dahua Web 3.0 Network Camera Instruction Manual

June 13, 2024

dahua Web 3.0 Network Camera

Product Information

Product Name Network Camera Web 3.0
Operation Manual Version V2.1.4
Foreword This manual introduces the functions, configuration, general

operation, and system maintenance of the network camera.
Revision History|

  • Version V2.1.4 – Updated the information of alarm audio,
    updated the description of encode bar, and made various updates to
    different sections of the manual.

  • Version V2.0.7 – Modified warning light linkage and added
    support for 5G.

  • Version V1.0.4 – Deleted some old functions and added new
    features such as face recognition and ANPR.

  • First release – Initial version of the manual.

Release Time|

  • June 2022
  • November 2021
  • September 2021
  • July 2021
  • May 2021
  • December 2020
  • July 2020
  • June 2020
  • May 2020
  • August 2019
  • July 2019
  • March 2019

Product Usage Instructions

Privacy Protection Notice
As the device user or data controller, you might collect the personal data of others such as their face, fingerprints, and license plate number. You need to be in compliance with your local privacy protection laws and regulations to protect the legitimate rights and interests of other people by implementing measures which include but are not limited to:

  • Providing clear and visible identification to inform people of the existence of the surveillance area.
  • Providing required contact information.

Network Camera Web 3.0
Operation Manual


Operation Manual

This manual introduces the functions, configuration, general operation, and system maintenance of network camera.

Safety Instructions

The following signal words might appear in the manual.

Signal Words


Indicates a medium or low potential hazard which, if not avoided, could result in slight or moderate injury.

Indicates a potential risk which, if not avoided, may result in property damage, data loss, lower performance, or unpredictable result.

Provides methods to help you solve a problem or save you time.

Provides additional information as a supplement to the text.

Revision History

Version V2.1.4 V2.1.3
V2.1.1 V2.1.0 V2.0.9

Revision Content
Updated the information of alarm audio.
Updated the description of encode bar.
Updated “ Adjustment”. Updated “ Interface Layout”. Updated “ Picture”. Updated “ Image Correction”. Updated “ Splicing”. Updated “ Video”. Updated “4.8.2 Date & Time”.
Updated “ Adding User Group”. Updated “5.18 Setting Relay-in”.
Updated “5.7 Setting Smart Plan”
Updated “ Video”.
Updated “ Configuring Privacy Masking”. Updated “ FTP”. Updated “ Adding a User” and “ ONVIF User”. Updated “5.4.2 Setting Video Tampering”. Updated “5.11 Setting Face Detection”. Updated “5.15 Setting Stereo Analysis”. Updated “5.19.5 Setting Security Exception”.

Release Time June 2022 November 2021
September 2021
July 2021 July 2021 May 2021
December 2020


Operation Manual

Version V2.0.7 V2.0.6 V2.0.5
V2.0.4 V2.0.3 V2.0.2 V2.0.1 V2.0.0
V1.0.4 V1.0.3 V1.0.2 V1.0.1

Revision Content
Modify “ Warning Light Linkage”. Add “4.6.12 5G”. Modify “ Local”. Added “ Configuring GPS Position”. Updated “5.2 Setting Smart Track”. Updated “ Illuminator”. Updated “ Local”. Added “5.19.6 Setting Disarming”. Updated “ Splicing”. Updated “5.14 Setting Vehicle Density”. Updated “5.12 Setting People Counting”.
Added note in “ Local”.
Modified the contents of “5.16 Setting ANPR”. Added modeling in “5.11 Setting Face Detection”.
Added “5.5 Setting Smart Motion Detection”.
Consolidated the outline, and added baseline and safety contents, and some intelligent functions such as face recognition and ANPR.
Deleted some old function such as stereo vision. Updated the chapters of “5.12 Setting People Counting”
and “5.13.1 Heat Map”. Add VR mode of Fisheye device. Add video metadata function.
Added Stereo Analysis function.
Added chapters of “3 Device Initialization”. and “Stereo vision.”
Updated the chapters of “4.8.3 Account”, and “4.6.7 SNMP”.
First release.

Release Time July 2020 July 2020 June 2020
May 2020 May 2020 December 2019 August 2019 July 2019
March 2019 November 2018 October 2017 September 2016

Privacy Protection Notice
As the device user or data controller, you might collect the personal data of others such as their face, fingerprints, and license plate number. You need to be in compliance with your local privacy protection laws and regulations to protect the legitimate rights and interests of other people by implementing measures which include but are not limited: Providing clear and visible identification to inform people of the existence of the surveillance area and provide required contact information.

About the Manual
The manual is for reference only. Slight differences might be found between the manual and the product.
We are not liable for losses incurred due to operating the product in ways that are not in compliance with the manual.


Operation Manual The manual will be updated according to the latest laws and regulations of related jurisdictions.
For detailed information, see the paper user’s manual, use our CD-ROM, scan the QR code or visit our official website. The manual is for reference only. Slight differences might be found between the electronic version and the paper version. All designs and software are subject to change without prior written notice. Product updates might result in some differences appearing between the actual product and the manual. Please contact customer service for the latest program and supplementary documentation. There might be errors in the print or deviations in the description of the functions, operations and technical data. If there is any doubt or dispute, we reserve the right of final explanation. Upgrade the reader software or try other mainstream reader software if the manual (in PDF format) cannot be opened. All trademarks, registered trademarks and company names in the manual are properties of their respective owners. Please visit our website, contact the supplier or customer service if any problems occur while using the device. If there is any uncertainty or controversy, we reserve the right of final explanation.

Operation Manual
Important Safeguards and Warnings
This section introduces content covering the proper handling of the device, hazard prevention, and prevention of property damage. Read carefully before using the device, comply with the guidelines when using it.
Transportation Requirements
Transport the device under allowed humidity and temperature conditions. Pack the device with packaging provided by its manufacturer or packaging of the same quality
before transporting it. Do not place heavy stress on the device, violently vibrate or immerse it in liquid during

Storage Requirements
Store the device under allowed humidity and temperature conditions. Do not place the device in a humid, dusty, extremely hot or cold site that has strong
electromagnetic radiation or unstable illumination. Do not place heavy stress on the device, violently vibrate or immerse it in liquid during storage.
Installation Requirements
Strictly comply with the local electrical safety code and standards, and check whether the power supply is correct before operating the device.
Please follow the electrical requirements to power the device. When selecting the power adapter, the power supply must conform to the requirements of ES1 in IEC 62368-1 standard and be no higher than PS2. Please note that the power supply requirements are subject to the device label. We recommend using the power adapter provided with the device.
Do not connect the device to two or more kinds of power supplies, unless otherwise specified, to avoid damage to the device.
The device must be installed in a location that only professionals can access, to avoid the risk of non-professionals becoming injured from accessing the area while the device is working. Professionals must have full knowledge of the safeguards and warnings of using the device.
Do not place heavy stress on the device, violently vibrate or immerse it in liquid during installation.
An emergency disconnect device must be installed during installation and wiring at a readily accessible location for emergency power cut-off.
We recommend you use the device with a lightning protection device for stronger protection

Operation Manual
against lightning. For outdoor scenarios, strictly comply with the lightning protection regulations. Ground the function earthing portion of the device to improve its reliability (certain models are not equipped with earthing holes). The device is a class I electrical appliance. Make sure that the power supply of the device is connected to a power socket with protective earthing. The dome cover is an optical component. Do not directly touch or wipe the surface of the cover during installation.
Operation Requirements
The cover must not be opened while the device is powered on. Do not touch the heat dissipation component of the device to avoid the risk of getting burnt.
Use the device under allowed humidity and temperature conditions. Do not aim the device at strong light sources (such as lamplight, and sunlight) when focusing it,
to avoid reducing the lifespan of the CMOS sensor, and causing overbrightness and flickering. When using a laser beam device, avoid exposing the device surface to laser beam radiation. Prevent liquid from flowing into the device to avoid damage to its internal components. Protect indoor devices from rain and dampness to avoid electric shocks and fires breaking out. Do not block the ventilation opening near the device to avoid heat accumulation. Protect the line cord and wires from being walked on or squeezed particularly at plugs, power
sockets, and the point where they exit from the device. Do not directly touch the photosensitive CMOS. Use an air blower to clean the dust or dirt on the
lens. The dome cover is an optical component. Do not directly touch or wipe the surface of the cover
when using it. There might be a risk of electrostatic discharge on the dome cover. Power off the device when
installing the cover after the camera finishes adjustment. Do not directly touch the cover and make sure the cover is not exposed to other equipment or human bodies Strengthen the protection of the network, device data and personal information. All necessary safety measures to ensure the network security of the device must be taken, such as using strong passwords, regularly changing your password, updating firmware to the latest version, and isolating computer networks. For the IPC firmware of some previous versions, the ONVIF password will not be automatically synchronized after the main password of the system has been changed. You need to update the firmware or change the password manually.
Maintenance Requirements
Strictly follow the instructions to disassemble the device. Non-professionals dismantling the device can result in it leaking water or producing poor quality images. For a device that is required to be disassembled before use, make sure the seal ring is flat and in the seal groove when putting the cover back on. When you find condensed water forming on the lens or the desiccant becomes green after you disassembled the device, contact after-sales service to replace the desiccant. Desiccants might not be provided depending on the actual model.

