PENTAIR 320 Rainbow Automatic Inline Chlorinator Installation Guide
- June 4, 2024
- Pentair
Table of Contents
- PENTAIR 320 Rainbow Automatic Inline Chlorinator
- Features
- 320 has been fitted with an optional opening at the top of the feeder (which
- GloBrite® Color Lights Parts List and Replacement Kits
- References
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
PENTAIR 320 Rainbow Automatic Inline Chlorinator
- No special venting required.
- Completely enclosed-no escaping gases.
- Positive external no-clog control valve.
- When used with timer, feeder is designed to automatically lower the water level so tablets are not soaking during off period of pump. This allows more efficient use of tablets.
- No equipment damage.
Feeds sanitizer directly to pool or spa
- All parts replaceable.
- To prevent over chlorination during use, completely close the control valve and the built in check valve will prevent chemical from being fed into pool or spa.
Before start up of feeder, your pool should be properly conditioned and the residual should be 1.0 to 1.5 ppm.The water in a newly-filled pool should be properly conditioned to insure maximum effectiveness of the feeder. Consult your local dealer for water conditioning information for your area.
- Remove cap of feeder and fill with proper size tablets.
- For Pools : 1″ or 3″ dia. tablets
- For Spas: 1″ dia. tablets in optional Spa Chamber.
- Making sure O-ring is clean, lubricated with Lifegard Silicone and is an in place, replace cap. Hand tighten only.
- Turn on pump and timer switches for a minimum of 6 to 8 hours.
- Adjust control valve according to your pool/spa size. Use a test kit to determine the chemical residual. It is recommended that the chemical residual be checked daily for the first 5 days.
- Remember hot days, higher water temperature or increased pool/spa activity will cause your pool/spa to use more sanitizer.
- When possible, increase the feed rate a day or two in advance.
- Because the chlorine demand in your pool/spa varies and is dependent on many factors (sunlight, bather load, water temperature, etc) your valve setting may have to be changed from time to time to adjust to these conditions.
- For example , the winter setting may be #2 while the summer setting is #3. Check the chlorine residual daily to find the ideal setting.
Note: Higher numbers dispense more chemical. Small gradual changes are imperative for control.
- Turn control valve to the closed position. SHUT OFF PUMP.
- Wait one minute. This will allow water and fumes to drain from feeder.
- Leave control valve closed and turn on pump. The check valve will prevent water from entering the feeder.
- Remove cap and fill with proper size tablets or sticks. (See Operating Instructions #1)
- Making sure O-ring is clean, lubricated with Lifegard silicone and is in place, replace cap. Hand tighten only.
- Open control valve to original setting. Inspect inlet line below control valve each time feeder is recharged. Replace lines yearly if necessary.
If while using 3″ diameter tablets the #320 feeder does not provide enough chlorine residual, switch to 1″ tablets. The smaller tablet will erode faster producing more chlorine residual. If this does not correct the situation, the
320 has been fitted with an optional opening at the top of the feeder (which
is plugged). To accommodate attachment of the valve and tubing assembly for top entry of water into the feeder, an additional length of tubing has been included.The following procedure should only be used if the suggested change has not solved the situation. Top entry in normal situations can cause over- chlorination.
- Turn off the pump and timer switches.
- Remove the tubing by unscrewing the compression nut at each end of the tubing.
- Remove the plug at top of the feeder directly above the control valve.
- Remove the control valve. If the nipple stays in the valve, carefully remove by using pliers at the center of the nipple. There is no need to remove the 90° tube fittings.
- Wrapping with 2 or 3 wraps of threaded tape in the opposite direction of tightening. Screw into the opening where control valve was attached. Hand tightens plus 2 or 3 turns. Do not over-tighten.
- Wrap threads of the nipple with threaded tape.Thread nipple into top opening.Finger tighten only. Thread valve onto nipple. After nipple starts to turn from tightening valve, 2 to 3 more turns is enough. The nipple or valve can be broken by overtightening.
- Slide compression nut over long section of tube. Slide tube over tapered part of 90°tube fitting and tighten. Hand tightens only. Repeat for another end of tubing.
- Set control valve to #1. Turn on the pump and timers. Check residual daily to determine proper setting. Small gradual changes are imperative for control.
The feeder should be installed above water level whenever practical. If installed below water level, a drain valve must be installed to prevent spillage and dangerous splashback of high chlorinated water during recharging. Drill and tap a ¼” MPT hole at the same level the control valve is located. Make sure there is no water or tablets inside the feeder before drilling. Install an optional drain valve, Part R172060, or a suitable chemical- resistant drain valve. BELOW WATER LEVEL
- Shut off pump and timer switches.
- Shut off control valve.
- Place a clean container under drain and open drain valve.
- Exercise extreme caution when opening or servicing feeder. Do not inhale fumes. Wear protective gear. Remove cap.Water will now drain from feeder. Empty container back into pool or spa.
- Close drain valve. fill with proper size tablets or sticks.
- Making sure the O-ring is clean, lubricated with Lifeguard Silicone and in place, replace cap.
- Turn on the pump and timer switches.
- Reset control valve to the original setting. Inspect the inlet and outlet line each time feeder is recharged. Replace lines yearly if necessary.
This feeder is designed to use only CLEAN Trichlor-s-trizinetrione OR CLEAN Bromine tables – slow dissolving type. Never use dirty tablets. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES MIX Trichlor or Bromine with Calcium Hypochlorite, with other forms of concentrated chlorine or with other chemicals. Keep inside of feeder clean of dirt and debris at all times.
