Alcolizer HH3 Alcohol Tester User Manual

June 13, 2024

Alcolizer HH3 Alcohol Tester

Product Information

The Alcolizer HH3 Alcohol Tester is a handheld device designed for alcohol breath testing. It provides accurate BrAC readings at the time of testing. The device has been carefully calibrated to ensure the accuracy of each reading. Please note that neither the manufacturer, distributor, nor the owner accepts liability or responsibility for any action or claim arising from the reading produced by this device, whether used correctly or incorrectly.

Product Usage Instructions

  1. Training: Alcolizer recommends operators of this device undergo appropriate training in both how to use the instrument and how to conduct an effective breath testing program. Alcolizer offers a wide range of training courses, from product familiarization to advanced certified training programs. Visit
    for more information on training programs or discuss your needs with your local sales representative.

  2. Description of HH3:
    The HH3 is a handheld device consisting of a hard plastic outer case, rubberized hand grip, wrist strap, and user displays, buttons, and adapter sockets.
    The device features a TFT Graphics Display that shows various functions.
    The mouthpiece locator and sample inlet spigot are used for breath sample collection. The disposable mouthpiece (sample tube) is located on the mouthpiece locator, which surrounds the sample inlet spigot.

Note: This User Manual is applicable to the Alcolizer HH3 alcohol tester certified to AS3547:2019.

Disclaimer – External Documents note to reader
The BrAC reading obtained by correct use of this device is only considered accurate at the time of testing. Great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of each reading.
Neither the manufacturer, the distributor, nor the owner accepts liability or responsibility due to any action or claim arising from the reading produced by this device, whether used correctly or incorrectly.


This User Manual details the operation of the Alcolizer HH3 alcohol breath testing device. This User Manual is divided into various Sections and Sub- sections to enable the user to access the required information with ease. It includes Cautions and Notes applicable to the HH3 device and a Specifications table.

This User manual is applicable to the Alcolizer HH3 alcohol tester certified to AS3547:2019.


Alcolizer recommends operators of this device undergo appropriate training in both how to use this instrument and how to conduct an effective Breath testing program. Alcolizer offers a wide range of training courses from product familiarisation to advanced certified training programs.
Visit for more information on training programs or discuss your needs with your local sales representative.


Equipment Overview
The HH3 Equipment List includes the following items:• HH3 handheld device,

  • USB cable,
  • Battery Charger,
  • User Manual
  • Downloadable AlcoCONNECT Toolbox software
  • Carry bag or metal case (optional), and
  • Neoprene cover (optional).

Device Overview

The HH3 is a handheld device consisting of a hard plastic outer case, rubberised hand grip, wrist strap and the following user displays, buttons and adaptor sockets (refer Figure 1):

  • Test Key,
  • Trans reflective (TFT) mono Graphics Display,
  • Mouthpiece Locator and Sample Inlet Spigot,
  • Up and Down Arrow Keys,
  • USB Port, and
  • Battery Charging Port.Alcolizer HH3 Alcohol Tester-FIG1

Test Key
The Test Key activates selected functions.

Trans reflective (TFT) Mono Graphics Display
Displays the various functions of the device including:

  • Welcome screen which includes days remaining till next calibration;
  • Various Test modes (Mouthpiece or Passive, refer paragraph 3.2);
  • Ready notification;
  • Blow notification including progress bar; and
  • Records information.

These and other displays are explained in the Operating Instructions Section.

Mouthpiece Locator and Sample Inlet Spigot
The disposable mouthpiece (sample tube) is located on the Mouthpiece Locator which surrounds the Sample Inlet Spigot (refer Figure 2).

Alcolizer HH3 Alcohol Tester-FIG2

Up and Down Arrow Keys
The Up and Down Arrow keys allow access to various sub menus. Operation of the Down arrow also facilitates access to the off function (refer to the Operating Instructions Section).

USB Port
The USB Port facilitates the connection of the device to a USB equipped computer using the USB cable included with the device. Refer to AlcoCONNECT Toolbox User Manual for instructions on using the AlcoCONNECT Toolbox.

