines and responsibilities for each position within [AGENCY NAME].
    3.2 Each position shall have a clearly defined job description outlining the specific roles, responsibilities, and qualifications required for the position.
    3.3 Supervisory roles and responsibilities shall be clearly outlined, ensuring effective communication, accountability, and oversight.

  4. Communication and Collaboration
    4.1 [AGENCY NAME] shall establish effective communication channels and mechanisms to facilitate collaboration and information sharing among staff members.
    4.2 Regular team meetings, staff training sessions, and performance evaluations shall be conducted to promote a cohesive and well-functioning organizational structure.

  5. Review and Revision
    5.1 The organizational structure shall be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with the agency’s goals and objectives.
    5.2 Any necessary revisions or updates to the organizational structure shall be documented and communicated to all staff members.

  6. Non-Compliance and Disciplinary Actions
    6.1 Failure to comply with the requirements outlined in the organizational structure policy may result in disciplinary actions as per the agency’s disciplinary policy.
    6.2 Disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to, the following:
    a. Verbal or written warnings.
    b. Additional training or retraining.
    c. Suspension or termination of employment.

By adhering to this policy and maintaining a written organizational structure, [AGENCY NAME] aims to ensure effective oversight, communication, and accountability within the agency. This promotes the provision of high-quality companion services and personal care while ensuring compliance with the state regulations and the Mental Health and Mental Retardation Act of 1966.

Waiver Compliance

  1. Purpose
    [AGENCY NAME] is committed to ensuring compliance with all applicable state regulations, including the guidelines set forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS) and the Office of Developmental Programs  (ODP). This policy outlines the procedures and practices that our agency will adhere to in order to maintain compliance with waiver requirements.

  2. Designated Compliance Officer
    2.1 [AGENCY NAME] designates a Compliance Officer who will be responsible for overseeing and ensuring compliance with waiver regulations.
    2.2 The Compliance Officer will have knowledge of the applicable state guidelines and will keep abreast of any updates or changes to the regulations.

  3. Training and Education
    3.1 All employees of [AGENCY NAME], including direct care staff, supervisors, and management, will receive comprehensive training on the state guidelines, waiver requirements, and agency policies related to companion services  and personal care.
    3.2 Training will be conducted during the orientation process and will be provided on an ongoing basis to ensure that employees are up-to-date with the latest compliance standards.
    3.3 The agency will maintain records of employee training, including attendance, topics covered, and any certifications or qualifications obtained.

  4. Documentation and Recordkeeping
    4.1 [AGENCY NAME] will maintain accurate and complete documentation and records as required by state regulations.
    4.2 Documentation will include but is not limited to:
    a. Individual care plans
    b. Service delivery records
    c. Staff qualifications and certifications
    d. Incident reports and investigations
    e. Medication administration records (if applicable)
    f. Employee training records
    g. Any other documentation mandated by the state regulations

  5. Quality Assurance and Monitoring
    5.1 The agency will establish a Quality Assurance Program to regularly monitor and assess the quality and compliance of companion services and personal care.
    5.2 The Quality Assurance Program will include the following components:
    a. Regular internal audits to review documentation and compliance with state regulations
    b. Ongoing monitoring of service delivery to ensure that services are provided in accordance with individual care plans and state guidelines
    c. Periodic reviews and evaluations of employee qualifications, certifications, and training records
    d. Client satisfaction surveys and feedback mechanisms to assess the quality of services provided
    e. Corrective action plans to address any identified deficiencies or non- compliance issues

  6. Reporting and Incident Management
    6.1 [AGENCY NAME] will establish clear procedures for reporting and managing incidents in accordance with state regulations.
    6.2 All incidents, including but not limited to abuse, neglect, and exploitation, will be reported promptly to the appropriate authorities as required by state law.
    6.3 The agency will conduct thorough investigations of incidents and take appropriate corrective actions to prevent reoccurrence and ensure the safety and well-being of the individuals receiving services.

  7. Collaboration with State Agencies
    7.1 [AGENCY NAME] will maintain open communication and collaboration with the DHS and ODP as necessary to ensure compliance with waiver regulations.
    7.2 The agency will promptly respond to any requests for information or documentation from the state agencies and participate in any required meetings or audits.

  8. Policy Review and Updates
    8.1 This policy will be reviewed and updated annually or as needed to reflect changes in state regulations or agency practices.
    8.2 All employees will be notified of any policy updates, and training will be provided to ensure understanding and compliance with the revised policies.

