MAGIC FX pART02323 Mind Blowing Special Effects User Manual

June 15, 2024

MAGIC FX pART02323 Mind-Blowing Special Effects

Product Information


  • Product Name : ARM SYSTEM
  • Model Number: pART02323
  • Revision : 01-00

The ARM SYSTEM is a configuration manual designed for professionals in the event industry who are responsible for configuring and integrating the ARM SYSTEM into a complete SFX system. It is important to read this manual carefully to ensure proper usage and prevent personal injury or property damage.

Target Group:
This manual is intended for qualified professionals in the event industry who have expertise in configuring and applying the ARM SYSTEM. These professionals are responsible for defining the configuration and integrating the ARM SYSTEM into a complete SFX system.

Other ARM SYSTEM Documentation:
For additional information on the ARM SYSTEM, please refer to the user and installation manuals of the related components. These manuals provide safety instructions and detailed information on the use and installation of the ARM SYSTEM components.

The product names mentioned in this manual are shortened for improved readability. Please refer to the Abbreviations section for the full product names.

Revision Table:
The revision table provides information on the revisions made to this manual. Please refer to it for any updates or changes to the configuration instructions.

Product Usage Instructions

System Description:
The ARM SYSTEM is a comprehensive system designed for use in SFX (Special Effects) setups at events. It consists of various components that work together to create stunning visual and audio effects. The system is compatible with other SFX equipment and can be configured to suit different event requirements.

General Description:
The ARM SYSTEM is a versatile system that allows professionals in the event industry to create captivating visual and audio effects. It is designed to be integrated into a complete SFX system and offers flexibility in terms of configuration and control.

Working Principle:
The ARM SYSTEM operates on advanced technology that enables precise control and synchronization of visual and audio effects. It utilizes signals and commands to activate and control various components, ensuring seamless integration and synchronization of effects.

ARM SYSTEM Components:
The ARM SYSTEM includes various components that work together to create stunning effects. These components may include but are not limited to:

  • Control units
  • Signal generators
  • Effect modules
  • Power supplies
  • Connectors and cables

The ARM SYSTEM is designed to be compatible with other SFX equipment commonly used in the event industry. It can be seamlessly integrated into existing setups and controlled using compatible control systems.

To enhance the functionality of the ARM SYSTEM, various accessories may be available. These accessories can include but are not limited to mounting brackets, remote control devices, and additional effect modules.

Signal Strength:
The ARM SYSTEM is equipped with signal strength control options to ensure optimal performance and compatibility with different setups. The signal strength can be adjusted based on the distance between components and the complexity of the effects.

Safety Notes:
Prior to configuring and integrating the ARM SYSTEM, it is important to consider the following safety notes:

  • Ensure that all safety guidelines and regulations are followed during the setup and configuration process.
  • Read and understand the safety instructions provided in the user and installation manuals of the ARM SYSTEM components.
  • Take necessary precautions to prevent personal injury and property damage during the configuration and integration process.

System Configuration:

  • Safety Groups:
    The ARM SYSTEM allows for the creation of safety groups to ensure safe operation and coordination of effects. Safety groups can be defined based on specific requirements and can include components that need to be controlled together.

  • Control and Signaling:
    The ARM SYSTEM offers various control and signaling options to facilitate seamless integration and synchronization of effects. These options may include wired or wireless control systems, signalgenerators, and control interfaces.

  • Combine, Split, and Boost Options:
    To enhance the flexibility of the ARM SYSTEM, it provides options to combine, split, and boost signals. These options allow for the creation of complex effects by combining multiple components, splitting signals to control different effects simultaneously, and boosting signals for long-distance communication between components.

  • Software Settings:
    The ARM SYSTEM can be configured using software settings to customize its behavior and functionality. These settings may include but are not limited to effect parameters, timing, synchronization, and control options.

  • Cables and Terminators:
    To ensure proper connectivity and signal transmission, it is essential to use high-quality cables and terminators. The ARM SYSTEM may require specific cable types and terminators for optimal performance. Refer to the user and installation manuals for recommended cable types and termination methods.

  • Appendix 1: Example Setups
    The appendix provides examples of different setups using the ARM SYSTEM. These examples can serve as references for configuring and integrating the system into various SFX setups at events.

Read this manual carefully before configuring an ARM SYSTEM and integrating the ARM SYSTEM into a complete SFX system. Failure to read the manual and to follow the instructions may lead to personal injury and/or property damage. © 2022 MAGICFX® All rights reserved. Nothing from this publication may be copied, reproduced, and/or published by means of printing, photocopying or by any other means, without the prior written approval of MAGIC FX. MAGIC FX reserves the right to modify the specifications stated in this manual.

