QED GAMSoft Environmental Systems Announces Instruction Manual

June 15, 2024

Installation and Operation Manual


This manual covers the installation of GAMSoft™ for use with the following instruments:

QED GAMSoft is the next release of software to support new portable gas analyzers from QED. If you currently use any of our legacy products such as Gas Analyzer Manager (GAM) or Landtec System Gas Analyzer Manager (LSGAM), this is the equivalent software application for the i-Q™ Series.
Features include:

  • Upload of Sites, Groups, IDs and Routes for daily monitoring requirements
  • Download stored readings and data
  • Web Service Hosting, allowing an organization to manage multiple users who access a shared central database
  • Supports secure user login and tiered permission levels
  • Supports encrypted data transfer using HTTPS & Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
  • Import data from previous software releases
  • Export data in new formats: .json, .csv
  • Customizable heading names for exported data
  • Filter readings by date, Site, Group or ID
  • Supports longer ID labels and increased number of questions
  • Manage instrument gas mixtures for onsite calibration



  • Windows 10 or later (recommended)
  • Minimum of 200MB of free space

For Local User (standalone) and Web Service IT Systems:

  • Microsoft SQL Express 2014 or higher

Note: Administrator permissions will be required to install the software.

  1. Download and extract the installation files from: https://www.qedenv.com/files/gamsoft-download/
  2. Run “QEDGasAnalyserManagerSetup.exe”, and select Install
  3. Refer to Figure 1 – User Types to determine which features to install, based on the user.

Note: Ensure “QED GAMSoft Client” and “QED GAMSoft Service” are enabled for installation.

When ready, click Install and proceed to Configuring the Service.
Note: Ensure “QED GAMSoft Client” is enabled for installation.

When ready, click Install.
Note: Web Service Clients can skip to the section First Time Server Connection Setup.
After installation, launch the “QED GAMSoft Admin Console” to configure the Service/Database.
Note: Administrator permissions will be required.

Guidance on each stage of the configuration is displayed below.
If an existing database is detected, the user will be prompted to either use the existing database or create a new one.

If ‘Yes, use my existing database’ is selected, the process will skip forward to the stage Gas Analyzer Manager Service.
For a first-time configuration or if ‘No, create a new database’ is selected, proceed to Product Registration.
Note: Completion is mandatory.
Enter contact details for the organization/user:

Depending on how many users will be using the GAMSoft application, please select one of the following options:
Leave the “Enable user sign in” box unchecked and select next:


  1. Check the box “Enable user sign in”:
  2. Select an “Account type” and select next:
    a. “Register GAMSoft Account” creates a new login. Create a Username (email address) and Password.
    b. Use Windows Account credentials uses Windows login details.

Note: Keep your login username and password safe!

The default Service domain will be populated:
Service port = 7064
Service account = GAMService
Service password = A randomly generated password, unless manually changed by the user.
If updating an existing database, enter your GAMService password. If you do not know your password, see the Troubleshooting section.
Note: Please keep your Service password safe for future reference.
Select “Test” to ensure the validity of the credentials and select “Next”:


If your organization already has a preferred Network Security certificate select “Provide my own certificate”, otherwise select “Create certificate”.
If using your certificate, enter the Thumbnail and press Next.
If creating a certificate, the default filename “GAM2ClientCert.pfx”, is saved here: “%ProgramFiles(x86)%\QED\QED GAMSoft\Console”.
Note: Web service IT system administrators: please provide all “Web Service Users” a copy of this certificate file, to enable them to connect to the service.
Private key password: A randomly generated password, unless manually changed by the user.
Note: Please keep your Private Key password safe for future reference.
If updating your existing database, skip to section Ready to Set-Up Your System.
If your Microsoft SQL Express is not meeting the minimum system requirements, you’ll be prompted to update this before continuing (Microsoft SQL Express). For further guidance, see section Troubleshooting.

Leave as defaults and select “Test Credentials”. If valid, select “Next”.

Manually set parameters to suit custom database:
Server = .\SQLExpress (default), or select the available option from dropdown
Database Name = QED Gas Analyser Manager (default).
Note: must be a unique name
Database Deployment Credentials: Authentication = Integrated, Username: GAMService, Password:
Database Runtime Credentials: Authentication = Integrated, Username: <PCname\GAMService>, Password:
Select “Test Credentials” to test, and if successful select “Next” to continue.

Note: For further information please contact Technical Support at QED at:

QED Environmental Systems Ltd.
+44(0)333 800 0088
[email protected]| QED Environmental Systems, Inc.
+1 800-624-2026
[email protected]

Enter technical support contact details (e.g. Your organization’s IT System Administrator).
Note: This section is optional.

  • Click the “Start” button to configure your system.
    Note: this can take several minutes.

  • To run the application immediately after setting up the Service, tick the appropriate box “Run. Gas Analyser Manager…”.

  • When all stages have been completed successfully, you may select “Close Administrator Console”.

  • If the Service does not start automatically, please see section Troubleshooting.

