DSEG8600 Parallel Genset Controller with Integral Heater Installation Guide

June 12, 2024

DSEG8600 Installation InstructionsDSEG8600 Parallel Genset Controller
with Integral Heater 053-256

DSEG8600 Parallel Genset Controller with Integral Heater

This document details the installation and operation requirements of the DSEG8600 module and is part of the DSEGenset® range of products.
The DSEG8600 module contains two software applications, Multi Set (MS) and Single Set (SS).
This allows to convert the DSEG8600 module into an Multi Set (MS) for multiple generator synchronizing application, by selection in the Application menu.


Icon Description
**Mode Button

In the G8600 the mode button is used to select Auto Mode, Test Mode or Manual Mode.
Alarm Mute / Lamp Test
This button silences the audible alarm in the controller, de- activates the Audible Alarm output (if configured) and illuminates all the LEDs on the module’s facia as a lamp test function.
RHS Breaker Button
Transfer to generator / electrical trip reset
LHS Breaker Button
Transfer to Mains
Stop / Reset Mode
This button places the module into its Stop/Reset Mode . This clears any alarm conditions for which the triggering criteria has been removed.
If the engine is running and the module is put into
Stop/Reset Mode , the module automatically instructs the generator off load .
The fuel supply de-energizes and the engine comes to a standstill. Should any form of start signal be present when in
Stop/Reset Mode the generator remains at rest.

This button is only active in the Stop/Reset Mode , Manual Mode
Pressing the Start button in Stop/Reset Mode powers up the engine’s ECU but does not start the engine.
Pressing the Start button in Manual Mode starts the generator and runs it off load in Manual Mode

| Menu Navigation
Used for navigating the instrumentation, event log and configuration screens.


  • Ensure the generator bus is dead and the module is in STOP mode by pressing the (Stop/Reset) button.
  • Navigate to Editor page:

DSEG8600 Parallel Genset Controller with Integral Heater -

Once selected, the page remains on the LCD display until the user selects a different page, or after an extended period of inactivity (LCD Page Timer), the module reverts to the home display.

  • Press the Tick button, the first ‘#’ changes to ‘0’. Press the Scroll buttons to adjust it to the correct value.
  • Press the Next Page button when the first digit is correctly entered. The digit previously entered now shows as ‘#’ for security.
  • Repeat this process for the other digits of the PIN number. Press the Previous Page button to move back to adjust one of the previous digits.
  • When the Tick button is pressed after editing the final PIN digit, the PIN is checked for validity. If the number is not correct, the PIN must be re-entered.
  • If the PIN has been successfully entered (or the module PIN has not been enabled), the editor is displayed


  • Enter the editor as described above.
  • Press the Next Page or Previous Page buttons to cycle to the section to view/change.
  • Press the Scroll buttons to select the parameter to view/change within the currently selected section.
  • To edit the parameter, press the Tick button to enter edit mode. The parameter is highlighted to indicate editing.
  • Press the Scroll buttons or Next Page or Previous Page   buttons to change the parameter to the required value.
  • Press the Tick button to save the value. The parameter ceases flashing to indicate that it has been saved.

NOTE: If the editor is left inactive for the duration of the LCD Page Timer, it is automatically exited to ensure security. The PIN number is automatically reset when the editor is exited (manually or automatically) to ensure security.  Comprehensive module configuration is possible using the DSE Configuration Suite PC Software, refer to DSE publication 057-322 DSE8600 Configuration Suite PC Software Manual available from www.deepseaelectronics.com.
NOTE: Depending upon module configuration, some parameters in the Main and Running Editors may not be available. For more information refer to DSE publication 057-322 DSE8600 Configuration Suite PC Software Manual available from www.deepseaelectronics.com


