LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights Instruction Manual

June 15, 2024


Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights

  1. WARMUPSLUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - WARMUPS 1LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - WARMUPS 2

  2. UPPER BODY – CHEST & BACKLUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Dumbbell Bench press 2-1 Dumbbell Bench Press
    1. Lie on the bench, feet flat on the ground, and hold the dumbbells in front of your shoulders.
    2. Engage your core and raise both arms at the same time.LUSPER Dumbbell
Set Adjustable Weights - Dumbbell Fly 2-2 Dumbbell Fly
    1. Lie on the floor, hold the dumbbells, arms straight up, feet flat on the ground.
    2. Tighten the core and open the arms to the sides untilthe upper arms are parallel to the floor.LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Arm Dumbell
Pullover 2-3 Bent-Arm Dumbell Pullover
    1. Lay your shoulders on the middle of the bench, bend your legs and ground your feet, hold the weight plate on one end above your chest, arms slightly bent.
    2. With arms bent, arc the weight back overhead slowly.LUSPER Dumbbell Set
Adjustable Weights - Barbell Bent-Over Row 2-4 Barbell Bent-Over Row
    1. Hold onto the bar with palms facing down, knees slightly bent. Bend forward at the hips until the back is almost parallel to the floor.
    2. Exhale, firm your back to lift the barbell toward you, torso still and elbows close to body.LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Kettlebell
Bent-Over Row 2-5 Single-Arm Kettlebell Bent-Over Row
    1. Hold the kettlebell in the right hand, bend over, left hand and knee on bench.
    2. Squeeze the shoulder blades to pull the kettlebell toward the waistline, bending and pulling your upper arm backwards, back straight.

    LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Over Lateral
Raise 3-1 Dumbbell Bent-Over Lateral Raise
    1. Bend over with back straight and shoulders in front of the knees; hold the dumbbells below the knee level.
    2. Core engaged, raise the arms sideways till they are parallel to the floor.
    LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Seated Dumbbell Lateral
Raise 3-2 Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise
    1. Sit on the bench holding a dumbbell in either hand by your side.
    2. Core engaged, lift the dumbbells laterally until they are shoulder height.
    LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Kettlebell Arnold
Press 3-3 Kettlebell Arnold Press
    1. Raise the kettlebell towards the shoulder, palm in, elbow forward, and body upright.
    2. Press the kettlebell overhead, rotating your wrist so that your palm faces forward at the top of the motion
    LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Standing Barbell Overhead
Press 3-4 Standing Barbell Overhead Press
    1. Hold the bar at collarbone height, hands shoulder width, palms facing forward, and knees bent slightly.
    2. Core tight, lift the bar overhead until the arms are straight.
    LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Standing Dumbbell
Shrug 3-5 Standing Dumbbell Shrug
    1. Stand holding a dumbbell in either hand by your side.
    2. Lift the dumbbells by elevating the shoulders the highest possible, core tight.

  4. UPPER BODY – ARMSLUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Barbell Bicep Curl 4-1 Barbell Bicep Curl
    1. Hold the barbell, palms forward shoulder width, back flat, and elbows close to sides.
    2. Exhale lift it. Keep lifting until biceps are fully contracted and the bar reaches shoulder height.
    LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Standing Dumbbell Hammer
Curl 4-2 Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curl
    1. Stand holding a dumbbell in either hand, palms facing in.
    2. Curl the dumbbells up to shoulder height, palms facing in.LUSPER
Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Dumbbell Tricep
Extension 4-3 Standing Bent-Over One-Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extension
    1. Lunge and bend over with the left foot forward; hold the dumbbell in your right hand, arm bent, left hand on thigh.
    2. Extend the right forearm back, keeping the upper arm close to side body.LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Arm Dumbbell Tricep
Extension 4-4 Seated Single- Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extension
    1. Sit on the bench holding the dumbbell in the right hand, left hand by the side, raise the right arm straight up elbow bent, upper arm close to ear.
    2. Push the dumbbell up high, keeping the upper arm in place and close to ear, torso steady.LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Seated Incline
Dumbbell Bicep Curl 4-5 Seated Incline Dumbbell Bicep Curl
    1. Sit on an incline bench and hold a dumbbell in each hand at arms’ length, palms facing in.
    2. Rotate the palm upwards and curl the weight up to shoulder level, palm facing backward and upper arm stationary.

