BOSCH SCT 815 S5/S6 Adjustment Device Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024

SCT 815 S5/S6
Adjustment device

Original operating instructions

User instructions

1.1 Symbols used in the documentation
Warning of possible physical damage to the component or product or of environmental pollution.
Practical hints, recommendation or reference to other information.
Warning of danger for the user during subsequent procedures.
Single-step procedure.
Optional step.
Result of a procedure.
Reference to a page.

1.2 Warnings in the documentation
Warning notices warn of dangers to the user or people in the vicinity. Warnings also indicate the type, source and consequences of the danger as well as preventive action.
Warning notices have the following structure:

Signal word
Warning symbol
Type, source and consequences of the danger.

  • Actions and instructions to prevent the danger.

The signal word indicates the likelihood of occurrence and the severity of the danger in the event of non-ob‐servance:

Signal word| Likelihood of occurrence| Severity of danger with non-observance
DANGER| Immediate threat of danger| Death or severe injury
WARNING| Possible impending danger| Death or severe injury
CAUTION| Possible dangerous situation| Minor injury

1.3 Target group
The product may only be used by trained and instructed personnel. Apprentices or personnel undergoing training or instruction may use the product only under the continual supervision of an experienced person.
Children must be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the product.
1.4 Warranty and liability
No modifications may be carried out on our products.
Our products may only be used with genuine accessories and genuine spare parts. Otherwise, all warranty claims will be rendered null and void.

1.5 Safety Notes
Severe eye damage from laser beam. Death or severe injury.

  • Never look directly into the laser source.
  • Never point the laser beam at people, particularly at their faces or eyes.
  • To test function, hold an object in front of the exit point of the laser range finder and line laser.

Risk of injury from objects falling from the
SCT 815 S5/S6. Minor injury.

  • Wear safety shoes.
  • Always use the arrestor cable to secure the line laser.

Risk of crushing when adjusting the height of the prismatic reflector. Minor injury.

  • While the height of the prismatic reflector is being adjusted, do not place fingers between the tool holder and the guide tubes.

1.6 Other applicable documents
The brief instructions (one-pager) can be found in the Bosch Media Library: www.down‐

  • 1 690 386 038 – P-Assist original instructions
  • 1 609 92A 7PV – GLM 100-25 C original instructions
  • 1 689 989 363 – Honda brief instructions
  • 1 689 989 364 – Toyota brief instructions
  • 1 689 989 365 – Mazda brief instructions
  • 1 689 989 366 – Kia brief instructions
  • 1 689 989 367 – Hyundai brief instructions

Product description

2.1 Intended use
SCT 815 S5/S6 is an adjustment device for calibrating the front radar sensor by the following vehicle manufacturers:

  • Mazda
  • Honda
  • Toyota
  • KIA
  • Hyundai

In conjunction with diagnostic software, the front radar sensor can be calibrated for the ACC (adaptive cruise control) and the emergency braking assistance.
Any other use is considered improper use and is not permissible.

Denomination Order number
Guide tubes 1 680 700 315
Line laser mount 1 681 038 414
Tool holder for prismatic reflector 1 688 040 319
3 plastic screws 1 683 414 021
Prismatic reflector 1 685 350 018
Mount for laser range finder 1 680 423 012
Laser range finder GLM 100-25 C 1 687 010 642
Line laser P-Assist* 1 690 381 124
Original operating instructions 1 689 989 475

8 hex socket head cap screws, 16 washers, 8
countersunk screws, 8 hex nuts| 1 687 010 613

  • Only included with product variant SCT 815 S6

2.3 SCT 815 S5/S6 overview

  1. Base plate
  2. Tool holder for prismatic reflector
  3. Guide tubes
  4. Line laser mount
  5. Line laser P-Assist (only included with product variant SCT 815 S6)
  6. Prismatic reflector
  7. Mount for laser range finder
  8. Laser range finder GLM 100-25 C

2.4 Prerequisites
Resting surface of the vehicle

  • Leveled

  • Maximum inclination: 0.1°

  • Maximum unevenness: 10 mm
    SCT 815 S5/S6 resting surface

  • The same vertical level as the resting surface of the vehicle

  • Maximum inclination: 2°

  • Maximum unevenness: 5 mm

  1. Area where SCT 815 S5/S6 is set up
    (2) SCT 815 S5/S6 resting surface (example)

Calibration environment
Metallic objects interfere with front radar sensor calibration.

