FRICO FCDF Control System FC For Fan Heaters User Guide

June 14, 2024

FRICO FCDF Control System FC For Fan Heaters


Product Information

FC Frico Control FH Specifications:

  • Control System Types: FCDF, FCSF, FCPF, FCBF
  • Description:
    • FCDF: FC Direct, first-level control system
    • FCSF: FC Smart, second-level control system
    • FCPF: FC Pro, third-level control system
    • FCBF: FC Building, BMS system
  • Control System Content and Accessories:
    • FCRTX: External room temperature sensor
    • FCOTX: Outdoor temperature sensor
    • FCLAP: Local access point for extra wireless sensors and extended range
    • FCSC10: Extra communication cable, 10 m
    • FCSC25: Extra communication cable, 25 m
    • FCBC10: Extra sensor cable, 10 m
    • FCBC25: Extra sensor cable, 25 m
    • *FCTXRF:** Indoor/outdoor wireless sensor (for FC Smart, FC Pro)
    • FCWTA: Return water temperature sensor
    • FCBAP: Building access point
  • Dimensions:
    • FCCF Control Panel: 89x89x26 mm
    • FCTXRF Wireless Sensor: 39x39x23 mm
    • FCLAP Local Access Point: 89x89x26 mm

Product Usage Instructions


To use the FC Frico Control FH, follow these steps:

  1. Install the fan heater in the desired location according to the fan heater user manual.
  2. Supplement the fan heater with an FC control system.
  3. Choose the appropriate FC control system type (FCDF, FCSF, FCPF, FCBF) based on your requirements.
  4. If additional components are required, refer to the control system content and accessories section for details.
  5. Install the control panel (FCCF) in a suitable location near the fan heater.
  6. Connect the control panel to the fan heater using the provided communication cables.
  7. If using wireless sensors, set up the wireless sensor as either an outdoor or indoor sensor using the switch inside the sensor.
  8. Ensure all connections are secure and properly insulated.
  9. Refer to the setup guide for configuring the control system.


Once the FC Frico Control FH is installed, follow these steps to operate it:

  1. Use the control panel (FCCF) to set the desired temperature and other settings.
  2. The control system will regulate the fan heater based on the temperature readings from the sensors.
  3. Monitor the system and make adjustments as needed using the control panel.


To ensure optimal performance and longevity of the FC Frico Control FH, follow these maintenance guidelines:

  1. Regularly clean the control panel and sensors using a soft cloth.
  2. Check the connections between the control panel and the fan heater for any signs of damage or loose connections.
  3. Inspect the communication and sensor cables for any signs of wear or damage.
  4. Replace any damaged components or cables as necessary.
  5. Refer to the user manual for any additional maintenance instructions specific to your fan heater model.


Q: What is the purpose of the FC control system?

  • The FC control system helps to create smart and energy-saving features for the fan heater. It allows for temperature regulation, customization, and expansion of the system.

Q: Can I use wireless sensors with the FC Frico Control FH?

  • Yes, you can use wireless sensors with the FC Frico Control FH. The FC Smart and FC Pro control systems support indoor/outdoor wireless sensors.

Q: How do I set up the wireless sensor as an outdoor or indoor sensor?

  • The wireless sensor can be set up as an outdoor or indoor sensor by using the switch inside the sensor. Refer to the wireless sensor’s user manual for detailed instructions.

FC Control system

  • The fan heater must be supplemented with an FC control system.
  • FC Control system helps to create many smart and energy-saving features.
  • In addition to our four packages, components can be added to expand and customize the system.FRICO-FCDF-Control-System-FC-For-Fan-Heaters-fig-1
Item number Type Description
74688 FCDF FC Direct, first-level control system
74689 FCSF FC Smart, second-level control system
74690 FCPF FC Pro, third-level control system
74691 FCBF FC Building, BMS system
  • FCRTX IP20
  • FCOTX IP44
  • FCLAP IP44
  • FCWTA IP65
  • FCBAP IP44

Control system content and accessories


Item number Type Description Dimensions
74694 FCRTX External room temperature sensor 39x39x23 mm
74695 FCOTX Outdoor temperature sensor 39x39x23 mm
74699 FCLAP Local access point for extra wireless sensors and extended
range 89x89x26 mm
74718 FCBC05 Extra communication cable, 5 m 5 m
74719 FCBC10 Extra communication cable, 10 m 10 m
74720 FCBC25 Extra communication cable, 25 m 25 m
74721 FCSC10 Extra sensor cable, 10 m 10 m
74722 FCSC25 Extra sensor cable, 25 m 25 m
74703 **FCTXRF*** Indoor/outdoor wireless sensor (for FC Smart, FC Pro)

