signotec 1040DPI Biometric Signature Gamma User Manual

June 15, 2024

signotec Gamma
User Manualsignotec 1040DPI Biometric Signature
Gamma 1040DPI Biometric Signature Gamma

Thank you!

Thank you for having chosen one of signotec’s products. You now have a robust, durable and hightech solution that is unrivalled in this market segment. The signotec Gamma LCD signature pad serves as an input device for signatures and is used to capture writing characteristics (biometrics) accurately and in a high resolution and to display textual and colour graphical information on the LCD. The LCD visualises the signature on the pad in real time.
The design of the sensor, along with a hardened glass surface, enables a long service life of up to 30 million signatures and unbeatable robustness.
In 2016, the signotec Gamma was honoured with an international premium award of the German Design Council, the German Design Award, in the category of Excellent Product Design – Computer and Communication.


Special attention in this user manual is drawn to specific situations, important notes and general information using a system of symbols and colours.
Caution: Situations that can lead to injuries, errors or damage.
Note: Situations in which attention should be given to specific notes and information on compatibility.
Tip: Notes and tips for usage.

Warnings and precautions

This user manual contains detailed information about the installation and setup of the signotec signature pad. The following sections describe the device itself, as well as how to install, configure and properly maintain the device.
Please read this user manual carefully before installing and using the device to ensure that you handle it safely.

Before you start using the device, please read all information, warnings and safety instructions carefully to take full advantage of the product’s long service life. Failure to comply with these precautions will result in the loss of your warranty. Furthermore, signotec will not accept any responsibility for the repair or replacement of the device.

  • The signature pad was primarily designed for use in an office environment, over the counter or for mobile use and has been tested in this operating environment. The use of the device in other fields of application may damage it and is undertaken entirely at the user’s own risk.
  • The pad is neither waterproof nor explosion-proof. In addition, you should avoid extreme fluctuations in temperature. Never use the device in very dusty environments.
  • Make sure to not scratch the display or place sharp or heavy objects on the device. Avoid violently shaking (from impacts or drops, for example) the device in order to prevent damage to the components.
  • The screen’s surface can become damaged by pen tips that are pointy or have sharp edges. Replace the pen tip or cartridge once it shows signs of use.
  • Never expose the product to high-voltage electrostatic discharges or the build-up of electrostatic charge on the LCD screen. It could cause the LCD screen to temporarily become patchy. If patches do appear, leave the device’s display turned on. The patchiness will disappear after a few hours.
  • The signature pad and the supplied pen are designed to be used together. You will void the warranty if you use these two components of the product separately.
  • In case of damage to the LCD screen, DO NOT touch the liquid that may leak out under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. This liquid may cause skin irritation. Immediately rinse the affected area under running water for at least 15 minutes if the liquid comes in contact with your skin, eyes or mouth. If the liquid comes in contact with your eyes or mouth, consult a doctor as well.

Other resources

In addition to the user manual, signotec also provides further information such as product descriptions and technical data sheets online. For additional downloads and information, please contact your dealer or visit

Checking the device upon arrival

Immediately upon or after receiving the product, check that all associated components have been delivered. If a component is missing, defective or visibly damaged, please contact signotec or the authorised dealer from whom you purchased the product within one working day. If you do not complain about a missing, defective or visibly damaged component within the period of time from receipt of the product, the product is considered to have been properly accepted and it remains at the sole discretion of the dealer to deliver or replace missing, defective or damaged components after this period. It is up to you (as the customer) to prove the non-conformity of the delivery upon receipt of the product.
The scope of delivery for your signature pad includes:

  • signotec Omega signature pad
  • Battery-free pen with replaceable cartridge (attached to the pad by a cord)
  • USB cable (attached to the pad; replaceable)
  • Replacement cartridge and tool
  • Vertical pen holder

signotec 1040DPI Biometric Signature Gamma - Checking

Product view

6.1. Front sidesignotec 1040DPI Biometric Signature Gamma -

1 USB cable
2 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) with a hardened glass surface
3 Status LED
4 Ergonomic pen with replaceable pen tip
5 Cord (attached to the device and pen)
6 Kensington NanoSaver lock (Rev. C or newer)

