intel Agilex F-Series FPGA Development Board User Guide
- June 12, 2024
- Intel
Table of Contents
- Static Update Partial Reconfiguration Tutorial for Intel® ™ Agilex
- blinking_led.qsf set_global_assignment -name REVISION_TYPE PR_BASE
- blinking_led_default.qsf
- blinking_led_slow.qsf
- blinking_led_empty.qsf
- Troubleshooting PR Programming Errors
- References
- Read User Manual Online (PDF format)
- Download This Manual (PDF format)
- impl_blinking_led_supr_new.qsf set_instance_assignment -name
AN 987: Static Update Partial
Reconfiguration Tutorial
Static Update Partial Reconfiguration Tutorial for Intel® ™ Agilex
F-Series FPGA Development Board
This application note demonstrates static update partial reconfiguration (SUPR) on the Intel ® F-Series FPGA Development Board. Partial reconfiguration (PR) allows you to reconfigure a portion of an Intel FPGA dynamically, while the remaining FPGA continues to operate. PR implements multiple personas in a particular region in your design, without impacting operation in areas outside this region. This methodology provides the following advantages in systems in which multiple functions time-share the same FPGA resources:
- Allows run-time reconfiguration
- Increases design scalability
- Reduces system down-time
- Supports dynamic time-multiplexing functions in the design
- Lowers cost and power consumption by efficient use of board space
What is Static Update Partial Reconfiguration?
In traditional PR, any change to the static region requires recompilation of every persona. However, with SUPR you can define a specialized region that allows change, without requiring the recompilation of personas. This technique is useful for a portion of a design that you may possibly want to change for risk mitigation, but that never requires runtime reconfiguration.
1.1. Tutorial Requirements
This tutorial requires the following:
- Basic familiarity with the Intel Quartus® Prime Pro Edition FPGA implementation flow and project files.
- Installation of Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition version 22.3, with Intel Agilex device support.
- For FPGA implementation, a JTAG connection with the Intel Agilex F-Series FPGA development board on the bench.
- Download Reference Design Files. Related Information
- Partial Reconfiguration User Guide
- Partial Reconfiguration Tutorials
- Partial Reconfiguration Online Training
Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, and other Intel
marks are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries. Intel warrants
performance of its FPGA and semiconductor products to current specifications
in accordance with Intel’s standard warranty, but reserves the right to make
changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Intel assumes
no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any
information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed
to in writing by Intel. Intel customers are advised to obtain the latest
version of device specifications before relying on any published information
and before placing orders for products or services. *Other names and brands
may be claimed as the property of others.
ISO 9001:2015 Registered
1.2. Reference Design Overview
This reference design consists of one, 32-bit counter. At the board level, the
design connects the clock to a 50MHz source, and then connects the output to
four LEDs on the board. Selecting the output from the counter bits, in a
specific sequence, causes the LEDs to blink at a specific frequency. The
top_counter module is the SUPR region.
Figure 1. Flat Reference Design
1.3. Static Update Region
The following figure shows the block diagram for a PR design that includes a
SUPR region. Block A is the Top static region. Block B is the SUPR region.
Block C is the PR partition.
Figure 2. PR Design with SUPR Region
- A Top Static Region—contains design logic that does not change. Changing this region requires recompilation of all associated personas. The static region includes the portion of the design that does not change for any persona. This region can include periphery and core device resources. You must register all communication between the SUPR and PR partitions in the static region. This requirement helps to ensure timing closure for any personas, with respect to the static region.
- B SUPR Region—contains core-only logic that may possibly change for risk mitigation, but never requires runtime reconfiguration. The SUPR region has the same requirements and restrictions as the PR partition. The SUPR partition can contain only core resources. Therefore, the SUPR partition must be a child partition of the top-level root partition that contains the design periphery and clocks. Changing the SUPR region produces a SRAM Object File (.sof) that is compatible with all existing compiled Raw Binary File (.rbf) files for PR partition C.
- C PR Partition—contains arbitrary logic that you can reprogram at runtime with any design logic that fits and achieves timing closure during compilation.
1.4. Download Reference Design Files
The partial reconfiguration tutorial is available in the following location:
To download the tutorial:
- Click Clone or download.
- Click Download ZIP. Unzip the file.