89x89x26 mm
74702| FCWTA| Return water temperature sensor|
74700| FCBAP| Building access point| 149x149x43 mm

FC Direct – FCDFFRICO-FCDF-Control-System-FC-For-Fan-Heaters-

FC Smart – FCSFFRICO-FCDF-Control-System-FC-For-Fan-Heaters-

FC Pro – FCPFFRICO-FCDF-Control-System-FC-For-Fan-Heaters-

FC Building – FCBAFRICO-FCDF-Control-System-FC-For-Fan-Heaters-

Termination at PC Board

  • To reduce the risk of interference, the communication BUS should be terminated at each end, i.e. in the units that are located at the start and the end of the BUS respectively.
  • On delivery, all buses are pre-connected with a 120 Ohm resistor between terminals HI and LO on BUS2. When making further connections, remove the resistor.
  • As an alternative to resistance, the termination switch on the board can be set to the “ON” position.

Start up

  1. Check that all components and accessories are enclosed.
  2. Assemble and connect the system, consult wiring diagrams.
  3. Power-up the system.
  4. The system automatically identifies all components, even when they are added at a later stage.
  5. Connecting a new product must always be made with the power off.

System solution

  • A system consists of a control panel, FCCF, as well as an optional number (1-63) of units (air curtains, fan heaters, access points, or control panels) and sensors. The set-point temperature and the fan settings for the system are selected on the control panel.
  • The control panel houses a built-in temperature sensor that can be used, alternatively, the products or zones are fitted with external room temperature sensors that have better sensor positioning for local temperature control.
  • A. Zone without external room sensors
    • The control panel’s temperature sensor controls all products.
  • B. Zone with one external room sensor
    • One external room temperature sensor in the system controls all products.
  • C. Zone with several products with external room sensors connected to each product
    • External room temperature sensors control each product.
    • D. Zone with several products, of which, at least two products have external room sensors and at least one product does not have an external room sensor
    • External room temperature sensors control each product it is connected to. Products without sensors are controlled by the control panel’s temperature sensor.

Heating blocked dependent on outdoor temperature

  • With outdoor temperature information (FCOTX / FCTXRF / outdoor temperature signal in FCBAP), heating is automatically blocked when the outdoor temperature exceeds 15 °C.
  • The set point can be changed and this function can be deactivated, see Settings.

Control panel



  1. Increase
  2. Decrease
  3. Menu / OK / Confirm
  4. Fan
  5. Cancel / Back and 5 appear after pressing twice on the menu button.
    • Screen
  6. Current room temperature (standby mode) / Set point temperature (active mode) Indicators
  7. Operating mode
  8. Status

Indicator Operating Mode (left-hand LED)

Colour (LED) Operating mode
OFF Normal mode
White Comfort mode
White flashing Comfort mode – temporary
Green Reduced (night mode)
Green flashing Reduced (night mode) – temporary
Orange Timer (activated in-app)
Purple Saving mode (activated in-app)
Cyan Presence mode (activated in-app)
  • During start-up, the text Inlt appears on the screen, and then the current room temperature is displayed.
  • When the screen is in standby mode, the light intensity is reduced. Pressing any button will simply display the set point temperature.
  • The FC control is delivered with preset values. The preset set point temperature is 21 °C and can be easily adjusted using the up/down arrows.

Indicator Status (right-hand LED)

Colour (LED) Status
White Heat on
OFF Heat off
Red flashing Alarm
Purple Heating blocking

Display lock

The app FRICO CONTROL is available for both iOS and Android.

Fan menu

  • Press twice to activate the keypad and hidden buttons.
  • Press and hold for 2 seconds.
  • Browse between the menu options.
  • Confirm or
  • Exit without saving
  • See the table below for the possible choices.

User menu

  • Press to activate the keypad.
  • Press and hold for 2 seconds.

Home screen

  • Browse between the menu options.
  • Confirm or
  • Exit without saving
  • See the table on the following page for the possible choices.

Fan menu

Menu options Functions Default settings Description
FAnH Maximum fan speed in Auto mode. 100 or 3 (100% or step 3)

Increase/decrease with the up/down

arrow. Confirm with OK.

FAnL| Minimum fan speed in Auto mode.| 0| Increase/decrease with the up/down

arrow. Confirm with OK.

then| The thermostat also controls the fan. The fan runs continuously or only when heating.| On| In Auto fan mode;

“On” = Fan is off when there is no need for heat

“Off” = Fan runs at set “minimum fan speed” (FAnL), when there is no need for heat.

 |  |  | In Manual fan mode;

“On” = Fan is off when there is no need for heat.