  9. Non-Retaliation
    9.1 [AGENCY NAME] prohibits retaliation against any employee who reports a suspected violation of waiver compliance or who participates in an investigation or audit related to compliance.
    9.2 Any employee who believes they have experienced retaliation should report the matter immediately to the Compliance Officer or another designated authority.

  10. Confidentiality and Privacy
    10.1 [AGENCY NAME] recognizes the importance of maintaining confidentiality and privacy in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations.
    10.2 All employees will receive training on the proper handling and safeguarding of protected health information and personal information.

  11. Compliance Violations
    11.1 Any employee found to be in violation of waiver compliance regulations or agency policies may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
    11.2 Suspected violations can be reported through the agency’s designated reporting channels, such as the Compliance Officer or an anonymous reporting hotline.

This policy and associated procedures will guide [AGENCY NAME] in providing companion services and personal care in compliance with the state regulations set forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services and the Office  of Developmental Programs.

Incident/Risk Management

  1. Purpose
    [AGENCY NAME] is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals receiving companion services and personal care. This policy establishes procedures for identifying, reporting, and managing incidents and risks in  compliance with the state regulations set forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS), Office of Developmental Programs (ODP), and the Mental Health and Mental Retardation Act of 1966.

  2. Incident Reporting
    2.1 All employees of [AGENCY NAME] have a duty to report any incidents that occur during the provision of companion services and personal care.
    2.2 An incident is defined as any event or circumstance that poses a risk to the health, safety, or welfare of an individual or staff member, including but not limited to accidents, injuries, abuse, neglect, property damage, or medication errors.
    2.3 Employees must promptly report incidents to their supervisor or designated authority within a specified timeframe, as outlined in the agency’s incident reporting procedures.

  3. Incident Investigation
    3.1 [AGENCY NAME] will conduct thorough investigations of reported incidents to determine the root cause, prevent reoccurrence, and ensure appropriate corrective actions are taken.
    3.2 Investigations will be conducted by qualified personnel who have received training in incident investigation techniques and are knowledgeable about state regulations and agency policies.
    3.3 Investigations will include gathering relevant information, interviewing involved parties and witnesses, reviewing documentation, and documenting findings in a comprehensive incident report.

  4. Risk Assessment and Mitigation
    4.1 [AGENCY NAME] will regularly assess potential risks associated with the provision of companion services and personal care.
    4.2 Risk assessments will identify potential hazards, evaluate the likelihood and severity of harm, and determine appropriate measures to mitigate or eliminate risks.
    4.3 Mitigation strategies may include implementing safety protocols, providing additional training to staff, modifying care plans, or making environmental modifications to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals.

  5. Incident Management and Response
    5.1 The agency will establish clear procedures for managing and responding to incidents in a timely and appropriate manner.
    5.2 Immediate actions will be taken to address the immediate safety and well- being of the individuals involved, including providing necessary medical attention and contacting emergency services if required.
    5.3 The incident response team will be responsible for coordinating the response, documenting actions taken, and communicating with relevant parties, such as individuals receiving services, their families, staff, and regulatory authorities.

  6. Documentation and Reporting
    6.1 [AGENCY NAME] will maintain accurate and complete documentation of all reported incidents, investigations, and actions taken.
    6.2 Incident reports will include relevant details, such as date, time, location, individuals involved, witnesses, nature of the incident, and any resulting injuries or damages.
    6.3 Incidents that meet the criteria for mandatory reporting to regulatory authorities will be promptly reported in accordance with state regulations.

  7. Quality Improvement and Monitoring
    7.1 The agency will establish a Quality Improvement Program to monitor the effectiveness of incident/risk management procedures and identify areas for improvement.
    7.2 Quality improvement activities may include reviewing incident trends, conducting root cause analyses, implementing corrective actions, and providing additional training to staff as needed.

  8. Non-Retaliation
    8.1 [AGENCY NAME] prohibits retaliation against any employee who reports an incident, participates in an investigation, or raises concerns regarding safety and risk management.
    8.2 Employees who believe they have experienced retaliation should report the matter immediately to their supervisor or the designated Compliance Officer.

  9. Policy Review and Updates
    9.1 This policy will be reviewed and updated annually or as needed to reflect changes in state regulations, best practices, and the agency’s operations.
    9.2 Updates to the policy will be communicated to all employees, and training will be provided to ensure their understanding and compliance.

This policy and associated procedures will guide [AGENCY NAME] in providing companion services and personal care in compliance with the state regulations set forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, Office of Developmental Programs, and the Mental Health and Mental Retardation Act of 1966.

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*This is only a preview of the Original Document
Document Classification: Confidential_ [AGENCY NAME]

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