- Navigate to the tutorials/agilex_pcie_devkit_blinking_led_supr subfolder to access the reference design.
The flat folder consists of the following files:
Table 1. Reference Design Files
File Name | Description |
top. sv | Top-level file containing the flat implementation of the design. This |
module instantiates the blinking_led sub-partition and the top_counter module.
t op_counter . sv| Top-level 32-bit counter that controls LED [1] directly.
The registered output of the counter controls LED [0], and also powers LED [2]
and LED [3] via the blinking_led module.
blinking_led. sdc| Defines the timing constraints for the project.
blinking_led. sv| In this tutorial, you convert this module into a parent PR
partition. The module receives the registered output of top_counter module,
which controls LED [2] and LED [3].
blinking_led.qpf| Intel Quartus Prime project file containing the list of all
the revisions in the project.
blinking_led . qs f| Intel Quartus Prime settings file containing the
assignments and settings for the project.
Note: The supr folder contains the complete set of files you create using
this application note. Reference these files at any point during the
1.5. Reference Design Walkthrough
The following steps describe implementation of SUPR with a flat design:
- Step 1: Getting Started
- Step 2: Create Design Partitions
- Step 3: Allocate Placement and Routing Regions
- Step 4: Define Personas
- Step 5: Create Revisions
- Step 6: Compile the Base Revision
- Step 7: Setup PR Implementation Revisions
- Step 8: Change the SUPR Logic
- Step 9: Program the Board
Figure 3. SUPR Compilation Flow
1.5.1. Step 1: Getting Started
To copy the reference design files to your working environment and compile the
blinking_led flat design:
- Before you begin, Download Reference Design Files on page 5.
- Create the agilex_pcie_devkit_blinking_led_supr directory in your working environment.
- Copy the downloaded tutorials/agilex_pcie_devkit_blinking_led/flat sub-folder to the agilex_pcie_devkit_blinking_led_supr directory.
- In the Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition software, click File ➤ Open Project and open /flat/blinking_led.qpf.
- To compile the base design, click Processing ➤ Start Compilation. The Timing Analyzer reports open automatically when compilation is complete. You can close the Timing Analyzer for now.
1.5.2. Step 2: Create Design Partitions
Create design partitions for each region that you want to partially
reconfigure. You can create any number of independent partitions or PR regions
in your project. Follow these steps to create design partitions for the
u_blinking_led instance as the PR partition, and the u_top_counter instance as
the SUPR region:
Right-click the u_blinking_led instance in the Project Navigator and click Design Partition
➤ Reconfigurable. A design partition icon appears next to each instance that is set as a partition.
Figure 4. Creating Design Partitions -
Repeat step 1 to create a partition for the u_top_counter instance.
Click Assignments ➤ Design Partitions Window. The window displays all design partitions in the project.
Figure 5. Design Partitions Window
Double-click the blinking_led Partition Name cell to rename it to pr_partition. Similarly, rename the top_counter partition to supr_partition.
Alternatively, adding the following lines to blinking_led.qsf creates these partitions:
set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION pr_partition \ -to u_blinking_led -entity top
set_instance_assignment -name PARTIAL_RECONFIGURATION_PARTITION ON \ -to u_blinking_led -entity top
set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION supr_partition \ -to u_top_counter -entity top
set_instance_assignment -name PARTIAL_RECONFIGURATION_PARTITION ON \ -to u_top_counter -entity top
1.5.3. Step 3: Allocate Placement and Routing Regions
For every base revision that you create, the Compiler uses the PR partition
region allocation to place the corresponding persona core in the reserved
region. Follow these steps to locate and assign a PR region in the device
floorplan for your base revision:
In the Project Navigator Hierarchy tab, right-click the u_blinking_led instance, and then click Logic Lock Region ➤ Create New Logic Lock Region. The region appears in the Logic Lock Regions window.
Specify a region Width of 5 and Height of 5.
Specify the placement region coordinates for u_blinking_led in the Origin column. The origin corresponds to the lower-left corner of the region. Specify the Origin as X166_Y199. The Compiler calculates (X170 Y203) as the top-right coordinate.
Enable the Reserved and Core-Only options for the region.
Double-click the Routing Region option. The Logic Lock Routing Region Settings dialog box appears.
For the Routing Type, select Fixed with expansion. This option automatically assigns an Expansion length of one.