“Off” = Fan always runs at the set fan speed, regardless if there is a need for heat or not.

User menu

Menu options Functions Default settings Description
Date For week program.

Set the following:

– year

– month

– day

– time (00:00)

| –| Increase/decrease with the up/down arrow. Confirm each step with OK.
tHi| For week program. Set the desired room temperature (set point temperature) for comfort mode.| 21 °C| Increase/decrease with the up/down

arrow. Confirm with OK.

to| For week program. Set the desired room temperature (set point temperature) for reduced mode.| 18 °C| Increase/decrease with the up/down

arrow. Confirm with OK.

Prog| For the weekly program, see a separate section.| (off) (function not activated)| Switch between (OFF) and P1-P9 with an up/down arrow. Confirm with OK.
HEAt| Switch heating on/off.| On (on)| Switch between (On) and (OFF) with

an up/down arrow. Confirm with OK.

AL A| Display active alarm.| –| Switch between alarms with an up/ down arrow. To see the serial number for an alarm, press OK. If no alarm: no A.
AL H| Display alarm history.| –| Switch between alarms with an up/ down arrow. To see the serial number for an alarm, press OK. If no alarm: no A.
OFF| Switch off the system.| –| To switch off the system, select (OFF) using OK. Wait 10 sec.

The system is then switched on by pressing OK and selecting (On) with an up/down arrow and confirming with OK.

SEt| Change settings, see separate section Settings.| –|
CLr| Factory reset. Resets values to factory settings.| –| Press OK. Select (YES), by keeping OK depressed for 2 seconds (countdown).
LAP| Pairing with local access point. Follow the setup guide in the mobile app to pair it with the FC system.| –| Press OK. A pairing period of 120 s starts.

Week program

  • The FC has nine preset weekly programs (P1-P9) and one customized (P0). A customized program is possible via FC Smart and FC Pro through the mobile app.

To activate the weekly program, the following must be set in the user menu:

  • Date (date)
  • Temperature, comfort mode (tHi)
  • Temperature, reduced mode (tLo)
  • The adaptive start function allows the control to learn when it needs to start to attain a given set point temperature at a given time of the day in the environment in which it is used. This function can be deactivated (see Settings menu).

Preset programs

  Description Comfort mode *****
P1 Residence Mon-Fri:

17 – 22

 |  | Sat-Sun:| 07 – 23
P2| Residence, late| Mon-Fri:| 06:30 – 10

19 – 23:30

 |  | Sat-Sun:| 07:30 – 23:30
P3| Residence, short| Mon-Fri:| 06 – 09

16 – 23

 |  | Sat-Sun:| 07 – 23
P4| Residence, day only| Mon-Sun:| 06 – 22
P5| Weekend| Fri:| 17 – 23
 |  | Sat-Sun:| 07 – 23
P6| Office| Mon-Fri:| 06 – 18
P7| Office, late| Mon-Fri:| 09 – 21
P8| Shop, late| Mon-Fri:| 09 – 22
 |  | Sat-Sun:| 09 – 20
P9| Shop| Mon-Fri:| 09 – 18
 |  | Sat-Sun:| 09 – 14

  • Other times: Reduced (night mode)

Setting week programs

  • The weekly program is selected and activated in the User Menu:
  • Press to activate the keypad.
  • Press and hold for 2 seconds.
  • Browse to Prog.
  • Confirm

Selection of preset program P0/P1 – P9

  • Select P0/P1-P9.
  • Confirm to start the program.

Temporarily override the weekly program

  • It is easy to temporarily disregard the set point temperature which is preset in the weekly program.
  • Set the desired temporary set point temperature.
  • Confirm
  • The temporary set point temperature will apply until the next program step.

Power failure

  • Note! A power loss longer than 7 days may require an adjustment of time and date.
  • The week program is affected if the clock is not correctly set.


Settings are changed in User Menu:

  • Press to activate keypad.
  • Press and hold for 2 seconds.
  • Browse to SEt.
  • Confirm
  • Enter password using up/down arrows, confirm each digit with OK. Password: 1932.
  • Enter the number for the setting that will be changed using up/down arrows, confirm each digit with OK. See table.
  • Select desired value according to table.
  • Confirm

Settings – General

# Functions Default settings Description
438 Daylight saving/summer time and winter time. 1 (function
activated) 0 (function not activated) / 1 (function activated) Automatic time

696| Outlet temperature limit|  | Sets the desired maximum air outlet temperature.