Battery Charger Port
The Battery Charging Port is located at the base of the device under the wrist strap bracket and facilitates connection to the battery charger included with the device.


While the HH3 is a robust device, it does contain sensitive instrumentation and should not be subject to rough handling or become submerged in water.
Do not store device in direct sunlight or places where extreme temperature conditions can occur.

General Information
The following information should be observed when conducting breath test analysis using this device:

  • Operators should use the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when conducting a test – gloves, mask, protective eyewear or full-face mask based on the situation.
  • For accurate testing results, food, beverages, medications, smoking, vaping or substances that contain alcohol should not be consumed for at least 15 minutes prior to testing.
  • Allow 15 minutes for any potential interfering alcohol to be cleared from the donor before testing again.
  • Breath alcohol concentration can continue to rise for up to 2 hours after the cessation of drinking and care should be taken if a result close to the designated breath alcohol concentration is indicated.
  • When a high breath alcohol level has been reached, it can take 10 hours or more for the breath alcohol level to return to zero.
  • If the test result is above the operational maximum limit, a plus sign (+) after the result will be displayed.

Cleaning Requirements

  • We recommend that appropriate PPE be used during the cleaning process eg; gloves
  • The instrument should be cleaned with a soft cloth and antibacterial spray or anti-bacterial wipes. It is recommended that the instrument is turned off before cleaning.
  • The outside of the instrument can be cleaned by wiping it over with a soft moist cloth followed by a soft dry cloth.
  • Screen – the screen of the instrument can be cleaned by wiping it over with a soft moist cloth followed by a soft dry cloth.
  • Ensure the Spigot Inlet is not blocked.
  • Do not use alcohol based cleaners.
  • Do not use harsh cleaning agents, abrasive cleaning pads or chemicals.
  •  Dispose of mouthpieces after use into a bin, this can be done by easily ‘tapping’ the mouthpiece on the edge of the bin and it will ‘pop’ off. Ensure gloves and PPE are used during this process

Testing Types
The HH3 can perform both Mouthpiece and Passive BrAC testing. Mouthpiece testing provides a BrAC reading in g/210L and Passive testing will display the presence of alcohol in breath. Following a Passive test that indicates the presence of alcohol, a Mouthpiece test should then be performed if an accurate BrAC is required.

There are two types of Mouthpieces available for use on the HH3 (refer Figure 3). These are the:

  • Spit Trap Non-Return Valve Mouthpiece, and
  • Standard Spigot Locator Mouthpiece.Alcolizer HH3 Alcohol Tester-FIG3

Charging the Battery
Prior to initial use, the HH3 battery should be fully charged. The battery charge cycle may take up to two hours.

The battery in the HH3 device is a Li-ION battery. As such it should not be tampered with in anyway. Should any problems occur that are related to the battery, contact your local Alcolizer representative for advice (1300 789 908).
Only use the battery charger supplied with the Alcolizer supplied kit. Use of non Alcolizer battery charges could damage the device and render it inoperative.

Charge the battery as follows:

  • Connect the charger DC socket to the HH3 battery charger port (refer Figure 1).
  • Connect the AC plug to a suitable power supply and switch on power.

The device will automatically start and charging will be displayed. Testing is not available during charging.
When the battery is fully charged, the battery condition indicator on the TFT Graphics Display will display five bars (refer Figure 4).

Recharge the battery when the battery condition indicator shows one bar to ensure testing will not be interrupted by a flat battery. The device cannot be used for testing during charging but can be used for accessing Records (refer Section 4).

Turning On Device
Turn the device on by depressing either the Test key or Up/down buttons. A company logo screen will appear for a period of five seconds prior to the test screen displaying. The logo screen can be terminated sooner by pressing either the Test key or Up/down buttons a second time. The device certification, serial number, Firmware, date, time and days remaining till next calibration will be displayed (refer Figure 5).

To view the start screen for longer, hold the Test key down continuously.

After about six seconds, the Display will show Start Mouthpiece Test and a down arrow (refer Figure 6).


