etac Cross XL Passive Wheelchair User Manual
- June 13, 2024
- Etac
Table of Contents
etac Cross XL Passive Wheelchair
Product Information
Product Name: Etac Cross, Etac Cross XL, Etac Twin, Etac
Manual Version: 74590G 13-09-18
Language: English
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Product Usage Instructions
Car transport:
- Ensure not to lift the chair using the legrests.
- Do not lift the chair using the armrests.
Sitting comfort:
- When adjusting seat height, balance position, or backrest angle, check the operation of the anti-tip stabilizers.
- Use the appropriate handling technique for transferring to/from a wheelchair.
Troubleshooting table:
- Refer to the troubleshooting table for common issues and solutions.
Vehicle transport:
- In mobility service buses, use a positioning belt, a correctly adjusted headrest, level backrest with or above the user’s shoulders, parking brake, and lowered anti-tips in conjunction with points 2 and 3.
- In car/taxi transport, secure the chair using the vehicle’s seat belts to prevent tipping or movement.
- Follow the instructions provided for unfolding and folding the chair.
- Ensure the rear wheel is correctly positioned during assembly.
- Check that the button in the hub springs out properly.
Seat Adjustment:
- Adjust the height of the legrest by removing the screw, adjusting the height, and securely tightening the screw and nut.
- Refer to the manual for instructions on using the brake.
Backrest Adjustment:
- Adjust the backrest angle to provide optimal comfort.
Transfer Techniques:
- Transfer to/from a wheelchair using appropriate techniques from the front or sideways.
- Ensure proper positioning of the armrest and legrest on the
transfer side.
- Clean quick release axles of rear wheels as required.
- Check tyre pressure regularly (once/month) and clean castor wheel axles as required.
- Clean the chassis with non-abrasive detergent or disinfectant solution, rinse, and dry.
- Wash upholstery as per the instructions provided on each item.
- If necessary, lubricate moving parts/joints with cycle oil or similar.
Contact Information:
Etac Box 203, 334 24 Anderstorp
Tel: +46 371 58 73 00
Fax: +46 371 58 73 90
When adjusting seat hight, balance- position or backrest angle, operation of the anti-tip stabilisers must be checked.
Explanation of symbols
- Do not lift the chair using the legrests.
- Do not lift the chair using the armrests.
- Risk of tipping: Always have the anti-tip stabilisers down when moving.
Vehicle transport
Mobility service bus
Etac’s wheelchairs are crash-tested and approved in accordance with ISO-7176-19 and ISO 10542, with attachment features and three-point belts from Unwin. Etac recommends in the following order:
- The user transfers to a seat in the vehicle and uses the vehicle’s 3-point belt while travelling. The wheelchair is then placed in the boot or safely in the back seat so that it cannot overturn or roll.
- The wheelchair is secured facing forwards in the vehicle as per this manual, the user uses a separate 3-point belt that is secured in the vehicle. This is the way in which the wheel-chair is tested and approved according to the ISO-standard for crash testing of wheelchairs in vehicles.
- According to directive 2001/85/EC, appendix VII, point 3.8.3. there are specially marked wheelchair locations in vehicles that permit transport with a wheelchair facing in the direction of travel. If this means of travel is used, the user/carer must be aware while travelling, prepared for sud-den movements and have the capacity to maintain a safe sitting position throughout the entire journey. The user’s disabilities must not be of such an extent that he/she is not able to hold onto the handles fitted in the vehicle when there are changes of speed or direction.
In conjunction with points 2 and 3:
- a positioning belt must be used
- a correctly adjusted headrest must be used
- the backrest must be level with or above the user’s shoulders
- the parking brake must be used
- the anti-tips must be lowered
- Ideally, the wheelchair should be placed in the boot.
- If the chair is placed in the back seat, ensure that it cannot tip over or move.
Secure it, if possible using the vehicle’s seat belts.
Push one of the seat bars down-wards, with your entire hand on top of the seat.
Do not keep hold of the seat bar during unfolding, as there is a risk of trapping your fing-ers. -
Lower the footrests.
Rear wheel with quick release
When assembling, always check that the rear wheel is correctly positioned.
The button in the hub must spring out properly.
- Remove/unsnap bow handle (if any) and/or cross-brace, if appli-cable.
- Flip up the footrests.
- Lift the seat upwards.
Anti-tip feature
- Test how far back you would like the wheelchair to be able to tip.
- You must be able to move easily, yet still feel secure.
Back cover
- Place the back cover far enough back on the seat for a fold to be formed between the backrest and seat.
- It is important to always place the back cover on the seat in this way, as it affects user comfort when seated.
- Adjust the height until you are sure that your feet are supported and your thighs are resting on the cushion.
- Adjust the footrest angle, so the ankles are at 90°.
- Loosen the lock nut (A) on the legrest fully. Remove the screw (B). Adjust the height. Replace the screw and nut and tighten securely.
Seat cushion
- Place the cushion far enough back on the seat that the rounded corners are between the back tubes.