NEVER use oils or grease to lubricate o-ring. Oil in contact with Trichlor OR Bromine may result in FIRE. Lubricate o-ring with Lifegard Silicone o-ring Lubricant ONLY, available at your dealers. If shock treatments or Algaecides containing chemicals other than sanitizers tablets in feeder must be used, turn off Feeder OR remove tablets until the shock or Algae treatment is complete and all granules have dissolved. Failure to do so may result in granules mixing in feeder causing FIRE AND/OR EXPLOSION. The shock or algae treatment dissolved in water is safe with tablets. If you are not the original owner of this feeder, not sure which chemicals was used, or if dirt and/or debris inside feeder, be SAFE and flush thoroughly with fresh water.
Use of chemicals other than listed by manufacturer may be hazardous.
Do not install feeder into copper plumbing. Pipe damage could occur. Never
install feeder before heater. Heater damage could occur.
Not used with 2″ PVC, for 1½” PVC only.
Be sure screen has not come loose in shipment—if loose: Simply snap over 4
posts in bottom of chlorinator to replace.
NOTE : To service check valve F, Remove lockscrew E, and unscrew (counter-clockwise) D chlorinator body from G divertor tee.
- Turn off pump and timer switches.
- Loosen compression nut and remove Feeder tube and 90° elbow from the diverter tee at base of Feeder.
- Using thread seal tape as thread sealant, wrap ½” MPT plug threads (1) with several turns of the tape only.
- Install in place place of 90° elbow on diverter tee.
- Disconnect other end of Feeder tube from control valve 90° elbow, by loosening compression nut. Use the compression nuts from old tube to attach new 6′ section (2).
- Push compression nut over tubing end, then push tubing onto tapered end of elbow. Tighten nut firmly by hand.
- Connect other end of plumbing.
- Drill 9/16″ hole in plumbing, remove burrs, and install saddle clamp assembly. (See illustration) Tighten clamp with screwdriver. Slide small stainless steel clamp #3 over tubing #2 and slide tubing over saddle tube fitting #4. Secure tubing to fitting by tightening camp with screwdriver. Make sure clamp is below rib at end of saddle tube fitting.
- To install ½” CHECK VALVE, cut tube approximately 6″ away from plumbing connection. Remove compression nuts from check valve. Slide nuts over both ends of tube.
- Insert check valve ends into both pieces of tubing and tighten compression nuts firmly by hand. Be sure arrow “FLOW” is pointing toward the Feeder.
When using this kit with a pool/spa combination (to prevent draining spa)
shut off the Feeder control valve when only the spa is in use.
- Going on vacation?
- Need more chlorine?
- Filling Chlorinator/Brominator too frequently?
- Increasing tablet capacity.
- A larger chamber size allows for more erosion of tablets. (See special instructions below)
The 10″ extension doubles and the 20″ extension triples (approximately) the capacity and time between refills. *AVAILABLE THROUGH LIFEGUARD DEALERS ONLY.
NOTE : On free-standing #300 series chlorinators, the base of the chlorinator should be secured to prevent the possibility of the chlorinator tipping over due to increased height.
- Follow recharging instructions to the point of filling with tablets
- Making sure the O-Ring is clean, lubricated with Lifeguard Silicone, and in place, screw on the extension tightly and secure with a lock screw. (You may wish to wait until back in operation before tightening the screw to insure against leaks).
- Fill with tablets and continue with the normal recharging procedure.
The large chamber size will result in more chlorine being dispensed at the
same valve setting, therefore, once installed, several days of monitoring will
be necessary to readjust chlorinator output.
Does not apply to large capacity #300-19 or #300-29.
Parts Breakdown Drawing
R 172288 1½ ” & 2 ” SLIPSPRING CHECK VALVE
- Special corrosion resistant 1½” & 2″ slip spring check valve can be used
- to check the backflow of fluids, air, etc.
- Full free flow design
- Special Spring and Seal for corrosive applications.
- Enclosed spring ensuring free operation.
- Very effective when used in conjunction with chlorinator to check backflow
- of chemicals to pool/spa equipment, preventing corrosion problems and damage.
- Can be mounted in any position.
Typical check valve installation
NOTE : If heaters are used, a Fireman’s Switch or another safety device must be installed to prevent possible damage and improper operation of Check Valve and other equipment subject to heat damage.
Since most pool™ plumbing is not airtight, and a mixture of air and chlorine is highly corrosive to metals, it is important to protect these items from corrosion in the OFF period when no circulation is taking place. (There is no chance of chlorine corrosion when the circulating system is in operation.)
Of course, corrosion or erosion of metal components can still occur independently of any chlorinator installation for the following reasons:
- The water velocity is too high.
- Water pH is less than 7.2.
- Total alkalinity less than 100 PPM.
If your pool or spa has any of the following equipment, special plumbing procedures must be followed for safe operation:
- Brass or bronze gate, rotary or backwash valves.
- The preceding valves constructed of PVC or other plastic material with metallic shafts.
- Filters, heaters, heat exchanges or other items with metallic tanks, shafts, coils or tubes.
Installation of the OPTIONAL Rainbow #R172288 positive seal, corrosion resistant check valve SHOWN ON REVERSE SIDE will prevent the backflow of corrosive liquids and gases that can damage equipment containing metallic components. Examples are listed above.
WARNING: If your pool is equipped with a permanent built-in pool-cleaning system, damage could occur to that system if materials are not compatible with low pH Tri-Chloro feeders. Check with the manufacturer for compatibility.
All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair or by one of its global
affiliates. Rainbow™ is a trademark and/or registered trademark of Pentair
Water Pool and Spa, Inc. and/or its affiliated companies in the United States
and/ or other countries. Unless expressly noted, names and brands of third
parties that may be used in this document are not used to indicate an
affiliation or endorsement between the owners of these names and brands and
Pentair Water Pool and Spa, Inc. Those names and brands may be the trademarks
or registered trademarks of those third parties. Because we are continuously
improving our products and services, Pentair reserves the right to change
specifications without prior notice. Pentair is an equal opportunity employer.
