Qfun SL888 13 Inch A3 Laminator Machine User Manual

June 15, 2024

USER MANUALQfun SL888 13 Inch A3 Laminator Machine

Product structure and function introduction

Qfun SL888 13 Inch A3 Laminator Machine - ABS anii-blockage

Accessory Introduction

NIC iteligent temperature contro system, more excallent
45 minutes inteligent rotacton, mre safety
Six functions, more complete and affordable

Qfun SL888 13 Inch A3 Laminator Machine - Hole puncher


Laminator Model Name A2005 Pouch Thickness 80-125mic
Product SpeciticationS Six-in-one multi-function Power 600W
Number of roller 2 rollers Temperature control method NTC real-time

temperature control
Preheating time| about 1 minute| Product net weight| 1.7KG
Max lamthinating wid| 320mm| Gross weight| 21 KG
Max laminating thickness| 0.6mm| Machine size| 430X145X9Ornm
Laminating speed| 37er” inn 50Etz
450/rn, rnn 60Hz| Package size| 445X175X120mm
Voltage| USA AC110-120V 50 60-tz
Rated current| USA 5A
Paper cutter| Model Name| SC500 A4 roller paper cutter| Max. cutting width| 300mm
Cutting thickness| 6 sheets of A4 80g paper. or 1 sheet of 200-300g coated paper. Of 1 sheet of paper after laminating
Corner rounder| Model Name| SR201 corner rounder
Cutting thickness| Single sheet: 80g printing paper. copy paper. 300g coated paper, 125mic film after laminating
Hole puncher| Model Name| SD610 single hole puncher| Punch size| 6mm diameter
Perforation thickness| 6 sheets of 80g copy paper, single sheet of coated paper(within 3009),within 250mic film after laminating
Iron ring| Model Name| Binding iron ring| Size| 20mm, 25mm. 30mm inner diameter

Operation instructions

  1. ABS switch
    As shown n the pcture on the right when using the mathine dut to mproper operation (e.g. if the paper is skewed, i the paper s placed before the femperature i roached. or f an object that camnot be overmaided s placed).
    If you find such a Stuaton, you should immediately foggle the ABS antijam button invard, and pull out the. over-mokded object at the same time.

  2. Paper Trimmer + ruler:
    You only need to genty move the cuter head when using the paper trmmer, and i can bo cut 1o the required length, which is suitable for cuttng paper, photos, and art paperQfun SL888 13 Inch A3 Laminator Machine -

  3. Comer Rounder
    Itcan boautiy the surouncings and cut of the excess to make It more roundsd.
    Note : Avoid cuting nait fingers.Qfun SL888 13 Inch A3 Laminator
Machine - Comer Rounder

  4. Laminating (cold laminating +hot laminating)
    1. Placethe overmouir on the platiorm and connect o the power supply,the machine enlers standby mode (cold laminating ligh biinks). Cickon the ‘power click” button, the cod laminating ight il always be o rod and the machine wi enter cod laminaing state.
    2 Cold laminating: This means tht tne machine s not heated, but directy laminated with a singe-sideg adhosive cod laminating fim. I usually sod on smooth photo paper,coated paper,etc.
    3. Then clck onthe “One clck swiching” ouch buton to adust the corresponding cold laminating, 30mic and 125mic hot laminating and seaiing posiions.
    Note: This product is recommendad o usa 80-25mic laminating fm for beter resuls.
    However, there s no resticion on the use ofower fim thicknesses.
    (0.3 80mic-T5mic also known as 5.0-7.5 sik)
    Hot laminating: the cortesponding i ticknesses can be adjusted as folows:
    50-80mic elso known a5 5.0-80flamants)are switched to the B0mic positon 85-125mic (also known as 8.5 – 12.5 flaments) are swiched to 125mic
    4. When the machine is switched o ona of the B0mic or 125mic overmoulding positons, the groen Ightwil flash and the machine wil ente the heating stae, affer about 1 minute the green iht il stop flashing and the machine wil nter the consan.
    green ght the machine wil finish heating and the machine wil ente the hot laminating and seaing sate.
    5. Place the objectto be laminated n the middle of the 2 ayers of i, with the distance around them s symmetrical place thefim with the paper in the paper nle, with the crimped end of the i going i irst. Once the paper s n,the machine automatically overmoui the paper, eaving enough space at the exit o allow the paper
    1o extend unt it s fished.
    6. Once the overmouidingis complet, remove the overmould and place the overould on the patform, with a book or other flat object o top of the overmouidto make the overmoud fttr and smoother.


  1. When cokd Laminating s needd, folow the above cold Laminatingsteps 1 and 2.
  2. WWnen hotlaminating, folow the steps 1,3.456 for ot laminating.
  3. The thickness of the laminating fim shouid bs the same as the speifcaton ofthe machine (generaly 80-125mic s recommended).
  4. Prace the material to be laminated n the middle of the aminating fim, with the top, botiom, lef and ight margins as equa as possible.
  5. Pioase put the sealod end of the laminating fim into the et of the laminalr it
  6. When the laminato s working, do not touch the heat sink o the top cover of the machine with your hands 0 avoid burning them, and 6o ot cover the machine with anyting
  7. Turm of the power when not i use, and unplug the power suppy, and 4o not cut off the power supply when laminaling.
  8. The machine s sufable for indoor o coolsafe environment, do not use n wet or water environment
  9. Paper cuttr head has a hidden sharp blads, 60 ot use ciren and the oderly, ‘when using the press blade 1 pay attenton o safety 5o as ot 10 cause inury.
  10. D0 not laminate the coated paper or oll coated paper, metal,viny products, coth, crecit card, fax paperinermal paper, plastic bag or wood.
  11. For the first uss, lease test with rdinary paper befors laminating important documents.
  12. When the macine is working, keep the i, leeves of cotnes away from . othorwise it may cause injury.
  13. D0 not use non-designated power supplyoltage, oherwis it may cause ira or slectc shock.

Plastic sealing requirements

Qfun SL888 13 Inch A3 Laminator Machine - requirements

Please note : T folloning types oflamination may cause creasing and jamming ofthe fim

Qfun SL888 13 Inch A3 Laminator Machine -

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