Operation Manual Use the accessories suggested by the manufacturer. Installation and maintenance must be
performed by qualified professionals. Do not directly touch the photosensitive CMOS. Use an air blower to clean the dust or dirt on the
lens. When it is necessary to clean the device, slightly wet a soft cloth with alcohol, and gently wipe away the dirt. Clean the device body with a soft dry cloth. If there are any stubborn stains, clean them away with a soft cloth dipped in a neutral detergent, and then wipe the surface dry. Do not use volatile solvents such as ethyl alcohol, benzene, diluent, or abrasive detergents on the device to avoid damaging the coating and degrading the performance of the device. The dome cover is an optical component. When it is contaminated with dust, grease, or fingerprints, use degreasing cotton moistened with a little ether or a clean soft cloth dipped in water to gently wipe it clean. An air gun is useful for blowing dust away. It is normal for a camera made of stainless steel to develop rust on its surface after being used in a strong corrosive environment (such as the seaside, and chemical plants). Use an abrasive soft cloth moistened with a little acid solution (vinegar is recommended) to gently wipe it away. Afterwards, wipe it dry.


Operation Manual

1.1 Introduction
IP camera (Internet Protocol camera), is a type of digital video camera that receives control data and sends image data through internet. They are commonly used for surveillance, requiring no local recording device, but only a local area network. IP camera is divided into single-channel camera and multi- channel camera according to the channel quantity. For multi-channel camera, you can set the parameters for each channel.
1.2 Network Connection
In the general IPC network topology, IPC is connected to PC through network switch or router. Figure 1-1 General IPC network

Get IP address by searching on ConfigTool, and then you can start accessing IPC through network.
1.3 Function
Functions might vary with different devices.
1.3.1 Basic Function
Real-time Monitoring
Live view. When live viewing the image, you can enable audio, voice talk and connect monitoring center for
quick processing on the abnormality. Adjust the image to the proper position by PTZ. Snapshot and triple snapshot abnormality of the monitoring image for subsequent view and

Operation Manual Record abnormality of monitoring image for subsequent view and processing. Configure coding parameters, and adjust live view image.
Auto record as schedule. Play back recorded video and picture as needed. Download recorded video and picture. Alarm linked recording.
Add, modify and delete user group, and manage user authorities according to user group. Add, modify and delete user, and configure user authorities. Modify user password.
1.3.2 Intelligent Function
Set alarm prompt mode and tone according to alarm type. View alarm prompt message.
Smart Track
Set calibration and parameters for smart track and enable alarm track. Switch between smart track and speed dome auto track.
Video Detection
Motion detection, video tampering detection and scene changing detection. When an alarm is triggered, the system performs linkages such as recording, alarm output,
sending email, PTZ operation, and snapshot.
Smart Motion Detection
Avoid the alarms triggered by the environment changes. When an alarm is triggered, the system performs linkages such as recording, alarm output,
sending email, PTZ operation, and snapshot.
Audio Detection
Audio input abnormal detection and intensity change detection. When an alarm is triggered, the system performs linkages such as recording, alarm output,
sending email, PTZ operation, and snapshot.
Tripwire, intrusion, abandoned object, moving object, fast moving, parking detection, people gathering, and loitering detection.
When an alarm is triggered, the system performs linkages such as recording, alarm output, sending email, and snapshot.

Operation Manual
Crowd Map
View crowd distribution in real time for the timely arm to avoid accidents like stampede. When an alarm is triggered, the system performs linkages such as recording, alarm output,
sending email, PTZ operation, and snapshot.
Face Detection
Detect face and display the related attributes on the live interface. When an alarm is triggered, the system performs linkages such as recording, alarm output,
sending email, PTZ operation, and snapshot.
Face Recognition
After detecting face, make comparison between the detected face with the face in face database, and activates alarm output.
Query the recognition result.
People Counting
Count the people flow in/out the detection area, and generate report. When an alarm is triggered, the system performs linkages such as recording, alarm output,
sending email, PTZ operation, and snapshot.
Heat Map
Count cumulative density of moving objects. View report of heat map.
Vehicle Density
Supports traffic congestion detection and parking upper limit detection. View the statistic data on the live interface. When an alarm is triggered, the system performs linkages such as recording, alarm output,
sending email, and snapshot.
Stereo Analysis
Include Activation Analysis, Back Detection, Fall Detection, Walking Detection, Blackboard Writing Detection, Violence Detection, People No. Error, Stand Detection, Running Detection, People Approaching Detection, and Strand Detection.
When an alarm is triggered, the system performs linkages such as recording, alarm output, sending email, PTZ operation, and snapshot.
Recognize plate number in detection area, and display the related information on live interface. When an alarm is triggered, the system links alarm output and snapshot.
Video Metadata
Snap people, non-motor vehicle and vehicle, and display the related information on the live interface.
When an alarm is triggered, the system links alarm output.

Operation Manual
Alarm Setting
The alarm is triggered when an external alarm input device inputs alarm. When an alarm is triggered, the system performs linkages such as recording, alarm output,
sending email, PTZ operation, and snapshot.
SD card error, network disconnection, illegal access, voltage detection and security exception. When SD card error or illegal access is triggered, the system links alarm output and sending
email. When network disconnection alarm is triggered, the system links recording and alarm output. When the input voltage is more or less than the rated voltage, the alarm is triggered and the
system links sending email.

2 Configuration Flow

Operation Manual

For the device configuration flow, see Figure 2-1. For details, see Table 2-1. Configure the device according to the actual situation.
Figure 2-1 Configuration flow

Configuration Login Initialization Basic parameters
Intelligent Event

Table 2-1 Description of flow


Open IE browser and enter IP address to log in to the web interface, The camera IP address is by default.

Initialize the camera when you use it for the first time.

IP address

Modify IP address according to network planning for the first use or during network adjustment.

Date & time

Set date and time to ensure the recording time is correct.

Image parameters

Adjust image parameters according to the actual situation to ensure the image quality.

Detection rules

Configure the necessary detection rules, such as video detection and IVS.

Subscribe alarm

Subscribe alarm event. When the subscribed alarm is triggered, the system will record the alarm on the alarm tab.

“4.1 Login”
“3 Device Initialization” “4.6.1 TCP/IP”
“4.8.2 Date & Time” “4.5.1 Camera Conditions”
“5 Event”
“5.1.2 Subscribing Alarm”


3 Device Initialization

Operation Manual

Device initialization is required for the first use. This manual is based on the operation on the web interface. You can also initialize device through ConfigTool, NVR, or platform devices.
To ensure the device safety, keep the password properly after initialization and change the password regularly.
When initializing device, keep the PC IP and device IP in the same network. Step 1 Open IE browser, enter the IP address of the device in the address bar, and then press Enter
The IP is by default. Figure 3-1 Device initialization

Step 2 Set the password for admin account.

Table 3-1 Description of password configuration



Username Password Confirm password
email Step 3 Click Save.

The default username is admin.
The password must consist of 8 to 32 non-blank characters and contain at least two types of characters among upper case, lower case, number, and special character (excluding ‘ ” ; : &). Set a high security level password according to the password security notice.
Enter an email address for password reset, and it is selected by default.
When you need to reset the password of the admin account, a security code for password resetting will be sent to the reserved email address.


Figure 3-2 End-user license agreement

Operation Manual

Step 4 Select the I have read and agree to all terms checkbox, and then click Next. Figure 3-3 Easy4ip

Step 5 You can register the camera to Easy4ip, select the checkbox as needed, and then click Next.


Figure 3-4 Online upgrade

Operation Manual

Step 6

Select the upgrading method as needed. If you select Auto-check for updates, the system checks new version once a day automatically. There will be system notice on Upgrade interface and Version interface if any new version is available.

Step 7

Select Setting > System > Upgrade > Online Upgrade, and you can enable the autocheck function. Click Save.


4 Basic Configuration

Operation Manual

The chapter introduces the basic configuration, including login, live view, PTZ operation, playback, camera configuration, network configuration, storage configuration and system configuration.

4.1 Login
This section introduces how to log in to and log out of the web interface. This section takes IE Explorer 9 as an example.

You need to initialize the camera before logging in to the web interface. For details, see “3 Device Initialization”.
When initializing the camera, keep the PC IP and device IP in the same network. Follow the instruction to download and install the plug-in for the first login.

Step 1

Open IE browser, enter the IP address of the camera ( by default) in the address bar and press Enter.

Figure 4-1 Login

Step 2 Enter the username and password. The username is admin by default.

Step 3

Click Forget password?, and you can reset the password through the email address that is set during the initialization. For details, see “6.3 Resetting Password”. Click Login.