© 2015 Pentair Water Pool and Spa, Inc. All rights reserved.
R24290 P/N R24290 REV E 3/15
Technical Support
Phone: 800-831-7133 – Fax: 800-284-4151
Most states and local codes regulate the construction, installation, and operation of public pools and spas, and the construction of residential pools and spas. It is important to comply with these codes, many of which directly regulate the installation and use of this product. Consult your local building and health codes for more information.
IMPORTANT NOTICE – Attention Installer: This Installation and User’s
Guide (“Guide”) contains important information about the installation,
operation and safe use of this underwater pool and spa light. This Guide
should be given to the owner and/or operator of this equipment.
Before installing this product, read and follow all warning notices and
instructions in this Guide. Failure to follow warnings and instructions can
result in severe injury, death, or property damage.
Call 800-831-7133 for additional free copies of these instructions. Please refer to for more information related to this products.
Before working or servicing pool lights, always disconnect power to the pool and/or spa lights at the source circuit breaker. Failure to do so could result in death or serious injury to service person, pool users or others due to electric shock. When installing and using this electrical equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed.
This underwater light must be installed by a licensed or certified electrician or a qualified pool professional in accordance with the current National Electrical Code
(NEC), NFPA 70 or the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), CSA C22.1. All applicable local installation codes and ordinances must also be adhered to. Improper installation will create an electrical hazard which could result in death or serious injury to installers or others due to electrical shock, and may also cause damage to power source. Always disconnect the power to the pool light at the circuit breaker before servicing the light. Failure to do so could result in serious injury to service person, due to electrical shock.
For countries in compliance with International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) regulatory standards: The light fixture must be installed by a licensed or certified electrician or a qualified pool service person, in accordance with current IEC 364-7-702 and all applicable local codes and ordinance. Improper installation will create an electrical hazard, which could result in serious injury to the installer or other due to electrical shock and may also cause damage to the property.
THE GLOBRITE® LED LIGHT AND PLASTIC NICHE FORM A COMPLETE NON-METALLIC LOW VOLTAGE LIGHTING SYSTEM. THIS CONFIGURATION DOES NOT REQUIRE BONDING OR GROUNDING WHEN POWERED BY A LISTED 100 WATT OR 300 WATT TRANSFORMER (LISTED ON PAGE 19) AND INSTALLED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE CURRENT NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (NEC). UNBONDED LIGHTING NEC PROVISIONS: When the UL listed non-metallic GloBrite LED Light low voltage lights are used with the GloBrite light approved niches (as listed on page 19), the current NEC provides an exception to luminaire bonding and grounding in Article 680.6 and 680.23
POOL WATER BONDING NEC PROVISIONS : For Pool Water Bonding required by NEC Article 680.26C, concrete pools are considered conductive (refer to 680.26 (b)(1) due to the porosity of concrete and the bonding of rebar. No additional bonding is required.
POOL AND SPA FIXED LUMINARIES: Follow these guidelines when installing or replacing Pentair Aquatic Systems Pool and Spa fixed luminaries:
FOR LIGHT OPERATION, ONLY USE A SAFETY ISOLATION TRANSFORMER. Note: Connect both wires to the corresponding circuit wires in the Junction Box (black wire to power, and white wire to common) FIXED POOL AND SPA LUMINARIES SPECIFICATION: 12 VAC 50/60 Hz
GloBrite® Color Changing LED Pool Light Overview
This manual describes how to install and replace the GloBrite Color LED light for pool and spa. GloBrite Color LED lights provide brilliant vivid multi- colors with spectacular effects for your pool. Choose one of the seven pre- programmed color light shows or select one of the five fixed colors to create virtually endless range of dramatic underwater lighting effects for a spectacular effect in your pool and spa.
Accessory: The optional GloBrite Glare Shield (P/N 620314 – sold separately] is for use on GloBrite Color and White LED lights to reduce light glare.
Operating GloBrite Color LED Lights Using a Wall Switch
The GloBrite color light can be manually controlled using a standard wall- mount light switch. Multiple GloBrite color lights can be connected via a junction box and a 12 VAC isolation transformer to a single switch so that all lights can be switched on and off together. For wiring diagram, see page 15.
Operating GloBrite Color LED Lights Using Automation Control System
GloBrite color lights can also be automatically controlled using the Pentair IntelliTouch® Control System and the EasyTouch® Control System. For more information refer to the IntelliTouch Control System User’s Guide (P/N 521075), and EasyTouch Control System User’s Guide (P/N 521044).
Using an External Safety Isolation Transformer for Multiple 12 VAC GloBrite Color Lights
When using multiple GloBrite 12 VAC color lights on a 100 Watt safety
isolation transformer, it is recommended that no more than three (3) GloBrite
color lights be used. For long cable lengths with a single light, It is
recommended not to exceed 45.72 m (150 ft.) of total cable run between the 12
VAC isolation transformer and the GloBrite color light.
