SONICWALL SonicOS 7.1 Dashboard User Guide

June 15, 2024

SONICWALL SonicOS 7.1 Dashboard


Product Information

  • Specifications
    • SonicOS Version: 7.1
    • Management Interface: Web-based
    • Operating System: SonicCore

Product Usage Instructions

SonicOS Overview

This guide is part of the SonicOS collection of administrative guides that describe how to administer and monitor the SonicWall family of firewalls.
SonicOS provides network administrators with a management interface, API (Application Program Interface), and the Command Line Interface (CLI) for firewall configuration.
It allows administrators to set objects to secure and protect network services, manage traffic, and provide the desired level of network service. This guide focuses on the Dashboard feature.

Working with SonicOS

SonicOS provides a web management interface for configuring, managing, and monitoring the features, policies, security services, connected devices, and threats to your network. SonicOS runs on top of SonicCore, SonicWall’s secure underlying operating system. The SonicOS management interface facilitates:

  • Policy Mode: Provides a unified policy configuration workflow that combines Layer 3 to Layer 7 policy enforcement for security policies and optimizes the workflow for other policy types. This mode gathers many security settings into one place.
  • Classic Mode: More consistent with earlier releases of SonicOS. In this mode, you need to develop individual policies and actions for specific security services. The Classic Mode has a redesigned interface.

Firewall Types and Modes

Firewall Type| TZ Series| NSA Series| NSsp 10700, NSsp 11700, NSsp 13700| NSsp 15700| NSv Series
Classic Mode| Yes| Yes| Yes| No| Yes
Policy Mode| No| No| No| No| Yes

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: What is SonicOS?
  • A: SonicOS is the operating system used by SonicWall firewalls. It provides network administrators with a management interface, API, and CLI for configuring and managing firewall settings.
  • Q: What is the difference between Policy Mode and Classic Mode?
  • A: Policy Mode is a unified policy configuration workflow that combines security policies from Layer 3 to Layer 7, optimizing the workflow for different policy types. Classic Mode requires individual policies and actions for specific security services.
  • Q: Which firewall types support Classic Mode?
  • A: The TZ Series and NSa Series firewalls support Classic Mode.
  • Q: Which firewall types support Policy Mode?
  • A: The NSv Series firewall supports Policy Mode.

SonicOS Overview

This guide is a part of the SonicOS collection of administrative guides that describes how to administer and monitor the SonicWall family of firewalls. SonicOS provides network administrators the management interface, API (Application Program Interface), and the Command Line Interface (CLI) for firewall configuration by setting objects to secure and protect the network services, to manage traffic, and to provide the desired level of network service. This guide focuses on the Dashboard feature.


  • Working with SonicOS
  • Dashboard Introduction
  • How to Use the SonicOS Administration Guides
  • Guide Conventions

Working with SonicOS

SonicOS provides a web management interface for configuring, managing, and monitoring the features, policies, security services, connected devices, and threats to your network. SonicOS runs on top of SonicCore, SonicWall’s secure underlying operating system.
The SonicOS management interface facilitates:

  • Setting up and configuring your firewall
  • Configuring external devices like access points or switches
  • Configuring networks and external system options that connect to your firewall
  • Defining objects and policies for protection
  • Monitoring the health and status of the security appliance, network, users, and connections
  • Monitoring traffic, users, and threats
  • Investigating events

SonicWall offers two different modes of operation in SonicOS; the modes differ mainly in the areas of policy, object configuration and diagnostics.

  • Policy Mode provides a unified policy configuration work flow. It combines Layer 3 to Layer 7 policy enforcement for security policies and optimizes the work flow for other policy types. This unified policy work flow gathers many security settings into one place, which were previously configured on different pages of the management interface.
  • Classic Mode is more consistent with earlier releases of SonicOS; you need to develop individual policies and actions for specific security services. TheClassic Mode has a redesigned interface.

