14POINT7 Spartan 3 Lambda Sensor User Manual
- June 4, 2024
- 14POINT7
Table of Contents
- 14POINT7 Spartan 3 Lambda Sensor
- Package Contents
- Exhaust Installation
- Sensor Temperature LED
- Serial-USB connection
- Serial Commands
- Windows 10 serial terminal
- CAN Bus Protocol Default Format (Lambda)
- Supported CAN devices
- CAN Termination Resistor
- Bootloader
- Warranty
- References
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
14POINT7 Spartan 3 Lambda Sensor
- Do not connect or disconnect the Lambda Sensor while Spartan 3 is powered.
- The Lambda Sensor will get very hot during normal operation, please be careful when handling it.
- Do not install the Lambda Sensor in such a manner that the unit is powered before your engine is running. An engine start can move condensation in your exhaust system to the sensor, if the sensor is already heated this can cause thermal shock and cause the ceramic internals inside the sensor to crack and deform.
- While the Lambda Sensor is in an active exhaust stream, it must be controlled by Spartan 3. Carbon from an active exhaust can easily build up on an unpowered sensor and foul it.
- Lambda sensor life when used with leaded fuels is between 100-500 hrs.
- Spartan 3 should be located in the driver’s compartment.
- Do not coil the lambda cable.
Package Contents
1x Spartan 3, 8ft lambda cable, 2x blade fuse holder, two 1 Amp blade fuse,
two 5 Amp blade fuse.
Exhaust Installation
The Lambda Sensor should be installed between the 10 o’clock and the 2 o’clock position, less than 60 degrees from vertical, this will allow gravity to remove water condensation from the sensor. For all Oxygen sensor installations, the sensor must be installed before the catalytic converter. For normally aspirated engines the sensor should be installed about 2ft from the engine exhaust port. For Turbocharged engines the sensor should be installed after the turbocharger. For Supercharged engines the sensor should be installed 3ft from the engine exhaust port.
Sensor Temperature LED
Spartan 3 has an onboard red LED, which can be observed through the case slits, to show LSU Temperature. Slow blink means the sensor is too cool, Solid light means the sensor temperature is ok, fast blink means the sensor is too hot.
Serial-USB connection
Spartan 3 has a built-in serial to USB converter to provide USB communications with your computer. The converter is based on the popular FTDI chipset so most operating systems already have the driver preinstalled.
Serial Commands
LSU Heater Ground, Pin 4 on screw terminal, must be connected to enter serial commands
Serial Command| Usage Note| Purpose| Example| Factory
GETHW| | Gets Hardware Version| |
GETFW| | Gets Firmware version| |
SETTYPEx| If x is 0 then Bosch LSU 4.9
If x is 1 then Bosch LSU ADV
| Sets LSU sensor type| SETTYPE1| X=0, LSU 4.9
GETTYPE| | Gets LSU sensor type| |
SETCANFORMATx| x is an integer 1 to 3 character long. x=0; default
x=1; Link ECU
x=2; Adaptronic ECU x=3; Haltech ECU
x=4; % Oxygen*100
GETCANFORMAT| | Gets CAN format| |
SETCANIDx| x is an integer 1 to 4 characters long| Sets 11 bit CAN id|
| x=1024
GETCANID| | Gets 11 bit CAN id| |
SETCANBAUDx| x is an integer 1 to 7 characters long| Sets CAN Baud Rate|
will set CAN Baud rate
to 1Mbit/s
| X=500000,
GETCANBAUD| | Gets CAN Baud Rate| |
SETCANRx| If x is 1 the resistor is enabled. If x is 0 the
resistor is disabled
| Enable/Disable CAN
Termination Resistor
| x=1, CAN term
Res Enabled
GETCANR| | Gets CAN Term Res State;
1=enabled, 0=disabled
| |
SETAFRMxx.x| xx.x is a decimal exactly 4 characters long
including decimal point
| Sets AFR Multiplier for
Torque app
| SETAFM14.7
| x=14.7
GETAFRM| | Gets AFR Multiplier for
Torque app
| |
SETLAMFIVEVx.xx| x.xx is a decimal exactly 4 characters long including decimal
point. Minimum value is 0.60, maximum value is 3.40. This value can be higher
or lower than the
| Sets Lambda at 5[v] for the linear output| SETLAMFIVEV1.36| x=1.36
GETLAMFIVEV| | Gets the Lambda at 5[v]| |
SETLAMZEROVx.xx| x.xx is a decimal exactly 4 characters long including decimal
point. Minimum value is 0.60, maximum value is 3.40. This value can be higher
or lower than the
| Sets Lambda at 0[v] for the linear output| SETLAMZEROV0.68| x=0.68
GETLAMZEROV| | Gets Lambda at 0[v]| |
SETPERFx| If x is 0 then standard performance of 20ms. If x is 1 then high
performance of 10ms. If x is 2 then optimize for lean
| | SETPERF1| x=0, standard performance
GETPERFx| | Gets performance| |
SETSLOWHEATx| If x is 0 then sensor is heated at normal rate during initial
power up.
If x is 1 then sensor is heated at 1/3 the normal rate during initial power up.