Maximum Wattage Using Multiple Color LED lights (with a 300 Watt Isolation Transformer)
When using multiple 12 VAC Pentair LED pool and spa lights the total allowable
light wattage is 300 Watts maximum. The individual light wattage is as
- One GloBrite Color LED Pool light is 15 Watts maximum
- One GloBrite White LED Pool light is 15 Watts maximum
- One AmerBrite White LED (500W) pool light is 51 Watts maximum
- One AmerBrite White LED (400W) pool light is 44 Watts maximum
- One AmerBrite White LED (300W) pool light is 36 Watts maximum
- One AmerBrite Color LED pool light is 36 Watts maximum
- One IntelliBrite Color LED pool light is 30 Watts maximum
- One IntelliBrite Color LED spa light is 18 Watts maximum
Operating GloBrite® Color Lights Using a Wall Switch
GloBrite Color Lights can be controlled using a standard wall-mount light switch or by the IntelliBrite® Controller (see page 3). Multiple GloBrite color lights can be connected via a junction box and a 12 VAC transformer to a single switch so that all lights can be switched on and off together. GloBrite color lights are controlled by cycling AC power to the 12 VAC transformer from a standard wall switch. By turning the switch on and off a specific number of times, the light activates one of the seven light show modes, fixed colors, or enables the “Hold” and “Recall” feature.
Powering on the GloBrite Color LED Lights
When the GloBrite color light is powered on, the previously selected color is displayed, unless the HOLD or RECALL feature was previously enabled.
Note: If power to the light is off for more than five (5) seconds, the last color show mode or fixed color that was saved will be displayed.
Selecting a GloBrite Color Light Show Mode or Fixed Color using a Wall Switch
GloBrite color lights are compatible with IntelliBrite color light colors and shows and can be synchronized with IntelliBrite color lights.
First switch power on to the light. A white light will momentarily illuminate, followed by the previously selected color. To select a color show mode (1-7) or fixed color (8-12), turn the wall switch off/on a specific number of times. Each number (1-12) shown below corresponds to the number of times to power-cycle the switch to activate a color light show or fixed color. For details about saving color effects while in “show” modes, see “Hold” and “Recall” feature on page
- SAm Mode: Cycles through white, magenta, blue and green colors (emulates the Pentair SAm® color changing light).
- Party Mode: Rapid color changing building energy and excitement. Romance Mode: Slow color transitions creating a mesmerizing and calming effect.
- Caribbean Mode: Transitions between a variety of blues and greens. American Mode: Patriotic red, white and blue transition.
- California Sunset Mode: Dramatic transitions of orange, red and magenta tones.
- Royal Mode: Richer, deeper color tones.
- Blue: Fixed color.
- Green: Fixed color.
- Red: Fixed color.
- White: Fixed color.
- Magenta: Fixed color.
- Hold: Save the current color effect during a color light show.
- Recall: Activate the last saved color effect.
Example: To select California Sunset Mode; turn the switch off and on six (6) successive times. During the off/on switching process, no illumination will occur, then a white light will momentarily illuminate.
During the off/on switching process, before the selected color is displayed, no illumination will occur. This operating mode is normal during the switching process. During this period the pool and spa will be dark and precautions should be taken to avoid unforeseen accidents. Failure to observe this warning may result in serious injury or death to pool and spa users.
Saving a Color Mode or Fixed Color
When power is switched off to the GloBrite ® Color Lights, the last color show mode or fixed color will be saved. The next time the light is powered on, the previously saved color show mode or fixed color will be displayed. For example, while in Party Mode switch the light off. Wait more than 10 seconds, switch the light back on to resume Party Mode.
Selecting a GloBrite Light Color and Show Modes or Fixed Color Using an IntelliBrite ® Controller
Instead of using a wall switch, GloBrite color lights can controlled with the IntelliBrite Controller (p/n 600054, sold separately). The IntelliBrite® Controller provides complete control of your GloBrite color lights. It™s easy to select a lighting feature, just dial in any one of the pre-programmed color light shows or fixed colors. Using the Hold and Recall buttons you can also create endless unique lighting effects. The IntelliBrite Controller can be connected to individual or multiple 12 VAC transformers to control GloBrite color lights. The IntelliBrite Controller can also control multiple GloBrite and IntelliBrite lights.
Note: For IntelliBrite controller wiring instructions, see page 18.
Using the IntelliBrite® Color Light Controller: GloBrite color lights are compatible with IntelliBrite colors and shows and can be synchronized with IntelliBrite color lights and landscape lights. To select a color light show mode or fixed color mode, rotate the dial so that it points to the desired selection. The color mode selections start in a clockwise direction from the 9 o’clock position.
Hold and Recall Feature
- Hold button/LED: Press this button (LED on) to capture and save a color effect while displaying one of the light show modes. When the button is pressed, the LED will be on, indicating that the color effect is captured.
- Recall Button/LED: Use this button (LED on) to activate the last saved color effect. When the button is pressed, the LED will be on, indicating that the color effect is being displayed.
The following describes how to install the GloBrite Color Light fixture.
BEFORE STARTING: The following information describes the tasks that must be completed by the electrician before the light fixture is installed.
Be sure that the pool or spa meets the requirements of the current National Electrical Code (N.E.C.) Article 680-22 and all local codes and ordinances. A licensed or certified electrician must install the electrical system to meet or exceed those requirements before the underwater light is installed. Some of the requirements of the National Electrical
Code which the pool’s electrical system must meet are as follows:
- The Junction Box and the low voltage transformer is located at least 4 (four) inches (10.16 cm) above ground level or eight (8) inches (20.3 cm) above maximum water level, whichever is higher. The Junction Box must be at least 48 inches (1.22 m) from the edge of the pool. See Figure 2 on page 8.
- The GloBrite light niche must be properly installed so that the top edge of the lens of the GloBrite light is at least 4 inches below (not more than 48 inches below in Canada) the surface of the water in the pool or spa. See Figure 2 on page 8.
- To be certain that the pool or spa electrical system meets all applicable requirements, the electrician should also consult the local building department.
Be sure the electrical system of your pool conforms with the following requirements of the Canadian Electrical Code (CE), and all local codes and ordinances. A licensed or certified electrician must install the electrical system to meet or exceed those requirements before the light and (fixture- housing) is installed. Some of the CE requirements are listed below.