Repeat the previous steps to allocate the following resources for the u_top_counter partition:
• Height—5
• Width—5
• Origin—X173_Y199
• Routing Region— Fixed with expansion with Expansion length of one.
• Reserved—On
• Core-Only—On
Figure 6. Logic Lock Regions Window
Note: The routing region must be larger than the placement region, to provide extra flexibility for the Compiler’s routing stage, when the Compiler routes different personas.
Your placement region must enclose the blinking_led logic. To select the placement region by locating the node in Chip Planner, right-click the u_blinking_led region name in the Logic Lock Regions window, and then click Locate Node ➤ Locate in Chip Planner.
Under Partition Reports, double-click Report Design Partitions. The Chip Planner highlights and color codes the region.
Figure 7. Chip Planner Node Location for blinking_led
Alternatively, adding the
following lines to blinking_led.qsf creates these regions:
set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION pr_partition -to \ u_blinking_led
-entity top
set_instance_assignment -name PARTIAL_RECONFIGURATION_PARTITION ON \ -to
u_blinking_led -entity top
set_instance_assignment -name PARTITION supr_partition -to u_top_counter \
-entity top
set_instance_assignment -name PARTIAL_RECONFIGURATION_PARTITION ON -to \
u_top_counter -entity top
set_instance_assignment -name PLACE_REGION “X166 Y199 X170 Y203” -to \
set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PLACE_REGION ON -to u_blinking_led
set_instance_assignment -name CORE_ONLY_PLACE_REGION ON -to u_blinking_led
set_instance_assignment -name REGION_NAME pr_partition -to u_blinking_led
set_instance_assignment -name ROUTE_REGION “X165 Y198 X171 Y204” -to \
set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_ROUTE_REGION OFF -to u_blinking_led
set_instance_assignment -name PLACE_REGION “X173 Y199 X177 Y203” -to \
set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_PLACE_REGION ON -to u_top_counter
set_instance_assignment -name CORE_ONLY_PLACE_REGION ON -to u_top_counter
set_instance_assignment -name REGION_NAME supr_partition -to u_top_counter
set_instance_assignment -name ROUTE_REGION “X172 Y198 X178 Y204” -to \
set_instance_assignment -name RESERVE_ROUTE_REGION OFF -to u_top_counter
1.5.4. Step 4: Define Personas
This reference design defines three separate personas for the single PR
partition, and one SUPR persona for the SUPR region. Follow these steps to
define and include these personas in your project. If using the Intel Quartus
Prime Text Editor, disable Add file
to current project when saving the files.
- Create new,, and SystemVerilog files in your working directory. Confirm that is already present in the working directory.
- Enter the following contents for the SystemVerilog files:
Table 2. Reference Design Personas SystemVerilog
** File Name| Description| Code
blinking_led_slow. sv| LEDs blink slower| timescale 1 ps / 1 ps ‘default_nettype none
module blinking_led_slow // clock
input wire clock, input wire reset, input wire [31:01 counter,
// Control signals for the LEDs output wire led_two_on,
output wire led_three_on localparam COUNTER_TAP = 27;
reg led_two_on_r; leg led_three_on_r; assign led_two_on = led_two_on_r; assign led_three_on = led_three_on_r; always_ff @(posedge clock) begin led_two_on_r <= counter[COUNTER_TAP]; led_three_on_r <= counter[COUNTER_TAP]; end endmodule
blinking_led_empty. sv| LEDs stay ON| timescale 1 ps / 1 ps ‘default_nettype none module blinking_led_empty( // clock input wire clock, input wire reset, input wire [31:01 counter, // Control signals for the LEC- output wire led_two_on, output wire led_three_on
File Name| Description| Code**
| | // LED is active low assign led_two_on = l’IDO; assign led_three_on = 11b0; endmodule| Second SUPR| ‘timescale 1 ps / 1 ps
| persona| Thdefault_nettype none module top_counter_fast
| | // Control signals for the LEDs output wire led_one_on, output wire [31:0] count, // clock input wire clock
| | ) ; localparam COUNTER TAP = 23; reg [31:0] count_d; assign count = count_d; assign led_one_on = ount_d[COUNTER_TAP]; always_ff @(posedge clock) begin count_d <= count_d + 2; end
| | .:module - Click File ➤ Save As and save the .sv files in the current project directory.
