Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin Instruction Manual

June 15, 2024

Building InstructionsKaribu 25548 Sauna Lellin 25548 Sauna Lellin

25548 Sauna Lellin

First compare the list of materials with your package contents! Please understand that complaints can be processed in the non-built status only!

Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin - 6321963219Karibu
25548 Sauna Lellin - PARTS 1Karibu 25548
Sauna Lellin - PARTS 2Karibu 25548
Sauna Lellin - PARTS 3Karibu 25548
Sauna Lellin - PARTS 4Karibu 25548
Sauna Lellin - PARTS 5Karibu 25548
Sauna Lellin - PARTS 6

Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin - ICON 1 Installation of sauna doorKaribu 25548 Sauna Lellin - PARTS 7Karibu 25548
Sauna Lellin - PARTS 8Karibu 25548
Sauna Lellin - PARTS 9Karibu 25548
Sauna Lellin - PARTS 10 This igure shows the functional principle of the board. Regulate the exhaust air according to your own wishes.Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin - Sauna Control BIO
1Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin - PARTS
11Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin - PARTS 12 To start building up the door you need to center the glass in the wooden frame!Karibu
25548 Sauna Lellin - PARTS 13Karibu 25548
Sauna Lellin - PARTS 14 64227Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin - PARTS 15 Building InstructionsKaribu 25548 Sauna Lellin - PARTS 16 First compare the list of materials with your package contents! Please understand that complaints can be processed in the non-built status only!Karibu 25548 Sauna
Lellin - PARTS 17Karibu 25548
Sauna Lellin - PARTS 18Karibu 25548
Sauna Lellin - PARTS 19

Assembly and Operating Instructions

Karibu Artikel-Nr.: Artikel-Nr.: I-Nr.: Typ
70444 37.467.12 15011 Bio-Saunaofen 3,6 kW ES/SS – P&P

Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin - Fig 2 General:
Dear Customer,
Please read these operating instructions carefully before you connect and use the sauna stove for the fi rst time to prevent causing any damage.

Important safety instructions

  • The sauna heater is a subassembly and is there- fore independent, meaning that without a suitable control system it will not fully meet the requirements of the applicable standards.

  • The sauna heater may only be connected to and operated by an approved sauna control system with a thermal cut-out for 140°C, otherwise there will be a serious risk of fi re.

  • The sauna heater may only be installed by a qualifi ed electrician and in this connection EN 60335-2-53 and requirements with respect to installation and fi re protection measures applicable at the place of use must be complied with.

  • The sauna heater is for private household use only, a remote control is not permitted and covered installation is not permitted. Use only approved control systems with a thermal cut-out (140°C) in accordance with EN 60335-2-53.

  • For the use of the sauna heater, an approved control system in accordance with EN 60335-2-53 must be used. The control system must meet the following requirements as a minimum:

  • The control system must limit the temperature of the sauna cabin to 135°C. A thermal cut-out which meets these requirements must be integrated in the sauna control system which is used, otherwise there will be a serious risk of fire.

  • This control system must have an integrated timer which limits the operating period to a maximum of 6 hours, with automatic restart not permitted.

  • For sauna heaters with an integrated additional vaporizer, only an approved sauna control system in accordance with EN 60335-2-53 which also has a humidity controller is allowed to be used.

  • Sauna heater for private household use, remote control not permitted, covered installation not permitted, use only suitable control units with thermal cut-outs in accordance with the information provided by the manufacturer.

  • The installation and electrical connection of the sauna equipment and other electrical equipment may only be carried out by a licensed electrician. (except P & P)

  • Refer to the safety actions required by VDE 0100 § 49 DA/6 and VDE 0100 Part 703/11.82 §4. Even if you comply with the required safety actions it is not possible to rule out the possibility of all accident risks.

  • Follow the safety instructions to the letter to ensure that you can operate your equipment safely.

  • The sauna stove must be operated with a suitable external control unit.

  • The bio sauna stove requires a sauna controller with a humidity module or a separate additional humidity controller to activate the evaporator.
    Instructions for installing and operating these units are provided in the manual supplied with the respective controller.

  • Only one sauna stove with the appropriate heating capacity may be installed in the sauna cabin. (See table)
    Connection rating| cabine size
    3,6 kW| up to approx. 6 m3

  • The equipment does not have approval for use in commercial saunas and apartment blocks.

  • Caution – danger of burns. The case on the sauna stove and the stones get very hot.

