RICE LAKE 1280 Profinet Interface Fieldbus Option Card Instruction Manual

June 15, 2024

RICE LAKE 1280 Profinet Interface Fieldbus Option Card Instruction Manual
RICE LAKE 1280 Profinet Interface Fieldbus Option

Revision History

Table i. Revision Letter History

Revision Date Description
E December 8, 2023 Established revision history; LED statuses updated


The PROFINET Interface can be used to read and write data to the indicator using a PLC or another primary controller. This manual provides information for installation and use of this product.
The PROFINET Interface is installed inside the indicator enclosure and installation in NEMA
Type 4X stainless steel enclosures permits use in washdown environments. See the indicator technical manual for additional installation information and detailed descriptions of indicator functions.

WARNING: Some procedures described in this manual require work inside the indicator enclosure. These procedures are to be performed by qualified service personnel only.
Manuals and additional resources are available on the Rice Lake Weighing Systems website at www.ricelake.com
Warranty information can be found on the website at www.ricelake.com/warranties


The primary controller communicates by sending commands through the PROFINET Interface to the indicator. The indicator responds to the primary controller with data and status depending on the command sent. These actions are referred to as polled response.

FCC Compliance

United States
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.


PROFINET Interface specific functions are provided by a PROFINET Interface.
The module plugs into an open option card slot on the CPU board and provides power and access from the indicator bus to the PROFINET Interface module.
IMPORTANT: See the indicator technical manual for installation instructions.
The interface option cards of the 1280 Enterprise Series indicator share the same carrier board (PN 164756). The carrier board plugs into an open slot on the CPU board and provides power and access from the indicator bus to the module. 1280 interface option card kits are shipped with the module and carrier board already assembled.

Carrier Board
Carrier Board
Carrier Board with Module
Carrier Board with Module

Figure 2-1. Interface Option Card Kit

The indicator automatically recognizes all installed option cards when the unit is powered on.
No hardware-specific configuration is required to identify an installed card to the system.
WARNING: Always disconnect the power before opening an enclosure. Interface option cards are not hot swappable.
CAUTION: A grounding wrist strap must be worn to protect components from electrostatic discharge (ESD) when working inside an enclosure or controller assembly.

Installation Instructions
  1. Disconnect power to the indicator.

  2. See the 1280 technical manual (PN 167659) to gain access to the Controller Assembly box for the specific model.

  3. Remove the screw securing the intended slot cover plate of the Controller Assembly box, set the slot cover plate aside and save the screw.

  4. Mount the faceplate on module and slide module board assembly into place within the slot.

  5. Secure the face plate and module board assembly into place with the previously removed screw.
    NOTE: Interface cable is routed through a cord grip in Universal and Wall mount enclosures.
    Alternately, a chassis mounted connect can be installed in the enclosure.

  6. See 1280 technical manual to reinstall the Controller Assembly box.

Figure 2-2. Existing Cover Plate Removal
Slot Cover Plate

Figure 2-3. Installed Interface Option Card
Installed Option Card

LED Status Indicators

An LED array on the PROFINET Interface module provides status information for troubleshooting.

Figure 2-4. PROFINET Status LED Module
LED Status Indicators

NOTE: A test sequence is performed on this (item 1 and 2) during startup.

Network Status LED (Item 1)

Table 2-1. Network Status LED

LED State Description
Off No power or no IP address
Green Module is in Process Active or Idle state
Green, Flashing Waiting for connections
Red Duplicate IP address, FATAL event
Red, Flashing Process Active Timeout

Module Status LED (Item 2)

Table   2-2. Module Status LED

LED State Meaning Description
Off Not Initialized No powerModule in SETUP or NW_INIT state
Green Normal Operation Module has shifted from the NW_INIT state
Green, 1 flash Diagnostic Event Diagnostic event present
Green, 2 flashes blink used by engineering tools to identify the node on

the net-work
Red| Exception Error| Module in state EXCEPTION
Red, 1 flash| Configuration ErrorExpected| Identification differs from real identification
Red, 2 flashes| IP Address Error| IP address not set
Red, 3 flashes| Station Name Error| Station name not set
Red, 4 flashes| Internal Error| Module has encounter a major internal error

RJ45 Port (Item 4)
The PROFINET interface supports 10/100Mbit, full or half duplex operation.


