RICE LAKE 1280 Kiosk OnTrak Enterprise Software User Manual

June 12, 2024

1280 Kiosk OnTrak Enterprise Software
User ManualRICE LAKE 1280 Kiosk OnTrak Enterprise

1280 Kiosk OnTrak Enterprise Software

© Rice Lake Weighing Systems. All rights reserved.
Rice Lake Weighing Systems® is a registered trademark of Rice Lake Weighing Systems.
All other brand or product names within this publication are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
All information contained within this publication is, to the best of our knowledge, complete and accurate at the time of publication. Rice Lake Weighing Systems reserves the right to make changes to the technology, features, specifications and design of the equipment without notice.
The most current version of this publication, software, firmware and all other product updates can be found on our website:
Revision History
This section tracks and describes manual revisions for awareness of major updates.

Revision Date Description
A April 25, 2025 Initial manual release with product launch;

Table i. Revision Letter History

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1.1 Overview
The 1280 OnTrak unattended kiosk iRite program is supported by the OnTrak Enterprise Truck Weighing application and communicates with the OnTrak Enterprise PC program for all required information.
1.2 Safety
Safety Definitions:
DANGER: Indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Includes hazards that are exposed when guards are removed.
WARNING: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in serious injury or death. Includes hazards that are exposed when guards are removed.
CAUTION: Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
IMPORTANT: Indicates information about procedures that, if not observed, could result in damage to equipment or corruption to and loss of data.
General Safety
Do not operate or work on this equipment unless this manual has been read and all instructions are understood. Failure to follow the instructions or heed the warnings could result in injury or death. Contact any Rice Lake Weighing Systems dealer for replacement manuals.
Failure to heed could result in serious injury or death.
Do not allow minors (children) or inexperienced persons to operate this unit.
Do not use for purposes other than weight measurement.
Do not place fingers into slots or possible pinch points.
Do not use any load-bearing component that is worn beyond 5% of the original dimension.
Do not use this product if any of the components are cracked.
Do not make alterations or modifications to the unit.
Do not exceed the rated load limit of the unit.
Do not remove or obscure warning labels.
Keep hands, feet and loose clothing away from moving parts.
Do not operate without all shields and guards in place.
Do not impede vehicle traffic.
Drive cautiously while being aware of surroundings and people.

Truck Processing

The following instructions detail truck processing with a 1280 Enterprise™ Series Programmable Weight Indicator and Controller in an unattended kiosk running OnTrak™ Enterprise software.

  1. Drive truck to the scale and performs one of the following based on the Loop Detector setting:
    A. Loop detectors are disabled and scale is empty with a zero and a green traffic light displayed on the 1280, proceed to Step 2.
    B. Loop detectors are enabled and scale is empty with a zero and a red traffic light displayed on the 1280:
    i. Waiting on Loop Detector displays.
    ii. Drive truck to loop detector.
    iii. Loop detector activates and the system attempts to zero the scale. If successful or at zero, the system displays Enter Scale and a green traffic light.RICE LAKE 1280 Kiosk OnTrak Enterprise Software - Truck

  2. Drive the truck onto the scale and exceed the configurable Threshold weight.

  3. (Optional) Select the language button to cycle through available languages (English, French and Spanish).
    NOTE: All translations are configurable in the Language database. After downloading a user program the Language database must be imported using Revolution. If the system displays Language DB Error in the lower left corner, the language database was not imported successfully.
    See 1280 Enterprise™ Series Technical Manual (PN 167659) for information regarding how to import a database.

  4. The 1280 validates the Scale Name:
    A. Proceed to Step 5 if the scale message does not display Please Configure a Scale Name – Exit Scale.
    B. Perform the following if the scale message displays Please Configure a Scale Name – Exit Scale:
    i. The driver must exit the scale and the attendant must access the 1280 Setup Menu and configure a Scale Name.
    ii. The attendant selects Scale Name, the 1280 displays a list of Scale Names.
    iii. The attendant selects the required Scale Name and the 1280 is ready to process trucks.

  5. If RF the tag reader is set as SmartPass in the Setup Menu, enable SmartPass output activates and the traffic light turns red while the 1280 displays Scan RFID or Enter Truck ID. Perform one of the following:
    A. The RFID (radio frequency identification) was scanned as the truck entered the scale.
    B. Scan the RFID.
    C. Select Enter Truck ID, enter the Truck ID followed by DONE.RICE LAKE 1280
Kiosk OnTrak Enterprise Software - Truck ID Prompt

  6. The 1280 validates the gross weight against the minimum and maximum weights (configured in OnTrak Enterprise).
    A. If the gross weight is less than (<) the configured minimum truck weight, the system displays Truck Underweight:
    • Select Accept and proceed to Step 7.
    • Select Cancel. Exit Scale and a green traffic light display.
    B. If the gross weight is greater than or equal to (>) the Maximum Truck Weight, the system displays Truck Overweight:
    • Select Accept to proceed to Step 7.
    • Select Cancel. Exit Scale and a green traffic light display.RICE LAKE 1280
Kiosk OnTrak Enterprise Software - Truck Overweight

  7. Depending on tare type the 1280 performs one the following:
    A. If Keyed Tare Weight or Stored Tare Weight is less than (>) 0, proceed to Step 8 (Outbound Transaction).
    B. If Keyed Tare Weight or Stored Tare Weight is 0, Invalid Truck Tare and a green traffic light displays.
    C. Weighs the truck:
    • The 1280 sends truck inbound data to OnTrak Enterprise. Proceed to Step 9.
    • Inbound data not found, proceed to Step 8 (Outbound Transaction).

