fiber mall QSFPP-40G-ZR4 Lite 40Gbps QSFP+ ZR4 Lite Transceiver User Manual

June 12, 2024
fiber mall

fiber mall QSFPP-40G-ZR4 Lite 40Gbps QSFP+ ZR4 Lite Transceiver

Product Features

  • 4 CWDM lanes MUX/DEMUX design
  • Up to 11.2Gbps per channel bandwidth
  • Aggregate bandwidth of > 40Gbps
  • Duplex LC connector
  • Compliant with 40G Ethernet IEEE802.3ba and 40GBASE-ZR4 Lite
  • QSFP MSA compliant
  • APD photo-detector
  • Up to 60 km transmission
  • Compliant with QDR/DDR Infiniband data rates
  • Single +3.3V power supply operating
  • Built-in digital diagnostic functions
  • Temperature range 0°C to 70°C
  • RoHS Compliant Part


  • Data Centers Switches and Routers
  • Switches and Routers
  • Rack to Rack
  • Metro Networks
  • 40GBASE-ZR4 Lite


The QSFPP-40G-ZR4-Lite is a transceiver module designed for 60km optical communication applications. The design is compliant to 40GBASE-ER4 of the IEEEP802.3ba standard. The module converts 4 inputs channels of 10Gb/s electrical datato4CWDM optical signals, and multiplexes them into a single channel for 40Gb/s optical transmission. Reversely, on the receiver side, the module optically de-multiplexes a 40Gb/s input into 4 CWDM channels signals, and converts them to 4 channel output electrical data.
The central wavelengths of the 4 CWDM channels are 1271, 1291, 1311 and 1331 nm as members of the CWDM wavelength grid defined in ITU-T G694.2. It contains a duplex LC connector for the optical interface and a 38-pin connector for the electrical interface. To minimize the optical dispersion in the long-haul system, single-mode fiber (SMF) has to be applied in this module.

The product is designed with form factor, optical/electrical connection and digital diagnostic interface according to the QSFP Multi-Source Agreement (MSA). It has been designed to meet the harshest external operating conditions including temperature, humidity and EMI interference.
The module operates from a single +3.3V power supply and LVCMOS/LVTTL global control signals such as Module Present, Reset, Interrupt and Low Power Mode are available with the modules. A 2-wire serial interface is available to send and receive more complex control signals and to obtain digital diagnostic information. Individual channels can be addressed and unused channels can be shut down for maximum design flexibility.
The QSFPP-40G-ZR4-Lite is designed with form factor, optical/electrical connection and digital diagnostic interface according to the QSFP Multi-Source Agreement (MSA). It has been designed to meet the harshest external operating conditions including temperature, humidity and EMI interference. The module offers very high functionality and feature integration, accessible via a two- wire serial interface.

Absolute Maximum Ratings

Parameter Symbol Min Typical Max Unit
Storage Temperature TS -40 +85 °C
Supply Voltage VCCT, R -0.5 4 V
Relative Humidity RH 0 85 %

Recommended Operating Environment

Parameter Symbol Min Typical Max Unit
Case Operating Temperature TC 0 +70 °C
Supply Voltage VCCT, R +3.13 3.3 +3.47 V
Supply Current ICC 1000 mA
Power Dissipation PD 3.5 W

Electrical Characteristics (TOP = 0 to 70 °C, VCC = 3.13 to 3.47 Volts)

Parameter| Symbol| Min| Typical| Max| Unit| Note
Data Rate per Channel| | –| 10.3125| 11.2| Gbps|
Power Consumption| | –| 2.5| 5| W|
Supply Current| Icc| | 0.75| 1.3| A|
Control I/O Voltage-High| VIH| 2.0| | Vcc| V|
Control I/O Voltage-Low| VIL| 0| | 0.7| V|
Inter-Channel Skew| TSK| | | 150| Ps|
RESETL Duration| | | 10| | Us|
RESETL De-assert time| | | | 100| ms|
Power On Time| | | | 100| ms|
Single Ended Output Voltage Tolerance| | 0.3| | 4| V| 1
Common mode Voltage Tolerance| | 15| | | mV|
Transmit Input Diff Voltage| VI| 150| | 1200| mV|
Transmit Input Diff Impedance| ZIN| 85| 100| 115| |
Data Dependent Input Jitter| DDJ| | 0.3| | UI|
Single Ended Output Voltage Tolerance| | 0.3| | 4| V|
Rx Output Diff Voltage| Vo| 370| 600| 950| mV|
Rx Output Rise and Fall Voltage| Tr/Tf| | | 35| ps| 1
Total Jitter| TJ| | 0.3| | UI|