Note: Web service IT system administrators: please provide all “Web Service users” with the Service URI, which can also be found here: %appdata%\QED\GAM2\Settings.json e.g. “ServerUrl”:https://:7064/
Note: For further information please contact Technical Support at QED at:

QED Environmental Systems Ltd.
+44(0)333 800 0088
[email protected]| QED Environmental Systems, Inc.
+1 800-624-2026
[email protected]

Open the application QED GAMSoft.
The application should automatically connect to the Service URI if this was unchanged during Gas Analyzer Manager Service. Once connected, GAMSoft will be running.
If the connection is not successful, please see section Troubleshooting.
Your Web Service IT Systems Administrator should have provided you with the following:

  • Certificate file (e.g. GAM2ClientCert.pfx)
  • Service URI (e.g. https:// :7064/)

Note: Only open files from a trustworthy source.
Double-click the certificate file to import. Use the default values during this process:

  1. Ensure ‘Current User’ is selected and click Next:
  2. The file should automatically be loaded, click “Next”:
  3. When requested for a password, please leave this , keep “Include all extended properties” checked, and press “Next”:
  4. Select “Automatically select the certificate…” and press “Next”:
  5. Click “Finish” to complete the certificate import:
  6. When prompted with a Security Warning, select “Yes” to install the certificate. A notification will indicate success:


  1. Open the application QED GAMSoft. Immediately, the Client will fail to connect to the Service:
  2. Replace the current Service URI with the Service URI provided by your Web Service IT Systems Administrator and press the “Search” button:
  3. If the connection is successful, you will see a message indicating the database is initialized and configured Click the “tick” button to save changes and close: Note: If the Client fails to connect to the Service, please contact your IT System Administrator and ensure the Service URI is correct. For further information and guidance, please see section Troubleshooting.
  4. The application should now be running.




Note: If the service was configured to not require login (i.e. Single User), no login screen will be displayed.
If your System Administrator has provided you with login credentials, enter your “User Login” email address and password and press the “tick” button to start GAMSoft.

Note: Tick the “Remember Me” box to bypass this step on the next login.
To register a new account, select the “Register” tab at the top of the window. Complete all fields and press the “add” button.

New accounts will be activated once your System Administrator has enabled your account.
On the first login, you may be prompted to reset your password.
Note: Please keep your username and password safe for future reference
Once login is successful, GAMSoft will be running.


There are three tiers of GAMSoft User Groups which have different levels of permissions:

  • System Administrators
  • Configuration Administrators
  • Instrument Users

Note: Depending on the level of permission, the “Users” tab may be hidden.
Note: To add/edit/delete Users, please refer to section Users.


  • Can only view Site, Group and ID data within “IDs”.
  • Can import data from previous versions.
  • Can only view and upload “Routes”, “Technicians”, and “Calibration Gas Mixtures”.
  • Can download and export readings.

Can perform all functions of Instrument Users, plus:

  • Can add, remove, and edit Site, Group, and ID data within “IDs”.
  • Can create “Routes”, “Technicians”, and “Calibration Gas Mixes”

Can perform all functions of Configuration Administrators, plus:

  • Can add, remove, edit and activate new users.
  • Can assign and reassign user permission levels.
  • Can manually reset user passwords or force password reset prompt.



To import data exported from GAM or LSGAM into GAMSoft, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Import icon from the top panel ribbon
  2. Select data type (e.g. GAMv1, LSGAM)
  3. Select data format (e.g. DVE file, GAM file or Data folder)
  4. Select file, Site(s) to import, and select Import button

Note: Invalid characters (e.g. # . @) will be automatically converted to “_”.

  1. Select a target destination Group in the IDs tree for the imported IDs.
  2. Select the “Import” icon from the top panel ribbon , and select ‘IDs from Datafield file’.
  3. Select the DataField file by selecting the ‘…’ icon to the right of the field, and select the .txt file, which may be in a folder labelled ‘IDs’.
  4. Select the Comments file by selecting the ‘…’ icon to the right of the field. Select the .txt file, which may be in a folder labelled ‘Comments’.
  5. Select the “Import” icon to load the ID data, and the ‘close’ icon once the transfer is complete.
  6. The imported IDs will appear at the bottom of the IDs table for the selected Group.


  1. Select a Group to be the destination for the imported IDs in the IDs tree. The selected group will be highlighted.
  2. Select the Import icon from the top panel ribbon , and select ‘IDs from CSV file’:
  3. To import IDs, you will need to create a map that ports the existing data into a GAMSoft format. To create a new map, press the “Create new CSV mapping from existing file” icon:
  4. Acknowledge the message regarding importing only sample points by pressing “OK”:
  5. Browse and select the IDs .csv file from your local computer and click open:
  6. The left pane displays the maps, and the right pane displays the corresponding parameter columns for the imported IDs with example data.
  7. Note: Maps define how the imported ID parameters are interpreted by the software. A map can be customized and saved, to standardize how future data is imported, and column data assigned.
  8. Define the CSV Separator or “delimiter” (characters that separate each field: e.g. ‘,’). If the file contains headers, select the tickbox ‘Mapping includes headers’.
  9. Note: A typical CSV will contain information that is separated by a demiliter, for example, a comma (,). The first part of the CSV will be defined as ‘0’ with each part incrementing by 1. In our example below, the first three parts of our CSV are ID (=0), Type (=1), and FlowDevice (=2).
  10. The map name can be changed by clicking into the name text box, highlighted yellow. Save the new name by pressing the “Save CSV Mapping” icon:
  11. From the imported data, identify the column which includes the Sample Point ID. Tick the Sample Point ID box for the relevant column in the dataset (0 in the example):
  12. From the imported data, identify and select the correct data type for each column using the dropdown list for each parameter:
  13. Once you are happy with the import mapping content, save the map:
  14. Click the “Import” icon to import the selected IDs:
  15. The IDs will be instantly visible in the IDs tree view.