1.5.5. Step 5: Create Revisions
The PR design flow uses the project revisions feature in the Intel Quartus
Prime software. Your initial design is the base revision, where you define the
static region boundaries and reconfigurable regions on the FPGA. From the base
revision, you create additional revisions. These revisions contain the
different implementations for the PR regions. However, all PR implementation
revisions use the same top-level placement and routing results from the base
revision. To compile a PR design, you create a PR implementation revision for
each persona. In addition, you must assign either the Partial Reconfiguration
– Base or Partial Reconfiguration – Persona Implementation revision type for
each of the revisions. The following table lists the revision name and the
revision type for each of the revisions. The impl_blinking_led_supr_new.qsf
revision is the SUPR persona implementation.
Table 3. Revision Names and Types
Revision Name | Revision Type |
blinking_led | Partial Reconfiguration – Base |
blinking_led_default | Partial Reconfiguration – Persona Implementation |
blinking_led_slow | Partial Reconfiguration – Persona Implementation |
blinking_led_empty | Partial Reconfiguration – Persona Implementation |
impl_blinking_led_supr_new | Partial Reconfiguration – Persona Implementation | Setting the Base Revision
Follow these steps to set blinking_led as the base revision:
- Click Project ➤ Revisions.
- For Revision Type, select Partial Reconfiguration – Base.
This step adds the following to
the blinking_led.qsf:
blinking_led.qsf set_global_assignment -name REVISION_TYPE PR_BASE Creating Implementation Revisions
Follow these steps to create the implementation revisions:
- In the Revisions dialog box, double-click <
>. - In Revision name, specify blinking_led_default and select blinking_led for Based on revision.
- For the Revision type, select Partial Reconfiguration – Persona Implementation.
- Disable the Set as current revision option.
- Repeat steps 2 through 5 to set the Revision type for the other implementation revisions:
Revision Name | Revision Type | Based on Revisio n |
blinking_led_slow | Partial Reconfiguration – Persona Implementation |
blinking_led_empty| Partial Reconfiguration – Persona Implementation|
impl_blinking_led_supr_new| Partial Reconfiguration – Persona Implementation|
Figure 8. Creating Implementation Revisions
Each .qsf file
now contains the following assignment:
set_global_assignment -name REVISION_TYPE PR_IMPL
set_instance_assignment -name ENTITY_REBINDING place_holder -to u_top_counter
set_instance_assignment -name ENTITY_REBINDING place_holder -to u_blinking_led
1.5.6. Step 6: Compile the Base Revision
Follow these steps to compile the base revision and export the static and SUPR
regions for later use in implementation revisions for new PR personas:
Set blinking_led as the Current Revision if not already set.
In the Design Partitions Window, click the (…) adjacent to the farthest right column and enable the Post Final Export File column. You can also disable or change the order of columns.
To automatically export the final snapshot of PR implementation design partitions after each compilation, specify the following for the Post Final Export File options for the root and SUPR partitions. The .qdb files export to the project directory by default.
• root_partition—blinking_led_static.qdb
• supr_partition—blinking_led_supr_partition_final.qdb
Figure 9. Auto Export in Design Partitions WindowAlternatively, the following .qsf assignments export the partitions automatically after each compilation:
set_instance_assignment -name EXPORT_PARTITION_SNAPSHOT_FINAL \ blinking_led_static.qdb -to | -entity top
set_instance_assignment -name EXPORT_PARTITION_SNAPSHOT_FINAL \ blinking_led_supr_partition_final.qdb -to u_top_counter \ -entity top -
To compile the blinking_led base revision, click Processing ➤ Start
Compilation. Alternatively, you can use the following command to compile this revision:
quartus_sh –flow compile blinking_led -c blinking_led After successful compilation, the following files appear in the project directory:
• blinking_led.sof
• blinking_led.pr_partition.rbf
• blinking_led.supr_partition.rbf
• blinking_led_static.qdb
• blinking_led_supr_partition_final.qdb
1.5.7. Step 7: Set Up PR Implementation Revisions
You must prepare the PR implementation revisions before you can generate the
PR bitstream for device programming. This setup includes adding the static
region .qdb file as the source file for each implementation revision. In
addition, you must specify
the corresponding entity of the PR region. Follow these steps to setup the PR
implementation revisions:
- To set the current revision, click Project ➤ Revisions, select blinking_led_default as the Revision name, and then click Set Current. Alternatively, you can select the current revision on the main Intel Quartus Prime toolbar.
