NTANEPBOXTA31-10-2022 Emergency Telephone For Lifts Owner’s Manual

June 13, 2024

Table of Contents

NTANEPBOXTA31-10-2022 Emergency Telephone For Lifts


Product Information

The ANEP BOX TA is an emergency telephone and intercom system designed for use in lifts (elevators). It complies with current regulations and provides a remote alarm system that allows passengers trapped in the cabin or technicians trapped in the shaft to establish voice communication with an alarm reception center or emergency service by pressing an alarm button. The module is installed on the roof of the elevator, and additional modules can be connected to create alarm points in the cabin, under the cabin, or in the pit.

Connections & Peripherals

The BOX TA module has various connections and peripherals, including:

  • BP CABIN ALARM (Normally Open or Normally Closed)
  • BP AL. E1 E2 E3 E4
  • TA TX
  • To Y/G LEDs
  • Under-cabin voice (BOX-SC)
  • CABIN ROOF [variant] (BIM-TORON)
  • TEST
  • BOX-DISCRI (optional)
  • Cabin phone (MIDIS BP)
  • SECTOR 230Vac (cables supplied with ANEP phony)

Product Usage Instructions


Before commissioning, make sure to fulfill the prerequisites. Connect the pendant cable and proceed with the installation and connections according to the provided instructions.


By default, the module comes with factory settings. To modify the programming settings, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the programming mode
  2. Exit programming mode
  3. Modify the programming access code
  4. Choose the telephone network (analog mode or GSM mode)
  5. Program the transmitter number (or identifier or PROM)
  6. Address the module number for group addressing on analog line or GSM gateway
  7. Configure the communication protocol
  8. Set the alarm identification method
  9. Program the desired telephone numbers


The following operations can be performed using the ANEP BOX TA module:

  • Cabin alarm test
  • Cabin roof technician alarm
  • Automatic hang-up in voice mode
  • Call number sequences in standard mode or dual call mode



The ANEP BOX TA module is a remote alarm system for elevators and elevators that complies with current regulations, enabling any passenger trapped in the cabin (or technician trapped in the shaft) to establish voice communication with an alarm reception center or emergency service at the touch of an alarm button.

The operator receiving the call can then identify the source of the call, advise the person on what to do, and send an authorized technician to free the passenger as quickly as possible. The ANEP BOX TA module is installed on the roof of the elevator, and optional modules can be connected to it to create alarm points in the cabin, under the cabin or in the pit.

Technical specifications


  • Elevators, goods elevators, elevators, etc…
  • BOX TA module, cabin roof mounting,
  • In-cab and under-cab voice modules.


  • Complies with European standards EN81-28 and EN81-70 (2003 and 2018)
  • Complies with directive 95/16/CE,
  • Compliant with ETSI ES 203 021-1 v2.1.1 (2005-06)


  • Connection to analog telephone line or GSM gateway (private branch exchange possible)
  • Telephone line-backed triphonic remote alarm function (remote alarm power supply)
  • Multi-frequency dialing mode,
  • Automatic pick-up.


  • Integrated or remote voice modules,
  • Triphonic functions by adding BOX-SC or BOX-C modules,
  • Cabin user alarm discrimination,
  • Acknowledgement of blocked person alarm,
  • Cabin roof technician alarm.


For functions:

  • Yellow & green pictograms,
  • Hearing loop (BIM),
  • Emergency lighting,



  • 6 telephone number memories,
  • Automatic redial of three numbers in case of busy or no answer,
  • Dual call (alarm termination to two correspondents),
  • Cyclic test, (1, 2 or 3 days),
  • Non-volatile memory (EEprom) with no batteries or maintenance.


  • Programming keypad (12 keys)
  • Local or remote programming via ANEPcenter®,
  • Automatic or manual adjustment of volumes and acoustics.


  • Machinery to duct, (BOX-M module added)
  • From main landing to phone booth (addition of fireman’s square module).

BOX TA connections & peripherals



Choice of telephone network

  • Switched telephone network (analog PSTN),
  • GSM Gateway,
  • Autocom mode.

