UZURA DA108470 TWS Bluetooth Earphone User Manual

June 13, 2024

User’s Manual

DA108470 TWS
Bluetooth Earphone



FcProduct: Bluetooth Earphone
CModel number: AG-UZURA

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules.
    Operation is subject to the following two conditions
  1. this device may not cause harmful interference, and
  2. this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Package Contents

Parts Name

UZURA DA108470 TWS Bluetooth Earphone - usb port

Power/ Charging

Charging the charging case:
(Connect the accessory USB charging cable(C) comnector o e USB port on the Gharging case and conct ine USB(A) connector 1o an elctricalappliance o adapier Wit i 8me shage of connectoranc he ternal atiry i th charging case wil begin tochargo with i LED Indicator ighis up n Wht fo § seconds. Wil charcin, e LED indicalo of the charging case wil binklignt up i diferent ptter depencing on he battery pover evel of i charging case a3 shown n the abie below.

UZURA DA108470 TWS Bluetooth Earphone - cherging

Charging Case Battery Level LED Indicator of the Charging Case
0 — 25% Blinks slowly in Red
26-99% Blinks slowly in White
100% Lights up in White

Charging e sarpnones:
Insert the sarphone units nt the charging cass and the earphona units wll start Gharging wih the LED Indicatoron i 6arhons binking slowly n Red. The LED.
Indicator will ik depencing on the battery powet leve f the charging case as shown in’he able below. Once the arphon uns are completaly charged. e LED Indicators on both earphans unita and the charging case wil G0 of.

Charging Case Battery Level LED Indicator of the Charging Case
0— 25% Blinks slowly in Red
26 — 100% Blinks slowly in White

Power ON

UZURA DA108470 TWS Bluetooth Earphone - power onOpen the charging case and the sarphons unis will b automatically powerad ON wih he LED Indicato of tha sarphonss ight p Whie for 2 secande. Tho power can also bs turned ON by touching and hlaing e touch conrl pansl fo 4 saconds.
~This actlon has to be performed independently on boih Lftand Rgh.

Power OFF

UZURA DA108470 TWS Bluetooth Earphone - power off When the charging case is adeduately chargad. fetuning ihe aarphons nis 0 the charging case and closing the charging case, he sarphons unis wil e automatically powerad OFF and charging wil begn. T LED Indicator f tne charging case wi birk Slowly n a difrent color depening on the batiry power val o he charging case as Shown i th tabie beiow P.3
The power can aiso be turned OFF by ouching and holding he oueh contol panelof o of the carphones or 8 seconds unl he LED Indcator of both earphanas Igh’s up.
Rad and the power ofboin sarpnones il sitoh OFF.

How to Pair

To connect o your smartphane o athe devices infily & necassary o perorm pairing. For devices which nave alteady compleed pafing, & comnection wil automatically be cstabished the nox e the power s swiched ON.UZURA DA108470
TWS Bluetooth Earphone - bluetooth

For thefrst s use

  1. Opan the charging case, and the power of e aarphons willlrn ON wih he LED.
    Indicatoron the eaphons ihts up in Whis or 2 saconds. Fomovo bl of .
    earphones ffom ne charging case and the earpnones wil wch o paiing mode.
    wilhthe LED Indicator of one o e earphones starts iinking Rd and White Shemarely.

  2. Switch e Blustooth funcion on he smartphone or oher devices ON and seect 189_UZURA) anca it appears on the ispley. When (ag. UZURA Gonnectec -2 ‘appears on he isplay of he device, 1ne airing has been compleied

To reastabls paifing o o perform paifing wih secand or subseauant dovicos:

  1. Retu bath of e earphones 10 the charging case. Before paing with a new device, ploase disconnact tha carphonss from the previously connecied davics r swich OFF he Blstooth funciion of the previously connacisd device

  2. .0pon he charging case, and the power of he earphones wil u ON with the LED Indicator on (he arphonas ights b n Wi or 2 saconds. Femove bah of o Garphones ffom he charging Gase and the 6aronones wil swch o paiing mod.
    wihthe LED Ingicator of one o e aarphonas stats iinking Red and Whito Semaely.

  3. Switch e Blustool funcion on the smarphons or oiner davices ON and selact 89_UZURA) onca it appears on the isplay. When (ag. UZURA Connected] 2 appears on the display of the device, in pairing has been compleiad

  4. If the LED Indicatrs ofsarphons s birking slowy n Red, it means hat the earphones are being charged by he case. You can parorm he paiing i s sate ifhey ar available on e display of Gevie.