6.2. Back sidesignotec 1040DPI Biometric Signature Gamma - Back

1 Pen holder (horizontal)
2 Cord (attached to the device and pen)
3 USB cable
4 Mounting fixture for a vertical

pen holder
5| Tension relief for USB cable
6| Micro-USB port
7| Device designation
8| Item number
9| Hardware revision number
10| Barcode with unique serial number
11| Device designation
Item number
Hardware revision number
Barcode with unique serial number

Connection types

The signotec Gamma signature pad is available in a variety of connection types. You can choose between an HID/WinUSB and a vCOM (FTDI) version for use in virtual serial mode. The HID/WinUSB device (item no. ends with U100) is designed for local use on a computer. A device featuring an integrated USB- serial converter (FTDI) (item no. ends with FT100) will be detected as a serial device, meaning it can be addressed via a COM port. These devices are specially designed for terminal server environments in order to use the device as a local resource.
Note: A device featuring FTDI always operates in serial (vCOM) mode ex- works, whereas a standard device always operates in HID-USB/WinUSB mode. For devices featuring an integrated USB-serial converter, it is possible to switch modes using the service menu.
7.1. Use with a computer
We recommend using a signature pad in HID-USB or WinUSB mode for use on a computer with a local operating system. If you operate the device under Windows 8.1, we recommend installing the signotec HID driver. This driver disables the (Windows) power saving feature for the signotec signature pads, which can have a negative effect on the device and could turn off the device from time to time, for example. The driver is automatically installed with all current signotec software products. As an alternative, you can download it at
7.2. USB redirection on the terminal server
The signotec signature pads feature support for native USB redirection from Windows Remote Desktop and Citrix.
a) Remote Desktop
The following steps are required to use this feature on a Windows Terminal Server with RDP (Remote Desktop):
a. The Windows Terminal Server must have Remote Desktop Session Host (RDSH) installed in the server roles in Remote Desktop Services (RDS).
b. At the client, the following group policy must be enabled: Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Remote Desktop Services > Remote Desktop Connection Client > RemoteFX USB Device Redirection, and enable the ‘Allow RDP redirection of other supported RemoteFX USB devices from this computer’ option.
c. To apply the settings, an update of the machine’s policies (‘gpudpate /force’) and then a reboot must be performed.
d. When establishing the remote connection, enable ‘Other supported RemoteFX USB devices’ in the RDP client’s options under ‘Local Resources’ under ‘More…’.
e. An additional icon should be displayed in the connection line of the remote session after a successful connection to show the available and redirected devices.
b) Citrix
The local devices can be selected for redirection when using current Citrix versions, for example, via Citrix Receiver. These can also be accessed on the Citrix desktop via the ‘Devices’ area and can be enabled or disabled.
Note: The connection via USB redirection is supported; however, it offers only an insufficient or very slow connection speed in some system environments. In this case, we recommend using virtual serial or Ethernet connections.
7.3. Virtual serial connection at the terminal server
Signature pads can be used via a serial interface in a Windows Terminal Server or Citrix environment.
a) A device featuring an integrated USB-serial converter (FTDI) (item no. ends with FT100) can be addressed via a virtual COM port, which is used to simulate the serial port. It means that the device can be used as a local resource on a terminal server. To do so, the standardised FTDI driver must be installed on the client.
b) The ‘signotec virtual COM port driver’, which must be purchased separately, is available for devices without an integrated USB-to-serial converter (FTDI).
This driver is available for Windows and Linux operating systems and converts the connected USB device into a virtual COM port.
7.4. Special features of Citrix environments
There is an alternative connection method for signotec signature pads in Citrix environments. The Virtual Channel technology enables you to use signature pads without needing the COM port to map on the server. The technology is also not limited to the use of devices with a virtual COM port, but also supports native HID and WinUSB devices. In addition, the Virtual Channel connection offers significantly better performance and stability and is therefore the recommended connection type for compatible Citrix environments.
Note: The signotec Virtual Channel driver is required on the client. The driver is available ex-works for various systems (such as IGEL and Rangee clients). If this is not the case, the driver must be purchased.
7.5. Using a USB-to-Ethernet adapter
Signature pads used in HID or WinUSB mode can also be connected to the signotec USB-to-Ethernet adapter. In this way, the device can be integrated into the network via IP and is therefore available across several workstations, for example. The connection via IP can also improve the performance in terminal server environments. Please refer to the description of the network adapter for more information.
Note: The USB-to-Ethernet adapter is only compatible with devices in USB mode and therefore not with devices operating in virtual serial mode (vCOM).


