SEGA SATURN VR Golf ’97 Tested Plays Vintage Video Game W Case User Manual

June 3, 2024

SEGA SATURN VR Golf ’97 Tested Plays Vintage Video Game W Case


Sega and Sega Saturn are trademarks of SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. VR Sports. 16851 Von Karman Ave. lrvtne, CA 92606 (714) 955·9592. A division of Interplay. ©1996 Gremlin Interactive, Ltd. All rights reserved. VR Sports, VR Golf, VR Soccer, and The Difference Is Real are trademarks of Interplay Productions. All rights reserved. Interplay is the sole publisher and distributor. Licensed from and developed by Gremlin Interactive, Ltd. This game is licensed for use with the Sega Saturn system only. Security Program ©SEGA 1994Unauthorized copying, reproduction, rental, public performance or broadcast of this
game Is a violation of applicable laws. Made and printed in the U.S.A. All rights reserved.


VR Sports warrants to the original purchaser of this Sega Saturn product that the compact device on which the software programs are recorded will be free from defects in material and workmanship for 90 days from the date of purchase. If the compact disc is found defective within 90 days of the original purchase, VR Sports agrees to replace, free of charge, any product discovered to be defective within such period upon receipt at is factory ser- viKe center of the product, postage paid, with proof of the of purchase. His warranty is limited to the com- pod di containing the software program originally provided by VR Sports and b not applicable to normal wear and tear. This shall be void if the defect has arisen through abuse, mistreatment, or neglect. Any implied warranties applicable to this product, including warranties of merchantability and tidiness for a particular purpose, are disdained. VR Sports disdains ll responsibility for incidental or consequential damages. Some states do not allow limitations as to how long an implied warranty lasts and/or excursions or limitations of incidental or consequential damages so the above limitations and/ or exclusions or liability may not apply to you. This warronty gives you specific rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.

Lifetime Warranty
If the compact disc should foil after the original 90-day warranty period has expired, you may return the software program to VR Sports at the address noted below with a check or money order for S15.00 (U.S. currency), which includes postoge ond handling, and VK Sports will mail a replacement to you. To receive a replacement, you need to enclose the original defective compact disc in protective packaging accompanied by. (1) an S1s.00 check or money order, (2) a brief statement describing the detection, and 3) your return address. If you have a problem with your software, you may wish to call us first at 714-955-9592. If your compact disc is defective and a replacement is necessary, U.PS. or registered mail is recommended for returns, Pease sends the defective disc(s) only (not the box) with a description of the problem.


Important Information
The Sego Soturn1M disc is intended for use exclusively with the Sego Saturn™ system. Do not bend it, crush tt, or submerge tt in liquids. Do not leave ii in direct sunlight or near a radiator or other source of heat. Be sure to take on occasional recess during extended play, to rest yourself and the Sego Saturn compact disc.

Keep your Sego Saturn compact disc clean. Always hold it by the edges and keep it in its case when not in use. Ocean with o lint-free, soft dry cloth-wiping in straight lines from the center to edge. Never use solvents or abrasive cleaners.

In the Main Menu (and its sub·menus)

During Gameplay


VR GOLf ’97 is a 3D simulation that captures the essence of the historic game of golf. It provides satisfaction to the player when things are going well and recreates the frustration felt when things aren’t going so well. Together, these elements mirror the emotional roller-coaster of the real game. VR Golf ’97 presents you with multiple playing sales from standard Strokeplay to the high strokes Skins game. The most innovative feature of VR GOlf ’97 is the numerous camera angles that the 3D environment allows. This manual will provide a basic explanation of the camera possibilities but VR GOLF ’97 invites you lo experiment with the viewing freedom that these angles enable until deciding on the view that works best for you during gameplay.


Aher 1he in1rodurtory screens, the first screen tho1 appears is the Main Menu. Here you will se1 all gameplay options prior to 10 py­ing. When the Main Menu and in oil of i1s sub-menus, use the directional buttons lo move from one role gory to the next and press the ( button lo change an option within o given category (pressing the S1ort button from o sub-screen returns you lo 1he Moin Menu). Once you have made your specilico1ions highlight ‘START” and press the ( button to play a game based on your selections.

lhe first category 1h01 will appear highlighted on the Main Menu and will determine the style of play, with rules variations, for that particular game. this category lectures 1he following options:

A mode that simply allows you to focus on improving your game.

In this most common form of golf, o stroke is counted for each club swing intended to hit the ball. lhe object is lo finish the round with ! the lowest possible score.

