DNAKE 902D-B6 Video Intercoms User Manual
- June 13, 2024
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DNAKE 902D-B6 Video Intercoms
Please follow the user manual for correct installation and testing. If there is any doubt please call our tech-supporting and customer center. Our company applies ourselves to reformation and innovation of our products. No extra notice for any change. The illustration shown here is only for reference. If there is any difference, please take the actual product as the standard. The product and batteries must be handled separately from household waste. When the product reaches the end of service life and needs to be discarded, please contact the local administrative department and put it in the designated collection points in order to avoid the damage to the environment and human health caused by any disposal. We encourage recycling and reusing the material resources.
- Working voltages DC12V
- Rated power, 13W
- Standby powa~ 3W
- working temperature, -2o·c-ss·c
- Storage temperature, -40″C-+70″C
- Working Humidity, 10″ to 90″ (non-condensing}
- RAM: 512MB
- Camera, 192O-iOBO CMOS
Please make sure the package contains the following itams
- 10.1-inch capacitive touch screen
- Powered by PoE or power adapter (DC12V /2A)
- Open the door by face recognition (10,000 users)
- Liveness detection
- Open the door by IC card (100,000 users)
- Support SIP 2.0 protocol, easy integration with other SIP devices
- Easy integration with elevator control system
- 2MP camera with WDR mode
After the door station is powered on. the LCD display is shown as below,
Main menu, CALL, PIN, FACE and CONTACTS. one key to call master station
In a standby mode, Input room number on door station. For example, Input 111 on door station, then press to call.
Note, During communication, pressing on the door station, the call will be cutoff. -
In a standby mode, Input the PIN number(default Is 0000). Then press key to confirm. If the PIN number Is correct, the door will be unlocked, If not. It will make a sound like “clatter clatter-. -
When someone looks at the LCD screen, door station will automatically start the face recognition. If the face ID has been registered, the door wlll be unlocked. In the state of face recognition, click to call master station . -
In this interfac:e, you c:an search the contaa by name or apartment number, click Icon to contact.
Click “PIN· icon and press six-digit admln pauword(default password1 123456), then press ·r ta enter the system settings
In System Settings page, you can set the following items1
Press “Device’ Icon to enter the following setting Interface:
Building No., Unit No., Index and Password
Select the item to set lnput the number to change Press ·save· to confirm.
When the door station gives an indication tone, it means that it is changed
Note: Please keep the admin password confidential. If the password is
forgotten, the user will not be able to log into the system. The password can
only be recovered by resetting to factory default.
The device can be used as unit door station or wall door station. The
devicemode can be set through the item “Mode”. Press ·save· to confirm after
inputting. When the door station gives an indication tone, it means that it is
changed successfully. If the device is used as unit door station, it can only
call the indoor monitors in this unit. If the device is used as wall door
station, it can call all the indoor monitors in the whole community.
Language, Volume and Size
The language, volume and size (resolution) are set in the same way as the
settings of device mode. “Language” is used to set the language to be shown on
the door station, supporting English, traditional Chinese, Spanish and so on.
“Volume” is used to set the prompt tone of door station, including 1-6 volume
levels selection. There is 320×240, 640×480, 1280×720 or 1920xl080 for the
Press “Network” icon to enter the following setting interface
Select this Item to go to settings. Press ·save· to conftrm after Inputting. When the door station gives an Indication tone, It means that It Is changed successfully. The user can enable or dtsable the function.
The default IP address of the system is 192,168.68.90. As for the davicas
which are connected on the same LAN (the same subnet of network segment),
their IP addresses cannot be the same
The system default Is llS.255.255.0
It refers to the gateway address for network segment of device’s IP address.
The systam default Is
The system default is
The CMS IP address refers to the IP address of computer with management
software. In case that management software isn’t required for managing the
Intercom devices, this setting Is Invalid. The default IP address of server is
Prass “Access” Icon ta enter the followlng setting Interface,
Press •card’ icon to enter the following setting lnterface1
Enter Name and Apartment No., click ·Next· icon, and then swipe the card on
the card reader area of the door station to complete the card registration
Delete By Apt./Ext.No.