  • If it is not installed correctly the unit may cause a fire. Read the complete assembly instructions with due care. Pay particular attention to the dimensions and instructions.

  • Only use sauna stones approved for use in saunas.
    Insert sauna stones loosely; if the stones are inserted too tightly there is a danger of overheating.

  • Do not operate the stove without sauna stones.

  • Keep children away from the sauna stove. They may suffer burns.

  • Seek medical advice about the sauna temperature and how long people with medical problems, infants, children, pensioners and handicapped people may stay in the sauna.

  • Do not allow the sauna stove to be used by people who are under the infl uence of medication, alcohol or drugs.

  • Pour small amounts of liquid on to the stones; if you pour too much liquid on to them you may suffer scalds. The quantity of liquid on the stones should not exceed 15 g/m³ of cabin volume.

  • Do not use the sauna to dry items, clothing or laundry. They may catch fire.

  • Do not place any items on the stove. They may catch fire.

  • Do not place any items, apart from the sauna controller’s temperature sensor, in the convection current of the stove.

  • Metal surfaces may rust in a damp, saltwater climate.

  • The stove may generate cracking noises while it is heating up and while it is operating (metal heating elements and stones expanding)

  • Sauna equipment and sauna cabins may only be made of suitable, low resin and untreated materials (for example Norway spruce, poplar or linden).

  • The maximum temperature for the wall and ceiling of the sauna cabin is +140°C.

  • Over time the cabin walls will become darker near the sauna stove than in the rest of the cabin; this is normal. Complaints about this will not be accepted.

  • The minimum height of the sauna cabin must be 1.75m (interior height)

  • Ventilation openings must be provided in every sauna cabin. The ventilation opening must be on the wall directly below the sauna stove approx. 5-10 cm above fl oor level. The waste air must be discharged through an opening diagonally opposite the stove in the rear wall between the top and bottom benches.
    The ventilation openings must not be sealed.
    The cabin light and its installation must have a splash-proof design and be suitable for an ambient temperature of 140°C. Therefore only an approved sauna light with max. 40W may be installed with the sauna stove.

  • This equipment can be used by children of 8 years and older and by people with limited physical, sensory or mental capacities or those with no experience and knowledge if they are supervised or have received instruction in how to use the equipment safely and understand the dangers which result from such use. Children are not allowed to play with the equipment. Unless supervised, children are not allowed to clean the equipment or carry out user-le-vel maintenance work.

Installation instructions

Do not use any fl oor coverings under the stove if they are made of infl ammable material such as wood, plastic, etc. Ceramic tiles are ideal for use in a sauna.
The area under the stove may suffer discoloration, even on non-fl ammable fl ooring or joint material.
No compensation will be paid for discoloration or damage to fl ooring or the sauna walls.
The distance between the rear of the stove and the cabin wall depends on the design (wall mounting).
The stove must be connected to the electricity supply before it is mounted on the wall holder.
The sauna stove is designed for cabin sizes up to 6m³.

Installing the sauna stove

  • Place the sauna stove in front of the air inlet opening. (Distance from the fl oor: 30 cm) Use the supplied wood screws to secure the wall bracket for the sauna stove to the cabin wall. Insert the stone grid and place the sauna stones on top (see the description in „Loading the sauna grid with sauna stones“, section „Cleaning and care“).
  • When mounting the sauna stove on the wall, make sure that there is a vertical distance of at least 110 cm between the top edge of the sauna stove and the sauna ceiling and a horizontal distance of at least 7 cm between the stove and the cabin wall. The distance between the rear of the stove and the cabin wall depends on the design (wall mounting).
  • The distance from the stove‘s safety grille or bench and other combustible materials to the stove must be at least 7 cm. The safety grille height must be the same as the height of the stove at the front.

Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin - front

The control equipment may be destroyed even if it is incorrectly connected only once. The warranty will be voided if the electrical connection is not correct.
Instructions for the electrician
DIN VDE 0100 and Accident Prevention Regulation BGV A2 must be observed for connecting the stove and all electrical systems. An external all-pole disconnecting device with full isolation according to overvoltage category III must be installed.
Mains connection leads must be fl exible cables with polychlorophene sheaths.
No connection leads are supplied with the stove. All the cables installed inside the cabin must be capable of withstanding temperatures of at least 140 °C.
Heat-resistant silicon cables must be used. The minimum cross-section of the connection cable and the minimum size of the sauna cabin are shown in the table (page 5 Table 1). A connection diagram is affi xed to the inside of the duct cover. Please note that for safety reasons live cables are not allowed to be routed visibly along the internal walls of the cabin. In prefabricated sauna cabins the wall element with the air supply opening generally has empty cable conduits or a duct for routing the cable. If your cabin does not have any cable routing preparations, we recommend that you install a connection socket (not supplied) to the outside of the cabin. Drill a hole in the cabin wall near the cable infeed from the stove and the connection socket. Thread the cable through the hole to the external connection socket. All cables must be protected from damage. This can be achieved using installation ducting/piping or using wooden covers.
The sauna heater must not be used without a suitable protective device!
Installation is only allowed to be carried out by a qualifi ed person. Compliance with EN 60335-2-35 and installation and fire protection measure requirements applicable at the place of use is mandatory!