Figure 4-2 Live

Operation Manual

Related Operations
Live: Click Live, and you can view the real-time monitoring image. Playback: Click Playback, and you can play back or download recorded video or image files. Setting: Click Setting, and you can configure the basic and intelligent functions of the camera. For the camera with multiple channels, through selecting channel numbers, you can set the
parameters of the channels. Alarm: Click Alarm, and you can subscribe and view alarm information. Logout: Click Logout to go to login interface. The system will sleep automatically after idling for a period of time.
4.2 Live
This section introduces the layout of the interface and function configuration.
4.2.1 Live Interface
This section introduces system menu, encode bar, live view function bar, and window adjustment bar. Log in and click the Live tab. The functions and interfaces of different models might vary.

Figure 4-3 Live

Operation Manual

Table 4-1 Description of function bar





Encode bar

Sets stream type and protocol.


Live view

Displays the real-time monitoring image.


Live view function bar

Functions and operations in live viewing.


Window adjustment bar

Adjustment operations in live viewing.

4.2.2 Encode Bar

Figure 4-4 Encode bar

Main Stream: It has large bit stream value and image with high resolution, but also requires large bandwidth. This option can be used for storage and monitoring. For details, see “ Video”.
Sub Stream: It has small bit stream value and smooth image, and requires less bandwidth. This option is normally used to replace main stream when bandwidth is not enough. For details, see “ Video”.
Protocol: You can select the network transmission protocol as needed, and the options are TCP, UDP and Multicast.

Before selecting Multicast, make sure that you have set the Multicast parameters.
4.2.3 Live View Function Bar
For the live view function bar, see Table 4-2.


Operation Manual

Table 4-2 Description of live view function bar




Manually position the tracking speed dome to the selected location of corresponding panoramic camera.
Click the icon and click or select randomly on the image of panoramic camera channel, the tracking speed dome will automatically position the selected location.

Manual Position
Regional Focus Wiper Ranging Gesture Manual Track

For multi-sensor panoramic network camera + PTZ camera, before enabling manual position, make sure that you have enabled alarm track and smart track calibration. For details, see “5.2 Setting Smart Track”.
For panoramic network camera, before enabling manual position, make sure that you have enabled panoramic linkage. For details, see “5.3 Setting Panoramic Calibration”.
Select channel image of the tracking speed dome, click the icon and click or select randomly on the channel image of the tracking speed dome, and then the speed dome can realize auto focus upon the selected region.
Controls the wiper of the camera. Click the icon to enable or disable wiper function.
Click the icon, select a point on the ground, and the distance between the camera and the selected point will be displayed.
Before using this function, you need to set the installation of device first. For details, see “ Configuring Ranging”.
Controls PTZ by operating the mouse on the live view of tracking speed dome. Select the live view of tracking speed dome, click the icon, press left-button and drag image to control PTZ. And you can zoom in or out the image through rolling mouse wheel.
Click the icon, and select tracking target on the live view of tracking speed dome, the camera tracks the selected target automatically.


Operation Manual




Vehicle Density

Click the icon, and select an area on the live image, the camera will automatically count the number of the vehicles in the selected area, and display the number on the Live interface.


Displays alarm output state. Click the icon to force to enable or disable alarm output.
Alarm output state description: Red: Alarm output enabled. Grey: Alarm output disabled.

Warning Light

Displays the warning light state.
Click the icon to enable or disable the warning light forcibly.


Displays alarm sound state.
Click the icon to enable or disable the alarm sound forcibly.

Click the icon to display the crowd map on the Live interface.

Crowd Map Digital Zoom Snapshot Triple Snapshot

Only after enabling the function, can you see the icon on the Live interface.
The positions of the icon might vary depending on models.
You can zoom in or out video image through two operations. Click the icon, and then select an area in the
video image to zoom in; right-click on the image to resume the original size. In zoom in state, drag the image to check other area. Click the icon, and then scroll the mouse wheel in the video image to zoom in or out.
Click the icon to capture one picture of the current image, and it will be saved to the configured storage path.
About viewing or configuring storage path, see “ Path”.
Click the icon to capture three pictures of the current image, and they will be saved to the configured storage path.
About viewing or configuring storage path, see “ Path”.


Operation Manual





Click the icon to record video, and it will be saved to the configured storage path.
About viewing or configuring storage path, see “ Path”.

Easy Focus

Click the icon, the AF Peak (focus eigenvalue) and AF Max (max focus eigenvalue) are displayed on the video image. AF Peak: The eigenvalue of image definition,
it displays during focus. AF Max: The best eigenvalue of image
definition. The smaller the difference between AF peak
value and the AF max value, the better the
focus is.


Easy focus closes automatically after five minutes.
Click the icon to enable or disable audio output.


Click the icon to enable or disable the audio talk.

4.2.4 Window Adjustment Bar Adjustment
This section introduces the adjustment of image.


Operation Manual

Table 4-3 Description of adjustment bar




Click the icon, and then the Image Adjustment interface is displayed at the right side of the Live interface. You can adjust brightness, contrast, hue, and saturation.

Image Adjustment
Original Size Full Screen Width : Height

The adjustment is only available on the web interface, and it does not adjust the camera parameters.

(Brightness adjustment):

Adjusts the overall image

brightness, and change the value

when the image is too bright or too

dark. The bright and dark areas will

have equal changes.

(Contrast adjustment): Change

the value when the image

brightness is proper but contrast is

not enough.

(Hue adjustment): Makes the

color deeper or lighter. The default

value is made by the light sensor,

and it is recommended.

(Saturation adjustment): Adjusts

the image saturation. This value

does not change image brightness.

Click the icon, and it changes to , and then the video displays with original size; click , and the video displays with adapted size.

Click the icon to enter full screen mode; double-click or press Esc to exit.

Click the icon to resume original ratio or change ratio.


Operation Manual





Click the icon to select the fluency from Realtime, Fluency and Normal. Realtime: Guarantees the real-time
display of the image. When the bandwidth is not enough, the image might not be smooth. Fluency: Guarantees the fluency of the image. There might be delay between live view image and realtime image. Normal: It is between Realtime and Fluency.

Rule Info

Click the icon, and then select Enable to display smart rules and detection box; select Disable to stop the display. It is enabled by default.

Click the icon, and the PTZ control panel

is displayed at the right side of the Live


interface. You can control and call PTZ

function. For details, see”4.3.3 Calling


Zoom and Focus

Adjust focal length to zoom in and out video image. Click the icon, and the Zoom and Focus configuration interface is displayed at the right side of the Live interface. You can control and call PTZ function. For details, see “ Zoom and Focus”.


Click the icon, and then the Fisheye configuration interface is displayed at the right side of the Live interface. For details, see “ Fisheye”.

Click the icon, and the face

detection or face recognition results

are displayed on the Live interface.


For face recognition, see “5.10.1

Setting Face Detection”.

For face detection: see “5.11 Setting Face Detection”.


Click the icon, and the ANPR results are displayed on the Live interface. For details, see “5.16 Setting ANPR”.

Video Metadata

Click the icon, the video metadata results are displayed on the Live interface. For details, see “5.17 Setting Video Metadata”.


Operation Manual




Window Layout

When viewing the multi-channel image, you can select display layout.For MultiSensor Panoramic + PTZ Camera: The live interface will show
Panorama 1 and Panorama 2 by default if you choose dual-channel mode. If you switch from three-channel mode or dual-channel mode to single-channel mode, the live window will show Panorama 1 by default. Click
and select the camera you want to view.

Crowd Map

Click the icon and select the Enable checkbox. The Crowd Map interface is displayed. For details, see”5.9 Setting Crowd Map”. Zoom and Focus
You can adjust focal length to zoom in or out video image and the image clarity.

The focus would adjust automatically after zooming in or out. Figure 4-5 Zoom and focus


Parameter Zoom
Focus Auto Focus Restore All Regional Focus Refresh

Operation Manual Table 4-4 Description of zoom and focus
Description Changes the focal length of the camera to zoom in or out the image. 1. Set the Speed value. The Speed is the adjustment range in one
click. The larger the value is, the more the image would zoom in or out in one click. 2. Click or hold + or­ button, or drag the slider to adjust zoom. Adjusts the optical back focal length to make the image clearer. 1. Set the Speed value. The Speed is the adjustment range in one click. The larger the value is, the more the adjustment in one click. 2. Click or hold + or­ button, or drag the slider to adjust focus. Adjusts image clarity automatically.
Do not make any other operation during auto focus process. Restores focus to default value and corrects errors.
You can restore the focus if the image has poor clarity or has been zoomed too frequently. Focus on the subject of a selected area. Click Regional Focus, and then select an area in the image, the camera performs auto focus in that area. Get the latest zoom setting of the device. Fisheye
You can select the installation mode, display mode and VR mode of fisheye devices as needed. For details, see Table 4-5. Install Mode: Select the installation mode according to the actual situation. Display Mode: Select the display mode of live view. VR Mode: Select VR mode to display images in stereo mode.


Figure 4-6 Fisheye

Operation Manual

Table 4-5 Description of fisheye configuration



Installation mode Includes ceiling mount, wall mount, and ground mount.

Display mode

The display mode of the current image. There are different display modes for each installation mode. Ceiling: 1P+1, 2P, 1+2, 1+3, 1+4, 1P+6, 1+8. Wall: 1P, 1P+3, 1P+4, 1P+8. Ground: 1P+1, 2P, 1+3, 1+4, 1P+6, 1+8.