- The junction/deck box must be sealed to the conduit to prevent water from getting into the box, see Figure 1, below.
- The niche must be properly installed so the center line of the Underwater Light’s lens is at a maximum depth of 600 mm below the surface of the water in the pool,
The following information is for the Junction Box and pool deck location for Canada only. Junction/Deck boxes shall be installed:
- above the normal water level of the pool;
- so that the top of the box is located at or above the finished level of the pool deck;
- in such a manner or location that the box will not be an obstacle; and
- in such a manner that any water on the deck will drain away from the box (See diagram below).
Option 1: Niche Sleeve with Cone (Cone is used for applications where the niche is installed after the conduit has been connected to the 2” sleeve)
Install Sleeve: Locate position on vertical pool or spa wall where light is to be installed. The top of the light lens must be a minimum of 10.2 cm (4 in) inches below normal water level. Refer to Figure 2 on page 8 for the exact depth requirements.
Install a 5 cm (2 in) PVC pipe Schedule 40, 38.1 cm (15 in.) long in the desired location of the light niche sleeve.
Allow at least 2.5 cm (1 in) of the niche sleeve 5 cm (2 in) PVC pipe to extend out on both sides of the wall during your gunite operation. Cut any excess off the pipe so that it is flush against the wall before plastering.
Glue a 5 cm (2 in) x 2.54 cm (1 in) reducer bushing to the back side of the niche sleeve.
Glue the 2.45 cm (1 in) conduit into the reducer as shown below in “Option 1 Installation Diagram”. Make sure the 5 cm (2 in) PVC pipe Schedule 40. accommodates for the total length of niche/cone and reducer assembly.
Glue the cone into gunite niche (the cone is used to guide the fish tape from the junction box into the niche).
Apply PVC cement to the inside of the sleeve. Slide the gunite niche into the sleeve until it is flush with the gunite wall.
Install the desired color ring to the front of the niche.
Note: If required by local codes, install the light into the niche as described on page 9. -
Using the niche cover to seal the front of the niche, snap on the gunite cover over the front of the niche. This will protect the light cooling cavity of the niche during plastering.
Note : If a gunite cover is not available, use masking tape to protect the lens and cooling cavity from plaster operation. -
Apply gunite plaster to the pool wall up to the outer edge of the gunite cover. The gunite cover should be the only exposed part of the niche after plastering.
After the plastering has been completed, remove and dispose of the gunite cover.
Option 2: Install Conduit to Light Niche
To install the conduit onto the GloBrite® Color Light niche:
Install Sleeve: Locate position on vertical pool or spa wall where light is to be installed. The top of the light lens must be a minimum of 10.2 cm (4 in) inches below normal water level. Refer to Figure 2 on page 8 for the exact depth requirements.
Install a 5 cm (2 in) PVC pipe Schedule 40, 38.1 cm (15 in.) long in the desired location of the light niche sleeve.
Allow at least 2.5 cm (1 in) of the niche sleeve 5 cm (2 in) PVC pipe to extend out on both sides of the wall during your gunite operation. Cut any excess off the pipe so that it is flush against the wall before plastering.
Pull the fish tape and the light power cord through the 2.5 cm (1 in) conduit and the 5 cm (2 in) PVC sleeve schedule 40.
Glue the 2.5 cm (1 in ) conduit into the back of the conduit shown below in “Option 2 Installation Diagram”.
Glue the cone into gunite niche (the cone is used to guide the fish tape from the junction box into the niche).
Apply PVC cement to the inside of the sleeve. Slide the gunite niche into the sleeve until it is flush with the gunite wall.
Install the desired color ring to the front of the niche.
Note : If required by local codes, install the light into niche as described on page 9. -
Using the niche cover to seal the front of the niche, snap on the gunite cover over the front of the niche. This will protect the light cooling cavity of the niche during plastering. Note: If a gunite cover is not available, use masking tape to protect lens and cooling cavity from plaster operation.
Apply gunite plaster to the pool wall up to the outer edge of the gunite cover. The gunite cover should be the only exposed part of the niche after plastering.
After the plastering has been completed, remove and dispose of the gunite cover.
Installing GloBrite® Color Light Niche in a Fiberglass Pool
To install the GloBrite color light niche in a fiberglass pool:
- Drill or punch a 5 cm (2 in) hole in the desired location for the GloBrite light niche.
- Place the sealing gasket on the niche as shown below.
- Insert the niche through the 5 cm (2 in) hole in the pool wall.
- Install the PVC washer to the back of the niche.
- Install the plastic nut onto the back of the niche. Hand tighten the nut to secure the niche in place.
- Glue the 2.5 cm (1 in) conduit into back of niche.
Installing GloBrite® Color Light Niche in a Vinyl Pool
To install the GloBrite color light niche in a vinyl liner pool:
- Drill a 7.62 cm (3 in) hole in the desired location for the light vinyl niche.
- From the inside of the pool, insert the vinyl niche through the 7.62 cm (3 in) hole.
- Install the plastic nut onto the back of the niche. Hand tighten the nut to secure the niche in place.
- Place the sealing gasket onto the front of the niche as shown below.
- Install the vinyl liner.
- Install the conduit. See Figure 2 on page 8.
- Using the alignment tabs on the niche, carefully align the faceplate to the niche. Once the faceplate is properly aligned, pierce liner through faceplate and install the screws one at a time.
- Using a No. 2 Phillips head screwdriver, hand tighten each retaining screw to secure the cover. DO NOT OVER TIGHTEN THE SCREWS. DO NOT USE A POWER TOOL TO SECURE THE SCREWS. Over tightening or using a motorized screwdriver on the sealing ring screws can over torque the screw threads and damage the niche housing and/or vinyl liner seal.