  1. Select a Group to be the destination for the imported IDs in the IDs tree. The selected group will be highlighted.
  2. Select the Import icon from the top panel ribbon , and select ‘IDs from CSV file’:
  3. Select the map you wish to use as your template and press the “Load CSV data using selected mapping” icon:
  4. Acknowledge the message regarding importing only sample points by pressing “OK”:
  5. Browse and select the IDs .csv file from your local computer and click open:
  6. Click the “Import” icon to import the selected IDs:
  7. The IDs will be instantly visible in the IDs tree view.




Access the “Options” menu by pressing the button to edit the following:
Users can set the units of measurement to Metric or Imperial and define whether to allow the Tag Readings feature to be enabled:

The configuration tab allows users to define their terminology for a Site or Group, set maximum ID character length, maximum ID questions, maximum site questions, and the permitted distance offset for View Distance:

The software update tab allows you to check for the latest version of GAMSoft. Click the “Check for Updates” button to run a system check and upgrade if applicable:

Set email credentials for exporting readings via email:

Note: You may require support from your IT Team to facilitate this.
Set (Secure) File Transfer Protocol credentials for exporting reading data to a Cloud or Server via FTP or SFTP:

Note: You may require support from your IT Team to facilitate this.
Set the Service Uri for the GAMSoft application connection:

Note: You may require support from your IT Team to facilitate this.
See Reading Options.
See Offline Mode.


The “IDs” tab is where Sites, Groups, and IDs are created.
Sites: is the top-level name, for example, the name of a landfill site or biogas plant
Groups: is the mid-level name, for example, a specific area of a landfill site. A site can have multiple Groups.
IDs: is the low-level name for each unique monitoring location in the group. A group can have a large number of IDs.
All information in the “IDs” tab will be displayed in a tree structure:

To send IDs to the instrument, Routes will need to be created.

  1. Select the “Add new site” icon:

  2. Enter the relevant details for the site. Mandatory fields will have a red border and must be completed before saving:

  3. Define the ID name format by entering a “ID prefix” containing a mixture of fixed text and wildcard symbols ‘.’ (full stop/period). a. A “mask” or fixed format ID name can be defined for each Site. For example, the user may want to start each ID with the text “TEST” followed by three incrementing numbers (e.g. TEST001, TEST002, TEST003 etc.).
    b. When creating IDs, the wildcard symbol ‘.’ will be replaced with letters or numbers to create unique ID names.
    Note: In the above example, the user would input a ID prefix = “TEST…”, which gives each ID name the prefix “TEST” and allows three spaces for numbers or letters to make each ID unique.
    Note: The maximum ID length is 12 characters.

  4. Once complete, press the save icon:


  1. Click the site which requires editing:
  2. Click the “Edit” icon:
  3. Make any changes required and once complete, press the “Save” icon:

Site questions are questions related to the specific site. They can be answered on the instrument from any ID belonging to the site.

  1. Click the site for which questions are required:

  2. Click the “Questions” tab:

  3. Click the “Edit” icon:

  4. Click the “Add New” icon:

  5. Define the type of question. There are four options: • Alphanumeric: An entry of alphanumeric characters, e.g. abc123
    • Numeric: An entry of numbers with a defined format and range, e.g. XX.X, cm, 0.0, 25.5
    • Choice: Single answer selection from a fixed list of possible answers
    • Multiple-choice: Multiple answers from a fixed list of possible answers
    Note: When creating a fixed list of answers, separate each item in the list with a carriage return / Enter ()

  6. Enter the question in the “Prompt” text field:

  7. Once complete, press the “Save” icon:


  1. Click the site for which a group is required:
  2. Click the “Add new group” icon:
  3. Enter a name for the Group:
  4. Once complete, press the save icon:


  1. Click the Group to edit:
  2. The only parameter of a group that can be edited is the name. Change the Group Name in the top text box:
  3. Once complete, press the “Save” icon:

There are three different methods for creating new IDs.

  • Creating a single ID at a time,
  • Creating a block of sequential IDs,
  • Duplicating an existing ID.

All ID parameters are on a single page, which can be viewed by scrolling right and left using the horizontal scrollbar:


  1. Click the Group for which an ID is required:

  2. Click the “New ID” icon:

  3. Enter the name of the ID identifier:

  4. Complete all relevant parameters for the instrument type by entering values, choosing from a dropdown list, or toggling options “on” or “off”: Note: Mandatory fields will be bordered red.
    Note: For questions and alarms, see sections ID Specific Questions and ID Specific Alarms and Targets.