Please install all required drivers on your system before connecting the device.
Most drivers are included when installing signotec APIs and other software products (such as signoSign/2). Otherwise, you can find them at
The device has a removeable USB cable with both a standard USB Type A plug and a Micro-USB plug.
The cable is used for data transfer and to power the device. Connect this plug to a free USB port of the computer or a signotec USB-to-Ethernet adapter.
The cable is routed through a small channel on the back of the signature pad to provide tension relief.
Attaching the cable without tension relief may damage the cable as well as the device.
Please connect the cable while taking all necessary safety precautions with regard to other devices and persons. The cable should be routed in such a way that under no circumstances is it constantly under tension. Do not place heavy objects on the cable, do not bend the cable repeatedly and do not exert strong pressure on the cable connections. Improper loading of the cable or the connector sockets may result in cable breakage or damage to the device’s components or your computer. Damage that can be attributed to these causes is not covered by warranty.
Note: Please use only the supplied cable or appropriate spare parts from signotec to ensure correct functionality. The USB standard provides for a maximum cable length of three metres.
signotec cannot guarantee functionality for longer cables.
8.1. Assembling the pen holder
There is a small cutout on the back of the device to attach the supplied, vertical pen holder. The rounded, flat end of the pen holder needs to be pressed into this cutout, while applying a little pressure, in order to ensure that it stays in place.
signotec 1040DPI Biometric Signature Gamma -
Assembling 8.2. Anti-theft protection
On the upper right side of the signature pad is a port for a Kensington NanoSaver lock for additional anti-theft protection.signotec 1040DPI
Biometric Signature Gamma - protection 8.3. Status LED
There is a two-colour status LED on the front of the signature pad:

Orange light The device is in standby or display mode.
Green light The device is in capture mode and can capture a signature.

Note: These specifications correspond to the standard behaviour of the LED. You can usethe API to individually control the LED, which means it may display a different behaviour.Please contact your software manufacturer in this case.
8.4. Software
The installation of drivers alone does not indicate that all device functions will be enabled. To usethe signature pad, you also need software that provides communication with the device. You canuse the signotec standard software products if you do not have software that supports the signotecsignature pad. Please refer to for an overview of signotec products.
Tip: We recommend using the signoSign/2 software for a legally compliant and legallyadmissible signature for PDF documents.

Accessing the service menu

Disconnect the pad from the power supply to access the service menu of the unit. Touch the upper right corner of the display with the pen.
While holding the pen, reconnect the pad to the power supply. After rebooting, the LED lights up orange and the service menu is launched.
You can navigate the menu using the supplied pen.
Tip: As an alternative, you can also access the service menu with API methods or the signoSign/2 application software. 9.1. Switching modes
The operating mode can be switched between USB and vCOM for signotec Gamma signature pads featuring an integrated USB-to-serial converter (FTDI). To do so, there are two buttons in the service menu. By selecting the operating mode and then confirming with OK, the pad restarts in the desired mode.
Note: Devices featuring an integrated USB-to-serial converter are shipped in vCOM mode by default.