  5. UPPER BODY – ABSLUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Dumbbell Crunch 5-1 Dumbbell Crunch
    1. Lie on your back, feet flat on the floor and knees bent. Hold a dumbbell in both hands at the chest.
    2. Perform a crunch, shoulder blades away from the floor.LUSPER Dumbbell
Set Adjustable Weights - Supine Leg Raise With Dumbbell 5-2 Supine Leg Raise With Dumbbell
    1. Lie supine with the dumbbell between the feet; hands by the sides for support.
    2. Raise both legs to 45° to the floor, keeping them straight.LUSPER
Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Seated Dumbbell Russian
Twist 5-3 Seated Dumbbell Russian Twist
    1. Sit with feet flat on the floor, knees bent. Hold a dumbbell in front of you.
    2. Lift the feet so the lower legs are parallel to the floor. Twist from side to side, shifting the dumbbell from one hip to the other.LUSPER Dumbbell Set
Adjustable Weights - Standing Kettlebell Side Crunch 5-4 Standing Kettlebell Side Crunch
    1. Stand holding the kettlebell in one hand straight to your side.
    2. Bend sideways and drop the kettlebell straight down, keeping the lower body in place.LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Dumbbell Boat
Hold 5-5 Dumbbell Boat Hold
    1. Lie down holding a dumbbell with both hands above the abdomen, legs straight.
    2. Curl up slowly until the thoracic spine is away from the floor to be in a boat shape, contracting the abs from top to bottom. Raise the dumbbell slightly, chin tucked.

  6. LOWER BODY – GLUTES & LEGSLUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Dumbbell Glute Bridge 6-1 Dumbbell Glute Bridge
    1. Back against the bench, knees bent, heels on the ground, feet flexed, buttocks hanging. Hold a dumbbell on the abdomen with both hands.
    2. Lift the buttocks till thighs are parallel to the floor.LUSPER Dumbbell
Set Adjustable Weights - Barbell Deadlift 6-2 Barbell Deadlift
    1. Feet hip width. Hold the bar, hands shoulder width, bending from the hips.
    2. Inhale deeply and look up, chest lifted and back flat. Exhale, push into the heels to lift the bar untill you reach an upright position.LUSPER
Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Kettlebell Goblet
Squat 6-3 Kettlebell Goblet Squat
    1. Stand with the kettlebell in both hands in front of your chest.
    2. Squat untill the thighs are parallel to the floor. Do not let your knees go beyond the toes or lean forward.
    LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Dumbbell Bulgarian Split
Squat 6-4 Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat
    1. Stand with one foot on the bench, holding the dumbbells straight down, palms in.
    2. Squat till both knees are at 90°without the front knee past the toes or the back knee touching the floor.LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights -
Dumbbell Side Lunge Squat 6-5 Dumbbell Side Lunge Squat
    1. Stand with dumbbells in your hands by your sides, palms in.
    2. Keep the upper body in place and take a large step out to the right side, right leg out slightly. Bend the knee to track the toes, and keep the left leg straight.

  7. POST – WORKOUT STRETCHESLUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Abdominal & Side Stretches 7-1 Abdominal & Side StretchesLUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Chest & Shoulder Stretches 7-2 Chest & Shoulder StretchesLUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Quad Stretch 7-3 Quad Stretch 7-4 Shoulder & Back StretchesLUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Glute and Leg Stretches 7-5 Glute and Leg Stretches


Note: This systematic and periodized program designed by body parts is catered to beginners for efficient muscle strength building.
It is suggested to rotate the routines and exercise 2-4 times a week with 1 rest day in between. Train 6-8 weeks as one complete cycle.