If x is 2 then wait for MegaSquirt 3 CAN
RPM signal before heating.
| | SETSLOWHEAT1| X=0, normal sensor heatup rate
GETSLOWHEAT| | Gets slowheat setting| |
MEMRESET| | Reset to factory settings.| |
SETLINOUTx.xxx| Where x.xxx is a decimal exactly 5 characters long including
decimal point, greater than 0.000 and less than 5.000. Linear Output will
resume normal
operation on reboot.
| Allows the user to set the High Perf Linear Output to a specific voltage|
DOCAL| Requires Firmware 1.04 and above| Do Free Air Calibration and display
the value.
Recommended for clone
sensors only.
| |
GETCAL| Requires Firmware 1.04 and above| Gets Free Air Calibration
| |
RESETCAL| Requires Firmware 1.04 and above| Resets Free Air Calibration
value to 1.00
| |
SETCANDRx| x is an integer 1 to 4 characters long
Requires Firmware 1.04 and above
| Sets CAN Data Rate in hz| | X=50
GETCANDR| Requires Firmware 1.04 and above| Gets CAN Data Rate| |
All commands are in ASCII, case does not matter, spaces do not matter.
Windows 10 serial terminal
LSU Heater Ground, Pin 4 on screw terminal, must be connected to access the serial terminal The recommended serial terminal is Termite, https://www.compuphase.com/software_termite.htm, please download and install the complete setup.
- In windows 10 search bar, please type “Device Manager” and open it.
- Spartan 3 will show up as “USB Serial Port”, in this example “COM3” is assigned to Spartan 3.
- In Termite, click “Settings”
- Make sure the Port is correct and that the Baud rate is “9600”.
CAN Bus Protocol Default Format (Lambda)
For %O2 CAN Format please see “Spartan 3 and Spartan 3 Lite for Lean Burn and Oxygen Metering Applications.pdf” Spartan 3’s CAN Bus operates with 11 bit addressing.
- Default CAN Baud rate is 500kbit/s
- Default CAN Termination resistor is enabled, this can be changed by sending “SETCANRx” serial command.
- Default CAN Id is 1024, this can be changed by sending “SETCANIDx” serial command.
- Data Length (DLC) is 4.
- Default Data Rate is 50 hz, data is sent every 20[ms], this can be changed by sending “SETCANDRx” serial command.
- Data[0] = Lambda x1000 High Byte
- Data[1] = Lambda x1000 Low Byte
- Data[2] = LSU_Temp/10
- Data[3] = Status
- Lambda = (Data[0]<<8 + Data[1])/1000
- Sensor Temperature [C] = Data[2]*10
Supported CAN devices
Name| CAN Format
Serial Command
| CAN Id Serial
| CAN BAUD Rate Serial Command| Note
Link ECU| SETCANFORMAT1| SETCANID950| SETCANBAUD1000000| Read “Spartan 3 to
Link G4+
ECU.pdf” for additional information
(Default from factory)
| SETCANBAUD1000000|
(Default from factory)
(Default from factory)
(Default from factory)
| Read “Spartan 3 to MegaSquirt
Haltech ECU| SETCANFORMAT3| Not required| SETCANBAUD1000000| Spartan 3 Emulates Haltech WBC1
wideband controller
YourDyno Dyno
(Default from factory)
(Default from factory)
| SETCANBAUD1000000|
CAN Termination Resistor
Suppose we call the ECU; Master, and devices that send/receive data to/from
the ECU we call; Slave (Spartan 3, digital dashboard, EGT controller, etc…).
In most applications there is one Master (ECU) and one or more Slaves that all
share the same CAN Bus. If Spartan 3 is the only Slave on the CAN Bus then the
CAN Termination Resistor on Spartan 3 should-be enabled using the serial
command “SETCANR1”. By default the CAN Termination Resistor on Spartan 3 is
enabled. If There are multiple Slaves, the Slave that is farthest from the
Master (based on wire length) should have the CAN Termination Resistor
enabled, all other Slaves should have their CAN Termination Resistor
disabled/disconnected. In practice; it often does not matter if the CAN
Termination Resistors are properly set, but for highest reliability the CAN
Termination Resistors should be properly set.
When Spartan 3 is powered up without the LSU Heater Ground connected, it will enter bootloader mode. Powering up Spartan 3 with the Heater Ground connected will not trigger the bootloader and Spartan 3 will work as normal. When Spartan 3 is in Bootloader mode there is an onboard LED, which can be observed through the case slits, that will shine a solid green. When in bootloader mode, serial commands are not possible. In Bootloader mode, only firmware update is possible, all other functions are disabled.
To enter bootloader mode for a firmware upgrade:
- Make sure Spartan 3 is off, no power to Pin 1 or Pin 3 of the screw terminal
- Disconnect the sensor
- Disconnect LSU Heater Ground from Pin 4 of the screw terminal
- Power on Spartan 3,
- Check if the onboard LED is shining a solid green, if it is then your Spartan 3 is in bootloader mode.
14Point7 warrants Spartan 3 to be free from defects for 2 years.
14Point7 is liable for damages only up to the purchase price of its products.
14Point7 products should not be used on public roads.
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