The choice of network affects the following functions:

  • GSM Gateway battery charge information (PG1, PGU models only),
  • Loudspeaker and microphone phonics control,
  • Secure data transfer to a reception center

Autocom mode enables the TA module to operate with most autocoms, but does not guarantee operation with ALL autocoms on the market.

This mode enables:

  • Numbering with quiescent line voltages between 20 and 28V,
  • Off-hook if the ringing train is longer than 400ms.

The BOX TA module is compatible by default with the various analog telephone networks of European countries (PSTN or RTC). Only the United Kingdom (UK) requires specific programming of the TA module.

Cabin alarm

Cabin alarm discrimination

  • Alarm discrimination is used to prevent untimely and unfounded cabin alarms from being transmitted as a result of misuse or malicious intent.
  • A maximum voltage of 5Vdc to 230Vac applied to the -DISCRI- input of the BOX TA module disables the start of all cabin alarms.
  • Note: The discrimination function is only available if the end of alarm has been executed locally or remotely.

Operation of the Yellow and Green LEDs [STANDARDS 2003 and 2018].

  • 2003 STANDARD (by default)
    • During dialing (prerecorded number), the green and yellow LEDs light up alternately, then only the yellow LED remains lit.


  • The yellow LED stays on during the call..
  • Yellow and green LEDs flash alternately every second when cyclic test not acknowledged within one hour of non-receipt.
  • Flashing stops either on receipt of an end of alarm or on receipt of a cyclic test..

Discrimination according to EN81-28


  • Using the BOX DISCRI add-on module installed in the machinery, discrimination analysis complies with EN81.28.

Simple discrimination

  • It is possible to create a simplified discrimination system using autonomous information on the end of cabin door opening.

Note: Make sure the cabin door cannot be opened automatically or manually.

  • If the cabin is blocked between floors and the user forces and opens the cabin doors manually, the alarm will be discriminated.

Forced alarm (Safety of blocked user) (STANDARD EN 81-28 of 2018)

  • If there is no cabin alarm in progress and discrimination is valid, the cabin alarm can still be triggered if the key is held down for the programmed delay time. By default, the value is approximately 30 seconds.

Sound level settings

Depending on local installation conditions, it is possible to adapt the sound levels and microphone/loudspeaker toggle of the three BOX TA alarm points (on- cab, in-cab and under-cab). Settings are made using the BOX TA keypad, either off-line or during voice communication.

Setting the DTMF code transmission level

  • DTMF code transmission power can be adjusted to match the sensitivity of different manufacturers’ front-ends. The default setting is -8 dBm.

Alarm communication time

When an alarm is triggered, the call duration can be adjusted. This talk time can be set from 1 to 99 minutes (factory setting = 3 minutes). Long voice communication times can have a negative impact on the call cycle of different telephone numbers:

  • for double calls,
  • on completion of a message with acknowledgement mode programmed

Operator acquittal

  • When this function is enabled, the alarm must be acknowledged by the reception center operator, by dialing «#» and «1» on the telephone keypad during voice communication.
  • If this acknowledgment operation is not performed, the entire call cycle for the programmed numbers will be carried out.

Cabin speaker and microphone test

  • The operator can remotely check that the cab’s loudspeaker & microphone are working properly, at his request via the telephone line.
  • This test is used to test the loudspeaker/microphone unit of the cab phone system (Faceplate phone system or BOX-BA phone system). The test consists of emitting a 1 kHz frequency for 4 seconds into the loudspeaker, collecting it in the microphone, and allowing the operator to hear it on the telephone line.

End of alarm


  • A cabin alarm can only be terminated if a cabin alarm has already been triggered. When the technician presses the green button on the TA module, the alarm is terminated.


