SOUYIE B0BVG3HWWM Smart Watch for Men Women User Manual

June 12, 2024

FAQ for SOUYIE WatchSOUYIE B0BVG3HWWM Smart Watch for Men

FAQ about Bluetooth Connection

, go to [Push Notifications] to enable [Call alert]. 3. On your mobile phone, keep Bluetooth enabled and run the App in the background. 4. When there is an incoming call, the watch will display the call and vibrate. If the name of the caller is not saved in “Contacts”, the watch will display his/her phone number directly. The watch supports hanging up, answering and making calls.” image-10=”” headline-11=”p” question-11=”Q2 How to use Message Reminder?” answer-11=”For example: A2 1. WhatsApp: do not enable the DND (Do Not Disturb) mode. In addition, please log out of WhatsApp on your PC or tablet. 2.On your mobile phone: go to [Notification Manager] to authorize WhatsApp to push messages to the notification bar, and authorize the “FitCloudPro” App to obtain WhatsApp messages from the notification bar and transmit them to the watch via Bluetooth. Go to [Startup Manager] or [Power Task Manager] to authorize the App and WhatsApp to work in the background without being killed. 3. In the “FitCloudPro” App: authorize the watch to receive messages. Do not enable the DND mode. 4. Do not enable the DND mode on the watch. 5.The watch may fail to receive messages if there is an App bug or a compatibility problem with the mobile phone.” image-11=”” headline-12=”p” question-12=”Q3 Why doesn’t my watch notify when I get an incoming call?” answer-12=”A3 1. The watch needs to connect to dual Bluetooth (App Bluetooth in “FitCloudPro” and Audio Bluetooth in the phone). 2. Check whether Bluetooth is enabled on your mobile phone and connected to the watch. 3. For IOS system, you need to allow Bluetooth pairing. For non-IOS system, please check whether the App is running. If the App is not running in the background but is killed after the screen is locked, the watch will not receive information.” image-12=”” headline-13=”p” question-13=”Q4 Why can’t my watch receive message notifications?” answer-13=”A4 1. In the App, go to [Push Notifications] to enable [WhatsApp]. 2. Do not log into WhatsApp on both your PC and mobile phone, or enable the DND mode. 3. Maintain the connection between the watch and your mobile phone, and keep Bluetooth enabled. 4. For some Android phones, when the screen is locked, the App will be killed, rather than run in the background, and thus will fail to receive messages. In such case, you need to enable background startup of the App on your mobile phone. 5. Check whether the App’s messages appear in pop-up box of your mobile phone. If no, the watch will fail to receive messages.” image-13=”” headline-14=”p” question-14=”Q5 Why does the watch not vibrate when there is an incoming call?” answer-14=”A5

  1. In the App, enable [Call alert]. 2. Do not enable the DND mode in your phone and watch. 3. Check whether the motor vibrates when the watch is charged and activated. If yes, the motor is not faulty; if no, the motor is faulty. 4. If the motor is not faulty and you have enabled [Call alert] in the App, the vibration failure may be caused by a software problem.” image-14=”” headline-15=”p” question-15=”Q6 I am using an IOS phone, and I fail to activate “Call alert”. Why?” answer-15=”A6 1. On your IOS phone, disable Bluetooth and enable it again. 2. Start the App, enable [Call alert], and then click [OK] when the dialog box of Bluetooth pairing pops up.” image-15=”” headline-16=”p” question-16=”Q7 Why is there no detailed content when WhatsApp comes to a message reminder?” answer-16=”A7 The push content of the watch is displayed according to the content prompted by the mobile phone. If WhatsApp doesn’t show the details on the phone, the watch won’t show the details either. Solution: In WhatsApp settings, turn on notifications to display message details.” image-16=”” count=”17″ html=”true” css_class=””]