Routine No. 1

Gender| Exercise| Exercise No.| Targeted Body Part (s)| Set| Rep/Weight| Rest Time
Male| Step-up| 1-5| Full Body Warm-up| 5| 180s| 40s
Dumbbell Side Lunge Squat| 6-5| Legs| 3-4| 12 rm| 45s
Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat| 6-4| Legs| 3-4| 12 rm| 45s
Kettlebell Goblet Squat| 6-3| Buttocks| 3-4| 10 rm| 45s
Dumbbell Glute Bridge| 6-1| Buttocks| 3-4| 15 rm| 45s
Glute and Leg Stretches| 7-5| Buttocks and Legs| 2| 30-45s| 20s
Quad Stretch| 7-3| Quads| 2| 30-45s| 20s
Female| Crunch| 1-2| Full Body Warm-up| 4| 20 reps| 20s
Dumbbell Crunch| 5-1| Abs| 4| 15 rm| 30s
Seated Dumbbell Russian Twist| 5-3| Abs| 4| 15 rm| 30s
Standing Kettlebell Side Crunch| 5-4| Abs| 4| 20 rm| 30s
Dumbbell Boat Hold| 5-5| Abs| 4| 15s| 45s
Abdominal & Side Stretches| 7-1| Abs & Side Body| 3| 30s| 20s
Cardio| N/A| Heart & Lungs| 1| 35mins| N/A

Routine No. 2

Gender| Exercise| Exercise No.| Targeted Body Part(s)| Set| Rep/Weight| Rest Time
Male| Elbow Plank| 1-4| Full Body Warm-up| 4| 60s| 35s
Dumbbell Fly| 2-2| Chest| 3-4| 12rm| 30s
Bent-Arm Dumbell Pullover| 2-3| Chest| 3-4| 12rm| 30s
 Barbell Bent-Over Row| 2-4| Back| 3-4| 12rm| 30s
Single-Arm Kettlebell Bent-Over Row| 2-5| Back| 3-4| 12rm| 30s
Chest & Shoulder Stretches| 7-2| Chest & Shoulders| 3| 20s| 15s
Shoulder & Back Stretches| 7-4| Shoulders & Back| 3| 20s| 15s
Female| Step-up| 1-5| Full Body Warm-up| 4| 180s| 35s
Dumbbell Glute Bridge| 6-1| Buttocks| 4| 15rm| 30s
Kettlebell Goblet Squat| 6-3| Buttocks| 4| 12rm| 30s
Barbell Deadlift| 6-2| Buttocks| 4| 15rm| 30s
Dumbbell Side Lunge Squat| 6-5| Legs| 4| 15rm| 30s
Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat| 6-4| Legs| 4| 12rm| 30s
Glute and Leg Stretches| 7-5| Buttocks and Legs| 2| 30-45s| 20s
Quad Stretch| 7-3| Quads| 2| 30-45s| 20s

Routine No. 3

Gender| Exercise| Exercise No.| Targeted Body Part(s)| Set| Rep/Weight| Rest Time
Male| Crunch| 1-2| Full Body Warm-up| 4| 20reps| 30s
Dumbbell Bent-Over Lateral Raise| 3-1| Shoulders| 4| 12rm| 30s
Standing dumbbell Shrug| 3-5| Shoulders| 4| 12rm| 30s
Standing Barbell Overhead Press| 3-4| Shoulders| 4| 1 Orm| 45s
Barbell Bicep Curl| 4-1| Biceps| 8| 12rm| 25s
Standing Bent-Over One-Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extension| 4-3| Triceps| 8| 12rm| 30s
Shoulder & Back Stretches| 7-4| Shoulders & Back| 3| 30-45s| 20s
Female| Step-up| 1-5| Full Body Warm-up| 4| 180s| 30s
Single-Arm Dumbbell Bent-Over Row| 2-5| Back| 4| 12rm| 30s
Barbell Bent-Over Row| 2-4| Back| 4| 1 Orm| 45s
Bent-Arm Dumbell Pullover| 2-3| Back| 4| lOrm| 45s
Barbell Bicep Curl| 4-1| Biceps| 6| 15rm| 35s
Standing Bent-Over One-Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extension| 4-3| Triceps| 6| 15rm| 35s
Shoulder & Back Stretches| 7-4| Shoulders & Back| 3| 30-45s| 15s


Note: This program is designed for those who have laid a foundation in strength training to solidify and drastically improve the overall muscle strength.
It is suggested to rotate the routines and exercise 3-5 times a week with 0 or 1 rest day in between. Train 8-12 weeks as one complete cycle. Please maintain a healthy diet while working out.