Ceiling/Wall/Gro und mount
Ceiling/Ground mount

The image will be on original size by default when switching installation mode.

Original image

The original image before correction.


360° rectangular panoramic image screen + independent sub-screens.
You can zoom or drag the image in all the screens.
You can move the start point (left and right) on rectangular panoramic image screen.










Wall mount


Operation Manual
Two associated 180° rectangular image screens, and at any time, the two screens form a 360° panoramic image. It is also called dualpanoramic image. You can move the start point (left and right) on the two rectangular panoramic image screens, and the two screens link each other.
Original image screen + two independent subscreens. Ground Mount does not support this display mode. You can zoom or drag the image in all the
screens. You can rotate the image on the original
image screen to change the start point.
Original image screen + three independent subscreens. You can zoom or drag the image in all the
screens. You can rotate the image on the original
image screen to change the start point.
Original image screen + four independent subscreens. You can zoom or drag the image in all the
screens. You can rotate the image on the original
image screen to change the start point.
360° rectangular panoramic screen + six independent sub-screens. You can zoom or drag the image in all the
screens. You can move the start point (left and right)
on rectangular panoramic image screen.
Original image screen + eight independent subscreens. You can zoom or drag the image in all the
screens. You can rotate the image on the original
image screen to change the start point.
180° rectangular panoramic image screen (from left to right). You can drag the image in all the screens (up and down) to adjust the vertical view.


Parameter VR mode

Description 1P+3 1P+4 1P+8
Panorama Semi-circle

Operation Manual
180° rectangular panoramic image screen + three independent sub-screens. You can zoom or drag the image in all the
screens. You can drag the image in all the screens
(upper and lower) to adjust the vertical view.
180° rectangular panoramic image screen + four independent sub-screens. You can zoom or drag the image in all the
screens. You can drag the image in all the screens
(upper and lower) to adjust the vertical view.
180° rectangular panoramic image screen + eight independent sub-screens. You can zoom or drag the image in all the
screens. You can drag the image in all the screens
(upper and lower) to adjust the vertical view.
Drag or cross the screen 360° to unfold the distortion panorama, and you can drag the image in left/right direction.
You can drag the image in upper/lower/left/right direction. Press I to display the panorama, and press O to resume the original size.
Press S to rotate the image in anticlockwise direction, and press E to stop the rotation.
Scroll the mouse wheel to zoom the image.
Display the distortion panorama in 360°circularity. You can drag the image in
upper/lower/left/right direction. Press I to display the panorama, and press O to return to the original size. Press S to rotate the image in anticlockwise direction, and press E to stop the rotation. Scroll the mouse wheel to zoom the image.





Operation Manual
You can drag the image in upper/lower/left/right direction. Press I to display the panorama, and press O to return to the original size.
Press the left mouse-button to slide down to display the image on the plane surface.
Scroll the mouse wheel to zoom the image.

4.3 PTZ Operation
This section introduces PTZ parameter configuration, PTZ control and PTZ function configuration.
4.3.1 Configuring External PTZ Protocol
You need to configure PTZ protocol when accessing external PTZ camera; otherwise the camera cannot control external PTZ camera.
Access external PTZ through RS-485. You have configured the parameters of serial port. For details, see “ Serial Port Settings”.
Step 1 Select Setting > PTZ Setting > Protocol. Figure 4-7 PTZ setting

Step 2 Select the PTZ protocol. Step 3 Click Save.
4.3.2 Configuring PTZ Function Preset
Preset means a certain position that the camera can make quick orientation to. It includes PTZ pan and tilt angles, camera focus, and location. Step 1 Select Setting > PTZ Settings > Function > Preset.

Figure 4-8 Preset

Operation Manual

Step 2
Step 3
Step 4 Step 5

Set the speed, and click , and to adjust the parameters of direction, zoom, focus and iris, to move the camera to the position you need. Click Add to add the current position to be a preset, and the preset is displayed in preset list. Double-click the preset title to edit it. Click to save the preset.

Related Operations
Click to delete the preset. Click Remove All to remove all presets. Tour
Tour means a series of movements that the camera makes along several presets.
You have set several presets. Step 1 Select Setting > PTZ settings > Function



Figure 4-9 Tour

Operation Manual

Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Step 5 Step 6

Click Add to add tour.
Double-click the tour name to edit the name.
Click Add to add preset.
Double-click the duration to set the duration. Select the tour mode. Original path: The PTZ camera moves in the order of the selected presets. Shortest path: The PTZ camera ranks presets by distance, and moves in the optimal
path. Click Save. Click Start to start touring.

If you operate PTZ during tour, the camera will stop tour. Click Stop to stop touring. Scan
Scan means the camera moves horizontally at a certain speed between the configured left and right limits. Step 1 Select Setting > PTZ settings > Function > Scan.


Figure 4-10 Scan

Operation Manual

Step 2 Step 3
Step 4

Select the scan number, and set the speed. Click Setup to set left limit and right limit. 1) Click Set Left Limit to set the current position to be the left limit. 2) Click Set Right Limit to set the current position to be the right limit. Click Start to start scanning. Click Stop to stop scanning. Pattern
Pattern means a recording of a series of operations that you make to the camera, and when pattern starts, the camera performs the operations repeatedly. The operations include horizontal and vertical movements, zoom and preset calling. Record and save the operations, and then you can call the pattern path directly. Step 1 Select Setting > PTZ settings > Function > Pattern.


Figure 4-11 Pattern

Operation Manual

Step 2 Step 3
Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

Select the pattern number. Click Setup, and then click Start Rec. Adjust the parameters of direction, zoom, focus and iris according to the actual situation. Click Stop Rec to stop recording. Click Start to start patterning. Click Stop to stop patterning. Pan
Enable Pan, the camera can realize continuous 360° horizontal rotation at a certain speed. Step 1 Select Setting > PTZ settings > Function > Pan.
Figure 4-12 Pan

Step 2 Set the pan speed and click Start, and the camera starts horizontal rotation. 26

Click Stop to stop rotation.

Operation Manual PTZ Speed
PTZ speed means the rotation speed of the PTZ camera during touring, pattern, or auto tracking. Step 1 Select Setting > PTZ settings > Function > PTZ Speed.
Figure 4-13 PTZ speed

Step 2 Select the PTZ speed: Low, Middle, and High. Speed under the direction buttons refers to the rotation angle of the PTZ camera for each press of the direction button. Idle Motion
Idle motion means that the PTZ camera implements the operation which is configured in advance when it does not receive any valid command within the set time.
You have configured the PTZ motions, including preset, scan, tour, or pattern.
Step 1 Select Setting > PTZ settings > Function > Idle Motion.

Figure 4-14 Idle motion

Operation Manual

Step 2 Step 3
Step 4

Select the Enable check box to enable the idle motion function. Select the idle motion and set the idle time. You need to select the corresponding number for some selected idle motions, such as Preset001. Click Save. PowerUp
After setting Powerup motion, the camera will perform the configured motion after it is powered on. Step 1 Select Setting > PTZ settings > Function > PowerUp.
Figure 4-15 PowerUp

Step 2 Select the Enable check box to enable the power up function. 28

Step 3 Select the power up motion.

Operation Manual

Step 4

When you select Auto, the system will perform the last motion that is executed for more than 20 s before power-off. Click OK. PTZ Limit
After setting PTZ limit, the camera can only rotate within the configured area. Step 1 Select Setting > PTZ settings > Function > PTZ Limit.
Figure 4-16 PTZ limit

Step 2 Step 3

Adjust the direction buttons, and then click Setting to set the up line; click Setting
to set the down line. Click Live to view the configured up line and down line. Select the Enable check box to enable the PTZ limit function. Time Task
After setting time task, the camera performs the motions during the configured period.
You have configured the PTZ motions, including preset, scan, tour, and pattern.
Step 1 Select Setting > PTZ settings > Function > Time Task.


Figure 4-17 Time task

Operation Manual

Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
Step 6 Step 7

Select the Enable check box to enable time task function. Select the time task number. Select the time task action. You need to select the corresponding action number for some selected time task actions. Set the auto home time in AutoHome. AutoHome: When you call PTZ, the time task will be interrupted. After setting AutoHome time, the camera will resume the time task automatically. Click Period setting to set the time of the task, and then click Save. For setting arm time, see “ Setting Period”. Click Save.

Related Operations
You can copy the configurations of existing task number to other task number.

  1. Select the existing task number in Time Task num. 2. Select the task number to be configured in Copy To Task No. 3. Click Copy. 4. Click Save. PTZ Restart
Step 1 Select Setting > PTZ settings > Function > PTZ Restart.


Figure 4-18 PTZ restart

Operation Manual

Step 2 Click PTZ Restart to restart PTZ. Default
Be careful when doing this operation. It will restore the camera to default configuration, and result in data loss. Step 1 Select Setting > PTZ settings > Function > Default.

Figure 4-19 Default

Operation Manual

Step 2 Click Default and the PTZ function is restored to default.
4.3.3 Calling PTZ
Click on Live interface, and the PTZ configuration panel is displayed. You can control PTZ and call PTZ function. PTZ Control
You can rotate device, zoom image, and adjust iris through PTZ control or virtual joystick. See Figure 4-20 and Figure 4-21.