The abject here is to win more individual holes than your opponen1 by scoring the lowes1 on each hole. If the players lie on a given hole, 1he hole is halved. If the score is even on the deciding hole, sudden death hole 111 be ployed unit 1here is o winner.

this form of golf attaches a monetary value to the winning o hole. Prior to playing, you will decide 1he value of each hole. For example, ii you determine thol each hole is worth $10,000, 1hal amount will be awarded lo 1he player who scores the lowest on the hole. If the players finish the hole lied, the $10,000 is rolled over to the next hole making tho! hole worth $20,000. The winner is the one who has made the most money by the end of the round. When playing 9 holes, the pot will double the other 3 holes and treble the other 6. When placing 18 holes, the pot will double the other 6 and 1reble the other 12.

A lour player game consis1ing ol two teams in which the goal is to 1n the most individual holes. In 1his game, team mem­bers alternate shots (ii 1eom member

1 hits the drive, learn member #2 hits 1he second shall. As in Matchplay, ii

the learns tie on o given hole, the hole is halved. Scoring is some os Matchplay.

TMS is o four player game with teams of two in which oil players hi! 1heir own ball 1hraughoul 1he round. The team with the player who has scored 1he lowest on o given hole wins! hot hole. lhe object is lo win 1he most individual holes with tied holes being halved.

lhe Amateur Tour consists of up lo four human players while compu1er players round out the field for a tool ol 24 golfers com­pe1ing on the 1wo courses. A lour event consists of 12 parings of golfers (twosomes) who play one round of 18 holes. The win­ner will be 1he one who scores the lowest, laking Handicap into consideration. ! there are no Gimmies or Mulligans allowed in this mode and the updated rankings and handicaps are displayed at the end of each competition. The Tour objective is lo achieve o zero Handicaps. When you have improved your Handicap lo zero, you are 1hen eligible for the Pro Tour. Al tho! the point is you and five other golfers of similar ability can become professionals.

lhe Pro Tour consists ol 48 players (up to four humans) competing in four rounds (18 holes each round). In this mode, you will play either Matchplay (round robin) or Strokeplay with no Gimmies or Mulligans allowed. After every 1hird hole in a round o leader board will appear updo1ing 1he 1ournoment. In the third and fourth rounds, the top 20 leaders will be paired off with 1heir neores1 compe1itor (first with second, 191h with 201h, etc.). lhe fourth round of o Ma1chploy 1ournament will feature o third and fourth playoffs between 1he losing semi-finalists from round 1hree. A1 1he completion of lour rounds, prize money is awarded and world rankings and sta1islics ore updated. When the tour is over, 1he bottom finishers will be bumped from the Pro Tour and returned to 1he AMA Tour.

Use the C button to designate the number of human players (up lo four) tho! will porticipote in the next gome. Depending on which ploy style you have chosen, the number of players allowed may vary. If you select o four player game but only one human player, the three players that complete the foursome will be computer opponents.

Pressing C here brings up the Player Setup screen in which you con perform functions such os naming your player, selecting clubs for your bog and viewing statistics. You con solve any specifications you have mode from this screen os well os access player information you hove saved previously by using the LOAD/SAVE option.

On this screen, you con turn the audio on or off or adjust the volume for specific types of sound tho1 you hear during gome­ploy. Pricing and holding C will increase the volume for o sound function while pressing ond holding the A button will decrease the volume.

Here you will be able to view the updated rankings for players on the Amateur or Pro Tours (assuming you have saved the results of these tours).

On the game options screen, you will select various game preferences and influencing factors such as weather conditions that will impact gameplay. Many of these options can also be accessed and changed during gameplay. You con toggle on and off the fol­lowing options: Gimmes, Mulligans, and the Hole Mop. The Grid option mops perpendicular lines on the ground to give o topo­graphical appearance to the course or the green. The Zone grid will texture the oreo immediately around your golfer, while the Green grid will overlay the entire green when you are putting. The Weather option will take you to the o sui>-menu to adjust weath­er conditions which can greatly affect gameplay. Note: In Amo and Pro Tour the player has no control over weo1her. The weo1her icon will appear as “lour Options”. This contains options for pairing human vs. human players and human vs. CPU players.

This one will show you the exact path of the boll ii you hit the shot exactly ung the swingometer Wind is not accounted for, however.

This one shows the path of the ball under perfect conditions. That is, the PRO ore will show you the path of the boll os ii tt was hit from the tee or the fairway, even ii you ore in the heavy rough. Th odds a level of difficulty because you, the player, must determine how terrain conditions will affect your shot. This also applies to putting. While putting, the PRO ore only determines the strength and direction of your swing, you must determine how the green breaks left lo right, and up and downhill.