PLC Configuration

Import GSDML files from the Rice Lake Weighing Systems website

Figure 3-1. Device Overview
Device Overview

Configuring the Network Settings

Configuring the network setting is done using a web browser or Anybus IP configuration utility which can be downloaded from the Rice Lake Weighing Systems website.

To set the network settings using a web browser.

  1. Open a browser and type the IP address of the card.
  2. Change any or all settings.
  3. Click on Store settings.

To set the network settings using the Anybus IP Configuration program.

  1. Open the configuration program found on the CD.
  2. Click on Scan button if the device does not display in the menu.
  3. Double click on the device. A menu is displayed with the current network settings.
  4. Change any or all settings.
  5. Click on the Set button.
  6. Change any or all settings and click on the Set button.

The following are examples only, actual displays will vary:

Figure 3-2. PROFINET Interface Display in a Web Browser
Display in a Web Browser


Commands are used by the primary device to send and receive data from the interface as integer or floating-point data. The primary sends eight bytes in the output format to write commands to the indicator and reads eight bytes in the input format to read data from the indicator.
Decimal Point Handling
Integer commands return no decimal point information to the primary.
For example, a value of 750.1 displayed on the indicator is returned to the primary as 7501. Floating point commands support decimal point information with no special handling.

Output Data Format

To perform a command, the primary uses the output command format to send four 16-bit words to the interface. These four words contain the command and the necessary parameters to execute it. The output command format is shown in Table 4-1.

Table   4-1. 1280 Output Data Format

Byte Description
Byte 0 Command Number

Byte 1
Byte 2| Parameter
Byte 3
Byte 4| Value (MSW)
Byte 5
Byte 6| Value (LSW)
Byte 7

NOTE: See Section 4.1.1 on page 15 for BYTE swapping parameters.
A lockout feature, incorporated into the indicator receive mechanism, looks for change in
the output format data to prevent inundation by the same command.
See affected commands noted in Table 4-2 on page 13 with an (*).
Repeated commands must be separated by any other valid command/parameter/value combination.

Parameter Value
In communication with a multi-scale indicator, the scale number is sent in the second word of the output command format. Zero (0) represents the current scale. Certain commands require a parameter other than a scale number, such as a slot number, setpoint number, or other selection parameter. See the command descriptions in Section 4.3 on page 19 for specific command requirements.

The third and fourth words of the output format are used to pass value data on certain commands. Values entered in these words are treated as unsigned long integers or floating-point values, depending on the command.

Command Number
The number representing the indicator command is sent in the first word.
Table 4-2 lists the commands that can be specified for indicators. Some commands may not be available on all indicators.

Table 4-2. Remote Commands

Decimal Hex Command
0 0x000 Return Status and Weight (integer)
1 0x001 Display Channel
2 0x002 Display Gross Weight
3 0x003 Display Net Weight
9 0x009 Gross/Net key press (toggle)
10 0x00A Zero*
11 0x00B Display Tare*
12 0x00C Enter Tare*
13 0x00D Acquire Tare*
14 0x00E Clear Tare*
16 0x010 Primary Units
17 0x011 Secondary Units
18 0x012 Tertiary Units
19 0x013 Units key press (toggle units)
20 0x014 Print Request
21 0x015 Display Accumulator
22 0x016 Clear Accumulator
23 0x017 Push Weight to Accumulator
32 0x020 Return Gross (integer)
33 0x021 Return Net (integer)
34 0x022 Return Tare (integer)
37 0x025 Return Current Display (integer)
38 0x026 Return Accumulator (integer)
39 0x027 Return Rate of Change (integer)
95 0x05F Set Batching State
96 0x060 Batch Start
97 0x061 Batch Pause
98 0x062 Batch Reset
99 0x063 Batch Status
112 0x070 Lock Indicator Front Panel
113 0x071 Unlock Indicator Front Panel
114 0x072 Set Digital Output ON
115 0x073 Set Digital Output OFF
116 0x074 Read Digital I/O Status
128 0x80 Enable Bus Command Handler
253 0x0FD No operation
254 0x0FE Reset Indicator
256 0x100 Return Status and Weight (float)
268 0x10C Enter Tare (float)
288 0x120 Read Gross (float)
289 0x121 Read Net (float)
290 0x122 Read Tare (float)
293 0x125 Read Current Display (float)
294 0x126 Read Accumulator (float)
295 0x127 Read Rate of change (float)
304 0x130 Set Setpoint Value (float)
305 0x131 Set Setpoint Hysteresis (float)
306 0x132 Set Setpoint Bandwidth (float)
307 0x133 Set Setpoint Preact (float)
320 0x140 Read Setpoint Value (float)
321 0x141 Read Setpoint Hysteresis (float)
322 0x142 Read Setpoint Bandwidth (float)
323 0x143 Read Setpoint Preact (float)
BYTE Swapping