FAQ about Weather Information

to enable [Weather Reports]. Ensure smooth network of your mobile phone, and synchronize the App and the watch so that the weather information can be displayed on the watch. 2. On your mobile phone, please make sure the network is normal and enable [GPS] and the App notification service. Your city will be regarded automatically as your location. If your location information cannot be obtained, no weather data will be displayed. Enabling [GPS] can make your location information and the weather data more accurate. 3. Maintain the connection between the App and watch and perform the synchronization operation manually (the watch cannot update the weather data on its own, and you need to synchronize the weather data to the watch) to ensure 100% synchronization. When the watch is disconnected from the App, the weather data will no longer be updated synchronously, and no weather data will be displayed on the watch. 4. It is normal that there may be a 1 ° C~2 ° C difference between the weather data displayed on the watch and mobile phone. 5. If there is still no weather data or inaccurate weather data, please disable [Weather reports] and enable it again, and then synchronize the App and the watch manually to ensure 100% synchronization. 6. If there is still no weather data or inaccurate weather data, please restart the watch and your mobile phone, enable [GPS] and the App notification service. 7. If the problem persists after the above steps are completed, probably there is a software bug or weather server failure.” image-0=”” headline-1=”p” question-1=”Q2 The weather data displayed on the watch is different from that displayed on the mobile phone. Why? On the watch, the weather data come and go. Why?” answer-1=”A2 1. The temperature acquired by the third-party weather App called in the watch is different from that acquired by the weather App of your mobile phone. 2. There may be an error of the temperature predicted by the weather App of your mobile phone. 3. Error of the temperature predicted by the third-party weather App: ±5℃. 4. Probably the interface of the third-party weather server is faulty: it is sometimes good and sometimes bad when the App calls weather data from such server.” image-1=”” headline-2=”p” question-2=”” answer-2=”” image-2=”” count=”3″ html=”true” css_class=””]

FAQ about Health/ Sleep Monitor

Q1 What factors can affect the health measurement results?

A1 1. Non-standard wearing can affect the measurement signal, such as the light leakage caused by incomplete fitting. 2. Swing of the arm, slight movement of the watch on your skin, etc., wearing too tight, raising the arm and making a fist, etc. can affect your blood circulation and thus affect the measurement signal. 3.Correct measuring method: lay the arm flat, relax and stay still, and hold the watch against the arm. *Note: individual differences such as skin color, hair, tattoos and scars can also affect the measurement signal, despite correct wearing of the watch.

Q2 How can I measure the HR value correctly?

1. Hold the light-emitting part of the watch against the skin (muscle) to ensure that the A2 watch will not shift a lot during your exercise (tighten the watch strap to achieve a comfortable tightness). Excessive or insufficient tightness can affect the measurement results (avoid light leakage and shift of the reflected light). 2. Do not hold the light-emitting part of the watch against the protruding bones (radius and ulna) on the wrist side,or the watch may fail to correctly receive the red light reflected by blood vessels, which will affect the measurement results. 3. To obtain a more accurate HR value, you can enable “Elevated Heart Rate Measurement” in the App.

Q3 How does the smart watch measure my HR?

Q4 Why does the back of the watch automatically glow green?

A4 1. Design philosophy: the light transmittance of the blood is changed by the pulse, and then converted into electrical signals by simple light reflection, which will be recorded; our blood is red and can absorb the green light to the maximum extent; the final data after reflection is the most accurate, so we use green LED as the HR measurement tool. 2.If you enable automatic HR monitoring, your HR will be measured automatically. You can also enable manual HR measurement. During the measurement, the HR LED will automatically flash and emit green light.

Q5 When does sleep monitoring work?

A5 The sleep tracking time is from 9:30 pm to 12:00 noon the next day. Data beyond this period of time will not be regarded as sleep data.

Q6 How does the smart watch measure my sleep?

A6 Sleep monitoring is performed through the built-in sensor. The sensor can detect the subtle movements of your hand so as to determine whether your body is in an active state or a quiet sleep state. During your sleep, the watch will record the frequency of your hand movements and analyze whether you are in a deep sleep or light sleep state, so as to analyze your sleep quality and provide suggestions.

Q7 What is the meaning of Deep Sleep ,Light Sleep, Waking Sleep and REM Sleep?

A7 1. Deep sleep, light sleep, waking sleep and REM sleep are determined based on the changes of the sensor level detected during your sleep. 2. If the detected sensor level remains high for a long time, probably you are not sleeping. If the high sensor level is maintained for a short time, it can be filtered out and your sleep quality can be analyzed. 3. The sensor can obtain your corresponding sleep data based on your body movements. It is in contact with your wrist and can detect your body movements. The watch will determine your sleep state based on the frequency of your body movements. Frequent body movements indicate light sleep. There are relatively few body movements during deep sleep. 4. REM (rapid eye movement) sleep is a stage of sleep during which your eyeballs move rapidly and involuntarily. At this stage, the activity of neurons in your brain is the same as when you're awake. Most vivid dreams that can be recalled subsequently occur during REM sleep. This is the lightest stage of sleep. If you wake up during REM sleep, you will be alert and refreshed if compared with other stages of sleep.