Figure 4-20 PTZ control

Operation Manual

Figure 4-21 Joystick

: Rotate PTZ direction through direction button. PTZ supports eight directions:

left/right/up/down/upper left/upper right/bottom left/bottom right. Click , and draw a box in the image, PTZ will rotate, focus and quickly position the defined scene.

: Rotate PTZ direction through joystick. Select and hold , and drag it to the direction

that you need, then PTZ will move to the defined direction. Speed: Measure the rotation speed. The higher the speed value is, the faster the speed becomes. Zoom, focus and iris: Click or to adjust zoom, focus and iris.

33 PTZ Function

Operation Manual

Select the PTZ function from the drop-down list to call the corresponding functions, including Scan, Preset, Tour, Pattern, Pan, Go to, Assistant and Light Wiper. See Figure 4-22. For details, see Table 4-6. Before calling PTZ function, see “4.3.2 Configuring PTZ Function” to configure PTZ function.

If an external PTZ is connected to the camera, the configurations are valid only when the corresponding functions are available on the external PTZ.
The range of PTZ function (such as preset and tour) depends on the PTZ protocol.
Figure 4-22 PTZ function

Parameter Scan Preset Tour Pattern Pan Go to Assistant

Table 4-6 Description of PTZ function
Set the scan number and click Start, the camera moves horizontally at a certain speed between the set left and right limit. Click Stop to stop scanning.
Set the preset number and click Go to, the camera quickly positions the corresponding preset.
Set the tour number and click Start, the camera moves in the order of the selected presets. Click Stop to stop touring.
Set the pattern number and click Start, the camera moves continuously according to the operation recording. Click Stop to stop patterning. Operation recording includes the information of manual operation, focus and zoom.
Click Start, and the camera rotates 360° at a certain speed in horizontal direction.
Set the horizontal angle, vertical angle, and zoom. Click Go to to position a certain point accurately.
Set the assistant number and click Aux Onto enable the corresponding assistant function, and then you can adjust the camera. Click Aux Off to disable the corresponding assistant function.
Set the light or wiper of the camera. Click Enable to enable light/wiper function. Click Disable to disable light/wiper function.

4.4 Playback
This section introduces playback related functions and operations, including video playback and picture playback.


Operation Manual Before playing back video, configure record time range, record storage method, record schedule
and record control. For details, see “ Setting Record Plan”. Before playing back picture, configure snapshot time range, snapshot storage method, snapshot
plan. For details, see” Setting Snapshot Plan”.
4.4.1 Playback Interface
Click the Playback tab, and the Playback interface is displayed. Figure 4-23 Video playback
Figure 4-24 Picture playback

Operation Manual

Table 4-7 Playback interface description





Click , you can select display mode
according to the installation mode during playback.

1 Rules Info

This function is only available on fisheye cameras.
Click , intelligent rules and object detection box are displayed. It is enabled by default.

Rules Info is valid only when you enabled the rule during recording.

Controls the sound during playback.



: Mute mode. : Vocal state. You can adjust the


Controls playback.

: Click the icon to play back recorded


: Click the icon to stop playing back


Play control bar

recorded videos. : Click the icon to play the next frame.

: Click the icon to slow down the


: Click the icon to speed up the playback.


Progress bar

Displays the record type and the corresponding period. Click any point in the colored area, and
the system will play back the recorded video from the selected moment. Each record type has its own color, and you can see their relations in Record Type bar.

Select the record type or snapshot type.

Record type includes General, Event,


Record/Snapshot Type

Alarm, Manual.

Snapshot type includes General, Event,



Operation Manual






: You can zoom in or out video

image of the selected area through two


: Click the icon to capture one

picture of the current video, and it will be

saved to the configured storage path.


Playback video

You can select the file type, data source, and record date.


Video clip

Clip a certain recorded video and save it. For details, see “4.4.3 Clipping Video”.

Includes 4 time formats:



Time format of progress bar



. Take

as an example, the whole progress

stands for 24 hours.

4.4.2 Playing back Video or Picture
This section introduces the operation of video playback and picture playback. This section takes video playback as an example. Step 1 Select dav from the Record Type drop-down list and SD card from the Data Src drop-
down list. Select jpg from Record Type drop-down list when playing back pictures, and you do not need to select data source.
Figure 4-25 File type selection

Step 2 Select the record type in Record Type. Figure 4-26 Record type selection
When selecting Event as the record type, you can select the specific event types from the

Operation Manual playback file list, such as Motion Detection, Video Tamper and Scene Changing.
Figure 4-27 Specific event types

Step 3 Select the month and year of the video that you want to play.

Step 4

Those dates with blue color indicate there were videos recorded in those days. Play video. Click in the control bar.
The system plays the recorded video of the selected date (in the order of time). The system plays the recorded video of the selected date (in the order of time). Click any point in the colored area on the progress bar.
The playback starts from that moment.

Figure 4-28 Progress bar


, the video files of the selected date would be listed. Enter the start time and

end time, and then click to search all files between the start time and end time.

Double-click the file in the list, and the system plays the video and displays file size,

starting time, and ending time.


Figure 4-29 Playback file list

Operation Manual

4.4.3 Clipping Video

Step 1 Click

, the video files of the selected date are listed.

Step 2 Select dav or mp4 in Download Format.

Step 3 Click on the progress bar to select the start time of the target video, and then click


See Figure 4-30.

Figure 4-30 Clipping video

Step 4 Step 5

Click again on the progress bar to select the end time of the target video, and then click



to download the video.


Step 6

Operation Manual
The system will prompt that it cannot play back and download at the same time. Click OK. The playback stops and the clipped file is saved in the configured storage path. For the configuration of storage path, see “ Path”.

4.4.4 Downloading Video or Picture
Download video or picture to a defined path. You can download single video or picture file, or download them in batches. This section takes downloading video as an example.

Playback and downloading at the same time is not supported. Operations might vary with different browsers. For details of viewing or setting storage path, see “ Path”. Downloading a Single File

Step 1
Step 2 Step 3

Select dav from the Record Type drop-down list and SD card from the Data Src drop-

down list.

Select jpg from Record Type drop-down list when playing back pictures, and you do not

need to select data source.


, the video files of the selected date are listed. See Figure 4-29.

Select dav or mp4 in Download Format. Click next to the file to be download.

The system starts to download the file to the configured path. When downloading

pictures, you do not need to select the download format. Downloading Files in Batches

Step 1 Click

on the playback interface. Figure 4-31 Batch download

Step 2 Select the record type, set the start time and end time, and then click Search. 40

Step 3

Operation Manual
The searched files are listed. Select the files to be downloaded, select dav or mp4 from the Format drop-down list, and then set the storage path. Click Download. The system starts to download the file to the configured path. When downloading picture, you do not need to select the download format.

4.5 Camera
This section introduces the camera setting, including conditions, video and audio.
Camera parameters of different devices might vary.
4.5.1 Camera Conditions
Configure camera parameters of the camera to ensure surveillance goes properly. Conditions
Configure camera parameters according to the actual situation, including picture, exposure, backlight and white balance. Interface Layout
Configure camera parameters to improve the scene clarity, and ensure that surveillance goes properly. See Figure 4-32. Under profile, you can select between 9 different styles, such as normal, day, night or flowing
light mode. Parameters (such as contrast and saturation) will change to match the style. You can also further modify the configurations for select modes (such as picture, exposure and backlight) after changing the main style. Flowing light is suitable for situations where there is slight light, and the panoramic function is unable to effectively detect targets.

After switching to flowing light, the mode in the exposure menu is automatically set to manual. The shutter time is adaptive, working at a maximum speed of 333 ms.
By default the backlight is off. The wide dynamic effect start or not can be determined by identifying the overexposure in the picture. This gives you control over overexposure in the picture.
Camera with PTZ function supports zoom, focus and iris operations. See Figure 4-33. Configure speed, click direction button, and to adjust the direction, zoom, focus and iris and so on, to adjust the camera to the proper position.


Figure 4-32 Camera conditions

Operation Manual

Figure 4-33 Camera conditions (PTZ camera) Picture
You can configure picture parameters as needed. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera

Conditions > Conditions > Picture.

Figure 4-34 Picture

Operation Manual

Step 2 Configure picture parameters.


Table 4-8 Description of picture parameters Description

Brightness Contrast Saturation Sharpness Gamma Mirror

Select the picture style from soft, standard and vivid. Soft: Default image style, displays the actual color of the image. Standard: The hue of the image is weaker than the actual one, and
contrast is smaller. Vivid: The image is more vivid than the actual one.
Change the value to adjust the picture brightness. The higher the value is, the brighter the picture will be, and the smaller the darker. The picture might be hazy if the value is configured too big.
Change the contrast of the picture. The higher the value is, the more the contrast will be between bright and dark areas, and the smaller the less. If the value is set too big, the dark area would be too dark and bright area easier to get overexposed. The picture might be hazy if the value is set too small.
Make the color deeper or lighter. The higher the value is, the deeper the color will be, and the lower the lighter. Saturation value does not change image brightness.
Changes the sharpness of picture edges. The higher the value is, the clearer the picture edges will be, and if the value is set too big, picture noises are more likely to appear.
Changes the picture brightness and improves the picture dynamic range in a non-linear way. The higher the value is, the brighter the picture will be, and the smaller the darker.
Select On, and the picture would display with left and right side reversed.


