MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC Lossnay Wi-Fi Control User Guide
- June 15, 2024
- Mitsubishi Electric
Table of Contents
Pre-warms or Pre-cools
See by How Many Degrees Lossnay Pre-warms or Pre-cools Incoming Fresh Air
See by How Many Degrees Lossnay Increases the Average Temperature of the Incoming Air
- The example on the screen displays Lossnay pre-warming the incoming fresh air as it crosses over with the outgoing damp, stale air from inside the home.
- The App shows by how many degrees Lossnay is able to pre-warm the fresh air being introduced into the home. In winter, Lossnay helps to reduce the need for additional heating of incoming fresh air, maximising energy efficiencies.
- In this example on screen, the outdoor temperature is 5°C.
- The cold incoming air is then increased by 14.7°C as it passes through the Lossnay Core. This means that the air introduced into the home is 19.7°C (not 5 °C).
- In this example, the average indoor temperature is 21°C. Therefore, the primary heating source inside the home only needs to increase the temperature of incoming fresh air by 1.3°C. This is the difference between the pre-warmed 19.7°C air and the average indoor temperature of 21°C.
See by How Many Degrees Lossnay Decreases the Average Temperature of the Incoming Air
- In summer, the App shows by how many degrees Lossnay is able to pre-cool the incoming fresh air when it crosses over with the outgoing stale air from inside the home. Thanks to the unique Lossnay Core, if you are using an air conditioner in the home for cooling, the outgoing stale air will be used to pre-cool the incoming fresh air. This means that less additional energy is needed to cool the incoming air to the desired temperature, maximising energy efficiency.
- In this example, the outside air temperature is 28°C.
- The outside air is drawn into and filtered through the Lossnay Core, where it crosses over the outgoing air-conditioned indoor air, which is showing as 21°C in this example.
- As a result, the warmer incoming fresh air is decreased by 6.4°C and is introduced into the home at 21.6°C, instead of 28°C.
- In this example, the desired indoor room temperature is 21°C. The primary cooling source inside the home therefore only needs to decrease the temperature of incoming fresh air by less than 1°C. This is the difference between the pre-cooled 21.6°C air and the ideal room temperature of 21°C.
Automatic Free Cooling* Mode
Summer Bypass
Note: For this mode to operate, your installer needs to have set this up first. Please contact your installer if you are unsure.
- When Lossnay is operating in Auto Mode as indicated on the screen, onboard temperature sensors will automatically enter Auto Bypass Mode when it detects that the outside air is cooler than the desired set temperature inside the home.
- As a result, cooler fresh air is introduced and stale air is extracted, bypassing the Lossnay Core. This is ideal for cooling down a home that may have overheated during the day once the outside temperature has dropped in the evening.
- In this example, the night time outside temperature is 16°C.
- And the current indoor temperature is recorded as 26°C.
- In comparison to using a dedicated cooling device. The unit will continue to use a small amount of power to bring colder fresh air from outside.
- As the indoor temperature is much warmer than outside, Lossnay automatically bypasses the Core and introduces the cooler air directly into the home.
- As a result, the indoor temperature is reduced without requiring additional cooling until the desired indoor temperature is reached.
- You can manually turn Free Colling Mode On or Off by changing the Bypass Status of your system. This is done by pressing the ‘Bypass’ button as highlighted.
- This manual control adjusts the system to stay in Free Cooling Mode until you decide to turn it off.
- This is a handy feature in situations such as when the home may be vacant for prolonged periods during summer.
- To turn this feature off completely, simply press the ‘Lossnay’ button as shown here on the screen.
Boost Mode
- Lossnay Wi-Fi Control also features a Boost Mode.
- Cool down even faster by activating this Mode to maximise the number of air changes in a short period of time.
- In Boost Mode, the fan speed is automatically set to maximum for 15 minutes before returning to the original fan speed.
- Boost Mode can be activated at anytime and is ideal in situations where the home needs a quick air change due to odours or indoor irritants.