Mouthpiece Testing

To maintain a healthy sampling environment, the following procedures must be strictly adhered to.

Attach the mouthpiece to the device as follows:

  • Grasp the mouthpiece at the non-ribbed end and tear the plastic wrapping from the ribbed end, downwards to expose the sample inlet hole.
  • Locate the mouthpiece sample inlet port over the mouthpiece locator in line with the recesses that surround the spigot (refer Figure 7).
  • Press the mouthpiece sample inlet port onto the locator until it is attached securely (refer Figure 8). The orientation of the mouthpiece will not affect the sampling.
  • Remove the remaining portion of the plastic wrap just prior to testing to ensure hygienic use.
  • A new mouthpiece must be used for each mouthpiece test.

Taking a Mouthpiece Breath Sample

Before taking a breath sample, ensure the subject has not consumed alcohol for at least 15 minutes.
If any step in a breath test sequence is not completed or the device is left idle for a prolonged period of time, then the device will terminate the breath test and display Test timed out. The device will return to the Start Mouthpiece Test display
The standard breath test time out period is 60 seconds. If a test time out does occur during a breath test, a new breath test must be performed.

Perform a Mouthpiece Test as follows:

Press the Test key. The device will perform a self-test and Please wait… and a progress bar will be displayed.

If the self-check is unsuccessful an error code will be displayed, and the device will not accept a breath sample.

  • Blow will be displayed when the device is ready (refer Figure 9).
  • Take a deep breath; place mouth over mouthpiece inlet (ribbed end) and blow a gentle to medium breath sample into the mouth piece (refer Figure 10).
  • The exhaled breath volume is indicated via a bar graph, scrolling left to right at the bottom of the screen. A beeping sound is also heard during the breath sample delivery phase, indicating a satisfactory breath sample is being delivered (refer Figure 11).
  • Continue blowing until the device takes a sample of the exhaled breath volume, indicated by a click and long beep sound.

The frequency of the sound beeps increases with the intensity of the blow pressure. Blowing too hard or too soft will result in an “Invalid Sample Try Again” message being displayed (refer Figure 12).

Analysing a Mouthpiece Breath Sample

  • After a valid breath sample is taken, the Analysing Sample message is displayed until the device calculates the BrAC reading. This will normally take a few seconds. In cold climate conditions it may take longer to display the BrAC reading (refer Figure 13).
  • When the BrAC reading is calculated, it will be displayed on the screen together with unit of measurement (eg: g/210L BrAC) and be retained until the Recovering period has ended. This is indicated by Recovering shown on the display (refer Figure 14).
  • The Recovering period is the time the fuel cell sensor requires to recover from the previous breath test. This period will vary according to BrAC readings displayed.
  • To perform another breath test repeat steps above.
  • Results will display on the screen for 10 seconds. A user is able to override this function by pressing key to continue as displayed on the screen. (Figure 14a)
  • Overrange result is if a result above 0.462g/210L is obtained, the below screen will appear (Figure 14a)

Passive Testing
Passive testing is a test that is performed in a non-invasive manner and without using mouthpieces. The test is performed by holding the device approximately 80mm to 100mm in front of the test subject’s mouth and asking them to count or talk so that exhaled breath may be picked up by the device and analysed for the presence of any alcohol.

Taking a Passive Breath Sample

If any step in a breath test sequence is not completed or the device is left idle for a prolonged period of time, then the device will terminate the breath test and display Test timed out. The device will return to the Start, passive Test display.
The standard breath test time out period is 60 seconds. If a test time out does occur during a breath test, a new breath test must be performed. Press the Test key to perform a new passive breath test as per steps above

Perform a Passive Test as follows:

  • On the Start Mouthpiece Test page, press the down arrow key to access the Passive Test function and Start Passive Test is displayed (refer Figure 16).
  • Press the Test button.
  • Hold the device no further than 100mm in front of the test subject’s mouth; so that the subject is breathing or talking directly into the device’s sample inlet port (refer Figure 17).
  • Ask the Subject to start counting from 20 onwards, until you tell them to stop. “20…21…22…23…24…25…etc.”
  • The subject should count in a one second rhythm. While subject is counting, the operator must press the Test key to take a sample when they reach “24…25.”
  • The device is set to take three pump samples. During these three pumps the operator must hold the device steady and at the same distance from the subject. The device will give three sample pump clicks, followed by a long beep sound. Analysing Sample will then be displayed (refer Figure 13).