9.2. Adjusting the brightness
The brightness of the display is adjusted via the service menu. Tap the desired setting with the pen (either ‘darker’ or ‘lighter’). After you have adjusted the brightness you can accept the settings by tapping the checkmark. The pad will then reboot.
9.3. Recalibrating the sensor
You can recalibrate the sensor if the signature is not situated exactly under the tip of the pen.
Tip: The devices are pre-calibrated by signotec ex-works. It is only necessary to recalibrate the sensor in extraordinary circumstances or in the event of an error. Disconnect the pad from the power supply. Touch the upper left corner of the display with the pen. While holding the pen, reconnect the pad to the power supply.
As an alternative, you can also recalibrate the device with API methods or the signoSign/2 application software. After rebooting, the LED lights up orange. Two intersecting lines (like a plus sign) will appear on a white background in the upper left corner of the display.
Use the pen to tap the midpoint of the two intersecting lines. Afterward, the same symbol appears in the lower right corner. Tap the two intersecting lines again.
Recalibration is now successfully completed. The pad reboots.

Maintenance, care and cleaning

signotec signature pads are maintenance-free. No technical components need to be replaced regularly or depending on use. You should handle the device with care, maintain it regularly and replace accessories promptly if they show signs of use in order to increase the device’s service life as much as possible.
10.1. Pen and pen cartridge
The signotec pads are equipped with a robust and maintenance-free pen that does not require batteries. The pen’s realistic size and soft cartridge makes the user feel like they are writing on paper. The pen can be attached to the pen holder. The pen is pre-attached to the device with a high-quality cord preventing it becoming lost.
10.2. Replacing the cartridge
Use the supplied tool to remove the cartridge from the pen if it needs to be replaced. You can then conveniently insert a new cartridge. Pay attention that you insert the correct end of the cartridge.
10.3. Replacing the pen
It takes only a few steps to replace the pen. The cord is attached to the device and pen by means of a simple loop. First enlarge the loop on the device and then feed the pen through. The cord can then be pulled through the loop on the pen to release the pen from the cord. Proceed in reverse order to attach a new pen or cord.
Caution: Improper replacement of parts and use of accessories from unauthorised sources may result in damage that is not covered by warranty.
10.4. Care and cleaning
Clean your device regularly. Dust and dirt particles can form residues on the sensor film or glass and pen, which can cause excessive wear to the surface. Regular cleaning of the surface and the pen will help to extend the device’s service life. Normal wear and tear of the surface or the pen does not constitute a warranty claim.
Disconnect the device from the power source, the computer, and any other connected devices.
Use a damp or dry, soft cloth to clean the pen. Use an anti-static, slightly damp, lint-free cloth to further clean the display and casing. Only apply gentle pressure to the surfaces of the device and make sure that no moisture forms on the surface or gets into any joints that may exist. Do not use window or household cleaners, sprays, solvents, ammonia solutions, abrasive cleaners or cleaners containing hydrogen peroxide to clean the unit. Do not spray cleaning agents directly onto the device.
Any damage that is or has been caused, for example, by using the wrong cleaning agent and/or during cleaning, is not covered by warranty.
10.5. Disinfection
You can use a wipe with 70% isopropyl alcohol or 75% ethyl alcohol to gently wipe the surfaces and pens. Do not use products containing bleach or hydrogen peroxide. Avoid getting moisture into an opening and do not immerse your device in cleaning agents.