Section Parameter As Shown On Display Values
Display Contrast 0%
Language English, Other.
Current Date and Time DD:MM:YY, hh:mm:ss
Alt Config Default Config Default Config / Alternative Config
Engine Oil Pressure Low Shutdown 0.00 bar
Oil Pressure Low Pre Alarm 0.00 bar
Coolant Temperature Low Warning 0 ºC
Coolant Temp High Pre Alarm 0 ºC
Coolant Temp High Shutdown 0 ºC
Start Delay Off Load 0 h 0 m 0 s
Start Delay On Load 0 h 0 m 0 s
Start Delay Mains Fail 0 h 0 m 0 s
Start Delay Telemetry 0 h 0 m 0 s
Pre Heat Temp 0 ºC
Pre Heat Timer 0 h 0 m 0 s
Post Heat Temp 0 ºC
Post Heat Timer 0 h 0 m 0 s
Cranking 0 m 0 s
Cranking Rest 0 m 0 s
Safety On Delay 0 m 0 s
Smoke Limiting 0 m 0 s
Smoke Limiting Off 0 m 0 s
Warming 0 h 0 m 0 s
Cooling 0 h 0 m 0 s
Under Speed Shutdown Active / Inactive
Under Speed Shutdown 0 RPM
Under Speed Warning Active / Inactive
Under Speed Warning 0 RPM
Over Speed Warning Active / Inactive
Over Speed Warning 0 RPM
Over Speed Shutdown 0 RPM
Overspeed Overshoot 0 m 0 s
Overspeed Overshoot 0 %
Fail To Stop Delay 0 m 0 s
Battery Under Voltage Warning Active / Inactive
Battery Under Voltage Warning Delay 0 h 0 m 0 s
Battery Under Voltage Warning 0.0 V
Battery Over Voltage Warning Active / Inactive
Battery Over Voltage Warning Delay 0 h 0 m 0 s
Battery Over Voltage Warning 0.0 V
Charge Alternator Failure Warning Active / Inactive
Charge Alternator Failure Warning 0.0 V
Charge Alternator Warning Delay 0 h 0 m 0 s
Charge Alternator Failure Shutdown Active / Inactive
Charge Alternator Failure Shutdown 0.0 V
Charge Alternator Shutdown Delay 0 h 0 m 0 s
Droop (CAN Engine Only) Active / Inactive
Droop (CAN Engine Only) 0 %
Fuel Usage Running Rate 0 %
Fuel Usage Stopped Rate 0 %
DPF Auto Regen Inhibit Active / Inactive
Specific Gravity 0.80 to 1.00
CAN Termination (CAN Engine Only) Active / Inactive
Section Parameter As Shown On Display Values
--- --- ---
Generator Under Voltage Shutdown 0 V
Under Voltage Pre-Alarm 0 V
Loading Voltage 0 V
Nominal Voltage 0 V
Over Voltage Pre-Alarm 0 V
Over Voltage Shutdown 0 V
Under Frequency Shutdown 0.0 Hz
Under Frequency Pre-Alarm 0.0 Hz
Loading Frequency 0.0 Hz
Nominal frequency 0.0 Hz
Over Frequency Pre-Alarm 0.0 Hz
Over Frequency Shutdown 0.0 Hz
Full Load Rating 0 A
kW Overload Trip 0 %
Delayed Over Current Active / Inactive
Gen Over Current Trip 0 %
AC System 3 Phase, 4 Wire
CT Primary 0 A Power Cycle After Exit
CT Secondary 0 A Power Cycle After Exit
Short Circuit Trip 0 %
Earth CT Primary 0 A
Earth Fault Trip Active / Inactive
Earth Fault Trip 0 %
Transient Delay 0.0 s
Gen Reverse Power Delay 0.0 s
Full kW Rating 0 kW
Full kvar Rating 0 kvar
Ramp Up Rate 0 %
Ramp Down Rate 0 %
Load Level For More Sets 0 %
Load Level For Less Sets 0 %
Load Demand Priority 1
Gen Reverse Power Trip 0 kW
Insufficient Capacity Delay 0 m 0 s
Insufficient Capacity Action None / Indication / Warning / Shutdown /