  • The area between the vehicle and SCT 815 S5/S6 must not contain metallic any objects.
  • The area within a radius of 2 m around SCT 815 S5/S6 must not contain any metallic ob‐ jects.
  1. Manufacturer-specific area between the vehicle and SCT 815 S5/S6 (see brief instructions)
  2. Area around SCT 815 S5/S6
  3. SCT 815 S5/S6

Diagnostic software

  • Diagnostic software for calibrating the front radar sensor
  • If [ESI]tronic 2.0 is used as diagnostic software: info type SD (control unit diagnosis) and KTS

2.5 Laser range finder GLM 100-25 C
Only GLM 100-25 C may be used as a laser range finder for aligning SCT 815 S5/S6.

The laser range finder GLM 100-25 C is used to position SCT 815 S5/S6 in front of the vehicle and to adjust the height of the prismatic reflector.
The following properties of the laser range finder GLM 100-25 C ensure that SCT 815 S5/S6 can be positioned precisely as specified in the brief instructions specific to the vehicle:

  • Continuous distance measurement
  • Display of inclination angle
  • Rear edge as reference point for distance measurement

2.6 Functional description
The front radar sensor for the makes Mazda, Honda, Toyota, Kia and Hyundai must be calibrated using a prismatic reflector. For the front radar sensor to be calibrated, the prismatic reflector must be positioned in front of the vehicle at a  distance and height specific to that vehicle. The adjustment device SCT 815 S5/S6 is used to put the prismatic reflector in that vehiclespecific position.
As soon as the prismatic reflector is in its vehicle-specific position, the calibration must be started using diagnostic software. The front radar sensor emits signals focused and reflected back to the front radar sensor by the prismatic  reflector. The calibration will be successful if the prismatic reflector is precisely aligned. The calibration may fail if the prismatic reflector is not precisely aligned or the measurement bay requirements are not met.

Initial commissioning

3.1 SCT 815 S5/S6 installation

  1. Make sure all components specified in the scope of delivery are present.

  2. Position the guide tubes with the tube connectors (1) over the holes in the base plate.
    (1) Guide tube with tube connectors
    (2) Base plate
    (3) Hex socket head cap screw
    (4) Washer

  3. Use the hex socket head cap screws (3) and washers to secure the tube connectors on the base plate at 4 Nm.

  4. Slide the preassembled tool holder (1) onto the guide tubes, and use the knurled screw (2) to secure it.

  5. Position the mount for the line laser (1) with the holes over the tube connectors on the guide tubes.

  6. Use the countersunk screws (3), washers (4) and hex nuts (5) to secure the mount for the line laser on the tube connectors at 4 Nm.

  7. Slide the prismatic reflector (1) onto the tool holder.

  8. Secure the plastic screws (1) on the tool holder.
    The plastic screws are intended as a stop so the prismatic reflector cannot slide off the tool holder by accident. 3 plastic screws are included in the scope of delivery. The third plastic screw is intended as a spare.

3.2 Checking the accuracy of the inclination measurement (before each calibration)

  • Check the accuracy of the grade measurement before each front radar calibration. This is accomplished by means of a reverse measurement. To do this, lay the measuring tool on a table and measure the inclination.
    Turn the measuring tool by 180° and measure the inclination again. The difference between the displayed values must not exceed 0.3°. In case of greater deviation, the measuring tool must be recalibrated. To do so, select CAL in the  settings. Follow the directions on the display. We recommend that you perform an accuracy check and if necessary a calibration of the measuring tool after extreme temperature variations and after impact to the tool. After a  temperature variation, the measuring tool must acclimatise for a while before calibration is performed.


4.1 Positioning SCT 815 S5/S6 for radar sensor calibration

  1. Perform an accuracy check and calibration of the inclination measuring function on the laser range finder.
  2. For position information for SCT 815 S5/S6, refer to the corresponding brief instructions.

CAUTION – risk of injury from falling objects.