ANEP-BOX TA integrates the «End of user alarm triggered remotely» function. (Standard EN81- 28)

  • The order is issued by the call center operator via ANEPCenter when a «User alarm blocked in cabin» has not been followed by an «End of alarm» by the on-site technician.the call center calls the BOX TA to give the instruction to close the user alarm.the TA
  • module calls the center back to inform it of the «correct» execution of the instruction and thus ensure the complete chain of alarm operation.
  • This function is not available if the ANEP BOX TA telephone line is outgoing only. After receiving this order from ANEPCenter, the BOX generates a new call with the title :
    • « Appearance: End of remote alarm »
  • The call is forwarded to a central reception unit (Telephone 104 memory)

Periodic call

  • In compliance with standard EN81-28, the BOX TA module performs an automatic periodic test (adjustable from 1 to 3 days maximum) to ensure that the emergency call device is working properly..

Listening to data transfer

  • To let the technician working on the elevator know that the BOX TA is communicating with a central receiver, all data exchanges are audible (low level) through the BOX TA loudspeaker.

IMPORTANT: No action possible (during programming) on the BOX TA keypad during the communication phase.

Automatic hang-up

  • On alarm :
    • Hang-up occurs automatically when the telephone line is busy or when the call time has expired.
    • The BOX TA module emits a melody 10 seconds before the end of the call.
  • On Data transfer :
    • The call is automatically terminated at the end of the Data dialogue..

12V & Battery Control

If ALIM-CONTROL II present and 12V control function enabled :

  • The fault is transmitted after detection of a voltage below 8V for 10 minutes..
  • Fault clearance is transmitted after detection of a voltage greater than 8V for 10 minutes..

If other power supply present and 12V control function enabled:

  • The fault is transmitted after an absence of 12V voltage for 10 minutes..
  • The disappearance of the fault is transmitted after the presence of 12V voltage for 10 minutes..
  • By default, the 12V control function is enabled..

Battery check if Alim-Control present

  • At the time of the cyclic call, the ANEP BOX TA module tests for the presence of 12V or battery if ALIM-CONTROL II is connected..
  • If no voltage is present, a «Daily with Fault» call is transmitted. In all other cases, the call will be a normal daily «Periodic Test» call.

Battery control GSM gateway ANEP models PG1, PGU, P3GU and P4GU

  • PG1, PGU, P3GU or P4GU gateways regularly check their battery, and in the event of a fault, the information is transmitted to the BOX TA module (main module, if several BOX TA modules are connected to PG1, PGU, P3GU or P4GU gateways)..
  • Once the fault has been detected, the BOX TA module generates a call with the following title:
    • «GSM Battery Fault Appearance».
  • After recharging or replacing the battery, the PG1, PGU, P3GU or P4GU gateway informs the BOX TA module, which generates a call with the following title :
    • «Disappearing: GSM battery fault»

P100 protocol

  • By default, the ANEP data transfer protocol (Data) is enabled (alarm location identification, date, time, cyclic test, faults, etc.).
  • The BOX TA module can be programmed to carry out these data transfers in the simplified P100 protocol format, enabling reception to a reception center equipped with this protocol.

Intercom Fire machinery

  • The BOX TA module can be combined with the BOX-M module, adding intercom functionality between the machine room and the cab. The cab roof module and cab phone module become intercom points without any modification to the cab equipment.


Before working with ANEP equipment, make sure it is de-energized.

Prerequisites before commissioning

The operation of telephone equipment depends largely on the characteristics of the telephone line. Particular care must be taken to ensure that the telephone line is routed in such a way as not to degrade standard technical characteristics.. Check the wiring, especially if it connects several elevator machines.

  • Cable type,
  • Cable routing (low/high current),
  • Parasites (VMC, generators),
  • Etc…

It is essential to connect all peripherals BEFORE connecting the telephone line:

  • Cabin alarm button.
  • Cabin faceplate.
  • Under-cabin voice
  • Telephone line (after 3 sec. the TA module generates one or more initialization beeps, depending on the module number)
  • Backup 12V power supply (if hearing magnetic loop and Yellow/Green LEDs)

Pendant cable

  • We advise you to fit the elevator with a shielded pendant cable to ensure excellent voice quality, and to avoid any disturbances that could lead to malfunctions.

