CISCO CSR 1000v on Amazon Web Services User Guide
- June 15, 2024
- Cisco
Table of Contents
Deploying the Cisco CSR 1000v on Amazon Web Services
Information About Launching Cisco CSR 1000v on AWS
Launching a Cisco CSR 1000v AMI occurs directly from the AWS Marketplace.
Determine whether the Cisco CSR 1000v will be deployed on an Amazon EC2
instance or on an Amazon VPC instance. To proceed with Launching the Cisco CSR
1000v on AWS, perform the steps in the Launching the Cisco CSR 1000v AMI, on
page 3 section. For more information on zones and regions in Amazon EC2, see:
Regions and Availability Zones.
Encrypted Elastic Block Storage (EBS)
When you launch a Cisco CSR 1000v from AWS marketplace, you cannot select
encrypted Elastic Block Storage (EBS). (This is because encryption is not
enabled on the Cisco CSR 1000v in the AMI that is available in the AWS
marketplace.) However, you can follow the procedure Creating an AMI with
Encrypted Elastic Block Storage, on page 9. This process is summarized below:
- Create a CSR 1000v instance from the AWS marketplace
- Take a snapshot of this CSR 1000v instance
- Create a private AMI based on the snapshot
- Copy the private AMI to a new AMI and select “Encrypt target EBS snapshots”
For further details, see Creating an AMI with Encrypted Elastic Block Storage,
on page 9.
Jumbo frames in a VPC have limitations; see this document: Network Maximum
Transmission Unit (MTU) for Your EC2 Instance.
Supported Instance Types
The Amazon Machine Image supports different instance types, which determine
the size of the instance and the required amount of memory.
For information about supported instance types, see Cisco Cloud Services
Router (CSR) 1000V for AWS.
To determine the maximum number of network interfaces supported per
instance, see the Amazon Web Services documentation: Private IP Addresses Per
Network Interface Per Instance Type
Before attempting to launch the Cisco CSR 1000V on AWS, the following prerequisites apply:
- You must have an Amazon Web Services account.
- An SSH client (for example, Putty on Windows or Terminal on Macintosh) is required to access the Cisco CSR 1000v console.
- Determine the instance type that you want to deploy for the Cisco CSR 1000v. See the next section for more information.
- If you are planning to launch the AMI using the 1-Click Launch, you must first create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). For more information, see Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
If you have deployed a CSR 1000v 16.9.X version running on AWS c5 instance,
you cannot downgrade the CSR 1000v to 16.6.x versions. If you want to
downgrade, you must deploy another instance type. For example, a c4.xlarge
instance type.
The following are the restrictions when you launch the Cisco CSR 1000V on AWS:
If you have deployed a CSR 1000v 16.9.X version running on AWS c5 instance, you cannot downgrade the CSR 1000v to 16.6.x versions. If you want to downgrade, you must deploy another instance type.
For example, a c4.xlarge instance type. -
When you deploy a CSR 1000v with lower instance sizes, for example t2.medium and c4.large, the system might display the following error due to unavailability of 64k memory buffers:
%IOSXE-3-PLATFORM: R0/0: cpp_cp: QFP:0.0 Thread:000 TS:00000000023867716444
%POSIX_PMD-3-MBUF_REDUCE: Failed to allocate 65536 packet buffers. Reduced to
Launching the Cisco CSR 1000v AMI
To launch the Cisco CSR 1000v AMI, perform the steps in the following
First, see: Selecting the Cisco CSR 1000v AMI , on page 3.
If you are using an Amazon VPC instance, see: Launching the Cisco CSR 1000v
AMI Using the 1-Click Launch, on page 3.
Or, if you are using an Amazon EC2 instance, see: Launching the Cisco CSR
1000v AMI Using the Manual Launch, on page 5.
Then, see: Associating the Public IP Address with Cisco CSR 1000v Instance, on
page 8 and Connecting to the CSR 1000v Instance using SSH, on page 8.
If you are using a BYOL AMI, see Bring Your Own License and Downloading and
Installing the License (BYOL AMI Only), on page 10.
Selecting the Cisco CSR 1000v AMI
To select the Cisco CSR 1000v AMI, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Log in to Amazon Web Services Marketplace.