Q8 No sleep data is recorded, or the sleep data is inaccurate. Why?

A8 1. Check whether you wear the watch before going to bed. If no, the App will not generate sleep data after synchronizing with the watch. 2. Your sleep quality can be a reason. If you have trouble falling asleep, the App may not generate sleep data. You can take some measures to help sleep, for example, doing some exercise, drinking a glass of milk, relaxing your body and not playing with your mobile phone. 3. Please wear the watch correctly (in case of insufficient tightness, there is a certain probability of failure to detect the watch). 4. The watch will adapt to the individual situation of each user. You can wear it for several days for observation purpose. 5. If your skin is rather dark, the App will be very likely to fail in detecting the watch, and thus will not generate sleep data.

FAQ about Step Counting

. Why?” answer-4=”A5 The number of steps displayed in [Apple Health] is calculated based on the steps data uploaded from multiple data sources (Apps) using the unique algorithm of Apple Health platform, instead of displaying the steps data uploaded from our App directly. You are recommended to set our App as the first data source. However, we still cannot guarantee a 100% consistency between the number of steps displayed in our App and in [Apple Health].” image-4=”” count=”5″ html=”true” css_class=””]

FAQ about Battery/Charging

Q1 How can I charge the watch?

A1 1. The package includes a USB magnetic charging cable. To charge the watch, please connect one end of the magnetic charging cable to a USB 5V port, and the other end to the watch. 2.Choose a power supply to charge the watch: either via the USB port of your PC or the charger of your mobile phone (the rated voltage of the watch is 3.7V~4.2V; the rated voltage of USB port is usually 5V, so USB port is the best power supply for the watch; via USB port, the watch needs to be charged for 2h). *NOTE: Do not use a fast-charge power supply (9V), excessive current of the fast charging head will damage the battery and lead to battery losses.

Q2 How long can the watch be used on a full charge?

Battery capacity: 210mAh. The battery life can reach 5 days in typical usage scenarios and A2 the standby time can reach 30 days. The battery endurance of different product models may vary, depending on the battery level, screen brightness and actual working condition.

Q3 Should I fully discharge the watch before charging?

A3 1. When the watch runs out of power, it will shut down automatically and lose the data. 2. If the watch is not charged soon after running out of power, it may fail to be turned on when charged. Therefore, you are recommended to charge the watch when the battery voltage becomes low.

Q4 Why the watch fails to be turned on when charged?

A4 1. Before first use or after a long idle time: if the watch fails to be turned on in 1min due to over-discharge protection, please charge it for more than 30min until it is turned on. 2. The rated charging voltage of the watch is 4.2V~4.7V. You'd better select a 5V power supply to charge the watch. A fast-charge power supply (9V) can cause breakdown to the capacitor, resulting in a short circuit or open circuit of the PCBA. 3. If the water soak into the watch, the short circuit can cause boot failure (if the water temperature is higher than 40°C, the watch may be no longer waterproof due to adhesive failure). 4. The battery wires are falsely welded. The positive and negative wires at either end of the battery are broken, so there is no power output from the battery. 5. If the watch screen fails to be turned on during charging, please check whether the watch can vibrate and the HR LED on the back is flashing. If yes, there is a screen failure and you need to return the watch to us for repair; if no, there is a hardware failure and you need to return the watch to us for repair. 6. Probably the charging failure is caused by hardware failure if the charging cable is not faulty. In such case, you need to return the watch to us for repair.

Q5 Why does my watch consumes power quickly?

A5 1. Main factor of fast power consumption: the watch is not charged by 5V power supply but via a high-power charger, which causes breakdown to the capacitor. 2. The watch is no longer waterproof (it cannot be used at a water temperature above 40° C, as this can easily cause a short circuit due to water penetration). 3. A quality defect of the watch causes fast power consumption. 4. The watch has not been turned on for a long time, or is not charged soon after running out of power but kept idle for a long time, which can cause the battery capacity to decay and impair the battery endurance. 5. If you turn on some functions such as turning the wrist to brighten the screen, 24H health monitor, it will increase the power consumption and reduce the battery usage time.