To install the GloBrite color light into the gunite, fiberglass or vinyl niche:
Route the GloBrite light power cord through the front of the niche, to the location of the 12 VAC pool transformer or junction box.
At the 12 VAC transformer or junction box, cut off any extra cord. Leave at least 15.2 cm (6 in) of cord in the Junction Box or transformer to facilitate the light installation, niche inspection. Cut off any extra cord.
Strip back the outer cord jacket of the wires to expose the two (2) insulated conductors. Strip back the two conductors. Be careful not to damage the copper conductor.
Connect the two (2) conductors to the corresponding circuit wires in the Junction Box (black wire to power, white wire to common). Secure the Junction Box cover.
Install the new GloBrite light assembly: Push the light into the niche while pulling the power cord from the junction box or transformer, making sure the locking tabs in the back end of the light are properly aligned with the niche openings (inside the niche).
Place the light installation tool (P/N 620057) over the front of the light. Turn the tool and light clockwise (less than an .3175 cm (1/8th. turn), while pushing inward, until you feel the stop point. This indicates the light is properly seated, locked and the niche is completely sealed.
Note: If the light does not turn smoothly, pull the light slightly out and make sure that it™s seated properly and the niche is free of debris, then install the light as described in step 6. -
Before operating the GloBrite color light, fill the pool with water until the light is completely submerged.
Note: The GloBrite color light should not be powered for more than 30 seconds if is not submersed in water. -
Final check for proper GloBrite light operation: Switch on the main switch or circuit breaker to the 12 VAC transformer and the switch that operates the GloBrite light itself. The light should illuminate when the 12 VAC power is applied. If not recheck the installation steps.
Risk of Electrical Shock or Electrocution!
This underwater light must be installed by a licensed or certified electrician
or a qualified pool professional in accordance with the current National
Electrical Code (NEC), NFPA 70 or the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC), CSA
C22.1 and all applicable local codes and ordinances. Improper installation
will create an electrical hazard that could result in death or serious injury
to pool users, installers or others due to electrical shock, and may also
cause damage to property.
Always disconnect the power to the pool light at the circuit breaker before
servicing the light. Failure to do so could result in death or serious injury
to a service personnel, pool users or others due to electrical shock.
Verify that the pool and spa meet the requirements of the current National Electrical Code and all local codes and ordinances. A licensed or certified electrician must install the electrical system to meet or exceed those requirements before the underwater light is installed. Some of the requirements of the National Electrical Code that the pool’s electrical system must meet are as follows:
- The Junction Box and the low voltage transformer is located at least 4 (four) inches (10.16 cm) above ground level or eight (8) inches (20.3 cm) above maximum water level, whichever is higher. The Junction Box must be at least 48 inches (1.22 m) from the edge of the pool. See Figure 2 on page 8.
- The GloBrite light niche must be properly installed so that the top edge of the lens of the GloBrite light is at least 4 inches below (not more than 48 inches below in Canada) the surface of the water in the pool or spa. See Figure 2 on page 8.
- To be certain that the pool or spa electrical system meets all applicable requirements, the electrician should also consult the local building department.
The following removal and installation instructions describe how to remove and install the GloBrite color light assembly.
Failure to bring the pool or spa’s electrical system up to code requirements before installing the underwater light will create an electrical hazard which could result in death or serious injury to pool users, installers, or others due to electrical shock, and may also cause damage to property.
- Switch off electrical switch or circuit breaker at the source,
- Remove Junction Box or Transformer cover. Disconnect the light wires and attach a fish tape to the existing light power cord. This will assist in pulling the replacement light power cord through the conduit back to the junction box.
- Remove the GloBrite color light assembly from the pool or spa water: Using the provided installation tool (P/N 620057), rotate the light assembly counter-clockwise about a 1/8th turn to release the light from the niche as shown on page 11).
- Slowly pull the light and attached power cord (with attached fish tape) out of the niche. Pull the light’s power cord and fish tape out of the niche and place the light on the deck.
- Attach the new light power cord to the fish tape and carefully feed the fish tape and cable to the junction box.
- Install the light into the niche: Place the light installation tool over the front of the light. Turn the tool and light clockwise while pushing inward, until you feel the stop point. This indicates the light is properly seated, locked and the electrical conduit, is completely sealed
Note: If the light does not turn smoothly, pull the light slightly out and be sure that it’s seated properly and the niche is free of debris, then install the light as described in step 5.
- Connect the two (2) conductors to the corresponding circuit wires in the Junction Box (black wire to power, white wire to common) and secure the Junction Box cover in place.
- Final check for proper GloBrite Color light operation: Switch on the main switch or circuit breaker to the 12 VAC transformer and the switch that operates the light itself. The light should illuminate when 12 VAC power is applied. If not recheck the installation steps.
Always disconnect AC power to EasyTouch and IntelliTouch control system load center at the circuit breaker before servicing, or removing the HIGH VOLTAGE FRONT PANEL. Failure to do so could result in death or serious injury to installer, service person, pool users, or others due to electrical shock.
- EasyTouch or IntelliTouch Control System Load Center: Unlatch the enclosure door spring latch, and open the door.
- Discharge Electrostatic energy before removing the cover by first touching the metal part of the enclosure.
- Loosen the two (2) retaining screws from the HIGH VOLTAGE FRONT PANEL. Remove the panel from the enclosure.
- Run the GloBrite color light power cord to a auxiliary relay in the EasyTouch/IntelliTouch load center.
- Connect the 120 Volt side of a 12 VAC transformer to the LOAD SIDE of one of the auxiliary (AUX) relays in the load center.
- Connect the Neutral conductor from the 12 VAC transformer to the Neutral bus bar in the load center.
