RICE LAKE 1280 Grain Program Software User Guide

June 12, 2024

1280 Grain Program
Software Application
Software User Guide
RICE LAKE 1280 Grain Program Software - Verification
July 14, 2023
PN 195119 Rev B

1280 Grain Program Software

© Rice Lake Weighing Systems. All rights reserved.
® Rice Lake Weighing Systems is a registered trademark of
Rice Lake Weighing Systems.
All other brand or product names within this publication are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
All information contained within this publication is, to the best of our knowledge, complete and accurate at the time of publication. Rice Lake Weighing Systems reserves the right to make changes to the technology, features, specifications and design of the equipment without notice. The most current version of this publication, software, firmware and all other product updates can be found on our website: www.ricelake.com

Revision History
This section tracks and describes manual revisions for awareness of major updates.

Revision Date Description
A April 23, 2019 Initial manual release
B 14-Jul-23 Updated Software Part Number

Table i. Revision Letter History


The 1280 Grain Program is a custom software application for Rice Lake Weighing Systems 1280 Enterprise Indicator/Controller to support weighing trucks of grain. The 1280 Grain Program stores accounts, trucks and the associated divisor, grain types
and accumulation. Manuals are available from Rice Lake Weighing Systems at www.ricelake.com/manuals Warranty information is available at www.ricelake.com/warranties

1.1 Safety
Safety Definitions:
DANGER: Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Includes hazards that are exposed when guards are removed.
WARNING: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in serious injury or death. Includes hazards that are exposed when guards are removed.
CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
IMPORTANT: Indicates information about procedures that, if not observed, could result in damage to equipment or corruption to and loss of data.

General Safety
Do not operate or work on this equipment unless this manual has been read and all instructions are understood.
Failure to follow the instructions or heed the warnings could result in injury or death. Contact any Rice Lake Weighing Systems dealer for replacement manuals.
Failure to heed could result in serious injury or death.
Electric shock hazard!
There are no user serviceable parts. Refer to qualified service personnel for service.
The unit has no power switch, to completely remove power from the unit, disconnect the power source.
For pluggable equipment the socket outlet must be installed near the equipment and must be easily accessible.
Always disconnect from main power before performing any work on the device.
Do not allow minors (children) or inexperienced persons to operate this unit.
Do not operate without all shields and guards in place.
Do not use for purposes other then weighing applications.
Do not place fingers into slots or possible pinch points.
Do not use this product if any of the components are cracked.
Do not make alterations or modifications to the unit.
Do not remove or obscure warning labels.
Do not use near water, avoid contact with excessive moisture.


The 1280 Grain Program has a touchscreen display. Weigh Screen displays on startup or after exiting configuration.
To navigate the 1280 Grain Program, select a parameter on the touchscreen display.

  1. Press on the 1280 to print the Gross Print Format Ticket.
  2. Press to reprint the last printed Weigh Ticket without adding a new record to the Transaction database table or incrementing the Ticket Number.

2.1 Selecting a Default Grain
The top eight records from the database are displayed in the table.

  1. Press .
  2.  Press and to scroll through Grain records.
  3.  To select a a grain, press a Grain Name ID or Grain Name associated with a grain.
  4. Press to return to Weigh Screen.

2.2 Truck Weighing
NOTE: Perform the Selecting a Default Grain procedure, See Section 2.1 on page 6 if the displayed grain is incorrect.

