LOVPOI GPS Navigation for Car 7 Inch User Manual

June 16, 2024


LOVPOI GPS Navigation for Car 7 Inch


LOVPOI User Manual


  • Pre-installed with the latest map
  • Updates happen once a year
  • GPS device can only be used outdoors

Quickstart Guide
Startup Screen
: the Navigation Menu
Whenever the software is started, the navigation menu appears.

You have the following options

  • Tap Find to select your destination by entering an address or selecting a place of interest, a location on the map, or one of your favorite destinations. You can also look up your recent destinations from the Smart History or by entering its coordinate.
  • Tap Route Parameters to display the route parameters. You can view the route in its full length on the map. You can also perform route-related actions such as editing or canceling your route, setting a start point for the route, picking route alternatives, avoiding parts of the route, simulating navigation, or adding the destination to your Favorites.
  • Tap Customize to customize the way the navigation software works, simulate demo routes, or run some additional applications.
  • Tap Start to start navigating on the map.
  • Tap Settings to select settings.
  • Tap Stop to stop navigation and exit the software.

Find Menu

In the Navigation menu, tap Find for the following options

  • Tap Find Address to specify an address as a destination.
  • Tap Find Places to select a place of interest as a destination.
  • Tap Find on Map to navigate to a location selected on the map.
  • Tap Favorites to choose from the list of your favorite destinations.
  • Tap Recent Destination to navigate to the recent destination that is shown on the button.
  • Tap History to choose from the list of all recent destinations.
  • Tap Other Search Methods for other search methods.

Navigation to an Address

In the Navigation menu, tap Destination , then tap Find Address. If a GPS signal is present, the screen proposes the city or town where you are located, if not it may be blank.
If needed, change the country. Tap the button showing the name of the country.

  1. Use the keyboard to enter the name of the country.
  2. After entering a couple of characters, the list of countries that match the entered string appears. Tap the country of your choice.

If needed, change the city/town. Tap the button showing the name of the city/town, and use the keyboard to enter a part of its name. As you enter letters, the most likely city/town name is always shown in the input field.

Enter by Postcode
You can enter the destination by postcode in the city or town field. Enter a space between the postcodes or it may not continue (e.g., SA4 _ OFB in United Kingdom, 85365 in United States).


  • Q: Do I need to update the map?
    A: The device came pre-installed with the latest map, so you don’t need to update right away. Updates happen once a year, and you will be notified when updates are available and given update instructions.

  • Q: Can I use the GPS device indoors?
    A: No, the GPS device can only be used outdoors. No signal could be searched out indoors.

  • Q: What should I do if I have questions?
    A: Please contact us first before rushing to apply for a refund and return. Thank you for your support and patience.

The device came pre-installed with the latest map, you don’t need to update right away. Please feel free to use the navigation.
Updates happen once a year, you will be notified when updates are available and given update instructions.
Use the sat nav GPS device only outdoors. No signal could be searched out indoors.
For any questions, please contact us first, don’t rush to apply for refund and return.
Thank you for your support and patience


  • Only use the device outdoors.
  • Do not use the USB cable to charge in your vehicle. Only use the supplied charger to charge the device in your vehicle.
  • Do not connect the USB cable to a computer to charge the device. It has a very low charge and cannot fully charge the device.
  • The USB cable should only be used to connect the device to a computer when an update is recommended.
  • The GPS application does not work when connected to a computer and shows the data transfer mode on the screen.
  • Please make sure you observe the correct GMT, for instance, The Eastern Time Zone (ET) is an area 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-5) during the winter months (referred to as Eastern Standard Time or EST) and 4 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-4) during the summer months (referred to as Eastern Daylight Time or EDT).
  • Please note depending on your location the home screen time may need to show one hour behind to show correctly in the Navigation application.


Startup Screen : the Navigation Menu


Whenever the software is started, the navigation menu appears. You have the following options

  • Tap to select your destination by entering an address or selecting a place of interest, a location on the map or one of your Favorite destinations. You can also look up your recent destinations from the Smart History or by entering its coordinate. Note Find setting may also be called Destination.
  • Tap to display the route parameters. You can view the route in its full length on the map. You can also perform route-related actions such as editing or canceling your route ,setting a start point for the route, picking route alternatives, avoiding parts of the route, simulating navigation or adding the destination to your Favorites.
  • Tap to customize the way the navigation software works, simulate demo routes, o to run some additional applications.
  • TapLOVPOI-GPS-Navigation-for-Car-7-Inch-image-05 to start navigating on the map.
  • Tap to select settings.
  • Tap to stop navigation and exit the software.