- After the connection has been completed, close the control panel and secure it with the two (2) retaining screws.
- Close the load center front door. Fasten the spring latch.
EasyTouch® and IntelliTouch® Control System Load Center Wiring
GloBrite® Color Light with Wall Switch Wiring Diagram
Easy Touch ® Control System
The following describes how to setup the GloBrite Color Light from the EasyTouch® control system indoor control panel or the EasyTouch control system wireless control panel. From the EasyTouch control panel you can control the light shows .
To set up a GloBrite light circuit; assign the Light Circuit Name to the relay circuit (example; AUX 3, as Pool Light ) and Function : assign the name circuit in the Circuit Func. menu as a light circuit (IntelliBrite). After assigning the circuit name and function, the light circuit name can be setup in the CONFIG menu for light position, color etc.
To assign a Circuit Name go to: MENU > SETTINGS > CIRCUIT NAMES
EasyTouch ® Control System
The following describes how to set up the GloBrite Color Light from the EasyTouch® control system indoor control panel or the EasyTouch control system wireless control panel. From the EasyTouch control panel, you can control the light shows.
To set up a GloBrite light circuit; assign the Light Circuit Name to the relay circuit (example; AUX 3, as Pool Light) and Function: assign the name Pool Light circuit in the Circuit Func. menu as a light circuit (IntelliBrite). After assigning the circuit name and function, the light circuit name Pool Light can be setup in the CONFIG menu for light position, color, etc.
To assign a Circuit Function go to: MENU > SETTINGS > CIRCUIT FUNC.
- Press the Menu button to return to the Settings menu. Press the Down but-ton to and select “Circuit Func.” Press the Right button to access the Circuit Func. menu.
- Press the Up/Down button to select the already assigned circuit name “Pool Light.”
- Press the Right button to view “Circuit Functions” to assign to light circuit “Pool Light.”
- Press the Up/Down button to select the type of light circuit function to use. Select “INTELLIBRITE” for the GloBrite light circuit function.
- Press the Menu button three times to return to the main screen.
Operating the GloBrite lights: The GloBrite color light is ready to operate using the EasyTouch control panel button 1 (auxiliary 1 circuit). To access the Lights menu screen (special Light Features), press Menu > Lights. The Lights menu settings are: MODES, COLORS, ALL ON, ALL OFF, SYNC, MAGICSTREAM, CONFIG: From the Modes screen you can control the color light shows. To access the Modes menu, press Menu > Lights > Modes. See page 2 for GloBrite color light shows.
IntelliTouch® Control System
The following describes how to setup the GloBrite® Color Light from the IntelliTouch® control system control panel. From the IntelliTouch® control system control panel you can control the light shows. To access the GloBrite light screens, from the IntelliTouch indoor control panel or the MobileTouch® Wireless Remote control panel.
Assigning a Circuit Name
To identify the GloBrite light connected to the auxiliary circuits (AUX 1, AUX 2) in the IntelliTouch load center, you need to assign the GloBrite light circuit name to the corresponding auxiliary circuits in the IntelliTouch indoor control panel. Choose a circuit name from the preset list of names for the GloBrite light connected to the auxiliary relay installed in the IntelliTouch load center.
Assigning a Circuit Name for the GloBrite Light: To assign a Circuit Name for the GloBrite light, go to: MENU > SETUP > ADVANCED > CIRCUIT NAMES > ASSIGN CIRCUIT NAMES > DISPLAY.
Selecting DISPLAY Screen 1, 2, 3, or 4: The auxiliary circuits that control the pool and spa equipment can be accessed from the “Display” screen on the Indoor Control Panel or MobileTouch wireless control panel. Selecting the button next to Display 1,2, 3, or 4 displays the screen with circuits belonging to that particular expansion Load Center or Power Center. “Feature Circuits” can also be assigned from this screen.
To assign circuit names for a specific display screen:
- Display #1 – This screen shows circuit names for the filter pump, pool and spa modes, and all high voltage auxiliary circuits connected to the main Load Center or Power Center.
- Display #2 – This screen shows circuit names for the additional auxiliary circuits connected to the first expansion center (Load Center or Power Center).
- Display #3 – This screen shows circuit names for the additional auxiliary circuits connected to the second expansion center (Load Center or Power Center)
- Display #4 – This screen shows circuit names for the additional auxiliary circuits connected to the third expansion center (Load Center or Power Center).
To assign a GloBrite light circuit name for the MAIN SCREEN:
- Select the button next to Display #1. These are the circuit names that will be displayed on the Main Screen. Note: If there is an expansion Load Center or Power Center installed, select the appropriate Display #2, #3, or #4 associ-ated with that expansion Load Center or Power Center.
- From the Main Display screen, press the button next to AUX 1.A small arrow pointing to AUX 1 is displayed.
- Use the Up and Down buttons at the bottom of the screen to scroll through the alphabetical list of preset equipment names. Choose the equipment name that matches the label name for button number 1 on the Load Center Outdoor Control Panel.
- Continue to name other auxiliary circuits (AUX2, AUX3, etc.): After selecting the equipment name you want to use for AUX 1, press the button next to the AUX 2 and choose a circuit name. The small arrow indicates which circuit is selected for naming.
- Repeat the process to assign the other equipment to circuits on this screen.
- When you have finished assigning equipment circuit names, press the Save button. Press the Exit button to return to the Main screen.
- CONTINUE TO NEXT PAGE to set up the GloBrite “Function Circuit.”
Set up a GloBrite® Color Light Circuit Function
To setup an AUX circuit to control the GloBrite color light, assign the circuit light function an auxiliary relay circuit (AUX 1), then assign the circuit name for that light circuit. The light circuit name will appear on the main screen. Each GloBrite light must also be assigned a circuit function.