Step 2 Search AWS Marketplace for: “Cisco CSR 1000v”. A list of AMIs such
as the following, appears:
- Cisco Cloud Services Router (CSR) 1000V – AX Pkg. Max Performance (hourly billing)
- Cisco Cloud Services Router (CSR) 1000V – Security Pkg. Max Performance (hourly billing)
- Cisco Cloud Services Router (CSR) 1000V – BYOL for Maximum Performance (BYOL billing)
Step 3
Select the Cisco CSR 1000v AMI that you are planning to deploy.
The AMI information page displays, showing the supported instance types and
the hourly fees charged by AWS. Select the pricing details for your region.
Click Continue.
Step 4
Enter your AWS email address and password, or create a new account.
The “Launch on EC2 page” displays.
Launching the Cisco CSR 1000v AMI Using the 1-Click Launch
(Perform the following steps if you are using an Amazon VPC instance. If you
are using an Amazon EC2 instance, see the Launching the Cisco CSR 1000v AMI
Using the Manual Launch, on page 5).
Depending on the release version, the 1-Click Launch option may not be
If you launch the AMI using the 1-Click Launch, you must first create a
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). For more information, see the AWS documentation.
Step 1
On the Launch with EC2 page, choose the Cisco CSR 1000v release version from
the Select a Version drop-down list.
Step 2
Select the Region from the drop-down list.
The hourly usage charges for your region are shown under Pricing Details.
Step 3 Select the EC2 instance type from the drop-down menu.
Step 4 Under VPC Settings, click the Set up button.
The VPC Settings screen displays.
Step 5 For VPC, select the VPC that you created.
Step 6 For Network interface (Public Subnet), select the interface
created in the VPC.
Step 7 The security group for the public subnet is automatically created
for the VPC.
This security group is predefined. You can change the security group settings
after the AMI has launched within AWS. For more information, see the AWS
documentation; for example, see: Amazon EC2 Security Groups for Linux
Step 8 Select the Network Interface (private subnet) in your VPC.
Step 9 Click Done.
Step 10 Enter the key pair information. The key pair consists of a public
key stored in AWS and your private key used
to authenticate access to the instance. Do one of the following:
a) Choose an existing key pair, or
b) Create a new key by performing the following steps:
- Upload your own public key.
- Click on Create Key Pair. Enter the key pair name and click Create. After the key pair is created, ensure that you have downloaded the private key from Amazon before continuing. A newly created private key can only be accessed once. After the key pair is downloaded, click Close.
Click Done. The Launch on EC2 display reappears.
Note AWS security policies require that the private key permission level
be set to 400. To set this value for the .pem file, open a UNIX shell terminal
screen and enter the following command: chmod 400 pem-file-name
Step 11 Click on the Launch with 1-Click button to launch the AMI
Step 12 The CSR 1000v AMI instance begins the launch process by
Step 13 To verify that the new instance is initializing, click on
Services > EC2 > Instances.
The new instance is visible in the display, and the Status Check should show
the status “Initializing”. Proceed to the sections: Associating the Public IP
Address with Cisco CSR 1000v Instance, on page 8 and Connecting to the CSR
1000v Instance using SSH, on page 8.
Launching the Cisco CSR 1000v AMI Using the Manual Launch
(Perform the following steps if you are using an Amazon EC2 instance. If you
are using a VPC instance, see the Launching the Cisco CSR 1000v AMI Using the
1-Click Launch, on page 3).
Step 1
On the Launch with EC2 page, choose the Cisco CSR 1000v release version from
the “Select a Version” drop-down list.
Step 2
Select the Region from the drop-down list.
The hourly usage charges for your region are shown under Pricing Details.
Step 3
Click the Launch with EC2 Console button for your region.
The window to select the instance type displays.
Select the General purpose tab for the supported instance types. Select the
instance type.
Click the Next: Configure Instance Details button.
Step 4
Configure the instance details.
Select one of the following two options:
Launch into EC2-Classic. If you select EC2-Classic, you cannot configure additional network interfaces OR
Select the network from the network drop-down list. Select a VPC subnet, into which you want to deploy the CSR 1000v, from the drop-down menu. Keep in mind that this determines the availability zone of your instance.
You can initially create two interfaces on the Instance Details screen. Afterwards, to add more interfaces, click on Network Interfaces. The maximum number of interfaces that are supported depends on the instance type. For more information, see the table in Bootstrap Properties, on page 7. -
Select the availability zone from the drop-down menu.
Select additional options available from AWS.
(Optional) Configure the bootstrap properties by specifying the bootstrap options in the “User Data” box. The bootstrap options are described in the bootstrap properties table. Each option uses the syntax
= “ ”. See Bootstrap Properties, on page 7.