This table identifies which modes can be used on the different SonicWall firewalls:

Firewall Type Classic Mode Policy Mode Comments
TZ Series yes no The entry level TZ Series, also known as desktop
firewalls, deliver revamped features such as 5G
readiness, better connectivity options, improved
threat, SSL and decryption performance that
address HTPPS bandwidth issues; built-in SD-
WAN, and lawful TLS 1.3 decryption support.
NSa Series yes no NSa firewalls provide your mid sized network with
enhanced security . They are designed
specifically for businesses with 250 and up. it can
provide cloud-based and on-box capabilities like
TLS/SSL decryption and inspection, application
intelligence and control, SD-WAN, real-time
visualization, and WLAN management.
NSsp 10700, NSsp 11700, yes no The NSsp platforms high-end firewalls that
NSsp 13700 deliver advanced threat protection and fast
speeds that large enterprises, data centers, and
service providers need.
NSsp 15700 no yes The NSsp 15700 is designed for large-distributed
enterprises, data centers, government agencies
and services providers. It provides advanced
threat protection like Real-Time Deep Memory
Inspection, multi-instance firewall configuration,
and unified policy creation and modification, with
scalability and availability.
NSv Series yes yes The NSv series firewalls offers all the security
advantages of a physical firewall with the
operational and economic benefits of
virtualization. The NSv firwalls can operate in
either Policy Mode or Classic Mode. You can
switch between modes, but some configuration
information from extra interfaces is removed.

In addition to the management interface, SonicOS also has a full-featured API and a CLI to manage the firewalls. For more information, refer to:

  • SonicOS API Reference Guide
  • SonicOS Command Line Interface Reference Guide

SonicOS Workflow
When working with SonicWall products, you can use the following workflow as a guide for setting up your security solution.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(1\)

You begin your planning as you start making your purchasing decisions. Your sales partners can help you assess your environment and make recommendations based on the kinds of security services you need. You can learn more about SonicWall products by reviewing product information and solutions. After selecting the solution, you can schedule your implementation. After planning and scheduling your solution, you begin setting up the firewalls. The Getting Started Guides for your products can help you begin setting up the pieces to your solution. The getting s arted guides are designed to help you install the firewall to a minimal level of operation. Before performing any detailed configuration tasks described in the SonicOS Administration Guides, you should have your firewall set up and basic operation validated. The configuration block of the workflow refers to the many tasks that combine to define how your firewall is integrated into your security solution and how it behaves when protecting your environment. Depending on the features of your security solution, this task can be quite complex. The System Administration Guides are broken into the key command sets and features. Some documents may be used for all solutions, but others may be used use only if you integrated that feature into your solution. For example, High Availability or Wireless Access Points are not necessarily used by all customers. More information about a feature’s workflow is presented in the feature administration guide. Refer to the specific Administration Guide for a SonicOS feature for more information. Configuration tends to be a one-time activity, although you might make minor adjustments after monitoring performance or after diagnosing an issue. The configuration activity can be broken down into the more detailed flow as the following figure shows. This also mirrors the key functions that are listed across the top of the management interface.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(2\)

There is some flexibility in the order in which you do things, but this is the general workflow you would follow when configuring your firewall. Start by defining the settings on the firewall. Next you set up the system and other devices that your firewall is connected to, and you can choose to implement High Availability when done. After your device, network, and system is configured, you should define the objects that you want to monitor. Then you use those objects to define the policies that protect your environment. The final step to preparing your setup is to validate the user authentication.

How to Use

How to Use the SonicOS Administration Guides
The SonicOS Administration Guide is a collection of guides that detail the features represented by each of the main menu items in the management interface. Within each guide, you can find topics covering commands in that menu group, along with procedures and in-depth information. The exceptions are the SonicOS Monitoring Guide and the SonicOS Objects Guide which combine the topics for each of those functions into a single book. To help you understand how the books align with the features and commands, the following figure shows the books organized like the SonicWall management interface.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(3\)

The SonicOS Administration Guides, along with related documentation, such as the getting started guides, are available on the Technical Documentation portal.