  5. The content displayed cifer or otner davices. dapending on he user interace of the sm iphones

LED Indicator of Charging Case

When the charging case is ot being charged, prassing the rese button once il tiggar a speciic patirn which indicatas he batiry isva of he charging caso at higher precision eval.

Charging Case Battery Level LED Indicator of the Charging Case
0% Blink twice in Red
1∼ 25% Blink once in White
26∼ 50% Blink twice in White
51∼ 75% Blink trice in White
76∼100% Blink 4 times in White

Operation of Toueh Conrol Panel

Cycling between ANC ON, Ambient Sound and ANC OFF 1| Touch for 2 seconds until beep, then release
Music| di Playback| Single tap
II Pause| Single tap
Raise Sound Volume| —| Double tap
Lower Sound Volume| Double tap| —
Next Track| —| Triple tap
Beginning of the Current Track / Previous Track
2| Triple tap| —
Calls `3| Receive Call| Single tap
End Call| Touch and hold for 4 seconds
Refuse Call| Touch and hold for 4 seconds

  1. ANG i the short form f Active Naisa Canceling,
  2. If you prform the toue contol igh e he sar o a rack,you wil retwin 0 he previous rack. I you perform he touch control i ine mideleof a reck, you wil Fotu 100 beginning of 108 Curent rack I order 10 feturn 0 ne preos ack il you e currtl n the micle of 8 rack, plsass perform th touch contol
  3.  Earphones il be swiched automatical nto ANC OFF made during cal

Factory Resel Method

When paiing has not been successtlly completad or an unaxgectod arror has occurtad, please ry th factory resel by th folowing methad. Please ry paring again aer the facory reset s complted.

  1. Retune ef and ignt sarphanes iio an adecuately charged charging case. By KeBping e Charging caee open, press and Nl the resé button on ths charging ase for 5 saconds untl the LED Indicatorof both cargnonos binks wice in Wit
  2. Tho LED Indicaor of tho earphones wil light up Wit or 2 soconds. Ths means hatne fatory reset has boen completed
  3. wihen he factoryreset s completed. the earphones wil be i th factory defautsate il 8l previous paing formation i tne smariphone or oiher devices deleed. Tharafors, the previous paifing acord o tho Smartphone or iher devices s 1o longer functional. leass fel s t remova those pravious racords.
  4. Ramove the aarphones from the charging case and the aarphones wil swich ilo the paiing made wih the LED Indicatorof one of ih earphons biinks aterately in Red and Wht. Please pertom the dvice paiing again

About Ear Tips

If you id the bass is lacking or the trbie is crating, the cr s may not be properly fited.Inorder o make anough of the sarphones’ potental, make sure ho ear s are positioned propery and kesp the car canals sealad. Plaasa ly the falowing nstructions. for proper fiing Not only the standard M size, b aisa ty iferen izes.

  • Trying larger size (L, LL) might bo efectivefo smal ears.
  • The size ofaar cansls might be cferent from e ign. Sa ry diferentsize ear s for th best 1 for e anc it ear canas

Safety Precautions

The following cescriptons are provided fo explai maters that must b abserved to prevent haim 10 he user and ol peopl, song wih Gamages fo property. Plase be Eira 0 absarve these befora uing i praduct

Failure to observe the precautions indicated by this label will result in death or serious injury to the user.
Failure to observe the precautions indicated by this label may result in death or serious injury to the user.
Failure to observe the precautions indicated by this label may result in personal injury or property damage.
Fire, electric shock, overheating, ignition, leakage, rupture, or accidental ingestion may cause death, blindness, or serious injury. Do not use, store, or leave the product in a humid or dusty place, or in a car where it will be exposed to high temperatures or places exposed to direct sunlight. Doing so may cause overheating, leakage, or rupture of the product.
Do not use cable other than the supplied USB cable. Doing so may cause rupture, battery leakage, or overheating and consequently result in fire, burn marks, or injury.
Do not put it into fire. Doing so may cause leakage or rupture and result in injury or burn marks.
Do not disassemble the product. Doing so may cause product malfunctions.
Do not connect to a fast charging power adapter with a maximum power output exceeding 20W per port.
Doing so may cause rupture, battery leakage, or overheating and consequently result in fire, burn marks, or injury.
Do not charge the battery when the charging case or USB cable is wet. Doing so may cause abnormal heating or malfunction due to a short circuit.
If you find that liquid is leaking from the earphones or charging case, or if there is an unusual odor, or overheating, do not touch the liquid and stop using the earphones immediately. Besides that, move all combustible materials nearby away from the earphones or charging case.