  1. Drive the truck onto the scale.

  2. Press . Enter Truck ID prompts.

  3. Enter a value.

  4. Press
    NOTE: Press Cancel to exit to return to Weigh Screen.

  5. Inbound database table is queried with the entered value and performs one of the following:
    A. Truck ID Not Found
    i. Stable weight is captured (all three scale units – primary, secondary and tertiary); if the driver entered in a tare the system uses tare instead of gross; Keyed notes weight printed this way
    ii. New record is added to the Inbound database table
    iii. Weigh In Ticket prints and displays
    iv. Ticket Printed prompts for three seconds and exits this sequence of operation
    B. Truck ID Found
    i. Continue to Step 6

  6.  Enter % Shrinkage prompts. Enter a value.

  7.  Press . Enter % Dockage prompts.

  8.  Enter a value.

  9. Press . Enter % FM prompts.

  10.  Enter a value.

  11.  Press . Enter % Moisture prompts.

  12.  Enter a value.

  13.  Press . Is this a Contract? displays.

  14.  Perform one of the following: A. Press ; continue to Step 15 on page 8
    B. Press ; Enter Contract ID prompts
    i. Enter a value
    ii. Press
    NOTE: Press Cancel to return to Step 14 on page 7.
    iii. Contract database table is queried with the entered value and performs one of the following:
    a.Contract Not Found; Enter Amount Required prompts
    • Enter a value
    • Press ; Contract and Amount Required are added to the Contract Database; continue to Step 15
    b. Contract Found; continue to Step 15

  15. Touch gray field to edit answer displays. Perform one of the following:
    A. Select the field associated to a parameter; selected parameter prompts
    NOTE: Press Cancel to return to Step 15.
    B. Press ; stable weight is captured; new record is added to the Transaction database table
    NOTE: Transaction auto deletes 25% of the oldest records if too many records are entered.
    i. Weigh Out Ticket prints; Weigh Out Ticket contains Contract Ticket if Contract ID is entered; the truck value from the Inbound database table is deleted
    ii. Increments the sequential Ticket Number (resets at 100,000) and prompts
    C. Ticket Printed prompts for three seconds and exits this sequence of operation
    NOTE: When prompted for a value, other than Truck ID, if is pressed the value is set to 0. Setting a value for Truck ID is required and cannot be set to 0.

2.3 Manual Ticket Processing
NOTE: Perform the Selecting the Default Grain procedure if the displayed grain is incorrect.

  1. Drive the truck onto the scale.

  2. Press Manual Weigh. Enter Truck ID prompts.

  3.  Enter a value.

  4.  Press . Enter Gross Weight prompts.
    NOTE: Press Cancel to exit.

  5.  Enter a value.

  6. Press . Enter Tare Weight prompts.

  7. Enter a value.

  8.  Press . Enter % Shrinkage prompts.

  9. Enter a value.

  10. Press . Enter % Dockage prompts.

  11. Enter a value.

  12. Press . Enter % FM prompts.

  13. Enter a value.

  14. Press . Enter % Moisture prompts.

  15. Enter a value.

  16. Press . Is this a Contract? displays.

  17. Perform one of the following:
    A. Press ; continue to Step 18 on page 10
    B. Press ; Enter Contract ID prompts
    i. Enter a value
    ii. Press
    iii. Contract database table is queried with the entered value and performs one of the following:
    a.Contract Not Found. Enter Amount Required prompts
    • Enter a value
    • Press ; Contract and Amount Required are added to the Contract Database; continue to Step 18
    b. Contract Found; continue to Step 18

  18. Touch gray field to edit answer displays. Perform one of the following:
    A. Select the field associated to a parameter
    i. Selected parameter prompts
    NOTE: Press Cancel to return to Step 18.
    B. Press
    i. Manual Ticket prints and adds a new record to the Transaction database table; Manual Ticket contains the Contract Ticket if a Contract ID had been entered
    NOTE: Transaction auto deletes 25% of the oldest records if too many records are entered.
    ii. Increments the sequential Ticket Number (resets at 100,000) and displays
    C. Ticket Printed prompts for three seconds and exits this sequence of operation

Serial Communications

This section provides information regarding serial communications.
3.1 Weigh In Ticket
The program uses the Auxiliary Print Format #1. Print format may be modified through the 1280 front panel or by using Revolution™ PC software.RICE LAKE
1280 Grain Program Software - icon 17

User String Description
Gross Weight with units
Time of transaction
Date of transaction
Truck ID – up to 15 characters

Table 3-1. Weigh In Ticket User String Definitions
3.2 Weigh Out Ticket
The program uses the Auxiliary Print Format #2. Print format may be modified through the 1280 front panel or by using Revolution PC software.