Test the insulation resistance

The resistance values between the various conductor terminals and the case (protective earth) can be measured using an insulation resistance measuring unit. The total insulation resistance between the conductor terminals and case (protective earth) must defi nitely be greater than 1 MOhm.
Ohm values of the stoves

Oven type| Connection rating in
kW| Connection rating in
kW| Minimum cross-sections mm2  (copper cable) 3,6 kW oven connect to 230 V 1N
| | | Mains cable from mains to control
unit| Oven connection cable from control unit to oven (silicon)| Fuse in A
Bio sauna stove| 3,6| ca.6| 3×2,5| 5 x 1,5| 16

Anschlußplan Bio-Saunaofen 3,6 kwKaribu 25548 Sauna Lellin - Oven

Position the sauna stones on the stone grid
Sauna stones are a natural product. We recommend that you clean the stones with clean water before placing them on the stove. Do not use stones unless they are designed for use in a sauna. Use a maximum of 12 kg of stones.
Important. Position the stones loosely and remove any stones that are too small. if the stones are packed too tightly they will affect the air circulation and will result in the sauna stove and cabin walls overheating and a fire risk.
Do not use the stove without stones.
Only use stones that are marked as sauna stones in shops. Warranty claims will not be accepted if stones other than those designed for use in saunas are used or for claims resulting from filling of the stone chambers incorrectly. Tum the stones at least once per year, remove any stones that are too small and remove all stone dust and stone splinters. We recommend that you replace the stones every two years.
lf you cover the stove and fill the stone container incorrectly the unit may cause a fire. Do not use the stove without sauna stones.

General instructions for using liquids and the evaporator

Fill the container with a maximum of 2 liters of water.
The tank must be filled with fresh liquid before every sauna and emptied andKaribu 25548 Sauna Lellin - EVAPORATORcleaned after every sauna for hygiene reasons.
Only use water that meets the quality requirements for domestic water.
Water that contains high levels of lime or iron will leave residue on the stones and metal in the water tank.
To prevent scalds caused by rising steam whilst pouring liquid over the stones, liquids should always be poured from the side using a ladle.
Dripping water may cause permanent marks on the cabin floor.
Pour small amounts of liquid on to the stones; if you pour too much liquid on to them you may suffer scalds.
Use as much liquid as you are comfortable with, but do not exceed a volume of 15 g/m? of cabin volume.
The liquid should be poured straight on to the stones in the stove and must be spread evenly over all the stones.
If you use liquid concentrates (for example essential oils), follow the instructions for use provided by the manufacturer.
Using excessive concentrations of these products may result in explosions.
Do not use mixtures of alcoholic drinks or other additives not recommended for use in saunas as they pose a risk of fire, explosion and may be harmful.
Do not pour any water into the cavity for mounting the water tank.
The warranty will be voided if you fail to follow these instructions.
Instructions for the bio stove (with evaporator)Karibu 25548 Sauna
Lellin - Bio Stove The evaporator is controlled by the humidity module in the relevant sauna controller or using an extemal humidity controller. Details of installing and connecting the control units are set out in the relevant operating instructions.
General information about the evaporator
Steam will be discharged from the top when the evaporator is operating. There is a risk of scalding in the area around the steam discharge point.
The evaporator tank should generally be left in the mounting shaft provided for it whilst the sauna stove is in use. Only remove the tank to fill and/or clean it.
Do not allow the sauna stove to be used by people, including children, whose physical, sensory or mental abilities or lack of experience and/or knowledge mean that they are incapable of using the evaporator safely without supervision.
Never operate the device without water. Operating it without water can result in the evaporator developing a defect.
Only use water that meets the quality requirements for domestic water. Walter that contains high jevels of lime or iron will leave residue on the stones and metal in the water tank.
Add herbal packs and fill the evaporator tray before starting the device. Switch off the evaporator during operation. Remove it if necessary. Do not refill the evaporator tray until after the cover has cooled.
Do not place sauna liquids straight into the evaporator tank. Additional products in the evaporator tank tend to generate foam and boil over. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Do not fill the tank above the top mark.
This is enough for around 40 minutes of continuous operation (depending on the amount of limescale on the hot plate).
The tank can be taken out of its mounting shaft for filling purposes.
Never pour water into the mounting shaft for the evaporator tank.
Do not operate the evaporator without the evaporator grating. Risk of scalding!
Beware of hot water slopping over the edge of the tank.
Do not use mixtures of alcoholic drinks or other additives not recommended for use in saunas as they pose a risk of fire, explosion and may be harmful.
After using the stove for a humid sauna, allow the device to cool and remove all remaining water and clean the tank.
Failure to follow the above points will void the warranty.
Note: The sauna temperature is limited to 60-70°C for safety reasons on most controllers with a humidity module.