Within the warranty period, signotec GmbH will repair free of charge all defects of the product that are caused by processing errors or material defects. It is at the discretion of signotec to repair or replace individual parts or the entire product. The replacement can mean new or repaired parts or a new or repaired product. Repaired parts or products must correspond to a new product in terms of functionality. The repaired parts or products only receive the remaining term of the original warranty period. The replaced or defective parts become the property of signotec.
11.1. Duration and nature of the warranty
a) You receive a two-year carry-in warranty from the date of purchase with the purchase of a signotec device. The date printed on the invoice is decisive in this regard. The warranty period applies to the first customer and is non- transferable (in the event of resale).
b) It is a carry-in warranty. An advance replacement is not part of this warranty and must be agreed separately on request. The costs and related risks of transport are not assumed by signotec.
c) When purchasing the product, it is possible to purchase an extension of the warranty period up to five years. This option is a one-off offer when ordering the product. It is not possible to subsequently extend the warranty.
11.2. Exclusion of warranty
Excluded from the warranty are (not an exhaustive list):
a) Regular maintenance and repair or replacement of wear parts such as pen, cartridge or sensor surface;
b) Compatibility issues resulting from hardware, software or configurations of the technical system environment;
c) Damage or defects resulting from changes, adjustments or other modifications to the original product that were not authorised by signotec;
d) Improper use, including but not limited to:
– Damage or defects caused by failure to observe the care instructions, such as use of the wrong cleaning agent;
– Damage or defects caused by use, operation or handling of the product that does not correspond to the intended purpose or location for application;
– Damage or defects caused by incorrect or improper installation of the product;
– Use of accessories, additional devices or other products that are not approved by signotec;
– Repairs and repair attempts by persons not authorised by signotec.
12. Support and repairs
The products and solutions from signotec were designed to make our customers satisfied users. If, contrary to expectations, problems occur, you can find the necessary help and support on our FAQ and support pages.
12.1. Technical support
Please always describe the error with as much detail as possible (including a description of the work process, date of the first occurrence of the error, any changes made to the affected workstation, etc.) when contacting our support team. We must be able to reproduce the error in order to correct it. Therefore, please also describe exactly how the error can be reproduced. Please use the ticket form on our website in order to initiate a support request.
12.2. Repairs
In case of a defective signature pad or missing/defective parts, please use the appropriate RMA form on our website to send the device in for repair. In addition, our technology team is available at to answer all questions regarding repairs and spare parts.
Tip: A repair is often possible outside the warranty claim and offers a cheap and ecological alternative to a new purchase.
12.3. Overview of accessories and spare parts
The following table provides you with an overview of the available and supported accessories and spare parts.

Accessories and spare parts|
Pen without cord (rev. A/B)| ST-SPARE-GAM-013
Pen without cord (from rev. C)| ST-SPARE-PENERT-001
Replacement cartridges (3 pc., includingtool)| ST-SPARE-PENTIP-CLMP
Replacement cord| ST-SPARE-CORD-003
Pen holder (vertical)| ST-SPARE-GAMDE-001
USB-to-Ethernet adapter| ST-TCPIP-USB-CONV-3
USB cable (approx. 2.7 metres)| ST-SPARE-GAM-001
USB cable (approx. 4.5 metres)| ST-SPARE-GAM-009

Disposal of device

The proper disposal of old electrical and electronic equipment (‘waste equipment’) is important to us.
All consumers and proprietors are legally obliged to dispose of old electrical and electronic equipment separately from household waste, as it contains harmful substances as well as valuable resources. Electrical appliances are marked with the adjacent ****symbol, which means that they must not be disposed of with normal household waste.
Old electrical equipment can be turned in at an approved collection or return point. For example, this can be a local recycling centre. Old electrical equipment is usually accepted there free of charge and recycled in an environmentally friendly and resource-saving manner.
Pursuant to the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG), our WEEE registration number is: DE 41995888.

Declarations of conformity

The signotec pads comply with the current RoHS Directive of the European Union.
The signotec pads were tested to be compliant with the following standards:

  • EN 60950-1/11.2006 (Information technology equipment – Electrical safety)
  • EN 61000-6-1 (Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Immunity)
  • EN 61000-6-3 (Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Emission standard)
  • EN 55022 (Electromagnetic compatibility – Emissions)
  • EN 55024 (Electromagnetic compatibility – Immunity)
  • CE marking
  • Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Copyright © 2000–2023 signotec GmbH
All rights reserved. This document and the components it describes are products copyrighted by signotec GmbH, based in Ratingen, Germany. Reproduction of this documentation, in part or in whole, is subject to prior written approval from signotec GmbH. All hardware and software names used are trade names and/or trademarks of their respective manufacturers/owners. Subject to change at any time without notice. We assume no liability for any errors that may appear in this documentation.

© 2000–2023 signotec GmbH
signotec Gamma user manual


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