User String Description
Gross Weight with units
Time of transaction
Date of transaction
Truck ID – up to 15 characters
Grain Name – up to 15 characters
Gross Weight with units
Tare Weight with units
Net Weight with units
“R” – Gross was Recalled
“R” – Tare was Recalled
Pounds per UOM (BU, TN, etc)
Divisor UOM (BU,TN, etc)

Table 3-2. Weigh Out Ticket User String Definitions

User String Description
Dockage in %
Dockage in UOM
Shrinkage in %
Shrinkage in UOM
Moisture in %
Foreign Material in %
Ticket Number
Time of Transaction
Date of Transaction
Scale Units

Table 3-2. Weigh Out Ticket User String Definitions (Continued)
3.3 Contract Ticket
The program uses the Auxiliary Print Format #3. Print format may be modified through the 1280 front panel or by using Revolution PC software.

User String Description
Contract Number

Table 3-3. Contract Ticket User String Definitions
3.4 Manual Ticket
The program uses the Auxiliary Print Format #4. Print format may be modified through the 1280 front panel or by using Revolution PC software.

User String Description
Recalled Weight with units (Not Used)
Recalled Time of Inbound transaction (Not Used)
Recalled Date of Inbound transaction (Not Used
Recalled Truck ID – up to 15 characters (Not Used)
Grain ID
Grain Name – up to 15 characters
Keyed Gross Weight with units
Keyed Tare Weight with units
Net Weight with units
“K” – Gross was Keyed
“K” – Tare was Keyed
Pounds per UOM (BU, TN, etc)
Divisor UOM (BU,TN, etc)
Dockage in %
Dockage in UOM
Shrinkage in %
Shrinkage in UOM
Moisture in %
Foreign Material in %
Ticket Number
Time of Transaction
Date of Transaction
Scale Units

Table 3-4. Manual Ticket User String Definitions
3.5 Grain Report
The program uses the Auxiliary Print Format #10, #11 and #12. Print format may be modified through the 1280 front panel or by using Revolution PC software.

User String Description
Grain ID
Grain Name
Grain Divisor
Grain Accumulator
Total Grain Accumulator

Table 3-5. Grain Report User String Definitions
3.6 Contract Report
The program uses the Auxiliary Print Format #13, #14 and #15. Print format may be modified through the 1280 front panel or by using Revolution PC software.

User String Description
Contract ID
Contract Required
Contract Delivered
Contract Remaining
Contract Total Required
Contract Total Delivered
Contract Total Remaining

Table 3-6. Contract Report User String Definitions

Modifying the Database Tables

Interchange Database Management software may be used to upload, export and clear the database tables. The exported file may be saved as a delimited text file, an Excel™ spreadsheet, or as a XML document. Revolution may be used instead of Interchange Database Management to perform database maintenance.
4.1 Application Setup and Configuration
Setup is password-protected and offers access to the following:

  • Display Program Name & Version
  • Display a weight widget

RICE LAKE 1280 Grain Program Software - Setup

Parameter Default Touch Widget Description
System Password “” Setup Password Changing the password is required for

entry into the Setup Menu ; not entering a password causes the system to not prompt for a

password when Setup is pressed

Clear Transactions| –| Clear Transactions| Clear Transaction database with a Yes/No option
Import/Export| –| Import/Export| Allows importing and exporting of databases
iQube2 Diagnostics| –| Diagnostics| 1280 standard iQube2 Diagnostics ; reference the 1280 Installation manual for more details
Ticket Number| 1| Ticket Number| Modify the sequential Ticket Number
Add/Edit Grain| –| Add/Edit Grain| Add or edit a record in the Grain database table
Delete Grain| –| Delete Grain| Delete a record from the Grain database table
Grain Report| –| Grain Report| Print the Grain Report and then have a Yes – No prompt to reset the