Cleaning and care of the evaporator

Drain the water each time after you have used the evaporator. Any impurities caused by herb essences can be removed by rinsing them with clean water. To do this you can connect a hose to the drain cock and drain the water through it. Caution: The water may still be hot. The evaporator is suitable for use with water of hardness class 1 (1 – 7 German hardness classes). If necessary, contact your water supply company to ask the hardness of your water. If the water is harder than this you should use demineralized water. The evaporator tank should be descaled as often as required depending on the water hardness, similar to a coffee machine. If the water contains a high level of lime, we advise that you descale the tank every two to three weeks if you use the sauna every day. Please note, however, that this period depends on the hardness of the water and how much water you evaporate. Do not allow the system to run dry frequently since this may damage the heating elements. This is why you should never refill the evaporator tank with water during or shortly after use. The heating elements would be quenched too quickly and could thus suffer damage.
Sauna types
The integral evaporator and corresponding control unit makes it possible for you to enjoy several different types of sauna. In addition to the classical Finnish sauna with temperatures between 70°C and 110°C and very low relative humidity (max. 15%), you can also enjoy a steam sauna or herbal sauna at temperatures between 30°C and 60°C.
The length of a steam sauna should be between 15 and 30 minutes depending on how you feel at the time. After taking breaks you may then enjoy further saunas.
Sauna types (steam / temperature diagram)Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin -
temperature diagramThe humidity in the cabin depends on the size and design of the sauna cabin and the temperature.
Please note that as the temperature rises, the volume of water vapor required to reach saturation point also increases

Use of sauna additives

Use only pure water-soluble herbal essences or packed bags of herbs consisting of vegetable or synthetic oils. Add these products, diluted with a little waier, to the evaporator tray, place packs of herbs on the evaporator grating provided for this purpose. The rising steam will release the aromatic substances from the herbs and will distribute them in the cabin as the steam rises. Never use undiluted sauna concentrates. Never place products or sauna concentrates directly into the evaporator tank. Additional products in the evaporator tank tend to generate foam and boil over. Important. Liquids may cause marks on metal surfaces and sauna stones. Sauna liquids with citrus fragrance may cause rust patches as a result of their acid content. In this case you should only use products in the diluted form specified by the manufacturer.
Never use alcohol or other additives not designed for use in saunas. They mipose a risk of fire or explosion and may be harmful.


The stove will not heat up

  • Have you activated all the necessary switches?

  • Has the fuse in the domestic installation tripped?

  • Have you set the temperature controller correctly?

  • Defective sauna control unit (sensor breaker, see operating manual for the control unit).

  • RCCB trips – see the section entitled “Testing the insulation resistance”
    The stove causes “cracking noises”

  • The case parts and heating elements expand when the stove is heating up operating. The heating elements may move the sauna stones and cause noises. Cracking noises are normal and are not grounds for complaint.

  • Sauna stones split and cause an odor

  • Use only sauna stones recommended by the manufacturer.

  • Sauna stones are too old; replace them.
    The cabin does not get hot enough

  • The sauna stove ts too small

  • Humidity mode activated? The cabin temperature may be limited. Switch of humidity mode for Finnish saunas.

  • Excessive temperature loss from the sauna cabin, for example due to poor lack of sealing.

  • «Incorrect display on the sauna thermometer. Mount the thermometer higher and at a distance of approx. 3 cm from the sauna wail.

