SEGA Genesis Dick Tracy Instruction Manual

June 12, 2024

SEGA Genesis Dick Tracy


Starting Up

  1. Set up your Genesis System as described in its instruction manual. Plug-in Control Pad 1.
  2. Make sure the power switch is OFF. Then insert the Dick Tracy cartridge into the console.
  3. Turn the power switch ON. In a few moments, the Dick Tracy Title screen appears.
  4. If the Title screen doesn’t appear, turn the power switch OFF. Make sure your system is set up correctly and the cartridge is properly inserted. Then turn the power switch ON again.

Important: Always make sure the power switch is turned OFF before inserting or removing the cartridge.
Note: pick Tracy is for one player only.

War on the Mob!

  • Calling Dick Tracy! Calling Dick Tracy!
  • We’ve got a situation! Every hood, thug, and gangster is on the street. Guns, dynamite, knives – you name it, they’ve got it!”
  • Tracy here. I’m armed and ready. Just tell me where the crooks are, Chief.”
  • Everywhere! They’re hiding out in the alleys and on the pier! Something’s up at the train yard. itchy’s gunning for you and The Brow’s been seen cruising the streets.
  • We think Big Boy Caprice is putting the heat on. Make those stool pigeons sing, Tracy. Get some leads. Check out the warehouse and sewers. Shakedown Lips Manlis at the Club Ritz. Then go after Flattop, Big Boy’s hit man. Be careful. He won’t be taken alive!
  • You’ll have to get a fix on Big Boy’s whereabouts and go after him. It’ll be a tough fight – the biggest rat is always in the deepest hole. But if he’s still at large by morning, this whole city will be putty in his slimy hands!” OK, Chief. Sit tight and wait for my call. I’ve got a city to save! Over and out!”

Take Control

  • You may be the city’s toughest cop, but you’ve only got a few lives and a limited amount of time to shut down Big Boy’s organization. Be smart and learn to use your weapons before the lead starts flying.


  • On the Options screens: Press down or up to choose an item, then press left or right to choose a selection for it.
  • During battle: Press left or right to walk or turn.
  • Press up to climb and down to crouch. Press the
  • D-Button in all directions to aim your machine gun fire.

Start Button

  • At the Title screen: Press twice to start play.
  • Or press on the Title screen, select Option with the
  • D-Button, and press again to see the Options screen.
  • On the Options screen: Select Exit with the D-Button and press Start to begin play.
  • On all between-round screens: Press to continue.

Button A

  • Shoot your pistol or punch the perpetrators when they get close up.
  • During target practice, shoot the target on the left.

Button B

  • Jump onto boxes and obstacles or climb ladders. Press
  • Button B + the D-Button to jump over dangerous places.
  • During target practice, shoot the target in the middle.

Button C

  • Fire your machine gun at thugs in the background.
  • During target practice, shoot the target on the right.

Getting Started

  • At the Title screen, press the Start Button twice to begin the game. Or press the Start Button once, then use the D-Button to select Option. Press the Start Button again to see the Options screen.
  • Note: If you don’t press Start at the Title screen, a demo game will begin automatically. Watch the games for tactics for fighting crime. Press Start to return to the Title screen.

Using the Option Screen

  • On the Options screen, press the D-Button down or up to choose an item. Then press it left or right to choose a selection for that item. Press the Start Button to leave the Options screen and return to the Title screen.

  • Difficulty: Choose an Easy, Normal, or Hard game. Try an Easy game to get the feel of your weapons. Then boost your skills at the Normal and Hard levels.

  • The Hardest game has the most enemies and the fastest action.
    Control: Use this option to change the functions of Buttons A, B, and C. (Normally, Button A shoots the pistol, Button Bis the Jump button, and Button C fires machine gun rounds.)

  • Credits: Choose how many times (2 through 5) you can continue a game after losing all three of your lives.

  • Music/Sound: Preview the game’s music and sound effects. Make a selection with the D-Button, then press Buttons A, B, or C.

Gangland Rubout

  • Get movin’, Dick Tracy. These hoods aren’t so hard to figure. If they shoot at you, shoot back! If they get too close, punch ’em. Duck their bullets and punches – they weaken you. Jump over crates, ammo cases, and anything else (including bodies) that gets in your way. Climb ladders when you need to.
  • Mop up the mobsters by spraying machine gun rounds. Watch the blasts where your bullets hit to direct your fire. You’ll break a few windows that’s life.
  • Race through the streets in rolling gunbattles, firing at trigger-happy wheelmen. Pick off snipers on the rooftops.
  • Rip through six stages of three rounds each. In the third round of each stage, you’ll face a major bad guy. Believe it, he’ll be tough! Take care of him and take a breather on the target range (see page 9). Read the movie screens between rounds to get a report on how you’re doing, then press Start to continue.
  • Three lives and about three minutes are all you’ve got to get through each round. Clean up the area and the mob war continues. Lose all your lives, and Big Boy gets the last laugh!