NOTE: See the Ports Menu in the indicator manual.

The indicator sends and receives data in integer format.
The standard format is as follows for all input and output values:
High BYTE – Low BYTE
If the indicator FLDBUS/SWAP parameter is set to YES, then the BYTE order changes to:
Low BYTE – High BYTE
Example: If the weight on the scale reads 10 lbs and a value of 2560 is displayed in the PLC, either swap the BYTES in the PLC or change the SWAP parameter to YES.

Input Data Format

The interface returns data and status information to the primary as four 16-bit words in response to a command. The input command format is shown in Table 4-3.
The value type can be set for commands not specifying integer or floating point data by sending the command 0x000 to specify integer data, or sending command 0x100 to specify floating-point data. The value type is returned in the status word (bit 14) of the input format.

Table 4-3. 1280 Input Data Format

Byte Description
Byte 0 Command Number

Byte 1
Byte 2| Status
Byte 3
Byte 4| Value (MSW)
Byte 5
Byte 6| Value (LSW)
Byte 7

NOTE : See Section 4.1.1 for BYTE swapping parameters.

Command Number

The first word echoes the command number. If the command fails or is not recognized, the negative of the command number is returned to signal the error.

Status Data

Indicator status data is returned in the second word (Table 4-4). Batch commands return batch status in place of the low byte (Table 4-5 on page 17). Setpoint commands return batch status in the low byte of the status word and the setpoint number in the high byte.

Table 4-4. Indicator Status Data Format

Word 2 Bit Indicator Status Data
Value=0 Value=1
00 Error **(Bit-0 Errors on page 17)
01 Tare not entered
02 Not center of zero
03 Weight invalid
04 Standstill
05 Primary units
06 Tare not acquired
07 Gross weight
08 Channel number

NOTE: Least significant bit first.
13| Not used
14| Integer data| Floating point data
15| Positive weight| Negative weight
This error condition does not necessarily mean the weight being reported is invalid. Refer to the “Weight invalid” bit.

Bit-0 Errors

  • PLC command failed to execute
  • No configuration has taken place
  • Scale parameter is out of range
  • Print error has occurred
  • Load error has occurred
  • Memory error has occurred
  • Analog to digital converter error
  • Tare error
  • Scale over range error
  • Scale under range error
  • Non-recoverable configuration store error
  • Indicator in configuration mode

Table 4-5. Batch Function Status Data Format

Word 2 Bit Batch Function Status Data
Value=0 Value=1
00 Digital input 4 OFF
01 Digital input 3 OFF
02 Digital input 2 OFF
03 Digital input 1 OFF
04 Batch not paused
05 Batch not running
06 Batch not stopped
07 Alarm OFF
08 Setpoint number

13| Not used
14| Integer data| Floating point data
15| Positive weight| Negative weight


Weight data is returned to the primary in the third and fourth words of the input command format, depending on the command and the value type. The weight data returned is the displayed weight after the command is executed, unless the command specifies otherwise.
A negative value is returned in the two’s compliment format.