Fire, electric shock, overheating, and ignition may cause burns or serious injury.
Do not use the product while driving a car, motorcycle, bicycle, etc. Doing so may cause a traffic accident.
Do not use the product in places where it would be dangerous if the surrounding sound is not audible such as railroad crossings, pedestrian crossings, station platforms, etc. Listening at high volume makes it difficult to hear surrounding sounds. The product is equipped with noise cancellation, it is difficult to hear warning tones and other sounds, which may cause accidents or injuries.
Do not allow water or foreign matter to get inside the charging case. The charging case is not waterproof. Water or foreign matter may cause fire or electric shock. If water or foreign matter should enter the charging case, stop using it immediately. Regularly check and ensure that no foreign matter adheres to the terminals of the charging case as it may cause overheating or fire.
Do not charge the charging case while it is covered by bedding or other covering. The heat buildup may cause abnormal overheating, which may result in a fire.
May cause injury or damage to surrounding property.
Keep out of reach of children or persons requiring supervision. The product uses magnets and batteries. Swallowing small parts may cause serious symptoms such as choking hazards or internal organ damage.
Do not use it in medical institutions or around people using medical equipment. It may cause malfunction in medical devices such as pacemakers.
When using the earphones on board an aircraft, follow the instructions of the flight crew. Radio wave effects may cause an accident.
Ear tips must be securely attached. If the ear tips are not securely attached, they may come off and remain in the ear canal during use.
Do not listen at high volume for long periods of time. Prolonged use at excessive volume may result in permanent hearing loss. Do not exceed 40 hours /week at 80 dB (A) and 5 hours/week at 89 dB (A).

Troubleshooting: When you think, “Is it broken?”

Problem Cause Remedy
Earphones will not turn ON (Immediately after purchasing) Battery level is
low For the safety of transportation from overseas, laws and regulations do

not allow the internal battery to be fully charged at the time of shipping. For that reason, the voltage may fall below the level required for operation at the time the user opens the package. Fully charging the battery before use may relieve this inconvenience. Please refer to “Power / Charging” on

P.3 regarding the method for charging.

Earphone batteries are depleted| Please return the earphones to the charging case to charge them. (In case the battery of the charging case has run out, please charge the charging case first.) Please refer to “Power / Charging” on P.3 regarding the method for charging.
The touch control panel has not been touched for adequate time| Please touch and hold the touch control panel until the power turns ON. Please refer to “Power ON” on P.4 regarding the method for turning the earphones ON.
An error has occurred due to improper operation| In some cases, performing a reset operation may fix the problem. Please refer to “Factory Reset Method” on P.7 regarding the reset method.
Earphones will not turn OFF| The touch control panel has not been touched for adequate time| Please touch and hold the touch control panel until the power turns OFF. Please refer to “Power OFF” on P.4 regarding the method for turning the earphones OFF.
Charging case battery level is low| Normally, if the earphones are returned to an adequately charged case and the case closed, the earphones will automatically turn OFF. If the earphones do not turn OFF, the battery level of the charging case might be too low. Please try again after charging the charging case. Please refer to “Power / Charging” on P.3 regarding the method for charging.
Using ear tips other than those included as accessories| Normally, if the earphones are returned to an adequately charged case and the case closed, the

earphones will automatically turn OFF. However, if ear tips other than those included as accessories are used, there are cases in which they may interfere with the charging case and cause the earphones could not be turned OFF. Please check to see whether the earphones turn OFF by using the original ear tips.

Touch sensor is not functioning| The touch control panel section has become soiled or wet| In case the touch control panel section has become soiled or wet, the touch control panel may not function properly, and it may not be possible to operate the earphones. Please wipe the touch control panel section with a soft, dry cloth to remove stains or moisture.
Problem| Cause| Remedy
Earphones cannot be charged| Metal contacts on earphone are not touching the pins on the charging case| If the earphone’ s metal contacts are touching the pins of an adequately charged charging case, the LED Indicator will blink slowly. If this is not happening, please remove the earphone, clean the metal contacts and return it to the charging case properly again.
Charging case battery level is low| Normally, if the earphones are returned to an

adequately charged case, the earphones will start being charged. If the charging does not start, the battery level of the charging case might be too low.  Please try again after charging the charging case.