  8. 1280 displays select Shipping and Receiving buttons. The driver selects Shipping or Receiving and the 1280 sends the information to OnTrak Enterprise.RICE LAKE 1280 Kiosk OnTrak Enterprise Software - Receiving Prompt NOTE: Shipping and Receiving text is configurable in Setup.

  9. The 1280 displays the Job screen with three options:
    A. Select Default/Inbound Job, activate to initiate the Default/Inbound Job.
    B. Request Job List, select to view all Jobs from OnTrak Enterprise then select one.
    C. Continue with No Job, select to advance without a job. Proceed to Step 10.RICE LAKE 1280 Kiosk OnTrak Enterprise Software - Job Selection

  10. The 1280 displays the Customer or Vendor screen with three options:
    A. Select Default/Inbound Customer/Vendor, activate to initiate the Default/Inbound Customer/Vendor.
    B. Request Customer/Vendor List, select to view all Customer/Vendors from OnTrak Enterprise then select one.
    C. Continue with No Customer/Vendor, select to advance without a customer/vendor. Proceed to Step 11.

  11. The 1280 displays the Product screen with three options:
    A. Select default/Inbound Product, activate to initiate the Default/Inbound Product.
    B. Request Product List, select to view all Products from OnTrak Enterprise then select one.
    C. Continue with No Product, select to advance without a product. Proceed to Step 12.

  12. (Optional) Custom user prompts (1 – 3) configured in OnTrak Enterprise display, if required enter data and select DONE button in each prompt.
    NOTE: User Fields only appear if enabled in OnTrak Enterprise. See OnTrak Enterprise Technical Manual (PN 216813) for more information.

  13. The system displays all configured information, select Accept to proceed (Step 14) or Cancel to restart the procedure (Step 1).RICE LAKE 1280 Kiosk OnTrak Enterprise Software - Accept Information Prompt

  14. The system captures data, calculates weights, stores the transaction in the OnTrak Enterprise database and then prints the ticket.
    NOTE: The ticket footer and header can be edited from the kiosk (Auxfmt1 and Auxfmt 2).

  15. (Optional) Press the ticket reprint button to reprint the ticket. NOTE: If connection between the kiosk and the Custom America printer is lost, the 1280 displays No Communication. If the printer reports an error, the 1280 may display No Communication, Out of Paper, Online, or Low Paper. These errors do not prevent completing a transaction. However, if the printer is off-line or out of paper, the driver must request a reprinted ticket from the attendant.
    The Reprint option is available if a ticket was printed at the kiosk until the truck exits the scale.

  16. The 1280 displays Weighment Complete – Exit scale.RICE LAKE 1280 Kiosk OnTrak Enterprise Software - Accept Information Prompt 1

  17. 1280 does one of the following based on the Loop Detector setting once the scale weight drops below Threshold.
    A. If loop detectors are disabled, wait until traffic light turns green then exit the scale.
    B. If loop detectors are inverted or normal, Exit Loop Delay displays until the timer expires. Turns traffic light red. Return to Step 1.

Setup Information

3.1 Serial Communications – Tickets, PC
This application does not utilize tickets or reports. All ticket formats and report printing is handled by OnTrak Enterprise PC excluding the Footer and Header when printing at the Kiosk.
3.1.1 Header (AuxFmt1)
The message will be transmitted (default port 2). The format can be modified through the 1280 front panel or with the Revolution® scale software. This format includes special control characters before printing. For example, double high, double wide, font, etc.
3.1.2 Footer (AuxFmt2)
The message will be transmitted (default port 2). The format can be modified through the 1280 front panel or with the Revolution scale software. This format includes special control characters after printing. For example, cut, release, etc.
3.1.3 Rice Lake Stop /Go Green Light (AuxFmt19)
The message will be transmitted (default port 7). The format can be modified through the 1280 front panel or with the Revolution scale software.
3.1.4 Rice Lake Stop /Go Red Light (AuxFmt20)
The message will be transmitted (default port 7). The format can be modified through the 1280 front panel or with the Revolution scale software.
3.2 Database Tables
All database information is maintained in the SQL Server Database on the OnTrak Enterprise PC except for the Language translations.