Automatic Filter and Core Cleaning Reminders
- Once set timings are confirmed during your Lossnay installation, the App will send you proactive cleaning notifications. You have the option to delay and be reminded later. To carry out the filter or core cleaning yourself, you can click the ‘Learn how’ button to watch an easy-to-follow video, or read a step-by-step guide and be walked through how you can do this.
- There is a video which outlines how to clean the Lossnay Filters, and another which is a step-by-step guide to cleaning the Lossnay Core. Scan the QR code, then select your Lossnay model to view videos or PDF guides.
- If you would prefer for an authorised service agent to carry out this work or any other maintenance, simply click the ‘Service centre’ button to be connected with a local installer or service centre. Or you can call 0800 737 842.
- The App will prompt you to select your region and once done will direct you to a list of local service providers to contact.
Timer and Fan Settings
Sleep Timer
With sleep timer, you can preset a time you would like the Lossnay unit to turn off. To set a sleep timer, click the ‘Timer’ button as shown.
- Select the time that you would like to turn your Lossnay unit off. You have now set the sleep timer and can see when the unit will turn off in the top bar.
Rule Setting
You can set rules and weekly time schedules for your Lossnay unit to operate.
- To begin, either press the ‘Menu’ icon at the top left of the screen, or press ‘Settings’ at the bottom of the screen.
Select ‘Unit Settings’.
Under ‘Which rule to use’, press the ‘New’ rule button. -
Then, you can add a new rule by pressing ‘7 day timer’.
- The App allows you to select times per day for the unit to be turned off. In this example, 1pm has been selected.
You can set a rule to Power On, and select the Mode that you would like your Lossnay unit to operate in. In this example, Power On time is 5.10pm and the Mode is standard Lossnay operation.
- You can set your preferred Fan Speed, in this example Fan Speed 2 has been selected.
- You can set your preferred Fan Speed, in this example Fan Speed 2 has been selected.
You can also set the operating Mode to ‘Auto’.
- You can set the operating Mode to ‘Bypass’ operation. Once you have selected your preferences, click ‘add’ to save the rule.
The App will show you each rule that you have created. You can modify or cancel these at any time.
Optional CO2 Monitoring For Optimal Air Quality
The Lossnay RVS and RVX3 Models have the option of an additional CO2 sensor. When connected with the optional Wi-Fi Control Adapter, CO2 levels can be viewed in real-time making it ideal for schools, medical facilities and offices.
Note: For the optional CO2 sensor to adjust your fan speed, you must ensure the ‘Auto’ Fan Mode button is turned on.
It is well known that poor air quality impacts health, wellbeing and
concentration levels. In conjunction with the CO2 sensor and with ‘Auto’ Fan
Mode turned on, the Lossnay RVS and RVX3 systems intuitively adjust airflow to
ensure optimum air quality, no matter how many people are in the room. This is
indicated in the top right of your screen as shown in the example
- The highest Fan Speed level will activate when moderate or high levels of CO2 are detected. In this example, all 4 bars of Fan Speed are activated and the CO2 level is currently high, and is shown in red.
The system will continuously adjust the maximum volume of fresh air changes until optimum CO2 levels are reached. In this example, the App indicates orange or ‘Moderate’ CO2 levels.
- Once CO2 levels are back to normal, this will be indicated on the App as green or ‘good’. The system will then revert back to the original fan speed.
Lossnay Products Compatible with Wi-Fi Control and CO2 Monitoring
The following Lossnay products are compatible with the Lossnay Wi-Fi Control
App and CO2 Monitoring via Optional Mitsubishi Electric Sensor;
Try the Demo Today!
Try the interactive Lossnay Wi-Fi Control demo so you can see all the benefits that Lossnay can offer you and your family from the one App.
App screens are subject to change from publication date.
For more information please visit our website or call our Customer Service
Team. |
0800 784 382
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