Any brand names mentioned in this manual are registered trademarks of their respective owners. For improved readability, the product names in this manual are shortened, see Abbreviations.

MAGIC FX accepts no liability for claims from third parties arising from unauthorized use, use other than that stated in this manual, and use other than in accordance with the General Conditions registered at the Chamber of Commerce.

MAGIC FX is not responsible for the implementation and validation of the overall safety system and safety plans at events. The system integrator that integrates the ARM SYSTEM into a complete SFX system for an event, is responsible for the overall system and system safety. The system integrator must make sure that the entire implementation complies with all relevant local, national and international laws and regulations, and that the system is tested and validated correctly. We further refer to the General Conditions. These are available on request, free of charge. Although considerable care has been taken to ensure a correct and comprehensive description of all relevant components, the manual may nonetheless contain errors and inaccuracies. Should you detect any errors or inaccuracies in the manual, we would be grateful if you would inform us. This helps us to further improve our documentation.


This manual contains all the information required for the correct configuration of the ARM SYSTEM. Deviation from the configuration instructions can result in a hazardous situation and/or property damage. This manual includes general safety notes related to the configuration of the ARM SYSTEM and its integration into a complete SFX system at an event. For safety instructions related to the use and installation of the ARM SYSTEM components, refer to the user and installation manuals of the related components. Read all safety information about the ARM SYSTEM and its components attentively!

Target group
This manual is targeted at qualified professionals in the event industry who are responsible for defining the configuration and application of the ARM SYSTEM, and integrating the ARM SYSTEM into a complete SFX system.

Qualified professionals are those who:

  • Have skills and knowledge related to SFX applications for events and are trained in recognizing and avoiding the hazards involved.
  • Are familiar with the safety instructions of each involved ARM SYSTEM component.
  • Are familiar with the safety instructions of each involved SFX machine.
  • Are familiar with and abide by the applicable local, national and international laws and regulations.

Other ARM SYSTEM documentation




This document contains the original instructions in English. In case you require other languages please contact MAGIC FX.

Revision table


System description

General description

The ARM SYSTEM is a manually operated safety system for ARM compatible SFX machines manufactured by MAGIC FX. The ARM SYSTEM consists of an independent safety circuit that connects SFX machines to an ARM CONTROLLER. The ARM CONTROLLER is equipped with a key switch, a reset button and an emergency stop button. The ARM input and ARM output connectors on the ARM components and the SFX machines are used to create a looped circuit. The system is wired with EtherCON cables that carry the safety signal from the ARM CONTROLLER.


Working principle
With its safety signal, the ARM CONTROLLER operates one or more dedicated ARM relays in each connected SFX machine. When there’s no signal, the ARM relays switch off the internal control circuits that produce the high-risk SFX output, e.g. flames. As a result, the system is ‘disarmed’ and the SFX machines cannot be operated. When the ARM CONTROLLER sends a signal, the ARM relays close the control circuits: The system is ‘armed’ and the SFX machines can be operated. When an emergency occurs with one or more of the SFX machines, an operator will press the emergency stop button. The ARM CONTROLLER detects the interruption and directly cuts off the safety signal, disarming the system.

After actuation, the emergency stop button remains latched and actuated. To be able to return to the ‘armed’ state and normal SFX operation, the operator must manually unlatch the emergency stop button, and perform a reset of the ARM SYSTEM.

The ARM SYSTEM is complementary to any other safeguards on the connected SFX equipment and does not replace the control for normal operation of the SFX machines, such as DMX or pyro. The ARM SYSTEM operates independently from the data and power supply to the SFX machines. As a result, all internal systems except for the ones that are responsible for the high-risk effect, remain powered in an emergency stop situation. Opposed to a safety system that switches off all power supply, this has the advantage that control data (RDM) in the SFX machines is not lost, and that the machines keep performing their normal operating tasks and checks.

With the use of combiner devices that divide the safety circuit in multiple branches, you can create any ARM SYSTEM configuration to suit the setup of your SFX system. Furthermore, the ARM SYSTEM can be extended with additional control and signaling devices, such as an external emergency stop.

ARM SYSTEM components

Product name optional Application Product code
ARM CONTROLLER   Arm/disarm Emergency stop Reset ARM SYSTEM MFX3220
E-STOP x External emergency stop MFX3222
BEACON x Additional arm/disarm signaling MFX3221
COMBINER BOX x Split ARM signal in two lines Boost ARM signal

Combine DMX and ARM signal

| MFX3225
COMBINER 19” RACK| x| Split ARM signal in multiple lines Boost ARM signal

Combine DMX and ARM signal

| MFX3224

The ARM SYSTEM is only compatible with SFX machines that are manufactured by MAGIC FX, and that have EtherCON connectors for ARM input/output. If you’re unsure if a machine is suited for safety control through ARM, please check the corresponding user and installation manual, or contact MAGIC FX.