Electrical Trip
Reactive Load Control Mode| None / VAr Share / VAr Fixed Export
Load Parallel Power| 0 kW     In Mains Parallel Mode
Load Power Factor| 0 %       In Mains Parallel Mode
Gen Over Zero Seq Volt| Active / Inactive
Gen Over Zero Seq Volt| 0.0 V
Gen Under Pos Seq Volt| Active / Inactive
Gen Under Pos Seq Volt| 0.0 V
Gen Over Neg Seq Volt| Active / Inactive
Gen Over Neg Seq Volt| 0.0 V
Gen Asymmetry High| Active / Inactive
Gen Asymmetry High| 0.0 V
Mains| Under Voltage Trip| 0 V
Over Voltage Trip| 0 V
Under Frequency Trip| 0 Hz
Over Frequency Trip| 0 Hz
Transient Delay| 0.0 s
CT Primary| 0 A             Power Cycle After Exit
CT Secondary| 0 A             Power Cycle After Exit
Full kW Rating| 0 kW
Full kvar Rating| 0 kvar
Mains Over Zero Seq Volt| Active / Inactive
Mains Over Zero Seq Volt| 0 V
Section| Parameter As Shown On Display| Values
| Mains Under Pos Seq Volt| Active / Inactive
Mains Under Pos Seq Volt| 0 V
Mains Over Neg Seq Volt| Active / Inactive
Mains Over Neg Seq Volt| 0 V
Mains Asymmetry High| Active / Inactive
Mains Asymmetry High| 0 V
Timers| LCD Page Delay| 0 h 0 m 0 s
LCD Scroll Delay| 0 h 0 m 0 s
Engine Pre Heat Timer| 0 h 0 m 0 s
Engine Post Heat Timer| 0 h 0 m 0 s
Engine Cranking| 0 m 0 s
Engine Cranking Rest| 0 m 0 s
Engine Safety On Delay| 0 m 0 s
Engine Smoke Limiting| 0 m 0 s
Engine Smoke Limiting Off| 0 m 0 s
Engine Warming| 0 h 0 m 0 s
Engine Cooling| 0 h 0 m 0 s
Engine Overspeed Overshoot| 0 m 0 s
Engine Fail To Stop Delay| 0 m 0 s
Battery Under Voltage Warning Delay| 0 h 0 m 0 s
Battery Over Voltage Warning Delay| 0 h 0 m 0 s
Return Delay| 0 h 0 m 0 s
Generator Transient Delay| 0 s
Mains Transient Delay| 0 s
Mains Transfer Time| 0 s
Mains Over Zero Seq Volt Delay| 0.0 s
Mains Under Pos Seq Volt Delay| 0.0 s
Mains Over Neg Seq Volts Delay| 0.0 s
Mains Asymmetry High Delay| 0.0 s
Gen Over Zero Seq Volt Delay| 0.0 s
Gen Under Pos Seq Volt Delay| 0.0 s
Gen Over Neg Seq Volts Delay| 0.0 s
Gen Asymmetry High Delay| 0.0 s
Schedule| Schedule| Active / Inactive
Schedule Bank 1 Period| Weekly / Monthly,
Island / Parallel / Off Load / Auto Start Inhibit, Week, Start Time, Run Time and Day. Selection (1 to 8)| Press the Tick button to begin editing then up or down when selecting the different parameters.
Schedule Bank 2 Period| Weekly / Monthly,
Island / Parallel / Off Load / Auto Start Inhibit, Week, Start Time, Run Time and Day. Selection (1 to 8)| ** Press the Tick** button to begin editing then up or down when selecting the different parameters.


  • The ‘Running’ Configuration Editor is accessible without stopping the engine. All protections remain active whilst using the ‘‘Running’ Configuration Editor.
  • Press the Next Page button to access the Main Menu page.
  • Press the Previous Page button followed by either the Scroll buttons or the  Next Page or Previous Page buttons to locate the ‘Running’ Configuration Editor.


Section Parameter As Shown On Display Values
Display Contrast 75 %
Units Pressure kPa, bar, psi
Units Temperature °C, ° F
Units Volume Litres. Imp gal. Us gal
Language English, Other
Synchronizing Commissioning Screen Active / Inactive
Override Starting Alarms Active / Inactive
Voltage Adjust (Manual Mode Only With Gen Open) 0%
Frequency Adjust (Manual Mode Only With Gen Open) 0%
Load Control Injection Port Active / Inactive
Mains Decoupling Test Mode Active / Inactive
Power Control Mode Constant Power / Frequency-Power / Voltage- Power
Load Parallel Power 0 %
Load Parallel kVArs 0 %
Load Parallel PF 0.00 pf
Governor Droop Offset 0%
Governor Ramp Rate 0%
AVR Droop Offset 0%
AVR Ramp Rate 0%
Load Priority 1-64


Parameter Specification
DC Supply Voltage 8 VDC to 35 VDC
Maximum Operating Current 530 mA at 12 V

280 mA at 24 V
Maximum Standby Current| 320 mA at 12 V
120 mA at 24 V
Typical Power (Controller On, Heater Off)| 3.8 W to 4.1 W
Typical Power (Controller On, Heater On)| 6.8 W to 7.1 W
Mains Phase to Neutral Voltage Sensing| 15 VAC to 345 VAC
Mains Phase to Phase Voltage Sensing| 26 VAC to 720 VAC
Mains Voltage Sensing Offset from Earth| 100 VAC
Volt-Free Output Rating| 8 A at 250 VAC, 5 A at 30 VDC

WARNING!: More than one live circuit exists, see diagram overleaf for further information.