NOTE: This is by for the most difficult of the ore options. You will have no ore to help judge your shot. Your only ossis­tonce in making the shot is the club you are using and the direction your golfer laces.

The Controls menu shows the game controller and highlights the button functions that apply during gameplay. You can change your configuration by highlighting the Type button and pushing (. You can also mop different human players to dif­ferent control pods by selecting the Controllers button. This will take you lo o sub-menu where you can set up each human player with o different controllers.

Bring up this screen to save o current games or retrieve a previously saved game.


After making all necessary selections from 1he Main Menu and pressing ( when START is highlighted, 1he next screen that appears asks you to select the course and number of holes 10 ploy. In some Gome Types, 1he number of holes is selected by default The 1wo courses available are The River Valley Country Club and The Royal Glen Golf Club (use 1he directional arrows to change the selected course). Nex1, choose the number of holes lo ploy. On either nurse, you con ploy o full 18 holes or you can limit the round lo 9 holes by selecting the Fron19 or the Bock 9. Press ( to gel to the first tee (In Skins you will also determine the monetary value of the hole on this screen). At the beginning of every hole, information regarding the hole number, par, and dis1once 10 the pin will be displayed in 1he upper leh corner. In the upper righ1 corner you have three options: Ploy, Wolk Hole, and Fly By Hole. Use 1he directional arrows 10 moves among 1hese op1ions and press C 10 choose one. To begin your game, select Ploy. Selecting Walk Hole allows you 1o view 1he hole using 1he directional arrows as well as 1he X and A buttons (which raise and lower 1he view). Fly By Hole provides o bird’s-eye view of 1he hole as it sweeps 1oward 1he green accompanied by 1he announcer’s descrip­tion ol 1he hole.

Use the directional arrows to move up and down the is that appears on the right side of the screen. Press to seal the angle and press to return to gameplay. After you have seeded a Player View angle and returned to the gameplay suen
you can still just this view using the Z button and directional buttons as you did before (after pressing Z to remove the Ball Arc Line from the screen). After seting on a satisfactory vie, this perspective on the show will remain on the screen until you hi the ball. You can choose among the following viewS Views shot joust a few feet behind the golfer Views shot from the golfer’s point of view Views shot from overhead

  • Behind Golfer: Views shot from above the fairway
  • Golfer’s Eye: Views shot from above the green, centered on the golfer
  • Aerial View: Views shot from behind the green, left of the golfer
  • Fairway: Views shot from behind the green, right of the golfer
  • Green Left High: Elevated view from behind the green, left of the golfer
  • Green Right High: Elevated view from behind the green, right of the golfer
  • Aerial Green: Views shot from the side of the pin opposite, the golfer
  • Behind Pin: Views shot from directly above green

Customer Support

If you have any questions about this, or any other VR Sports product, you can reach our Customer Service/Technical Support Group at: VR Sports 16815 Von Karman Avenue Irvine, CA 92606 Customer Service is available 24 hours a day through our Automated Customer Service system, with a Customer Service representative available during normal business hours at 714-955-9592. Please have your system information available, or better yet, try to be at your PlayStation ™. The more detailed information you can provide our support personnel, the better service we can provide you. Internet: You can reach VR Sports by sending an Internet E-mail to””. Many VR Sports demos and patches are available for PC and Macintosh on our World Wide Web and FTP sites. To visit our World Wide Web site, point your browser to “” or you may FTP to “ pub/reports


A very small percentage of individuals may expe­rience epileptic seizures when exposed to cer­ tain light patterns or flashing lights. Exposure to certain patterns or backgrounds on a television screen or while playing video games may induce an epileptic seizure in these individuals. Certain conditions may induce previously undetected epileptic symptoms even in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. If you, or anyone in your family has an epileptic condition, consult your physician prior to playing. If you experience any of the following symptoms while playing a video game-dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of awareness, dis­ orientation, any involuntary movement, or con­ avulsions-IMMEDIATELY discontinue use and consult your physician before resuming play. ESRB DISCLAIMER: This product has been rated by the Entertainment Software Rating board. For information about the ESRB rating, or to comment about the appropriateness of the rating, please contact the ESRB at 1-800-771-3772. This official seal is your assurance that this product meets the highest quality standards of SEGA TM. Buy games and accessories with this seal to be sure that they are compatible with the Sega Saturn”‘ System.

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