Setting a Float Value

Setting a float value in a setpoint requires the value to be sent in two separate integer values.
Most PLCs have a mechanism to take a float value and separate it into to integer values.
Example: The following must be sent in the output words to set the value of Setpoint #1 to 10000.

Command word = 304
Parameter word = 1
MSW = 17948
LSW = 16384

Reading a Float Value
When a float value is read it will be returned in two integers representing the float value.
The PLC must combine MSW and LSW integer values back into a float value.
Example: The following is returned in the input words if the weight on the
scale is 800.5.
Command Word = 288
Status word = Scale status
MSW= 17480
LSW = 8192

Command Descriptions

Return Status and Current Weight as Integer
Command: 0, 0x000
Parameter: Scale number
Command 0 returns the status and gross or net scale weight (per scale configuration) of the specified scale in integer format, without changing the display. This command also causes the format-independent commands to return a value in the integer format.

Display Channel
Command: 1, 0x001
Parameter: Scale number
Command 1 causes the weight of the specified scale to be displayed and returned in its current mode and format.

Display Gross Weight
Command: 2, 0x002
Parameter: Scale number
Command 2 causes the gross weight of the specified scale to be displayed and returned.

Display Net Weight
Command: 3, 0x003
Parameter: Scale number
Command 3 causes the net weight of the specified scale to be displayed and returned.

Gross/Net Key Press (Toggle Mode)
Command: 9, 0x009
Parameter: Scale number
Command 9 toggles between gross and net mode (and count mode, if enabled).
If a scale number other than 0 is specified, the action will not be seen until the specified scale is displayed.

Command: 10, 0x00A
Command 10 performs a ZERO operation on the current scale.

Display Tare
Command: 11, 0x00B
Parameter: Scale number
Command 11 causes the tare weight on the specified scale to be displayed. If a scale number other than 0 is specified, the indicator first causes the specified scale to be displayed. Display returns to the prior mode after checking the indicator.

Enter Tare (Integer)
Command: 12, 0x00C
Parameter: Scale number
Value: Tare weight
Command 12 enters a tare for the scale selected. Tare data must be in integer format.
The indicator continues to return weight data in the current mode for the specified scale.

Acquire Tare (Simulate TARE Key Press)
Command: 13, 0x00D
Parameter: Scale number
Command 13 acquires a tare based on the weight currently on the specified scale.
The indicator continues to return weight data in the current mode for the specified scale.

Clear Tare
Command: 14, 0x00E
Parameter: Scale number
Command 14 clears the tare for the specified scale. The indicator continues to return weight data in the current mode for the specified scale.

Primary Units
Command: 16, 0x010
Parameter: Scale number
Command 16 switches the current format of the specified scale to the primary units configured for that scale.

Secondary Units
Command: 17, 0x011
Parameter: Scale number
Command 17 switches the current format of the specified scale to the secondary units configured for that scale.

Tertiary Units
Command: 18, 0x012
Parameter: Scale number
Command 18 switches the current format of the specified scale to the tertiary units configured for that scale, if available.

Units Key Press (Toggle Units)
Command: 19, 0x013
Parameter: Scale number
Command 19 toggles between primary and secondary units of the specified scale.

Print Request
Command: 20, 0x014
Parameter: Scale number
Command 20 causes the indicator to execute a print command for the current scale.

Display Accumulator
Command: 21, 0x015
Parameter: Scale number
Command 21 causes the value of the accumulator for the specified scale to be displayed and returned. This command is valid only when the accumulator for the specified scale is enabled.

Clear Accumulator
Command: 22, 0x016
Parameter: Scale number
Command 22 clears the value of the accumulator for the specified scale.
This command is valid only when the accumulator for the specified scale is enabled.

Push Weight to Accumulator
Command: 23, 0x017
Parameter: Scale number
Command 23 adds the net weight on the specified scale to the value of the accumulator for the specified scale. The scale must return to net zero between accumulations. The indicator returns the accumulated weight data for the specified scale. This command is valid only when the accumulator for the specified scale is enabled.

Return Gross as Integer
Command: 32, 0x020
Parameter: Scale number
Command 32 returns the gross weight value for the specified scale as an integer.

