NXP AN13854 i.MX 93 Applications Processors User Guide
- June 15, 2024
Table of Contents
- AN13854 i.MX 93 Applications Processors
- Introduction
- NPU overview
- Migrating TFLite applications from i.MX 8M Plus to i.MX 93
- Vela tool
- Hardware acceleration with Ethos-U on i.MX 93 platform
- Acronym
- Note about the source code in the document
- Revision history
- Legal information
- References
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
AN13854 i.MX 93 Applications Processors
User Guide
AN13854 i.MX 93 Applications Processors
NPU Migration Guide from i.MX 8M Plus to i.MX 93
Rev. 1 — 18 September 2023
Document information
Information | Content |
Keywords | i.MX 93, i.MX 8M Plus, neural processing unit (NPU), Tensor Flow |
Lite (Flite), AN13854
Abstract| This application note describes how to migrate a machine learning
application from i.MX 8M Plus to i.MX 93 with NPU acceleration.
This application note describes how to migrate a machine learning application from i.MX 8M Plus to i.MX 93 with neural processing unit (NPU) acceleration. The NPU of the i.MX 8M Plus and i.MX 93 devices are different IPs, and their features and usage methods are also different. This document introduces the differences between the i.MX 8M Plus NPU and the i.MX 93 NPU, and covers the operation guidance and optimization suggestions. However, if the CPU inference is used, the i.MX 8M Plus and i.MX 93 devices function in a similar manner.
NPU overview
The NPU provides hardware acceleration for AI/ML workloads and vision
functions. NPU with different IP is used by i.MX 8M Plus and i.MX 93.
2.1 Block diagram
The following figure shows the i.MX 8M Plus NPU high-level block diagram.
Table 1. i.MX 8M Plus NPU functional blocks
i.MX 8M Plus NPU block | Description |
Host interface | Allows the NPU to communicate with external memory and the CPU |
through the AXI /
AHB bus. In this block, data crosses clock domain boundaries
Memory controller| Internal memory management unit that controls the block-to-
host memory request interface
Vision front end| Inserts high-level primitives and commands into the vision
Neural network core| Provides parallel convolution MAC for recognition
functions using 8 bits or 16 bits integer
Tensor processing fabric| Provides data preprocessing and supports compression
and pruning for multidimensional array processing for Neural Nets
Compute unit| SIMD processor programmable execution unit that performs as a
compute unit. The NPU block has one vector4 parallel processor unit, which
also acts as four processing elements
Vision engine| Provides advanced image processing functions
Universal storage cache| Cache shared between the vision front end and the
parallel processing unit
For i.MX 8M Plus NPU supported operator list, refer to
https://www.nxp.com.cn/docs/en/user-guide/IMXMACHINE-LEARNING-UG.pdf— OVXLIB
Operation Support with NPU.
Table 2. i.MX 93 NPU functional blocks
i.MX 93 NPU block | Description |
Clock and power module (CPM) | Handles hard and soft resets, contains registers |
for the current security settings, the main clock gate, and the QLPI interface
Central control| Controls how the NPU processes neural networks, maintains
synchronization, and handles data dependencies
DMA controller| Manages all transactions that use the Arm AMBA 5 AXI
Weight decoder| Reads the weight stream from the DMA controller. The decoder
decompresses and stores this stream in a double-buffered register, ready for
the MAC unit to consume it
MAC unit| The MAC unit performs multiply-accumulate operations that are
required for convolution, depth-wise pooling, vector products, and the max
operation required for max pooling
Output unit| Reads finished accumulators from the shared RAM and converts them
into output activations. This process includes performing scaling for each
OFM, adding the bias to values, and applying the activation function to each
Shared memory| Memory is shared between the DMA controller, the MAC unit, and
the Output unit
For the i.MX 93 NPU supported operator list, refer to
Supported ML operators and constraints.
2.2 Differences in NPU key features
The following table describes the NPU features of i.MX 8M Plus and i.MX 93.
Table 3. NPU features of i.MX 8M Plus and i.MX 93
Feature | i.MX 8M Plus | i.MX 93 |
Host | Cortex-A53 | Cortex-M33 |
NPU IP | VIP8000Nano | Ethos-U65 |
Device node name | /dev/galore | /dev/ethous0 |
Primary APIs | OpenX with NN Extensions | Ethos-U operator |
MAC per cycle | 1152 | 256 |
Clock | 1000 MHz | 1000 MHz |
2.3 Ethos-U subsystem overview
The i.MX 8M Plus NPU is attached to the AXI-BUS and the Cortex-A core controls
it, whereas the Cortex-M core controls the i.MX 93 NPU Ethos-U65. This i.MX 93
machine learning system involves several hardware components working
collaboratively to support the acceleration of the tensor computation of an ML
model: Cortex-A, Cortex-M, messaging unit (MU), and Ethos-U NPU.