  5. Once complete, press the save icon:


  1. Click the Group for which an ID is required:
  2. Click the “Create multiple IDs” icon and a new window will appear:
  3. If already set, the ID Label Mask field will be populated. If not set, enter your ID prefix. To create the numeric or alphanumeric (0…9, A…Z) sequential list, replace the ‘.’ Symbols with the ‘#’ for numeric characters or an ‘@’ for alphanumeric:
  4. Enter the Starting and Ending value for the range of IDs and press the “Preview” icon:
  5. If you would like to apply common values on these IDs, click the “Values” tab. A single row will appear. Edit these parameters just like you would when Creating a Single ID:
  6. Once applied, press the “Create” icon:
  7. Once complete, press the “Save” icon:


  1. Select the existing ID to be copied by clicking anywhere in the row. The row will be highlighted yellow:
  2. a. Click the “Copy from selected” icon: b. Or right-click in the blank space directly underneath the existing IDs and click “Create new based on existing…”
  3. The ID will be duplicated and added to the bottom of the list. You will need to give the ID a unique name and edit the parameters just like you would Creating a Single ID:
  4. Once complete, press the “Save” icon:


  1. Click the group which contains the ID to edit:
  2. Identify the ID to edit and change the required value(s) by entering new values, choosing from a dropdown list, or toggling options “on” or “off”.
  3. Once complete, press the “Save” icon:

Note: The save icon will only save changes in the currently selected group. When editing multiple Sites or Groups, the save icon will need to be pressed in each edited Site/Group. The save status is displayed below the table.

  1. Click the group which contains the ID to edit:
  2. Edit multiple IDs at once by holding the ‘Ctrl’ keyboard key to individually select multiple ID rows or hold the SHIFT (⇑) key to select the start and end range of multiple ID rows before changing a value or selecting an option:
  3. Make a change on a single ID field and the change will automatically be applied to all selected IDs.
  4. Once complete, press the “Save” icon:

Note: The save icon will only save changes in the currently selected group. When editing multiple Sites or Groups, the save icon will need to be pressed in each edited Site/Group. The save status is displayed below the table.


  • An alarm is a warning to a user that a defined value has been exceeded.
  • A target is a notification to user that a defined value has been reached.
  1. Select the ID to add an Alarm or Target to. The row(s) will become highlighted yellow:
  2. Find the column “Supports Alarms” and click the “Edit Alarms” button on any highlighted row:
  3. Click the “Add” icon:
  4. Use the dropdown list to define the Channel, Type, and Condition and enter the Values for the trigger:
  5. An ID can have more than one Alarm or Target applied. If more are required, use the “Add” option to add more conditions.
  6. Once complete, press the “Save” icon:


  1. Select the ID or Block of IDs to add aquestion to. The row(s) will become highlighted yellow

  2. Find the column “Questions” and click the “Edit Questions” button on any highlighted row:

  3. Click the “Add” icon:

  4. Define the type of question. There are four options: • Alphanumeric: An entry of alphanumeric characters, e.g. abc123
    • Numeric: An entry of numbers with a defined format and range, e.g. XX.X, cm, 0.0, 25.5
    • Choice: Single answer selection from a fixed list of possible answers
    • Multiple-choice: Multiple answers from a fixed list if possible answers
    Note: When creating a fixed list of answers, separate each item in the list with a carriage return / Enter ( )

  5. Enter the question in the “Prompt” text field:

  6. Once complete, press the “Save” icon:

The position of IDs can be changed by selecting an ID by using the “Arrow” icons on the right side of the ID data table.
will move the selected ID(s) to the top of the list
will move the selected ID(s) up one place
will move the selected ID(s) down one place
will move the selected ID(s) to the bottom of the list
The column positions can be changed by pressing and holding the left mouse button on the specific column and using the “drag and drop” motion to the desired location.
Note: The ID identifier column is fixed in the column 1 position.
Once complete, press the “Save” icon


A ‘Route’ is a collection of sites, borehole groups or individual boreholes programmed into the instrument in a single block organized in a way more suited to the technician’s method of monitoring. When uploading a route all existing IDs, questions and comments are first deleted from the instrument before being replaced. Multiple routes can be created and stored for later use in GAMSoft and you can create different routes to reflect your site monitoring requirements.

  1. Select the “Routes” tab
  2. Click the “New” icon:
  3. Enter a name for the route in the green text field:
  4. The top-middle pane will include all Sites and Groups and the bottom-middle pane will display the IDs for a selected Group:
  5. Select items from the available Sites, Groups or IDs and add the highlighted item to the route using the button in the center pane. The top button will move the selected Site or Group. The bottom button will move the selected ID:
  6. To remove a Site, Group, or ID from the Route, select the item in the Route and click the button.
  7. To change the order of a Site, Group, or ID in the Route, select the item in the Route and position it in place using the or buttons.
  8. Once complete, press the “Save” icon

Note: To send IDs to an instrument, please see Creating Routes.