Guide Conventions

These text conventions are used in this guide:

  • NOTE: A NOTE icon indicates supporting information.
  • IMPORTANT: An IMPORTANT icon indicates supporting information.
  • TIP: A TIP icon indicates helpful information.
  • CAUTION: A CAUTION icon indicates potential damage to hardware or loss of data if instructions are not followed.
  • WARNING: A WARNING icon indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(4\)

About Dashboard

The Dashboard feature is a key function of SonicWall SonicOS, where you can quickly see if anything in your network is impacting performance. This part of the guide describes the elements of the different views and how they can be used to drill down to more detailed information. The Dashboard can be your starting place for monitoring performance. Symbols and colors are used to indicate whether things are operational, need attention, or if a problem needs to be resolved. Each view provides visibility into the health of the associated network elements. The Dashboard shows different options depending upon whether you are operating in Classic Mode or Policy Mode and thethe features licensed for your network:

  • System View
  • Access Point View
  • Capture ATP View
  • Topology View
  • Policy Overview

NOTE: The images in this document may not be an exact match of what you see when you manage your firewall. The interface you see reflects the type of firewall you chose and the features you configured and licensed. Specific differences are noted when possible.

System View

The System view of the SonicOS Dashboard provides a summary of the information that the firewall. The navigation path for the System view is HOME > Dashboard


SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(5\)

The System view offers a high level view of the system performance. You can select different tabs for different types of summaries. They include Device, Summary, Security Services, Network, Threat, and DNS Filtering. Each pane on the tab represents a specific feature being tracked. If you see issues that need more investigation, You can drill down on the options icon  , in the upper right corner. This takes you to other reports that can help you narrow the source of the issue. For more information about the System option, refer to SonicOS 7.1 System Administration Guide.

Access Point View

The Access Points view of the SonicOS Dashboard summarizes the information about the access points in the network. The navigation path for the Access Points view is HOME > Dashboard > Access Points.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(7\)

The Acess Points view offers a high level view of the performance of the access points in the network. You canreview the summaries across the top of the page and then scroll to see the different reports.
NOTE: If you have no access points configured, the reports will be blank. For more information about the access point, refer to SonicOS 7.1 Access Points Administration Guide.

Topology View

The Topology view of the SonicOS Dashboard provides a graphic view of the network. The navigation path for the Topology view is Home > Dashboard > Topology.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(8\)

Capture ATP View

The Capture ATP view of the SonicOS Dashboard, you can quickly see in one place which files are being sent to the backend for scanning and which ones are being blocked. The navigation path for the Catpure ATP view is .HOME > Dashboard > Catpure ATP.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(9\)

For more information about the Capture ATP, refer to SonicOS 7.1 Catpure ATP Administration Guide.
Policy Overview
When operating in Policy Mode, the Policy Overview option displays on the dashboard. The SonicOS Dashboard summarizes policy effectiveness for different match attributes. The navigation path for the Policy Overview is HOME > Dashboard > Policy Overview

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(10\)

You can review the different types of summaries by selecting the different tabs: Policies, Objects, Groups, and Profiles and Signatures If you see issues that need more investigation, you can drill down on the options icon,  , in the upper right corner. This takes you to other reports that can help you narrow the source of the issue. For more information about managing in Policy Mode, refer to SonicOS 7.1 Rules and Policies Administration Guide for Policy Mode. Think of the System view as the starting point for most tasks. From the System page, you can select one of the tabs to see the data from a specific point of view

  • Device
  • Summary
  • Network
  • Threat

IMPORTANT: Zero Touch is not supported in SonicOS when implemented with on-premises Analytics.


HOME | Dashboard > System | Device displays the relevant information for the unit connected to your system. You have a physical view of the firewall at the top with window, followed by panes that summarize various information categories.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(11\)

NOTE: The image above illustrates and NSsp 10700 with the Storage feature. Your firewall view may vary slightly depending on the features you enabled and the type of firewall you have. For example, if you have extra storage, you can select Storage option, and see how the storage is distributed among the various logs as shown below.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(12\)

If you see issues on the dashboard that need more investigation, you can drill down on the options icon , the upper right corner. This takes you to other reports that can help you narrow the source of the issue.