Crack Down

  • Tracy, don’t let those rats get the drop on you! Keep one eye on your screen signals
  • Current Score: Points earned so far.
  • Stage & Round: Shows how far you’ve moved into the racketeers’ action. When you reach the third round of a stage and face the major boss, these numbers change to the boss’s name and his strength bar. Keep an eye on that bar. When it gets low, you’ve got the advantage. Go for the final shot!
  • Credits Remaining: Number of times you can continue after losing all three of your lives.
  • Lives: You start a game with three lives. As you take shots and punches from the street slime, you lose lives. When you lose all three lives, the game ends. But you can continue as long as you have Credits Remaining.
  • Timer: Counts down how much time you have to finish a round. You start with 4 minutes in scenes A and B, and only 3 minutes against each stage’s boss. If the time runs out on you, the game ends.
  • Gun Available: The gun symbol appears here ii during most rounds, but sometimes it disappears. When the symbol is gone, you cannot use your pistol or machine gun.

Score Summary Screen

  • When you clear a round, you’ll see a screen showing how many points you’ve just earned. You get bonus points for any time remaining, and the number of thugs you punched. You get a o Break Bonus if you get through a shootout without damaging any property.

$Target Practice

  • Make it through an entire stage and you can get in some practice on the target range. You’ve got to be quick on the trigger, and smart. When the targets flip, shoot the enemies, hold fire on civilians.
  • Press Button A to shoot targets on the left, Button B to shoot those in the middle, and Button C for those on the right.
  • Making the right decisions can earn you an increase in rank on the police force, and extra credits for continuing the game. Your fo1al score depends on how many gangsters you shot, and how many civilians you didn’t.

Book ‘Em, Tracy

  • It could take all night to win this mob war! Make it through all the stages and bring the hoods to their knees. If you don’t and you lose all your lives, the game ends.
  • But if you have Credits Remaining, you’ll return to the same stage and round where the last game ended. When you continue a game, your score resets to zero.

The City

Stage 1

Extraaah! Extraaah! Read all about it!” It’s cops and robbers. You’re the cop. You’ve got a job to do and you’re ready for action. You get a lead and you’re greeted with a load of lead from the rats outside the cop house. The street’s crawling with pistol-packers but you outgun the ambush, taking out a few fire hydrants and phone booths. Out of bullets, you hot-foot it to the train yard, where you and Stevethe Tramp trade knuckle sandwiches. Up pops Itchy! He rubs you the wrong way so you decide to scratch that itch. But he’s a sneak and it takes you a long street and a lot of ammo to finally bring him down!

Stage 2

  • Itchy sang, and now you know about the nitro. The train’s due at the 7th Street Warehouse. This barn is loaded with jail birds, and they’ve all had target practice. The Brow escapes and you follow, shattering the speed limit with a breakneck car chase and turning the hoods into ornaments.
  • Under the El tracks, The Brow tosses lit dynamite. You’ve gotta stop him while dodging the crush of falling girders!

Stage 3

  • Back on the streets, thugs in trenchcoats and Tommy guns stage a little welcoming reception. You’ll really have to hit the pavement to stay alive. Lips Manlis is after the nitro, so you beat feet to Club Ritz where he’s known to hang out. During the drive, you bum rubber and outrace the rest of the competition.
  • At the club, the only dancing tonight is the Machine Gunner’s Waltz.
  • Lips Manlis fixes a Molotov cocktail with your name on it, and you let him know you don’t drink on duty.

Stage 4

  • In a back alley, you’re out of ammo again. Things just don’t last the way they used to! The mob is getting meaner and smarter, and there’s more of ’em. Shoulders hurl a sackful of retreads, and then you both go at it with your fists.
  • The alley’s long, too long!
  • The gunmen slip out of every doorway and overhang to take well-aimed shots. Thugs hurl explosives!
  • Duck! Leap! Shoot You’ll really have to rumble to make it to the warehouse. Once there, you find out Pruneface is having a blast!