Installation / Connections

The BOX TA module is installed (4 screws) on the roof of the elevator car, and must be connected to the various peripheral modules according to the desired options.

  • Cabin telephony (faceplate or remote module),
  • Yellow/Green pictograms,
  • Magnetic loop,
  • Under-cabin voice,
  • 12Vdc power supply,
  • Telephone network.


  • All ANEP-BOX TA module peripherals must be connected before accessing programming mode.
  • (Power supply, telephone line, yellow/green LEDs, magnetic loop, alarm button, discrimination, cab front panel, sub-cab module, etc.)
  • Grouping on a common telephone line.
  • All ANEP-BOX TA and ANEP-BOX C devices connected to the same telephone line must be connected to enable access to programming mode.

Factory settings

The ANEP BOX TA module is delivered with a set of parameters called «Factory Configuration».

Reset settings to zero #001#
Programming code *123
Communication time 3 minutes
Hung up Automatic
Periodic call frequency 3 days
Transmitter number Factory serial number (8 digits, see label on box)
Module number 1
Phone numbers Not programmed (empty memories)
Telephone network Analog telephone line (RTC/PSTN)
Timer Cabin alarm button 0.5 seconds
Bt cabin alarm delay with BOX-DISCRI 25,3 seconds
Operator acquittal Not validated
Y/G indicator management Standard 2003

Programming mode

_ IMPORTANT: _All BOX TA parameter programming requires activation of the programming access code, with the exception of transmitter number programming. (see chapter 4.4)

Access to programming

  • Using the ANEP BOX TA keypad, press the following keys : *123
  • The device emits a melody

Exit programming mode

  • When you have finished programming the device
    • Press the «*»
  • End of programming, the device emits a melody

Note: If no key is pressed for 3 minutes, the device exits programming mode..

The device emits a melody

Programming access code modification

In programming mode:

  • 002 nnnnnnn # nnnnnnn

  • Successively press the #002
  • Enter the new programming code (1 to 7 digits) and «#».
  • Confirm the new programming code (1 to 7 digits) and «#».

Warning: It is important to make a note of the new programmed code, as any loss of it will require the unit to be returned to the factory.

Choice of telephone network

  1. Analog mode
    • Analog mode (PSTN / RTC line)

By default, the BOX TA module is programmed in this analog mode (Public Switched Network.

  After activating the « *** 123» programming access mode**
#404# Analog telephone line (RTC / PSTN) quiescent line voltage = 28V

Analog mode (Autocom private)

  After activating the « *** 123» programming access mode**
#403# Analog telephone line (Autocom private) standby line voltage

between 20V and 28V

GSM mode

  After activating the « *** 123» programming access mode**
#405# Telephone line via GSM gateway
  After activating the « *** 123» programming access mode**
#406# Exit GSM mode and return to telephone line mode, public or

private network

Programming the transmitter number (or Identifier or PROM No. according to name)

  • The TA module identifies itself in data mode (DTMF) by sending an identification code called
    • «Transmitter number»..
  • This number corresponds to the manufacturing serial number of the TA module (8 digits on the label).
  • To enable adaptation to the different databases of the reception centers, this identification number can be modified..

Note: The transmitter number is numeric and has 8 digits. Example: 43 21 15 69

WARNING: modification of the transmitter number does not require prior access to programming

  # 22220 xx xx xx xx # | xx xx xx xx = 8-digit transmitter number

Programming module number addressing

After activating the « *** 123» programming access mode**

# 303 xx #| xx = Module number according to configuration type (see below)

Group addressing on analog telephone line

Several ANEP BOX TA & BOX C modules can be installed on the same telephone line. The maximum configuration may not exceed 8 modules connected to the same telephone line. It is mandatory to configure the address of each module, so that it can be identified by the reception center. In the same way, the reception center must have created the site cards corresponding to the elevators with their module numbers ( depends on line quality and connections).