The System Summary —located at HOME | Dashboard > System > Summary, provides a high-level view of the status of your security infrastructure. It summarizes the activity in easy-to-read, color-coded indicators. You can review the Summary and see at-a-glance when any issues might need investigating.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(13\)

The Summary shows your devices and a representation of the traffic being generated. It allows you to view the devices in a geographical view using a map that you can zoom in and out of. The devices are marked on the map. The following table describes the components that make up the System Summary.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(14\)

Traffic Distribution

The TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION window displays all traffic within your infrastructure including threats and their locations. The threats are visually placed on the global map. You can use the roller on your mouse to zoom in or zoom out on a threat. This kind of data allows you to perform a deep dive on all the information available to you.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(15\)

TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION: shows your devices and a representation of all traffic being generated. This window allows you to view the devices with a geographical view using a map that you can zoom in and out of. The devices are marked on the map. This map provides PRIVATE IPs, FIREWALLS, THREATS, INCOMING TRAFFIC, and OUTGOING TRAFFIC information. You can drill-down for more information on the TRAFFIC MAP segment as well. Use the mouse wheel to Zoom in and out on the global mag or use the vertical + and – slider on the left side of the map. Click the flags and icons on the map to drill-down for additional details.

Top Users

The Top Users report window provides data as it relates to the users connected to the system. You can track user-level transactions and activities by filtering on several different options, including sessions, bytes received, bytes sent, and bytes blocked.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(16\)

The Insights window provides a high-level view of the overall status of your security infrastructure. This window summarizes the activity in easy-to-read, color-coded indicators. You can review the Insights and see at-a-glance whether any issues need investigation, as well as additional filtering through spotlighting, malware, ransomware, intrusions, or all the above.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(17\)

Observed Threats
Observed Threats tracks the number of system connections reporting triggered threats. The default view is Total connections, but you can filter with top intrusions, viruses, spyware, and botnets in the Threat drop-down lists. Navigate to HOME | Dashboard > System > Threat to see the various threat reports available. Click the View Details icon in each window to expand the available filtering options.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(18\)

Top Countries

The Top Countries by Sessions report provides data as it relates to the country locations connected to the system.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(19\)

You can track location-level transactions and activities by filtering on several different options including Top Countries by:

  • Dropped
  • Bytes Received
  • Bytes Sent

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(20\)

Click View Details to see complete reporting on all Countries located in MONITOR | AppFlow > AppFlow Report | Location.

DNS Filtering

The DNS Filtering reports provide an summary and allows you to export the data.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(21\)

The DNS Filtering Data pane shows the number of events by category:

  • Allow
  • Block
  • Negative Reply
  • Forge IP

The Top Security pane identifies the malware detected by type. You can select a Graph view or a List view by clicking the appropriate icon. The categories and counts are provided in either view. The Top Mature pane identifies the how much adult, or mature, content traverses your network. The categories and number of events are listed. You can select either a Graph view or a List view of the data by clicking the appropriate icon. The Top Enterprise pane identifies the how much content can be identified by Gaming, Social or Sports enterprises. The categories and number of events are listed. You can select either a Graph view or a List view of the data by clicking the appropriate icon.

Access Points

For SonicWave, HOME | Dashboard > Access Points uses charts and graphs to help visualize the data related to the access points that are connected to your network. You can display both real-time status and historical status, as well as each client’s rate, OS type, and host name. This Dashboard also displays the status of the SonicWave devices and provides information to help with monitoring problematic diagnosis.

SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(22\)

A summary of the access points is shown at the top of the page. The data is presented as a doughnut chart; online is green and offline is red. The Online status includes operational, disabled, rebooting, and in IDS scanning mode. Offline status includes unresponsive and initializing states. The count for the Total Wireless Zones, Total Access Points, and Total Clients are also displayed.

Feature Limitations

  • SonicWave and SonicPoint AC device status is displayed when the device is managed by a SonicWall firewall.
  • Both the firewall and the access point need to be functional or no valid data can be exchanged. SonicWave access points always retain a seven-day history of the dashboard data.
  • However, because of memory limitations, SonicPoint AC devices lose all history data when they are rebooted.