Parameter Flip

Operation Manual
Changes the display direction of the picture, see the options below. 0°: Normal display. 90°: The picture rotates 90° clockwise. 180°: The picture rotates 90° counterclockwise. 270°: The picture flips upside down.

Optical Dejitering Picture Freeze Step 3 Click Save.

For some models, please set the resolution to be 1080p or lower when using 90° and 180°. For details, see “ Video”.
Corrects the device shaking with difference comparison algorithm and improves the image clarity, effectively solves the picture shaking problem.
The lens vibration is sensed by the gyroscope sensor, and the corresponding compensation is calculated using the intelligent antishake algorithm. The movable parts inside the lens are driven to offset the vibration, which greatly reduces blurring of the image caused by the vibration.
When you call a preset, the image displays the preset location, not the rotation image. Exposure
Configure iris and shutter to improve image clarity.

Cameras with true WDR do not support long exposure when WDR is enabled in Backlight. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Conditions > Conditions > Exposure.
Figure 4-35 Exposure

Step 2 Configure exposure parameters. 44

Parameter Anti-flicker

Operation Manual
Table 4-9 Description of exposure parameters
You can select from 50 Hz, 60 Hz and Outdoor. 50 Hz: When the electric supply is 50 Hz, the system adjusts the
exposure according to ambient light automatically to ensure that there is no stripe appears. 60 Hz: When the electric supply is 60 Hz, the system adjusts the exposure according to ambient light automatically to ensure that there is no stripe appears. Outdoor: You can select any exposure mode as needed.
Device exposure modes. Auto: Adjusts the image brightness according to the actual
condition automatically. Gain Priority: When the exposure range is normal, the system
prefers the configured gain range when auto adjusting according to the ambient lighting condition. If the image brightness is not enough and the gain has reached upper or lower limit, the system adjusts shutter value automatically to ensure the image at ideal brightness. You can configure gain range to adjust gain level when using gain priority mode. Shutter priority: When the exposure range is normal, the system prefers the configured shutter range when auto adjusting according to the ambient lighting condition. If the image brightness is not enough and the shutter value has reached upper or lower limit, the system adjusts gain value automatically to ensure the image at ideal brightness. Iris priority: The iris value is set to a fixed value, and the device adjusts shutter value then. If the image brightness is not enough and the shutter value has reached upper or lower limit, the system adjusts gain value automatically to ensure the image at ideal brightness. Manual: Configure gain and shutter value manually to adjust image brightness.

Exposure Comp Shutter Shutter range

When the Anti-flicker is set to Outdoor, you can select Gain priority or Shutter priority in the Mode list.
Sets the value, and it ranges from 0 to 50. The higher the value is, the brighter the image will be.
Set the effective exposure time. The smaller the value, the shorter the exposure time will be.
When selecting Shutter Priority or Manual in Mode, and setting Customized Range in Shutter, you can set shutter range, and the unit is ms.


Parameter Gain Iris
Auto Iris
2D NR 3D NR Grade Step 3 Click Save.

Operation Manual
When selecting Gain Priority or Manual in Mode, you can set shutter range. With minimum illumination, the camera increases Gain automatically to get clearer images.
When selecting Aperture Priority in Mode, you can set iris range.
This configuration is available only when the camera is equipped with auto- iris lens. When auto iris is enabled, the iris size changes automatically
according to the ambient lighting condition, and the image brightness changes accordingly. When auto iris is disabled, the iris stays at full size and does not change no matter how ambient lighting condition changes.
Average single-frame dots and other dots around to reduce noise.
Works with multi-frame (no less than 2 frames) images and reduces noise by using the frame information between previous and latter frames.
This configuration is available only when the 3D DNR is enabled. The higher the DNR level is, the better the result will be. Backlight
You can select backlight mode from Auto, BLC, WDR, and HLS. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Conditions > Conditions > Backlight.
Figure 4-36 Backlight

Step 2 Configure backlight parameters.

Backlight mode Auto

Table 4-10 Description of backlight parameters
The system adjusts image brightness according to ambient lighting condition automatically to ensure image clarity.


Backlight mode BLC
WDR HLS Step 3 Click Save.

Operation Manual
Enable BLC, the camera can get clearer image of the dark areas on the target when shooting against light. You can select Default mode or Customized mode. When in Default mode, the system adjusts exposure according to
ambient lighting condition automatically to ensure the clarity of the darkest area. When in Customized mode, the system auto adjusts exposure only to the set area according to ambient lighting condition to ensure the image of the set area at ideal brightness.
The system dims bright areas and compensates dark areas to ensure the clarity of all the area. The higher the value is, the brighter the dark will be, but the more the noise will be.
There might be a few seconds of video loss when the device is switching to WDR mode from other mode.
Enable HLS when extreme strong light is in the environment (such as toll station or parking lot), the camera will dim strong light, and reduce the size of Halo zone to lower the brightness of the whole image, so that the camera can capture human face or car plate detail clearly. The higher the value is, the more obvious the HLS effect will be. WB
WB function makes the image color display precisely as it is. When in WB mode, white objects would always display white color in different environments. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Conditions > Conditions > WB.
Figure 4-37 WB

Step 2 Configure WB parameters.

WB mode Auto

Table 4-11 Description of WB parameters
The system compensates WB according to color temperature to ensure color precision.


WB mode Natural Street Lamp Outdoor Manual Regional Custom Step 3 Click Save.

Operation Manual
The system auto compensates WB to environments without artificial light to ensure color precision.
The system compensates WB to outdoor night scene to ensure color precision.
The system auto compensates WB to most outdoor environments with natural or artificial light to ensure color precision.
Configure red and blue gain manually; the system auto compensates WB according to color temperature.
The system compensates WB only to the set area according to color temperature to ensure color precision. Day & Night
Configure the display mode of the image. The system switches between color and black-and-white mode according to the actual condition. Step 1 Select Setting

Camera > Conditions > Conditions > Day & Night.
Figure 4-38 Day and night

Step 2 Configure day and night parameters.


Table 4-12 Description of day and night parameters Description You can select device display mode from Color, Auto, and B/W.


Day & Night configuration is independent from profile management configuration.
Color: The system displays color image. Auto: The system switches between color and black-and-white
display according to the actual condition. B/W: The system displays black-and- white image.


Parameter Sensitivity
Delay Step 3 Click Save.

Operation Manual
This configuration is available only when you set Auto in Mode. You can configure camera sensitivity when switching between color and black-and-white mode.
This configuration is available only when you set Auto in Mode. You can configure the delay when camera switching between color and black-and-white mode. The lower the value is, the faster the camera switches between color and black-and-white mode. Zoom and Focus
Initialize lens to adjust zoom and focus. Only PTZ camera supports lens initialization. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Conditions > Conditions > ZoomFocus.
Figure 4-39 Zoom and focus

Step 2 Configure zoom and focus parameters.

Table 4-13 Description of zoom and focus parameters



Digital Zoom Zoom Speed

Select On to enable digital zoom function. After the optical zoom reached the upper limit, enable digital zoom function, you still can do digital zoom operation.
Adjusts zoom speed. The higher the value is, the higher the speed will be.
Sets focus mode. Auto: When image moves or object changes in the scene, the
camera will focus automatically. Semi Auto: Click or corresponding to Focus or Zoom,
the camera will focus. Calling preset, positioning accurately or rotating PTZ also will trigger focus. Manual: Click or corresponding to Focus to adjust the focus.


Parameter Focus Limit
Sensitivity Step 3 Click Save.

Operation Manual
When the focus length is too short, the camera will focus on the dome cover. Sets the shortest focus distance to avoid focusing on the dome cover. You can also change the focus speed by changing focus length.
The sensitivity of triggering focus. The higher the value is, the easier the focus will be triggered.

Click Lens Initialization, the lens will adjust the zoom and focus parameters. Illuminator
This configuration is available only when the device is equipped with illuminator. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Conditions > Conditions > Illuminator.
Figure 4-40 Illuminator

Step 2 Configure illuminator parameters.


Operation Manual

Table 4-14 Description of illuminator parameters



Fill Light

Set Fill Light for sound and siren cameras. IR Mode: Enable the IR illuminator, and the white
light is disabled. White Light: Enable the white light, and the IR
illuminator is disabled. Smart illumination. They system will switch the
illuminators according to the actual condition. When the ambient light reaches the threshold of IR illuminator, the IR illuminator is enabled. The white light is enabled when the target appears in surveillance area, disabled when the target is out of the surveillance area, and then the IR illuminator is enabled according to the ambient light.
When selecting Smart Illumination as Fill Light, you need to set the illuminator delay. It is 60 seconds by default, and the range is 30­300 seconds.


Adjust the brightness of illuminator manually, and then the system will supply illuminator to the image accordingly.

Auto Smart IR

The system adjusts the illuminator intensity according to the ambient lighting condition.