Configuration 1:  Remote voice in pit with BOX C


Configuration 2:  Remote under-cab voice (BOX-SC)


Telephone line addressing via GSM gateway

  • 4 modules maximum

Configuration 1:  Remote voice in pit with BOX C

Configuration 2:  Remote under-cabin telephony

Communication protocol

The BOX TA module integrates two types of communications protocols :

  • ANEP protocol (default or factory setting) :
    • Open protocol, enabling standardized data transfer for all ANEP-branded equipment
  • Protocole P100 :
    • Open protocol for standardized data transfer between different brands of hardware. This type of protocol does not allow remote programming or setting of the TA module clock. Protocol mainly used for transferring alarm-related information (limited protocol, cannot be used for products with fault and counter transfer)..

After activating the *«123» programming access mode**

# 200 0 #| ANEP protocol selection
# 200 1 #| P100 protocol selection

Alarm identification method

  • The TA module enables precise identification of the alarm site (elevator location) by transferring data to a central unit with automatic identification by «rising plug».

Programming telephone numbers

Table of telephone numbers

#001#| Reset settings to zero|  |
101| User and technician alarm| Data & Phony| Modem or telephone
102| User and technician alarm| Data & Phony| Modem or telephone
103| User and technician alarm| Data & Phony| Modem or telephone
104| End of alarm / Battery PG1 or PGU / 12V| Data| Modem
105| Cyclic test| Data| Modem
106| Alarm & outage info| Data| Modem

Note: To activate the microphone immediately when a voice call is established, add a pause (*) in front of the telephone number programmed for memories 101, 102 and 103..

Example: #101 * 01 45 69 28 00#

Programming telephone numbers

  • Example of programming memory 101.

After activating the « *** 123» programming access mode**

# 101 xxx #| x = telephone number (max. 15 digits).

  • Same for other memories

Programming a pause

  • In the case of systems connected to a private branch exchange, it is often necessary to dial a prefix followed by a pause and the call number..
  • To program a PAUSE (2 seconds), press the « * » key.
  • Example: Pause after prefix 0 (for memory 101) with the number ANEP.

After activating the « *** 123» programming access mode**

# 101 0 *** 01 45 69 28 00 #**| 01 45 69 28 00 = ANEP standard number

Delete a number

  • Same as programming, but without entering a number.
  • Example: Delete number from memory 101.

After activating the « *** 123» programming access mode**

# 101 #| Deleting a number from memory 101

  • Same for other memories
Parameter validation and settings

12V control configuration

After activating the programming access mode

  • 208 # enables 12V control function

  • 209 # disables 12V control function

By default, the 12V control function is enabled..

Cabin alarm button delay

A time delay can be programmed, after which pressing the cabin alarm button will be detected as a real alarm. This feature prevents unwanted alarms (errors, etc.) from being triggered..

After activating the **«* 123» programming access mode**

# 302 n #| n = value in 1/10th of a second (max = 63)

Example: To program 4.5 seconds, enter 45 instead of nn..

Note: In factory configuration, the TA module is programmed to 0.5 seconds..

Blocked person call acknowledgement (EN81-28)

  • When this function is enabled, an alarm call from ANEP BOX TA must be acknowledged by the operator by dialing «#» and «1» on the telephone keypad during voice communication.
  • If this operation is not performed, ANEP BOX TA calls the reception center 6 times. This function ensures that the alarm is answered by an operator and not a voice mailbox.

After activating the **«* 123» programming access mode**

# 202 #| Validation of operator acknowledgement for cabin alarm
# 203 #| Disable operator acknowledgement for cabin alarm

Communication time

  • Talk time adjustable from 1 to 99 minutes.

After activating the « *** 123» programming access mode**

# 201 nn #| nn = minutes Value from 01 to 99.

Note: Factory setting, 3 minutes.

Setting the DTMF code transmission level

After entering the programming access code, press #409 followed by a value N from 0 to 12, then #..

N 0 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12
Power -16


| -15


| -14


| -13


| -12


| …| -7


| -6


| -5


| -4


Setting sound levels

  • HP/Microphone volumes can be adapted independently for cab user alarm and technician alarms on cab roof (TA module) and under cab (BOX SC module).

Note: Changes made in manual setting mode replace those previously made in automatic setting mode..