  • Have a defective heating element (heating element does not glow) checkec and measured by an electrician.
    The evaporator does not work

  • The evaporator controller has not been activated

  • No water in the tank


Dear Customer,
All of our products undergo strict quality checks to ensure that they reach you in perfect condition. In the unlikely event that your device develops a fault, please contact our service department at the address shown on this guarantee card. Of course, if you would prefer to call us then we are also happy to offer our assistance under the service number printed below. Please note the following terms under which guarantee claims can be made:

  1. These guarantee terms cover additional guarantee rights and do not affect your statutory warranty rights. We do not charge you for this guarantee.
  2. Our guarantee only covers problems caused by material or manufacturing defects, and it is restricted to the rectification of these defects or replacement of the device. Please note that our devices have not been designed for use in commercial, trade or industrial applications. Consequently, the guarantee is invalidated if the equipment is used in commercial, trade or industrial applications or for other equivalent activities. The following are also excluded from our guarantee: compensation for transport damage, damage caused by failure to comply with the installation/assembly instructions or damage caused by unprofessional installation, failure to comply with the operating instructions (e.g. connection to the wrong mains voltage or current type), misuse or inappropriate use (such as overloading of the device or use of non-approved tools or accessories), failure to comply with the maintenance and safety regulations, ingress of foreign bodies into the device (e.g. sand, stones or dust), effects of force or external influences (e.g. damage caused by the device being dropped) and normal wear resulting from proper operation of the device. This applies in particular to rechargeable batteries for which we nevertheless issue a guarantee period of 12 months. The guarantee is rendered null and void if any attempt is made to tamper with the device.
  3. The guarantee is valid for a period of 2 years starting from the purchase date of the device. Guarantee claims should be submitted before the end of the guarantee period within two weeks of the defect being noticed. No guarantee claims will be accepted after the end of the guarantee period. The original guarantee period remains applicable to the device even if repairs are carried out or parts are replaced. In such cases, the work performed or parts fitted will not result in an extension of the guarantee period, and no new guarantee will become active for the work performed or parts fitted. This also applies when an on-site service is used.
  4. In order to assert your guarantee claim, please send your defective device postage free to the address shown below. Please enclose either the original or a copy of your sales receipt or another dated proof of purchase. Please keep your sales receipt in a safe place, as it is your proof of purchase. it would help us if you could describe the nature of the problem in as much detail as possible. if the defect is covered by our guarantee then your device will either be repaired immediately and returned to you, or we will send you a new device.

Of course, we are also happy offer a chargeable repair service for any defects which are not covered by the scope of this guarantee or for units which are no longer covered. To take advantage of this service, please send the device to our service address.
For EU countries only
Never place any electric tools in your household refuse.
To comply with European Directive 2002/96/EC conceming old electric and electronic equipment and its implementation in national laws, old electric tools have to be separated from other waste and disposed of in an environment- friendly fashion, e.g. by taking to a recycling depot.
Recycling alternative to the demand to return electrical devices:
As an alternative to returning the electrical device, the owner is obliged to cooperate in ensuring that the device is properly recycled if ownership is relinquished.
This can also be done by handing over the used device to a returns center, which will dispose of it in accordance with national commercial and industrial waste management legislation. This does not apply to the accessories and auxiliary equipment without any electrical components which are included with the used device.
The reprinting or reproduction by any other means, in whole or in part, of documentation and papers accompanying products is permitted only with the express consent of ISC GmbH.
Technical changes subject to change

Sauna Control FIN
Artikelnummer 80414 (37.470.01)
Sauna Control FIN P&P
Artikelnummer 5635 (37.470.02)
(Nur Temperatursteuerung) Sauna Control BIO
Artikelnummer 80416 (37.470.11)
Sauna Control BIO P&P
Artikelnummer 5630 (37.470.12)
(Temperatur und Feuchtesteuerung)

Items supplied

(Subject to technical changes)
The control unit consists of the following components as supplied:

  1. Control unit with operation panel and integrated load unit
  2. Sensor with heater sensor and thermal fuse
  3. Sensor with temperature sensor / humidity sensor
  4. 2 sensor cases
  5. 1 silicone sensor cable, 3/4-stranded, with an approx. length of 5 meters
  6. Assembly bag (three 4 x 40 mm screws and four 3 x 30 mm screws)