Signal strength
Similar to DMX, the ARM signal has signal loss due to resistance in the wire and in the equipment. The maximum number of attached devices is limited to 32 and a line of ARM (EtherCON) cables should not be longer than 300 meters. Use a combiner device to boost the signal if needed, see Section 3.3 ‘Combine, split and boost options’.


  • Only use compatible machines, components and accessories.
  • The ARM SYSTEM is dedicated to be integrated into a complete SFX system. Always perform a proper risk assessment of the complete SFX system and develop a risk reduction strategy for each event.
  • Make sure that each ARM component and SFX machine in your SFX system is correctly installed in compliance with the instructions from the associated user and installation manuals from MAGIC FX.
  • Make sure that you properly instruct all on-site personnel how they safely operate or interact with the ARM SYSTEM as configured for the event.
  • Make sure that all on-site personnel who operate or interact with the ARM SYSTEM and the connected SFX machines, are familiar with the safety instructions of each component and machine.
  • Make sure that the ARM SYSTEM is always tested and validated at the site before an event takes place.
  • Make sure that the entire implementation including the ARM SYSTEM complies with all relevant local, national and international laws and regulations.

System configuration

This chapter will help you to design an ARM SYSTEM configuration that suits your SFX setup and risk reduction strategy. You will learn:

  • How you divide your SFX setup in the necessary safety groups.
  • Which control and signaling devices you need.
  • How you can combine the DMX and ARM signal in one cable.
  • How you can split the ARM signal in multiple lines.

For detailed schemes of example setups, refer to Appendix 1 of this document.


Depending on the scale and complexity of your SFX setup and your assessment of the related risks, you must decide how many independent ARM SYSTEMs are required. Each of these safety groups will have their own ARM CONTROLLER and safety circuit. As a result, arm/disarm and emergency stop operations in ARM SYSTEM ‘A’ will not affect the SFX machines that are connected in ARM SYSTEM ‘B’. Take note of the considerations below.

Consider to divide your SFX machines into separate ARM SYSTEMs, depending on their location, for example a barrier line group and a stage group. When an emergency stop is pressed to stop or prevent a hazardous situation at the barrier line, only the SFX machines in the barrier line are stopped, and SFX machines on stage will continue to operate.

Consider to divide your SFX machines into separate ARM SYSTEMs, depending on the situation of the operator. An emergency stop operator might have a limited view on the SFX machines from their position. Configure your safety groups in such a way that operators only control the emergency stop for SFX machines that are visible to them, and/or add additional E-STOPs for assistant operators (spotters).

Consider to divide your SFX machines into separate ARM SYSTEMs, depending on their role in your SFX setup. A logical approach is to create a separate ARM SYSTEM for each group of SFX machines that are identical and are operated simultaneously. For example, create a FLAMEBLAZER group and a STADIUM SHOT group. When an emergency stop is pressed to stop or prevent a hazardous situation with one of your FLAMEBLAZERs, only the FLAMEBLAZERs are stopped, and the STADIUM SHOTs will continue to operate.


Each ARM SYSTEM has one ARM CONTROLLER, containing the arm/disarm key switch, a reset button and an emergency stop button. Always position the ARM CONTROLLER within reach of the main SFX operator. More than one ARM CONTROLLER in the same ARM SYSTEM circuit is not possible. However, you can add additional control and signaling devices in the ARM SYSTEM circuit: The E-STOP and the BEACON.

The E-STOP is an external emergency stop button that has the same functionality as the emergency stop button on the ARM CONTROLLER. Consider to add E-STOPs when your risk assessment shows that a single operator at the ARM CONTROLLER position is not sufficient. For example, when the view of the main SFX operator on a certain SFX machine is bad or blocked. Make sure that the E-STOP is within reach of a qualified assistant operator (spotter). For examples of where to place E-STOPs, refer to the example setups in Appendix 1.

The BEACON is a flashing signal light that warns any nearby personnel that the SFX machines are armed and ready to fire. Consider to add BEACONs when your risk assessment shows that personnel might accidently step into the safety zone of a SFX machine that’s armed. For examples of where to place BEACONs, refer to the example setups in Appendix 1.