Find Menu


In the Navigation menu, tap the following options
The Destination menu provides you with

  • Tap Find Address to specify an address as a destination.
  • Tap Find Places to select a place of interest as a destination.
  • Tap Find on Map to navigate to a location selected on the map.
  • Tap Favorites to choose from the list of your favorite destinations.
  • Tap to navigate to the recent destination that is shown on the button
  • Tap History to choose from the list of all recent destinations.
  • Tap for other search methods.

Navigation to an Address


In the Navigation menu, tap Destination , then tap find address . if a GPS signal is present the screen proposes the city or town where you are located, if not it may be blank.

  • If needed, change the country. Tap the button showing the name of the country.
    1. Use the keyboard to enter the name of the country.
    2. After entering a couple of characters, the list of countries that match the entered string appears. Tap the country of your choice.
  • If needed, change the city/town. Tap the button showing the name of the city/town, and use the keyboard to enter a part of its name. As you enter letters, the most likely city/town name is always shown in the input field.

Enter by Postcode

You can enter the destination by postcode in the city or town field. Enter a space between the postcodes or it may not continue i.e. SA4 _ OFB in United Kingdom, 85365 in United States.


You have the following options

  • Tap to select the city/town that is offered in the input field.
  • Tap to correct your entry.
  • Tap to browse the list of city/town names matching your input. Select a city/town from the list.


  • Enter the street name : Optional, may not be required if using postcode.
1. Tap
2. Use the keyboard to enter a part of the street name.
3. Tap to select the street that is offered in the input field or tap to browse the list of all streets matching your input.  

Select a street from the list. Enter the house number: Optional.

  • Enter the house number : Optional
1. Tap
2. Use the keyboard to enter the house number.
3. Tap to finish entering the address.  

The map appears with the selected destination in the middle. Tap another map location if necessary, then tap to confirm the destination.
After a short summary of the route parameters, the map appears showing the entire route. Wait for a few seconds or tap and start navigating.


On the Map screen, tap to return to the Navigation menu. In the Navigation menu, tap , then tap Find Places . You are offered the following preset search categories
-Tap to get a list of petrol stations along the route or if it is not available, around your current position or your last known position.
-Tap to get a list of parking lots near the destination or if it is not available, around your current position or your last known position.
-Tap to get a list of restaurants along the route, around your current position or your last known position.
-Tap LOVPOI-GPS-Navigation-for-Car-7-Inch-image-35to get a list of accommodation near the destination, around your current position or your last known position.
You can also tap Quick Search and search for a place by entering its name. If none of the above is appropriate, tap Custom Search to find a place of interest at the following locations
-Tap to search around the current position or if it is not available, around the last know position.
-Tap to search for a place within a selected city or town.
-Tap to search for a place around the destination of the active route.
-Tap to search along the active route, and not around a given point. This is useful when you search for a later stopover that results in a minimal detour only, such as searching for upcoming petrol stations or restaurants.

An Example to Navigating to a Place of Interest


Example : To find a park around your destination, do as follows (starting from the Navigation menu)
Tap .
Tap Find Places .
Tap Custom Search .
Tap .
The list of place categories appears. Tap or slide your finger to browse the list, and tap .
Tap to browse the whole category, or tap to narrow down your search.
Tap any of the list items.
Check the details and the location of the place, and then tap .
After a short summary of the route parameters, the map appears showing the entire route.
Wait for a few seconds or tap and start navigating.

The Map Screen


The Map screen is the most important and frequently used screen of the software .The Vehimarker (a blue arrow by default) represents your current position, and the orange line shows the recommended route. There are screen buttons and data fields on the screen to help you navigate. During navigation, the screen shows route information.
At the top of the screen, you see your heading and the house numbers on left and right if you have not selected a route destination. When navigating a route, you see the next manoeuvre and the next street/road on your route. Tap either of them to open the route itinerary.

  • Tap to open the Quick menu with a selection of useful functions during navigation.
  • Tap the map anywhere to explore the map around your current position. Additional map control buttons appear.
  • Tap to open three data fields on the map. Tap any of them to suppress the others. The default values for navigation (you can change them in Map settings): the remaining distance to the destination, the remaining time of the trip, and the estimated time of the arrival at the destination.
  • Tap to open the Navigation menu.