Technical data

Housing dimensions Width 235 mm – height 195 mm – Depth 75 mm
Operation Touchpad – touch control
Display 4 sections of 15 mm x 30 mm each
Protection IPX4
Rated voltage 400 V ~ 3 N PE
Switching power in Finnish mode Maximum 10.8 kW ohmic load (AC1 operation)
Switching power in humidity mode Maximum 9.3 kW plus 1.5 kW for the bio

evaporator unit
Control range for Finnish mode| 5° to 100° Celsius – 5° adjustment
Control range for bio mode| 5° to 70° Celsius – 5° adjustment units
Heater sensor limit| 125° Celsius (heater sensor no. 1)
Temperature limit| 140° Celsius (heater sensor no. 1)
Temperature indicator| Maximum 110° Celsius (RAL point sensor no. 2)
Humidity control| Measurement by humidity sensor – actual measurement
Heat cycle limit| 240 minutes or 4 hours
Lighting| Maximum 60 W – dimmable 10% adjustment units
Ambient temperatures| -15° to plus 40° Celsius
Ou tdoors| Protective enclosure required (splash proof)

Explanation of symbols

| Information!
This provides the user with useful information and tips about how to operate and use the sauna system (sauna cabin, sauna heater and sauna controller)!
| Warning!
| Danger!
Warnings about possible dangers or dangerous situations which could even lead to loss of life!
| Caution!
Instructions or warnings which could lead to defects or damage to components if not observed.
| Electrical voltage!
Warns about voltage and high voltage! Failure to observe this warning may result in an electric shock.

4.0 – General information and instructions on sauna usage
4.1 – Sauna cabin – sauna heater – sauna controller
The FIN and BIO control units are an integral part of a well-functioning sauna cabin, as long as all the necessary condition s are properly met.
A control unit can only work to optimum effect in combination with a suitable sauna heater if the electrical connections from the main distributor to the control unit and from the control unit to the sauna heater have been installed correctly and professionally in accordance with our circuit diagrams and specifi cations using the materials intended for the purpose.
Faults on the control unit may also be caused by insuffi cient incoming air or insuffi cient ventilation of the sauna heater, as well as by a lack or waste air vents or waste air vents that are too small when the sauna is used continuously. In this connection, please refer to and observe our “Information sheet” which is also included.
With regard to the temperature and humidity settings, discrepancies between the set and displayed temperature and humidity are possible. This can be explained by the fact that the mechanical display units are generally installed on the inside wall of the sauna. The temperature of the sauna wall, however, is always lower than that of the actual air temperature in the cabin.
The displayed humidity levels can be incorrect at the start for as long as the cabin has not heated up enough to a suffi cient temperature.
5.1 – Proper use
The FIN and BIO control units are designed only for use for the control of sauna heaters with a maximum output of up to 10.80 kW.
The FIN control unit is for sauna heaters with Finnish mode (temperature control only) and the BIO control unit can be used for bio mode (temperature and humidity).
The control unit is designed to be used in sauna cabins which are suitable for the purpose! The control unit is only suitable for the operation of approved sauna heaters and in sauna cabins which are suitable for the purpose.
The control units are designed for operation in private households only!
Any claims for compensation for damages arising out of or in connection with improper use are excluded.
The user or operator will be exclusively responsible for any damages resulting from such improper use.
5.2 – Installation and electrical connection
The control units must be correctly installed in accordance with the supplied installation instructions and connected up to the electricity supply in accordance with the enclosed circuit diagram.
Only a qualifi ed electrician or an electrical contractor may make the electrical connection from the main distributor in the residential building to the control unit and from the control unit to the sauna heater.
The system must be fi tted with a separate residual current device circuit- breaker (earth leakage circuit breaker 40A 30mA).
Refer to the safety actions required by VDE 100 Section 49 DA/6 and VDE 0100 Part 703/11.82 Section 4.
5.3 – Dangers from electrical voltage
Contact with live parts may lead to potentially fatal injuries.
Before any work on the system or the installation is started, the power supply to the control unit must be disconnected and measures taken to secure it to prevent it from being switched on again.
5.4 – Requirements to be met by the operator
Only people over the age of 18 are allowed to use and operate this control unit and the sauna heater connected to it. People with physical handicaps are only allowed to operate the control unit under supervision.
Before starting, the person doing the operating must ensure that there are absolutely no combustible objects (towels, bathrobes, etc.) on or beneath the sauna heater, or stored in the vicinity of the sauna heater.
5.5 – Alterations and modifi cations
Alterations and modifi cations to the control units and/or the wiring or to the electrical connections could lead to unforeseeable dangers! Alterations to any part of the complete system are prohibited!
5.6 – Safety and dangers
Read the operating instructions carefully before starting the work of fi tting and installation and observe all information and instructions on potential dangers.
It is essential that the safety instructions provided here and the additional instructions provided in the following chapters are observed, in order to reduce risks to health and avoid dangerous situations.
Improper operation could lead to serious injuries.
5.7 – General safety information
This equipment can be used by children of 8 years and older and by people with limited physical, sensory or mental capacities or those with no experience or knowledge if they are supervised or have received instruction in how to use the equipment safely and understand the dangers which result from such use. Children are not allowed to play with the equipment. Unless supervised, children are not allowed to clean the equipment or carry out user-level maintenance work.
If permanently installed equipment is not equipped with a power cable and a plug or other means of disconnecting from the mains power supply with a contact opening on each pole in accordance with the conditions of overvoltage category III for complete disconnection, it is a requirement that the instructions must specify that a disconnecting device of this type must be incorporated into the permanently installed electrical installation according to the installation regulations.
The instructions for permanently installed equipment must specify how the equipment has to be fastened to the surface to which it is to be fastened. The method used must not involve the use of adhesives, because these are not considered to be a reliable means of fastening.
If the insulation is damaged, switch off the power supply immediately and arrange for it to be repaired by a specialist contractor.
Work on electrical equipment may only be carried out by a professional!
Never bypass any fuses or deactivate them.
Check the rating data whenever a fuse needs to be replaced.
Protect the control units against moisture.
The controller housing may only be opened by a professional.
Objects on the sauna heater or in the vicinity of the sauna heater could cause a fi re and lead to injuries.
Keep children away from the controller and the sauna heater.
Covering over the temperature and humidity sensors or placing them in the wrong position could lead to higher temperatures and could therefore cause a fi re.
Make sure that there is suffi cient air circulation in and around the entire sauna cabin.