Accum field for each grain

Add/Edit Contract| –| Add/Edit Contract| Add or edit a record in the Contract database table
Delete Contract| –| Delete Contract| Delete a record from the Contract database table
Contract Report| –| Contract Report| Print the Contract Report
Shrink Calculation| Off Gross Weight/ After Dockage| Shrink Calculation| Switch shrink calculation between Off Gross Weight and After Dockage
Inbound Trucks| –| Inbound Trucks| View/delete trucks which have weighed in but not weighed out yet

Table 4-1. Parameter Descriptions
4.2 Database Tables

Field Type Description
ID Integer Grain ID – (1-999)
Name String Alphanumeric grain name – up to 15 characters
Divisor Real Number of pounds per bushel
DivUOM String Divisor Units (lb, kg, bu, and others)
Accum Real Accumulator

Table 4-2. Grain Database Table – 100 Records

Field Type Description
ID String Truck ID
PWgt Real Weight in Primary Units
SWgt Real Weight in Secondary Units
TWgt Real Weight in Tertiary Units
Keyed Byte Keyed tares
TD DateTime Time and date of Inbound

Table 4-3. Inbound Database Table – 1000 Records

Field Type Description
ID Integer Grain ID – (1-999)
Reqd Real Amount required
Del Real Amount delivered

Table 4-4. Contract Database Table – 100 Records

Field Type Description
Ticket Integer Ticket number
Truck String Truck identifier
GID Integer Grain identifier
GName String Grain name
Divisor Real Grain divisor – pounds per bushel
DivUOM String Divisor unit of measure
Contract Integer Contract number – 0 if not used
Gross Real Gross weight
Tare Real Tare weight
Net Real Net weight
NetDiv Real Net bushels
Shrink Real Shrink %
Moisture Real Moisture %
FM Real Foreign Material %
Dock Real Dockage %
TD DateTime Time and date of transaction

Table 4-5. Transaction Database Table – 3000 Records

 Hardware Setup

This section provides information regarding hardware setup of option card locations, digital I/O and serial ports.

NIT 1280 Display Size/Type (12” or 7”)
500 7”
1500 12”

Table 5-1. 1280 Display Size/Type

Slot Type
1 Single Channel A/D card (analog scale) or Dual Channel Serial Card (iQube2

2 – 6| Currently not used

Table 5-2. Option Card Locations

Slot Bit Type Function
0 1 – 8 Off Currently not used

Table 5-3. Digital I/O

Port Type Description Setup
1 CMD Epson TM-U295 printer 9600,8,N,1
2 CMD Remote Display 9600,8,N,1
5 iQube2 iQube2 (optional) 115200,8,N,1
6 CMD Currently not used 9600,8,N,1

Table 5-4. Serial Port

Port Type Description Setup
3 CMD Currently not used

Table 5-5. USB Device Port

Port Type Description Setup
CMD Currently not used
CMD Currently not used

Table 5-6. USB Type-A Port

Port Type Description Setup
10001 CMD Currently not used TCP server
10001 CMD Currently not used TCP client 1
10002 CMD Currently not used TCP client 2
20000 CMD Currently not used Stream server
3000 CMD Currently not used Web server

Table 5-7. Ethernet TCP/IP Port

Port Type Description Setup
4 CMD Currently not used

Table 5-8. Bluetooth Port

© Rice Lake Weighing Systems Content subject to change without notice.
230 W. Coleman St.
• Rice Lake, WI 54868
• USA USA: 800-472-6703
• International: +1-715-234-9171
July 14, 2023
PN 195119 Rev B
Visit our website www.RiceLake.com


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