  1. Click the Route which requires an edit:
  2. The route can be completely deleted by pressing the “Delete” icon:
  3. Alternatively, press the “Edit” button to make changes to the contents of the Route:
  4. You can edit the Route name or Add/Remove Sites, Groups, or IDs in the same way as creating the Route.
  5. Once complete, press the “Save” icon:

To send IDs to the instrument:

  1. Create a Route – see Creating Routes.
  2. Connect the instrument – see Connecting and Disconnecting to an i-Q Instrument.
  3. Select the “Routes” tab:
  4. Select the Route(s) you want to send to the instrument:
  5. Click the “Upload to instrument” icon:
  6. A transfer will begin and a status box will appear:
  7. Wait for the upload to complete and then press the close window or hide button:



A technician is the user of the equipment. When the instrument is started, a list of technicians is shown and the operator can select their name from a list and if necessary, enter a password to use the equipment. The technician will be recorded against actions taken, such as taking a reading or performing a user calibration. The ‘Technicians’ tab allows the user to create a list of ‘Technician IDs’ to be uploaded to the instrument.


  1. Select the “Technicians” tab:
  2. Click the “New” icon:
  3. Enter the details for technican such as their ID, Name, Language preference, whether they have the permissions to Add/Edit IDs in the field, and an entry PIN:
  4. Once complete, press the “Save” icon:


  1. Select the “Technicians” tab:
  2. Press the “Edit” button to make changes:
  3. Click the Technician which requires an edit:
  4. The Technician can be completely deleted by pressing the “Delete” icon:
  5. Alternatively, you can edit the Technician’s details in the same way as creating the Technician.
  6. Once complete, press the “Save” icon:

To send Technicians to the instrument:

  1. Create a Technician – see Creating Technicians.
  2. Connect the instrument – see Connecting and Disconnecting to an i-Q Instrument.
  3. Select the “Technicians” tab:
  4. Click the “Upload to instrument” icon:
  5. A transfer wll begin and a status box will appear:
  6. Wait for the upload to complete and then press the close window or hide button:



A calibration gas mix is specific gas bottle information that can be used by the instrument to perform a user calibration. For more information on a user calibration, please refer to the product operating manual. GAMSoft allows you to create, delete, and edit gas mixes in order to keep your instrument reading accurately.


  1. Select the “Calibration Gas Mixes” tab:
  2. Click the “New” icon:
  3. Enter the details for the gas bottle such as a Name, Description, Serial Number (Cylinder Number), and an expiry date: Note: Mandatory fields are identified with an *.
  4. The field “Samplepoint” allows you to store a user calibration with this gas mix against a ID so it can be downloaded as a reading. If you would like to use this feature, simply enter an ID name you would like to use:
  5. Depending on your gas bottle regulator type, you can control the instrument pump during a calibration. For example, a on-demand regulator would require the instrument pump turned ON. A fixed flow regulator would need to the pump turned OFF. Toggle the state of the pump:
  6. Click the “Add Gas” icon to allow the gas mixture to be defined:
  7. Use the dropdown list to select the gas name and unit of measurement, and enter the concentration of the gas in question. For example CH4, 60.3, %. Use the “Add Gas” icon to add more gases until the mix is complete:
  8. Once complete, press the “Save” icon:


  1. Click the Gas Mix which requires an edit:
  2. The Gas Mix can be completely deleted by pressing the “Delete” icon:
  3. Alternatively, press the “Edit” button to make changes to the contents of the Gas Mix
  4. You can edit all parameters in the same way as creating the Gas Mix.
  5. Once complete, press the “Save” icon:

To send Gas Mixes to the instrument:

  1. Create a Gas Mix – see Creating a Gas Mix.
    Connect the instrument – see Connecting and Disconnecting to an i-Q Instrument.

  2. Select the “Gas Mix” tab:

  3. Select the Gas Mix(es) you want to send to the instrument:

  4. Click the “Upload to instrument” icon:

  5. A transfer wll begin and a status box will appear:

  6. Wait for the upload to complete and then press the close window or hide button:



When using GAMSoft in Web Service mode, a system administrator has the permissions to add, edit, and delete users on the service.

  1. Select the “Calibration Gas Mixes” tab:
  2. Click the “New” icon:
  3. Enter the details for the user such as the Account Type, User Login, Password Details, and Personal Details: Note: Using the Account Type “Windows” means using the Windows Domain or local SAM Account to login when starting the application.
  4. If required, clicking the checkbox will force the user to create a new password when first using the application:
  5. Choose a “User Group” for the user from the dropdown list: Note: For a definition of the different user groups, please refer to Users.
  6. Once complete, press the “Save” icon:


  1. Click the User which requires an edit:
  2. The User can be completely deleted by pressing the “Delete” icon:
  3. Alternatively, press the “Edit” button to make changes to the contents of the User:
  4. You can edit all parameters in the same way as creating the User.
  5. Once complete, press the “Save” icon:


There are two ways to connect to an i-Q instrument; via a WIFI network or Bluetooth.
Note: When connecting via WIFI both the i-Q and GAMSoft must be on the same network.
Note: When connecting via WIFI, ensure the network does not have a Captive Portal for granting access, as the i-Q does not support the displaying of web pages.