Settings – Outdoor temperature sensor, requires FCOTX / FCTXRF / outdoor signal from FCBAP

# Functions Default settings Description
374 Outdoor temperature heat blocking 1 (enabled) 0 (disabled) / 1


If enabled, the heat is blocked when temperature exceeds the set point #376.

376| Outdoor temperature heat blocking – set point| 150 (15.0 °C)| Set point for Outdoor temperature heat blocking in

0.1 °C.

Settings – Water heated fan heater

# Functions Default settings Description
747 Bypass 1 (enabled) 0 (disabled) / 1 (enabled)

Allows time controlled or temperature controlled bleeding. Requires return water temperature sensor and mobile app.

741| Bypass temperature set point – WTA| 300 (30.0 °C)| 0-50 °C
760| Return water temperature control| 0 (disabled)| 0 (disabled) / 1 (enabled)

Controls the return water temperature. Requires return water temperature sensor and mobile app.

757| Return water temperature limit| 500 (50.0 °C)| 15-90 °C

Sets the desired maximum return water temperature. Requires return water temperature sensor and mobile app.

Reset alarm

  • To reset manually, press X for 2 seconds where the serial number for an alarm is displayed (see User Menu). The majority of the alarms reset automatically, once the problem is corrected.
  • The last four digits of the serial number for the faulty product, can be found on the data label on the outside of each FC component or on the PC-board inside the fan heater.


Error code Cause Action
A 1 Control panel communication error •    Check the connections.

•    If the alarm persists after resetting, contact Frico.

A 5| Contact lost with one or several units in the system| •    If the component is removed intentionally, the alarm must be reset manually. See previous page.

•    Check the connections.

•    The alarm resets automatically, if the component is detected again.

•    If the alarm persists after resetting, contact Frico.

A 7| External room temperature sensor fault| •    Check the connections.

•    If the alarm persists after resetting, contact Frico.

A 8| Contact lost with external room temperature sensor FCRTX| •    If the component is removed intentionally, the alarm must be reset manually. See previous page.

•    Check the connections.

•    The alarm resets automatically, if the component is detected again.

•    If the alarm persists after resetting, contact Frico.

A 9| Fault on the control panel’s temperature sensor| •    Check the connections.

•    If the alarm persists after resetting, contact Frico.

A 10| Incorrect sensor connection
A 11| Outdoor temperature sensor fault
A 12| Contact lost with outdoor temperature sensor FCOTX| •    If the component is removed intentionally, the alarm must be reset manually. See previous page.

•    Check the connections.

•    The alarm resets automatically, if the component is detected again.

•    If the alarm persists after resetting, contact Frico.

A 15| Return water temperature sensor fault| •    Check the connections.

•    If the alarm persists after resetting, contact Frico.

Error code Cause Action
A 16 Contact lost with return water temperature sensor, FCWTA •    If

the component is removed intentionally, the alarm must be reset manually. See previous page.

•    Check the connections.

•    The alarm resets automatically, if the component is detected again.

•    If the alarm persists after resetting, contact Frico.

A 17| No room temperature sensor in the system| Connect a room temperature sensor or a control panel to the system.
A 18| Overheat alarm electrical| Check the reason for overheating. Make sure that the air inlet is not blocked.
A 19| Frost protection alarm| Ensure that the heating is on and working.
A 20| Frost protection alarm from return water temperature sensor.
A 21| Contact lost with RF sensor, FCTXRF| Check the batteries. If low, replace them. If the batteries are ok, check the local access point.
A 23| RF sensor out of batteries.| Replace the batteries.
A 25| No water heat| Check the water supply temperature and


A 26| No electrical heat| Check the electrical supply. Check the overheat protection, see manual for the air curtain.
A 27| Filter alarm – timer| Clean the filter.

Reset the alarm manually.

A 33| Motor alarm| Determine which fan is not functioning and replace it.
A 37| Parameter error| Contact Frico.
A 38| Outlet sensor missing| Check the sensor connections.
A 39| Inlet sensor missing

  • When error codes are displayed, the system continues to operate with the components that are functioning.
  • If all room temperature sensors, including the temperature sensor in the control panel, have lost contact, the system will run at 25% heat output.
  • If the problems continue, please contact Frico for support.
  • Main offi ce
  • Frico AB Tel: +46 31 336 86 00
  • Industrivägen 41
  • SE-433 61 Sä
  • For latest updated information and information about your local


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