KIT Mobile Oil Tester User Guide

June 12, 2024

KIT Mobile Oil Tester

Product Information

The Mobile Oil Tester is a kit designed for testing oil samples to provide accurate results and recommendations. It includes a sensor, sample bottle, software, and necessary connectors.

Before You Begin

Please ensure that your kit contains the following items:

  1. Sensor
  2. Sample bottle
  3. USB stick
  4. Configuration cable


Please check that your kit contains the following items:

  • OQSxG2 Oil Quality Sensor
  • MOT Kit bottle adaptor (with red fibre washer/seal)
  • Sensor to PC power and data cable (Cable J)
  • USB stick (containing MOT software)
  • 5 x Reusable sample bottles


  • Step 1: Take everything out of the case and plug the USB stick into your PC/laptop. (Please make sure you are running Windows 10 or above and have administrator privileges.)
  • Step 2: To start the installation, double-click on the SetupMOT. exe file. The pop-up window (right) will appear. Follow the instructions to complete the set up.
  • Step 3 : Upon first launch of the software, the End User Licence Agreement will pop up. Please click ‘Accept’ to proceed.
  • Step 4 : Complete the Device Driver Installation Wizard and restart your system when prompted.

For accurate results, it is vitally important to perform any test using a clean sensor and sample bottle. Any oil residue from a previous test MUST be removed.

Step 1: TO CLEAN THE SENSOR, wipe excess oil using absorbent material. Next, spray solvent cleaner into each of the four holes around the sensor tip, and into the main bore. Our recommended cleaner
is Loctite 7063. If unavailable, please contact Support for a suitable alternative. Finally, give the outer surface a quick spray. Give a sharp shake to remove any excess and allow to dry for at least 1 minute.
Step 2: TO CLEAN A SAMPLE BOTTLE, wipe excess oil using absorbent material. Next, spray solvent cleaner all around the inside of the bottle. Give a sharp shake to remove any excess and allow to dry for at least 1 minute.

KIT-Mobile-Oil-Tester-FIG-3DISCLAIMER: Tan Delta, nor any other agency or entities thereof, assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, product or process disclosed in this document. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply
its endorsement, recommendation, or favouring by Tan Delta – subject to change without prior notification.


Step 1 : Screw the bottle adapter to the sensor and then connect the blue Bulgin connector on the configuration cable to the sensor.

KIT-Mobile-Oil-Tester-FIG-4Step 2: Check red fibre washer/seal is in place in the bottle adaptor. Pour your oil sample into a clean sample bottle and screw onto the bottle adapter. Agitate for a few seconds and invert the whole assembly.
Note: Sensor nose must be completely submerged in oil for accurate results.


Step 1: Start the MOT software. After a few seconds the home screen of the MOT software will appear (shown below). Click on New Test to begin.KIT-

Step 2: Plug in the USB end of the Config Cable into your PC/laptop. The COM port you are connected to will appear under Cable Names. The sensor serial number will appear under Device Names. Click Next to continue.


Step 3: Enter the Asset Details for the asset the oil has come from. Click Next.


Step 4: Select your oil from the database, and click Next.


Step 5: Carry out a visual check by selecting the image that most closely resembles state of the oil sample. Click next.


S tep 6: Confirm the details entered are correct, edit if necessary. Click ‘Run Test’ to begin the analysis.


Step 7: Your oil will now be analysed. The results and recommendations are shown on the Test Result screen. Under the Actions menu, you can repeat or discard the test. You can also export the test data to a TSV, PDF, or copy the test data to clipboard which will allow it to be pasted into various programs, e.g. Excel.KIT-Mobile-Oil-Tester-FIG-11

Step 8 : On the Test Result screen, you can switch between viewing the data as a graph or in table form. The graph will display the historic trend of any saved tests, which have a matching Asset ID, Sample Point, and Oil Name.




What does it mean?
High readings usually indicate the sensor head is in air. Check the location and move if necessary, so head is submerged in oil. If location is OK, the high reading could be caused by fuel contamination or sweetening.
Oil condition is okay for the application selected and can continue to be used in operation. However, continued monitoring of the oil will detect any deviations from the  expected oil life curve. If detected, investigate for potential issues which could lead to failures of equipment before they happen.

  • Oil is nearing the end of its life. Schedule maintenance.
  • Oil is no longer operationally viable. Change immediately.



If you have any issues, please read the tips below before contacting us for further support.

  1. Where are the Cable J drivers?
    The drivers for Cable J should install automatically; however, if they do not, the latest drivers are on the USB stick.

  2. Test result does not follow expected trend. Can I sanity check the result?
    Check correct oil was selected when setting up the test. The sensor may need cleaning. Leave it immersed in solvent for 5 minutes, rinsing in de-ionised water and then allowing it to dry thoroughly. If the test result is the same or very similar to before, then it is an accurate result.

  3. How do I update the software?
    Software updates will happen automatically. You will be prompted to accept when one is available. If you are provided an installer by
    Tan Delta, please uninstall any previous versions of software before installing the new one.

  4. How do I remove the software?
    Simply go into your control panel and remove the software.ded using the built in WiFi interface. Simple and easy for any equipment, application and oil type, with huge operational and financial benefits.


Alternatively, refer to Master User Guide available at:
You can find further information in the Master User Guide on the support page of our website. If you have any further questions, please contact our support team by email: who will answer no later than the next working day.


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