Enter Apt./Ext.No., click •Next” Icon, select the card to be deleted, and
·confirm· to delete it successfully,
Delete By card
Press “Delete By card” icon, swipe the card on the card reader area of the
door station to delete the card.
Delete All
Press “Delete All” Icon, and cllck “Conflnn• to delete all card.
Press “PIN Code” icon to enter the following setting interfac:ei
The page is used for setting the PIN Code to unlock the door. The system
default password Is 0000. Eight unlocklng passwords can be added.
Prass “Settings• to enter the followlng sattfng Interface:
Open Time
The item is used for setting door opening time length, Select this item to go
to settings. Input any number from 1 to 9. If the user enters the number 3, It
means the opening time Is sat to 3 seconds. Prass ·5ave· to confirm after
inputting. When the door station gives an indication tone, It means that the
time Is changed successfully.
Open Delay
The item refers to delay duration of opening, meaning how long it will delay
opening the door after the user presses the unlock button on the Indoor
Select this Item to go to settings. Input any number from 1 to 9. If the user
enters the number 5, it means the delayed opening time is set to 5 seconds.
Press ·5ave• to confirm after inputting. When the door station gives an
Indication tone. It means that the time Is changed successfully.
Elev Refer (This Item can only be used after connecting to Elevator Control
The item is used for setting the floor No. of door station. Select this Item
to go to settings. Set the floor No. of door station ranging from 01 to 99.
After the door is unlocked, the elevator will reach the floor of door station.
Press ·save” to confirm after inputting. When the door station gives an
Indication tone, It means that It Is changed successfully.
This Item Is used for IC card encryption. Press “Save” to confirm after
inputting. When the door station gives an indication tone, it means that it is
changed successfully. The user can enable or disable the function.
This Item Is used for enabling or disabling face recognition.
The item “Similarity” is used for setting the face similarity. There are 3
levels to choose. (Low, the face similarity requirement Is low; Normal, the
face slmllarlty requirement Is normal; High, the face slmllarlty requirement
Live Detect
The Item “Live Detect· is Ysed for detecting human face in case some might use
photo or video to break In. (Normal, Enable llve detect tor single camera
devices Highs Enable live detect for dual camera device.)
Press “Other” icon to enter the following setting interface,
- others page Is used for reboot.
- Reboot: cllck to reboot the device.
- Default: click to reset to factory default.
Prass ‘Version lean ta antar the followlng setting Interface,
You can laak ovar the relevant Information.
Connect door station and PC to the network switch on the same LAN, Input IP
address of door station In the web browser of PC, then Input the user name and
password(the default name is admin, the password is 123456) to enter Into the
following Interface,
Main page Is used for showing firmware version and the status of SIP registration.
Network page is used for setting up network of device here.
- DHCP: obtain IP address via DHCP;
- IP: static IP address.
- Mask: subnet mask.
- Cateway: it depends on IP address.
- DNS: Domain Name Sarver;
Server IP & Passwords server is the IP of CMS and password is the admin’s password of device.
Device is used for setting up connection with other devices.
- Build No: number of the bulldlng;
- UnltNo: number of the unit;
- No, number of the room:
- Sys Passwd, admln password;
- Panel modes unit-Door Station usad in the building antrance1 wall-Door
- Station used In tha community antranca; parson-Door Station used In tha
- villa entrance
- Language, various types of language;
- Volume: adjust the volume;
- Video: resolution of the device;
- Forward, the call can be made one by one or simultaneously;
- Dial Mode, the call mode can be set to normal or repeatech:
NTP, Network nme Protocol (NTP) Is a protocol used to synchronize computer time. Enable NTP and fill in NTP Server and NTP Port to synchronize computer time; 24-Houri enable to use 24H format,
- Time Zone: A time zone Is a region that observes a uniform standard time for legal. commercial, and social purposes;
- Set Time: enable to set time,
- Time/Data: Defining time or date can be sat.
Access is used for setting up unlock time, elevator and unlock r:,assword.
Unlock nmeout: door opening time length; Unlock Delay1 delay duration of
unlock1 Elev refer1 used for setting the floor of Door Station ranging from 01
to 991
Security ON/OFF: alarm switch;
Unlock Passwd: used for unlocking the door. The system default password
Is 0000. Eight unlocking passwords can be added.