1. 20%~80%

Optical Parameters (TOP = 0 to 70 °C, VCC = 3.0 to 3.6 Volts)

Parameter| Symbol| Min| Typical| Max| Unit| Notes
Wavelength Assignment| L0| 1264.5| 1271| 1277.5| nm|
L1| 1284.5| 1291| 1297.5| nm|
L2| 1304.5| 1311| 1317.5| nm|
L3| 1324.5| 1331| 1337.5| nm|
Side-mode Suppression Ratio| SMSR| 30| –| –| dB|
Total Average Launch Power| PT| | –| 10.5| dBm|
Average Launch Power, each Lane| | +3| –| 7| dBm|
Transmit OMA per Lane| TxOMA| 0.3| | 5.0| dBm|
Difference in launch power between any two lanes (OMA)| | | | 4.7| dBm|
Transmitter Dispersion Penalty each Lane| TDP| | | 2.6| dB|
Extinction Ratio| ER| 5.5| 6.5| | dB|
Transmitter Eye Mask Definition
{X1, X2, X3, Y1, Y2, Y3}| | {0.25, 0.4, 0.45,
0.25, 0.28, 0.4}| | | |
Optical Return Loss Tolerance| | –| –| 20| dB|
Average Launch Power OFF

Transmitter, each Lane

| Poff| | | -30| dBm|
Relative Intensity Noise| Rin| | | -128| dB/HZ| 1
Optical Return Loss Tolerance| | –| –| 12| dB|
Damage Threshold| THd| 0| | | dBm| 1
Average Power at Receiver Input, each Lane| R| -23| | -6| dBm|
Receive Electrical 3 dB upper Cut off Frequency, each Lane| | | | 12.3| GHz|
RSSI Accuracy| | -2| | 2| dB|
Receiver Reflectance| Rrx| | | -26| dB|
Receiver Power (OMA), each Lane| | –| –| -4| dBm|
Receive Electrical 3 dB upper
Cutoff Frequency, each Lane| | | | 12.3| GHz|
LOS De-Assert| LOSD| | | -25| dBm|
LOS Assert| LOSA| -35| | | dBm|
LOS Hysteresis| LOSH| 0.5| | | dB|

Note 1: 12dB Reflection

Diagnostic Monitoring Interface

Digital diagnostics monitoring function is available on all QSFP+ ER4. A 2-wireserial interface provides user to contact with module. The structure of the memory is shown in flowing. The memory space is arranged into a lower, single page, address space of 128bytes and multiple upper address space pages. This structure permits timely access to addresses in the lower page, such as Interrupt Flags and Monitors. Less time critical time entries, such as serial ID information and threshold settings, are available with the Page Select function. The interface address used is A0xh and is mainly used for time critical data like interrupt handling in order to enable a one-time-read for all data related to an interrupt situation. After an interrupt, IntL has been asserted, the host can read out the flag field to determine the affected channel and type of flag.

Byte Address Description Type
0 Identifier (1 Byte) Read Only
1 – 2 Status (2 Bytes) Read Only
3-21 Interrupt Flags (31 Bytes) Read Only
22-33 Module Monitors (12 Bytes) Read Only
34-81 Channel Monitors (48 Bytes ) Read Only
82-85 Reserved (4 Bytes) Read Only
86-97 Control (12 Bytes) Read/Write
98-99 Reserved (2 Bytes) Read/Write
100-106 Module and Channel Masks (7 Bytes) Read/Write
107-118 Reserved (12 Bytes) Read/Write
119-122 Reserved (4 Bytes) Read/Write
123-126 Reserved (4 Bytes) Read/Write
127 Page Select Byte Read/Write
Byte Address Description Type
--- --- ---
128- 17 5 Module Thresholds (48 Bytes) Read Only
176-223 Reserved  (4BBytes) Read Only
224-225 Reserved (2 Bytes) Read Only
226-239 Reserved (14 Bytes) Read/Write
240-241 Channel controls (2 Bytes) Read/Write
2 4 2 -2 53 Reserved (12Bytes) Read/Write
254 -255 Reserved (2 Bytes) Read/Write

EEPROM Serial ID Memory Contents (A0h)