Step 5 Click the Next: Add Storage button.
Step 6 Keep the default hard drive setting.
Note When operating the Cisco CSR 1000V in AWS, the (8 GB) size of
virtual hard drives cannot be changed.
Click the Next: Tag Instance button.
Step 7 (Optional) Enter the tag information as needed.
Click the Next: Configure Security Groups button.
Step 8 (Optional) Choose one of the following:
- Create a new Security Group
- Select an existing Security Group
The Cisco CSR 1000v requires SSH for console access. The Cisco CSR 1000v also
requires that the Security Group, at a minimum, does not block TCP/22. These
settings are used to manage the Cisco CSR 1000V.
Click the Review and Launch button.
Step 9 Review the Cisco CSR 1000v instance information.
Click Launch.
Step 10 When prompted, enter the key pair information. The key pair
consists of a public key stored in AWS and your private key used to
authenticate access to the instance. Do one of the following:
a) Choose an existing key pair, or
b) Create a new key by performing the following steps:
- Upload your own public key
- Create a new key pair on AWS:
Click on Create Key Pair. Enter the key pair name and click Create. After the
key pair is created, ensure that you have downloaded the private key from
Amazon before continuing. A newly created private key can only be accessed
once. After the key pair is downloaded, click Close.
AWS security policies require that the private key permission level be set to
400. To set this value for the .pem file, open a UNIX shell terminal screen
and enter the following command: chmod 400 pem-file-name
Step 11 Click Launch Instance.
It takes approximately ten minutes to deploy the AMI instance. You can view
the status by clicking on the Instances link on the menu.
Wait for the State to show Running and the Status Checks to show passed.
At this point, the Cisco CSR 1000v AWS instance is booted and ready for
software configuration. Proceed to the sections: Associating the Public IP
Address with Cisco CSR 1000v Instance, on page 8 and Connecting to the CSR
1000v Instance using SSH, on page 8.
Bootstrap Properties
Property | Description |
hostname | Configures the hostname of the router. |
domain-name| Configures the network domain name.
mgmt-vlan| Configures the dot1Q VLAN interface. Requires the management
interface to be configured using the format.
mgmt-ipv4-gateway| Configures the IPv4 management default gateway address.
mgmt-ipv4-gateway=” dhcp “
ios-config| Enables execution of a Cisco IOS command. To execute multiple
commands, use multiple instances of ios-config, with a number appended to each
instance—for example, ios-config-1, ios-config-2.
When you specify a Cisco IOS command, use escape characters to pass special
characters that are within the command: ampersand(&), double quotes(“), single
quotes(‘), less than(<) or greater than(>). See “ios-config-5” in the example
ios-config-1=”username cisco priv 15 pass ciscoxyz” ios-config-2=”ip scp
server enable” ios-config-3=”ip domain lookup” ios-config-4=”ip domain name” ios-config-5=”event syslog pattern "\(Tunnel1\) is down: BFD
peer down notified"” In the above example, the entry for “ios-config-5”
shows how to pass the IOS command: event syslog pattern “(Tunnel1) is
down: BFD peer down notified”
license| (Cisco IOS XE 3.14.01S and later)
Configures the license technology level as one of the following:
• ax
• ipbase
• security
• appx
Property | Description |
Resource template | (Cisco IOS XE 3.16.3S and later) Configures the Resource |
Possible values: default, service_plane_medium, service_plane_heavy
Associating the Public IP Address with Cisco CSR 1000v Instance
Before you can access the management console using an SSH connection, you must associate an interface on the Cisco CSR 1000v with the Public IP address created with the VPC. Perform the following steps:
Step 1 On the Services > EC2 > Instances page, select the Cisco CSR 1000v
Step 2 In the displayed Network interfaces, click on “eth0”.
Step 3 A popup window displays showing detailed information about the
“eth0” interface.
Note the interface’s private IP address.
Step 4 Click Interface ID value.
Step 5 From the address drop-down menu, select the public IP address that
you want the VM to use,
Step 6 Click Allow reassociation if you are reassigning a public IP
address that is currently in use and mapped to another elastic network
interface (ENI).
Step 7 Validate that the selected private IP address matches the one that
you noted in step 3.
Step 8 Click Associate Address.