Access Point Snapshot

  • One graph is shown in the Access Point Snapshot section. In the right corner, you can specify the refresh interval for these charts. Select the number of minutes from the drop-down menu; the options range from 5 to 10 minutes.

Client Association

  • The Client Association chart shows the number of clients associated with each access point in the configuration. The number of users is shown in bar chart form.

Real-Time Bandwidth

  • A graph showing the bandwidth being used by the selected access point is displayed in the Real-Time Bandwidth section of the HOME | Dashboard > Access Points.
    • NOTE: Only SonicPoint ACe/ACi/N2 and SonicWave devices support the Real-Time Bandwidth feature.
  • SonicOS shows a stacked chart of the real-time traffic on the selected access point(s). The Y value is the total traffic, both received and transmitted. By default, all access points are selected for the display.
  • To select the refresh interval, select the interval period from the drop-down menu by the chart title. Options are: 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 60 minutes.
  • To change the access point being displayed, go to the Access Point drop-down menu and select a different device. The chart updates with the data for that access point.

Client Report

  • Three graphs are shown in the Client Report section of the HOME | Dashboard > Access Points: OS Type, Radio, and Top Client.
    • NOTE: Only SonicPoint ACe/ACi/N2 and SonicWave devices support the Client Report feature.

OS Type

  • The OS Type pie chart displays the percentages of connected Windows clients, Macintosh clients, Linux clients, iPhones, Android, and so on. If the client has not generated any HTTP traffic, it might show as Unknown.
    • NOTE: Only SonicPoint ACe/ACi/N2 and SonicWave devices support the OS Type feature.


  • The Client Report also provides a Radio chart. The Radio chart shows the percentage of clients connected to the 2.4GHz radio and the 5GHz radio.
    • NOTE: Only SonicPoint ACe/ACi/N2 and SonicWave devices support the Radio feature.

Top Client

  • The Top Client chart shows the clients who are using the most bandwidth. By going to the TOP field and selecting a number from the drop-down menu, you can show the top 5, top 10, top 15 or top 20 consumers for bandwidth. The values for both transmitting and receiving data are shown for the top users.
    • NOTE: Only SonicPoint ACe/ACi/N2 and SonicWave devices support the Top Client feature.

Real-Time Client Monitor

  • A graph showing the client connection details is displayed in the Real-Time Client Monitor section of the HOME | Dashboard > Access Points. This provides the detail for each user connected through the access points. You can see MAC addresses, host names, OS type, volume of traffic being received (Rx), and the volume of traffic being transmitted (Tx).
    • NOTE: Only SonicPoint ACe/ACi/N2 and SonicWave devices support the Real-Time Client Monitor feature.

Client Report and Client Monitor Filtering

  • You can filter the output in both the Client Report section and the Real-Time Client Monitor section by selecting All or a specific access point in the Access Point drop-down menu, and/or by selecting All or a specific SSID in the SSID drop-down menu.
    • NOTE: Only SonicPoint ACe/ACi/N2 and SonicWave devices support client detail filtering.


  • On the HOME | Dashboard > Topology page, devices can be managed with the Topology feature. Topology shows the network topology from the SonicWall firewall to the wireless access point. The access point real-time status can be monitored, and the context menu also provides configuration options.
  • This feature shows the logical relationship among all WAN. LAN, and WLAN zone devices, and provides a way to manage devices directly in the Topology.
  • The HOME | Dashboard > Topology page displays a tree-like or mesh diagram showing connected devices known to the firewall and their relationships, similar to the following figure:SONICWALL-SonicOS-7-1-Dashboard-FIG-1 \(23\)


  • Managing the Topology View
  • Managing Access Points in the Topology View

Managing the Topology View

  • The Topology View is a simple interface. It provides the means to keep the view current and to modify the physical devices in the infrastructure.
  • You can also get detailed information on each of the devices in the Topology View. Just run your cursor over the device and a tool-tip bubble pops up. Depending on the type of device, it shows information like Name, IP address, Interface, and Model. For access points, you can also see additional information like status and number of clients.
  • Each access point also uses color to indicate status:
    • Green = online
    • Red = offline
    • Yellow = busy

Managing Access Points in the Topology View

The Topology View has a context menu with commands that can be used to manage your access points.
NOTE: Only access points have context menus. None of the other devices in the topology map do.


