FRUITY CHUTES BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical Parachute Instruction Manual

June 4, 2024

FRUITY CHUTES Logo BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical Parachute
Instruction Manual

How to Fold an Annular Parachute

FRUITY CHUTES BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical Parachute

This guide will walk you through the best way to fold an annular parachute. This is the same parachute folding technique we use when preparing parachutes for our customers. These methods are ideal for our Iris Ultra series, including the Standard, Compact, and Ultralight models.
You can find a video tutorial as well as these step-by-step instructions on our website.

FRUITY CHUTES BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical Parachute - Fig
1To learn how to fold a parachute from our Classical Elliptical and TARC series, see our elliptical parachute folding tutorial. After learning how to fold a parachute, you can pack it into a deployment system or deployment bag by visiting the help page relevant to your system:

Skycat Launcher Harrier Launcher Peregrine UAV
Deployment Bag Main Help & Resources Map

IMPORTANT: The user is fully responsible for ensuring their parachute is properly packed and that a suitable deployment method is provided. We do not guarantee that this is the correct method for your individual case. For insight on what parachute and deployment system pairing works for your situation, contact us.

This method works for:

  • Iris Ultra Standard
  • Iris Ultra Compact
  • Iris Ultralight
  • All Fruity Chutes parachutes except:
    º Ellipticals
    º TARC / Low and Mid Power

Materials required:

  • Parachute
    º with shroud lines detangled

  • Rigger Jig
    º to organize shroud lines

  • Weights
    º to hold the canopy in place

Parachute showed in this tutorial:

  • 96″ Iris Ultra Compact (IFC-96-S)
  • Type: Annular, Ultra Compact Toroidal
  • Shroud lines: 400lb Spectra
  • Rating: 50lb at 20fps
  • Coefficient of Drag (Cd): 2.2

Step-by-step: How to Fold a Parachute

  1. Setting Up
    Time in video tutorial: 0m21s
    Before you begin, set up your parachute rigger jig. Lay the parachute on the table. The side of the canopy with the “Fruity Chutes” label should be on the left half of your work area. FRUITY CHUTES BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical
Parachute - Fig 2Lengthen the shroud lines and connect the quick link of the bridle to an anchor point. This can be any heavy, immovable object, like a chair or table. This will help with lengthening and organizing the lines. Ensure the lines are not tangled before moving on to the next step. FRUITY CHUTES BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical
Parachute - Fig 3

  2. Organize the Lines
    Time in video tutorial: 0m49s
    Take the left and right groups of lines into separate bundles and guide them with the center pull-down up to the skirt of the canopy at the rigger jig. FRUITY CHUTES BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical Parachute - Fig
4Set the left group, center pull-down, and right group of lines into their respective slots in the jig. Close the gate over the lines and apply moderate pressure while tightening the screws. FRUITY CHUTES BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical Parachute - Fig
5Move your anchor point back until the lines are taught. If needed, add extra weight to your anchor. FRUITY CHUTES BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical Parachute - Fig

  3. Flaking the Gores
    Time in video tutorial: 1m19s
    Now is when you actually fold the parachute canopy. Find the gore – or fabric panel – with the label. This is the first gore. Pull the seams taught through the center, and pull the gore out towards you so it lays flat on the table with the seam running up the center of your work area. FRUITY CHUTES
BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical Parachute - Fig 7Take the next gore, pull it over the first, and match the seams so they’re atop one another. FRUITY CHUTES BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch
Elliptical Parachute - Fig 8Then pull the rest of the panel out and smooth it on top of the first panel. This is called flaking the gore, which simply means separating and organizing each fabric panel. FRUITY CHUTES BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical Parachute - Fig
9Repeat this process of flaking the gores for half of the total number of gores in your parachute canopy. For example, on a 12 gore parachute like the one shown in the video, you would organize and smooth 6 panels on each side.
    Once you complete one side, weigh down the fabric on the first side to prevent it from coming undone. FRUITY CHUTES BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical
Parachute - Fig 10Then, repeat this process on the other side so that all the gores are completely smoothed out. FRUITY CHUTES BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical Parachute - Fig

  4. Final Fold
    Time in video tutorial: 2m22s
    Remove the weights. On each side, fold in the outer edge of the gores, then further fold the parachute canopy into thirds to create a long rectangle shape. Use the weights as needed to hold the fabric in place. FRUITY CHUTES
BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical Parachute - Fig 12Disconnect the lines from your anchor point and remove them from the rigger jig. If you want to pack the parachute into a deployment bag, you can stop here and see our other tutorial showing how to pack a deployment bag. FRUITY CHUTES BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical Parachute - Fig
13If you want to store it, continue by folding the parachute canopy into itself, in quarters, toward the shroud lines. FRUITY CHUTES BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical Parachute - Fig
14Then, z-fold the lines… FRUITY CHUTES BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical Parachute - Fig
15…and secure them with tape. FRUITY CHUTES BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical Parachute - Fig
BAEZo8gs r4 36 Inch Elliptical Parachute - Fig 17And that’s it! You have properly folded your parachute, boosting the outlook for your parachute recovery as well as increasing your parachute’s lifetime.
    See more rocket, drone, and UAS demonstrations and tutorials on our YouTube channel.
    More information on the Iris Ultra Standard, Compact, and Ultralight parachutes can be found on our website.

Fruity Chutes Inc. Monte Sereno, CA, USA
Last Updated: 2022-05-10

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