Return Net as Integer
Command: 33, 0x021
Parameter: Scale number
Command 33 returns the net weight value for the specified scale as an integer.

Return Tare as Integer
Command: 34, 0x022
Parameter: Scale number
Command 34 returns the tare weight value for the specified scale as an integer.

Return Current Display as Integer
Command: 37, 0x025
Parameter: Scale number
Command 37 returns the weight value for the specified scale as currently displayed.
This may include gross, net, tare, or accumulator values, as enabled.

Return Accumulator as Integer
Command: 38, 0x026
Parameter: Scale number
Command 38 returns the accumulator value for the specified scale.
This command is valid only when the accumulator for the specified scale is enabled.

Return Rate of Change as Integer
Command: 39, 0x027
Parameter: Scale number
Command 39 returns the current rate of change value for the specified scale.
This command is valid only for the 1280.

Set Batching State
Command: 95, 0x05F
Parameter: State (0 = off; 1 = auto; 2 = manual)
Command 95 sets the batching (BATCHNG) parameter.
Indicator status is returned with the current weight for the last scale specified.

Batch Start
Command: 96, 0x060
Parameter: Scale number
Command 96 starts a batch program from the current step after a stop, pause, or reset.
Batch status is returned with the current weight for the specified scale.

Batch Pause
Command: 97, 0x061
Parameter: Scale number
Command 97 pauses a batch program at the current step.
Batch status is returned with the current weight for the specified scale.

Batch Reset
Command: 98, 0x062
Parameter: Scale number
Command 98 stops a batch program and resets it to the first batch step.
Batch status is returned with the current weight for the specified scale.

Batch Status
Command: 99, 0x063
Parameter: Scale number
Command 99 returns the status of a batch. Batch status is returned with the current weight for the specified scale.

Lock Front Panel of Indicator
Command: 112, 0x070
Parameter: Scale number
Command 112 disables all the keys on the front panel of the indicator.
Indicator status is returned with the current weight for the specified scale.

Unlock Front Panel of Indicator
Command: 113, 0x071
Parameter: Scale number
Command 113 re-enables all the keys on the front panel of the indicator.
Indicator status is returned with the current weight for the specified scale.

Set Digital Output ON
Command: 114, 0x072
Parameter: Slot number
Value: Bit number
Command 114 sets the specified digital output ON (active). Use slot number 0 for onboard
digital outputs. Indicator status is returned with the current weight for the last scale specified.

Set Digital Output OFF
Command: 115, 0x073
Parameter: Slot number
Value: Bit number
Command 115 sets the specified digital output OFF (inactive). Use slot number 0 for onboard digital outputs. Indicator status is returned with the current weight for the last scale specified.

Read Digital I/O
Command: 116, 0x074
Parameter: Slot number
Command 116 returns the status for all digital I/O in the specified slot in words 3 and 4. Use slot number 0 for onboard digital I/O. Indicator status is returned in the status area for the last scale specified.

Enable Bus Command Handler
Command: 128, 0x80
Parameter: None
Command 128 enables the bus command handler in a user program.
While this handler is enabled, all other PLC commands are disabled.

No Operation
Command: 253, 0x0FD
Parameter: Scale number
Command 253 provides a command to use between operations, as necessary, without causing the indicator to perform any action. Indicator status and weight for specified scale is returned.

Reset Indicator
Command: 254, 0x0FE
Parameter: None
Command 254 provides a command to remotely reset the indicator. No data is returned.

Return Status and Current Weight as Float
Command: 256, 0x100
Parameter: Scale number
Command 256 returns the status and weight of the specified scale in floating- point format, without changing the display. This command also causes the format-independent commands to return a value in the floating-point format. Returns current weight at a floating-point format.

Enter Tare as Float
Command: 268, 0x10C
Parameter: Scale number
Value: Tare weight
Command 268 enters a tare for the scale selected in floating-point format.
The indicator returns the tare weight as taken, or 0 for no tare.

Read Gross Weight as Float
Command: 288, 0x120
Parameter: Scale number
Command 288 returns the gross weight value for the specified scale in floating-point format.