Routine No. 1

Gender| Exercise| Exercise No.| Targeted Body Part(s)| Set| Rep/Weight| Rest Time
Male| Step-up| 1-5| Full Body Warm-up| 4| 180s| 30s
Dumbbell Bench Press| 2-1| Chest| 6| 8rm| 45s
Dumbbell Fly| 2-2| Chest| 6| lOrm| 30s
Bent-Arm Dumbell Pullover| 2-3| Chest| 6| lOrm| 30s
Barbell Bent-Over Row| 2-4| Back| 6| 8rm| 45s
Single-Arm Kettlebell Bent-Over Row| 2-5| Back| 6| 8rm| 45s
Chest & Shoulder Stretches| 7-2| Chest & Shoulders| 3| 25s| 20s
Shoulder & Back Stretches| 7-4| Shoulders & Back| 3| 25s| 20s
Female| Jumping Jack| 1-3| Full Body Warm-up| 4| 30s| 30s
Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise| 3-2| Shoulders| 6| 12rm| 45s
Dumbbell Bent-Over Lateral Raise| 3-1| Shoulders| 6| lOrm| 35s
Kettlebell Arnold Press| 3-3| Shoulders| 6| lOrm| 30s
Barbell Bicep Curl| 4-1| Biceps| 6| lOrm| 45s
Seated Incline Dumbbell Bicep Curl| 4-5| Biceps| 6| 12rm| 30s
Shoulder & Back Stretches| 7-4| Shoulders & Back| 3| 30-45s| 20s

Routine No. 2

Gender| Exercise| Exercise No.| Targeted Body Part(s)| Set| Rep/Weight| Rest Time
Male| Crunch| 1-2| Full Body Warm-up| 4| 30reps| 20s
Kettlebell Goblet Squat| 6-3| Legs| 5-6| 8rm| 25s
Dumbbell Side Lunge Squat| 6-5| Legs| 5-6| 10rm| 25s
Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat| 6-4| Legs| 5-6| 10rm| 35s
Barbell Deadlift| 6-2| Legs| 4-5| 12rm| 30s
Dumbbell Glute Bridge| 6-1| Buttocks| 8-10| 10rm| 30s
Quad Stretch| 7-3| Quads| 3| 30s| 20s
Female| Wall Squat| 1-1| Full Body Warm-up| 4| 45s| 30s
Dumbbell Glute Bridge| 6-1| Buttocks| 6| 10rm| 45s
Barbell Deadlift| 6-2| Buttocks| 6| 8rm| 60s
Kettlebell Goblet Squat| 6-3| Buttocks| 6| 10rm| 45s
Dumbbell Side Lunge Squat| 6-5| Legs| 8| 12rm| 40s
Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat| 6-4| Legs| 6| 8rm| 60s
Glute and Leg Stretches| 7-5| Buttocks and Legs| 3| 30-45s| 20s

Routine No. 3

Gender| Exercise| Exercise No.| Targeted Body Part(s)| AtSet| Rep/Weight| Rest Time
Male| Crunch| 1-2| Full Body Warm-up| 4| 30reps| 20s
Standing Barbell Overhead Press| 3-4| Shoulders| 8| 8rm| 605
Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raise| 3-2| Shoulders| 6| lOrm| 45s
Standing dumbbell Shrug| 3-5| Shoulders| 6| 8rm| 45s
Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curl| 4-2| Biceps| 8| lOrm| 60s
Seated Single-Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extension| 4-4| Triceps| 8| 10riv| 50s
Shoulder & Back Stretches| 7-4| Shoulders & Back| 3| 305| 20s
Female| Elbow Plank| 1-4| Full Body Warm-up| 4| 60s| 20s
Dumbbell Bench Press| 2-1| Chest| 6| 8rm| 60s
Dumbbell Fly| 2-2| Chest| 6| 8rm| 60s
Barbell Bent-Over Row| 2-4| Back| 6| 1Orm| 45s
Bent-Arm Dumbell Pullover| 2-3| Back| 6| 1Orm| 45s
Single-Arm Kettlebell Bent-Over Row| 2-5| Back| 6| 8rm| 60s
Chest & Shoulder Stretches| 7-2| Chest & Shoulders| 2| 30-45s| 20s
Shoulder & Back Stretches| 7-4| Shoulders & Back| 2| 30-45s| 20s


  1. RM: A repetition maximum (RM) is the most weight you can lift for a defined number of exercise movements (e.g.: an 8RM would be the heaviest weight you could lift for 8 consecutive exercise repetitions).
  2. Add one set of cardio for about 30 mins after each routine above is finished if you wish to burn more fat.
  3. Please avoid intense ab workouts during the first 2 heavy days of menstruation, pregnancy, and in the early postnatal stage for C-sections.

LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights


Lusper is the unwavering faith in the power of movement and strength training; it is the ultimate passion about leading the best life that we can through the transformation of our physique.
With the understanding that weightlifting and strength training don’t just make us stronger physically, but also stronger in other areas to enjoy all the wonderful things in life, Lusper developed a myriad of home gym equipment and accessories wildly loved by  our customers that can support any of their strength training goals and ignite their passion for an active lifestyle.
Passion is the most natural fuel for motivation and love is the strongest force in life. When your goals are truly connected to your deepest values, you will fight wholeheartedly for your mission; and it has nothing to do with fame or gain. Pure love demands nothing in return. At Lusper, we free fitness from performance and bring that original fun spirit and childlike heart back. Through our lifelong dedication and absolute professionalism, we serve to rekindle your passion for fitness and life.



  1. Please read the assembly instructions before use.
  2. Please put no more than 3 weight plates on either side of the dumbbell handle as there is not enough room to securely place more than 3 weight plates on one side.
  3. Please make sure the spinlock collars are securely tightened to prevent potential risk of weight plate falling off.
  4. Place the set on a stable surface or rack, and beyond the reach of children after use.
  5. Please do not lift weights beyond your limits.
  6. Stop using the set immediately in case of any discomfort.


LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - PART LIST


  1. Put the weight plate(s) on one side of the dumbbell handle.

  2. Turn the spinlock collar clockwise on this side of the handle until it is securely tightened.

  3. Add the round spinlock collar on top of the star spinlock collars and fasten it.

  4. Do the same on the other side of the dumbbell handle.


LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - DUMBBELLS

Cumbination 1 Cumbination 2

LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Combination 1| LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Combination
Connect both dumbbell handles to the barbell connector, and then put weight plates on the handles.| Put weight plates on both sides of each dumbbell handle, and then connect both dumbbell handles to the barbell connector.


| Cumbination 1
1 Kettlebell Base Rod
+ 1 Kettlebell Handle
+ Weight Plate(s)
| Cumbination 2
1 Kettlebell Handle
+ 1 Dumbbell



  1. For Fat Loss (Per Ib of body weight: 0.9 g of carbs, 0.68 g of protein, 0.36 g of fat)
    1. milk
    2. carbs (oatmeal, whole wheat bread, coarse grains/40% of totoal daily carb intake)
    3. boild eggs (1 egg yolk, only egg whites for extra eggs, 30% of totoal daily protein intake)
    4. 1 piece of fruit (ideally banana or kiwi)
    1. meat (ideally beaf, lamb, fish, chicken/50% of total daily protein intake)
    2. 40% of totoal daily carb intake
    3. green veggies (for vitamins & dietary fiber)
    1. less carbs (20% of total daily carb intake)
    2. chicken, fish (20% of daily protein intake)
    3. veggies

  2. For Muscle Gain (Per Ib of body weight: 1.6 g of carbs, 0.68 g of protein, 0.54 g of fat)
    1. milk
    2. carbs (oatmeal, potatoes, sweet potatoes, coarse grains/30% of totoal daily carb intake)
    3. boild eggs (3 egg yolks, only egg whites for extra eggs, 30% of totoal daily protein intake)
    4. fruit (ideally blueberries or raspberries)
    1. meat (ideally beaf, lamb, fish, chicken/50% of total daily protein intake)
    2. carbs (40% of total daily carb intake)
    3. green veggies (for vitamins & dietary fiber)
    1. carbs (30% of total daily carb intake)
    2. chicken, fish (20% of daily protein intake)
    3. veggies


  1. For Fat Loss
    0.92 oz of water intake per Ib of body weight to achieve the most efficient metabolism

  2. For Muscle Building
    0.6 oz of water intake per Ib of body weight

Keep a consistent sleep schedule based on your own biologic clock. Ideally ensure 8 hours of sleep.

LUSPER Dumbbell Set Adjustable Weights - Wellness Plan

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