The Cortex-A55 is responsible for loading the ML model, capturing, and pre- processing the dynamic inputs with Linux OS and rich libraries. The Cortex-M is the controller of the attached Ethos-U NPU. It prepares the offloading descriptor for the NPU and triggers the NPU execution. It also provides the unsupported kernel execution for NPU. The MU is the message unit IP to facilitate the core communication between Cortex-A and Cortex-M.
- Supports Tensor Flow Lite (Flite) inference with fallback to Cortex-A
- Supports Tensor Flow Lite Micro (Flite-Micro) inference with fallback to Cortex-M
- Supports the inference API to offload the entire model to Flite-Micro and NPU on Cortex-M
- Supports Flite API to offload the customized “ethos-u” operator to NPU on Cortex-M
- Provides Vela model tool to optimize the model performance and memory usage for the Ethos-U65 target
2.4 Ethos-U software architecture
Figure 4 shows the three main components of the software required for
Ethos-U support.
- Vela model compiler: offline tool to compile the TFLite model graph for Ethos-U. The compiler replaces supported operators in the model with a custom “ethos-u” operator containing the command stream for Ethos-U NPU. The output of the compiler is a modified TFLite model graph for TFLite/TFLite-Micro inference engines.
- Cortex-A software stack for Linux: contains MPU inference engine (Tensor Flow Lite), driver library, and kernel side device driver for the Linux kernel
- Cortex-M software stack: contains MCU inference engine software (TFLite-Micro, CMSIS-NN) and NPU driver
The typical inference workflow is as follows:
Converts the TFLite model into a Vela model using the Vela model compiler and generates the optimized version for Ethos-U NPU.
The optimized model is fed to either of the following:
a. TFLite inference engine, which recognizes the custom “ethos-u” operator, allocates the buffer for input/ output feature map (IFM/OFM) and executes the operator via the Ethos-U Linux driver.
b. Inference API, which allocates the buffer for the input/output feature map and sends the entire model via the Ethos-U driver. -
The Ethos-U driver composes the inference task message and sends it over Rams to Cortex-M.
The Ethos-U runner on Cortex-M dispatches the task to the TFLite-Micro or Ethos-U driver directly according to the task type.
a. If the task type is accelerating the “ethos-u” operator (using the TFLite), the Runner calls the Ethos-U driver directly.
b. If the task type is accelerating the entire model (using the Inference API), the Runner dispatches the model to TFLite-Micro and further calls the Ethos-U driver for processing. -
After the Ethos-U driver completes the inference task, it writes the result into the output features map buffer and sends the response back to Cortex-A via RPMsg.
The model is loaded from Cortex-A and shared with Cortex-M over RPMsg. The
Cortex-M software is prebuilt with both the model and Ethos-U operator
acceleration capabilities in a single-binary firmware. This firmware is
integrated into Yoctorootfs and is loaded automatically when the user starts
an inference task using the TFLite or Inference API by opening the Ethos-U
Migrating TFLite applications from i.MX 8M Plus to i.MX 93
This section describes the migration workflow for the TFLite applications from
i.MX 8M Plus to i.MX 93 using a few examples.
3.1 Tensor Flow Lite software stack
Figure 5 shows the Tensor Flow Lite software stack. The Tensor Flow Lite
supports computation on the following hardware units:
- CPU Arm Cortex-A cores
- GPU/NPU hardware accelerator using the VX delegate
- NPU hardware acceleration on i.MX 93 NPU
Note: i.MX 8M Plus inference back end can choose CPU/GPU/NPU. However,
i.MX 93 does not have a GPU, and if it uses the CPU to do inference, APP does
not make any changes. Therefore, the NPU acceleration usage is only discussed
in this document.
3.2 Tensor Flow Lite workflow for i.MX 8M Plus / i.MX 93
Both i.MX 8M Plus and i.MX 93 support Tensor Flow Lite with NPU acceleration. The major differences are as follows:
The i.MX 93 NPU software stack depends on the offline tool to compile the Tensor Flow Lite model to Ethos command stream for Ethos-U NPU execution, while i.MX 8M Plus uses online compilation to generate
the NPU commands stream for NPU execution. This means that i.MX 93 NPU users must use the Vela tool to convert the Tensor Flow Lite model to the Vela model first. For detail, see Section 4. -
The i.MX 8M Plus uses the Tensor Flow Lite external delegate (VX delegate) mechanism to support NPU acceleration, however, i.MX 93 uses the Tensor Flow Lite Custom OP mechanism to support NPU acceleration.