You can equip the ARM SYSTEM with components that can split and/or boost the ARM signal, or combine the DMX signal and ARM signal. Splitting the ARM signal into multiple lines helps you to create any desired ARM SYSTEM configuration. Combining the DMX signal and ARM signal will reduce the number of cables you need. Boosting of the ARM signal is required to overcome signal loss over long cable runs. In many SFX setups, the DMX signal over XLR and the ARM signal over EtherCON will (partly) share wiring routes, thus connecting SFX machines in the same groups and order. In that case, you can reduce the number of cables needed by combining the DMX signal and ARM signal. The combined output runs over ARM data (EtherCON) cables.B Study each of the following components and accessories to learn about their capabilities.

The DMX INJECTOR is a dedicated cable that feeds the DMX signal into the ARM CONTROLLER. In the outgoing cable from the ARM CONTROLLER the DMX and ARM signal are combined.


  1. The COMBINER BOX is a spltter and booster device for the safety signal of the ARM SYSTEM. The COMBINER BOX acts as a slave of the connected ARM CONTROLLER which is the master of the safety line.
  2. The COMBINER BOX is also capable of combining the ARM signal input with a DMX signal, into a DMX+ARM output. Furthermore, it provides a boosted output signal to overcome signal loss over long cable runs.

See the following configuration options.

  • Use the COMBINER BOX to split the ARM signal into a master line and a slave line. The slave signal is also boosted in this setup.MAGIC-FX-pART02323-Mind-Blowing-Special-Effects-fig- \(3\)
  • Use a dedicated COMBINER BOX to boost the ARM signal.
  • Use the COMBINER BOX to combine the DMX signal and the ARM signal.MAGIC-FX-pART02323-Mind-Blowing-Special-Effects-fig- \(5\)

For detailed schemes of example setups, refer to Appendix 1 of this document.

Similar to the COMBINER BOX, the COMBINER 19” RACK can split and boost the ARM signal, and is capable of combining the ARM signal with a DMX signal. The COMBINER 19” RACK is equipped with four (2×2) outputs and is easy to combine with a DMX splitter.


Software settings
Make sure that the DMX/RDM settings on each SFX machine matches your wiring setup. If the DMX signal runs separately over 5-pole XLR cables, make sure that XLR is selected as DMX INPUT in the menu. If a combined DMX and ARM signal runs over the ARM data (EtherCON) cables, make sure that ARM is selected as DMX INPUT in the menu.


Cables and terminators
The safety signal of the ARM SYSTEM is transported with EtherCON cables and flows in both directions. For a working ARM SYSTEM, terminators are required to create a loop at the end of each line.

Special-Effects-fig- \(9\)

Appendix 1: Example setups

  • Setup one
    In this setup, the DMX and ARM cables are separated. This makes it easy to add low risk SFX machines to the same control line. This setup also allows to position the ARM CONTROLLER close to the SFX machines.MAGIC-FX-pART02323
-Mind-Blowing-Special-Effects-fig- \(10\)

  • Setup two
    In this setup, the DMX INJECTOR feeds the DMX signal into the ARM CONTROLLER. In the outgoing cable from the ARM CONTROLLER the DMX and ARM signal are combined, reducing the number of cables needed.MAGIC-FX-pART02323-Mind-
Blowing-Special-Effects-fig- \(11\)

  • Setup three
    In this setup, the COMBINER BOX combines the DMX signal from the DMX CONTROLLER and the ARM signal from the ARM CONTROLLER. In the outgoing cable from the ARM CONTROLLER the DMX signal and ARM signal are combined, reducing the number of cables.MAGIC-FX-pART02323-Mind-Blowing-Special-Effects-fig-

  • Setup four
    In this setup two COMBINER BOXes are used to create two output lines, for example stage left and stage right.MAGIC-FX-pART02323-Mind-Blowing-Special-
Effects-fig- \(13\)

  • Setup five
    In this setup, a COMBINER 19″ RACK is combined with a DMX SPLITTER to split the combined DMX and ARM signal in multiple lines for easy distribution .MAGIC-FX-pART02323-Mind-Blowing-Special-Effects-fig-

  • Setup six
    This setup is similar to SETUP FIVE, but has a second ARM SYSTEM. This is applicable for a big setup that requires two SFX safety groups, for example a flames group (ARM CONTROLLER 1) and a stadium shot group (ARM CONTROLLER 2 ).MAGIC-FX-pART02323-Mind-Blowing-Special-Effects-fig-



Can the ARM SYSTEM be used by non-professionals?

The ARM SYSTEM is designed for qualified professionals in the event industry who have expertise in configuring and applying SFX systems. It is not recommended for non-professionals due to the complexity involved.

How can I report errors or inaccuracies in the manual?

If you detect any errors or inaccuracies in the manual, please inform us. Your feedback helps us improve our documentation and ensure accurate information is provided.


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