Analysing a Passive Breath Sample

  • After a valid breath sample is taken, the Analysing Sample message is displayed until the device calculates the BrAC reading. This will normally take a few seconds. In cold climate conditions it may take longer to display the BrAC reading.
  • When the passive reading is calculated, it will be displayed and retained until the Recovering period has ended.
  • If a Pass, No alcohol reading is displayed the device has indicated that no alcohol was detected in the near vicinity of subject’s exhaled breath. When the Recovering period has ended the device is ready for next Passive breath test (refer Figure 18).
  • To perform another passive breath test repeat steps above.
  • If a Warning Alcohol Present reading is displayed the device has indicated that alcohol was detected in the near vicinity of subject’s exhaled breath (refer Figure 19).

When a Warning Alcohol Present reading is displayed, it is strongly recommended that a Mouthpiece Breath Test be performed, after the recovery period has ended (refer paragraph Error! Reference source not found.

Shutting Down
The HH3 will automatically shut down after a period of inactivity. Should the device be required to be shut down manually (e.g., to conserve battery life), perform the following procedures:

  • Operate the Down button until Turn Off is displayed
  • Press the Test key and the device will shut down (refer Figure 20).
  • To further conserve battery life, the device will switch off the display back light after two minutes.


Records are retained in the instrument and can be downloaded via AlcoCONNECT Toolbox (refer AlcoCONNECT Toolbox User Manual). It is recommended that records are periodically downloaded and erased from the device. Access the records on the instrument as follows:

  • Switch the device on (refer paragraph 3.5).
  • Press the Down key until Records menu is displayed.
  • Press the Test key to enter records module (refer Figure 21).
  • Press the Up/down keys to navigate through records as required.
  • Press the Test key to exit records module.


  • The Alcolizer HH3 requires re-calibration every twelve months as per Australian Standards Certification requirement, AS3547:2019.
  • Upon start up, the company logo screen displays the number of days to recalibration due.
  • To permanently display days to recalibration, instrument serial number and date and time, hold the Test key down for extended period upon start up. This will freeze the screen so the information can be read.
  • When re-calibration warning message period has expired, the Recalibration Due Now is displayed and the device is locked, preventing any further breath tests until the device is recalibrated.
  • It is recommended that the device be returned to Alcolizer Technology for calibration prior to the number of days to recalibration warning message expiring. This will avoid the inability and inconvenience of not being able to perform further breath testing when required.
  • Contact Alcolizer Technology by any of the following means:


The technical specifications of the HH3 are detailed in Table 1.

Instrument Application Industry – Mouthpiece and Passive
BrAC Range 0.000 – 0.462 g/210L
Accuracy Better than 0.005 at 0.100 g/210L BrAC
Test Time Within 3-5 seconds at 0.100% BrAC
Recovery Time Instantaneous for 0.0000 BrAC readings (reading remains

on screen for 10 seconds)
Operating Temperature| -5°C to +55°C
Operating Humidity| 30% to 93% RH
Storage Temperature| -10°C to +70°C
Minimum Air Flow Rate| 10L/min
Mouthpiece Type| Standard spigot locator or non-return mouthpiece.

(Mouthpieces are not required for Passive testing)

Sensor Type| Electro-chemical fuel cell (premium grade platinum)
Power Supply| Rechargeable Li-ION battery
Weight| 272 grams (basic)
Dimensions| 202mm H x 63mm W x 39mm D
Calibration| 12 monthly recalibrations at Alcolizer Technology’s service


Table 1 – Alcolizer Technology HH3 Specifications



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