  1. Power on your i-Q instrument, enable Wi-Fi and connect to the same network domain as the computer running GAMSoft.
    Note: For more information, refer to the product operating manual.

  2. Select the “Instruments” tab:

  3. Ensure method of discovery is set to WiFi:

  4. Press the “Search” icon and the heading bar will indicate “Searching for instruments…”:

  5. Available instruments will be highlighted green and the status column will update to “Visible”:

  6. Click on the instrument you wish to connect and the row will highlight yellow, then click the “Connect” icon:

  7. Once connected, the view will automatically change to the ‘Connected Instruments’ tab, see Connected Instruments.

Note: Users can connect multiple i-Q instruments at the same time.


  1. Power on your i-Q instrument and enable Bluetooth.
    Note: For more information, refer to the computer operating manual.

  2. Select the “Instruments” tab:

  3. Ensure method of discovery is set to Bluetooth (BT):

  4. Press the “Search” icon and the heading bar will indicate “Searching for instruments…”:

  5. Available instruments will be highlighted green and the status column will update to “Visible”:

  6. Click on the instrument you wish to connect and the row will highlight yellow, then click the “Connect” icon:

  7. If it is the first time the instrument is connected to the PC by Bluetooth, the two devices will need to be paired. Your computer should prompt you for this to occur:

  8. Once connected, the view will automatically change to the ‘Connected Instruments’ tab, see Connected Instruments.
    Note: Users can only connect a single i-Q instrument at the same time.


  1. Select the “Instruments” tab:
  2. Click on the instrument you wish to disconnect and the row will highlight yellow, then click the “Disconnect” icon:


  1. Select the “Instruments” tab:
  2. Click the “Delete Instrument History” icon:


When connected to your instrument or multiple instruments, the ‘Connected Instruments’ tab will display the status information for your instrument with various options including updating firmware, downloading or deleting readings and changing settings. The connected instrument is headed by its own tab displaying the serial number and model of the instrument highlighted in yellow:


The basic information section will provide the following information and options:

  • Model type

  • Battery capacity

  • Firmware version and update
    Note: You can update firmware directly from the web if connected to the internet or from a downloaded file.

  • Memory capacity with options to download and delete data

  • Significant dates (e.g. last user gas check, service date)

If supported, default alarms and targets can be applied to channels when taking readings. If an ID has an alarm or target set, the ID settings will take precedence:

To set an Alarm or Target:

  1. Press the “Add” icon:
  2. Use the dropdown list to select the gas name (Channel), warning type (Alarm or Target), and Condition, and enter the value for the trigger. For example O2, Alarm, Above, 4. Use the “Add” icon to add more conditions until complete:
  3. Once complete, press the “Save” icon:
  4. To send the settings to the instrument, press the “Upload to instrument” icon:


Instrument specific features and capabilities will be shown, such as:

  • Fitted options (e.g. GNSS [location], Bluetooth, WIFI)
  • Modules connected and their information (e.g. type, serial number, calibration due)


The Modules History Log will show all modules transactions that have been made within the instrument, for example when a new module was fitted, or moved from one module bay to another. It will also detail which modules are currently fitted.
SETTINGS The following settings can be edited on the instrument, if supported:

  • Flow fail sensitivity.
  • Technician login at start-up.
  • Timers (purging, auto-turn off, backlight auto-dim).
  • Display residual nitrogen or balance.
  • Allow IDs to be added or edited in the field.
  • Record a temperature reading with No-ID.
  • Record a pressure reading with No-ID.
  • Time and Date settings.


The following options are available:

  • Pump and solenoid control – toggle on/off the pump and solenoid hardware
  • Restore to Factory Settings – will restore all settings and preferences to the default factory settings
  • Restore Calibration to Factory – will overwrite any user calibrations with the default factory calibration data
  • Delete data (Readings, Routes, Groups, Gas Mixes, Technicians, IDs, Calibration History)

Note: The delete process cannot be undone. Please ensure you have downloaded all data first.



  1. Connect to your instrument – see Connecting and Disconnecting to an i-Q Instrument.
  2. The “Instrument” tab should automatically display:
  3. Select the option for Download (Reading): Note: IDs in the instrument with readings associated will be striked through. Tick the checkbox “Reset ID state…” if you would like to clear this status on the i-Q:
  4. A download will begin and a status box will appear:
  5. Wait for the download to complete and then press the close window or hide button:

Note: Readings will now be available in the Readings tab, see View Readings.


  1. Select the “Readings” tab:
  2. Use the “Reading Filter Options” to filter by a date range or the “Group or ID” tree to filter by specific Sites, Groups, or IDs:
  3. Press the “Search Readings” icon to apply the filter and display readings. The right hand pane will populate:



Select the “Export Readings” icon to display the Export Readings window: Choose from a standard template or create your own custom ‘map’ to standardize preferences like export method and readings format for future convenience.
Mappings can be selected in the top left pane. Readings can be exported in the following formats:

  • CSV
  • JSON
  • LSGAM CSV Compatible
  • SCS Format

Select the export type and then press the ‘Export Readings’ button to export readings. A status message and clickable hyperlink to the exported file will be displayed below the button.