- To verify the correct source for this implementation revision, click Project ➤ Add/Remove Files in Project. Confirm that the file appears in the file list.
- To verify the correct source file for the implementation revisions, click Project ➤ Add/Remove files in Project, and add the following source files for the implementation revisions. If present, remove from the list of project files.
I mplementation Revision Name| Source File
blinking_led_slow| - Set blinking_led_default as the Current Revision.
- To specify the .qdb file as the source for root_partition, click Assignments ➤ Design Partitions Window. Double-click the Partition Database File cell and specify the blinking_led_static.qdb file.
- Similarly, specify blinking_led_supr_partition_final.qdb as the Partition Database File for supr_partition.
Figure 10. Alternatively, use the following
.qsf assignments to specify the .qdb:
set_instance_assignment -name QDB_FILE_PARTITION \ blinking_led_static.qdb -to
set_instance_assignment -name QDB_FILE_PARTITION \
blinking_led_supr_partition_final.qdb -to u_top_counter
- In the Design Partitions Window, click the (…) adjacent to the farthest right column and enable the Entity Re-binding column.
- In the Entity Re-binding cell, specify the new entity name for the PR partition you are changing in the current implementation revision. For the blinking_led_default implementation revision, the entity name is blinking_led. In this case, you are overwriting the u_blinking_led instance from the base revision compile with the new entity blinking_led. For other implementation revisions, refer to the following table:
Revision | Entity Re-binding Value |
blinking_led_slow | blinking_led_slow |
blinking_led_empty | blinking_led_empty |
Figure 11. Entity Rebinding Alternatively, you can use the
following lines in each revision’s .qsf to set the assignments:
set_instance_assignment -name ENTITY_REBINDING blinking_led \ -to u_blinking_led
set_instance_assignment -name ENTITY_REBINDING blinking_led_slow \ -to u_blinking_led
set_instance_assignment -name ENTITY_REBINDING blinking_led_empty \ -to u_blinking_led
- Delete the place_holder text from the Entity Re-binding cell for supr_partition.
- To compile the design, click Processing ➤ Start Compilation. Alternatively, use the following command to compile this project: quartus_sh –flow compile blinking_led –c blinking_led_default
- Repeat steps 4 through 11 to prepare and compile the blinking_led_slow and blinking_led_empty implementation revisions.
1.5.8. Step 8: Change the SUPR Logic
To change the functionality of the logic within the SUPR partition, you must
change the SUPR partition source. Complete the following steps to replace the
u_top_counter instance in the SUPR partition with the top_counter_fast entity.
To set the SUPR implementation revision as current, click Project ➤ Revisions and set impl_blinking_led_supr_new as the current revision, or select the
revision on the Intel Quartus Prime main toolbar. -
To verify the correct source file for the implementation revision, click Project ➤
Add/Remove files in Project, and verify that is the source for the impl_blinking_led_supr_new implementation revision. If present, remove from the list of project files. -
To specify the .qdb file associated with the root partition, click Assignments ➤ Design Partitions Window, and then double-click the Partition Database File cell to specify blinking_led_static.qdb.
Alternatively, use the following command to assign this file: set_instance_assignment -name QDB_FILE_PARTITION \ blinking_led_static.qdb -to | -
In the Entity Re-binding cell for pr_partition, specify the appropriate entity name. For this example, specify the blinking_led_empty entity. In this case, you are overwriting the u_blinking_led instance from the base revision compile with the new entity linking_led_empty. The following line now exists in the .qsf:
impl_blinking_led_supr_new.qsf set_instance_assignment -name
ENTITY_REBINDING blinking_led_empty \ -to u_blinking_led
In the Entity Re-binding cell for supr_partition, specify the top_counter_fast entity. top_counter_fast is the name of the static entity that replaces u_top_counter when you complete the SUPR.
##impl_blinking_led_supr_new.qsf set_instance_assignment -name ENTITY_REBINDING top_counter_fast \ -to u_top_counter
To compile the design, click Processing ➤ Start Compilation. Alternatively, use following command to compile this project revision: quartus_sh –flow compile blinking_led –c \ impl_blinking_led_supr_new
1.5.9. Step 9: Program the Board
Follow these steps to connect and program the Intel Agilex F-Series FPGA
development board.