Data Address| Length (Byte)| Name of Length| Description and Contents
Base ID Fields
128| 1| Identifier| Identifier Type of serial Module(D=QSFP+)
129| 1| Ext. Identifier| Extended Identifier of Serial Module(90=2.5W)
130| 1| Connector| Code of connector type(7=LC)
131-138| 8| Specification compliance| Code for electronic compatibility or optical compatibility(40GBASE-LR4)
139| 1| Encoding| Code for serial encoding algorithm(5=64B66B)
140| 1| BR, Nominal| Nominal bit rate, units of 100 MBits/s(6C=108)
141| 1| Extended rate select Compliance| Tags for extended rate select compliance
142| 1| Length(SMF)| Link length supported for SMF fiber in km (28=60km)
143| 1| Length(OM3 50um)| Link length supported for EBW 50/125um fiber(OM3), units of 2m
144| 1| Length(OM2 50um)| Link length supported for 50/125um fiber(OM2), units of 1m
145| 1| Length(OM1 62.5um)| Link length supported for 62.5/125um fiber (OM1), units of 1m
146| 1| Length(Copper)| Link length of copper or active cable, unites of 1m Link length supported for 50/125um fiber (OM4), units of 2m when Byte 147 declares 850nm VCSEL as defined in Table 37
147| 1| Device tech| Device technology
148-163| 16| Vendor name| QSFP+ vendor name: TIBTRONIX (ASCII)
164| 1| Extended Module| Extended Module codes for InfiniBand
165-167| 3| Vendor OUI| QSFP+ vendor IEEE company ID(000840)
168-183| 16| Vendor PN| Part number: TQPLFG60D (ASCII)
184-185| 2| Vendor rev| Revision level for part number provided by vendor (ASCII) (X1)
186-187| 2| Wave length or Copper cable Attenuation| Nominal laser wavelength (wavelength=value/20 in nm) or copper cable attenuation in dB at 2.5GHz (Adrs 186) and 5.0GHz (Adrs 187) (65A4=1301)
188-189| 2| Wavelength tolerance| Guaranteed range of laser wavelength(+/- value) from nominal wavelength. (wavelength Tol.=value/200 in nm) (1C84=36.5)
190| 1| Max case temp.| Maximum case temperature in degrees C (70)
191| 1| CC_BASE| Check code for base ID fields (addresses 128-190)
Extended ID fields
192-195| 4| Options| Rate Select, TX Disable, Tx Fault, LOS, Warning indicators for: Temperature, VCC, RX, power, TX Bias
196-211| 16| Vendor SN| Serial number provided by vendor (ASCII)
212-219| 8| Date Code| Vendor’s manufacture ring date code
220| 1| Diagnostic Monitoring Type| Indicates which types of diagnostic monitoring are implemented (if any) in the Module. Bit 1, 0 Reserved
(8=Average Power)
221| 1| Enhanced Options| Indicates which optional enhanced features are

implemented in the Module.

222| 1| Reserved
223| 1| CC_EXT| Check code for the Extended ID Fields (addresses 192-222)
Vendor Specific ID Fields
224-255| 32| Vendor Specific EEPROM

Timing for Soft Control and Status Functions

Parameter Symbol Max Unit Conditions
Initialization Time t_init 2000 ms Time from power on1, hot plug or rising