Mounting the control unit on a wall

Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin - Mounting

Control units – versions

Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin - versions

Fitting the sensor

Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin - versions 1

Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin - diagramTechnical support: saunaservice@isc-gmbh.infoKaribu 25548 Sauna Lellin - diagram 1Technical support: saunaservice@isc-gmbh.infoKaribu 25548 Sauna Lellin - diagram 2

  1. llumination / light
  2. Mains connection
  3. Heater connection
  4. Sensor 1
  5. Sensor 2

Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin - diagram 3

  1. llumination / light
  2. Mains connection
  3. Heater connection
  4. Sensor 1
  5. Sensor 2

Starting – operation – displays

10.1 – Turning the control unit on with the main switchKaribu 25548 Sauna
Lellin - operationTo preset the values you simply have to lightly tap the fi elds marked with the + and – symbols!
Turn on the main switch!
Values can be adjusted in both directions (+ and -).Karibu 25548 Sauna
Lellin - operation 1 Adjusting the lightingKaribu 25548 Sauna Lellin - operation 2Karibu
25548 Sauna Lellin - operation 3 Adjusting the start/stop funct Setting Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin - operation
4Actuate the + and – buttons at the same time with your index fi nger and middle fi nger
Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin - operation 5 Setting the temperatureKaribu 25548 Sauna Lellin - operation
6 Setting higher than 70° – Humidity indicator “OFF” Sauna temperature higher than 70° – Humidity indicator “OFF”Karibu 25548 Sauna
Lellin - operation 7Setting the humidity levelKaribu 25548 Sauna Lellin - operation 8Bio/humidity mode is only possible up to a temperature of 70° Celsius!Karibu 25548 Sauna Lellin - operation 9A buzzing signal will sound if there is insuffi cient water.
The evaporator switches off automatically after 1 minute.
The indicator switches to 000 – a restart is requiredKaribu 25548 Sauna
Lellin - operation 10

Display mode – Time / Temperature


| Indicator ” ashes – the control unit is in standby mode
| LED illuminated – the control unit is in heating mode
| Indicator ” ashes after heating mode – the control unit is in standby mode (switches off after 240 minutes)


| Temperature setting can be adjusted from 5° to 100° with the + or – button (5° steps)
| Temperature preselection 85° – indicator ” ashes for 5 seconds
| Indicator switches to the actual temperature in the cabin – LED illuminated / heating mode is active
| Temperature reached – LED is off / heating mode is inactive


| Indicator shows 000, evaporator is not in operation
| Indicator ” ashes and switches to the actual value after 5 seconds, LED illuminated, evaporator in heating mode!
| Preset humidity reached, LED off, evaporator mode is in standby mode
| 1. Temperature is set to over 70°, evaporator will be switched off by the system
2. Evaporator is switched off (insuf! cient water)


| Indicator “000”, lighting is switched off, LED off
| The lighting can be adjusted in steps of 10%, from 50% to 100% luminosity
| Indicator ” ashes for 5 seconds and then lights up
| LED illuminated, lighting is switched on