Specification Description
Screw Terminal Tightening Torque • 4.5 lb-in (0.5 Nm)
Conductors • Terminals suitable for connection of conductor size 13 AWG to 20

AWG (0.5 mm² to 2.5 mm²).
• Conductor protection must be provided in accordance with NFPA 70, Article 240 (USA)
• Low voltage circuits (35 V or less) must be supplied from the engine starting battery or an isolated secondary circuit.
• The communication, sensor, and/or battery derived circuit conductors shall be separated and secured to maintain at least ¼” (6 mm) separation from the generator and mains connected circuit conductors unless all conductors are rated 600 V or greater.
Current Inputs| • Must be connected through UL Listed (if working to UL requirements) or recognized isolating current transformers with the secondary rating of 5 A max.
Communication Circuits| • Must be connected to communication circuits of UL Listed equipment (if working to UL requirements)
DC Output Pilot Duty| • 0.5 A
Mounting| • Suitable for flat surface mounting in Type 1 Enclosure Type rating with surrounding air temperature -22 ºF to +122 ºF (-30 ºC to +50 ºC)
• Suitable for pollution degree 3 environments when voltage sensing inputs do not exceed 300 V. When used to monitor voltages over 300 V device to be installed in an unventilated or filtered ventilation enclosure to maintain a pollution degree 2 environment.
Maximum Operating Temperature| • 122 ºF (50 ºC)


Parameter Specification
Dimensions 248 mm x 182.6 mm x 45.2 mm (9.76 ” x 7.18 ” x 1.77 ”)
Panel Cutout 220 mm X 160 mm (8.7” X 6.3”)
Weight 0.76 kg (1.67 lb)
Operating Temperature with Standard Display -30 ºC to +70 ºC (-22 ºF to +158

Operating Temperature with Heated Display| -40 ºC to +70 ºC (-40 ºF to +158 ºF)
Storage Temperature| -40 ºC to +80 ºC (-40 ºF to +176 ºF)

DSEG8600 Parallel Genset Controller with Integral Heater -


NOTE: In conditions of excessive vibration, mount the control panel on suitable anti-vibration mountings
The module is held into the control panel fascia using the supplied fixing clips.

  • Withdraw the fixing clip screw (turn anticlockwise) until only the pointed end is protruding from the clip.
  • Insert the three ‘prongs’ of the fixing clip into the slots in the side of the DSE module’s case.
  • Pull the fixing clip backwards (towards the back of the module) ensuring all three prongs of the clip are inside their allotted slots.
  • Turn the fixing clip screws clockwise until they make contact with the panel fascia.
  • Turn the screws a quarter of a turn to secure the module into the control panel’s fascia. Care must be taken not to over tighten the fixing clip screws.


NOTE: A larger version of the Typical Wiring Diagram is available in the product’s operator manual, refer to DSE Publication: 057-323 DSE8600 Operator Manual available from www.deepseaelectronics.com for more information.

Single Set

DSEG8600 Parallel Genset Controller with Integral Heater - Single

Single Set 3 Phase 4 Wire without Earth Fault

DSEG8600 Parallel Genset Controller with Integral Heater - Single
Set1 Multi Set

DSEG8600 Parallel Genset Controller with Integral Heater - Multi

Multi Set 3 Phase 4 Wire without Earth Fault

DSEG8600 Parallel Genset Controller with Integral Heater - Multi

Deep Sea Electronics Ltd.
Tel:+44 (0)1723 890099
Email: support@deepseaelectronics.com
Web: www.deepseaelectronics.com
Deep Sea Electronics Inc.
Tel: +1 (815) 316 8706
Email: usasupport@deepseaelectronics.com
Web: www.deepseaelectronics.com


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