  1. Always use the retaining cable to secure the line laser.

  2. Use the laser range finder to position SCT 815 S5/S6 at the specified distance from the vehicle.

  3. Use the spirit level on the mount for the line laser and the inclination angle indicator of the laser range finder to level SCT 815 S5/S6.

  4. Use the line laser to align SCT 815 S5/S6 with the vehicle’s longitudinal center plane.

  5. Check the alignment of SCT 815 S5/S6 and its distance from the vehicle, and adjust them if necessary.

  6. Use the laser range finder to set the specified height of the prismatic reflector.

  7. Move the prismatic reflector on the tool holder according to the offset from the vehicle’s longitudinal center plane.
    – If the offset from the vehicle’s longitudinal center plane is more than 25 cm, use two auxiliary lines to move SCT 815 S5/S6 according to the offset from the vehicle’s longitudinal center plane.

  8. Remove the mount for the laser range finder.

  9.  Remove the line laser.
    The metallic surfaces of the mount for the laser range finder and the line laser may interfere with calibration.

  10. Use diagnostic software to calibrate the radar sensor.

4.2 Attaching the line laser to SCT 815 S5/S6

  1. Pay attention to the positioning pins (1) on the mount for the line laser.

  2. Pay attention to the drill bushings (2) on the bottom of the line laser.
    (1) Positioning pins
    (2) Drill bushings
    (3) Magnet
    (4) Retaining cable
    (5) Retaining ring

  3. Position the line laser with the drill bushings on the positioning pins.
    The line laser is held in place by the magnet (3) in the mount.
    The positioning pins are located in the drill bushings of the line laser.
    The line laser sits firmly in the mount and cannot be twisted.

  4.  Secure the retaining cable (4) on the retaining ring (5) of the line laser on the mount for the line laser.
    The line laser is secured against falling.

4.3 Adjusting the distance between SCT 815 S5/S6 and the vehicle
The distance between SCT 815 S5/S6 and the vehicle is specified in the corresponding brief instructions. The distance specific to the vehicle is found in the column with the following pictogram.

  1. Use the corresponding brief instructions.

  2. Look up the distance between SCT 815 S5/S6 and the relevant vehicle.

  3. Lift SCT 815 S5/S6 by the guide tubes, and position it at the specified distance in front of the center of the vehicle by eye.

  4. Position the mount for the laser range finder (1) on the prismatic reflector (2).

  5. Make sure the edges of the prismatic reflector (1) are aligned with the centers of the notches (2) in the mount for the laser range finder.
    Should the edges of the prismatic reflector be misaligned with the centers of the notches, the mount for the laser ranger finder will be inaccurately positioned. As a consequence, SCT 815 S5/S6 cannot be correctly aligned.

  6. Insert the laser range finder (1) into the horizontal shelf (2).

  7. Use the positioning foot (3) to level SCT 815 S5/S6 based on the inclination angle indicator of the laser range finder.
    WARNING – severe eye damage from laser beam.

  8. Never look directly into the laser source.

  9. To test function, hold an object in front of the exit point of the laser range finder.

  10. Switch on the laser range finder.

  11. Adjust the height of the prismatic reflector in such a way that the laser point marks the center of the bumper.
    The laser range finder indicates the current distance between SCT 815 S5/S6 and the bumper.
    The laser range finder measures distance continuously. If the position of SCT 815 S5/S6 changes, the new distance from the bumper will be shown on the display of the laser range finder.

  12. Make sure the back of the laser range finder touches the rear stop of the horizontal shelf.
    If the back of the laser range finder does not touch the rear stop of the horizontal shelf, there will be observational errors.

  13. Use the laser range finder to position
    SCT 815 S5/S6 at the precise specified distance from the front of the vehicle.
    The position of SCT 815 S5/S6 is correct when the laser range finder reading matches the specification from the brief instructions.

4.4 Aligning SCT 815 S5/S6 with the vehicle’s longitudinal center plane

  1. Attach the line laser (1) to the mount for the line laser (4), and use the retaining cable to secure it.

  2. Use the positioning feet (3) to level SCT 815 S5/S6 in accordance with the spirit level on the mount for the line laser (2).
    WARNING – severe eye damage from laser beam.