To assign a Circuit Name for the GloBrite light, go to: MENU > SETUP > ADVANCED CIRCUIT FUNCTIONS
Setup a GloBrite light function circuit: Assign each light auxiliary relay circuit a circuit name, then assign that light relay circuit in the “CIRCUIT FUNCTIONS” section, as “INTELLIBRITE.”
To setup the GloBrite light circuit function (use the “IntelliBrite” circuit name):
- Press the button next to the AUX button (the relay auxiliary circuit connected to the GloBrite (IntelliBrite) light).
- Press the right or left side (PREV/NEXT) button next to “INTELLIBRITE.” Scroll through the circuit functions until “INTELLIBRITE” is displayed.
- Press the SAVE button on the bottom of the screen. Press the EXIT button to return to the main screen.
Assign the GloBrite light circuit to the Lights screen:
- Press the Lights button on the bottom of the screen.
- Press the right side button next to “CONFIGURE.”
- Press the button next to “NONE” to assign an IntelliBrite light circuit to the selected button. Light names can be setup to display on the left side for “Spa” features and on the right side for the “Pool” features.
- Press the top left or right side button to scroll through the available light cir-cuits which can be used for the GloBrite (IntelliBrite) lighting features. Select at the circuit name you wish to use. The displayed circuit names are circuit names that were previously assigned when assigning a circuit function.
Operating and Selecting GloBrite (IntelliBrite® Color Light) Color Modes
From the “Modes” screen you can select various preset show color lighting effects, such as “American mode” and “Sunset mode,” and Pentair SAm® Color Changing Light (an emulation of the SAm color scheme). Using the “Hold” and “Recall” feature you can also capture and save a unique color effect to recall at a later time.
Modes screen
To access the IntelliBrite® Color Light color show “Modes” features from the Lights screen, press the Lights button on the bottom of the screen, then press the left side button next to “MODES.”
Special Light Features: Up to twelve (12) IntelliBrite light circuits can be displayed on the main Lights screen (special light features). From the Lights screen you can activate the IntelliBrite lighting features (i.e., color swim, color set). Assuming each GloBrite (IntelliBrite) light has its own relay and separate circuit.
Wiring GloBrite® Color Lights to IntelliBrite® Controller and 300 Watt Transformer
The following diagram shows how to connect GloBrite® color light to an
IntelliBrite Controller using a 300 Watt transformer.
Note: For GloBrite light operating instructions, Both of the LEDs are flashing: Check the light wiring connection to the junction box at the pool side and to the AC power switch.
Troubleshooting (GloBrite Lights)
Both of the LEDs are flashing: Check the light wiring connection to the
junction box at the pool side and to the AC power switch.
Light does not function properly: Be sure that there is proper AC power
applied to the light.
Troubleshooting (IntelliBrite Controller)
Both of the LEDs are flashing: The IntelliBrite Controller has detected that the load has exceeded the maximum allowable wattage or the output is shorted out
- Switch off the IntelliBrite Controller OFF. Remove excessive load or short.
- Press the IntelliBrite Controller power switch to power on the unit. Verify the LEDs are no longer flashing.
GloBrite® Color Lights Parts List and Replacement Kits
GloBrite Lights
Part No/Description
- 602053 GloBrite 12 VAC 30’ cord
- 602054 GloBrite 12 VAC 50’ cord
- 602055 GloBrite 12 VAC 100’ cord
- 602056 GloBrite 12 VAC 150’ cord
GloBrite Bundles
Part No/Description
- 619993 Gunite Combo #1- 1 GloBrite 100’ w/300W transformer & Gunite niche
- 619994 Gunite Combo #2 – 2 GloBrite 100’ w/300W transformer & 2 Gunite niches
- 620051 Fiberglass combo #1- 1 GloBrite 100’ w/300W txfmr & Fiberglass niche
- 620052 Fiberglass combo #2 – 2 GloBrite 100’ w/300W txfmr & 2 Fiberglass niches
- 620080 Vinyl combo #1- 1 GloBrite 100’ w/300W txfmr and vinyl niche
- 620081 Vinyl combo #2 – 2 GloBrite 100’ w/300W txfmr and two vinyl niches
GloBrite Light Niches
Part No/Description
- 620039 Vinyl Niche for GloBrite
- 620040 Gunite Niche for GloBrite
- 620041 Fiberglass Niche for GloBrite
- 620093 Fiberglass Niche for GloBrite (Blue)
- 620094 Fiberglass Niche for GloBrite (Gray)
GloBrite Light Replacement Kits
Part No/Description
- 620054 Vinyl (gasket, front face and screws (4))
- 620055 Fiberglass (washer and gasket)
- 620056 Color Ring (color ring and plaster cover)
- 620057 O -Ring (o-ring, insertion tool)
- 620058 Nut (fiberglass/vinyl nut)
- 620314 Glare Shield
919-566-8000 10951 WEST LOS ANGELES
AVE., MOORPARK, CA 93021 805-553-5000
All Pentair trademarks and logos are owned by Pentair, GloBrite®, IntelliFlo®, IntelliBrite®, EasyTouch®, IntelliTouch®, SunTouch®, IntelliChlor®, MobileTouch® and SAm® are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Pentair Water Pool and Spa, Inc. and/or its affiliated companies in the United States and/ or other countries. Unless expressly noted, names and brands of third parties that may be used in this document are not used to indicate an affiliation or endorsement between the owners of these names and brands and Pentair Water Pool and Spa, Inc. Those names and brands may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of those third parties. Because we are continuously improving our products and services, Pentair reserves the right to change specifications without prior notice. Pentair is an equal-opportunity employer.
© 2019 Pentair Water Pool and Spa, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is subject to change without notice.
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