Setting Menu


In the Navigation menu, tap , then tap . The Settings menu provides you with the following options (scroll the list to see all)

  • : Adjust the different sound volumes, change the voice guidance profile, or enable and set up warnings.
  • : Change the function buttons in the Quick menu of the Map.
  • LOVPOI-GPS-Navigation-for-Car-7-Inch-image-58: Before selecting one of the Lorry profiles as the Vehicle type used in route calculation, set up the editable lorry attribute profile with the parameters of your lorry. These parameters will be used in route calculation.
  • : You can adjust traffic related settings such as using preloaded statistical.
  • : Select the type of vehicle you are driving, the road types used in route planning, and the route planning method.
  • : Adjust map related settings: change the daytime and night colour schemes, change the default zoom level, switch between 2D and 3D map, suppress buildings or change the Vehimarker.
  • : Adjust how the software helps you navigate with different kinds of route related information on the Map screen.
  • : Turn the menu animations on or off, select a different skin for the application, or adjust the display backlight.
  • : Change the program language, the time format, units or the time zone.
  • : Turn the automatic trip or track log saving on or off, check the current size of the trip database.
  • : The application collects usage information and GPS logs and is generally only to be used by analysts, enabling this will take up space on your device and is generally best to be left disabled.
  • : The wizard takes you through the setup process allowing you to customize parameters.
  • LOVPOI-GPS-Navigation-for-Car-7-Inch-image-68: Delete all saved data and reset all settings to their factory default.


Function of Physical Buttons
Switch On and Off
To switch on the device ,press and hold the button down at the top left of the device for up to 3 seconds then release. You should see the start-up screen. Do the same to turn of.
Headphone port, 3.5mm
Support connecting 3.5mm headphones to listen.
TF card slot
Support inserting 2G to 32G map TF card.
USB interface
Connect to car USB charger or wall charger for charging or a Windows PC & Notebook for data transfer.
If the device fails to boot or freeze, please use a thin tip to plug into the RESET hole to restart the device.
AV IN slot (optional), 2.5mm
Connect an official reverse camera (paid extra) for watching your vehicle reversing view. Note:

  1. Reversing images require the installation of a reversing camera. It is recommended to install at the auto repair shop.
  2. Blocked 2.5 mm slot means your ordered GPS device is without AV IN function.

Device Interface Menus

| Tap to enable navigation. If the launching fails, please go to make path settings on .
| Tap to transmit sound from the device to your vehicle’s stereo. Please read setting details in page 18

  • Search satellites outdoors only.
  • **** Successful positioning requires at least 3 channels.


  • Tap to the below functions setting.
  • **** Volume, Backlight, Language, date/Time, System  Info, Factory  Reset

| Adjust the volume from silent to maximum, tap  to complete.
| Adjust the backlight from weak to strong, tap  to complete.
| Choose a language ,tap  to complete.
| Adjust date,time,12H/24H and time zone, tap  to complete.
| Make navigation path. Please read setting details in page 14

Show the information of hardware and software.


  • (Optional) may not appear in different models.
  • Connect mobile phone Bluetooth to make calls, answer the phone via the GPS device. The address book does not support alphabetical sorting.

Locating a GPS Signal

The device can require up to 10 minutes to determine your location when first turned on. In future,your location should be found much sooner,usually within a few minutes.
To ensure a strong GPS signal,you should use the device outdoors and keep the device up right.It may be difficult to pick up a signal inside buildings.
To ensure a good signal whilst driving ,make sure the device is installed in a suitable location without anything blocking the back of the device such as anywhere below the dash.

Launching Navigation
Tap the navigation section on the home screen to launch the navigation application. Please note the home screen user interface may vary on different models. See below image of the Home Screen


Navigation Not Working?

If the navigation application fails to launch or run when tapping the navigation button, you will need to set the navigation file path in the NaviConfig application located on the home screen.
The navigation file path is set so that the system can run the navigation software and must be set correctly or will fail to launch.
If the device has been factory reset by pressing the reset button at the back of the device, you will need to set the navigation file path in the NaviConfig application.
Please see next section on setting the navigation file path in NaviConfig or watch the online video tutorials.

  1. On the screen, tap NaviConfig
  2. Tap the box with 3 dots.
  3. Double Tap ResidentFlash.
  4. Double Tap the NAVI.EXE until you find this EXE file
  5. Tap the icon
  6. Tap the GPS Navigation icon.

LOVPOI-GPS-Navigation-for-Car-7-Inch-image-83 LOVPOI-GPS-Navigation-for-Car-7-Inch-image-84 LOVPOI-GPS-Navigation-for-Car-7-Inch-image-85 The software should now launch

No Sound?

  • If your device has the FM function,please make sure the FM function is disabled. If left on,it will send sound through FM,not internal speakers.

  • The icons at the top of the screen will indicate which is being used.

  • Indicates sound through speakers.

  • Indicates sound through FM.

  • Disable FM by unchecking the check box.

  • Please also check volume levels, the master volume on the home screen and the volume settings within the navigation application.
    Disable FM by unchecking the check box.

  • Please also check volume levels, the master volume on the home screen and the volume settings within the navigation application.