Card Registration:
The Admin card is used for registering user card. There are two ways to
register the ad min card1
- The user enters card No. of the admln card In the box after “Admln card” and then clicks “Submit” to finish the registration of the admin card.
- If the user Isn’t aware of’ admln card No .• please enter O In the box first and click “Submit”. Then place the admin card close to the card reader area. When the system gives an Indication tone, It means that the card Is registered successfully. When registering the user card, the user should swipe the admln card first. The system emits a beep. Then place the card to be registered near the card reader area within 10 seconds. It the system gives an Indication tone, Itmeans that the user card is registered succ:essfully. When registering the user card, the card to be registered should be swiped 10 seconds after the admin card is swiped. Once a user card is registered, it will postpone for 10seconds.
The page Is used for setting up SIP.
- SIP Enabled: switch to enable or disable SIP1
- Proxy: flll servar address and port, the format: slp-.servar addl’IIIS:port;
- Realm: fill server addrus and port. the formal! server addrus1porti
- Outbound: If you don’t have outbound sarvar, leave It blank;
- STUN IP & STUN Port: fill your STUN IP server and port if needed,
- H.2641 advanced Video Coding;
- User & Password: user and password of SIP:
Timeouts maximum c:all duration;
Ringing, ringing time of Indoor monitor when Ifs called. The time can be set
at 35 seconds, 45 seconc:ls. 60 seconds, 90 seconds or 120 seconds.
Forward (call transfer):
This setting is used for make the call from Door Station to other SIP device,
such as IP phones. For example, the SIP account of IP phone Is 2008, and the
sip server Is, fill slp:2008@ In Account. And if you
want to press 1 on the Door Station to make the call to this IP device, ftll 1
In RoomNo.
Room/Ext.No. & Account: the forwarding target: Deletei delete the
corresponding account.
Card Manage:
Card is used for adding cards.
Card & Apt/Ext.No. & Name: register or delete cards:
Export file & Upload, export ffle all cards Info or upload a flle to register cards in bulk.
Advanced page Is used for setting up accesslblllty features.
Advertisings: check the box to enable this function. Enter the specified
advertisement URL In the box. The door station will play the onllne
advertisement automatically.
Quick Call: call the corresponding URL by management-center button or
Voice GW: Voice Gateway, used to connect devices support Voice gateway;
Speed Dials press random number to call out automatically1
- ONU Pass: If using optical cable but not network cable In the bulldlng, It should be enabled;
- IR SeNor: enable to seNe human activity to trigger face recognition,
- IC Bytes: IC card sectors (3 & 4 bytes }for users to choose
- Faces: this item is used for face. The user can enable or disable the function.
- Face Register: cllck cnck hara·. The system will Jump to the followlng interface
Click “New”, customize your name and fill in Apt. NO., click Photo to upload
your picture and save settings.
Similarity: the Item “Slmllarity” Is used for setting the face
similarity. There are 3 levels to choose. Live Detect1 the item “Live Detect·
ls used for detecting human face in case soma might use photo or video to
break In. RTSP Feeds add IPC to Door Station to allow Indoor Monitor switch
among Door station and IPCs while calling. call mode1 two modes of CALL Dial
buttons & Call buttons. In call buttons mode, Apt./Ext. No. will display on
CALL page of Door Station. In dial buttons mode, dial plate will display on
CALL page of Door Station. Address, fill In address which will display on the
homepage of Door Station as a location.
This interface is used to manage Phonebook.
- Apt/Ext. Name: name can be customized;
- Apt/Ext. No.: flll In No. address of device;
- Apt/Ext. IP: fill in IP address of device,
- Delata/Daleta All: delete one or all llstad davfcas below.
- Export file/Upload: export a phonebook file to add devices and upload it to the 11st below.
Debug page Is used for problem solving. Tcpdump, click start to use packet analyzer and export to download file; Log cal: click. start to record the logs of device and export to download file. Backups click back.up to export file which contains all your settings Including face Info. Select file and click restore to restore settings.
Logout page is used for signing off.