Stage 5

  • Things really start to shake at the warehouse. You’re suddenly surrounded, by thugs bursting through doors, darting behind crates, and perching on girders for better aim. Shoot back – this time you’ve got plenty of bullets.
  • crates to duck flying lead.
  • Break out of the warehouse and race back toward Club Ritz. You’ll face another speeding firefight with maniac wheelmen. Don’t they Ii ever let up?
  • Back at the Club, there’s a face you can’t forget Flattop! The only thing level about him is the barrel of his Tommy gun! Trade a storm of shots, and then it’s a showdown with the lights out1

Stage 6

  • Shooters, pistol-packers, machine-gunners, and bombthrowers – it’s a nasty crew in the sewer! You’ll have to dodge their bullets as well as gutters full of sewer slime. Slip out there fast and get down to the pier, where the mob makes a last-ditch assault. You’ve almost got the biggest fish, Tracy. ow, it’s you and Big Boy, muzzle to muzzle, in the gear house. Heads up, and be ready for more than bullets!

The BossesSEGA-Genesis-Dick-Tracy-FIG-18


  • Poison ivy from the get-go, his moniker describes not only his trigger finger but also his scratchy personality.

The Brow

  • Smart and murderous, he’s the brainy criminal. Those creases on his forehead match the notches on his gun.

Lips Manlis

  • An oyster-slurping slob who had the Club Ritz in his pocket. Until he started serving Molotov cocktails


  • This explosive felon is loyal only to money.
  • He’s TNT with a short fuse.


  • Big Boy’s main hitman, this levelhead is crazy over Tommy guns.

Big Boy Caprice

  • This treacherous kingpin is out to own the town. As he says, “If you ain’t for the people, you can’t buy the people.”

Crimestoppers Textbook

  • Duck! Keep ducking! Let bullets fly over you, not into you!
  • Those stool pigeons love a sitting duck. So don’t stand still.
  • Hoods with knives are real cut-ups. Don’t let ’em get the jump on you.
  • Bump into the Kid whenever he runs by. He’s got extra energy for your strength bar.

Handling the Sega Genesis Cartridge

  • The Sega Genesis Cartridge is intended exclusively for the Sega Genesis System™.
  • Do not bend, crush or submerge in liquids.
  • Do not leave in direct sunlight or near a radiator or other source of heat.
  • Be sure to take an occasional recess during extended play.

Limited Warranty

  • Sega o£America, Inc., warrants to the original consumer purchaser that the Sega Genesis Cartridge shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of ninety days from the date of purchase. If a defect covered by this limited warranty occurs during this 90-day warranty period, Sega will repair or replace the defective cartridge or component part, at its option, free of charge.
  • This limited warranty does not apply if the defects have been caused by negligence, accident, unreasonable use, modification, tampering, or any other causes not related to defective materials or workmanship.
  • To receive warranty service, call the Sega Consumer Service Department at the following number: 1-800-USA-SEGA
  • Our Consumer Service Department is in operation from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (Pacific Time), Monday through Friday and from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (Pacific Time), Saturday and Sunday. DO NOT RETURN YOUR SEGA GENESIS CARTRIDGE
  • TO YOUR RETAIL SELLER. Return cartridge to Sega Consumer Service. Please call first for further information.
  • If the Sega technician is unable to solve the problem by phone, we will provide you with instructions on returning your defective cartridge to us. The cost of returning the cartridge to Sega’s Service Center shall be paid by the purchaser.

Repairs After Expiration of Warranty

  • If you r Sega Genesis Cartridge requires repairs after termination of the 90-day limited warranty period, you may contact the Sega Consumer Service Department at the number listed above. If the technician is unable to solve the problem by phone, he will advise you of the estimated cost of repair. If you elect to have the repair done, you will need to return the defective merchandise, freight prepaid and insured against loss or damage, to Sega’s Service Center with an enclosed check or money order payable to Sega of America, Inc. for the amount of the cost estimate provided to you by the technician.
  • If, after inspection, it is determined that your cartridge cannot be repaired, it will be returned to you and your payment will be refunded.

Limitations on Warranty

  • Any applicable implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are hereby limited to ninety days from the date of purchase and are subject to the conditions set forth herein. In no event shall Sega of America, Inc., be liable for consequential or incidental damages resulting from the breach of any express or implied warranties.
  • The provisions of this limited warranty are valid in the United States only. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or exclusion of consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty provides you wi th specific legal rights. You may have other rights which va ry from state to state.

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