  3. Never look directly into the laser source.

  4. To test function, hold an object in front of the line laser exit point.

  5. Switch on the line laser.
    The laser line now runs across the vehicle.

  6. Align SCT 815 S5/S6 in such a way that the laser line (2) runs across the manufacturer badge on the front of the vehicle and the antenna.
    Depending on the vehicle, other fixed points can be used to align SCT 815 S5/S6 with the vehicle’s longitudinal center plane using the line laser.

4.5 Adjusting the height of the prismatic reflector
4.5.1 Adjusting the height of the prismatic reflector according to millimeter specification
The height of the prismatic reflector is specified in the corresponding brief instructions. The height specific to the vehicle is found in the column with the following pictogram. The vehicle-specific height specification in millimeter from the brief instructions applies if the vehicle rests on the same surface as SCT 815 S5/S6. If the vehicle rests on a lift or leveling surface, the difference in height must be measured.  The measured height must be added to the vehicle-specific height from the brief instructions.

  1. Use the corresponding brief instructions.

  2. Look up the height of the prismatic reflector for the relevant vehicle.

  3. Position the mount for the laser range finder (1) on the prismatic reflector (2).

  4. Make sure the edges of the prismatic reflector (1) are aligned with the centers of the notches (2) in the mount for the laser range finder.
    Should the edges of the prismatic reflector be misaligned with the centers of the notches, the mount for the laser ranger finder will be inaccurately positioned. As a consequence, SCT 815 S5/S6 cannot be correctly aligned.

  5. Insert the laser range finder (1) into the vertical shelf (2).

  6. Use the positioning foot (3) to level SCT 815 S5/S6 based on the inclination angle indicator of the laser range finder.
    WARNING – severe eye damage from laser beam.

  7. Never look directly into the laser source.

  8. To test function, hold an object in front of the exit point of the laser range finder.

  9. Switch on the laser range finder.
    The laser range finder indicates the current distance between the prismatic reflector and the ground.
    CAUTION – risk of crushing when adjusting the height of the prismatic reflector.

  10. Do not place fingers between the tool holder and the guide tubes.

  11. Loosen the knurled screw (1) on the tool holder until the height of the prismatic reflector can be adjusted.

  12. Use the laser range finder to position the prismatic reflector at the precise specified vehicle-specific height.
    – If the vehicle rests on a lift or leveling surface, measure the difference in height and add it to the vehicle-specific height.

  13. Use the knurled screw to secure the tool holder.

4.5.2 Adjusting the height of the prismatic reflector using the manufacturer’s badge or the front radar sensor
The height of the prismatic reflector is specified in the corresponding brief instructions. The height specific to the vehicle is found in the column with the following pictogram.

On some vehicles, the height of the prismatic reflector depends on the position of the manufacturer’s badge or the front radar sensor. For those vehicles, the height specification column states where the red laser point must be positioned  relative to the manufacturer’s badge or front radar sensor.

  1. Use the corresponding brief instructions.

  2. Determine whether the height of the prismatic reflector depends on the position of the manufacturer’s badge or front radar sensor.

  3. Position the mount for the laser range finder (1) on the prismatic reflector (2).

  4. Make sure the edges of the prismatic reflector (1) are aligned with the centers of the notches (2) in the mount for the laser range finder.
    (1) Edges of prismatic reflector
    (2) Notches in mount for laser range finder
    Should the edges of the prismatic reflector be misaligned with the centers of the notches, the mount for the laser ranger finder will be inaccurately positioned. As a consequence, SCT 815 S5/S6 cannot be correctly aligned.

  5. Insert the laser range finder (1) into the horizontal shelf (2).

  6. Use the positioning foot (3) to level SCT 815 S5/S6 based on the inclination angle indicator of the laser range finder.
    WARNING – severe eye damage from laser beam.

  7. Never look directly into the laser source.

  8. To test function, hold an object in front of the exit point of the laser range finder.

  9. Switch on the laser range finder.
    CAUTION – risk of crushing when adjusting the height of the prismatic reflector.