User Logout, cllck to logout tha wabpaga. After that. you can use other
accounts to login.
Standard RJ45 interface connects with master station, indoor monitor or other
network equipment by network switch.
Power/Unlock Signal Output
Power interface of door station connects with 12V DC power. Unlock signal
output connects with the lock module. Unlocking current can reach Max.3.SA
Switching Value Output
Connect to the lock module(independent power supply is necessary for the lock
Enable to connect equipment with RS485 interface. RS485 interface can output
12V /l00mA power. +12V isn’t required for wiring if it is unused.
Connect with exit /door-detector.
Card Reader Interface
Door-detector Sense Switch The interface can be connected to one IC card
reader or be used for reading the information of built-in card reader. It can
output the power SV /l00mA. If the card reader doesn’t need the power from the
interface, connection of +SV isn’t required.
Note: Only one card reader can be connected to door station. When there is built-in card reader, the interface can only be used for reading the information of built-in card reader.
- Product size: 180x400x45mm
- Flush mounting box size: 172x373x58mm
- Installation dimension: 176x377x60mm
Installation method:
- According to the installation dimension of door station, dig a square groove at the appropriate position in the wall or door, and dig a hole (drainage hole) at the bottom;
- Drill the threading holes at the bottom of the built-in box to facilitate drainage. Upward arrow is on the front of the built-in box. Embed the built-in box into the wall, then put the built-in box into the groove of the wall, and tighten four screws from top to bottom of the built-in box, or fix the built-in box in the wall with concrete;
- Assemble the door station into the built-in box, align the groove and the built-in box, tighten the screws, and finally inject the glass glue into the top, left and right sides of the door station(note: the glass glue cannot be injected into bottom part that is reserved for the drainage hole at the bottom of door station).
Installation Instructions:
[Suggestion]: The camera should be 1450~ 1550mm above the ground. The camera at this height can capture human face perfectly.
Some common failures and troubleshooting methods are listed for your
reference. In case of failure which cannot be repaired, do not disassemble or
repair the product by yourself. Please contact the after-sales service
department. When unit door station or wall door station fails to call
indoor monitor:
When setting door station, please make sure building No. and unit No. of door
station are the same as the ones of indoor monitor; Please check whether the
network is connected; Please check if there are any security settings for the
network, such as VLAN configuration; When unit door station, wall door station
or indoor monitor fails to call master station: Please check whether the
network is connected;Please check if there are any security settings for the
network, such as VLAN configuration;
In order to protect you and others from harm or your device from damage, please read the following information before using the device. Do not install the device in the following places:
Do not install the device in high-temperature and moist environment or the area close to magnetic field, such as the electric generator, transformer or magnet.
Do not place the device near the heating products such as electric heater or the fluid container.
Do not place the device in the sun or near the heat source, which might cause discoloration or deformation of the device.
Do not install the device in an unstable position to avoid the propertylosses or personal injury caused by the falling of device.
Guard against electric shock, fire and explosion: -
Do not use damaged power cord, plug or loose outlet.
Do not touch the power cord with wet hand or unplug the power cord by pulling.
Do not bend or damage the power cord.
Do not touch the device with wet hand.
Do not make the power supply slip or cause the impact.
Do not use the power supply without the manufacturer’s approval.
Do not have the liquids such as water go into the device.
Clean Device Surface -
Clean the device surfaces with soft cloth dipped in some water, and then rub the surface with dry cloth. Other Tips
In order to prevent damage to the paint layer or the case, please do not expose the device to chemical P.roducts, such as the diluent, gasoline, alcohol, insect-resist agents, opac1fying agent and insecticide.
Do not knock on the device with hard objects.
Do not press the screen surface. Overexertion might cause flopover or damage to the device.
Please be careful when standing up from the area under the device.
Do not disassemble, repair or modify the device at your own discretion.
The arbitrary modification is not covered under warranty. When any repair required, please contact the customer service center.
If there is abnormal sound, smell or fume in the device, please unplug the power cord immediately and contact the customer service center.
When the device isn’t used for a long time, the adaptor and memory card can be removed and placed in dry environment.
when moving, please hand over the manual to new tenant for proper usage of the device.
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