The system adjusts the illuminator intensity automatically according to the change of the ambient light. When the ambient light turns darker, the system
turns on the low beam lights first, if the brightness is still not enough, it turns on the high beam lights then. When the ambient light turns brighter, the system dims high beam lights until they are off, and then the low beam lights. When the focus reaches certain wide angle, the system will not turn on high beam light in order to avoid over-exposure in short distance. In the meantime, you can configure light compensation manually to fine-tune IR light intensity.

Off Step 3 Click Save.

Illuminator is off. Defog
The image quality is compromised in foggy or hazy environment, and defog can be used to improve


image clarity. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Conditions > Conditions > Defog.
Figure 4-41 Defog

Operation Manual

Step 2 Configure defog parameters.

Table 4-15 Description of defog parameters

Auto Off Step 3 Click Save.

Configure function intensity and atmospheric light mode manually, and then the system adjusts image clarity accordingly. Atmospheric light mode can be adjusted automatically or manually.
The system adjusts image clarity according to the actual condition.
Defog function is disabled. Fisheye
Select install mode and record mode according to the actual installation scene. When the camera accesses the platform with corrective stream, the platform displays the corrective image.

This function is only available on fisheye device. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Conditions > Conditions > Fisheye.
Figure 4-42 Fisheye

Step 2 Set install mode and record mode. 52

Parameter Install Mode
Record Mode
Step 3 Click Save.

Operation Manual
Table 4-16 Description of fisheye parameters
You can select Ceiling, Wall, or Ground.
1O: The original image before correction. 1P: 360°rectangular panoramic image. 2P: When the install mode is Ceiling or Ground, you can set this
mode. Two associated 180° rectangular image screens, and at any time, the two screens form a 360° panoramic image. 1R: Original image screen + independent sub-screen. You can zoom or drag the image in all the screens. 2R: Original image screen + two independent sub-screens. You can zoom or drag the image in all the screens. 4R: Original image screen + four independent sub-screens. You can zoom or drag the image in all the screens. 1O + 3R: Original image screen

  • three independent sub-screens. You can zoom or drag the image in original image screen, and move the image (upper and lower) in sub-screens to adjust the vertical view. Image Correction
Enable the image correction function to correct some bent objects (such as roads) in the image of panoramic splicing cameras, but it will influence the field of view.
Figure 4-43 Image correction

If the camera has multiple sensors, the image correction function will only displayed when the number of splicing sensors is 4 or less.
When the device enables image correction, intelligent event and sub stream 2 are closed automatically.
53 Splicing Mode

Operation Manual

Select the splicing mode to splice several images of different lens to a panoramic image. You can select Merged Splicing or Splicing for Mode.
Figure 4-44 Splicing mode Profile Management
The surveillance system works in different ways as profile configured in different time. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Conditions > Profile Management.
The Profile Management interface is displayed. Step 2 Manage profile.
When Profile Management is set as General, the surveillance system works under General configuration. Figure 4-45 General
When Profile Management is set as Full Time, you can select Day or Night in the Always Enable list, the surveillance system works under Always Enable configuration.

Figure 4-46 Full time

Operation Manual

When Profile Management is set as Schedule, you can drag the slide block to set certain time as Day or Night. For example, set 8:00­18:00 as day, and 0:00­8:00 and 18:00­24:00 as night.
Figure 4-47 Schedule

When Profile Management is set as Day & Night, the surveillance system works under Day & Night configuration. Figure 4-48 Day/Night
Step 3 Click Save. Zoom and Focus
You can adjust image clarity through auto or manual focus; and adjust the image size through zoom. For details, see “ Zoom and Focus”. Splicing
When the panorama contains multiple images captured by different lenses, enable this function. Before splicing, make sure that the surveillance scene is large and there are no objects blocking the

camera from taking a clear picture, otherwise, the splicing might fail. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Conditions > Splicing.
Figure 4-49 Splicing

Operation Manual

Step 2

Select the lenses that need to be spliced. When splicing the image through selecting lenses, you need to select the continuous splicing screens. The screen with the icon (deeper color) is the first screen of the splicing. You can select any screen as the first one, and then select the following screens continuously. The system supports the splicing of 2 lenses to 8 lenses.

Step 3

This function is available on select models. And it is all sensors splicing by default. For Multi-Sensor Panoramic + PTZ Camera, the 4-sensor device supports 2 to 4 lenses
splicing; the 6-sensor device supports 2 to 6 lenses splicing; the 8-sensor device supports 2-8 lenses splicing. Click Start. The system starts to splice the image. Some cameras restart automatically after splicing is complete, You can view the results of the splicing in the Live window. Some cameras display splicing live window after splicing is complete. Click OK, and then the default window appears. Click OK and the splicing will take effect.

4.5.2 Setting Video Parameters
This section introduces video parameters, such as video, snapshot, overlay, ROI (region of interest), and path.

Click Default, and the device is restored to default configuration. Click Refresh to view the latest configuration. Video
Configure video stream parameters, such as stream type, encode mode, resolution, frame rate, bit rate type, bit rate, I frame interval, SVC, and watermark. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Video.


Figure 4-50 Video

Operation Manual

Step 2 Configure video parameters.


Table 4-17 Description of video parameters Description

Select the Enable check box to enable sub stream. It is enabled by default.

Enable Encode Mode

You can enable multiple sub streams simultaneously. When the device enables image correction, intelligent event and
sub stream 2 are closed automatically.
Select encode mode. H.264: Main profile encode mode. Compared with H.264B, it
requires smaller bandwidth. H.264H: High profile encode mode. Compared with H.264, it
requires smaller bandwidth. H.264B: Baseline profile encode mode. It requires smaller
bandwidth. H.265: Main profile encode mode. Compared with H.264, it requires
smaller bandwidth. MJPEG: When under this mode, the image requires high bit rate
value to ensure clarity, you are recommended to set the Bit Rate value to the biggest value in the Reference Bit Rate.


Parameter Encoding Strategy

Operation Manual
Select the encoding strategy as needed. General: Disable smart codec. Smart Codec: Enable smart codec to improve video compressibility
and save storage space. It is applicable to static scenes. AI Code: When the bandwidth and storage space are restricted, the
camera will select the encoding strategy with lower bit rate to save storage space. It is applicable to dynamic scenes. After AI codec is enabled, Bit Rate Type is CBR, and it cannot be changed. Comparing with general mode, AI codec has lower bite rate. This function is only available on cameras with AI functions.

Resolution Video Clip Frame Rate (FPS) Bit Rate Type

After smart codec and AI codec are enabled, the camera would stop supporting the third stream, ROI, and smart event detection, and the actual interface shall prevail.

The resolution of the video. The higher the value is, the clearer the image will be, but the bigger the bandwidth will be required.

This function is available only for sub stream 2 of some select models.

Main stream

1. Select the resolution as needed, and click

next to

Resolution. The Area interface is displayed. 2. Clip the image on the Area interface, and then click Save. View the clipped video on Live interface. Sub stream 2 1. Select Video Clip, and click . The Area interface is displayed. 2. View the clipped video on Live interface (only the live interface of sub stream 2 displays the clipped area).

The number of frame in one second of video. The higher the value is, the clearer and smoother the video will be.

The bit rate control type during video data transmission. You can select bit rate type from: CBR (Constant Bit Rate): The bit rate changes a little and keeps close
to the defined bit rate value. VBR (Variable Bit Rate): The bit rate changes as monitoring scene


The Bit Rate Type can be only be set as CBR when Encode Mode is set as MJPEG.
This parameter can be configured only when the Bit Rate Type is set as VBR. The better the quality is, the larger the bandwidth will be requested.


Operation Manual

Parameter Reference Bit Rate Max Bit Rate Bit Rate
I Frame Interval
SVC Watermark Settings Watermark Character Stream Smooth

The most suitable bit rate value range recommended to user according to the defined resolution and frame rate.
This parameter can be configured only when the Bit Rate Type is set as VBR. You can select the value of the Max Bit Rate according to the Reference Bit Rate value. The bit rate then changes as monitoring scene changes, but the max bit rate keeps close to the defined value.
This parameter can be configured only when the Bit Rate Type is set as CBR. Select bit rate value in the list according to actual condition. You can also customize the value.
This parameter can be configured only when Encoding Strategy is set as General or AI Codec. The number of P frames between two I frames. The smaller the value, the higher the image quality, and the range changes as Frame Rate(FPS) changes. It is recommended to set I Frame Interval twice as big as Frame Rate(FPS). When selecting AI Codec in Encoding Strategy, you can only select the value same as or twice as big as Frame Rate(FPS).
Scaled video coding, able to encode a high quality video bit stream that contains one or more subset bit streams. When sending stream, to improve fluency, the system will quit some data of related lays according to the network status. 1: The default value, which means that there is no layered coding. 2, 3 and 4: The lay number that the video stream is packed.
You can verify the watermark to check if the video has been tampered. 1. Select the check box to enable watermark function. 2. The default character is DigitalCCTV.
Click , or drag to set the value of Stream Smooth.
The higher the value is, the less smooth the stream, but the higher the image definition; the lower the value is, the more smooth the stream, but the lower the image definition.