Setting Time and Date

  • Please make sure the GPS navigation time is correct by changing the time zone settings on the home screen Settings>Date/Time
  • Please make sure you observe the correct GMT, for instance,The Eastern Time Zone (ET) is an area 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-5) during the winter months (referred to as Eastern Standard Time or EST) and 4 hours behind Green which Mean Time (GMT-4) during the summer months (referred to as Eastern Daylight Time or EDT).
  • Please also set the time zone in the navigation application by going to tools (located at the bottom of the Navigation Menu) then scroll down to Regional (the blue flag) Then to Time zone, the preferred setting is–Auto Time Zone
  • Please note depending on your location the home screen time may need to show one hour behind to show correctly in the Navigation application.
  • The time will update once the device has a signal.

To change language in the navigation application, go to tools or settings then scroll down to the blue flag regional settings then select program language.


Navigation Voice Selection
To change navigation voice or language, in navigation mode go to tools>sounds and warnings>voice language *Please note the street name and speed camera announcements will not be audible with natural voice selection, if you require audio for these alert types, please select a TTS voice. TTS voice selection can audibly announce street names and speed cameras.


Vehicle Selection and Profile Settings
Trucks, Motorhomes, RV or Caravans must be used in truck mode.
In Navigation go to Tools/Settings>Route Settings>Tap on vehicle Select the vehicle type as truck and set the dimensions of the vehicle in the vehicle profile settings next to the vehicle selection. If you are using a car simply select car, you do not need to enter vehicle dimensions for car mode.


How to Set Units to KM or MPH

In navigation go to Settings>Regional>Units and Formats>Distance and select Kilometers or Miles.


  • You can change the data fields located on the bottom right-hand side of the navigation screen.
  • Tap the data field on the bottom right-hand side of the navigation screen. The data field will open 2 more data fields you can view while navigating.
  • You can customize the data fields by holding down the bottom data field for 2 seconds.LOVPOI-GPS-Navigation-for-Car-7-Inch-image-93
  • Tap the data field you would like to change on the left side, then select the information you would like to show in the data field on the right side.
  • In the Example below, we have selected the bottom data field to show the arrival time. You can also change data fields without a route, Tap


the above option – Fields without Route.

FM Transmitter

Only available on specific models and may be unavailable on your device The FM transmitter can be used to transmit sound from the device to your vehicle’s stereo, follow steps below if you wish to use this feature.
The FM setting must be disabled if not in use, or sound will not be heard from the device.

  1. Locate an empty station on your vehicles FM frequency band, this frequency will be used to sync with your device.
  2. On the device home screen go to the FM settings and change the frequency to match the frequency on the vehicles FM frequency band.
  3. Next, please make sure the FM setting is turned on.
  4. Sound from the device should now play through your vehicle’s stereo.

Bluetooth (For Bluetooth Models Only)

  • On Bluetooth models, the BT function can be used to make and receive calls. Tap the Bluetooth icon on the home screen, Next, tap on the settings icon.

  • In settings make note of the device name and pin code which will be used to pair your phone.LOVPOI-GPS-Navigation-for-Car-7-Inch-image-96

  • Press the off button on the top right of the screen to return to the previous screen.

  • Next, open Bluetooth settings on your phone, search for the device name, in this example it is Windows CE.

  • Select the device and enter the pin code to connect to the GPS device.

  • Your devices will now be paired, phone contacts will be synced with the device. You can access your contacts in the phone-book section in Bluetooth.

  • If you are having issues pairing the devices, open and close the Bluetooth function on your phone a few times for it to reset, then try again.

Troubleshooting & FAQ

  • Q Navigation application will not launch.
    A. Please make sure the navigation file path is set correctly, see section page 13 –Navigation File Path Configuration Settings (NaviConfig)

  • Q. No Sound.
    A. Please make sure the FM function is disabled ,read page 15.You can also check the master volume on the home screen and check the volume settings in the navigation application – Settings>sounds and warnings>volume

  • Q. How do I change the time.
    A. Change home screen time by going to Settings>date/time on the home screen, read page 15. To change time in the navigation application, go to tools>Regional>Time Zone>Auto time zone

  • Q. No GPS signal.
    A. Please make sure you are somewhere open or outside, it can take up to 10 minutes to locate a signal using the device for the first time. Read page 13. Reset GPS signal in the GPS viewer application located on the home screen.

  • Q. Device not charging?
    A. Please make sure the device is properly connected, if you find the charger has stopped working, please contact us.

  • Q. How do I change from Kilometers to Miles?
    A. Please read page 17, tap GPS NAVIGATION, go to Setting>Regional>Units and Formats>Distance


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