Two methods are possible

Methods 1

Sound level settings are made via operator communication.

Settings are made during voice communication with an operator

Setting| Increase| Decrease
Volume (HP)| «6» Key| «9» Key
Microphone gain| «5» Key| «8» Key

  • Press the 0 key to hang up.
  • Pressing button 1 returns sound levels to factory settings.

Methods 2

Settings are made outside a call, in programming mode.

Enter sequence

  • 410 1 xx # (between 1 and 15) to adjust cabin speaker volume

  • 410 2 xx # (between 1 and 15) to adjust cabin roof speaker volume

  • 410 3 xx # (between 1 and 15) to adjust under-cab loudspeaker volume

  • 411 1 xx # (between 1 and 15) to adjust the volume of the cabin microphone

  • 411 2 xx # (between 1 and 15) to adjust cabin roof microphone volume

  • 411 3 xx # (between 1 and 15) to adjust under-cab microphone volume

«Dual call» mode configuration

Dual call mode allows you to call a guard station or security PC (voice only), before transmitting the alarm to the reception center (data and voice). Telephone memories 101 and 102 are used for this function. Phone memory 103 is not used for this function, even if a number is stored in memory 103.

After activating the « *** 123» programming access mode**

# 206 #| Enable dual call mode
# 207 #| Disabling dual-call mode

Telephone» memories must be set as follows:

  • Memory 101: Security guard or PC telephone number
  • Memory 102: Reception center telephone number.

Alarm sequence

  • When an alarm is triggered, the transmitter calls the number in memory 101 (guard). It then calls the number in memory 102 (reception center).
  • If the number in memory 101 (guard or security PC) or 102 (reception center) is busy, these numbers are called up to six times.

Periodic call

Periodic call validation

  • To validate the periodic call, a telephone number must first be programmed in memory 105 of the BOX TA module (see section 4.8 «Programming telephone numbers»).

NOTE: On exiting programming mode, once the periodic call telephone number has been stored, the BOX TA module automatically initiates its first periodic call..

  • To warn the technician that the TA module is communicating, the loudspeaker is activated during the entire call. Access to programming mode is impossible during a telephone call..

Periodic call frequency

After activating the « *** 123» programming access mode**

# 301 n #| n = the number of days between each peridodic call (1, 2 or 3 days)

Note: Factory configuration, 3 days.


Machine and firefighter intercom mode gain settings

  • Loudspeaker and microphone gains used for machinery intercom and firefighter module functions can be set independently.
  • These settings do not change the settings defined for traditional triphonic functions..

Microphone gain settings :

  • After entering the programming access code
  • Press #407 then a value from 1 to 15, then #
    • (1 = minimum gain / 15 = maximum gain)

Speaker gain settings :

  • After entering the programming access code
  • Press #408 then a value from 1 to 15, then #
    • (1 = minimum gain / 15 = maximum gain)


Cabin alarm test

  • Press the cabin alarm button.
  • If discrimination is not activated, the TA module establishes communication with the call center operator. The tone and dialing are audible in the booth..
  • Beeps are emitted every 6 seconds if there is silence, to indicate that the device is on line..
  • To terminate the alarm, press the green button on the TA module..

Cabin roof technician alarm

  • Press the alarm button on the TA module the TA module establishes communication with the call center operator.
  • The tone and dialing are audible on the cab roof.
  • Beeps are emitted every 6 seconds in the event of silence, to indicate that the device is online..

Automatic on-hook (voice mode)

  • Hang-up occurs automatically when the telephone line is busy or when the programmed call time has elapsed..
  • ANEP BOX TA emits a melody 10 seconds before the end of the call

Call number sequence

Standard mode

If the number 101 called is busy or does not answer (10 rings), ANEP BOX TA calls the other numbers 102 and 103 if programmed. Each programmed phone number is called a maximum of 6 times in succession..

N° Memory Order Call Cycles
101 1

6 Times

102| 2
103| 3

Dual call mode

_ Note: _Dual call mode eliminates use of memory 103.