This action associates the public IP address (Amazon elastic IP) with the
private IP address of the network interface. You can now use this interface to
access the management console. See the Connecting to the CSR 1000v Instance
using SSH, on page 8.
Connecting to the CSR 1000v Instance using SSH
The Cisco CSR 1000v instance on AWS requires SSH for console access. To access
the Cisco CSR 1000v AMI, perform the following steps:
Step 1 Once the Cisco CSR 1000v status shows that is it is running,
select the instance.
Step 2 Enter the following UNIX shell command to connect to the Cisco CSR
1000v console using SSH:
ssh -i pem-file-name ec2-user@[public-ipaddress | DNS-name] Note
You must log in as ec2-user the first time you access the instance.
The private key stored in the .pem file is used to authenticate access to the
Cisco CSR 1000v instance.
Step 3 Start configuring the Cisco CSR 1000v. For information on
downloading and activating the license for the BYOL AMI, see Downloading and
Installing the License (BYOL AMI Only), on page 10.
Creating an AMI with Encrypted Elastic Block Storage
To create a Cisco CSR 1000v AMI with encrypted Elastic Block Storage(EBS),
perform the following steps.
Before you begin
Create a Cisco CSR 1000v instance in AWS. For example, see Launching the Cisco
CSR 1000v AMI Using the 1-Click Launch, on page 3.
When you create a Cisco CSR 1000v instance, use one of the sizes shown in the
following list:
- t2.medium
- c4.large
- c4.xlarge
- c4.2xlarge
- c4.4xlarge
- c4.8xlarge
Step 1
View the list of instances in Services > EC2 > Instances.
Step 2 Select the name of an instance that you will use as the basis of a
new AMI using encrypted EBS. For example, “CSR-1”. Ensure that the instance
state is “stopped”.
Step 3 Take a snapshot of this instance by following steps a to f below.
a) Click on the Root device (for example, “/dev/xvda/”).
The “Block Device” dialog box appears.
b) Click the EBS ID (for example vol-08350aa2).
The volume for this snapshot is displayed under ELASTIC BLOCK STORE > Volumes
c) Click Actions > Create Snapshot.
The Create Snapshot dialog box appears.
d) Click Create.
The “Create Image from EBS” pane appears.
e) Enter a name for the snapshot (for example, “unencrypted-CSR-1”).
f) Select Virtualization type of “Hardware-assisted virtualization”.
The message “Snapshot Creation Started” is displayed in the Create Snapshot
dialog box. The snapshot is created after several minutes.
Under ELASTIC BLOCK STORE > Snapshots, the new snapshot is listed, with a
status of “completed”.
Step 4
Start creating a private AMI by going to EC2 > IMAGES > AMIs.
The name of the snapshot instance that you created earlier (for example,
“unencrypted-CSR-1”) appears in the list of AMIs.
Step 5
Select the snapshot instance (for example, “unencrypted-CSR-1”) and click
Actions > Copy AMI.
The Copy AMI dialog box appears with input fields for Destination region,
Name, Description, Encryption, Master Key and key details.
Step 6 Select a Destination region (for example, “US East”) and enter a
Name (for example, “encrypted-CSR-1”).
Step 7 Enter a Description.
Step 8 For Encryption, check the Encrypt target EBS snapshots checkbox.
Step 9 For Master Key, you can select the default value; for example,
“default( aws/ebs)”.
Step 10 Click Copy AMI.
The new AMI, with encrypted EBS, is created after several minutes.
Step 11 Go to EC2 > IMAGES > AMIs where the new AMI is listed; for
example, “encrypted-CSR-1”.
Downloading and Installing the License (BYOL AMI Only)
The Cisco CSR 1000v first boots with limited feature support and throughput.
To achieve full feature support for your license, you must install and
activate the licenses. You must obtain the PAK from the Cisco Software
Licensing portal and then convert it into a license. The Cisco Software
Licensing portal is available at: go license
See the “Cisco Software Licensing (CSL)” chapter of the Cisco CSR 1000v Series
Cloud Services Router Software Configuration Guide for information on
installing licenses.
- Network maximum transmission unit (MTU) for your EC2 instance - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
- Elastic network interfaces - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
- Amazon EC2 security groups for Linux instances - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
- Cisco CSR 1000v and Cisco ISRv Software Configuration Guide - Cisco
- AWS Marketplace: Homepage
- AWS Marketplace: Cisco Cloud Services Router (CSR) 1000V - BYOL for Maximum Performance
- Regions and Zones - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
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