Step 3 Click Save.

The value of Stream Smooth is 100 by default. Snapshot
You can configure snapshot parameters, including snapshot type, image size, quality and interval. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Snapshot.


Figure 4-51 Snapshot

Operation Manual

Step 2 Configure snapshot parameters.

Table 4-18 Description of snapshot parameter



Snapshot Type
Image Size Quality Interval Step 3 Click Save.

You can select General and Event. General: The system takes snapshot as scheduled. For details,
see “4.7.2 Setting Schedule”. Event: The system takes snapshot when the video detection,
audio detection, event, or alarm is triggered. This function requires the corresponding snapshot being enabled.
The same resolution with main stream.
Configures the snapshot quality. There are six levels of Image quality, and the sixth is the best.
Configures the snapshot frequency. Select Customized, and then you can configure snapshot frequency manually. Overlay
Configure overlay information, and it will be displayed on the Live interface. Configuring Privacy Masking
You can enable this function when you need to protect privacy of some area on the video image.

Functions might vary with different models.
Privacy Masking (1)
Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Overlay > Privacy Masking.


Figure 4-52 Privacy masking (1)

Operation Manual

Figure 4-53 Privacy masking (PTZ dome)

Step 2

Configure privacy masking. PTZ dome
1. Select the SN. 2. Adjust the live image to the proper location through PTZ, select the color, and then
click Draw. Press the mouse button to draw rectangles. The configuration takes effect immediately. 3. Other operations: Select the SN, and click Go to, the speed dome rotates to the masked area. Select the SN, and click Delete to delete the masking rectangles. Click Clear, and the click OK to clear all masking rectangles.


Operation Manual Other cameras
1. Select Enable, and then drag the block to the area that you need to cover.
You can drag 4 rectangles at most. Click Remove All to delete all the area boxes; select one box, and then click
Delete or right-click to delete it. 2. Adjust the size of the rectangle to protect the privacy. 3. Click Save.
Privacy Masking (2)
You can select the type of the masking from Color Lump and Mosaic. When selecting Color Lump only, you can draw triangles and convex quadrilaterals as blocks.
You can drag 8 blocks at most, and the color is black. When selecting Mosaic, you can draw rectangles as blocks with mosaic. You can draw 4 blocks at
most. Color Lump + Mosaic (4): You can draw 8 blocks at most. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Overlay > Privacy Masking. Step 2 Select Enable. Step 3 Click Add, select the masking type, and then draw blocks in image as needed.
Figure 4-54 Privacy masking (2)
Related Operations
View and edit the block Select the privacy masking rule to be edited in the list, then the rule is highlighted, and the block frame is displayed in the image. You can edit the selected block as needed, including moving the position, and adjusting the size.
Edit the block name Double-click the name in Name to edit the block name.
Delete the block Click to delete blocks one by one. Click Clear to delete all blocks. Configuring Channel Title
You can enable this function when you need to display channel title in the video image.

Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Overlay > Channel Title. Figure 4-55 Channel title

Operation Manual

Step 2 Select the Enable check box, enter the channel title, and then select the text align.

Step 3 Step 4

Click to expand the channel title, and you can expand 1 line at most. Move the title box to the position that you want in the image. Click Save. Configuring Time Title
You can enable this function when you need to display time in the video image. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Overlay > Time Title.
Figure 4-56 Time title

Step 2 Select the Enable check box. 63

Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

Select the Week Display check box. Move the time box to the position that you want in the image. Click Save. Configuring Text Overlay
You can enable this function if you need to display text in the video image.

Operation Manual

Text overlay and picture overlay cannot work at the same time, and the IPC that connects to mobile NVR with private protocol would display GPS information as priority. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Overlay > Text Overlay.
Figure 4-57 Text overlay

Step 2 Select the Enable check box, enter the text you need, and then select alignment. The text is displayed in the video image.

Step 3 Step 4

Click to expand the text overlay, and you can expand 9 lines at most. Move the text box to the position that you want in the image. Click Save. Configuring Font Attribute
You can enable this function if you need to adjust the font size in the video image. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Overlay > Font Attribute.


Figure 4-58 Font attribute

Operation Manual

Step 2 Step 3

Select the font color and size. Click More Color to customize the font color. Click Save. Configuring Picture Overlay
You can enable this function if you need to display picture information on the video image.

Text overlay and picture overlay cannot work at the same time. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Overlay > Picture Overlay.
Figure 4-59 Picture overlay

Step 2
Step 3 Step 4

Select the Enable check box, click Upload Picture, and then select the picture to be overlaid. The picture is displayed on the video image. Move the overlaid picture to the position that you want in the image. Click Save.

65 Configuring Custom Overlay

Operation Manual

You can enable this function if you need to display custom information on the video image. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Overlay > Custom Overlay.
Figure 4-60 Custom overlay

Step 2 Select the Enable check box, and then select the text align.

Step 3 Step 4

Click to expand the custom overlay, and you can expand 1 line at most. Move the custom box to the position that you want in the image. Click Save. Configuring OSD Info
You can enable this function if you want to display the information of preset, PTZ coordinates, zoom, tour and location on the video image.

Only tracking speed dome supports OSD info function. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Overlay > OSD Info.


Figure 4-61 OSD information

Operation Manual

Step 2 Configure OSD information.


Table 4-19 Description of OSD information Description

Preset Temperature Coordinates Zoom

Select Enable, and the preset name is displayed in the image when the camera turns to the preset, and it will disappear 3 s later. Select Enable and the internal temperature of the current device is displayed. Select Enable and the PTZ coordinates info is displayed in the image. Select Enable and the zoom info is displayed in the image. such as
, which means 12x zoom rate.


Select Enable and the north direction is displayed in the image.


Select Enable and it will enable RS-485 communication function.

Text Input Text

Select Enable and set text, and the text is displayed in the image.

Text Align

Alignment mode of the displayed information in the image.

Step 3 Move the OSD box to the position that you want in the image.

Step 4 Click Save. Configuring Counting
The image displays statistics of the enter number and leave number. When the overlay function is enabled during intelligent rules configuration, this function is enabled simultaneously. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Overlay > Counting.


Figure 4-62 Counting

Operation Manual

Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Select the Enable check box, and then configure counting method and alignment. Move the counting box to the position that you want in the image. Click Save. Configuring Structured Statistics
The image displays structured statistics. When the overlay function enabled during intelligent rules configuration, this function is enabled simultaneously. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Overlay > Structured Statistics.
Figure 4-63 Structured statistics

Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Select the Enable check box, select the statistics type, and then select text align. Move the structured statistics box to the position that you want in the image. Click Save. Configuring GPS Position
The image displays GPS position. When the overlay function enabled during intelligent rules configuration, this function is enabled simultaneously.


Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Overlay > GDP Position. Figure 4-64 GDP position

Operation Manual

Step 2
Step 3 Step 4

Select the Enable check box, and then select the Mode to Auto or Manual. Auto: The GPS positions the longitude and latitude automatically. Manual: Enter the longitude and latitude manually. Move GPS position box to the position that you want in the image. Click Save. Configuring Ranging
Configure camera height and the display time of overlay information. Click any point on the ground that the pole is installed on the image, and the overlay information between camera and the selected point is displayed. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Overlay > Ranging.
Figure 4-65 Ranging

Step 2 Select the Enable check box, and then set the installation height and time display. 69

Step 3

Operation Manual
Time display: The display time of the ranging information on live image. Click Save. Configuring ANPR
The image displays ANPR statistics information. When the overlay function enabled during intelligent rules configuration, this function is enabled simultaneously. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Overlay > ANPR.
Figure 4-66 ANPR

Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Select the Enable check box, select the statistics type, and then select text align. Move the ANPR box to the position that you want in the image. Click Save. Configuring Face Statistics
The image displays face statistics information. When the overlay function enabled during intelligent rules configuration, this function is enabled simultaneously. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Overlay > Face Statistics.


Figure 4-67 Face statistics

Operation Manual

Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Select the Enable check box, and select text align. Move the structured statistics box to the position that you want in the image. Click Save. ROI
Select ROI (region of interest) on the image and configure the image quality of ROI, and then the selected image is display at defined quality. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > ROI.
Figure 4-68 ROI

Step 2 Select the Enable check box, draw the area on the image, and then configure the image 71

quality of ROI.

Operation Manual

Step 3

You can draw four area boxes at most. The higher the image quality value is, the better the quality will be. Click Remove All to delete all the area boxes; select one box, and then click Delete or
right-click to delete it. Click Save. Path
You can configure the storage path for live snapshot, live record, playback snapshot, playback download, and video clips. Step 1 Select Setting > Camera > Video > Path.
Figure 4-69 Path

Step 2 Click Browse to select the storage path for live snapshot, live record, playback snapshot, playback download, and video clips.

Table 4-20 Description of path



Live Snapshot Live Record Playback Snapshot Playback Download

The snapshot of live interface. The default path is C:UsersadminWebDownloadLiveSnapsh ot.
The recorded video of live interface. The default path is C:UsersadminWebDownloadLiveRecord.
The snapshot of playback interface. The default path is C:UsersadminWebDownloadPlaybackSn apshot.
The downl


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