Field Type Description
Nbr Integer Text string number
PriLan String Prompt in language (English by default)
SecLan String Prompt in language (Spanish by default)
TerLan String Prompt in language (French by default)

Table 3-1. LANGUAGE Database Table – 200 Records

3.3 Application Configuration
The Setup touch widget is password-protected and offers access to the following:

  • Display Program Name and Version
  • Display weight widget
  • Streams Remote Display Command format (||!) out port 7 (Remote Display) for calibration and troubleshooting.RICE LAKE 1280 Kiosk OnTrak Enterprise Software - OnTrak Enterprise
Parameter Default Touch Icon Description
 System Password “” Setup Password Changes the password required for entry

into the Setup Menu. Setting the password as nothing deactivates the prompt for a password when Setup is selected.
Scale Name| Please Select| Scale Name| Allows an operator to request all scale names from OnTrak Enterprise and select one from a list. This is a required field before processing a truck.
Test OnTrak Communications| –| Test OnTrak Communications| Tests communication with OnTrak Enterprise.
OnTrak Timeout| 30 Seconds| OnTrak Timeout| Allows operator to modify the duration the system waits for a response from OnTrak Enterprise.
Digital IO Testing| –| Digital IO Test Screen| Turns on/off outputs and view status of inputs.
Threshold Weight| 5000 lb| Threshold Weight| Allows operator to modify the minimum weight threshold to recognize a truck is on the scale.
Shipping Text| Shipping| Shipping Text| Allows operator to modify the Shipping Button text.
Receiving Text| Receiving| Receiving Text| Allows operator to modify the Receiving Button text.
Monitor Printer Status| Enabled  Disabled| Monitor Printer| Allows the user to enable or disable status monitoring for the Custom America printer. When enabled, the program displays status messages relating to the printer. The program displays:
• Printer Communication Error – The printer is off-line and truck processing is inhibited until printer connection is restored.
• Low Paper – The paper receptacle is almost empty, a reprint button displays in the lower left corner until paper is refilled.
• Out of Paper – The paper receptacle is empty, a reprint button displays in the lower left corner until paper is refilled.
 Setup Serial Port 1| HID Reader SmartPass Short SmartPass Long| Port 1 Peripheral| Allows the operator to change the device connected to serial port

  1. The Operator must manually change the baud rate in the 1280 configuration menu to match the baud rate settings of the connected device.
    Stop/Go Remote Display| Enabled Disabled| Stop/Go Remote| Toggles on and off traffic light control to a Rice Lake Remote Display. Streaming must be configured in the 1280 configuration.
    Loop Detectors| Normal Inverted Disabled| Loop Detectors| Allows the operator to configure loop detector as Inverted, Normal or Disabled. Loop Detectors are only used for zeroing the scale upon entry.
    Loop Exit Delay| 10.0 sec| Exit Loop Delay| Allows the operator to modify the duration loop detectors are ignored when dropping below Threshold.

Table 3-2. Device OnTrak Enterprise Parameters Descriptions

3.4 Hardware Specifications

NIT 1280 Screen Size/Type (12 in or 7 in)
1500 12 inches

Table 3-3. 1280 Screen Size/Type

Slot Type
1 Single Channel A/D Card
2 Dual Channel Serial Card
3 Currently Unused
4 Currently Unused
5 Currently Unused
6 Currently Unused

Table 3-4. Option Card Locations

Slot Bit Type Function
0 1 Output Red Traffic Light
0 2 Output Green Traffic Light
0 3 Programmability Loop Detector 1 (Optional)
0 4 Programmability Loop Detector 2 (Optional)
0 5 Output Enable SmartPass (Optional)
0 6 Off Currently Unused

Table 3-5. Digital I/O

Device Port Type Type Setup
Serial Ports 1 Programmability RFID Reader / SmartPass Long Range / Smart
Pass Short Range 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parirty, 1 stop bit
Serial Ports 2 Programmability Custom America Kiosk Printer 19200 baud, 8

data bits, no parirty, 1 stop bit
Serial Ports| 7| CMD| Remote Display| 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parirty, 1 stop bit
Serial Ports| 8| CMD| Currently Not Used| 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parirty, 1 stop bit
USB Device Port| 3| CMD| Qwerty Keyboard (Optional)| –
USB A Port| –| CMD| Currently Not Used| –
USB A Port| –| CMD| Currently Not Used| –
Ethernet TCP/IP Port| 10001| CMD| Currently Not Used| TCP Server
Ethernet TCP/IP Port| 9171| CMD| Communication with OnTrak Enterprise| TCP Client 1
Ethernet TCP/IP Port| –| CMD| Currently Not Used| TCP Client 2
Ethernet TCP/IP Port| –| CMD| Currently Not Used| TCP Client 3
Ethernet TCP/IP Port| 3000| CMD| Currently Not Used| Web Server
Ethernet TCP/IP Port| 20000| CMD| Currently Not Used| Stream Server
SD card slot| –| CMD| 8 GB microSD™ Card| Images

Table 3-6. Device Ports

© Rice Lake Weighing Systems
Specifications subject to change without notice.
230 W. Coleman St.
Rice Lake, WI 54868 • USA
U.S. 800-472-6703
Canada/Mexico 800-321-6703
International 715-234-9171
Europe +31 (0)26 472 1319
PN 218855 Rev A
April 25, 2023


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