Read Net Weight as Float
Command: 289, 0x121
Parameter: Scale number
Command 289 returns the net weight value for the specified scale in floating- point format

Read Tare as Float
Command: 290, 0x122
Parameter: Scale number
Command 290 returns the tare weight value for the specified scale in floating- point format.

Read Current Display as Float
Command: 293, 0x125
Parameter: Scale number
Command 293 returns the weight value for the specified scale as currently displayed in floating-point format. This may include gross, net, tare, or accumulator values, as enabled.
The weight value is returned in the mode used to display a scale widget.

Read Accumulator as Float
Command: 294, 0x126
Parameter: Scale number
Command 294 returns the accumulator value for the specified scale in floating- point format. Batch status is returned in place of the indicator status.

Read Rate of Change as Float
Command: 295, 0x127
Parameter: Scale number
Command 295 returns the current rate of change value for the specified scale in floating-point format. This command is valid only for the 1280.

Set Setpoint Value as Float
Command: 304, 0x130
Parameter: Setpoint number
Value: Setpoint value
Command 304 sets the setpoint value for the specified setpoint in floating- point format. This command is valid only when the setpoint is configured and requires a setpoint value. Batch status is returned in place of the indicator status.

Set Setpoint Hysteresis as Float
Command: 305, 0x131
Parameter: Setpoint number
Value: Hysteresis value
Command 305 sets the hysteresis value for the specified setpoint in floating- point format. This command is valid only when the setpoint is configured and requires a hysteresis value. Batch status is returned in place of the indicator status.

Set Setpoint Bandwidth as Float
Command: 306, 0x132
Parameter: Setpoint number
Value: Bandwidth value
Command 306 sets the bandwidth value for the specified setpoint in floating- point format. This command is valid only when the setpoint is configured and requires a bandwidth value. Batch status is returned in place of the indicator status.

Set Setpoint Preact as Float
Command: 307, 0x133
Parameter: Setpoint number
Value: Preact value
Command 307 sets the preact value for the specified setpoint in floating-point format. This command is valid only when the setpoint is configured and requires a preact value. Batch status is returned in place of the indicator status.

Read Setpoint Value as Float
Command: 320, 0x140
Parameter: Setpoint number
Command 320 returns the target value for the specified setpoint in floating- point format.
This command is valid only when the setpoint is configured and requires a target value.
Batch status is returned in place of the indicator status.

Read Setpoint Hysteresis as Float
Command: 321, 0x141
Parameter: Setpoint number
Command 321 returns the hysteresis value for the specified setpoint in floating-point format.
This command is valid only when the setpoint is configured and requires a hysteresis value. Batch status is returned in place of the indicator status.

Read Setpoint Bandwidth as Float
Command: 322, 0x142
Parameter: Setpoint number
Command 322 returns the bandwidth value for the specified setpoint in floating-point format.
This command is valid only when the setpoint is configured and requires a bandwidth value.
Batch status is returned in place of the indicator status.

Read Setpoint Preact as Float
Command: 323, 0x143
Parameter: Setpoint number
Command 323 returns the preact value for the specified setpoint in floating- point format.
This command is valid only when the setpoint is configured and requires a preact value. Batch status is returned in place of the indicator status.


Power Requirements
Bus Adapter Card with PROFINET Module, DC Power
Supply Voltage: 6 VDC
Typical Current Draw: 270 mA
Power Consumption: 1.62 W

Communications Specifications
PROFINET Network Communications
Twisted-pair cabling up to 100Mbits/s

Update rate is dependent on the configured baud rate and the number of network nodes

Environmental Specifications

Temperature Range

Certified: 14° to 104° F (-10° to 40° C)
Operating: -4° to 131° F (-20° to 55° C)


Complies with PROFINET IO conformance class B.

© Rice Lake Weighing Systems Content subject to change without notice
230 W. Coleman St. • Rice Lake, WI 54868 • USA USA: 800-472-6703 • International: +1-715-234-9171
December 8, 2023
PN 156781 Rev E



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