Please refer to Power/ Charging” on P.3 regarding the method for charging.

Using ear tips other than those included as accessories| Normally, if the earphones are returned to an adequately charged case, the earphones will start being charged. However, if ear tips other than those included as accessories are used, there are cases in which they may interfere with the charging case and cause the earphones to become unable to be charged. Please check to see whether the earphones charge by using the original ear tips.
In case it takes time to charge| The output of the USB adapter being used for charging is low| In case you are using the USB port on a PC, etc., there are cases in which the output is low and it may take more time to charge than the publicly listed value.

As such, please use a 5V/1A USB adapter when charging this product.

Earphones cannot be detected / paired| Earphones are not the pairing mode in| In some cases, performing a reset operation may fix the problem. Please refer to “Factory Reset Method” on P.7.
Has automatically been connected to a previously

connected device

| Please try performing the pairing operation again after having deleted the pairing information from a previously paired device.
While playing music, sound (connection) is interrupted| Unstable connection caused by interference from external factor| Bluetooth communicates using the 2.4GHz band. This band is used by other wireless standards such as Wi-Fi, etc., so there is a possibility of receiving interference. Moreover, this 2.4GHz band does not penetrate liquids. There is an impact of humidity and rain, and the human body also contains liquid, so there are individual differences in connectivity. Furthermore, it depends on the specifications of smartphones and other devices.
For that reason, switching OFF unused Wi-Fi / Bluetooth settings on surrounding devices, etc. is a countermeasure. While outside, there is a possibility that moving a smartphone from inside a bag to a breast pocket, etc. or otherwise reducing the distance between devices may improve the connection status.
Problem| Cause| Remedy
Sound only comes out from one side| The left / right earphone pairing has been released| In some cases, performing a reset operation may fix the problem. Please refer to “Factory Reset Method” on P.7.
The battery of one side of the earphones has depleted| Please return the earphone to the adequately charged charging case and close the case to charge it. Please refer to “Power / Charging” on P.3 regarding the method for charging.
Battery consumption is fast for one side of the earphones only| Based on the design specification, one side is the parent and the other side is the child, so the burden between left and right is different| Under the specification for Bluetooth earphones, communication generally takes place with one side as the parent and the other as the child.

As such, the child only communicates with the parent, but the parent communicates with the smartphone or other devices and communicates with the child as well, so there is a difference in the level of the burden borne by the left and right earphones. As a result, a difference in the battery consumption between the left and right may occur.

Noise Cancelling is not effective enough| Inappropriate ear tip size| If the size of ear tips are not proper, noise cancellation will not adequately work. Please try various sizes other than the standard M size and use the most appropriate size. For more information, please check “About Ear Tips” on P.7.


Please take safety precautions and gently remove any build-up from the dust filter by using the tip of a cotton swab.

Disposal Regulation
The rechargeable batteries built into the equipment are recyclable. During disposal, please follow the instructions from your local municipal government and do not attempt to disassemble the product.

Warranty and After Service

The warranty for this product is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase. During the warranty period, we will repair the product based on the provisions below. The warranty is only valid in the country in which the product was purchased. Regarding questions pertaining to repairs, please contact the store you purchased the product from or contact us by visiting our “Contact” page.

  1. During the warranty period, we will repair the product free of charge if the product fails even though it was used in accordance with the instructions in the user’s manual and the point of caution sections.

  2. In the following cases, repairs to the product will be subject to a fee even during the warranty period:
    (1) Original purchase receipt or other documentation showing the date of purchase are failed to be presented.
    (2) The product is identified to be modified, disassembled, or repaired by a third party or customer other than our company or our authorized organizations.
    (3) The earphones were subjected to a strong impact or were allowed to get wet. Product failure resulting fromexc essive use of force on the product.
    (4) Failure due to fire, earthquake, wind, flood, lightning, or other acts of God, human error, theft, or virus and malware infection.
    (5) Repair of scratches on the surface of the housing or repair of the housing itself.

  3. We shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages for breach of any express or implied warranty or condition on this product. Nor shall recovery of any kind against us be greater than the original purchase price of the product from us or our authorized dealer.

Contacting Us
Please contact us by visiting our official “CONTACT” page by scanning the QR code below.
final Inc.
*There is a possibility of a change in the specification, so please scan this QR code below for the latest user’s manual.

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