N° Memory Order Call Cycles
101 1 6 Times
102 2
  • When an alarm is triggered, the transmitter calls the number stored in memory 101 (guard)..
  • It then calls the number in memory 102 (reception center).
  • If the number in memory 101 (guard) or 102 (reception center) is busy, it is called up to six times..


Entering and exiting parameter-setting mode

***** + Switch to settings mode

***** Exit programming mode

#0… Setting

001#             Reset of settings and Tel number #002…#          New Access


#1… Tel. number

101…#           Main Tel number for voice call (or Guard Tel number for

double calls) #102…#           Emergency tel number for phone call (or tel for double phone call)

103…#           Tel. number of the receiving centre to transmit data before

voice transmission #104…#           Telephone number of the receiving centre to transmit data after voice transmission #105…#           Phone number of cyclic test call

106…#           Internet phone number

#2… Communication

200 0#          ANEP protocol

200 1#           P100 protocol

201…#          Call duration (1 to 99 in mn)

202#             Operator call acknowledgement function enabled #203

Operator call acknowledgement function not validated #204# Enabling Full-Duplex mode on cabs

205#              Enable duplex mode with cab toggle #206#              Dual

Call mode (Guardian Call) enabled #207#              Dual Call mode (Guard Call) not enabled #208#              12V control function enabled

209#              12V control function not enabled

#3… Configuration

301…#          Cyclic test frequency (1, 2 or 3 days)

302…#          Alarm input acknowledgement delay (10 to 63 in 1/10 s) #303…

Module address (1 to 8)

308 XX #       Forced alarm delay X is the value in ms in steps of 100ms (MAX

25.3 sec.)

#4… Configuration

403#             Autocom mode (Autocom private) Low line voltage (Voltage > =

20V) #404#             Analog mode (RTC/PSTN)Normal line voltage (Voltage > = 28V) #405#             GSM mode enabled

406#              GSM mode not enabled

407…#           Microphone gain setting for BOX M intercom (from 1 to 15)

408…#           Loudspeaker gain setting for BOX M machinery intercom (from 1

to 15) #409…#           Setting the DTMF code transmission level

410 1 ..#        Cabin speaker volume control (from 1 to 15)

410 2 ..#        Cabin roof speaker volume control (from 1 to 15)

410 3 ..#        Under-cab loudspeaker volume control (from 1 to 15)

411 1 ..#        Cabin microphone volume control (from 1 to 15)

411 2 ..#        Cabin roof microphone volume control (from 1 to 15)

411 3 ..#        Under-cab microphone volume control (from 1 to 15)

417#              Yellow/Green LED management validation to 2003

standards (default) #418#              Validation of Yellow/Green indicator management to 2018 standards

419#              Validation of Yellow/green LED management to 2018

standards, with yellow LED extinction when the BOX is no longer communicating


ANEP applies a method of continuous development, therefore, ANEP reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any product described in this document, without notice.

ANEP cannot under any circumstances be held liable for any loss of data, as well as any particular damage or incident, resulting from poor implementation or non-compliant use of the product. The contents of this document are provided “as is”. No warranty of any form, express or implied, is made as to the accuracy, reliability, or content of the document. ANEP reserves the right to revise this document or withdraw it at any time without notice..

Electrical equipment must be compulsorily recycled according to Directive n°2012/19/EU of 04/07/12 relating to waste electrical equipment and Electronic (WEEE)


This product is guaranteed for 3 years from the date of invoicing of the product, with the exception of batteries and cells which are guaranteed for 6 months.

However, this guarantee does not apply in the event of:

  • Use that does not comply with the instructions in this manual.
  • Deterioration from a cause external to the product (act of vandalism, fire, flood, storm, overvoltage…).
  • Installation carried out by an unqualified installer not approved by ANEP.
  • Modifications or repairs carried out by entities not approved by ANEP.
  • Opening of the product by a non-ANEP approved person.



  • 4 bis rue de Paris 94470 Boissy-Saint-Léger
  • Tel: +33 (1) 45 98 34 44
  • Website: www.anepstore.com



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