  • Editing an Access Point
  • Showing Statistics
  • Monitor Status on an Access Point
  • Deleting an Access Point

Editing an Access Point
To edit an access point in the Topology View::

  1. Navigate to HOME | Dashboard > Topology.
  2. Roll your mouse over the access point you want to edit.
  3. Right-click on the access point.
  4. Select Edit this Access Point.
  5. Make changes to the object configuration as needed.
  6. Click OK to save new settings.

Showing Statistics
To show statistics for an access point:

  1. Navigate to HOME | Dashboard > Topology.
  2. Roll your mouse over the access point you want to show.
  3. Right-click on the access point.
  4. Select Show Access Point Statistics.
  5. Click REFRESH if you want to refresh the statistics.
  6. Click OK when done.

Monitoring Status on an Access Point

To edit an access point in the Topology View:

  1. Navigate to HOME | Dashboard > Topology.
  2. Roll mouse over the access point you want to monitor.
  3. Right-click on the access point.
  4. Select Monitor Access Point Status. The Access Point Monitor shows system status for the access point. It includes CPU usage, Memory Usage, Rx Rates and Tx Rates.
  5. Click REFRESH if you want to refresh the data.
  6. Click the Details icon if you want to see the details on the access point.
  7. Click OK when done.

Deleting an Access Point
To delete an access point in the Topology View:

  1. Navigate to HOME | Dashboard > Topology.
  2. Roll your mouse over the access point you want to delete.
  3. Right-click on the access point.
  4. Select Delete Access Point.
  5. Confirm that you want to delete the access point; cancel if you do not.

SonicWall Support

Technical support is available to customers who have purchased SonicWall products with a valid maintenance contract. The Support Portal provides self- help tools you can use to solve problems quickly and independently, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. To access the Support Portal, go to

The Support Portal enables you to:

  • View knowledge base articles and technical documentation
  • View and participate in the Community forum discussions at
  • View video tutorials
  • Access
  • Learn about SonicWall Professional Services
  • Review SonicWall Support services and warranty information
  • Register for training and certification
  • Request technical support or customer service

To contact SonicWall Support, visit

About This Document

  • SonicOS Dashboard Administration Guide
  • Updated – December 2023
  • Software Version – 7.1
  • 232-006092-00 Rev A
  • Copyright © 2023 SonicWall Inc. All rights reserved.

The information in this document is provided in connection with SonicWall and/or its affiliates’ products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of products. EXCEPT AS OUTLINED IN THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AS SPECIFIED IN THE LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR THIS PRODUCT, SONICWALL AND/OR ITS AFFILIATES ASSUME NO LIABILITY WHATSOEVER AND DISCLAIMS ANY EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY WARRANTY RELATING TO ITS PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL SONICWALL AND/OR ITS AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR LOSS OF INFORMATION) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS DOCUMENT, EVEN IF SONICWALL AND/OR ITS AFFILIATES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SonicWall and/or  its affiliates make no representations or warranties concerning the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserve the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice. and/or its affiliates donot make any commitment to update the information contained in this document. For more information, visit
End User Product Agreement
To view the SonicWall End User Product Agreement, go to:
Open Source Code
SonicWall Inc. can provide a machine-readable copy of open source code with restrictive licenses such as GPL, LGPL, and AGPL when applicable per license requirements. To obtain a complete machine-readable copy, send your written requests, along with certified check or money order in the amount of USD 25.00 payable to “SonicWall Inc.”, to:

  • General Public License Source Code Request Attn: Jennifer Anderson
  • 1033 McCarthy Blvd
  • Milpitas, CA 95035
  • SonicOS 7.1 Dashboard Administration Guide SonicWall Support


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