In addition, when the i.MX 8M Plus model is deployed on i.MX 93, it is
recommended to use PCQ quantization in the model quantization stage to obtain
better performance. However, the final model performance depends on the actual
3.3 Migration example
When TFLite has to offload the ethos-u operator and fallback to Cortex-A
(recommended), the change is minimal. Use Section 4 to compile the quantized
TFLite mode, comment out the VX delegate. Afterward, run the ML application of
i.MX 8M Plus on i.MX 93 and get NPU acceleration.
3.3.1 NPU accelerate on i.MX 8M Plus
Run an image classification example on i.MX 8M Plus with NPU accelerate.The output of the NPU acceleration on the i.MX 8M Plus
processor is as follows:
3.3.2 NPU accelerate on i.MX 93 with TFLite inference engine
Compile the model for Ethos-U using Vela tool, reusing the model
mobilenet_v1_1.0_224quant.tflite from /user/bin/tensorflow-
lite-2.9.1/examples/. If it runs successfully, an optimized Vela model
mobilome v1_1.0_224_quant_vela.tflite is generated in the output folder.Run the model with the TFLite inference engine (offload the
“ethos-u” operator to Cortex-M).
The following is printed if no error occurs:
3.3.3 NPU accelerate on i.MX 93 with inference API
Run the model with the inference API (offloads the entire model to TFLite-
The following is printed if no error occurs:
Vela tool
The Vela tool is used to compile a Tensor Flow Lite for microcontrollers
neural network (NN) model into an optimized version that can run on an
embedded system containing an Arm Ethos-U NPU. The optimized model contains
TFLite custom operators for those parts of the model that can be accelerated
by the Ethos-U NPU. Parts of the model that cannot be accelerated are left
unchanged and run on a CPU (Cortex-A or Cortex-M) using an appropriate kernel
(such as the Arm optimized CMSIS-NN kernels). After compilation, the
optimized model can only be run on an Ethos-U NPU embedded system. The tool
also generates performance estimates for the compiled model.
To deploy the NN model on Ethos-U, the first step is to use the Vela tool to
compile the prepared model. To be accelerated by the Ethos-U NPU, the network
operators must be quantized to either 8-bit (unsigned or signed) or 16-bit
4.1 Installing the Vela tool
You can run the Vela tool on the i.MX 93 board or Linux PC. It is already
available in NXP Yoctorootfs. This section describes how to install it on the
X86 Linux PC. The steps are as follows.
- Get the Vela source code.
- Install with Python pip.
- After all the commands are successful, you can use vela –help to check if the Vela tool is installed successfully.
4.2 Compiling the TFLite model
After the Vela tool is installed, the following commands can be used to
compile a TFLite model to the optimized version for Ethos-U NPU. The optimized
model is stored into the OUTPUT_DIR (“./output” by default). The output file
has the suffix _vela. Flite. It is also a TFLite model. After the
compilation, Vela outputs the detailed log in the console.
Note: The Vela tool expects that the TFLite model is quantized already.
Vela supports asymmetric quantization to 8 bit (signed and unsigned) and 16
bit (signed), as defined by TFLite. To accelerate model operators with Ethos-U
NPU, the input model to Vela has to be quantized. Nonquantized operators fall
back to the CPU.
The following provides an example of how to compile a model and shows the
corresponding output log.Output log:
The following is the computational graph after the model
(mobilenet_v1_1.0_224_pb_int8.tflite) is compiled. Here, Vela encapsulates all
supported OPs into one Ethos-U OP.
4.3 Memory hierarchy for Cortex-M
For Cortex-M, several types of memory media with different capacity, speed,
and cost can be accessed by the CPU. Figure 8 shows the memory hierarchy on
i.MX 93 with speed decreasing order.
The TCM size is 256 kB, used for Cortex-M runtime data. By design, this memory
space is not allocated for the system purpose after booting. How to use it
effectively is left for the user decision.
OCRAM size is 640 kB. By design, the first 256 kB is allocated for the Arm
trusted firmware (ATF), which used to bootstrap the Cortex-A before the DRAM
is available. The rear 384 kB is reserved for NPU data: the weight/ bias of an
ML model.