Q6 The watch shuts down automatically. Why?

1. Probably the watch has run out of power. You can activate the watch by charging, and A6 then check the battery level. 2. Accidentally touched the on/off button for a long time, resulting in shutdown. 3. If the watch shuts down or reboots automatically during normal use, probably there is a software failure.

FAQ about Screen

Q1 Nothing is displayed on the watch screen (black screen error). Why?

A1 Charge the watch and check whether the HR LED on the back is flashing. If the HR LED is flashing, but the watch screen fails to be turned on, probably the watch screen is faulty or the screen FFC becomes disconnected. If the watch does not respond to charging, probably the PCBA is faulty and needs to be returned to us for repair.

Q2 There is display error, blur or lines on the watch screen. Why?

A2 1. Check the firm ware version, and update the firmware if possible. Reset the watch and observe the blurred screen. If the watch screen works properly before the OTA upgrade, and there is display error in some areas of the screen after the OTA upgrade, probably there is a software bug and the font library upgrade fails. You need to return the watch to us for firmware upgrade. 2. If the blurred screen is caused by lines, probably there is a hardware problem. You need to return the watch to us for repair.

Q3 The watch screen is so dark. Why?

A3 1. The watch has 5 levels of brightness that can be adjusted. 2. There may be a matching problem between the firmware and hardware. The firmware needs to be upgraded. 3. If the problem persists after the firmware is upgraded, probably the watch screen has a fault and needs to be returned to us for repair.

Q4 I can't see the watch screen clearly in the sun. Why?

A4 The watch screen is a TFT LCD screen, so it is normal that you cannot see the screen clearly in the sun. You can increase the screen brightness, but the battery endurance will decline greatly.

Q5 The touch control performance of the watch is poor. Why?

A5 1. Most watches are equipped with a single-contact controller. To ensure the touch sensitivity, you need to click the touch area of the watch screen properly (not too fast or too lightly). 2. Keep the watch screen clean, remove the dust and water stains (if any), and protect the watch screen against interference of other foreign objects. 3. If the above causes are excluded, probably there is a hardware failure and the watch needs to be returned to us for inspection and repair.

Q6 The watch screen fails to be turned on when my wrist is lifted. Why?

Q7 The screen is not tapped, but still jumps to a different page.

A7 1. There may be a software failure. Try to update the firmware. The watch screen is faulty and needs to be returned to us for repair.

Other FAQ

Q1 What is the size of the watch strap?

A1 The strap has usual pins that hold on and the width is 20mm, so you can choose other 20mm width watch band you like. And It's made of silicone, which is soft and wearable.

Q2 About the waterproof problem of the watch.

A2 The watch can be used for daily life waterproofing and swim waterproofing. Not suitable for diving, sea water, hot springs, sauna, other wading or deep water activities under high-speed water flow. Water resistance is not permanent and protection performance may decrease due to daily wear and tear.

Q3 What is the meaning of IP67/ IP68/ 5ATM?

Q4 During the firmware upgrade, the watch remains on the upgrade screen and has no further response.

A4 1. Before the upgrade, make sure that the battery level of the watch reaches 35%. The OTA upgrade may get stuck or fail due to insufficient battery power. 2. Check whether the watch is still connected to the App. If yes, resume the upgrade on the upgrade screen until the upgrade is completed.

Q5 After wearing the watch for along time, my hand skin appears red and itchy.

A5 1. Wearables are usually made of metal, leather, silicone and TPU. A few people may be allergic to the material of the watch strap. 2. Do not wear the watch too tightly. Make sure that a finger can be inserted between the watch strap and your wrist. If you wear the watch too tightly, your wrist skin can become airtight, and the watch can easily leave marks on your wrist, causing a wrong feeling of red and itchy skin. 3. Keep the contact area of your wrist dry. You may feel uncomfortable when the watch strap is wet and covers your wrist under airtight conditions. 4. Clean the watch strap properly. After you wearing the watch for a long time, the watch strap may comeinto contact with some unclean stains. If the stains are not removed in time, your skin may have allergic reactions. Please clean the watch strap in time and carry out reasonable maintenance and care.

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