edge of Reset until the module is fully functional2
Reset Init Assert Time| t_reset_init| 2| μs| A Reset is generated by a low level longer than the minimum reset pulse time present on the ResetL pin.
Serial Bus Hardware Ready Time| t_serial| 2000| ms| Time from power on1 until module responds to data transmission over the 2-wire serial bus
Monitor Data Ready Time| t_data| 2000| ms| Time from power on1 to data not ready, bit 0 of Byte 2, deasserted and IntL asserted
Reset Assert Time| t_reset| 2000| ms| Time from rising edge on the ResetL pin until the module is fully functional2
LPMode Assert Time| ton_LPMode| 100| μs| Time from assertion of LPMode (Vin:LPMode =Vih) until module power consumption enters lower Power Level
IntL Assert Time| ton_IntL| 200| ms| Time from occurrence of condition triggering IntL until Vout:IntL = Vol
IntL Deassert Time| toff_IntL| 500| μs| toff_IntL 500 μs Time from clear on read3 operation of associated flag until Vout:IntL = Voh. This includes deassert times for Rx LOS, Tx Fault and other flag bits.
Rx LOS Assert Time| ton_los| 100| ms| Time from Rx LOS state to Rx LOS bit set and IntL asserted
Flag Assert Time| ton_flag| 200| ms| Time from occurrence of condition triggering flag to associated flag bit set and IntL asserted
Mask Assert Time| ton_mask| 100| ms| Time from mask bit set4 until associated IntL assertion is inhibited
Mask De-assert Time| toff_mask| 100| ms| Time from mask bit cleared4 until associated IntlL operation resumes
ModSelL Assert Time| ton_ModSelL| 100| μs| Time from assertion of ModSelL until module responds to data transmission over the 2-wire serial bus
ModSelL Deassert Time| toff_ModSelL| 100| μs| Time from deassertion of ModSelL until the module does not respond to data transmission over the 2-wire serial bus
Power_over-ride or Power-set Assert Time| ton_Pdown| 100| ms| Time from P_Down bit set 4 until module power consumption enters lower Power Level
Power_over-ride or Power-set De- assert Time| toff_Pdown| 300| ms| Time from P_Down bit cleared4 until the module is fully functional3


  1. Power on is defined as the instant when supply voltages reach and remain at or above the minimum specified value.
  2. Fully functional is defined as IntL asserted due to data not ready bit, bit 0 byte 2 de-asserted.
  3. Measured from falling clock edge after stop bit of read transaction.
  4. Measured from falling clock edge after stop bit of write transaction.

Pin Assignment

Diagram of Host Board Connector Block Pin Numbers and Name

Pin Description

Pin Logic Symbol Name/Description Notes
1 GND Ground 1
2 CML-I Tx2n Transmitter Inverted Data Input
3 CML-I Tx2p Transmitter Non-Inverted Data output
4 GND Ground 1
5 CML-I Tx4n Transmitter Inverted Data Output
6 CML-I Tx4p Transmitter Non-Inverted Data Output
7 GND Ground 1
8 LVTTL-I ModSelL Module Select
9 LVTTL-I ResetL Module Reset
10 VccRx +3.3V Power Supply Receiver 2
11 LVCMOS-I/O SCL 2-Wire Serial Interface Clock
12 LVCMOS-I/O SDA 2-Wire Serial Interface Data
13 GND Ground 1
14 CML-O Rx3p Receiver Inverted Data Output
15 CML-O Rx3n Receiver Non-Inverted Data Output
16 GND Ground 1
17 CML-O Rx1p Receiver Inverted Data Output
18 CML-O Rx1n Receiver Non-Inverted Data Output
19 GND Ground 1
20 GND Ground 1
21 CML-O Rx2n Receiver Inverted Data Output
22 CML-O Rx2p Receiver Non-Inverted Data Output
23 GND Ground 1
24 CML-O Rx4n Receiver Inverted Data Output
25 CML-O Rx4p Receiver Non-Inverted Data Output
26 GND Ground 1
27 LVTTL-O ModPrsL Module Present
28 LVTTL-O IntL Interrupt
29 VccTx +3.3V Power Supply Transmitter 2
30 Vcc1 +3.3V Power Supply 2
31 LVTTL-I LPMode Low Power Mode
32 GND Ground 1
33 CML-I Tx3p Transmitter Inverted Data Output
34 CML-I Tx3n Transmitter Non-Inverted Data Output
35 GND Ground 1
36 CML-I Tx1p Transmitter Inverted Data Output
37 CML-I Tx1n Transmitter Non-Inverted Data Output
38 GND Ground 1


  1. GND is the symbol for single and supply(power) common for QSFP modules, All are common within the QSFP module and all module voltages are referenced to this potential otherwise noted. Connect these directly to the host board signal common ground plane. Laser output disabled on TDIS >2.0V or open, enabled on TDIS <0.8V.
  2. VccRx, Vcc1 and VccTx are the receiver and transmitter power suppliers and shall be applied concurrently. Recommended host board power supply filtering is shown below. VccRx, Vcc1 and VccTx may be internally connected within the QSFP transceiver module in any combination. The connector pins are each rated for maximum current of 500mA

Recommended Circuit

Recommended Circuit

Mechanical Dimensions

Mechanical Dimensions

Ordering Information

Part Number Product Description
QSFPP-40G-ZR4-Lite CWDM4 Wavelengths, 40Gbps, LC Connectors, 60km, 0°C~+70°C,

with DDM

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