DRAM size is 2 GB on the i.MX 93 EVK board. However, only the shared DMA
region between Cortex-A and Cortex-M can be used. The Ethos-U Linux driver
requests DMA buffers for Tensor Arena dynamically from the DMA pool and
passes the buffer address to the Ethos-U firmware on Cortex-M. If not
explicitly specified, a 16 MB DMA buffer is requested by default.
Ethos-U can only access the DRAM and OCRAM memory by design. Figure 9 shows
the current memory mapping for Ethos-U firmware.
With this configuration, the model data and tensor arena are allocated in DRAM
and the OCRAM is used as an NPU cache. Use “Dedicated_Sram” memory mode for
model compilation with Vela (vlea.ini can be found in
For a standalone Cortex-M application, the memory mapping is as follows:With this configuration, no DRAM is used. All the model data
and tensor arena memory for NPU is allocated in OCRAM. Use “Sram_Only”memory
mode for model compilation with Vela:
Hardware acceleration with Ethos-U on i.MX 93 platform
The Ethos-U65 is an NPU on i.MX 93, which supports user space Inference APIs.
- TFLite API to offload ethos-u operator and fallback to Cortex-A, nonintrusive
- Arm inference API to offload Vela model and fallback to Cortex-M
5.1 Inference with TFLite
The Ethos-U custom operator enables accelerating the inference on the Ethos-U
accelerator. The OP directly uses the hardware accelerator driver to use the
accelerator capabilities fully.
See Section 3.3.2 for an example.
5.2 Inference with Ethos-U inference API
The Ethos-U inference API provides the methods to use the Ethos-U NPU on the
Linux OS without the Tensor Flow Lite inference engine. It takes the compiled
model and IFM/OFM as inputs, composes an inference task, and dispatches the
inferences to the Cortex-M with Ethos-U.
The Ethos-U driver provides the C++ APIs for dispatching the inference to the
Ethos-U kernel driver. The library and the corresponding header file are
available on Yoctorootfs and SDK.
• /usr/include/ethosu.hpp
• /usr/lib/libethosu.so
5.2.1 How to use the inference API (C++)
The following steps describe how to run a Vela model from Cortex-A.
- Create the inference device.
- Load the model into a buffer from the Vela model file.
- Create the Network instance with the model buffer.
- Load the IFM from the input file (such as a picture for an image classification application) into a buffer. If there are multiple inputs, create the buffers one by one and push back to a vector.
- Create the OFM buffers according to the output dimensions in the model. If there are multiple outputs, create the buffer one by one and push back to a vector.
- Create an inference instance with the Network buffer, IFM buffer, and OFM buffer.
- Call Inference->invoke() to trigger and wait for the completion of the inference.
- Access the OFM buffers to get the inference result.
5.2.2 How to use the inference API (Python)
In addition to the C++ API, the Ethos-U driver also provides the Python API.
It is installed into Yoctorootfs: /user/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ethosu.
Example usage:
5.3 Building and deploying the Ethos-U firmware
This section describes how to to build and deploy the Ethos-U firmware.
5.3.1 Getting the source
The ethos-u-core-software is part of the i.MX 93 Ethos-U NPU machine learning
software package, which is an optional middleware component of the MCUXpresso
SDK. The ethos-u-core-software is integrated into the MCUXpresso SDK Builder
delivery system available on mcuxpresso.nxp.com. To include Ethos-U NPU
machine learning into the MCUXpresso SDK package, the ethos-u-core-software
middleware component is selected in the software component selector on the
SDK Builder page when building a new package.
Figure 11 shows the SDK Builder page.Once the MCUXpresso SDK
package is downloaded, it can be extracted on a local machine or imported into
the MCUXpresso IDE. For more information on the MCUXpresso SDK folder
structure, refer to the Getting Started with MCUXpresso SDK User’s Guide
(Document ID: MCUSDKGSUG). The package directory structure is similar as
5.3.2 Ethos-U example applications
This section describes the Ethos-U example applications and supported
toolchains. Introduction
The two Ethos-U applications are available as follows:
• ethosu_apps_rpmsg: firmware for Yocto Linux BSP
• ethosu_apps: standalone example for Cortex-M
The ethosu_apps_rpmsg is the firmware for the Ethos-U subsystem for Linux OS.
It contains core message handling, inference request processing from the
Cortex-A core, NPU’s registers configuration, inference execution, and
inference result providing to the Cortex-A core. The supported inference
engine is TFLite or TFLite-Micro (if the inference API is used).