Existing maps can be Edited or Deleted by first selecting the map and then using the ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’ buttons.
To create a new map:

  1. Select the ‘New’ button:

  2. Enter a name for the Map in the green text field:

  3. Choose your file format from the dropdown list:

  4. Define the filename format. Hovering over this field will provide a description of the placeholders:

  5. Choose where to export the file to from the dropdown list:

  6. Compelte the relevant location depending on where the file is being exported:
    • Local Disk – saved locally on the computer (default folder: “%PUBLIC%/QED Instrument Readings”)
    • FTP Server –uploaded directly to a cloud or server using File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). SFTP uses secure shell (SSH) encryption to add an extra layer of security to the process.
    • Email – email attachment sent to a dedicated email address

  7. Define whether to set your new map as the default and/or to share with all users by ticking the boxes:
    • Set as default mapping – the currently selected map will become the default selection when exporting readings
    • Share with all users – the map will be available to all users. If disabled, the map will only be visible to the current user

  8. Select items from the ‘Parameters available’ pane and add the highlighted item to the ‘Parameters to export’ using the ‘>’ button in the center or by using the drag-and-drop gesture:

  9. The channel names can be given a custom name or “Column Alias”. For example, you might wish to rename “Sample Point” to “Borehole”, or “CH4” to “Methane”. The updated Alias parameter names will be used for all exported readings data:

  10. Once complete, press the “Save Mapping” button:

GAMSoft Web Service Users will already have a shared database with shared Readings Export Mappings;  however, Local Users (standalone) can also share maps with other users, allowing them to standardize how data is exported.
A ‘Readings Export Map’ can be exported as a ‘.gsmef’ file. Select a Map to export, then select the “Export Map…” option in the left pane and select a save location. Share this file with other GAMSoft users.
To import a map, place the ‘.gsmef’ map file in an accessible folder. Select the “Import Map…” option in the left pane, locate the file and select ‘Open’. The new map will appear in the left pane list, and will now be available for use.
Readings can be tagged with additional information which may not have been obtainable at the time of monitoring.

  1. Press the “Tag Readings” icon:
  2. Populate the relevant fields with information:
  3. Once complete, press the “Save” icon:

If coordinates are defined for the ID, the distance between the expected reading location and actual reading location can be calculated:

  1. Press the “View Distance” icon:
  2. Find the column titled “Distance Error” and where both expected and actual coordinates are available, the distance will be calculated:

Data columns can be rearranged horizontally by selecting a column heading and performing a drag-and-drop gesture.
To configure which parameters are downloaded:

  1. Select the “Reading Option” icon:

  2. Tick or untick the parameters you wish to download and once complete, press the “Save” icon:
    Readings not associated with a specific ID (no ID) are displayed as ‘**** ’. To assign a reading to an existing ID:

  3. Click the reading with no ID assigned, the row will highlight yellow:

  4. Select the ‘Set Id’ button in the ‘Commands’ column:

  5. Select the ‘Site/Group’ you want to assign the ID too and a list of IDs will appear:

  6. Either select the IDs you want to assign the reading to or create a new ID:

  7. Once complete, press the “Update reading ID” icon:

To delete readings from the instrument:

  1. Connect to your instrument – see Connecting and Disconnecting to an i-Q Instrument.
  2. The “Instrument” tab should automatically display:
  3. Select the option for Delete next to “Readings” or “ID” as appropriate:
  4. A pop-up window will ask you to confirm the delete action, click “Yes”: Note: The delete process cannot be undone. Please ensure you have downloaded all data first.
  5. Deletion will begin and a status box will appear:
  6. Wait for the deletion to complete and then press the close window or hide button:



Note: This section is only applicable to Web Service Users.
A Web Service User working in a location without internet access can still use GAMSoft to access their data by using ‘Offline Mode’. GAMSoft can create a local copy of the relevant data stored in the service database for instrument upload and allow synchronization of stored readings back to the service once internet is available.

To take a copy of the service database in preparation for using GAMSoft with no internet connectivity:

  1. While connected to the internet, connect to the web service and login in as normal.
  2. Select the “Local Storage” icon from the top panel ribbon:
  3. Select the “Download data to offline storage” icon to create a copy of the web service database on your local computer:
  4. A progress bar will be displayed followed by a message “Local storage download complete”
  5. Close the window.

When attempting to open GAMSoft with no internet connection, the user will be prompted with the following error message: To enable offline mode, click the ‘use GAMSoft offline” icon:

  • When in ‘Offline Mode’, the connection status will be displayed in the bottom left of the GAMSoft window.
  • The user will not be asked to login while in offline mode, as user management is not available when not connected to the internet or web service.
  • Creation of new Sites, Groups, and IDs is permitted and will be merged into the web service database when returning online.
  • Downloaded readings will be merged into the web service database when returning online.