- Connect the power supply to the Intel Agilex F-Series FPGA development board.
- Connect a USB cable between your PC USB port and the USB programming hardware on the development board.
- Open the Intel Quartus Prime software, and then click Tools ➤ Programmer. Refer to Programming a Development Board.
- In the Programmer, click Hardware Setup, and then select USB-Blaster.
- Click Auto Detect, and then select the AGFB014R24B device.
- Click OK. The Intel Quartus Prime software detects and updates the Programmer with the three FPGA devices on the board.
- Select the AGFB014R24B device, click Change File, and load the blinking_led_default.sof file.
- Enable Program/Configure for the blinking_led_default.sof file.
- Click Start and wait for the progress bar to reach 100%.
- Observe the LEDs on the board blinking.
- To program only the PR region, right-click the blinking_led_default.sof file in the Programmer and click Add PR Programming File. Select the blinking_led_slow.pr_partition.rbf file.
- Disable Program/Configure for the blinking_led_default.sof file.
- Enable Program/Configure for the blinking_led_slow.pr_partition.rbf file, and then click Start. On the board, observe LED[0] and LED[1] continuing to blink. When the progress bar reaches 100%, LED[2] and LED[3] blink slower.
- To re-program the PR region, right-click the .rbf file in the Programmer, and then click Change PR Programing File.
- Select the .rbf files for the other two personas to observe the behavior on the board. Loading the blinking_led_default.pr_partition.rbf file causes the LEDs to blink at the original frequency, and loading the blinking_led_empty.pr_partition.rbf file causes the LEDs to stay ON. 17. To change the SUPR logic, repeat step 7 above to select the impl_blinking_led_supr_new.sof. After changing this file, led [0:1] now blinks at a faster rate than before. The other PR .rbf files are also compatible with the new .sof.
Note: The Assembler generates an .rbf file for the SUPR region. However, you should not use this file to reprogram the FPGA at runtime because the SUPR partition does not instantiate the freeze bridge, PR region controller, and other logic in the overall system. When you make changes to the SUPR partition logic, you must reprogram the full .sof file from the SUPR implementation revision compilation.
Figure 12. Programming a Development Board Troubleshooting PR Programming Errors
Ensuring proper setup of the Intel Quartus Prime Programmer and connected
hardware helps to avoid any errors during PR programming.
If you face any PR programming errors, refer to “Troubleshooting PR
Programming Errors” in the Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Partial
Reconfiguration for step-by-step troubleshooting tips.
Related Information
Troubleshooting PR Programming Errors
1.5.10. Modifying the SUPR Partition
You can modify an existing SUPR partition. After modifying the SUPR partition,
you must compile it, generate the .sof file, and program the board, without
compiling the other personas. For example, follow these steps to change the module to count faster:
- Set impl_blinking_led_supr_new as the current revision.
- In the file, replace the count_d + 2 statement with count_d + 4.
- Run the following commands to re-synthesize the SUPR block and generate the new .sof file: quartus_sh –flow compile blinking_led \ -c impl_blinking_led_supr_new
The resulting .sof now contains the new SUPR region, and uses blinking_led for the default (power-on) persona.
1.6. Document Revision History of AN 987: Static Update Partial Reconfiguration Tutorial Revision History
Document Version | Intel Quartus Prime Version | Changes |
2022.10.24 | 22. | Initial release of the document. |
Updated for Intel® Quartus®Prime Design Suite: 22.3
Answers to Top FAQs:
Send Feedback
Q What is static update partial reconfiguration
A Static Update Partial Reconfiguration on page 3
Q What do I need for this tutorial?
A Tutorial Requirements on page 3
Q Where can I get the reference design?
A Download Reference Design Files on page 5
Q How do I create an SUPR design?
A Reference Design Walkthrough on page 6
Q What is a PR persona?
Define Personas on page 10
Q How do I change SUPR logic? A Change the SUPR Logic on page 16
A Change the SUPR Logic on page 16
Q How do I program the board?
A Program the Board on page 18
Q What are the PR known issues and limitations?
A Intel FPGA Support Forums: PR
Do you have training on PR?
Online Version
Send Feedback
ID: 749443
Version: 2022.10.24
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