The example ethosu_apps is a Cortex-M standalone app that demonstrates the
inference execution entirely on the Cortex-M core that can be used in the low-
power scenario with the Cortex-A sleeping. The example uses a conv2d op
model. There is no core message handling and only supports TFLite-Micro. The
apps are available in the /boards//demo_apps/ethosu_apps* folders. Toolchains supported
• IAR Embedded Workbench for Arm when the project is opened in IAR, press the
“Make” button to build the project in IAR as follows.
• ArmGCC – GNU tools Arm embedded
Run the following command to build the project. Deploy procedure
- Deploy the ethosu_apps_rpmsg firmware. Example ethosu_apps_rpmsg is built as .out or .elf and installed in roofs as the name of “ethosu_firmware”. The prebuilt binary is integrated in the roofs and loaded by the Linux Ethos-U driver upon an inference request. To rebuild the firmware, the rebuilt ethosu_apps_rpmsg. Out or ethosu_apps_rpmsg. Elf should be copied to /lib/firmware/ in roofs and renamed as the name of “ethosu_firmware” as follows:
- Deploy the ethosu_apps with U-Boot.
The ethosu_apps is built as .bin. In the U-Boot terminal, you can run the following command to do inference for the conv2d op model.
The default firmware ethosu_apps_rpmsg contains the following operators support with TFLite-micro on Cortex-M33: Ethos-U, TFLite_Detection_PostProcess, and Dequantize. If an operator is supposed to fall back on Cortex-M33 but not included, rebuild the source code and deploy the firmware. The ethosu_apps is a standalone Cortex-M application running without Cortex-A interactions, therefore, it is deployed at the U-Boot stage.
5.3.3 Using the Ethos-U on Cortex-M
The Ethos-U NPU on i.MX 93 is accessible by the TFLite-Micro library. The
TFLite-Micro interprets the optimized Vela model and delegates the kernels to
different execution providers.
Currently, three types of execution providers are supported:
- NN kernel: default kernel implementation provided by TFLite-Micro for Cortex-M CPU.
- CMSIS-NN kernel: optimized kernel implementation by Arm using the CMSIS-NN library. The CMSIS-NN library executes the kernel on the Cortex-M CPU or Ethos-U.
- Ethos-U kernel: kernel implementation for the custom Ethos-U operator. This operator is registered in the TFLite-Micro framework and executes the computation on Ethos-U using the NPU driver. Running Vela model with TFLite-Micro
The following provides the steps to run the Vela model on Cortex-M directly.
- Get the flat buffer Vela model.
- Configure / allocate the inputs, outputs tensors statically.
- Build the TFLite-Micro interpreter for the inference.
- Set the input tensors.
- Run the inference and get the output.
TFLite-Micro does not depend on dynamic memory allocation, therefore, it requires users (application developers) to supply a memory arena when an interpreter is created. In practice, the user allocates this memory arena as a static buffer when the program starts. For example:
TFLite-Micro framework uses this memory arena as inputs/outputs/intermediate tensors store. This memory size “TENSOR_ARENA_SIZE” must be adjusted according to the practical usage to consider the following points:
- Model used for the application
- Size of the input/output data
- Memory needed for intermediate result
- Memory arena mapping to SRAM or TCM, considering the effective usage of memory hierarchy
Table 4 lists and defines the acronyms used in this document.
Table 4. Acronyms
Term | Definition |
AHB | Advanced high-performance bus |
API | Application programming interface |
ATF | Arm trusted firmware |
AXI | Advanced extensible Interface |
BSP | Board support package |
CPM | Communications processor module |
DMA | Direct memory access |
DRAM | Dynamic random-access memory |
IFM | Input feature map |
MAC | Media access control |
NPU | Neural processing unit |
OFM | Output feature map |
SDK | Software development kit |
SIMD | Single instruction / multiple data |
SRAM | Static random-access memory |
TCM | Trellis-coded-modulation |
TFLite | Tensor Flow Lite |
Note about the source code in the document
Example code shown in this document has the following copyright and
BSD-3-Clause license:
Copyright 2023 NXP Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
Revision history
Table 5 summarizes revisions to this document.
Table 5. Revision history
Revision number | Release date | Description |
1 | 18-Sep-23 | Initial public release |
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Date of release: 18 September 2023
Document identifier: AN13854
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- GitHub - nxp-imx/ethos-u-vela: ethos-u-vela is the ML model compiler tool and used to compile a TFLite-Micro model into an optimised version for ethos-u NPU on iMX93 platform
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