Note: The ability to edit existing data, such as Sites, Groups, and IDs is possible but the changes will be discarded when returning online, as existing web service data takes precedence.

To synchronize data collected when offline back to the web service:

  1. While connected to the internet, connect to the web service and login in as normal.
  2. Select the “Local Storage” icon from the top panel ribbon:
  3. Select the “Upload new data from offline storage” icon to merge the collected data with the web service database on your computer:
  4. A progress bar will be displayed followed by a message “Offline data successfully synchronized”:
  5. Remove the copy of the local web service database from your local computer by selecting the “Delete offline storage” icon:
  6. Once complete, you can close the window.


If the message “Failed to connect to service” is observed when first starting the application, check that the Service URI has been entered correctly. The address should be in the following format: https://servername:7064
If the address is correct, ensure the Service is running correctly:

Please contact your IT System Administrator referencing ‘QED Gas Analyzer Manager Service’.


  1. Type “Services” into the Windows search bar and ‘Run as Administrator’
  2. Search for Name ‘QED Gas Analyser Manager Service’. The ‘Status’ field should be “Running”.
  3. If ‘Status’ is , select “Start the Service” in the left pane, or right click the row and select “Start”.
  4. If this does not work, right click the row again and this time select the option “Restart”.
  5. Retry the “Test Connection” icon in the GAMSoft Application.
    Note: For further information please contact Technical Support at QED on:

QED Environmental Systems Ltd.
+44(0)333 800 0088
[email protected]
QED Environmental Systems, Inc.
+1 800-624-2026
[email protected]

If the Local User or Web Service IT System Administrator is trying to create a new GAMSoft database via the ‘QED GAMSoft Admin Console’ but cannot remember their GAMService password, follow these steps to reset the password:
Note: Administrator permissions will be required.

  1. Type lusrmgr.msc into the Windows search bar and select ‘Run as Administrator’.
  2. Enter Windows administrator username and password.
  3. In the left pane, click on “Users” folder.
  4. Right click on the row for “GAMService” and select “Set Password…”:
  5. Read the disclimer and select ‘Proceed’.
  6. Enter the new password, confirm with a re-entry and select OK. Now the GAMSoft database can be updated.
  7. Run the “QED GAMSoft Admin Console” application and at the “Service” stage, enter the new service password and press “Test”. The specified credentials will be valid and the database setup can progress.

Web Service Client Users will not need to complete this step.
Local Users and Web Service IT System Administrators will need to ensure that supporting Microsoft software is up to date. The minimum requirement is Microsoft SQL Server 2014 or newer. At the ‘Database’ stage of the QED GAMSoft Admin Console, if an older version or no version is detected, the following error will be observed when selecting the ‘Test Credentials’ button:

Select the Install Microsoft SQL Server Express 2014 hyperlink on this page to open a web browser link to Microsoft’s download page for SQL Server 2014.
Download the install file relevant to your PC operating system, “Express BIT\SQLEXPR_x_ENU.exe”, e.g.:

  • 64-bit: Express 64BIT\SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe
  • 32-bit: Express 32BIT\SQLEXPR_x86_ENU.exe

This Local User (standalone) step-by-step example is for installing SQL Server 2014 with default settings, where no previous SQL Server exists:
Note: Administrator permissions will be required.

  1. Run the downloaded installer file for SQL Server.

  2. Select the option “New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation”
    New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation Launch a wizard to install SOL Server 2014 in a non-clustered environment orto add features to an existing SQL Server 2014 instance.

  3. If you agree, tick the box to accept the license terms:

  4. Select “Next” and wait for the various Install stages to complete.

  5. Under “Features” selection, tick boxes to select all features (default) and click Next:

  6. For “Instance Configuration”, leave as defaults (e.g. SQLExpress) and click Next:

  7. For “Server Configuration”, leave as defaults and click Next:

  8. For “Database Engine Configuration”, leave as defaults (Server Configuration = Windows authentification mode) and click Next:

  9. Wait for the installation to complete, this may take longer than several minutes:

  10. Once complete and the setup of all features has succeedded, close the setup window and continue with the QED GAMSoft Admin Console setup, see section Database:

If problems still persist while attempting to run the QED GAMSoft Admin Console or GAMSoft application, ensure the computer is running Microsoft .NET Core platform 1.14 or higher, which can be downloaded from Microsoft dotnet.
Note: For further information please contact Technical Support at QED on:

QED Environmental Systems Ltd.
+44(0)333 800 0088
[email protected]
QED Environmental Systems, Inc.
+1 800-624-2026
[email protected]







The equipment in this manual is protected under U.S. and foreign patents issued and pending. For a complete list of patents visit www.graco.com/patents.
The equipment in this manual is protected under Registered Trademarks. For a complete list of Registered Trademarks and Trademarks, visit www.graco.com/trademarks.

QED Environmental Systems Inc.
2355 Bishop Circle West
Dexter, MI 48130 – 1592
1 (800) 624 – 2026
[email protected]
QED Environmental Systems Ltd.
Unit 3 – Cyan Park
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 333 800 0088
[email protected]
OMGAMSoft-L Issue.01

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