11.1 – Humidity – temperature diagram

Error messages

| Temperaturfühler (Fühler 1) am Ofen ohne Kontakt, falsch angeschlossen Temperature sensor (sensor 1) on heater has no contact or is not properly connected
| Thermal fuse  (sensor 1) on heater has no contact or is not properly connected
| Temperature sensor (sensor 2) at RAL point has no contact or is not properly connected (2 connections)
| Humidity sensor (sensor 2) at RAL point has no contact or is not properly connected (2 connections)
| When the evaporator is switched on, it is not possible to set any of the values and the indicator ” ashes and shows “OFF”!
The water shortage terminal (water shortage indicator) is not connected!

** explains the following conformity according to EU directives and norms for the following productELATION PROFESSIONAL MSZ-GS06 Split Type Air
Conditioners - Connector 2Standard references: EN 55014-1: 2006 +A1: 2009 + A2: 2011; EN 55014-2: 1997 + A1: 2001 + A2: 2008;
EN 61000-6-1: 2007; EN 60335-1 + A11: 2014; EN 60335-2-53: 2011
Landau/Isar, den 01.03.2019 Ulrich Kagerer Director division iSC-Trading
For EU countries only
Never place any electric tools in your household refuse.
To comply with European Directive 2002/96/EC concerning old electric
and electronic equipment and its implementation in national laws, old electric tools have to
be separated from other waste and disposed of in an environmentfriendly fashion, e.g. by taking to a recycling depot.
Recycling alternative to the demand to return electrical devices:
As an alternative to returning the electrical device, the owner is obliged to cooperate in ensuring that the device is properly recycled if ownership is relinquished.
This can also be done by handing over the used device to a returns center, which will dispose of it in accordance with national commercial and industrial waste management legislation. This does not apply to the accessories and auxiliary equipment without any electrical components which are included with the used device.
The reprintig or reproduction by any other means, in whole or in part, of documentation and papers accompanying products is permitted only with the express consent of ISC GmbH.
Subject to technical changes.
Dear Customer,**

  1. These guarantee terms cover additional guarantee rights and do not affect your statutory warranty rights. We do not charge you for this guarantee.

  2. Our guarantee only covers problems caused by material or manufacturing defects, and it is restricted to the rectification of these defects or replacement of the device. Please note that our devices have not been designed for use in commercial, trade or industrial applications.
    Consequently, the guarantee is invalidated if the equipment is used in commercial, trade or industrial applications or for other equivalent activities. The following are also excluded from our guarantee: compensation for transport damage, damage caused by failure to comply with the installation/assembly instructions or damage caused by unprofessional installation, failure to comply with the operating instructions (e.g. connection to the wrong mains voltage or current type), misuse or inappropriate use (such as overloading of the device or use of nonapproved tools or accessories), failure to comply with the maintenance and safety regulations, ingress of foreign bodies into the device (e.g. sand, stones or dust), effects of force or external influences (e.g. damage caused by the device being dropped) and normal wear resulting from proper operation of the device. This applies in particular to rechargeable batteries for which we nevertheless issue a guarantee period of 12 months. The guarantee is rendered null and void if any attempt is made to tamper with the device.

  3. The guarantee is valid for a period of 2 years starting from the purchase date of the device. Guarantee claims should be submitted before the end of the guarantee period within two weeks of the defect being noticed. No guarantee claims will be accepted after the end of the guarantee period. The original guarantee period remains applicable to the device even if repairs are carried out or parts are replaced. In such cases, the work performed or parts fitted will not result in an extension of the guarantee period, and no new guarantee will become active for the work performed or parts fitted. This also applies when an on-site service is used.

  4. In order to assert your guarantee claim, please send your defective device postage free to the address shown below. Please enclose either the original or a copy of your sales receipt or another dated proof of purchase. Please keep your sales receipt in a safe place, as it is your proof of purchase. It would help us if you could describe the nature of the problem in as much detail as possible. If the defect is covered by our guarantee then your device will either be repaired immediately and returned to you, or we will send you a new device.

Stand: 03/2019

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