- Trim the cushion to suit seat depth.
- If using comfort wedge, place this in the pocket of the cover under the cushion.
Calf/Heel strap
Adjust the length so that your insteps rest on the footrests.
- To operate the drum brake pull brake handle upwards (see il-lustration).
- To operate the parking brake pull brake handle upwards (see picture). Hold the handle in
braked position and press but-ton (A) down. The chair is now braked. Pull the handle upwards to release the parking brake.
Back upholstery
- Loosen all back straps.
- Tighten the strap just below the curve of the back.
- Adjust the other straps to allow space for the bottom and follow the natural curve of the back.
- Slide the side plate up or down to the required height.
- Reattach the screw to the side plate.
- The high position of the armrests supports and relieves pressure on the back better than a lower position.
Backrest angle
The backrest angle may need to be adjusted when adjusting the shape of the back upholstery.
Good comfort when seated requires a well-shaped seat that provides:
- Pressure distribution.
- Stability.
- Freedom of movement.
Push handles
Place the button below the handle bracket.
Transfer to/from a wheelchair
- Back the wheelchair up 5-10 cm before stopping so that the cas-tors are facing forwards.
- The wheelchair should be close to the transfer point.
- Lock the brakes.
- Remove/raise the armrest/siderest and legrest on the transfer side.
- Increase the support area of the wheelchair by backing up 10 cm so that the castors are facing forwards.
- Helper: Lock the brakes and en-sure that the anti-tip stabilisers are lowered.
From the front
- Back the wheelchair up 5-10 cm so that the castors are facing for-wards.
- The wheelchair should be close to the transfer point.
- Lock the brakes and swivel the legrests in or out under the seat.
Do not stand on the footrests, risk of tipping!
Lifting the wheelchair
- Check that the height-adjustable push handles are properly tighte-ned.
- Non-lockable legrests should be swung under the seat, and the wheelchair lifted by the upper front section of the frame.
Always ask for help. We always recommend using two carers for this transfer. One who walks behind and holds on to the push handle and one who walks in front and holds on to the frame (or in the legrests if these are lockable).
- Flip up the anti-tip stabilisers.
- Ascending: With the wheelchair facing backwards.
- Descending: With the wheelchair facing forwards.
- Never use an escalator, even with a helper present.
Travelling uphill
- Lean your body forwards to correct the centre of gravity.
- Control your speed using the handrims, not the brakes!
- Always travel up/down as directly as possible.
- If you are unsure, ask for help.
- Flip up the anti-tip stabilisers.
- If you are unsure, ask for help.
- Up/Low kerb: Back up, take a strong grip and lean your upper body over your thighs.
- Down/Low kerb: Back up carefully and lean your upper body over your thighs.
Travelling downhill
Lean your
body back to correct the centre of gravity.
- Rear wheels: Clean quick release axles as required.
- Tyre pressure: Check the tyre pressure, see tyre section (once/month).
- Castors: Clean castor wheel axles as required.
- Chassis: Clean the chassis with non-abrasive detergent, pH value 5-9 or with 70 % disinfectant solution. Rinse and dry.
- Upholstery: Wash, see labels on each item.
In the event of problems, contact your dealer or Technical Aids Centre.
(!) If necessary, lubricate moving parts/joints with cycle oil or similar.
Troubleshooting table
The wheelchair is pulling diagonally
| • Pump up the tyres
• Adjust the angle of the front fork attachments
• Check that the front fork attachments are fitted at the same height
• The rear wheel mountings are incorrectly fitted
• The user’s weight is not evenly distributed in the wheelchair
• More strength being used on one side than the other when propelling the chair
| • Pump up the tyres
The wheelchair is “heavy” to manoeuvre| • The rear wheel mountings are
incorrectly fitted
• Clean any hair and dirt from the castor axles
• Too much weight over the castors; adjust the chair’s balance position
| • Pump up the tyres
The wheelchair is awkward to turn| • Check that the front forks are not
tightened too much
• Clean any hair and dirt from the castor axles
• Too much weight over the castors; adjust the chair’s balance position
The brakes are poor|
• Pump up the tyres
• Adjust the distance between tyre and brake
The rear wheels are “loose”
• Adjust the hub axle length
The rear wheels are difficult to get on/off
| • Lubricate and clean the quick release with cycle oil or similar
• Adjust the hub axle length
The castors “wobble”
• The front forks have not been tightened sufficiently
• Check that the front fork attachments are fitted at the same height
• Adjust the angle of the front fork attachments
• Too much weight over the castors; adjust the chair’s balance position
The wheelchair is difficult to fold up/unfold| • The upholstery is too taut
• Lubricate and clean the cross frame fittings under the seat
The wheelchair feels “unsteady”| • Pump up the tyres
• Check that screws and controls are properly tightened
Box 203, 334 24 Anderstorp Tel +46 371 58 73 00
Fax +46 371 58 73 90
Etac Supply Center AB Långgatan 12
SE-334 24 Anderstorp Sweden
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