  10. Do not place fingers between the tool holder and the guide tubes.

  11. Loosen the knurled screw (1) on the tool holder until the height of the prismatic reflector can be adjusted.

  12. Adjust the height of the tool holder in such a way that the red laser point is directed at the manufacturer’s badge or front radar sensor, depending on the specification in the brief instructions.

  13. Use the knurled screw to secure the tool holder.

4.6 Setting the offset (up to 25 cm) from the vehicle’s longitudinal center plane
SCT 815 S5/S6 must be aligned with the vehicle’s longitudinal center plane.
The offset of the prismatic reflector from the vehicle’s longitudinal center plane is specified in the corresponding brief instructions. The offset specific to the vehicle is found in the column with the following pictogram.

  1. Use the corresponding brief instructions.
  2. Look up the offset of SCT 815 S5/S6 for the relevant vehicle.
  3. Use the ruler on the tool holder (1) to set the offset of the prismatic reflector.

4.7 Setting the offset (25 cm and above) from the vehicle’s longitudinal center plane
SCT 815 S5/S6 must be aligned with the vehicle’s longitudinal center plane.
The offset of the prismatic reflector from the vehicle’s longitudinal center plane is specified in the corresponding brief instructions. The offset specific to the vehicle is found in the column with the following pictogram.

  1. Use the corresponding brief instructions.

  2. Look up the offset of SCT 815 S5/S6 for the relevant vehicle.
    WARNING – severe eye damage from laser beam.

  3. Never look directly into the laser source.

  4. To test function, hold an object in front of the line laser exit point.

  5. Align SCT 815 S5/S6 with the vehicle’s longitudinal center plane.

  6. Draw two auxiliary lines (2) of the length of the specified offset at right angles to the projected laser line (1).

  7. Use the two auxiliary lines to draw a line parallel to the projected laser line.

  8. Move SCT 815 S5/S6 until the projected laser line of the line laser converges with the drawn parallel line.


5.1 Cleaning
Coarse workshop rags and abrasive cleaning agents may damage the SCT 815 S5/S6 .
Use only neutral cleaning agents and soft cloths to clean the SCT 815 S5/S6.

5.2 Spare parts

Denomination Part number
Prismatic reflector<) 1 685 350 018
Mount for laser range finder 1 680 423 012
Laser range finder GLM 100-25 C 1 687 010 642
Line laser P-Assist 1 690 381 124
Positioning-foot parts set 1 687 010 599
Round-magnet parts set<) 1 687 010 644

5.3 Changing the positioning foot

  1. Remove the defective positioning foot.
  2. Use a positioning foot from the spare parts set.
  3. Guide the thread of the lower part of the positioning foot (3) through the hole on the base plate.
  4. Screw the nut (2) onto the thread.
  5. Screw the knurled screw of the positioning foot (1) onto the thread all the way to the stop.
  6. Lock the knurled screw with the nut previously screwed onto the thread.

5.4 Checking the screws (semi-annually)

  • Check the screws on the line laser mount (1) and the base plate (2) for a tightening torque of 4 Nm.

5.5 Check and calibrate laser rangefinder
The test and calibration steps are described in the operating manual of the laser rangefinder.

  • Check laser rangefinder for accuracy before each front wheel calibration.
    – Checking accuracy and calibrating the grade measurement.
    – Accuracy check of the distance measurement.
    – Checking accuracy and calibrating the target indicator (crosshairs).


6.1 Changing location

  • If the SCT 815 S5/S6 is passed on, all the documentation included in the scope of delivery must be handed over together with the unit.
  • The SCT 815 S5/S6 is only ever to be transported in the original or equivalent packaging.
  • Heed the notes on initial commissioning.

6.2 Disposal

  • Dismantle the SCT 815 S5/S6 and sort out and dispose of the different materials in accordance with the applicable regulations.

Technical data

7.1 SCT 815 S5/S6 specifications

Property Specification
Height x width x depth dimensions 1230 mm x 600 mm x 510 mm
Weight SCT 815 S5 11.9 kg
Weight SCT 815 S6 13.6 kg

uk | 286 | SCT 815 S5/S6
Robert Bosch GmbH
Franz-Oechsle-Str. 4
73207 Plochingen
1 689 989 475 | 2023-06-28


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